Foiling with Household Items

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hi everyone welcome back to plum Mashable so today's video is very very different we're actually going to try and see if we can break some stuff so I have a bunch of things here that people have suggested using to foil with I've got an iron I've got a hair straightener we're gonna give some of these a try and we're gonna see how they work I'm not going to cut out any of my fails if I fail here we're all gonna laugh along with it together so if you want to see what does and does not foil using normal household items that you might have around the house there just ain't you alright so for all of these experiments we're going to keep a couple of things exactly the same so I have printed out a couple of these are just on a5 paper they should say dream then do over and over again this is something I've made myself just using Photoshop wasn't very complicated but that have all been printed on the same kind of paper at the same time which was about 20 minutes ago and they're all exactly the same so I can't say the paper has changed through any of these at least we keep me a constant the other constant we're going to keep is I'm using my fuse maps which is a heatproof maps and therefore I'm not going to damage my desk especially when we're using the iron and I'm going to iron press push whatever I do all through just a piece of scrap a4 paper that way it's going to stay the same as well I went through all of everybody's comments and I worked out like I'm collated at a list of what you guys thought would foil wouldn't foil things I can't do I can't print onto fabric so therefore I can't try fabric the same thing I can't print onto canvas so those two things I think I can do some more investigating on how you could print onto and foil but I think maybe a little bit out of the realms of what I am able to do if you are interested in those let me know down below and I'll see what I can do um the only one I'm a little scared of here is my hair straightener just because I love my hair Stern I don't want to break it but I'm going to give it a shot anyway so we'll start off with the iron because that seemed to be the most requested item I have so many chords on this desk right now it's ridiculous I also want to preface all of this we're saying if you are working with items that are hot ie hair straighteners or irons or fused tools just make sure you keep all the kiddies out of the way and just beware of where you put your hands I've burnt myself on my fused to once before and it wasn't enjoyable so I highly recommend not doing that so when it comes to settings I have this on a zero steam setting there's even more to point there's no water you can't at all this is just a normal iron iron so I'm not scared of breaking this because if we break it and we don't use it anyway and I have it on max if it doesn't work if this burns too much or something I will turn that down and we'll try again so I could do this through a tea towel I'm not going to I'm going to attempt to do it just through a piece of paper which hopefully will protect the protected iron from getting broken one of my scissors I know this isn't where they should be so just got some scissors and I'm just cutting out as much of the foil as I need this is Heidi Swapp silver foil I'm only using the silver because I bought it most recently so therefore I've got more of it never particularly careful and cut out the shapes just because I don't need to be I'm going to lay that down over the top you don't have to put too much if you don't want to if you want to just put just enough to cover you can and then we'll put a five Peter a four piece of paper over the top so just a scrap piece of paper though that's why sand doesn't have anything on there that could transfer I think you're okay so you need to make sure that the silver is down the nice side up so you've got the Madi kind of side down and then you've got the shiny side and then you put your paper over the top here you goes why am I scared so as far as I'm aware you need to use pressure and heat here so I'm pushing reasonably hard and just doing little circular motions just to see get the best results I'm just going up again and down again I'm killed my desk that's a good start paper feels hot though and we're gonna pull that up we actually might have a result here that's not bad so I'm just gonna give this just a little bit of a rub just to try and get as much as I can and then we're gonna pull that off Wow holy moly all right that's not perfect it's definitely not perfect in some of these it has it has actually foiled completely like this third line down nine fourth line down is third line down it's just about perfect some of the others are a bit patchy there is a little bit of transfer over here on the side but that's pretty good but that's about what I've got with my laminator it gives a really cool kind especially with this black it gives a really cool kind of half man/half silver effect that's really cool I'm really impressed with that well done iron I've now found a use for my onion I'm very impressed so I'll grade all of these at the end so at the moment we can say that the iron is definitely the front-runner I'm just going to write iron on the top here so that I know which page was what so our second tool that we're going to try here is my hair straightener this is a GHD this is why I'm scared because this is my pride and joy Ryan do you agree with breaking your wine you know now I'm scared I don't care about ruining the iron I don't use an iron no to use my pen straight like everyday all right we can this is how much I love you guys I'm gonna try this so I have another bit of foil and I have another one of the drain dues what I might do is just cut this a little bit smaller so that I can get my hair straightener all along the side so obviously this isn't gonna work for like whole pages but for small bits this actually might work so I'm just gonna cut this so that I've got just a bit of the dream dude about how that works and we'll just cut a little bit off the foil and like I said this is just Hardy swamp oil but you can use any heat transfer foil I'll read this to so it is silver reactive foil trying to say anywhere where it says heat but it doesn't use with the mink foil applicator well we're gonna try it without using that but anyway basically you just need heat I think and a little bit of pressure so we've got got that ready got our piece of paper I'm going to use a new piece of paper every time just to make sure that we keep as much fare as we possibly can I need a bigger bit because I'm scared of breaking it I'm sure it won't I'm 90% sure at one so I've got my foil in between my two bits of paper this one's obviously a little bit harder because you can't put it on a flat surface you've got to kind of wiggle it around a little bit if you really want it to be extra super careful and I think I will just because I am being a bit super careful with this one could put that the put the foil down put what you want to foil over the top and then just stick it down with some washi so I was gonna grab just some washi tape just it down the edges just so that they don't move now whether or not this causes an issue with the actual foil I don't know but I'm much more happy to kind of break a little bit of my experiment here rather than break my hair straightener I hope you guys understand that and so here we go we're gonna push down reasonably hard and then just push along I don't like the sound of that throw it my hair straight it's fine I think I just got a little bit too much on there on the foil bit so I'm just going over that a couple of times and exactly the same way I do my hair to be honest all right I will take the washi off carefully this is rather exciting I liked the review parts hope you guys are 6/5 in about this as I am blue that looks promising I'm just going to rub again same way I did before I'm just using the paper just cuz you get a better kind of rub I'm learning as we go here whoa whoops sorry that got stuck we missed the reveal okay that's very much more patchy there's whole bits where it hasn't worked and that's because you can't actually see where you straightening and the pressure isn't consistent because obviously I'm squeezing that and I can let go or not be as tied in some bits but it does still have foil there and I do still like the effect so it's definitely not as good as the iron but it does foil the past experiments at fire the experiment houses experiment just not as well so who really quickly try a little bit more I've got the other bit fear so we'll try it again and we'll try and be a bit more solid with it it's gonna cut a little bit of that off because I can't do that much [Music] all right and I'm gonna be a little bit more consistent with the heat this time and I'm gonna try and hold it as solid as I possibly can and ignore any weird hissing things kind of wiggling this because it's the smoothest way to do it pulling it doesn't seem to work nor does sort of pulling it down the paper yes I think because the papers got a little bit of slide to it no hair straight that's still fun so go over that a couple times once you've done the first one then it seems to slide along much more evenly just for where we've just put the straightener cursor paper is hot alright I'm just going to give it a rub again that's too hot and then we'll see how we went all right that one's a little bit better actually it's much better I think it was all just the consistency of the pressure does have a bit of a transfer happening there as though so the foil is better the foil is much much better but it kind of has a bit of a matte foil to it does that make sense like it's definitely not as shiny it's a different kind of shine because that's a real shiny the one you get behind is a real shiny shine both the straightener like the straightener on both of those is a bit more of a match on but that one's definitely more so maybe the more you heat it the more matte it goes I don't know but anyway straightener does does foil just have to be very consistent with the way you pull it through and the pressure that you put on it all right so for the next two Ryan has pointed out that doing either of these on here is going to be basically impossible so I'm gonna try them both using just these plain rectangles the first one you won't need to worry about ink I don't think I mean you won't have to do this square I'm just gonna do it because it's easy this one is a no heat way which we can do while we're waiting for my fuse daughter heat up so I'm using this Bostic glue tape any kind of double-sided tape here will work as long as it's a solid solid tape as opposed to my Coco yo dots obviously dots are gonna give you a dot pattern not a plane pattern so all we're gonna do here just put and this isn't gonna work as wonderfully cuz it's glue tape it's not coming down as evenly as I would like it but you can just put the tape down and then stick the foil over the top this is going to give you another different kind of effect and I have tried this so I do know it works it doesn't give you as nice or of effect and obviously you can't you can't do anything intricate you can't do anything that's more complicated than a basic shape but definitely is anywhere near as well as it be when I was playing with it you can foil with it it's just yeah the results aren't as wonderful as I would like them to be to show you what it looks like when you put the dots down like because it does look kind of cool I feel like I'm reading in Braille not that I know how to read in brown but the dots actually look kind of cool and if you could get it consistent which is really hard to do the dots would actually look really cool like on a border and look almost like washi tape and that would be really cool as well so that's another way you can foil it's probably the worst way you can foil because you can't control how much glue comes out you can't control where or where it isn't apache and but if you wanted to have a really good go at it with some solid glue actually well i'm here i just had a thought considering we were using our glue the other week let's see if it works with just plain ol glyphs i don't know if it will but we'll give it a shot I got glue on my finger so we're gonna just cover this up again you don't have to use the toner here or the ink square I'm just using it to show me where my guide is they're just covering that with glue Oh Ryan saying I should wait for that to get a bit more tacky so what we're saying oh I know what he means wait for when the foil I get it so I might have to do this one as you put it down but then wait till the glue actually dries just show you guys what it looks like I'm trying to do that without the creases but it's very hard so I'm really rubbing that in making sure that it's stuck solid and then we're gonna put that one off to the side for a little while and wait for that to dry while we try another technique with the fuse tool so for anyone that hasn't already seen I have done a full walkthrough or review of the fuse tool I don't use it anywhere near as often as I should which I really should use it more I just it's a sort of pain but it takes a while to heat up and it I never seem to get the fuse that I want but we're gonna see if it works here so the same thing applies here you can't use this to foil words in that sense what you could do is use it to draw on your foil so I've just placed that down just on mine on my black shape you are gonna have to do this on a black shape of some kind and just keep in mind that my writing is horrible just making sure that's warm enough and my writing is horrible so I don't know how well this is gonna work with my handwriting but I'm just gonna draw some little shapes on here [Music] I'm just putting even pressure here there's no sort of real hard pushing or anything we're gonna leave it like that am I gonna see what this looks like so one other quick thing I'm gonna try just on the side here I'm just gonna do like a scribble and then let's see what Wow great idea Brian this was Ryan's idea how good does that look okay you could get the same effect honest-to-goodness you could get the same effect with a pen light on a black piece of paper that's not what's surprising but that has come up absolutely perfectly this is a good way to use your little scraps I'm just wondering if you do like a square and then I actually color that in still gonna look like a light you've colored it and you can't really get it to be solid but I really like that effect I think that's really cool and the fact that you can do that in a bunch of different colors like obviously I've used a plain color like silver but if you could do that with a holographic gold or a holographic silver or even in a like a rainbow that would look really really cool and the shine on that's still really good I still think you could get the same kind of effect with just a silver pen I still think that's really cute I'm thinking washi tape right now I think you're making like a washi tape with that Oh ideas coming to me so the other way we're gonna use the fuse tool is I'm just going to grab a pair of pliers that's going to take the sharp tip off now you sharp tip comes with your fuse tool so that's easy to do I'm just unscrewing this at the moment really badly it's getting all tied up in my thing again whenever you're working with something hot please be careful and what I'm doing now is grabbing another one of the tips this was with my extra pack that I bought from blitzie tightening that up before it gets hot and this has got like a bit of a I don't know what you'd say that like a bit of a cross a patent ego look I just burnt my finger knew that would happen um a bit of a cross pattern and I'm just gonna see if this gets the same effect as that done so I'm just gonna wait for that to heat up and I'll be right back all right so my fuse tool is kind of heated up and but I just want to point out this is another one where you're going to need a black background you need something for the foil to adhere to so unlike when we did with the glues this one's actually needs something to stick to so you're pushing through the heat and the heat and the pressure react with the ink which is what's causing it to stay I think I think that works so we're gonna do just a plain line to start with I really suck at this I'm not very good and I'm just pushing even hate and even hate even pressure the whole way alone [Music] I don't know how you get across with it there is a nib though that does crisscross they'll pull that up and see what we get oh that's super cool Tony I love that effect that's awesome there you go boiling with the fuse tool I found another way to use my fuse tool I was just looking for ways to foil and now I found a perfectly good way to foil with my fuse tool so good that I'm in love with that again this is not a way that you can foil in the traditional sense but this is a cool way that you can use things you've already got around your house with foil which is an excellent court sort of extra thing you know I like that really do like that alright so we've tried all the things I can think of with heat could use it we we sort of thought about using a hairdryer but I don't think you get pressure with that right doesn't think you get pressure with that so it would just blow the foil away so that one's out you could use it like a heat press but we don't have one so that doesn't work and I couldn't really think of anything else that you could use around the house if you can think of something leave it down below and I'll happily give it a try as well so the last one we're just going to reveal how the glue went so just pull this off so that's not that's not bad it's not great but it's not bad definitely gives you the really high shine effect you might have to be a bit careful with where you put like where you're late now so you don't get those crinkles because I think that's what that was and that just might have been I didn't put enough glue there but that's actually turned up really well I think it's actually better or more consistent at least than the glue tape but there you go there's another way that you can use foiling with just stuff that you already have so when it comes down to ranking these I think I can really like to be a hundred percent fair I can only combine like compare what can do what with each other so when it comes to being able to do anything that you can print on so any shape any words anything at all I think the iron probably wins over the hair straightener I think you can get good result good results not great results but good results either way I think the iron is a lot easier to use definitely putting putting it down on a heat proof mount and just being able to go over the tops definitely a lot easier than with the hair straightener and obviously you can do it then on bigger pages the hair straightener does work if you don't have an iron a hair straightener would work fine but I'd probably go with the iron over the hair straightener when it comes to glues I think we're gonna go with the glue stick over the adhesive I think that works a lot nicer and then the fuse tool I don't really know how to categorize it but I just want to say I love this I love that pattern this is going to pop up in wonder one of my weekly decorations I can see it coming but I think that looks really cool and especially being able to do I can you imagine doing like a black washi and then just doing little hand-drawn Styles all the way along by how cute with that look and then just being able to put it in your planner just as black paper like obviously it's not real washi tape but it's just paper tape like that's easy to do and that would look really super cool I even think the scribble would look really cool so that's just another way to do it so I really like that way as well I'm really happy with all the results I think we found a couple of different ways that you can add foil to your projects if that's what you want to do obviously if you want it to look perfect if you want it to look the way it's going to look in the stores I'm going to be dead on us I still don't get a hundred percent perfect results even with my milk machine but I do get excellent results with them and ninety percent of the time they are consistent the biggest problem here is going to be consistency and that was the same problem I had with the laminator it just didn't quite give me what I wanted obviously there are still other ways that you could do this you could use this with baking paper in between the two instead of using a piece of scrap paper I just wanted to be extra super careful with especially my hair straightener and my iron because I didn't want to ruin them if I didn't have to do but that's sort of something that you can play with and now that you know it's safe it's not going to break your iron or anything don't play go and tell me what you find because I'd love to know what works for you what you found was the best way to do it and if you do have a way that has worked or even hasn't worked and maybe you think you're doing it wrong leave it down below for me and I'll do a little bit more investigating because I actually really enjoyed doing this video this has been a lot of fun that's it for today's video I hope you guys did enjoy it please give it a thumbs up if you did don't forget that my live video is tonight at eight o'clock Australian not don't like saying starless straight in Standard Time Eastern Standard Time and so if you want to come and hang out with me let me know what you thought of this video and if my other videos I have some cool stuff to show you as well you can do that so the be 8 o'clock here on my channel I hope you guys will come and hang out with me tonight if you can't I hope I'll see you again soon and otherwise I'll see you then bye [Music]
Channel: Plum_Mashable
Views: 214,982
Rating: 4.833292 out of 5
Keywords: foil, foiling, household, items, iron, hair straightener, craft, make, create, minc, machine, experiment, will it foil, ironing, heidi swapp, kikki, kikki-k, kikki k, kikki.k, we r memory keepers, blitsy, fuse tool, fuse, tool, heat, pressure
Id: q9F2HXz-moA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 32sec (1592 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 17 2018
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