FOODFIGHT! - The $50 Million Mistake | Cynical Reviews

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[Music] as you can immediately tell from its DVD cover food fight is one of the worst animated films ever made so what better way to start this series and this isn't some low-budget independent film or a student experiment this was meant to be the real deal it featured the voices of Charlie Sheen before he became a meme I'm by winning a win here no in there now what Wayne Brady Eva Longoria Christopher Lloyd and Hilary Duff remember her me neither and the original budget for this film was around 50 million dollars really shows doesn't it what does show is the film's troubled development history which is arguably far more interesting than the film itself threshold entertainment began production in the early 2000s but the film was eventually released in 2012 at some point hard drives containing unfinished assets from the film were reportedly stolen in what the director called an act of industrial sabotage personally I think it was some unsung hero trying to do the world a favor and make sure that this film never saw the light of day even after this threshold managed to get 20 million dollars more funding but kept missing their deadlines for release until eventually the investors got understandably upset and an insurance company stepped in to get the film finished and released as quickly and cheaply as possible this rush job is obvious from even a momentary glance at the film itself it just looks awful textures are bland and ugly character models are bland and ugly backgrounds and settings change between scenes even just minutes apart from each other as special effects are terrible like PowerPoint levels of terrible film assets are quite obviously copied and pasted sometimes with no effort to distinguish them or animate them differently this also applies to the background extras who are clearly just stock characters thrown in on mass in order to fill up the screen regardless of whether that makes sense like in this shot where you can see five identical extras who are quite obviously Jewish for some reason and here there's two identical guys doing exactly the same animations right next to each other come on oh and the animation is awful faces don't do what they're supposed to expressions are either lifeless or completely exaggerated sunshine in particular is very unsettling and let's not even talk about the extras the same goes for the lip-syncing it's all over the place both of these are due to thresholds outsourcing of the face and lip-syncing animation to another company whose technology was so limited that the actors had to stare straight ahead or keep still hence this by contrast movements are weirdly jerky characters wave their arms jump and spin around for no reason dude can't handle it unplug this bastard young daredevil down is a particularly bad example most of the time it looks like he's been doing a lot of crack this is probably due to the directors far-out decision to emulate the squash and stretch look of the Warner Brothers cartoons with all their exaggerated movements and expressions but using motion capture in the process and it just doesn't work and who did this motion capture Charlie Sheen that was bangin 7 gram rocks and finishing them because that's how I roll I have one speed of one gear go quick movements like snapping fingers or jazz hands just look really weird or blurry oh god it's terrible and on top of all that certain shots are drawn out just to pad out the film as much as possible [Music] all that could be explained away if not forgiven by the insurance company's insistence on shooting this movie out no matter the cost but that doesn't explain the absolute piss-poor excuse of a story the writing is ridiculous and nonsensical which we'll see when we go through the movie itself and for a film that's meant to be a comedy it's completely unfunny the writing team's idea of a joke is to make a pun preferably food-related by a reason for every time that one puns can be fine if you sparingly but this goes completely overboard I can't I failed on the potato juice before you get shit-faced time to banana split out of my clock holy ships Wiggum oldest has set in let's snap crackle and pop a tea let's strawberry jam out of here and sometimes they just don't make sense I'm gonna pop your corn lady oh they take a famous movie quote and make it about food of all the produce bars and all the supermarkets and all the world she had to walk into mine don't cry for me charlie tuna frankly my dear I don't give a spam what's the point in doing this the kids are gonna laugh because they won't get the reference and adults won't laugh because it's not funny and to make things worse they reused the same jokes over and over again it wasn't funny the first time why would you be funny the third time and where there is original humor most of the time it's incredibly lowbrow don't get me wrong I love a bit of lowbrow humor but the execution is so surely they just falls flat like here when a character gets stuck in another character's ass despite the fact that that character was wearing trousers there's also a reliance on stereotypes because this was written when no one gave a [ __ ] effeminate gay Lumberjacks Mexicans Chinese would I fall and worse and then there's all the really inappropriate stuff but I'll save that until later there was one time I laughed with this movie rather than at it but that was just because of the absurdity of it I'm fine nobody saw that but the rest of the time it's more like this five different people wrote this story and script and this is the best they could do probably as a result of the lackluster material the voice acting is so so at best Charlie Sheen in particular seems like he was forcing himself through it I don't understand I don't know if I can cut the mustard anymore yeah it's dope yes because it's so absurd but when you got a you know when you got a highly evolved brain and you're trying to like roll out your humor you can't I guess that's on me and in places the quality of the voice recordings noticeably drops yes we froze were fromage even when spoken by the same characters in the same scene nobody some lines sound like they were recorded over the phone all the lightning rods are in place I guarantee it well pretty guaranteed I mean it's almost guaranteed I can't guarantee it oh come on that's funny now that's funny let's not lose our senses of humor maybe the actors very wisely refused to set foot in the studio again as for the rest of the sounds the soundtrack is generic and cheesy [Music] and the Foley and sound effects are ripped straight from a stock library okay Chris you've been shooting all over this film but what actually happens in it that's a very good question I'm still not sure myself it all seems like some fever dream but you better bang some seven gram rocks and strap yourselves in because I'm about to show you I'm going to spoil the movie but you're not actually gonna watch it right so this is how the film begins Jesus setting the bar high and we see the supermarket where this film is set so this film's gonna be really boring oh wait it was foreshadowing how clever by night the supermarket turns into a city inhabited by the icons or Ike's of the various products [Music] we see a bunch of different characters and what do you notice they're all product mascots as in real product mascots in fact this entire movie is one giant product placement the mascots are even featured as named characters in the film's trailer Charlie the tuna likes the pig mrs. buttersworth call it cross promotion if you want but this amount of product pushing in a children's movie is ridiculous and exploitative see there's mr. clean and the joke is that he gets dirty he's not even in the film for two seconds and they make that joke and then they make it again twice and now we're introduced to the protagonist dex dogtective played by Charlie Sheen was an up but he's not he's not camp it's just you and me fat cat fat cat fat cat yeah I'm sending you to the cooler burglar oh wow that seems just a little bit uncalled for Dex pops the balloon and sends the burglar flying we never see him again so I'm guessing he died Dex saves the whatever those things are and now the hamsters fall down why they that doesn't make sense so here we meet Dex is psychic daredevil Dan the film's comic relief and he's meant to be black he's voiced by Wayne Brady he employs stereotypically black mannerisms bro and he's made of chocolate [ __ ] and they make a lot of jokes about that okay here's your chocolate chick and she's got a real sweet tooth we also meet Hilary Duff's character and Dex his love interest sunshine goodness who's playing with some kids who look like they've seen some truly terrible things and that melon was clearly added on top of everything else you can see it passed through a kid's head and there's a panty shot not that I was looking so Dex tries to propose the sunshine but his idiot friends keep cock-blocking down crushes his plane so sunshine goes to check on him and Dex doesn't go with her for some reason in the very next scene hours have passed sunshine has disappeared and Dex is with Dan by his crush plane but they're in the exact same location as the previous scene you see what I mean about the plot and everything being nonsensical don't worry don't you say it any like is the last time we're gonna see sunshine again six months later you look back in the supermarket and this is mr. clipboard and that's his actual name in the credits a representative of Brand X played by Christopher Lloyd he does a pretty good impression of himself he's brought in some Brand X products but there's no space well that wasn't very nice something tells me that you would not do well under that rule Dex trips balls and then gets woken up by down after Sunshine's disappearance Dexter's hung up his detective hat and now owns a nightclub Dan cat calls a passing woman because street harassment is hilarious then he crashes his plane again because he's a [ __ ] Dex walks to his club alone and he meets this thing she's all who looks like sculpted diarrhea he's got what you need but for some reason he's always got some living animal under his coat sick bastard sweet dreams children chizel gets hit by a train and Dex just walks away like a complete psychopath Gansevoort Dex arrives at his club closely followed by polar penguin guess what he makes jokes about and then they beat the joke into oblivion you are in penguin you're supposed to be cold well you're not in the freezer right now so you'd be hot surely I hate this character I'd rather be buried alive with Jar Jar Binks than have to listen to this [ __ ] penguin again [Music] this is why I don't go to nightclubs and in walks ladx the Ike for Brand X played by Eva Longoria the Ike for the chips that got smashed earlier takes offense do you get it do you get it it's because that food and I talked to the movie is food fight get it oh come on that's funny that's funny after an incredible fight scene Dex kicks everyone out and ladx goes off with Dan but then she comes right back and oh my she really aggressively tries to give the dog a bone about your height okay now we've got to talk about how inappropriate this movie is occasional adult jokes can work quite well in kids movies do you think maybe he's compensating for something but this film turns up to 11 what can I say chicks dig chocolate so what happened to Dan you already heat through to his hollow Center over being filthy can be loads of fun there are some stains you can never wash out the icing with sweet cakes and with you on my back head not that I mind that are those melons real pudding and doodle is what I think about myself size only counts for men I sincerely hope not and then there's this character who manages to make perfectly normal sentences sound so utterly wrong lovely I know what you're thinking and no it's not Tim Curry he's a sadomasochistic pervert there's no way around that just wet myself remember this is a kids movie again the kids aren't gonna laugh because they won't get the jokes and the adults won't be laughing because they'll be horrified that their kids are watching this not that letting your kids watch this isn't tantamount to child abuse anyway anyway there's a commotion outside apparently every ike that was in the club was murdered this means that the products also died because were the sole of our products without us they're gone which makes no sense but okay looks like all these poor Ike's were rubbed out please don't call it that looks like all these poor Ike's won't run out ladx blames it on Dan conveniently Brand X shows up with replacements Dex gets suspicious and sets off to find Dan who's gone missing I just can't throw in the paper towel on Dan lady X shows up with her henchmen and promises to restore order and they're Nazis that's just lazy villain design again the kids aren't gonna get the reference and parents will think what a Nazis doing in this family-friendly adventure comedy cheese all impersonates Texas penis before telling him that Dan was seen at lady X's hope there are some stains you can never wash out cheese or doesn't bother to move out of the way of a wrecking ball and Dex just walks away again he is one cold [ __ ] Dex goes to see lady X and they have an atrocious dance sequence a boat falls down because why not I want to know how you rubbed out all those lakes les night stop calling it that after Dex rejects her again she knocks him out and throws him in a dryer with Dan except the dryer has a hologram inside it and a fire that is not how dryers work but there were thousands of people outside that Club how did nobody see anything because seriously stop you're building an entire army of robotic exabytes what is an EXO bite why they call that and how did Dan know they were called that I need answers the Nazis go around murdering [ __ ] because this is a kids movie Dex brings the scent that he took from ladx to the nose doctor why did they make the character with the huge nose embody a neurotic Jewish stereotype did they not see anything wrong with that as if to deflect that criticism at the end of the movie we find out that Dex is Jewish Jewish it's not relevant to the plot at all did they just put it in as a joke anyway they discover that Brand X is toxic and addictive so Dex decides to hack into the store computer to order a product recall now they're in the supermarket during the day so they can come out in day time I don't get it but unsurprisingly there aren't many extensive wiki's dedicated to cataloging food fight law a fat Nazi has followed them somehow they fall on a cart with something I can't do this Dec sweeps in on a soda bottle which is closed so how is he doing that you need to warn the other rights brand access box the rub out for the love of God stop we reintroduced to this back character who appeared briefly at the start of the film is that the enticing scent of rich creamy chocolate are you chocolate are you made of chocolate really and who is very very inappropriate do you work out I use the ThighMaster and I know what you're thinking and no it's not William Shatner Dex discovers that Brand X ordered sunshine to be recalled see here she is and she's not a cat so why is she a cat here and what a cats have to do with raisins all right Dex orders the product recall of Brand X while lady X addresses the gathered Ickes [Music] Jesus Christ could they be any more blatant with a Nazi imagery Oh rock music starts so you know shits about to go down oh the Nazis and the Ike's have a song off whatever that's called and it's horrific [Music] the mouths are completely out sync and the dancing is all over the place the hamsters tried to start a mosh pit and the Jewish nose doctor starts pre dancing what Dex rallies the Ike's to fight the Nazis so the Nazis attack and are ambushed get it because course you do all the food explodes dramatically look how much damage those pancakes do Michael Bay would be creaming his pants right now get it creaming there's a minute of constant shots like this and then another even longer battle scene which is just as bad in case you needed reminding that this is a kids movie XO bites fly out of Lady X's vagina there's some more breathtaking action yes that's the best thing to happen in this movie so far Dex traps and murders general ex who is completely alone oddly hmm I suddenly have the urge for some beef stew Dexter's plan is to have the Ike's make lightning rods to destroy the Nazis Dex turns cheese all down the sewers because he's literally a piece of [ __ ] cheese or destroys a power line and kills the fat Nazi thankfully that's the last we see of him seriously he just disappears no explanation no closure not that anyone's begging for it so the destroyed power line sends off an electrical charge which starts a massive electrical storm which destroys every building without a lightning rod but that's not how electricity works that plan is about as intelligent as this frog yeah Benjamin Franklin Dec sneaks into the Brand X headquarters [Music] well that was easy and suddenly Sunshine's here and what clever and original ploy do you think our hero will use to free her yeah that trips up the pervert that sunshine doesn't move at all is it and now the clipboard guy shows up so humans can enter the IKE city at night does this supermarket not have a night shift or is noone ever broken in what is this film's logic what is this film they trip the clipboard guy even though there's no way there be strong enough to do that [Music] turns out lady X was the clipboard guy all along and she was also the record prune lady from earlier quick trip to Brazil for a little plastic surgery how could she have gotten to Brazil who would have performed the surgery I have to assume it was either a serial killer or a brony that quickly sums up what the hell just happened so you built yourself a human robot and recalled sunshine then you stole her essence to make your elixir for Brand X how did you get in and out of the store you're an IKE very very good question humans when you look like this you didn't get them to do anything but you're like six inches tall and how did you get out of the store to get the plastic surgery to look that way in the first place perfect wrote this oh yeah I forgot [ __ ] morons sunshine randomly teleports in and Dex teleports out oh boy this fight is gonna be epic isn't it that did not disappoint Rose so the lesson here is if you're ugly you the Fox shows up late and Dex complements him anyway but why he waited it out while the Nazis were murdering everyone [ __ ] collaborator and all the dead arcs are brought back to life I'm just gonna leave this frame up here for a few seconds okay Dex finally pops the question they get married there's some more awful dancing and then the movie ends oh no just a rub salt in your [ __ ] eye there are post credits scenes seven of them each more unfunny than the last yes that's exactly what you should say to a lady find a verdict just to sum up the obvious food fight is an unfunny inappropriate insensitive and aggravating piece of trash it's a perfect example of why certain people should not be allowed to make movies you need to be on Charlie Sheen's level of drug use to be able to enjoy this but you want to know the funniest thing about this movie food fights director and thresholds CEO said that the film would help make them the next generation Pixar oh that was a lot longer than I was originally intending so thanks for watching if you enjoyed that feel free to check out some of my other videos subscribe and click the notification bell for future content help me grow the channel by telling your mates follow me on Facebook and Twitter if you fancy and until next time peace [Music]
Channel: Cynical Reviews
Views: 962,709
Rating: 4.9303436 out of 5
Keywords: Foodfight, Charlie Sheen, Eva Longoria, Christopher Lloyd, Hilary Duff, Wayne Brady, Worst Movies, Worst Films, Threshold Entertainment, Worst Animated Film, Bad Movie, NOTflix, Foodfight!, Cynical, Humour, Worst Film, Worst Movie, So bad it's good, So-bad-its-good, Inappropriate, Kid's movie, Children's Movie, Product Placement, Funny, Sarcasm, Review, Commentary, Cynical Reviews, Foodfight Movie, Foodfight! Movie, Foodfight review, Cynical Reviews Foodfight, Cynical CJ Foodfight
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 22sec (1462 seconds)
Published: Mon May 21 2018
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