Football: BC vs. Penn State '83

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and tyrone taylor numbers 24 and 21 go deep to receive for boston college they won the cost they're taking the ball early they're going into the win and penn state will kick it off with greg montgomery doing the kicking there are more freshmen and sophomores on this penn state football team than any team joe paterno has ever had this kick will go way beyond the end zone and bounce up into the stand and we'll look at doug flutie now at a natick mass who starts at quarterback and he's an exciting player troy stratford has recovered during the two week off period getting over a knee injury jim brown will start at full back though bob dystick will be in there some brian brennan is a wide receiver at 510 gerald phelan is the flanker at six feet 185. and so we begin at foxboro on a windy cool october afternoon moving the big people around diesel man the tight end coming to the near side and flutie stands up on the first down throws quickly past good girl phaler number 20. as he gets the ball out near the 28th second down two and a half coming up and up front it's scott gieselmann 6'5 235 and tied in sean regen at tackle 265 mark bardwell at guard 260 jack vicknell the center at 255 glenn reagan the right guard 255 and mark mcdonald the right tackle at 260. it'll be second down short three for boston college they send phelan in motion and they run it with stratfor cutting it back over to 30 and out to about the 33 for a first down so at least there is some degree of success in the opening snap for bc penn state lines up with white cara gattuso and scepter the big people down in a four-man front the linebackers and they're all good ones alexander radican antano masiantano number 84 with sen sidner fruhan hamilton and zordich in the defense defensive secondary their secondary hurt no question by an all-american mark robinson being heard and being out for the season rudy back again on first down to put it up looking and looking and looking looking and looking and looking now he's got to run it some and he finds a little daylight and gets back just beyond the line of scrimmage penn state secondary that time didn't give him a thing there was no blitz no pressure particularly from the defensive front and they just simply stepped back and covered and they covered very well the last football team the rush number 22 doug flutie was texas a m and he burned them for three touchdowns and over 300 yards the reason is flute is such a good scrambler teams are reluctant to blitz it it is second down and nine the ball is on the boston college 34. just getting underway [Music] still got it now finds a little crease and runs it across the 40 and up near a first down he's going to be about a yard short of the first down so it looks like penn state has decided to cover and make flutie handle the ball the rushing ratio is three men rushing eight defending and with eight men defending as we watch doug flutie have no one to throw to eight men defending three receivers the advantage lies for the defense but there what is what flutie has to do when they started to defend he's got to keep the ball either run with it and be very patient third down and one from the 30 from the 42. ball goes to steve spawn and strong splashing over the right side behind mcdonald reagan and gizelman as the first down for jack vicknell's eagles there's jack bignell one of the finest coaches in the business offensive football coach created an atmosphere for flutie to excel including 5 foot 9. very good scrambler as we look at boston college ncaa statistics they're 6th 7th and 8th in offensive numbers up to 49 of bc first down for the eagles and penn state still showing the four-man front though they are still in a covering posture the pass is away the fast good distraction coming out of the backfield and troy is knocked down at the 47 by scott radicek a 6-3 235 pound senior from pittsburgh texas finally got on the board in a ball game down in the southwest conference the red raiders of tech giving them all they want in that ball game and auburn is leading florida at halftime 21-7 the war eagles got out quickly 14-0 lead and georgia now leading temple by 10. temple is one of the teams that these two teams here today both played penn state beat him by five boston college by three it is second down and six on the 47. flutie quickly over the middle tied in gizelman first down boston college penn state 37 and flutie is now boston college all-time leader in past completions with 369. one thing that flutie looks for over the middle is a six foot five tight end gizlamont you can identify him very easily the tight ends last year fans caught 16 passes against penn state for 320 yards right back to the well flew he went well you're in this the type of coverage that penn state is in frank that tight end dragon across the middle is available to you almost every time going with it goes wide with a pitch to stratford stratfor gets around the corner tour turns it out of bounds he had another yard of real estate on that side he's going for a touchdown last there's troy stratton number 32 excuse me number 22 he was the the leading russia as a freshman last year now he is as a 6.2 average but the thing is fans he hasn't played since the third game of the season after the first play of the west virginia game he got hurt his knee was injured and he's back now well big factor in the ball game this past week in their practice sessions uh jack mcdell said they really went at it though so they hammered on each other trying to get themselves in game condition it's a first down the ball is near the penn state 25 pressure zone flew his pass away good to failing flutie is nailed as he released the ball but he pops up and helps the penn state man to his feet watch flutie roll to his left now phalen is going to be out in the flank because covering 101 as the blitz was on hamilton was rushing look why wide open he is you can see the secondary playing very very deep center was way back too much of a cushion this close to the goal line but penn state has had trouble in the secondary fans and that's why they are playing so loose and careful flutie is now four for four 31 yards and it's second down and one at the penn state 16. first quarter of play opening possession of the game stratford goes in motion they give the ball back to brian brennan reversing it right to left and he's got the first down for boston college one thing we should mention the penn state defense is not as dominant as we are accustomed to seeing in years past for the first time i ever remember the bullets have more offensive yardage than penn state does in the first eight ball games something very rare indeed as we are noticing the boston college team mixing up passing on first down and running on second third down very successfully that's about the 12-yard strike where boston college has it first down and they've got brennan now moving hazelman goes to the wide side of the field up the top of the picture there and flutie back to throw goes down the middle with it threw it too high yet stratford troy stratford out of the backfield was open in the end zone and the ball took off and he missed him this is where down close to the goal line boston college has had terrible time scoring it leaves some scars and keith mentioned earlier they worked on this hard in the last two weeks to try to improve their punch when they get down there but remember fans passing teams have a hard time sticking it in the end zone against a good defensive team they do have bob bisteck at full back bob is back from a broken arm [Music] six to 240 so that should help him but they're lined up now in a one-back formation which reached pass for them though they don't do that they give it inside to jim brown the starting pullback and brown gets a couple of yards just over the 10 to the nine so here they are again they're looking at third down and long well on first down is a good passing down against penn state because they play the run first they single cover the wide receivers and they were open and uh fluty missed him and in the goal behind the goal line for touchdowns we look at joe paterno the real statesman of the coaching profession right now the leading coach in the winning percentage in america ball is on the 10 where it is third down third down and eight through a first down 10 for a touchdown including straight back no pressure no pressure he goes with it touchdown grinning [Music] you may have seen a very very important moment in this football game boston college taking the kickoff went right down the field got it in the end zone 13 plays in 80 yards for a touchdown here's the extra point now by kevin snow it is good so you've got nine minutes and 23 seconds to play in the first quarter and boston college is impressive on their opening offensive possession deleted seven to nothing [Music] boston college getting on the scoreboard first something they have not been consistent in doing against quality football teams their touchdown march six passes seven runs when you give doug flutie this much time fans look to the left only two men rushing boston college has five men blocking this spreadsheet defense is impossible to cover that close to the goal line if with two men rushing as you see number 92 i guess it was that uh crew hand was trying to cover him but he was way late getting there [Music] john williams and kevin baugh are the deep people now for penn state as the kickoff goes high into the wind and is quite short at the nine to john williams and williams the starting tailback comes up across the 20 to about the 22. let's watch the strategy brennan is the split in lining up at tailback fans why is he lining up at tailback he's going to shift over to the wing back position so that a linebacker is covering you get a physical mismatch number 41 is a defensive lineman he's the one lining up in front of him if brennan number 13 had lined up and split in he would have been covered by the half back look how wide open he is as scepter gets completely lost on the play steve is standing over there yelling help help help and boston college had two people diving for the ball as tony mumford the fullback could not come away with it cleanly and it's penn state's ball strang and mumford did not handle it well and it was almost a catastrophe for the lions boss is back to the 17. first play of the ball game mike ruth is the leading tackle number 68 watch him use his hands coaches say he's the strongest player on hayden the strongest player that they've got and the most intense player you see him come in watch him take the left arm and strip the ball out and penn state was very fortunate to get it back looked like mumford was late getting started too frank it was a draw play i think fake pass and run slang now is going to put it up sets up a screen for john williams and williams can't hold on to the ball and so penn state comes out jittery in their first possession with doug strang a junior at quarterback from linwood new jersey 6-1 201. john williams the tailback is 195 pounder mumford is 205 pounds at fullback but quite quick kevin baugh wide receiver 59 175 a great speedster and one of the best in the country at wide receiver kenny jackson 511 and 175. so here's penn state now sitting on third down and 16. [Music] string back to throw gets his pass away down the middle for jackson incomplete covering on the play george radachovsky the offensive front for penn state kurt bowman tied in 240 ron heller tackle 255 todd moles guard 255 hayden the centers of 250 mcguinness guard 250 and stand short 250. penn state now in punt formation with george reynolds standing to kick averaging 44 yards he's got a good strong wind at his back some pressure on him not a particularly good kick kicks it away from brian brennan and the ball will go out of bounds up around the boston college 43 with 809 to play in the first quarter 41 yard punt boston college league it is a cool windy afternoon in foxborough mass as boston college gets the ball back first down at their own 43 the temperature headed for the 40s and perhaps to the low 30s tonight ludy sets him up this time he goes to the run on the first snap on first down as bob fiesta take the ball beast sticks his head in there for about three right now let's check in with jim lampley has fallen behind at college park maryland after the tar heel punter fumbled away the snap on their first punta tent maryland took it in willie joyner scoring on this seven-yard run it's seven-nothing terrapins at college park back to yuki thank you jimmy that's a big ball game being played in the atlantic first conference north carolina undefeated second down seven the pass over the middle fleet he drills his man and he can't come away with it intended receiver the tight end dieselman and that time stuck to a crowd keith was saying before the ball game as we looked at the defensive coaching of the boston college team but if boston college could score first and stop penn state on their first possession all doubts would be a race and that's exactly what they did very very impressive so far the boston college eagles 46 yard line where it is third down and seven that is an atypical number for a penn state defensive unit right there not [Applause] and i don't know how he caught it because radicek was back there on the coverage and so was don graham but he drilled it right between them and phelan came down with it phelan has got great hands catches the ball in a crowd as you can see number 17 hamilton is right there radosack inside on the throw had to be right on the target phelan cradles it in for the first down harold's now caught three for 26 yards big numbers first quarter of play paul is at the penn state 45 and flutie going right with it out it goes to troy stratford gets a block off the corner gets to the 40 and harry hamilton the strong safety or as they call him at penn state the hero back brings him down the boston college coaches told me yesterday that if they could just pick their spot to run the ball it would help their pass protection their passing so much the reason is that penn state has to be able to play the run some if otherwise they can just continue to drop back pick the spot for the runs they've done a good job so far second down five from the penn state 40. that's failing in motion coming to the same side as brennan and flutie looks that way then goes back the other way and it was a bad decision number 49 carl calagatta the smaller of the tight ends was over there they were trying to set up a tight end screen and rogers alexander read it and really drilled it diesel month keith hurt his ankle on that uh reception a little while ago and left the game now he's coming back in big target six foot five very critical for him to be in this football game for the boston college hopes and efforts especially on third down and five feet double wide to the bottom of the picture [Applause] [Music] here's the blitz loot throws it away it was radosek number 97 coming after doug flutie full boar he escaped the blocker and was home free and flutie just had to dump the ball and so bc will kick it away well penn state was very successful on third down with the blitz you would ask why don't they pledge more the reason is they have a secondary that has very much problems against the past and they're fearful of getting burned kevin bowe number 11 is the return man for penn state on the front the kick is very very short and out of bounds so it's a very poor punt by john mahalik into the wind and with six minutes and 10 seconds remaining to play in the first quarter you've got time out with boston college leading seven to nothing the defensive alignment for boston college thomas harrington ruth in the middle swanky lubasher the asean vanessa of the linebackers ratachowski russell pereira and thurman the secondary that was a 19-yard punt the ball is at the 21 spring gives it to john williams and williams takes a wallop from mike ruth the nose guard ruth made a sensational play he slanted behind the center and watch it on the replay fans take a look at watch him slant to the left and the center fails to block him and the guard mcginnis tries to pick him up but ruth has the advantage on the side of the play and he hits williams head on right there for a short game at 255 yards a big sophomore from norristown p.a turns on the other way give him a yard on the carry [Applause] and on second and ninth string sets to throw looks for bow goes to bow got him and first down lions at the 40. gave him a little cushion and kevin bow is a very very quick senior from deer park new york kevin bow number 11 returns punch returns kickoffs has seven penn state records very very quick you can see he's wide open his radakowskowski is giving him a good cushion number 15 third and thurman number 17. helpful the tackle that's 22 receptions for kevin this year he's averaging just under 16 yards per catch and it's first down lions at their own 41. they trailed seven to nothing and it's mumford the pullback and he's got a yard maybe two scott harrington defensive tackle number 52 and ruth 68 bring him down it's still a close ball game between texas and texas tech the longhorns had a lot of folks hurt going into that ball game georgia bulldogs continue undefeated as they whip temple 31-14 and smu probably let them down a little bit after their loss to texas syracuse and fit all even in the fourth quarter syracuse and orange giving them all they want it's second down and eight blitz his own spring gets in the way in time it is almost intercepted off the hands of the titan kirk coleman and then off the hands of tony thurman thurman the free safety just had nothing between him except some artificial rug and a lot of fresh air you can see the blitz is coming and strength has to get rid of the ball a little bit early bowman was just a blocking tight end last year the transition to being a receiver has been pretty smoothly according to the coaches thurman had the ball for a moment but couldn't handle it and it goes incomplete and it's third down in eight now for penn state from the 43. it's playing back over the middle with it incomplete ass intended for kevin bow they go down the middle to the smallest guy on the field five nine 175. [Applause] ivy league scores games nearing completion and some of them finished now harvard and brown in the fourth quarter it is punting time for penn state george reynolds is in first kick for the 41 yarder [Applause] brennan holy cross is undefeated crusaders a good football team not a good kick but it's going to take a penn state role with the wind at his back now reynolds has really not been able to get the ball up into the air he's been able to get 41 and 40 out of the two kicks and dc will have it first down at their own 18. let's go back to the punt by reynolds now he's a fine kicker but watch the ball from the hand to the foot is going to be affected by the wind the wind is that strong out there and normally frank that's where it's going to cause you the most trouble you can see that reynolds drops the ball further than most kickers he's dropping the ball about two feet most kickers try to drop it about eight inches on the ground boston college attacks on first down from the 18 in troy stratford a sophomore out of london new jersey slashes up near the 30 for a first down keith that's the first run that boston college is used on first down they've thrown consecutively on every first down keeping the penn state defense off balance picking the spots to run the football and troy stratford really looks good so far in this ball game remember fans he missed four weeks of practice from and gained from the injury back against west virginia paul is at the 31 of boston college first down stratfor 34 yards on four carries now and on first down it's fruity to throw looking and looking close quickly over the middle brennan has it and brian tucks it away for a gain out to the 37. abc's nfl monday night football this week the washington redskins and the san diego chargers it is still air core yell down in san diego but dan fouts is struggling with a rotator cuff injury and probably will not play this week either ed luther will be in at quarterback for them of course you pretty well know the story of how well the redskins are doing this year second down and four judy gives the ball to stratford a bit of a staggering start for troy he really didn't have good momentum when he got the line of scrimmage but still he struggles on and picks up about three once again here's jim lampley 11 minutes to go in the fourth quarter in austin texas not yet out of the woods they just got a 47-yard field goal from jeff ward but they've lost two fumbles in an interception still not moving the ball well they lead 10-3 with 11 minutes to go now back to keith jackson in boston jimmy the ball is at the 38th it's third down they need three need three to keep it strong and brown line up in the eye formation and strawn has it going for the corner going for the marker and he gets his helmet and the ball past it chris sidner brought him down but it's the first down for bc strong is their short yardage designated hitter feet he's a high jumper in high school jumping six foot seven 205 pounds he's a good leaper and good on short yardage and he substitutes for stratfor on those situations [Applause] gioquinto goes out at wide receiver now and gerald phelan comes back in gerard phelan that is first down for boston college after 41. [Music] still got it passed down the middle good boston college at the penn state 33. [Applause] doug flutie is a courageous young man the coaches say he you cannot intimidate this young man 5-9 had a sensational career he's moving outside to launch the ball from multiple points upsetting the rush but watch him drill the ball to the substitute tight end fella gotti who catches it cradles it in for another big first down luty's 8 out of 12 84 yards and a touchdown here in the first quarter with a minute and a half to go and from the 33 he's going to put it up again gets pressured goes deep within the end zone and brennan can't get it intercepted by penn state black shortage number 43 a big sophomore from youngstown ohio outreached him for it garnish is a strange story fans he was an outside linebacker when the season started now he's playing free safety and made his third inner interception of the season you can see brennan going deep but shortage number 43 is going to out jump him he's got to come down in possession of the ball one foot in bounds and he does just a great play by the young sophomore free safety very young football team from the 20 now the lions will come up they send bow to the top of the picture in kenny jackson to the bottom of the picture humphrey and john williams are lined up and it's williams the tail back in the good offensive line surge as he comes across the 25 to about the 26th boston college offense has kept the ball going into this big win kept penn state's offense off on the bench when they had the advantage as we look at mike startage as i said just a sophomore made an outstanding play playing the ball in his height second down and a short four coming up for penn state now and we see what an opportunistic team that penn state has been this year they've always been there humble penn state gets it back [Applause] [Music] number 58 covered at the center nick hayden when the ball fell loose [Music] that's twice at penn state has dropped the ball and uh very fortunate to come up with the recovery as we look at the big big offensive line that penn state traditionally has let's let's watch the ball bounce out of it he's the same one that fumbled it earlier in the ball game the ball comes out hate number uh 58 is right on top of it and i think harrington put his helmet on it knocked it out of there skeeter nicholas comes in at full back now blocking for strength pass down field incomplete bow had broken off the pattern and started to curl back jackson was going deep and nobody was close to the ball what is boston college doing fans they are blitzing seven people on the critical down most teams will not blitz over five or six boston college said to me yesterday we're going to take chances he blitz seven picked him up man for man strang overthrew the receiver he's one for six and 20 yards and you've got eight seconds to play in the first quarter with bc leading penn state by a score of seven nothing second down and ten for the lions from the 30 that's jackson number 82 in motion strange gives the ball to john williams and williams fights his way to the 35 close to the 36 steve diaz and paul shaw bring him down at the end of the first quarter so after 15 minutes boston college seven and penn state nothing [Applause] you know well the duke blue devils got a win today over old foe georgia tech by six their first of the year the end of the ball game for penn state now the celebrated youngster dj dozier from virginia beats virginia 195 pounder averaging better than six yards of carry he's number 42. peter nichols in there at the linebacking position pressure on strang passes thrown away incomplete and that is something that boston college wants to do they want to get after doug strang and they got right in his face that time steve the aussie number 99 is the big linebacker 240 pounds you can see the all-out blitz man there comes a strong safety 41 the aussie 99 the ends everybody's coming let's see how much pressure strang does have on him the aussie just won't give up finally others came in forcing the bad throw and george reynolds is in the punt into the win he gets it out and hits it very very well to brennan back at the 24. and brian is pulled down around the 30. [Applause] fans would you believe just how dominant boston college was over penn state take notice of all the numbers on the right and remember that boston college was going into the win penn state had the win to the advantage what a great quarter boston college had ball is marked at the 29. b.c they lead seven to nothing and doug footy brings them up with v-stick at full back and stratford at tailback he's checking it off give the ball to stratford and stratford comes hopping through the left side and then bangs into carmen macie antonio middle linebacker penn state has not blitzed very often this year for the reasons i've already said trouble in the secondary the reason is blitz are accompanied by man-for-man coverage and penn state has been beaten on that occasion and they're very reluctant to do it but it looks like they're going to have to don't you agree keith i think so stratford got it up near the 34 second down at about six genquinto was in brought a play with him fluted back to throw goes with it short and it's incomplete hamilton covering bremen on the play ball was on brennan's hands but hamilton hit him hard and knocked it loose well navy gave pito the pit could handle losing by seven last week into the third time pretty well with alabama and mississippi state locked up in a good one and tennessee beat rutgers seven to nothing not a whole lot of offense in the ball game but still johnny majors and the balls will take it i'll bet you it is an old saying a win is a win is a win is a win any coach believes that one big today third down long six phalan going in motion and flew back [Music] goes deep with it it is [Music] you had stratford down there you had running down there it looked to me like the ball went off the hands of quarterback mark truhan of penn state and fell into the waiting arms of troye stratford at 66 yards and a touchdown for stratford number 23 was very alert he was behind the secondary when the ball was deflected he wrapped it up and ran the rest away for the touchdown kevin snow's extra point is good oh at 13 55 to go in the first half boston college leads penn state 14 to nothing let's take a look look another look at it you're going flute is going to go deep now remember fans in college if you should touch brennan it's eligible for two eligible receivers can catch the ball in college i don't believe that's the case in pro ball but college if one of your receivers touches it it can be deflected and another one could catch it for the completed pass let's see it from a different angle and see whether through hand in fact did number 92 touch it or whether brennan number 13 deflected brendan number 13. it goes through brethren's hands i believe keith yeah both of them look like they had a piece of it and there was old troy just waiting to take it home and he did and it's good 66 yards here's brennan we can isolate on him and tell for sure if in fact the ball goes through his hands flutie puts it right on the money as can't tell really who touched it but who cares it's a touchdown for boston college the boston college fans certainly don't mind so penn state falling behind early here 14 to nothing there's troy in the opening kickoff against west virginia the only loss by boston college he was injured knee and a minor concussion on trying to return the opening kickoff and he's just been able to recover and come back for this ball game john williams makes the catch in the end zone and will not return it and penn state will go to work from their 20. [Applause] well it's one of those i was talking with joe paterno earlier today and he said there have been moments this season when it's been a pure joy because you really do have to coach in turning your team around and it's been rewarding in the aspect of turning them around from an oh old pre-start but there have been other times when you feel like the sky is falling on you this could be another one of those days because a ricochet touchdown can be a demoralizing thing now let's see what penn state can do with it now as they fall behind by two touchdowns this is dozier d.j dozier and he loses his footing might a trip just short of the 30. give him about eight or nine eight yards on that carry this one player that's got the coaches and fans all excited about the future of penn state and that is dj dozier that's what he's done so far this year 677 rushing yards four consecutive 100 yard rushing games just an outstanding player fans he's big fast loves to run with that football got good moves with it they've given him seven yards on that carry so it is second down a short three for the lions [Music] runs away from the pressure then falls down over his own man back on the 20. todd moles was trying to protect him there was outside pressure coming from uh mike ruth and david thomas and strang just ran out of room now texas that manpower that deep bench that they have at texas beginning to show up in that ball game and maryland is leading carolina 10 to nothing keith the boston college defensive staff have done a magnificent job of keeping the penn state offense off balance defending one down rushing the next and strang seems confused so far in this game third down and 10 penn state from the 20. as good time throws for jackson and the pass is incomplete coming across tony thurman thurman thought he had a chance to intercept it but he and jackson collided the ball fell away and it's fourth down from behind the quarterback fans the thing to watch is thurman breaking on the ball here's what every coach wants to see in a safety match he's got his eyes on it he comes up in front of the receiver and comes close to intercepted just a fine play by tony thurman number 17. reynolds into punt three so far he's done 41 40 and 41. this is his fourth kick pressure he just barely gets it out of there it was tipped they flattened the punter but the ball was tipped and it's a four kick and boston college gets it after a 15-yard putt at the penn state 36 yard line lions having their troubles was 12-17 to play in the first half goulet is the boston college man that is going to tip the ball and once you get your hand on it frank you can go ahead and flatten that punter that's that's correct if the defensive team touch the ball the kicker loses his protection and uh number 51 gubernate got his hands on the ball he does rough the kicker but it's no penalty and it's boston college first down at the penn state 36. halen and brennan are the wide people pelagon is in it tight end and flutie back to throw on first down gets it off over the middle it's brennan inside the five from behind the defense the post route i don't know where the safety man zardis was but we have one-on-one coverage the one thing that penn state didn't want freehound was trying to cover brennan a mismatch of speed brennan is going to go down and inside the safety man started should have been deep remember fans he was a linebacker we said earlier you can see he was up in front he should have been back playing center field completed pass and another scoring opportunity first and goal to go boston college penn state final rudy hence to the pullback in the middle jim brown a couple of yards for brown jack bicknell there on the sideline this is where boston college has had a trouble scoring the from inside the 10-yard line as we look at jack mcnell he's really upset about that last play it looks like they've probably busted their blocking it was a trap play right up the middle meaning that the pullback was trying to punish the middle of the penn state defense unsuccessful startling numbers total offense so far boston college 250 penn state 33. second down and goal from near the four booty gives it to stratford running for the corner touchdown it's strong steve strong 33. that high jumper showed some speed he did what happened is that strawn is going to start off tackle watch fans watch him start off tackle and then bend it to the outside as beastic makes the key block watch number 40. block 27 sider to the inside and strawn has the speed to race for the corner and make the touchdown [Music] with 11 minutes and three seconds to go in the first half kevin snow trying to make it 21 to nothing brian brennan is your holder from the tent the kick is good are you surprised yes welcome to the club steve's tron's four-yard run paying off for boston college third touchdown in a 21-nothing lead with 1103 to go in the first half kevin val and john williams or the beat people and brian waldron will kick it off for boston college with the win very high and very deep now will not return it now let's go to new york and check in with jim lampley [Applause] pittsburgh just picked up a miracle victory over syracuse they lost the ball with less than a minute to go got it back on an interception then won the ball game on a 43-yard field goal by freshman walk-on kicker pat viancourt the first field goal attempt of biencourt's career he was kicking because snuffy everett the regular pit kicker had missed two earlier in the game victory for pitt keith close call for the panthers kent state is starting on the 28-yard line for the fourth time in this ball game and they've punted on each possession dj dozier the tailback is hit behind scott harrington 52 penetrating along with david thomas and then knock him down for a loss back at the 17. i'll tell you this when you get that dozier behind the line of scrimmage you have moved quickly well harrington has the quickness he played nose guard last year was a linebacker defensive look at that young man doug flutie one of the most phenomenal football players that i've seen play in a long long time look at those numbers high impressive yeah yeah 10 and a half minutes to go in the first half as doug strange sets the pass for penn state goes short with it pass complete the dozier coming out of the backfield he fights up to about the 22 close to the 23. one of the things that's been impressive in the ball game so far frank is the fact that boston college has held up in the offensive front leaving flutie time to look and when you give fluty time to look and let him set or you see what's happening well it's it's a choice of two evils can't you defend he hits you if you rush then he really burns you so that's what a great football player like flutie can do to any defense a market just over the 20 and spraying getting pressure jumps up in the air throws it down for you and it's off his hands incomplete so boston college defensively able to do what they had programmed as well get in strang's face and hurry him it was ruth climbing all over him well ratatowski was playing jackson and man for man made a great play forcing another punt give credit to that defense keith he's an old defensive coach that is just fantastic what they've done to the penn state offense dc with nine people up there looks like they want to go at him again last time they tipped it nope they feel back to block this time brennan backs up on it he could not get to it has to let it drop and it takes a penn state role and rolls down to the boston college 33. brennan had no chance that time to come up and accept the ball on the return oh it's a 47-yard punch punt [Applause] battle of the network stars coming up on abc on thursday night howard and all of his pals from hollywood they do it every year out at pepperdine and they just can't have a ball you'll enjoy it [Music] [Applause] 9 35 there in the first half boston college going to work leading 21 to nothing from the 33 they've got stratford number 23 in motion and now doug flutie looking over the penn state defense went through a check and then didn't like what he had going so he spends the first time out of the ball game 9 32 to play in the first half [Music] see that pretty girl sitting right in the middle there rubbing her hand that's chuck howard our producer's daughter student at boston college it's getting cold and they're talking about the temperature going down low 30s maybe even the high 20s in some of the hill regions and this is bistec trying to break outside on the first down play and he doesn't get a whole lot out of it but he is he's bigger of the fullbacks he weighs 235 pounds out of meridian connecticut and maryland north carolina scores now 10-7 as carolina gets on the scoreboard that game will have a far-reaching impact as will that one look at auburn laying it on florida 28-7 the ball game being played at auburn and tron jackson broke out today and had a big ball game for georgia's 22nd consecutive victory between the hedges and athens it's second down in eight now from the 35 for boston college and flutie straight back and again no pressure and he's passed to the sideline good to brilliant and it's good for a first down at midfield when you play flutie you have to decide what are you going to do now watch the cushion that's what's wrong true hand number 93 watch the cushion he's giving brennan you crew has not even been a picture look how wide open is gives brett a chance to catch the ball turn downfield and he comes close to breaking it for longer yardage he also came close to getting nailed on a face mask brennan's caught four now for 65. he's an incredible receiver he's not all that big but he's one of the best in bc history on the first down snap from midfield again no pressure on flutie and that takes off and doug is down to about the 41 and unhappy with himself because he lost his footing on the artificial surface here at sullivan stadium and radisek was able to get a hold of him and bring him down penn state's game plan has really backfired they wanted they wanted to keep the ball they couldn't do it the boston college defense has outplayed them on in every possession and on the other hand boston college offense has completely outplayed the penn state defense you can see the boston college possessions where they started with it very very impressive for that so far in this first half let's go and you've got 7 40 to go with the eagles leading the lions 21-0 goes in motion getting heat this time tries to dump it off it's an incomplete forward pass he saw big number 70. when greg gattuso gets started after you you better find a hole to crawl into because he weighs 260 pounds and the big guy was loose and coming and flutie tries to shovel it ahead to stratford it's a tremendous play by shooting he's going to get tackled for a loss on second one and he quickly just throws a ball like a shotgun and it's legal because it was a receiver an eligible receiver in the area goes as an incomplete bank he avoided the loss that was a critical thing and some abuse [Music] third down a half a yard over the top those speed strong designated short yardage man as frank told you big junior out of burlington mass boy he looked good going over the top in the last two ball games as texas pulled it out a victory over texas tech 20-3 but strong i want to mention again high jump 6-7 in high school weighs 200 pounds and he is a good short yardage runner ball is sitting on the penn state 38-yard line first down for boston college high remaining in the first half 7-eleven holy crossbow against columbia today crusaders are going to play bc here in late november in this very stadium that's downfield intended for diezelman and the pass is incomplete and we've got a penn state man shaken up some on the play it looks like the tusso is down dieselman was down in the seam he was available but the pass seemed to float some and he could not come up with it greg getting up now and he's got a hurt leg penn state has changed their defensive strategy as we look some more scorers gatusa was playing a loose nose guard dropping off and covering penn state was rushing only two people in the first quarter fans now they've reverted back to a four-man rush trying to put some pressure on flutie and make him throw up faster before the patterns do develop [Music] second down and 10 from boston college penn state 38. ball comes loose and it is recovered by penn state pursuit from the blind side by tim johnson 55 flutie trying to option the ball and have no chance as johnson wraps him up and knocks the ball loose fluty has no idea that number fit five johnson's right there he just wrapped him up high forcing the ball out and of course the great defensive play causes the fumble and penn state has a chance joe hines a senior from cleveland ohio got it number 52 and the lions have the ball first down at their own 39 with 6 52 to go in the first half of play 21-0 boston college lead john williams the tailback goes up into a wing now and penn state took too much time it would appear keith i think the lineman moved after he took his position [Music] [Applause] um that's good for five yards for penn state against bc it is the first penalty encroachment red first down the referee is raymond bauer umpire don mcdonald william cronin linesman james 29 judge george cullen field judge back judge james igizio and the clock operator is george hill and it's first down and five from the 44 for penn state that's peter nichols carrying the ball and mike ruth has a hold of him mr ruth is patrolling the middle today ruth is the leading tackle good strong intense football player in fact jack mcnell told me yesterday he's the most intense player that they've got but keith let me just say is a coach is very critical that penn state put something on the scoreboard on this possession or at least before the half they've got good field position for the first time second down two [Music] spring gives to john williams and he's got his first down his second effort got him up to the 49 scott harrington finally wrestles him down john wood looks like a first down from this angle john williams number 44 has had a good career at penn state this being his senior year he wanted to come out and have his very best year but he hurt his knee in a skiing accident this spring and then hurt his other knee after the season started so he's had a tough time [Music] i was visiting part of the game with folks from the liberty the citrus and the hall of fame citrus being what we used to call the tangerine bowl florida citrus commission got involved with it added some 300 000 to the pot so they got a pretty good payday coming up down there for their teams this year from the 49ers of penn state first down straying back gets it off over the middle to kevin bow bow loses his footing at the boston college 45. now let's check in with our colleague tim brent keith they're working behind me on gregor tusso penn state's defensive tackle you can see that uh they're taping his foot as we move in a little bit closer what happened to us he was stepped on and he has a severe bruise right on the top of his foot they are working on it they have tape that they're going to put his shoe back on he's going back into the ball game tammy thank you second down in about four ball is just over the 45. first time penn state's had anything going on the bc side of the field they reverse it to kenny jackson jackson gets loose to the sidelines and picks up a penn state first down that stops the clock at 503 to go in the first half kenny jackson as fast as anybody on the football field he's an all-american last year fans consensus all-american number 82 and joe viterno says his finest wide receiver that they've ever had at penn state he holds 22 school records so that's an indication of just how good he is paul is sitting at the boston college 36 the first real threat of any kind by penn state in the ball game boston college showing blitz [Applause] now diazi winds up again and he's coming and he got him steve diaz he wound up started too soon trying to anticipate that he had to back up and rewind his motor and lo and behold he came a second time and he got the penn state quarterback well just a relentless effort number 99 the middle of your screen he gets blocked he gets up and he has the acceleration to come in and stop straying from throwing the ball he knocks him back and a big big play something boston college desperately needed at this time of the game you saw some strength right there from doug strang though because he was in a full passing motion and had the strength in his hand to pull that ball back and hold on and how about the big hand keith the grip around the ball to keep it from falling out from the 46th string drops to throw on second down he's got to pull it down and one a safer place and he gets down to about the 42. good change up and defensive strategy pete carmichael and the defensive staff have done a good job mixing things up keeping the penn state defense offense off balance that's the key to defense surprise on defense is the element of success defended with three men rushing and eight dropping back covered the receivers 3 45 to go in the first half 21-0 boston college ball is on the bc 42 it is third down for penn state and about 17. [Music] spring gives it to dozier up the middle he goes breaks loose and it is gone touchdown dj doziers will go in the books as a 41-yard touchdown skimper keep watch the guard if i watch the guards pull mcginnis is going to trap out the tackle heller is pulling around excuse me short is pulling around it was a misdirection play something that you wouldn't think would work against the blitz but the penn state line sealed it off and those who shows why everybody's so excited about his play big freshman from virginia beach gets penn state on the scoreboard [Applause] [Music] got chitano in for the extra point drive pops it up and it's good three minutes and 22 seconds to play in the first half it is now boston college 21 the penn state lions 7. that's a big touchdown for penn state with the clock showing 3 22 to play in the first half now 21-7 and let's consider an onside kick since they're kicking into the wind at least a deep on sidekick something to get the ball back is wouldn't be too bad to play right now craig montgomery freshman from crewsbury new jersey is the kicker [Music] oh he nailed it bell drops it still dropped it penn state's got it on the boston college 15. well that's more effective than an onside kick isn't it number 35 comes out of there with it for penn state mike suiter the ball was held up by the win boston college backs couldn't hold it ball on it right there don't try to pick it up bill fall on it right there instead it's a big break for penn state and we've got a completely different ball game [Applause] 15-yard line of boston college alone remaining back is skeeter nickel williams up in a slot bow in jackson wide and it's nickel and skeeter can't go very far with it finally has his feet locked by ed von nessen as he did quite a bit of searching before he was able to pick up a couple of three yards on the play should penn state score here you talking about a turnaround in finland psychologically it would really be depressing to the boston college team who could in fact be ahead 28 to nothing right now that's joe paterno whose teams just play so well they've won so many times they believe they can win they're supposed to win in their minds bowman the tight end shifting over now nick skeeter nichols goes up in that direction as well into the wing leaving williams back and strang rolls it out gets a heat pass away incomplete the only man that touched the pass was tony thurman the intended receiver looked like it was kirk bowman but the important thing for boston college there is they did have pressure on the passer let's coming from the right of your screen thomas number 46 you can see that the ball is thrown behind bowman and it goes right through thurman's hands number 17. he should have caught that one that has been a big play for him turn this momentum right back [Music] [Applause] rolls it out throws it is incomplete bow kevin bao had it but released it when he went down with it the toughest pass to cover on the goal line is a crossing pattern when you're in man for man watch russell number 45 he's trailing him you'll see him come in the picture in just a minute he's stranded but once he has acceleration the ball slows makes balls slow up and then russell knocks the ball out of ball's hands to find play that's as tough a play as you can have for a defensive half back on the goal line nick goncitano comes in now 26 28 yard field goal try for him at that distance he's four for four this year in fact he's 99 for less than 40 yards is good nope it's picked up by number 10 tim parker and penalty flags all over the place i um i believe a boston college man has jumped in i think he might very well wind up with the offside against b.c and i think tim parker the holder saw that and that's what you got it's still it's the down yard should still be fourth and three penn state will probably go ahead and get the sure three points i believe that would be the smart play let's see it's gonna be fourth and fourth round three well he's putting it down a little more than three but he penalized him six yards no he did just five they're going to stay with the field goal it's a short three be sure fans one thing offsides defense thou shalt not be on time mental fundamental mistake we used to say the kick four dawns of the kicking game don't rough the kicker but thou shalt not be offsides they want to talk about it they're not so sure they're going to kick it with two-minute three-yard field goal try now for nick out of tim parker's hold boston college offside five yards still fourth and three so penn state will go for the three it's up and it's good [Applause] so two minutes and 14 seconds to play the fumble by bell of boston college on the kickoff return penn state recovers it and cash it in for three points in this 21-10 bowl game [Music] once again boston college defense i think has been the biggest surprise as we see duke winning their first game of the season over my alma mater georgia tech has ben bennett who has had a fine career at duke 27 out of 33 that's fantastic 250 yards 255. here's our running back of the future too big sophomore keith myers for ohio state 230 pounds he weighs plays tail back with good speed rush for 174 two touchdowns 18 point margin there wisconsin not a bad boy oh they're good football team keith that's a big win or bruce and his buckeyes world gymnastics championships out of budapest coming up next week the dublin mile of the world speedway motorcycle championship on abc's wide world of sports at five eastern time next hour keith the backs for boston college should not line up on the goal line now they're smart they're back up on the 10-yard line since penn state is kicking into a strong win don't line up where you do ordinarily come up close [Applause] [Music] he kicks it away and it's a floater this one is handled by bell from the four ken bell coming back up field with a good return out near the 30. now the question is does boston college go conservative i don't believe that to do that little flute has never had a conservative bone in his body he can throw the football and they're going to try to get some points on the scoreboard they still have what keith two timeouts both teams have two timeouts remaining time is two minutes and eight seconds to go in the first half [Applause] gatusa is not back in the ball game [Applause] position and flutie back gets it off over the middle to the big tight end and gizelman fights his way to the 40. and a first down for boston college the tight end is an ideal man to go when you've got a target like gizelman six foot five two hundred something pounds he's big thirty-five two thirty-five [Music] [Applause] [Music] and it's first down bc on the floor yes judy again pops it quick to brennan brennan gets it up to the 48. and time remaining a minute and 48 seconds and running takes a good team to run these plays without huddling it also forces penn state to play a basic defense they don't have time to call their defensive signals and i got 217 yards in the first half that's stratford right the duke of man at the line of scrimmage sort of lost his balance in joe hines brings him down but that'll stop the clock now as they move the chains for the first down with 1 31 to play in the first half paul is now at the penn state 47th moody's away with it to bring him down at the 32 and another first down keith is he working the clock i'm telling you the clock now is 121 the clock stops because the first down but they're not huddling i don't see how he's really calling to play he's keith in the fact that he runs one time he throws one time he's doing a great job and he hasn't had a game in two weeks he's a winner put it up again on first down short with it running spins away good move brennan gets a block on the corner out of bounds with the 10. what a great play by brenner what a sensational move the backfield coach tom caulker told me the excitement begins when this young man gets the ball he's a sensational runner and here's a perfect illustration of watch the moves he puts on him right here then has the presence of mind to get out of bounds and stop the clock picks up a great block from his teammate phelan and goes out of bounds zordick making the play minute and 10 seconds to go in the first half of play and this is a stunning execution by boston college give that doug flutie credit for being just a sensational player here's the blitz keith [Music] passes away into the end zone incomplete delegato i think it was 49 right over there yes a tight end flutie just scrambles away from the blitz here's how cool he is fans he's been there so many times he sees the blitz coming 17th hamilton so he rolls over to the left throws the ball where the only place that could have been caught and it goes right through it looks like the hands may be a i guess it was low yeah a little bit delagata and brennan both in that area but it was feligata who had the best chance to get to it so it's second down and goal from the 10. they got easelman back in there now and the blitz is coming and they've got two timeouts with 104 to play play action pass in the end zone that's got to be interference if they don't call that interference there's never been one mine lord they didn't that's too bad watch it again remember fans the rule is the defensive man cannot touch the offensive man until the offensive man catches the ball you can see goodness gracious good heavens that is a that's maybe the worst call i've seen in a year you've got two two officials standing back there looking at it [Applause] i hate to say what i really believe i won't say it look at that the rule is he cannot touch the receiver until the ball gets there that's dreadful just dreadful third down from the 10. ludi throws it short intended for v-stick and bob can't catch it and so boston college now will see whether or not they'll send out kevin snow [Applause] there's been some other controversial calls in the penn state games that have gone in their favor one in the alabama game in particular well that's just carelessness there two officials keith as mentioned there were two officials standing right there one close it wasn't even close kevin snow is in for an extra point try he's 5 out of 10 for the season 26 yard kick brennan's hold is good the kick is up by snow the kick is good 51 seconds to go boston college comes down field after penn state had gone for the x for the field goal and they respond with one of their own and so the lead is back to 14 points let's look at the interference again fans remember again the defensive man cannot touch the offensive man until the offensive man has touched the ball you be the judge he doesn't think a football official will miss it to interpret the rule there [Applause] [Music] that's too bad for boston college but a break for penn state they don't get three points that's what it is is poor officiating right we've got highlights of florida and auburn coming up scores of other games around the corner vino and some highlights from this first half and it's been pretty much boston college so far but it's 30 minutes to go and that's a resourceful bunch of folks down there we're in white john williams number 44 kevin bowe number 11. brian waldron to kick it off [Music] you think that little doug flutie doesn't look confident another just had a shout out in fans if you ever saw a confident man i was with him this summer on the promotional tour for a week enjoyed his company very much by deep kick for the win carrying it back and johnny williams makes the reception in the end zone will not come back it'll be penn state's ball first down at their 20. so the lions have 51 seconds to work with [Applause] they're the numbers for number 22 doug flutie five foot nine quarterback he passed for 520 against penn state last year he's not far behind to keep 255. short into the score last year 52-17 from the 20. give it a dozier dj across the 25 to the 26 before diosi brings him down there's a difference when dj dozier gets that football than the other penn state backs he looks like he's going to score every time he turns down that field he's had four rushers for 53 yards so far call it a seven yard pickup second down and three and you've got 20 seconds to go in the first half and they're short of the first down on that carry and that might do it for the first half of play penn state's heading for the locker room and so they'll just let the clock wear out as the boston college golden eagles lead the nittany lions of penn state 24-10 at halftime and here's tim brandt with coach jack ficknell jack you said you wanted to be here first you are fluti has given him a lot of problems with his mobility how important having never beaten penn state was that first drive that first touchdown well the first touchdown was very important but that last three-point drive was very very important too with two minutes to go we gotta you can't go into a shell against these guys we've got to stay after them and if we can stay after them that's what i want us to do i saw you upset two times one the interference call down here that was not called another time when flutie was hit late well i am emotional i don't know what to tell you let me ask you this you come into the ball game like this and i talked to david thomas your defensive end yesterday he says we've got to get pressure on strength you've gotten it now are you going to continue that same game plan try to come in from the outside and inside on the blitzes yes we are except i'm concerned they're getting a running game going you know and the running game is something we want to put pressure on string and we think we should pressure him we got to make sure that when we pressure like that touchdown run the dozier ran that was a blitz after straying and didn't give it to strength so that's a problem all right good luck this night thank you okay jack mcnell with our score 24 to 10 boston college on top we'll be back after this word our commercial message and a word from your local stations penn state last week defeated west virginia west virginia defeated boston college and now boston college has been dominant in this first half against the nittany lions penn state will have the football in the first possession and doug flutie has been a big big story of this first half of the ball game [Applause] there's doug and his impressive impressive passing numbers as we look at the stats how dominant can one team be penn state was not able to move the ball offensively look at boston college 345 yards notice that to 96 boston college had three turnovers penn state had none a lot of times fans we have a complete turnaround in the second half and that's what boston college is going to try to prevent and penn state is going to try to accomplish john williams 44 kevin bow number 11 are the deep people to receive the kickoff for the lions and walton will kick it off for boston college with the win beyond the end zone it'll be first down for penn state at the 20. the defensive unit bc sends out david thomas defensive end 230 scott harrington 255 at tackle mike ruth the nose guard at 2 55 and a big first half for him rob swanky 255 at tackle and steve lubisher 220 pounds at defensive end steve diazi is a linebacker at 250 and ed von nessen at 230 the other linebacker and here's the first snap of the second half of penn state a string comes out at quarterback [Applause] mumford alone remaining back and john williams is up there in the slot and they give it a mumford and mumford pops it around the end and comes across the 30 out to the 31 and picks up a first down where harrington brings him down with help from thurman these are the people that play the secondary for boston college george watachowski 510 190. todd russell 6-1 180. david pereira is the 510 205 and tony thurman six feet 175. first down lions at their own 31 as you see their offensive unit just starting the third quarter of play string gives the ball and williams breaks it and drops the football and penn state gets it back it was a white shirt saw that ball come loose and curl back to cover it for them and i'll tell you who it is as soon as i can see his number kevin baugh makes the recovery for penn state it appears that penn state is going to run the ball going against the win i think that's good strategy plenty of time to get touchdowns john williams well for the first time in in most of this season the ball is stripped out kevin vaughan number 11 the wide receiver comes sprinting inside with his quickness makes the recovery dozier comes in now replacing williams at tailback for penn state second down one all right yeah dozier having scored penn state's only touchdown on a 41-yard shot up the middle [Music] roses got it [Music] good line surge keith by the penn state offense they made up their mind they're going to run at penn boston college i would guess and establish some run before they start getting fancy particularly since they're going into a stiff breeze dozier comes out he had some trouble with a pinched nerve in the ball game against west virginia didn't play much had one big play in that ball game and he's not playing a whole lot today so that neck may still be bothering him some straying back to throw it gets it off quickly and the pass is good to jackson kenny jackson the flanker curling inside with it makes the catch at the boston college 43 first down penn state most teams have been double covering kenny jackson he's only caught 15 as you can see for the season that's way below what he's accustomed to to catching the but the defense are trying to take him out of the ball game which has opened up kevin ball for a much better uh reception that's kitty's first catch of the day so penn state coming out of the box in full charge they stick it in the end zone we got a ball game [Applause] give it to john williams cutting back against the grain on a misdirection he's down to the 40 picked up about three second down and seven coming up [Music] boston college defense continues to get some penetration against the penn state offensive line this time that they seem like this series they've been playing very conservatively though with not glitching the linebackers [Music] now they're coming with a blitz [Music] you got the ball away dave pereira the strong safety number came firing through the crease and he hit doug strang just as doug released the ball and the pass fell in complete right up the middle number 41 to the left of your screen hayden the center has to block the nose man ruth and you can see that pereira is free but strang has the ability to get rid of all he knew the blitz was coming the screen was set up but he goes incomplete making third down he's 6-1 201 he's strong third down and seven just over the bc 40. it's on again runs away from it gets the pass off to the sidelines and the pass is incomplete intended for kenny jackson he had double coverage radachowsky in the main was the man that knocked the ball away so that'll bring up a fourth down for penn state once again the blitz being the deciding factor forcing penn state into a potential kicking situation kenny jackson dragging a leg as he comes off the field as if he is hurt keith the temperature has dropped considerably tony thurman is the deep man as george reynolds is out the punt it's at very high in the year the win is going to blow it straight down and thurman calls for a fair catch for boston college at the bc 12. penn state's defensive unit bob white defensive end 225 pounds scott carragher tackle 240. greg gattuso big fella at 260. and steve scepter 230 pounds linebackers rogers alexander 6-2-195 scott radishek 6-3-2-35 and carmen macie antonio 6-220 so flutie sets him up now at the 12. sends stratford in motion turns around gives the ball off nope kept it himself flutie kept it handled it i thought for a moment he'd given that ball off to the inside man but he pulled it down and kept it and picked up about six seven yards sidner the quarterback big size for the secondary six feet 195. through hand six two one ninety five playing really out of position harry hamilton five eleven one ninety and mike zordich 511 200. to young secondary they miss mark robinson an all-american the offensive unit reflected there for boston college second down i don't mark flew you too much he only gave him four yards on that carry so it's second down in about six he's back to throw it swings it out intended for stratford troy stratford was standing there looking at flute he had not made his move up the field and foodie led him a little too much what happened stratford was reading the blitz and he just pulled out for the little dump pass hoping to catch it run with it but he failed to keep his eye on it he looked downfield first [Applause] marvin mckenzie was in for one play he's out now and brian brennan comes back in [Music] it is third down and six for boston college gieselmann the tight end sets up the bottom of the picture number 83 and the flutie back goes down the middle with it and it is incomplete i don't really know who he intended to throw it to he didn't get it really close to anybody phelan was the intermediate man and brennan was the deep man and the pass goes incomplete so with the wind at his back now john mahalik will come in to do the punting his first kick today into the win was 19. 19 yards the seasonal average fans is 38 yards he gets it out of there and gets a pretty good kick out of it [Music] up to 34 comes back to the 39. 50 yard punt by mahalik time remaining third quarter 11 minutes and 29 seconds in boston college leading penn state 24 to 10. [Music] penn state's football at their 30s just outside the 37th and doug strang 4 for 16 in the ball game for 41 yards he was able to find kenny jackson in that last possession let's see if jackson remains available to him he hands the ball off to dj dozier he pops it to the outside frank's right every time he gets that football in his hands you just sort of hold your breath nebraska scored 51 points today in beating kansas state and mike rozier for 227 yards and three touchdowns texas won their ball game number two ranked longhorns but didn't he wasn't easy north carolina has now gone ahead of maryland by a 17-10 score and auburn defeated florida 28-21 that's florida's first loss georgia was the winner today as well springs pass very quickly on target for the tight end dean dividio the westchester pa and they won't the spot won't give him his first down he just short of it that's the first time that we've seen strang really react quickly to the blitz the tight end is open he stops short just a three-step drop lays the ball out for the video the tight end who is open thurman's right on top of him preventing the first down third down and a yard and it's a long yard [Music] tony going over the right side [Music] first two years at penn state good team man agrees to agree to move the full back and help the team big ball game miami the hurricane leading west virginia 10-3 and illinois defeated michigan today by 10 which gives the illini a pretty good run at the rose bowl spring wants to go deep and he runs out of time mike ruth looped around and got him that's the third sack of the penn state quarterback today it's mike roos fifth sack for the season number 68 hayden is blocking on him uses his hands momentarily then mold 63 has him with his hands in that position on a retreat block which is legal ruth makes a fine play spins around off of the block the radakowski had to receive a covenant the sack takes place loss of about six yards they make it second down at about 16 back near the 43 of penn state here comes dozier up the middle and he's brought down at the 40 and tony thurman saved a possible touchdown this is exactly the same play that those you scored on ruth is a nose guard that's a misdirection and you can watch him block down and really move him to the inside most number six three hate in the center beautiful blocking as mcginnis pulls around blocks the end out number 46 thomas shaw i mean and then the tackle comes through short and there's the big hole good run by dozier and it's a first down for the nittany lions at the boston college 39 as frank goes back to throw goes deeper jackson no good too high [Applause] [Music] once again the pressure is on straying the quarterback man for man coverage coverage in the secondary and jackson was open momentarily but he couldn't get the ball let's just see how much pressure uh ruth number 68 and his teammates can put on strength as ruth continues to push hayden the center back right into the face of the quarterback forcing of eric throw good play by ruth having a sensational game [Applause] second down and ten for the lines [Music] john williams back in now and string back skeeter nickel can't hold the block they slides off the block and catches the pass and skeeter nichols runs it down to about the 33. good call by the penn state staff first green pass they've thrown the ball game and it caught boston college off balance and a nice gain resulted friends looking to the string is looking to the sideline to get his call from the penn state coaches with the call comes t.j dozier third down and a short three the ball sitting at the 32 of boston governor eagles leading 24-10 they're in the third quarter of play and flip it out to dozier over the shoulder catch and he is throw down from behind for a loss by steve diazi [Applause] the linebacker diazi is picking up the back man for man out of the backfield you talking about a mismatch but a great play the aussie weighs 244 he's playing dozier man for man now the question is can he get him down on open field look at him accelerate and he grabs him around the hips and pulls him down forcing the front punch seventh front of the ball game coming up for george reynolds and penn state george gets it way up in the air and it'll carry into the end zone so boston college will have the football first down at its own 20. 7 12 to play in the third quarter and the eagles lead the lions by 14. it's coming up now with a 14 point lead they haven't done much in the second half as yet back in there tied in and doug flutie quickly to the air throws for brian brennan and threw the ball behind him incomplete he had brennan out there where a linebacker antonio had to cover it but there was pressure coming from scepter on flutie so he released it quickly penn state is using situation substitutions for the first time this year five defensive players coming into the ball game expecting a pass the men that play the run left the game well you can see the pressure now starting to pay off for them as fluties missed six in a row now they drop off into a four-man front linebackers going to the outside for cover and flutie hands it up the middle it goes to bispec the full back and he blows through the middle for a first down out to about the 33. the offensive line jack bucknell's son made an excellent block because it was a trap play right up the middle the center is uncovered he's going to block back over to the left and the guard pulls and traps out and you see fatistic breaking in the secondary sardis number 43 brings him down after the first down call it to 32 and a first down for the eagles phelan goes in motion [Applause] flutie back pass to the [Applause] his passes in this third quarter do not appear to have very good rotation they're sort of floating out there keith that one elevated it rolls with the wind you can see the jack mcnell giving the signal but when the wind is behind you sometimes the ball is keith mentioned it's not a tight spiral it elevates and that's what happened on the last hey we got we got it boston college needs a first down and penn state needs to stop them right here it's critical down third and second down assuring blitz [Music] [Applause] [Music] they are blitzing and the pass is away and over the middle the pass is incomplete intended propeller god of the tight end slanting across coverage by zorich of penn state 43. third down and 10. penn state still has in the ball game the basic uh pass rushes and defenders now comes the big men coming back to tucson scepter and the starting lineup adam flutie has now missed eight in a row he was pure magic in the first half but nothing so far in the second half [Applause] third intent well he threw that one into a crowd trying to get it to stratford and penn state holds them so fourth and ten in comes the kicking unit defensive play by alexander the outside linebacker dropping back and breaking on the ball and making the pass incomplete [Applause] [Music] mahalik's third point of the game the previous two were 19 and 50. this is a dandy he wants bow all the way back to his 12. he's got a wall got some help but he loses his footing on the cut at the 20. a 57-yard puck by mehalek tackled by christophorsky and you've got six minutes and 18 seconds to play in the third quarter getting the win now next week florida plays georgia in jacksonville and then the following week auburn plays at georgia first down penn state at the 20 and the dc crowd coming up in support of their team making it difficult for strang i'm sure there's people to hear on the field gives the ball to mumford and tony gets a couple of yards [Applause] there we see the time left in the third quarter penn state wants to get something on the scoreboard while they're going in the win and you would see that the comparisons of the first half very interesting of what's happened the first half in the second half penn state has made some good corrections at halftime we'll talk about those in a minute fluties over eight and passing in the second half here's the ball in the air by spring it's complete to kenny jackson across the 40 to the 41 and a penn state first down for strange shows a lot of patience he gets good protection this is a difference in the string in the first two ball games and now in particular in this half he waits till jackson breaks inside the aussie slips down the completion to jackson watch jackson turn the inside this is what he does so effectively he has such a push off the ball that the defense think deep and now he comes inside wide open [Music] [Applause] 41 first down ball goes to dozier and dozier slams it over the right side and picks up close to seven yards from this point as we look at joe paterno we it appears that the boston college defense cannot stop the penn state offense without going to the extreme gambling when they play straight uh penn state picks up yardage and when they gamble it's really a risk thing to do but they've had success with it they'll have to stay with it they're chewing up the third quarter going into the win too that's what penn state wants to do come in the fourth quarter with the win with a chance to win [Applause] on second down and three somebody broke the count well there's ron heller number 78 the stabilizing factor of this penn state offensive team had a fine career was a tight end big strong football player tied in when he first came to penn state been an offensive tackle in recent years dead raw file false start offense there we see the notre dame final beating navy and alan pinkett the fine game that he had and also mccollum the outstanding navy back rush rolling 92 yards that's the first flag in the ball game on penn state second down now a little over eight yards i give the ball to dozier trying to get to the outside and they won't let him go so they pull him down and right now we check in with jim lampley in college park maryland the nation's number three team north carolina is trailing once again first drive of the second half maryland got the touchdown on this 14-yard esias and the rick bedania pass and run nice little move by the danic to get into the end zone then the surprise they faked the kick and desires and threw in the back of the end zone to chris knight on the strength of that two-pointer maryland now leads guitar heels 18-17 back to keith jackson that's a pretty good ruckus going on here's spring trying to roll away from the pressure and get the pass to the sideline and he can't complete it he got the ball away and he was fortunate to do that so it brings up fourth down just an extra effort by the fine boston college defense to put pressure on doug's friend he's at the mercy of his offensive lineman as a passer they've got to do the job for him it is the eighth punt of the ball game for penn state coming up north reynolds has been very busy [Music] the good high hanging kick into the win and thurman's forced to a fair catch paul no it's brian brennan brennan making the fair catch call back or pad in this football game ball is on the 11. flutie pitches back stratford getting to the outside pretty good effort got it up to the 19-yard line easelman and mcdonald did a great job of blocking on their side of the line opening up the hole but keith here two reasons why i think that uh flute is having trouble this first half that both penn state won penn state's getting a better rush too the field position has been so poor that uh flute has been very careful with his passes call it the 19 make it second down two [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] stratford with the ball to the outside and he was popped out right around the 21 just over the 21 as rogers alexander from riverdale maryland stepped in there your crowd is 56 188 at sullivan stadium past doug flutie in the first half 15 for 26 255. zero for six in the second half penn state's doing a much better job applying enough pressure to make flutie be careful with his passes chains across may not have it doesn't just an inch or two key looks like two inches [Music] [Applause] be interested in what penn state does with their defense i would think they would commit just thinking they've got to commit everybody to the run and hope that flutie doesn't try a surprise plate see the referee marked his shoe so that he could get a precise mark by placing his heel now he's messed up completely he's going to guess where it is now because he lost this place it wasn't much different say about an inch or two so he could put it back [Music] ludy now has gone over nine he missed the last three passes the first half and the first six of this half strahan is in the short yardage man full house backfield fieldhouse team now they break it up putting strahan at the ibac position [Applause] they gave him a pretty good spot it's going to be very close again yeah they gave it to him a good spot for boston college that is wait i was calling him strong uh i can name five other people who spell her name the same way and pronounce it strong but in his case he calls it strahan ball is up around the 22 [Music] and his first down for boston college time now 235 third quarter [Applause] play action to stratford pass to the sidelines gets close to the 30. pickup of about eight yards on the play when you get in trouble flutie goes to the tight end best receiver target they've got in 6'5 joe theismann and ed luther will be the quarterbacks in that one next monday night here on abc dan fouts is still grounded with a rotator cuff injury that caused some swelling in his shoulder and just simply is going to sit there until it's well there's no reason to force one of those kind of injured you can't second down in about two gives it to troy stratford going for the outside going for the marker he's close to his marker but this time i don't think his spot is good enough up field to get him this first down ratasik now becoming a dominant factor in the penn state defense kratos was second team all-american last year he stands 6-3 weighs 240. what a fine linebacker he is and he runs very well very mobile to the extreme in fact for a big man made an outstanding play on stradford you see flutie's over there trying to get some ideas just exactly how much he's going to need on third down it looks like it's about a half a yard and in comes uh that short yardage group again which means uh steve strahan coming in if he was very close last time be interesting to see if in fact boston college goes to something special against the goal line of short yardage defense they also send a second tied in brendan murphy into the ball game they'll go the same way oh flutie keeps it and throws it to brennan down the middle and it's a first down at the 45. that type of play wins championships for you you've got to have great confidence in your quarterback fluties just go to bootleg the ball back as strahan goes over the top brennan is being covered man for man you can see how wide open he is center did not have a chance to make the play watch brennan very cagey he's just going to get open and keith i'm going to use again just chokes his motor right in there [Applause] catches the ball first down at the penn state 45 flutie back throws it short that's about three times today now that troy stratford has not held on to to set up a little it action up there and first thing you got to do is catch it here's the versatility of the receiver showing a good passive attack brennan having a sensational game eight passes for 135 yards it'll be second down and 10 for boston college at the penn state 45 [Applause] [Music] pass is incomplete down the middle brennan was the man trying to break and he could not get clear of sydner and the ball sailed over his head incomplete pressure coming up the middle that time too from penn state joe hines was pounding up the middle also the linebackers had what we call a delayed blitz they showed dropping back and the linemen make their blocks and then the blitz comes late and that was the key to making the fluted throw the ball badly time remaining third quarter 45 seconds well we've had no scoring flute is not going to get the ball off without calling a timeout only six seconds left on the clock on the uh 25 second clock so he spends a timeout leaving boston college with two and goes to the sidelines division [Applause] [Music] as we watch jack mcneil talking to the quarterback here's the numbers hour coming back from the loss last week chuck long 16 out of 25 233 yards fine fine football team iowa i was impressed with him last week oklahoma blows kansas away you see the spencer tillman and earl johnson sharing the tailback job at oklahoma now and between them produced 214 yards alabama pulled away late in the ball game to beat mississippi state by 17. alabama coming off two successive losses there your ivy league scores yale had a lead on dartmouth for a time but dartmouth came back to win it and pin edged princeton by one harvard beat brown by seven and holy cross rolls along scoring 77 points today crusaders headed for a match-up with boston college next month back goes flutie on third down and 10 goes down the middle brennan 25-yard line 23-yard line first down boston college just a sensational catch fans you've got to see this one again the ball is thrown high remember when the ball is thrown high the receiver leaves himself very vulnerable to get hit by the defense watch the concentration he leaps stretches to his very apex of his height pulls it in cradles it expects to get hit but holds on to the ball he's caught nine for 157 yards call it the 24 of penn state and a first down for boston [Applause] [Music] [Applause] once again the value of troy stratford at tailback making that yard is going outside showing the speed that it requires to get outside the penn state defense as we look at brian brennan nine receptions what a day he's had not any not many have been easy either keith and paul been pretty tough [Music] all coming back up field the definition of the penalty illegal motion offense first down keith i didn't see the play at all the flag first down and 15 as the ball comes back to the 28th of penn state [Music] [Applause] ludi back quickly away with it gizelman can't get it again penn state was putting pressure on him coming up the middle menorah number 39 was unblocked and flutie was very lucky to get the ball away without taking the loss the penn state defense are playing much better this half and i think primarily because of the rush they're applying good pressure on virtually every pass that flutie has attempted [Applause] floaty is now 18 out of 37 for 305 yards second down 15. fast thrown short to brennan brennan's to the 20 and just over the 20. so the third quarter we've got 15 minutes to go it's a 24-10 boston college league back after this commercial leading no scoring in the third quarter and it's third down and a long six a short seven to keep the ball here flutie back pressure on runs it up the middle fumbles the football penalty flag is thrown penn state's got the football but let's see about the flag linesman through it [Music] penn state's going ahead changing teams so it looks like it's against boston college when holding on the offense declined white recovered the fumble first down at the 19. so penn state gets the ball first down at the 19. you can see that i believe the young man working on katusa was one holding but flutie has the ball knocking knocked out of his hands because the rush came clean and fluty was not expected and didn't get rid of the ball faster fourth boston college turnover dozier misdirection trying to go around the left side stumbling much of the way still turns in about a four and a half yard pickup tackle now penn state has the win they've not been successful with their running game as we look at the stats it picked up a little bit in the third quarter still still dominant by its numbers by boston college now the turnovers are four for boston college and that's been some factor in this ball game second down five and a half spraying gives to dozier around the corner picked up a first down [Music] [Applause] so it looks like the big freshman from virginia beach is going to hear his number call some here there's a penalty flag on the field and the third quarter maryland leading north carolina by a score of 21-17 adding a field goal here's a holding call this is against penn state well that's kind of break that boston college needed [Music] as jackson is talking to the officials trying to find out who it was on players have that right here are the turnovers exceed that penn state has not lost the ball by turnover boston college has lost four taking them out of two scoring opportunities holding 10 yards offense second down [Applause] so that wipes out the first down run by dozier and it puts penn state back on the 20. we're at second down and 10. sprang to throw no pressure this time his pass goes over the middle and it's in and out of the hands of kevin bowe and little kevin just holds on to his head because he was wide open right now jim lampley big trouble for north carolina now end of the third quarter in college park there was a maryland field goal that made it 21-17 mark smith fumbled away the kickoff for carolina without being hit jess atkinson the kicker recovered it and two plays later isaiahson hit sean sullivan from 24 yards out now it is 28-17 maryland with time running out for the tario [Music] have a party at keith park tonight pressure wrong spring is back pass away caught by ball kevin bowe up a mile high in the year pulled it down spring never saw it because doug was on his back great effort by both strang and bow number 11 who's coming across the middle the rush is on accompanied by a man for man you can see val go up and where he comes down was a little bit short of the first down it now appears no i guess the spot he gave him the forward progress made it the first down yep and that's a good call the forward progress is the most advanced point of the ball by the runoff big play for penn state they've got four more snaps with it now the ball is sitting very close to the 30. you've got 13 minutes and 45 seconds to play in the game and boston college leading 24 to 10. [Music] that in this time from the top of the picture the blitz by chuck gorecki defensive end that is the fourth sack in the ball game by boston college number 95 doriaki is coming from the back unblocked you can see mo the moles number 63 was assigned to him but got there late the sac took place and forces penn state into a hole well the loss from the 30 back near the 20. you look at about second down and close to 20. [Music] and a penalty must have some offensive line movement because you've still got a little crowd left on the clock penn state's success throwing the ball has been in the middle deep in behind the linebackers on zone coverage and also on man-to-man coverage those inside routes the toughest of the big ball fall start offense that could be a rose bowl game out there on the west coast 24-20 washington leading ucla be very interesting to see if boston college puts on the blitz well the second down and 25 and the pass up field again it's kevin bow making the catch at the 35 and he is busy strang put it right on the money and kevin went up to get it five yards short of the first down strang is going to have good protection defend only two men rushing gives him plenty of time to spot val breaking across the middle which has been opened virtually all night long and gets him right on the numbers and val makes a catch just an inside route turning in behind the linebackers and he concentrates on the ball and cradles it in notice that he's gone to gloves with it getting cold now pass to the sidelines again bow this time it is good up near the 44 and it's a first down for penn state oh that's a big first down making up two penalties a 10 yard pouncer for holden a five-yard penalty for offensive encroachment two good throws by strang having the poise the patience to wait and hit his receivers with accurate throws 12 minutes and eight seconds to play in the football game 14 boston college lead no scoring in the second half as yet boston college jumped out to a 21-0 lead [Applause] dozier on first down hit after a yard number 57 came ripping across to hit him hard ted gaffney with help from rob swanky captain number 57 is a sophomore coaches say he's going to be a very good linebacker but he diagnosed that play immediately and attacked the ball carry for an outstanding defensive play second down nine coming up penn state has got to go to the air middle's been available much of the night playing back throws it short to bow and bow is pork can walk down and he'll mark him down at the 44 and it'll be a loss of a yard and the man who made the play is dave pereira number 41. fine defensive play by the boston college defense had a pretty good rush and defended well conceded the short pass and made the tackle immediately after the catch spraying back on third down 11. down the middle did he catch him yes he did goodness bow makes another reception under heavy pressure at the 39 and another penn state first down once again breaking in the middle the safety man thurman is playing very deep doesn't want to give up the easy one you can see gaffney covering him about man for man couldn't quite get there but luckily penn state excuse me boston college made the tackle after the catch is now hit five in a row warming up he looks good showing good patience bows out for a rest he's got it coming robinson in to replace him spraying has time to pump at once and he's caught and fall down he picked up a yard or so as he tried to break it out and run up field as the linebackers had dropped off give him a lot of room there's the time remaining in the football game my old coach bobby dodd at georgia tech used to say the first thing you teach at quarterback is when not to throw the ball that was a perfect illustration of a good decision by strang his receivers were covered so he scrambled back up for a short game game two second down eight [Music] that's dozier and dj dances up to the 33. [Music] when penn state gets you in their sights they can move you let's watch ruth who's a fine football player slanting to one side mcginnis number 54 the old hometown boy from college park blocks him all the way over the side opening up a nice hole for dozier number 42 comes in and picks up some yardage you know he hasn't played much in this ball game frank but he's he's had 14 carries he's got 106 yards he looks great he looks outstanding for a freshman third down and three dozier caught by one man shakes him off and picks up a first down for penn state near the boston college 27. that's the difference in making a first down with a great football player or having to punt the ball dozier was hit in the backfield all the way for a loss and would not go down watch it fans to the bottom of your screen the blitz is on right where dozie is running and uh the aussie has it just for a moment but then dozier turns it over flicks two blockers tacklers and makes the first down very impressive run all the setting on the boston college 27 kevin bow is back in john williams is back in and penn state spends a timeout so the nittany lions call time and time eight minutes and 48 seconds to play in the game test pilot chucky [Applause] all games taking place at sullivan stadium in foxborough with a crowd of 56 188 people on hand to watch it the last time boston college played here was against notre dame back in 1975. they have two other games uh holy cross and alabama scheduled here at sullivan stadium this season first down for penn state at the vc 27 and strain back going for jackson in the end zone incomplete good coverage by george radachovsky let's watch the coverage again man the toughest fans the toughest thing in the world is to cover a player like jackson blazing speed he's going right down the sideline he wants to out jump ratakowski chowski number 15 to watch the ball a little bit high neither one of them can really get it's overthrown just a little bit goes incomplete fine defensive play and you have a good effort by jackson second round [Applause] that's tim robinson in motion number 87 sprang back gives the ball to john williams good blocking left side and john is across the 20. he picked up at least seven on that carry and checking the clock eight and a half minutes to play in the football game boston college leading last 14 points and each team with two timeouts remaining let's go ahead to the strategy says penn state score i think it's best and i think most coaches would agree to go for two penn state wants to win i think they could go for two the first time they score they have training by 14 points not wait for the second time give them two chances to win or tie third down at about two and a half yards and it's williams he doesn't make it [Applause] number 93 steve lubisher and 52 scott harrington big defensive player two seniors on the left side of the line coming through and penetrating but paterno's got to go for it fourth and two he's got no chance no choice but to go for it that's more than two frank that's a good two and a half bar they got to go just about halfway between the 18 and 17 to get that first down can either be a a touchdown or a loss because i believe you can expect a full all-out seven-man blitz strang spends a timeout it wasn't what they had in mind and he looked up at the 25 second clock only three seconds remaining and it's one time seconds to play in the game sprang back throws it wide open to the tight end cyberlink touchdown penn state he's like i said it would either be a touchdown or a loss boston college was coming with everybody but the kitchen sink crossing in is the toughest thing to cover in that situation tight end cyberlink getting his first look at the ball today big freshman from erie pa takes it in for the score and they're going for one gun will kick for the point out of parker's hole unless parker picks it up and does something else with it nope going to kick it and he made it and so with 70 minutes and 15 seconds to play in this football game it gets pretty tight 24 to 17. let's look at the touchdown again fans you're going to see the tidying up to the top of your screen is going to cross the one at the bottom is going to cross nobody really picked up either one of them they all the receivers were wide open but as you can see simon is so open that he can take the ball and run for the touchdown [Applause] let's watch it from the end zone the linebackers take the fake you can see both gaffney and diazi are playing the fake of the backs no one is covering fiber he's open number 91 wide open and goes in for the touchdown a beautiful call excellent execution by the penn state offense so the line shut them down boston college down in the second half of play and they've come up with the only touchdown of the second half and with 7 13 to play it's a 24-17 ball game and coming up next thursday night the battle of the network starts from abc nbc and cbs the team captains are bill shatner t.j hooker you know him william shepner mr t captains uh the nbc team and william devane captains the cbs team it'll be fun eye hanger picked up by tyrone taylor and taylor comes back to about the 17-18 a big scramble on but apparently no fumble shane conlon downfield to make the tackle for penn state for both the penn state and the penn state offense offensive defense has played quite well there's a 17 play drive and i think the key was really the poise confidence and patience of strength as he stayed in the pocket and hit keith third down passes yeah but kevin bowe made some catches franklin possession that were a sight to see yes they were it's up to doug flutie now to pick up some yardage keep the penn state offense off the field [Music] and flutie play action throws a looper downfield [Music] with a marvelous catch the ball is being thrown into the wind fans and it hangs up the ball is not well thrown although it's right on the target you can see flutie throw it up high it hangs into the wind long enough for phalen to come down with it watch faylen leave his feet and he catches the ball just a sensational play over the shoulder most difficult to catch look at the tail eleanor one more time real quickly watch him zero in on the ball and cradle it in perfect perfect execution first down at the 47. flutie cuts away from one pursuer and hook slides down around the 48 of penn state that's about a five yard pick up there [Applause] in comes the situation substitutes for penn state out goes the ones that play against the run in comes the four substitutes that play against the pass they've been very very effective against flutie this second half six minutes and ten seconds to play in the football game second down at about five [Applause] [Music] [Applause] looking to throw catch it away and it's good the pass is caught down around the 38 of penn state and that will be a first down and guess who brian brennan who has indeed been a star in this football game fans the toughest thing in the world is throw a pass that hard rolling to the left watch flutie he's not slowing down he's spreading away from the pursuit he turns and throws a ball sign on which what you the way you throw it rolling to the left right on the numbers to brennan watch brennan work himself open get himself uncovered come back to the ball craig linden get the first down he's caught 11 for 176 yards that's a career so penn state 38 first down boston college [Music] [Applause] that's stratford and whistle stop him boston college moving around exceeded the 25 second clock and gets the five yard penalty dead by five delay again offense 25 second clocks are mounted in the corners here they're plainly clearly visible at both ends of the stadium the one thing the new rule of the clock starting after a penalty if he wasn't dead otherwise kind of helps deadball move that clock alone play a game offense first down and 15. that's it he starts the clock yep there finds the clock [Applause] straight back has time has to go short with it hits brennan at the 40. he's knocked down immediately by scott radisick radisek has really been outstanding here in the second half i'm purely amazed at the mobility of radiseck number 97 the big linebacker of penn state and watching the film yesterday the way he moves back on pass coverage is something really to see a big man like that with that with those quick feet it's really a sensational player barbara mckenzie replaces brennan for the play again they're moving people around they've got six seconds to snap gets it off on second down and 11. to the sideline pass complete for phelan it's down at the penn state 21 and a boston college first down picture perfect pattern by phyllis phelan is going to go down fans the key is go as deep as you can and then come back to the passer because that keeps you the same distance away from the defensive man as you were when you made your cut so you can see that decided number 27 has no chance flutie hit him right on the target [Music] [Applause] this is only the fifth time that a team has run up 500 yards or more against the joe paterno penn state ball club bc did it last year but they lost big [Applause] the pass away in a hurry complete the gizman inside the 15 at the 14. so he goes back to his big tight end you go to your tight end on the blitz you have to because he's the shortest throw the one that you can make the most accurate and flutie was ready to throw it very quickly he didn't drop all the way back and therefore it was a completed pace four minutes to play in the game [Applause] [Music] 24-17 austin college leader [Applause] stratfor promotion [Music] nothing i think he lost some on it [Applause] he lost a yard hit a miss play like that is really a low low percentage play the crap up the middle with a blitz on is not a high percentage call brennan phelan they come back in now ball is back at the 16. it is third down and five well there in kevin snow's range they'll remember the win he's got to go into it if he has to settle for a field goal try [Music] rudy pressure they back around the 23. keith the one thing that flooded did not want to happen was to get sacked he wanted to get rid of the ball and not lose that yard as you've already mentioned going into the win a big factor they're going to try the field goal kevin snow comes out he'll kick it from the 30 so that makes it a 40 yard field goal and from 40 oh for one he's six out of 11 for the season kick is up a lot of leg he made it his longest field goal of 40 yards with two minutes and 28 seconds to play in the game the lions were trying to stack it up high and get a hand on it they couldn't quite reach it and with 2 28 to play it is a 10 point lead for boston college [Applause] bow is the man they want to handle it and he will at the 15. then held it up and kevin baugh gets up to around the 23-24 before they bring him down penn state coming off of that last 80 yard touchdown drive still have confidence they full games out before they're going to have to go the air on virtually every down and i would expect boston college to play very very conservative penn state only has one time out left and footnoted with this that boston college has never beaten penn state they were 0-4-11 against the lions coming into this ball game frank gives the ball to dozier and dozier is game tackle up near the 28th so that's a pickup for four it'll be second down six has a very strange call keith used up about 20 seconds on the clock 25. springs pass away bow boom midfield hurt but he held on to the ball and the two men who collided tony thurman the free safety and kevin vow the receiver both shaken up on the play bow has been a marvel in this bowl game keith he's been he's been a good football player since he came to penn state four years ago he had a knee operation in his sophomore year and missed some play and was slow recovering but watch the catch the right part of your screen you're going to see thurman really collide right into bow bow holds onto the ball both of them are injured on the plate hope not hopefully not seriously watch the route the inside routes have been open and they're the toughest to throw and strang has been sensational throwing this type of pass the ball is down he doesn't elevate it up to where it's dangerously overthrown it's right in the breadbasket where the instant hit by thurman does not knock the ball loose thurman gets up he's going to walk off the field bow is still down it is interesting to me frank that kevin baugh at 5 9 and 175 and brian brennan the wide receiver for boston college at 5 10 180. i don't know that i've seen a better performance by two white people all year maybe irving fryer but that would be the only one keith going into this ball game we discussed that both teams have outstanding receivers phelan and jackson on the other side are being double covered a lot and that's what's forcing the single coverage to bow uh both teams just outstanding and and uh bow of course has been uh phenomenal holding on the ball on those deep passes in the middle you don't normally send your smallest man down the middle but bow has gone down there to catch eight for 97 yards brennan's gone down the middle for 12 179 yards here are the numbers and just what keith was talking about eighth receptions 97 12. he wants to play some more come on out of there kevin he has to come out or they lose their last timeout it's first down at midfield for penn state this is mumford running it up the middle and struggles down to the 40 falls across it and gets the first down for penn state and time one minute 43 seconds to play kenny jackson the great receiver is not in the ball game there he is he's up at the top of the picture wide [Applause] tim robinson covered by george radachovsky pete carmichael the defensive backfield coach told me that ratachowsky really has quick feet 4-3 speed is the best man old man player they've had he's playing the ball the key is play the ball with his height and ratakowski goes up and does get his hands on the ball at the very height otherwise it could have been a reception [Applause] second down and ten ball is just over the 40. from the 39 spring goes down the middle with it intended oh most intercepted by radachowsky he had shut it down the middle toward kevin bow who had come back into the lineup and number 15 had it couldn't hold it those passes throwing into a defense playing pass require perfect throw this time was the first one that strang is overthrown dangerously overthrown and could have been intercepted as we look at jack mcnell i told keith earlier he's such a cheerful guy he just felt like they had a legitimate chance in this game today third down and 10 for penn state minute and 25 to play goes to dozier he's caught and brought down by number 50 david thomas the defensive end and he picked up on the play about two yards so it is fourth down and eight and a timeout call by penn state that is their last one i'm remaining in the football game 115 boston college leading by 10. on fourth candidate they catch you and behind the line of scrimmage he left-handed the ball away trying to get it to speeder nichols and he couldn't do it mike ruth was the man that had a hold of him and what a football game mike ruth has played in fact what a great game the entire defensive team has played just against an outstanding offense of penn state the boston college defensive coaches are to be crazed as that man right there told me yesterday they had a legitimate chance to win this game and they have done it great coverage here ruth number 68 relentless pressure won't give up goes through the blockers and comes back in and makes the play all penn state now has to do snap the ball a couple of times and get the clock rolling flutie falls down at the 35 penn state with no timeouts remaining in the football game and you've got one minute to play so for jack mcnell and these golden eagles of boston college it is a glorious moment because bc has never beaten penn state flutie today 24 out of 43 for 380 yards picked up 28 running total offense 480 had 520 last year against penn state in this ball game brian brennan has tied a single season receiving record for boston college with 46 catches he will break it and become the new record holder to further footnote what kevin bau did at the ball game and so much it over the middle were there's so much punishment he caught eight for 97 yards for penn state and joe paterno's ball club boston college jumped out to a big 21-0 lead looked like they were going to fly away into the night but didn't work out that way as the nittany lions got together at halftime came back and made it a whale over football game and boston college will start its celebration as they have finally defeated penn state by a score of 27 to 17. so penn state's record will go to five and four now as the two coaches meet in the center of the field and boston college's record will go to six and one and i would say that boston college didn't show all that much westerners having been off for two weeks like i said the party is on obesity
Channel: Boston College Athletics
Views: 1,622
Rating: 4.875 out of 5
Keywords: Boston College, Eagles, BC, ACC
Id: zJdolFANRJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 138min 2sec (8282 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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