Food Theory: I Salted Popcorn With TEARS... And This Is How It Tasted!

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My suggestion to Matt and Steph for the possible future episode using sweat: Filter the liquid with a syringe and a membrane filter. You can get rid of most of colloidal particles(i.e. disgusting things) by filtering the liquid.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Good_Pudding8524 📅︎︎ Nov 29 2021 🗫︎ replies
foreign [Music] it's gross it's super gross I didn't realize it would be that gross actually [Music] hello Internet welcome to food Theory where today we're gonna be crying a river for science as well that right that was pretty good that was nice so I think at some point in all of our Lives because we're denizens of the internet we've come across the meme of salting popcorn with the tears of our enemies assaulting something anyway just using using the tears of your enemies to salt so earlier this year I had this idea of hey we have a Food Channel salt and popcorn our Foods I wonder if anyone's done this our producers were like nope and there's probably a reason for that yeah they said that this was one of those ideas that ranked up there with bread gloves oh no I needed my own Christmas tree so really you know the ideas that are coming from matpat over here on the food Theory channel are real bangers so we did a quick Google search and we found that there was one brand that said that they have actually done this and that's hoxton Street monster supplies I think that was their name uh and then we looked a little bit closer at their ingredients list and no friends they weren't human tears it was just coarse ground sea salt so no imagine that no bueno do you think the Deep Web has need for an educational food-centric video series I think people there also know how to use the regular internet and could probably access this show there are two separate things and never in between shall meet and so us having a lightly food themed channel that is also lightly educational uh we decided you know what let's do what no one else has had The Bravery to do salt popcorn with real human tears are you ready to cry today yes I'm ready to cry every day I open up my email just spontaneously that's good that's good that's where we're gonna collect all these tears Matthew's just going to look at his to-do lists and we're just gonna collect them all just foreign so that's where we are today friends can you salt your food using your own tears as we get if we get four kernels of popcorn popped and seasoned with our own tears I would call that a a huge success all right there you go we're aiming for four solid kernels salted from our own tears can we do it let's find out so the first thing I learned as I started researching tears is that there are actually three different types of Tears basal tears which coat Your Eyes under normal everyday conditions reflex tears which are produced in response to irritants and emotional tears which are of course produced by Pixar movies from a compositional standpoint each type of tier is a little bit different for instance basal tears contain a small amount of mucus that allows the eyelid to Glide more easily emotional tears on the other hand contain more stress hormones that the body's trying to get rid of but again these differences are very minute generally speaking all tears are about 99 Water by weight with salts being the next most present but why am I sitting here firing off science facts at you guys when food Theory's resident expert is right next to me in the kitchen oh hey put that degree to you Stephanie so here I am this is what that that money and all those years in grad school were for so we have multiple types of salt in our body we have NaCl sure we also have KCl um potassium chloride so yeah I didn't even go to school for this so Stephanie you're mentioning NaCl KCl what what is the definition of a salt that's a great question actually so salt is something that can be ionized and then dispersed in water it's basically water soluble ion so you might remember from that good old high school chemistry class that water is polar which means it has a negative end and a positive end and salt is made of a positive ion and a negative ion so when you put them in water they just disperse really nicely distribute their throughout the water where the positive end of water attracts to the negative ion of the salt basically a salt is where you have your periodic table right boom diagram of the periodic table here's our child's periodic table because we are Uber nerds right we have a three-year-old and it's like here's your first periodic table three-year-old we are the worst so no he thinks all the pictures are cool though so salt n a sodium over here already has a picture of salt on it because it's the most common type of salt but you can have lots of different types of salts and you basically take anything from this First Column and combine it with anything from this this column over here this second to last column and you're going to get a salt of some kind so Stephanie you're saying that based on this periodic table and everything you just said I can make salt using bananas and toothpaste yes definitely it's super yum anyway the idea here is that if we remove the water molecules from tears the ions and anions Left Behind will bind together to form salt and we can actually remove those water molecules super easily by collecting a bunch of our tears in a pot and then heating that pot to a boil the water molecule should all evaporate and all the salt will be left behind as a solid residue at least in theory but first things first we had to successfully collect a bunch of Tears so Steph and I started with a little trick of the trade that I used back in my acting days chopped onions let's do it guys onions like if you cry every time black if you cry every time oh there we go there we go Gotta stick it nice and close to your eyeball here you go all right why does this why does why do onions make people cry great question me onions are a classic example of an irritant that causes those reflex tears that we talked about earlier when the skin of an onion is broken it spews multiple compounds into the air which combine to produce propanethyl s oxide a gas that irritates our lacrimal glands which produce tears now back to our regularly scheduled kitchen Shenanigans where we're finally able to get some water works out of Staff hold on wait wait are you getting it oh yeah yeah let me use the Teeny funnel or pipette it's a jabber in the eye I didn't wear mascara today no what no it's there it's there there's not enough there for me to collect come on because your eyes are fairly okay we have to keep cutting and we have to barely walk this is terrible at the food theory used to be our favorite they're like what what happened I hate this channel ah oh that hurts that makes me want to cry oh God this is like ugly crying you better be getting all of this you have so much water on your face and none of it is usable why is it so moist all around her eyes I'm just I maybe I just secrete the tears straight out of my cheek oh that was a good one so collecting tears is really hard yeah that was um that was pretty much the understatement of the afternoon it quickly became apparent that basil and reflex tears weren't gonna get us the sheer amount of tear volume that we were after so Steph and I turned our Focus to The Last Hope emotional tears all right guys so how are we gonna collect salt okay so we need to start crying a lot uh there are a few ways we could try and do that fire up the Pixar Marathon fire it up I I don't think that's as much of a joke as we think it is I think we in the balls oh my God that would make me cry I I feel like you've accidentally fallen on things a couple of times and I think you more just ride in pain we'll learn a lot about ourselves today oh I know what we got to do guys okay Pixar movie marathon yes kicking the balls read the comments yeah we'll see you in the comments section see you in the comments [Laughter] you've lost relevance Sans is a mess this is going to be a great day it's gonna be a fun one wow that definitely is uh not ruining the moment there [Music] your face was just like moisture all over I'm better at producing rolling tears I think this is one of the weirdest things that everyone buy one I think it's very untasty time fleeting again yeah time is so fleeting dammits I don't care about the dog I care about lost time he thought it was hip every day [Music] it's gonna be some tasty popcorn so after two movies we've learned a couple things first off that I have bigger more Sumptuous tears than Stephanie Stephanie just oozes moisture but mine actually come in like big ball tears two we've realized that there's a really untapped market for just bottled tears hey if if Belle Delphine can sell her bath water I think we can sell our own tears is that like a health thing I don't know it's definitely it's all a health thing let me know down in the comments below how much would you pay for YouTuber tears for a milliliter of bottled YouTuber tears feels weird I think I think we might have enough we might get a couple of grains of salt but I think I'm gonna just go through two more movies to see if I can just add to this a little bit more so that's exactly what I did point is I went for it friends I immersed myself in sorrow I even went back to the comment section for sansa's nests remember when people hated on him for this Theory I do friends after hours and I do mean hours of trying to induce tears every way that we could possibly think of Steph and I were only able to produce about 1.75 milliliters of Tears between the two of us our research tells us that tears have a salinity or salt concentration of less than 10 parts per thousand basically that means that we would expect 1.75 milliliters of tears to yield less than .02 grams of salt and that is uh well it's it's not a lot for reference those infuriatingly tiny salt packets that you get from fast food restaurants like in and out and Wendy's yeah those contain .75 grams our expected yield was roughly 1 40th of that yes uh maybe Pixar movies aren't actually as sad as I thought okay okay I take that back I take it back I didn't mean a Pixar we're here emotionally drained but ready to eat cry sessions are over and I've got some unsalted very general popcorn oh garbage it needs salt yeah it's pretty bland I don't know if this is gonna help though so across our various watching this afternoon we've gotten about two milliliters of tears and what I assume is a lot of like makeup and bodily fluids because I don't know man this is disgusting looking it's really really gross don't do this don't try to don't try to harvest your tears it's disgusting I it's very upsetting to look at oh it's really it's really upsetting I it's actually making me kind of sick I don't want to look at it before we boil it so anyway yeah uh I'm definitely surprised at how milky and cloudy it is I think next time if we were to do this again I would probably it's like wash your face between each movie or something it's like sweat and other stuff it's gross it's really awful and we're not like disgusting people this is just disgusting stuff you know all right so you know if you have to say that you're not a disgusting person you're probably discussing we're probably we probably are we're probably gross people we have a three-year-old we're covered in germs so at this point we're gonna pour these into our Boiling Pot presumably boil off all the water and be left with salt there's not much liquid in here so I don't think it's going to take very long okay here we go so tears are going in oh boiling off immediately oh immediately hey oh it's gone okay look there it is look there's something scrapable there is a residue ladies and gentlemen we have a residue prepare that petri dish stuff oh geez okay we're gonna scrape out the residue which I'm sure is made up of salt I'm so excited that we actually got stuff out it's mostly my Foundation I think because there's no more on my face I'm I'm very worried about the amount that is your foundation as well as the amount that skin flakes it's non-toxic it's it's potable technically makeup right I don't buy cheap stuff wow wow there's quite a bit of flake in it there's there's a lot of something in here I'm actually surprised by the amount of stuff that came out of this that stuff by the way weighed in at .12 grams if our research is correct only about one-sixth of that plus actually salt what made up the other five sixths want to think about that too much because I'd prefer to get some sleep tonight but if I were to Hazard a guess I'd say Steph's makeup and a whole lot of skin cells are you gonna taste it are you gonna taste to taste whatever tastes salty yeah I'm gonna taste it okay go ahead and taste it what does that taste like huh you could lick my cheek and see how how similar it might be okay just get oh yeah that's it but this is giving you the actual flavor and I'm curious I need someone else to it's salty it is no it's so it's salt no there's a lot of salt in there it is salty it's weird there's also I thought it was gonna taste like dirt like the dirt on your face but it tastes like salt the salt in your sweat yeah When you sweat into your own mouth it kind of tastes like that okay so it's salt and I think what you're tasting is a very small sulfury taste do you know what I mean which I think might be the makeup to be honest yeah there's definitely a lot of salt flavor here so we're all set on the salt this absolutely worth 100 salt forward salt form but there is an aftertaste on the back end of it that has a I guess sulfuric flavor or maybe fleshy flavor it's kind of this like muted other flavor attached to it that I can't quite identify and I'm trying to equate it it's not lovely stop just eating your stop eating it well we're gonna put it on popcorn we have to have some left oh all right so here we go okay this is it friends wait okay prepare the four corn kernels I think this might be enough it might be four okay actually oh it's enough to sprinkle oh man yeah no I'm sprinkling it Matt do you want to get down here and get this sprinkle action oh it's it's definitely enough for four kernels so we'll have it going on I'm shocked by the amount of actual stuff particulate matter I don't think we should necessarily call it pure salt but particulate matter definitely gets this boy right here this boy right here is the saltiest boy it is the salty boy dink it here we go cheers how's Rhett and Link do here we go this is so something Rhett and Link would do here you go oh no here we go the first possibly the first ever kernels of popcorn salted with the tears of sadness tears of Sorrow over the teeth over the gums what does sorrow taste like me subtle it's subtle subtle but it's there it is salty a little bit of salt it's definitely saltier than the regular popcorn oh no oh no we didn't we did it oh no I don't know why I think I should be celebrating this but also at the same time I'm like we should definitely not be celebrating this so I mean I think we proved what we set out to do today we actually did there was a hypothesis we put it out there it was a meme and now it's real life everybody and I gotta say I am shocked by the fact that we were able to get that much salt out of like a milliliter and a half two milliliters of tears I mean it was amazing I I have to say for the amount of salt we got I do feel pretty emotionally drained yeah I I will say it was definitely emotionally exhausting and a lot of work to even get that much we've done it but also why wouldn't I just reach over to this and dump this right on there um so we're done right we're done we're done I want more of those stuff you know what stuff what based off of this and the success of this yes I want to see how much more we can do I want to see if I can figure out a way to solve a bowl no popcorn no no no this is like no no I can't More Tears wow but what if we harvested over the course of like a week no watch it we're gonna have a sad movie marathon no I'm not doing that Audi beaches and this is us you don't understand I will get I will be depressed well sure but you'll have salty popcorn oh no no no no no no no no you cry you cry I will be I will be over over there watching watching The Great British baking hold up [Laughter] what if sweat sweat salty we just we literally just compared it to sweat we literally said wow it tastes like the sweat that comes off your face that falls in your mouth except it's slightly less watery we're cutting we're cutting here we're cutting here this is it this is it you got it you got a new treadmill I'm a sweaty boy we'll Harvest it in no time you're a sweaty boy the amount of effort speed it's gonna happen part two let them know in the comments let us let us know down in the comments below sweat yes harvesting our sweat for salt coming to a food Theory Channel near you but hey that's not a theory that's a fact right Steph you're looking for excuses to exercise this is it synergy synergy in our life up top up top I got the up top we're doing it the theorists if you enjoyed watching us make fools of ourselves in the name of science might I recommend the episode where Steph and I try and fail to eat an entire Christmas tree the holiday season is upon us after all so go ahead click on that one right now get festive y'all and as a reward for watching all the way to the end here's a little food Theory hot Goss we're actually making a sequel to the Christmas tree episode this year yeah we are that dumb stubborn so keep an eye out for that episode in the coming weeks make sure you subscribed so that way it increases the odds of you seeing it when it comes out and as always don't forget lack if you cry every time
Channel: The Food Theorists
Views: 1,675,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: salt, popcorn, tears, salt from tears, salt popcorn with tears, how salty are tears, can I salt with my tears, can tears salt food, can tears salt popcorn, season, seasoning, popcorn seasoning, tears salt, salt tears, popcorn recipe, movie theater popcorn, movie theater popcorn recipe, food theory, food theorists, matpat, game theory, film theory, salt shaker
Id: qTm2KeGF79o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 35sec (1175 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 28 2021
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