Footage of British troops in Afghanistan (HDV)

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finger licking do you know it's the ingenious way that we've made fossils into bowls you know soldiers Ingenuity though improvised adapt and overcome all right spoonie chance [ __ ] get him to swing South a bit with him I can't see you now [ __ ] no [ __ ] up and see that's far enough let's get on with it Scotch [ __ ] don't worry about it it's not gonna change because you're [ __ ] shouting about it look through the smoke do your best all right because of our engagements we're getting an A10 now to fly the position well look where the smoke is look where the smoke is and that's a pretty good idea isn't it all right they were they were blessed by the bishop of London before we left okay if you haven't got one could you introduce yourself Andre Jason Clarke Padre is the first Battalion Grenadier the guards actual turn up and spray the good news we have to do without singing today which is a bit gut-wrenching it's right in the midst of all of this that we pray for peace in the name of God the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit amen take life easy eat drink and be merry but God said to him you fool this very night your life will be demanded from you then who will get what you are prepared for yourself but it's important to actually use the time where you're here don't just mark off the days until you're free go fly kite fly the maiden voyage of the Gay Pride flag foreign for a good few weeks there's quite a lot of it Flynn no Flint oh right absolute chance there's one for me Jones y another one for me thank you thank you oh it's Christmas time I got some good friends back home you got anything Iggy boom hey I'm so awful hey it's probably dusting them um and they just want to play like normal kids and eat sweets like normal kids hey what is it giving in there these are like little reptile this is this morning breakfast and then he doesn't have any candy juice I'm guessing mark foreign
Channel: Journeyman Pictures
Views: 1,605,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: afghanistan, troops, soldiers, war, on, terror, footage, rockets, weapons, platoon, jamie, janes, pimon, wajid, bastion, charlie, boardman
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 35sec (395 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 28 2012
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