Footprints of Hope, 3 October, 2021

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] there [Music] be foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] up [Music] so [Music] good evening good evening good evening good evening to the north good evening to the south good evening to the west and good evening to the east thank you for joining us for the sixth night of our footprints of hope gospel series we come to you from the beautiful city of new york city today i am one of your olds kabrina stevenson and joining me is the energetic and vibrant and warm michelle murdock good evening good evening everyone happy sunday i trust by now your sunday dinners have been eaten the pots washed and turned down and you're ready for a word and if not don't worry we have a welcome table spread for you this evening where the feast of the lord is ready to be ingested by all amen amen amen and as you talk about sunday you know michelle today is a new week and we have to be happy that we live to see a new way but it's bittersweet because that means we have entered into the second and that means what michelle the final week of our city-wide gospel series but the sweet part is the water is getting ready to be troubled this sabbath we have word that we have baptisms scheduled for this sabbath we'll have multiple baptisms across multiple churches here in new york city and just in case you want to be in that number our qr code is going to be popping up on our screen in a few seconds i need you to grab your cell phone open your camera link point and that will take you directly to our website where you'll be introduced to bible study and our prayer line yes yes and i know you're seeing a number the number to call just in case you need someone to talk with someone is always there to pray with you pray for you that number is 516-467-5207 that is 516-467 and as michelle stated the table is spread and the feast is coming up i hope that you have shared that link invite someone if you haven't invited someone take this time invite someone because the table is spread and the feast is coming today on our lineup michelle it's it's a powerful lineup it's dynamic uh we have prayer by our dear friend or pastor pastor everett samuels and then we have some music michelle i don't know about you but for me music sets the tone for me and we're gonna have some vibrant singing by her dear brother brother teddy all the way from queen's fate temple and to continue to bless our hearts with music we have our song of meditation this afternoon this evening will be brought to us by sister deborah webb and then we'll have our world renowned speaker evangelist pastor dr glenn samwell's bring us a word from the lord so sit back like share the link call grandma text auntie the footprints of hope series has begun good night [Music] lift up your head create a new york conference lift up your head new york city lift up your head the entire world so that the king of glory can come in and invite you to make space wherever you are so the king of glory can come in i hear someone say who is the king of glory the lord almighty he is the king of glory would you pray with me mighty god everlasting father here we are one more day at the beginning of an exciting week we are here with great expectation because you have callers to come we have given you permission to come in we are making space for you because god without you will realize that we are nothing without you god where would we be you have been faithful to us you have kept us god and we have endured a whole lot of stuff god we have endured contempt we have endured sicknesses we have endured disappointments we have endured coveted lord but through it all you've kept us through it all you have been faithful to us and because of that we thank you because of that we praise you because of that we magnify your name jesus because where would we be without you so here we are you've asked us to come boldly to your throne room and we we're here you said if we call upon you you will answer and we are calling upon you oh god because lord there are some empty spaces in our hearts there are some empty spaces on our streets there are some empty spaces in our churches there are some empty spaces in our marriages there are some empty spaces all over the world god and we need you to come and fill those empty spaces we need you to take full control god you've created this atmosphere you have created this meeting so god touch our hearts god those who are lonely help them to make you enough there's someone who needs to give their heart to you there's someone who have lost faith god so we ask that you will give them back that faith that do something quickly so that they can believe in you again we pray for the servant the man servant that you have chosen god anoint him touch him and as he speak may we not hear him may we not see him but when we see you put all of the listeners wherever they are do something magnificent for us tonight touch us in places you have never touched us before and when this night is over we would say we have seen the lord high and lifted up because the king of glory came in oh god we love you we worship you we magnify your name the name above names the only name that can save us we call upon your name tonight to save god save look down upon us and save us we pray in jesus name amen and amen [Music] praise the lord church i am happy to be here and i hope you are happy to be here too so one thing i like to do is i love when there's interaction i love when we participate so wherever you are just raise your hand say thank you jesus and even in the group chat please say thank you jesus let everyone know because without him you would not be here today let them know that the god that you serve is a mighty god an amazing god amen amen so sing along wherever you are the song says lord your mind oh lord your mighty lord your mighty [Music] lord your mighty [Music] [Music] you said to glory about the heavens and the earth when i think of all you made the sun [Music] to express how great you are [Applause] [Music] angel [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] that [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] excellent is your name in all the earth thank you lord you set your glory above the heavens and the earth [Music] when i think of all you made the sun the moon and the stars [Music] we [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh my god we said [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] what am [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah no matter what he's almighty god hallelujah hallelujah and because of who he is and what he's done for us it should be no question that when he calls us we should be able to say yes amen [Music] i'll just say yes and you'd lead the way i'm not afraid of what it means for me to say that this life you gave [Music] is not my own [Music] i'm trusting you to hear my ass and lead me on [Music] yes lord [Music] my life [Music] life is yours and there is [Music] peace when i say yes oh i might not see it now but you say the best [Music] there is an answer no more delay i'll just say yes yes lord yes lord [Music] my life is yours lord yes lord my night is yours [Music] peace when i say yes i might not see it now but you say [Music] there is [Music] [Music] there is an answer no more today i'll just say yes yes lord no matter where i am i'll say yes yes lord [Music] no matter what i'll say yes [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] we serving such an amazing father i love you lord for your mercy never fails me all my days i've been held in your hands from the moment i wake up [Music] [Applause] [Music] of the goodness [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] of god oh i will see the goodness of god yes i will say a good name of god [Applause] [Music] i grew up in a christian home i went to church every sunday but i really didn't have much faith in god i was just i just went to church and just like one of the kids that sat in the back and not really paying attention i was mostly interested in getting a black belt and talking today during taekwondo i was practicing for my black belt and i was putting on my uniform i got a sudden feel of pain and my vision was blurred and i fell i got a cat scan and two or three days later my mom and my dad took me into their room and sat me on their bed and told me that i was diagnosed with cancer at that moment it felt like my life just stopped when i got cancer i actually just was wondering like why god why did you give this to me i just felt like i wasn't a part of the world anymore i was afraid of dying because since i was so worried about was i going to heaven or hell it made me feel like if i died i would go to hell and just not have a chance to do anything about it it just made me feel really sad about it my grandmother was actually a survivor of cancer and she went through all the negativity and towards god and at the end it changed her life to having a positive relationship with god and that kind of got my mind going about just getting closer to god and having more faith after that i started looking towards christ and keeping my faith and love towards him we would pray to god and just ask for forgiveness and health and good news most of the time we looked at scriptures about how he feels about us and how we should feel about him and how we should show our faith a year later after chemotherapy and radiation i went through a mri and they told me that my cancerous tumor had shrunk and that kind of made me feel like that god was listening and hearing me i actually rededicated my life and i got baptized and after i got baptized it made me feel like i was a new person a year later i went through another mri and they told me that the my cancerous tumor had grown back as i was going through the second chemotherapy my faith wasn't broken it kept growing i i knew i was going to heaven to see him even if if i did die [Music] i walked by the two of buddha looked inside and saw his bones traveled on to see muhammad [Music] still wrapped up in his grave clothes the niger need to a garden where old joseph left him laid but the precious lamb god's own begotten he was no longer in that grave if you knew him like i know him you would know that [Applause] [Music] he's alive [Music] [Music] deep inside you know he's living and death has died if you're wondering in the darkness come and step into his light nails card hands reach out to help you to pull you safe from death to life friend i too i have stood where you stand should i trust in things unseen just one step in his direction then with his love [Music] him then you would know that he's alive and if you failed him resurrection deep inside you know he's living and [Music] me [Music] himself [Music] [Music] has [Music] [Music] amen amen amen amen what a powerful song thank you thank you thank you so much you know he's living and death has died the tomb is empty you go by all the atoms of the would-be messiahs and the so-called proclaimed redeemed and their dusty bones are still resident in the mausoleum the tomb of jesus is empty somebody ought to say amen if you serve a risen savior you are the same and just type hallelujah in the chat just strike amen just fight there shouted in the face of the devil i deserve a risen savior if you know that know that you know that he's been your savior you've been down and he lifted you up you've been broken and he meant your broken pieces oh he's a healer of all your diseases would you say amen thank you so much for that powerful song good evening everyone i am so delighted to join you again this evening it has been a long day a sad day for many persons many funeral services many deaths all around but oh we are still standing on our grave you didn't hear me or there is there are many funeral services there are many deaths all around you and i we're still standing on our grave you all say amen bless the name of the lord god well last evening we spoke about the divine disclosure we spoke about the divine disclosure we said last night that that god takes the light in communicating his will he discloses his truth he discloses the ten commandments he disclosed to us that all have sinned and that there is a remedy for our sin it is god's divine disclosure that reveals to us the ten commandments and what i didn't tell you last night that the first four commandments talked to us about our relationship with god and the author 6 talks to us about our relationship with our fellow men on these two principles love to god and love to mankind hang the whole law would you say amen tonight i want to talk together about signed sealed and delivered signed sealed and delivered in in the country days we we had what became known as the registered mail so if you send some money for your relatives or your friends to the post office or you send the package not a parcel they would get what is called a registered slip you know that slip that is marked and they would put an x a big x all across a slip and only the person whose name is on it could claim it or he or she would have to send a bearer with a written permission to clear the package signed sealed and delivered i'd like to begin tonight by telling you sin did not take god by surprise how do i know that let me make a second statement so type in the chat sin did not take god by surprise i'm waiting for you to do that type that in the chat sin did not take god by surprise and let me provide an answer for that philosophy number two before god made the earth before he laid the foundations of planet earth before he made us he signed off on our redemption he knew that sin came he gave angels and humankind the power of choice and even though it breaks his heart when we choose to go against him he loves and he stands by his own character let us pray our loving father and our god what in heaven thank you that you are an unchanging god that your love is from everlasting to everlasting and that your truth endureth from generation to generation is your faithfulness oh we pray again tonight across new york city across these united states of america you'd give the wind a mighty voice you'd let the word go forth tonight touch these sinful lips touch this wretched sinner make me word one more time for the preaching of the gospel fulfill your divine intent tonight for the preached word is my prayer with thanksgiving in jesus name i want to take you quickly to ephesians chapter one we can work the bible tonight so sit up straight and uh i want to thank god for the testimony of that youngster uh with cancer and oh it's it's amazing that that when the devil thought he'd take you out even in the midst of cancer the youngster said he knew even if he died he was gonna go to heaven to be with the lord i buried my own little cousin i think he was age seven or somewhere there about uh uh filled with the zest of life and the passion for life but but cancer took him out but ours is the hope that death will not have the last word ephesians chapter one yes i said ephesians chapter one and i'd like to read beginning at verse three as a matter of fact i want to read three and four blessed be the god and father of our lord jesus christ who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in christ verse 4 according watch this now according as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blame before him in love verse 5 said having predestined us unto the adoption of children by jesus christ to himself according to the good pleasure of his will right here in this pericope right here in this particular passage this preaching portion this portion that forms the foundation of our word tonight we can form we can draw the conclusion that before god laid the foundations of the world he signed off on a plan that you and i should be adopted well what does that mean preacher i thought that that hear me carefully you don't have to adopt the child you gave birth to hang in there hanging there unless something happened that made you lose that child then you'll have to sign up the adoption papers but by and large for the most part we adopt children that we are not biological parent for when god made adam and eve and adam sinned a reference in the bible when christ was here speaking of the devil he said the prince of this world cometh and he find nothing in me when adam sinned the reigns of rulership of this world was passed on to the devil so you read in job chapter 1 that when the sons of god those who remain obedient to god came to present themselves before god wherever the meeting was i know it was not in heaven because the devil couldn't go back there the bible said satan came also among them and god asked him when's cometh now what are you doing here his answer was from going to and for the whole earth in other words i'm in charge down there the man you created the pair you created they sinned and so they pass on rulership into my hands but what the devil didn't know before god made mankind he knew that mankind would sin he knew that cancer would come he knew that kofi would come god knew all of these things but he made a plan he signed off on a plan that even though sin would come he would redeem mankind he would redeem the earth he would restore he that lost he would eradicate sin he would eradicate kovet he would eradicate that he would remove from the top soil of the earth everything that destroys you want to say hallelujah so paul says here blessed be the god and father of our lord jesus christ who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places there is the seed in glory mark off already for you and the only reason you might not get there if you do not get there is because you would have made a choice not to be there god has marked you off for salvation the bible tells me as many as received him so sin makes us servants of the devil sin makes us the descendants of evil hear me carefully sin makes us sinners but grace makes us sons and daughters of the living god the bible tells me but as many as receive him jesus to them he give the power to become the sons of god black and white rich and poor people of every nation raised skinned retirement people regardless of what the devil is doing to you right now regardless of what sin has done to you regardless of what sin is doing to you i stopped by your pulpit in new york city to tell you grace wants you to be a son and a daughter of the living god before he laid the foundations of the earth verse forces according as he has chosen us in himself according as he hath chosen us in himself before the foundation of the world that we should be holy without blame before him the word predestined here does that mean that you don't have a ch but what it says here is that god is on record he has marked you off for salvation and if you're not baptized if you're not redeemed if you're not saved if you remain disobedient and you go to hell it is not because god didn't mark you off for salvation it's because you made the choice not to be saved you made the choice not to be baptized you made the choice not to obey the commandments of god you made the choice not to accept the grace of jesus what a word that god sends to us he signed off on it before he laid the earth's foundation god does not get new information his computer does not need to be upgraded the hard drive of his divine intelligence is not searching for answer listen to me you may have to change your playstation or upgrade your computer whether it is well i won't call any computer unless you think i'm paid to advertise anyone but but but every now and then they come up just like cell phones they come up with upgraded ones and they come up with newer virgins well let me tell you god does not get new information he knows everything from start to finish he knows you're beginning on your end he sees it all in a flash such is the wisdom of the awesome god that we serve and because we can't understand him sometimes and we think he doesn't exist and somebody said well i i can't believe in a god who i can't see well you're not really being reasonable have you ever seen the wind have you ever touched oxygen have you ever seen oxygen but you do believe it exists because every time you inhale you live by that well god creates oxygen and if he did if if he creates oxygen it means he's got to be larger than life since it's the breath of life that comes from him that gives you life before he laid the earth's foundation he signed off on a plan for our redemption before he made the earth before he made the world before he made the sea and the mountains the rivers and the lakes the birds and the trees he made the plan every time we sin ever look at the hospital you ought to know it ought to break the heart of god genesis 1 31 said when god made the world he made a clean pure perfect world genesis 1 31 god must have stepped back but the bible said and god saw everything that he had made and behold it was very good but then sin came messed up the creation we made the choice to sin we made the choice to disobey the divine disclosure is that for every sinner there is a savior for every act of sin there is the blood of jesus christ and so as we run on tonight we're talking about signed sealed and delivered so the plan of redemption was signed off between the father the son and the holy ghost before they made the earth before they made mankind they knew that sin would come but they signed off on the plan of redemption it was signed and sealed and i want to run to something quickly run with me oh you know i love that that song of meditation and while she was singing i quickly wrote in my little paper here acts 4 and verse 12. she sang about she walked by the tomb of buddha and she walked by the tomb of so-and-so and and their bones and the dust was still in there but she walked by the tomb of jesus i've been there too and i can join her in telling you the tomb is empty hallelujah i can tell you more than that they saw him after his resurrection i can tell you more than that he ascended to glory i can tell you more than that he sits right now at the right hand of god making intercession for you that if there's anything you need to make heaven your home he can supply i want to run quickly i have a lot of saying a little time to do it i'm going to revelation the last book of your bible we're talking about signed sealed and delivered revelation and i want to take you quickly to chapter 5. well chapter four sets the foundation of chapter five it's a lot of verses but it's explanatory to the key issues in the fifth chapter so let me just read the first part of chapter four and i'll run with you into chapter five after this i looked and behold a door was opened in heaven john was permitted to look in the throne room of god he looked in he said and i looked in and the first voice that i heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me and he said come up higher and i will show you things which must be hereafter and immediately i was in the spirit behold the throne was set in heaven one sat on the throne he sat the one who sat was to look upon like a jasper a starting stone john said there was a rainbow round about the throne in sight like an emerald i want to pause right here he sees the throne room he sees one that was indescribable he said the one who sat there was to look upon like a jasper glorious like sardine stone he said but the next thing that john would miss john said i saw a rainbow around the throne and he said the color was green listen to me carefully the first time our bible talks about rainbow is right after the flood after human sin after mankind and his wickedness filled the earth the lord god looked down he saw man's wickedness run away wickedness and god says the end of all flesh is come and we are almost repeating history we are becoming weaker is it a word we're becoming more wicked and more vile listen to me carefully write a dirty book it'd be oh i wish i could preach tonight sing a dirty song it hits the top number one before ukraine we are progressively requesting retrogressing and sin with each passing day in spite of our intelligence in spite of our knowledge in spite of our tech stuff we are nothing without god but when god sent the flood national geography has a magazine that was published some years ago and in that magazine a fantastic article that talks about the the range of the flood scientists did their study of artifacts and they said listen the conclusion was that there's enough evidence well i don't need them to tell me that the bible says it the flood came then came the rainbow the rainbow is god's promise the rainbow is god's sending hope here john sees a rainbow around the throne there's no rain falling there's no he saw a rainbow well who is our rainbow but jesus christ himself i want to jump to chapter five i haven't forgot my subject signed sealed and delivered so the plan of redemption was signed off on before he laid the earth's foundation in revelation 5 john said i saw in the right hand of him who sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside sealed with seven seals i saw a strong angel proclaiming with a lord voice who is worthy to open the book to lose the seals and no man in heaven nor in earth neither under the earth was able to open the book neither to look there on and john said i wept much because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book neither to look thereon john understood the context here you see john belonged to a culture where if you lose your inheritance if you lose your property it will be signed and sealed and put up so that if down the road there is a relative somebody who is related to you somebody who is willing to pay the price he can pay the price and the judge will lose the seals and he can pay the price and so the inheritance can be brought back well john knew that adam sinned john knew that because he sinned sin was passed upon all men john knew that the word of god says for all have sinned and come short of the glory of god john knew that the wages of sin is death john knew that you and i could never not all our works of righteousness could my seal no respite no good my tears forever flow hear me mister hear me sister in your high and holiness all your righteousness all my righteousness is like filthy rags no hope our self-righteousness no hope from our good deeds no hope from our fine intelligence listen to me we are sinners and the only remedy is the blood of jesus christ so john should i begin to weep because no man what about abraham because he lied no man no man well didn't god call david a man after his own heart yes but david was a murderer an adulterer a sinner what about jacob he's a con artist no man no man was able to open the book or to look thereon but john john heard a voice i'm reading verse 5 one of the elders said to me we knocked john behold the lion of the tribe of judah the root of david have prevailed to open the book to lose the seven seals and i beheld and lo in the midst of the throne i saw four beasts i saw the elders but john said i keep on looking i saw i saw a lamb as if it had been slain having seven horns and seven eyes which are the seven spirits of god sent forth to all the earth hear me carefully john describes here a lamb and a lion together john describes here the same one who was born in bethlehem's manger the same one who's all god and all man at the same time the same owner who came down to our level because we couldn't get up to his the same one all god and all men at the same time the same one who on the cross of calvary he said father forgive them will them who forgive the black forgive the white forgive the young forgive the old forgive the king forgive the peasant forgive forgive graces for god so loved the world he gave his only begotten son that whosoever whosoever believes in him should not perish and on the pants of jordan john lifted his finger up and he saw christ coming and he said to jews and gentiles he said to roman soldiers they were on the pants of jordan they had heard john preach about judgment they had heard john give the call to repentance soldiers were coming to be baptized priests were coming to be baptized as they came up he saw one coming and he said there he is there he is behold the lamb of god who takes away the sin of the world you want to say amen he takes away the sin of the world i love people but i have only one savior acts chapter 4 and verse 12 was the text i scribbled down when the sister was singing about the end the tomb she said she went by the tomb of buddha it was occupied she said she went by some of the tomb it was occupied and i wrote down acts 4 and verse 12 what are you right preacher i wrote down acts 4 12 it says for there is salvation in no other there is no other name given among men whereby we must be saved are you listening to me signed sealed and delivered it was signed before the foundation of the world that god would not change his law man sinned man violated the law of god but he signed off on it he would not change his law he would not alter his commandments but he would send power he would send mercy he would send everlasting love wrapped up in one person and his name i hear the angel said thou shalt call his name jesus for he shall save his people from their sins hear the preacher he will not save you in your sins well what does that mean preacher it means in order to be saved yes i'm a sinner yes you're a sinner like all the others but god will not save you in your sin well how will he save us preacher he said repent reap if you confess your sins and forsake them you shall have mercy he will save you from your sins signed sealed and delivered john said i see the book i know the title deed is wrapped up in it i know my redemption is wrapped up in it i know the future of the world in its redemption i know the restoration of a lost estate eden lost can only be restored if the lamb opens up the seal john begins to weep [Music] there's nothing you and i can do by our works by our sinful deeds that can buy us one day in glory salvation is the free gift of the living god and that's why it's so difficult for some people who feel they've got to work for it when the bible said work out your own salvation with human trembling it's not talking about working good deeds in order to be saved he's saying listen make sure you do all in your power make the right choice deuteronomy 30 and verse 15 says and the same thing is in verse 19 behold i called heaven and earth to record this day that i've set before you life and death therefore choose life upset before you blessing and cursing he said choose the blessing well what does it mean god he said in that you may obey the commandments of the lord your god choose life well god i can't keep the law by myself well it's christ in you he said i'll write my law in your mind i'll climb down inside of you paul says it's christ in you the hope of glory signed and now we see it is sealed it is sealed with seven seals who's able to deliver the inheritance who is able to open up the seal and open back to us the gates of eden who is able to open up a new earth and a new heaven where righteousness dwells who's able to read us of cancer and broken marriages and drug use and immorality the slavery of sin the slavery of pleasure madness who's able to deliver us from blindness and glaucoma who's able to deliver us from diabetes and lung cancer and kidney failure and heart problems who is able to deliver us from stroke aneurysm who is able to deliver us from brain tumor who is able to deliver us from all the maladies and destructive issues with which we struggle and john begins to weep and the man said don't weep behold and i'm glad he he identifies him as the lamb i'm glad he used the nomenclature the lamb of god he said it here he said it here we've not we've not behold the lion of the tribe of judah the root of david hath prevailed and behold in the midst of the throne in the midst of the four beasts in the midst of the elders there stood a land as if it had been slain oh my bless the lord god yes the lamb was slain they hung him high and stretched him wide they whipped him without mercy ah before they led him to calvary he went to a place called gethsemane he saw the burden of sin he saw all that would transpire and in the garden of gethsemane he saw he saw you he saw me he saw the world the 7.8 billion of us peopled in our sins and he knew he was our only hope he saw his death and he prayed oh my father if it be possible let this cup pass from me but then he said nevertheless let your will be done josephus said that contrary to the pictures we see christ was crucified without a single piece of garment on his body and my sinful mind shudder to think of the son of god in human flesh nothing to cover him a soul just mocked him and jared him oh i hear a song that says they bound the hand of jesus and they led him away and on the cross he could have called ten thousand angels upon his precious head they placed the crown of thorns they mocked and said behold the king they mocked him and they jared him and they cursed his holy name but it was signed and sealed that he would pay the price it was signed before he laid the earth's foundation that he would redeem us to god and so the bible says i'm reading verse 7 and he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat on the throne and when he had taken the book the four beasts and the 24 elders fell down before the lamb having every one of them harps and golden files verse nine and they saw a new song saying they were worthy to take the book to open the seals their offer and open hear me for thou was slain was thus past tense thou was slain and hast redeemed us well who are the artists here it's you backslider it's me right here it's you right there it's you sir it's you businessman it's you intellectual giant without the redemptive blood of jesus we are intellectual fools they sung a new song that what worthy worthy is the lamb worthy is the lamb that was lame and thou has made us unto our god kings and priests and we shall reign we shall reign on the earth yes this earth shall be delivered from the bondage of sin this earth shall be delivered from sin and corruption and vice and violence and murder and domestic disputes and wife beatings and husband beating and the abandonment of old people this earth shall be delivered from the bondage of violence and sorrow and sickness and distress and depression and discouragement and suicidal ideation this earth shall be delivered yes sir righteousness shall cover the earth as waters cover the rolling seas the lamb the lamb the lamb the lamb has opened the seal it was signed it was sealed but thank god jesus has delivered the inheritance by his death and i'm running tonight i'm running tonight oh bob marley and the son that says won't you help me sin this song of freedom redemption song is all i ever had could my seal no respite no nothing in my hand i bring simpler to the cross i claim redemption song that's all i have worthy worthy worthy is the lamb you want to say hallelujah if ever you've been bound by sin if ever you have felt pain if ever you've been confused and distressed and bothered by this life if ever you've had bills you can't pay if ever you've been sick if ever you've been fearful the day is coming when the earth shall be filled with the glory of god no more sickness no more confusion no more covering no more pain no more wife beating no more husband beating no more abuse of children no more abuse of old people hallelujah blessed be the lord god shined sealed and delivered i can't finish this chapter but i had to rush someplace else i was hoping to be able to finish chapter five and introduce to you revelation 14. ah i got to go there quickly i have just eight minutes to go hear the word of god revelation 14 6 the word of god says and he said i saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel to preach to them that dwell in the earth to every nation to every kindred to every tongue to every people saying with a loud voice fear god and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment is come and worship the one who made the heavens and the earth the sea and the fountain of water can i go back to verse six he said i saw an angel flying that speed i mean your pastor uh evil walker i know he can drive the brother drove me one day almost a hundred plus miles per hour in a white fulfill but hear me carefully here the word of god says i saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven what does this mean preacher it speaks here of the universality of grace the universality of the offer of redemption the universality of the offer of hope the universal nature of the grace of god the universal nature of the claims of god the universal nature of obedience that's required i saw an angel flying it's swift time is running out he's carrying the gospel he's carrying hope somebody tonight is in danger of dying without hope the everlasting gospel is coming your way is the gospel of hope it's the gospel of salvation it's the good news of god that you don't have to die in your sin it's the good news signed sealed but jesus opened up the seal and he's delivering hope to you right where you are he is delivering hope to you you think you can obey god he's delivering strength from his own heart to you you think you can't get out of prostitution he's delivering help right to you you think you can't give up drugs he's delivering hope to you you think you can't get out of domestic abuse he's delivering he's delivering redemptive grace of the living god i saw an angel flying swiftly the message must go swiftly hear me unbeliever you might not believe in god but before you come down to kiss a dying pillow before you turn up at the judgment bar of the living god to face the god whom you are now ignoring to face the god you think don't exist before you come down to kiss a dying pillow he's delivering hope to you he's delivering the gospel to your ears and to your heart he's delivering the call to redemption the call to repentance before you take your own life before you make drugs destroy you before you die in an accident that's waiting for you before you come down to kiss a dying pillow sending the message swiftly can i say a word here to the remnant church god raised up this church for one purpose and one purpose only hear me pastor hear me member hear me church officer hear me descendants of the patriarchs hear me remnant people of god we have an awesome solemn responsibility to carry the message with a sense of urgency i saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel to preach the everlasting gospel well preacher what does it mean when he says everlasting and then you ask me from way back in genesis when man sinned when the devil thought he had gotten us all to himself when adam and eve our representative earth's rightful ruler the prayer that god placed down here when god placed them here it was in the mind of god that it would be on earth just as it was in heaven but the day when adam and eve sinned and the devil thought he had the keys you want to look before you think the devil has it all are closing my bible you want to look in your bible at genesis chapter 3 and verse 15 and hear god as he said to the devil i will put enmity between thy sea devil and her seed oh what's your fault hear me carefully god said to the devil devil it's not over until it's over i the living god i the sovereign creator i will put enmity between the devil and between the woman well what does that mean preacher i'm glad you asked webster's dictionary define the word enmity well whether you use webster co-builder oxford enmity active hostility if you've been redeemed by god you may have wandered from the church but there's something down inside of you that will not make you become comfortable in sin you may silence your conscience hear me young man hear me young lady you may fight god for a while you may silence your conscience but hear me something down inside of you is telling you you were meant for more than this you were created for better than this i don't care what the devil has done to you i've come by this pulpit hallelujah to tell you you were meant for better than how you're living you were meant for better than this you were destined to be a child of god you are marked off to be a son of the living god a part of a glory and i don't care what the devil is doing to you the lamb has prevailed i'm done i wish i could finish it tonight i'm done the everlasting gospel it means that god opens up glory if adam and eve if abraham and isaac if jacob and ruben simeon leave by judah he's a zebuly if all of them make it to the pearly gates it will not be because of the blood of blocks or rams it will be because of the blood of jesus christ the everlasting gospel obey and live disobey and you'll die the everlasting gospel repent call up that number on the screen look at the q code call up the number call up the pastor and i say to every member of the church find a relative find somebody you have been summoned from the genes of your parents not to warm the church benches hear me child of the living god you and i have been summoned to carry the everlasting gospel we are god's ambassadors i'm done i'm done the everlasting gospel just god offered hope to adam and he's offering hope to you tonight the everlasting gospel the blood of jesus christ cleanses us from all sin grace just come the law points of sin but the law can remove it and grace and law walk side by side they are not fighting a war and i beg you tonight in the name of jesus to hear the word it was signed off before he made the earth it was sealed but blessed the lord god the lamb of god broke the seal jesus took your death but you may take his life that you may live his life but you may reposition your life that you may be extricated loose delivered set free from whatever sin you have listen to the song tonight and i'll be right back to talk with you [Music] you may feel down think that your god has somehow forgotten [Music] that you are faced with circumstances that you just can't see your way through right now it seems there's no way out and you're going london [Music] but god's proven times that he will take care of you and do you do it again he will do it again [Music] [Music] always come through for you well god's ashamed now [Applause] you may not know how you may not know when but my god will do it again because she god knows those things that you're going through and he knows when you're hurting you see god knows just when your heart has been broken into [Music] he's the god of the stars the sun and the seas and he's still my father here come your storm and god will find some way to fix it for you and you'll do it again my god we'll do it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh you may not know how [Music] [Music] he [Music] holy [Music] and he's fighting for you i know he is i know he is [Music] he will do [Music] you can reposition in jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah he'll do it again [Music] amen let the church say hallelujah let the church say praise the lord you may not know how you may not know when hear me right now you may not know how you go get out of that situation but call that number call 516-467-5207 call up that number 516-467-5207 you may not know how but somebody will pray you through you may not know when but god can do it again he can deliver you this coming weekend this coming sabbath you have a date with destiny you have an appointment with god you have an appointment to start a new life to turn over a new page pick it up and put it in the hands of jesus he'll fix it if you'll trust him he'll fix it and so i wrap this up tonight and just to remind you before he laid the earth's foundation he knew the sin would come but he signed off on the plan for your redemption seal it out in the east of salvation delivered from the cross of calvary and the lamb in the center of the throne is our hope in glory there's a rainbow around the throne the rainbow says you don't have to be destroyed the rainbow says your hope is in jesus your help is in jesus your strength is in jesus your victory has a name and it's jesus your healing has a name and it's jesus your redemption has a name and it's jesus christ tonight i'm done i'm done but call up that number call up that number on your screen fill out the decision card and i pray the living god you will take that section of the card that says by the grace of god i want to be baptized now for you i'm gonna be praying almighty god father of all mercies thank you thank you thank you that you've put enmity between the devil and the seed of the woman thank you that you offer hope to the most wretched of us god there may be a sinner tonight at his workplace at her workplace well-dressed well-paid but god may have discovered that fine clothing and good jobs and and money cannot take away the yearning and the longing and the emptiness on the inside because we need jesus it was signed off before you laid beard's foundation you predestined us to be candidates for heaven you marked us off for redemption help us tonight to make the right choice to choose life to choose obedience to choose jesus oh god there's a young man right now some place in new york city some place in new jersey some place in baltimore there's a young lady right now there are grown out a little businessman right now god hooked on drugs hooked on like a hook and stuff that's destroying them they're hearing this word god maybe they don't even have enough faith to believe but i joined my faith with theirs and i challenge you jesus because you've said it you've said it if their faith is even like a tiny mustard seed it can move mountain deliver that young man deliver that young lady restore that backslider god some of us in church need to be shaken up and turned around so we can carry the everlasting gospel take us home tonight give us a good day tomorrow but whatever you do jesus help us to make that decision to surrender our all to jesus for those in the church god holding on to your hand bless them in the midst of the struggle keep them safe till you come bring us back on tuesday night but i asked you one more time god put food at somebody's table put drink in somebody's car deliver someone tonight in the name of jesus christ we pray that god's children say amen amen grace of god we'll see you on tuesday evening good night everyone i hand you over more hosts right there in new york city thank you pastor samuels for that powerful word signed sealed delivered and the song says and there is peace when i say yes i might not see it now but you save the best for all who trust you and obey you lead the way i'm not afraid of what it means to say yes will you say yes to jesus tonight are you tired from struggling are you tired of all the challenges that's coming and you're searching for something and you still can't find it just say yes to jesus he just wants your heart don't worry about what life looks like just put your heart in jesus's hands and he will do the rest there's gonna be a qr code that will pop up on your screen again take out your camera your phone open your camera app point it it will lead you to our decision card again jesus just wants your heart come to jesus just tell him yes amen amen amen and if you are not familiar with the qr code there is a link circulating in the chat click that link and it will take you directly to the decision card signed sealed and delivered we are off tomorrow but we come back we resume service on tuesday at 7 00 pm and because we're off i have a small challenge for you so tomorrow michelle i want each one of us i think we know at least 10 people right michelle i think maybe 10 but we might know more than 10 who haven't accepted jesus as their personal savior i want you to send the link to some of them in the morning send the link to some of them at noontime send the link to some of them in the night time tomorrow monday and then a tuesday we all will meet at 7 00 pm for yet another powerful service title on our program footprint of hope michelle we're not done for tonight because we have our afterglow kingdom family michelle join us at our afterglow have a wonderful evening everyone and we'll see you here on tuesday god bless good night okay all right [Music] after the paul pact preaching of the evangelist there is still a word and a prayer for you for answered questions discussions and heavenly throne petition join me in the afterglow just on the other side of the sermon the zoom link is posted on the website footprints of hope and the number to join is displayed on the screen join me now in the afterglow [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Atlantic Union Adventist Media
Views: 5,274
Rating: 4.8720002 out of 5
Id: vxCP25mFJaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 40sec (5620 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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