AM I NORMAL? - Puberty Education At Its Finest | Cynical Reviews

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[Music] many different kinds of feelings can cause an erection often the penis will get hard for what seems like no reason at all puberty and sex education are always awkward topics to discuss for any teenager combine that with being British ago into an all-boys school and you have the perfect recipe for repression for a few some outs of blushing and unexplained erections in order to break some of this tension and deviate from the standard penis goes in vagina but make sure you don't get them pregnant lesson plan our teachers would occasionally make us watch educational films I recently remembered one of these films and as much as I appreciate its positive messages I just had to share it with you all it's called am i normal and as you can imagine from a title like that it's comedy gold I know this is just an educational film from way back 1979 in fact but the situation's it portrays are ridiculous the dialogue is so corny and the acting is genuinely horrible if I pointed out every single instance of these this video would be longer than a Peter Jackson extended edition but you'll see what I mean a lot of the humor is of course intentional but I'm going to poke fun on it anyway am i normal follows Jimmy as he goes on an epic quest to find out whether he's you know normal you see my body was about through these changes and I was about to have these experiences and my life was never gonna be the same again thank you sorry what was that bathroom wreck shion's vacuum yeah where it never grew before what hair it all started when I noticed that everyone was suddenly interested in sex that looks like a good book to be reading in public this is Jimmy's friend Tony he's basically Jay from The Inbetweeners but slightly less of a card I heard I don't make a difference of course it does it's got to it's only logical anyway we don't have to worry unsurprisingly he's not very smart Jack market of London England had an erection two feet long held it there for 48 days and three people sat on it before it finally snapped off sounds legit every Englishman has that problem this is Jimmy's other friend who does almost nothing and serves no purpose except to show that Jimmy has more than one friend that's true it happened to a friend of my brother's come on be cool but was it really true hey Jimmy you read this stuff it's true isn't it yeah of course it is man all right Casanova you know if you make your voice even deeper it might sound more convincing he meets the teenage boys worst enemy the teenage girl wait is it a girl I can barely tell hey Jimmy wanna go the movie Disney this weekend what was happening with me becsher ah yes the classic hands in the pockets trick protip ladies this means we like you what you doin did you know nothing I'm looking for my keys I came for my keys oh can I have oh and this is when you say yeah sure I could use an extra hand no okay daddy day by now yeah that's what most of us feel like doing right now feeling insecure and a bit curious he tries to confide in his friends about his little problem and given the sensitivity of the subject matter and the intimacy of their friendship you might expect him to receive a pat on the shoulder and a few kind words you'd be wrong so he goes to talk to his dad instead dad you tell me about so much matter Jim are you in trouble or something why was that your first answer okay let's see now and then have their own baseball bat speaking for yourself I'm sure girls have pictures MIT's so you throw your balls into them at 90 miles per hour got it men just know about these things that's all they just know it'll come to you you'll see yeah let's watch the game huh he doesn't give a [ __ ] does he I guess he tried his best no he didn't but I was still in the dark but little Jimmy is about to find out more for himself the hard way what would be a wet little spot on my bed he tries to hide the evidence I guess I'm gonna have to put the sheets in the hamper okay [Music] they should have called him solid Jimmy to distinguish him from the liquid Jimmy's he goes to a library to conduct some research as opposed to the female penis of course excuse me I'd like to know about the male penis please [ __ ] acting seriously the book is blank for some reason and then it segues into an animation that's not at the same angle as the page and why is it blank in the first place were they that cheap that they couldn't pay for some ink the penis gradually become larger does it is that what's meant to happen his tool of a friend follows him into the library and then into the toilet if you think he's jerking off why would you want him to come out you absolute weirdo and why would you try to peek in on him let's watch that again was this written by Tommy wise oh this is like something an actual group of teenagers would film in an afternoon on a $5.00 budget not an actual production with a professional team behind it and again he's staring at a blank page why couldn't they draw a cartoon on the page and then segue to the animation so there's a cartoon about what's not friendly way to say it choking the chicken ejaculation is often accompanied by a special intense feeling called orgasm after which a person feels relaxed or in my case guilty you may have heard stories about how masturbation is harmful but we know today that it cannot physically hurt you no matter how often you do it so just to be clear don't dick December won't be an issue Jimmy's friends are cheating in an eye exam why they even been allowed in the room together and then Jimmy bursts in you know bursting because of sexual and she just happens to have a chart of the male anatomy on the board and ready to go so we get another cartoon and this one manages to take all the fun out of ejaculation I never know they could get that long the boys are at the zoo and I'm pretty sure it's mostly so that they could make that joke but then Jimmy approaches a random man who works at the zoo because he thinks he might be the best person to ask about the male anatomy I'm just gonna let this plate well son I admire your candor you've come to the right man for the answer let's face it in this job I see a lot of penises in this job I see a lot of penises this animals penis is that it uh-huh sure but he assures Little Jimmy that it's not the size of your penis that matters but the size of your heart Jimmy goes back to his friends and Tony laughs at him for trying to learn something about himself so Jimmy stands up and gives them a speech worthy of Patton or the wolf of Wall Street in which he essentially recaps everything he's learned for the sake of an audience who've probably forgotten by this point because they were so distracted by the terrible acting and borderline bestiality and a bunch of random people start applauding him of course Tony tries to mooch off Jimmy's popularity of course Suzy asks him to the movies again and he brutally shuts her down ok no he does it nicely but they decide to go to the movies together and they managed to sneak in just a little bit more of Tony's bull before the end how about you Tony yeah I know all about this stuff I got this little brother see but you don't know anything in there but you could talk to him I'll just uh listen in just to make sure you don't make him mistakes now I know what you're thinking and yes there was a sequel for girls it was called dear diary it's not as funny as am i normal but it has its moments it follows pretty much the exact same formula starting with the characters Janie is on a quest of self-discovery she has a friend who's quiet and doesn't do much and another friend who's a world-class bull she wants to be gorgeous well that's unfortunate and I wasn't joking when I said they used the exact same formula I was reading in this magazine where it tells you what the perfect the ideal measurements for a woman Oh 36 best 24 waist and 36 hips [Music] they practice kissing on an early prototype of a waifu body pillow that looks like it's preparing itself for the sweet embrace of oblivion Janie tries to seduce a boy and fail spectacularly and then she gets her period for the first time it was during dinner is this a new recipe honey it's very good oh thank you dear about once every month I try to pick something a little different oh I see what you did there and then it happened sounds like Janie's got it so the mum gives her the talk but just like the dad in a my normal she's utterly useless every month your body will get ready to have a baby but if you don't have a baby you will get your period instead and this will happen to you every month for 40 years unless you do have a baby but you better not unless you're married there that wasn't so hard was it but because she's actually an intelligent human being she's like no mum tell me something more useful then get pregnant or bleed sweetheart you don't have to know about that you see your body knows what it's doing even if you don't yeah I'll remember that the next time I get cancer there's an impromptu lesson about menstruation and the female reproductive system which is great because as far as I'm concerned that stuff might as well be black magic although the teacher is a little bit too enthusiastic about organs it's it's amazing they go right in here in the curve of the colon just like that it's not nice next we're gonna put in the liver okay the liver fits right here over the pancreas oh good good isn't this fun the boring friend goes with her to buy a bra one of your breasts is bigger than the other what does that mean maybe you'll grow up laughs I did I hear somebody mention the word bris I have nothing there's nothing I can say that was perfect jokes aside the lesson here is that breasts come in all shapes and sizes and it's all good but then how does she demonstrate this point wonderful lovely people aren't they something tells me that this woman should be on some kind of list next she goes with her mom to a bookstore you know instead of the library may I help you well yes we were wondering you see well yesterday my daughter she's at the age when they do and she did two of any books on puberty no problem I think I can safely say for the first time that the child actor is legitimately the best thing about this film that's quite an achievement the boys from a my normal have a cameo for all the hardcore fans of the series I guess so they get given another book which again is completely blank and turns into a cartoon about puberty the girls talk about going steady but Janie's not too bothered maybe I'll wait till next year wait till next year and then going steady I gotta say the logic is indisputable she talks to her coach but unfortunately for us she's nowhere near as weird as the zookeeper but she does give Janey some very good advice about growing up which is cool meanwhile Janie has accidentally brought her diary with her sensible friends says don't be a [ __ ] and when she goes off to tell Janie about the Diary and doesn't take the diary with her for some reason this finds an inventive way around not being able to look at her friend's diary for one two three four oh look someone's diary I wonder whose it could be and look at how dramatic they try to make this climax you left your diary I think some girls have got it look Christ but it's okay because the other girls are all going through the same thing making her look like a Reich and they saunter off into the sunset all of them having learned something and all of us having laughed our tits off I would highly recommend that you go and watch these for yourselves in their entirety I'll put links in the description there's so much more glory to experience but until next time and now that you know how it's done don't do it a big shout out to these true homosexual Ed's for their awesome fan art feel free to send me fan art either on Twitter or Instagram if I receive a lot I won't be able to feature them all in videos but I'll make sure to post them on Instagram which I now have it's mostly just fan art and pictures of Luna at the moment but other interesting things will appear on it from time to time I'm sure anyway guys I hope you enjoyed this video the next one is gonna be on this abomination so yeah until then [Music]
Channel: Cynical Reviews
Views: 712,988
Rating: 4.9684868 out of 5
Keywords: Cynical Reviews, Cynical CJ, Am I Normal, Am I Normal?, Am I Normal? 1979, Dear DIary, Dear DIary 1981, Education, Educational Film, Teenagers, Puberty, Comment, Commentary, Parody, School, Bad Acting, Bad Dialogue, Funny, Comedy, Satire, Cringe, Dated, Old Fashioned, Am I Normal? Puberty Education At Its Finest, 1979, Ridiculous, Puberty Education, Cynical Reviews Am I Normal, Cynical Reviews Puberty, Sex Education, Bad Education Film, Funny Educational Film, Funny Sex Education, Review
Id: 59td5iIqgao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 14 2018
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