Deco Foil Transfer Gel - 5 ways to use it

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hi everyone its Gina Kay and today on stamp TV I'm going to show you five fun ways to use the new deco foil transfer gel I'm going to show you how to use it with stencils and I'm also going to show you how you can stamp with it here are some of the projects that I made using the pieces that I created in today's video I'm going to show you how to use a stencil and some of the watercolor deco foil and I'm also going to show you how to do a tone on tone look like in this example where I use turquoisey card stock and some turquoisey fancy foil then I'm going to show you how to use a stencil and instead of using foil to create some sparkle and shine I used some of the Gina Kay designs prismatic glitter I'm also going to show you how to use ink to create color underneath a gelled stenciled image and then I'm going to show you how to use the transfer gel and your stamps so that you can foil your stamped images when you first get your deco foil transfer gel you're going to have to remove this protective seal underneath that just keeps it nice and fresh so that it's ready to use when you get it you're also going to need a spatula and I'm using one here from Ranger but you can use any spatula that you have even a kitchen style spatula I'm going to tack down this piece of turquoise sea cardstock using some blue painters tape it's a great way to tack down cardstock without tearing it and if you still find that it's a little too tacky you can always just touch it to your clothing first before you put it onto your cardstock now I'm using a stencil by Tim Holtz this is called this particular one is called lace and it's a beautiful stencil for this technique so now that I have it positioned where I want it I'm going to tack this down as well with some of that blue painters tape blue painters tape is a great economical type of tape to use for these projects instead of using your more expensive pretty washi tape so now I'm going to apply the gel I'm just going to scoop some out onto my spatula and smooth it on almost like I was smoothing peanut butter onto a piece of bread actually it's a little bit more like the consistency of mayonnaise so it's very thin and very easy to spread and you just want to make sure that you have a nice thin layer on there and put all of that excess gel right back into the jar you can use that again later now I'm going to remove this stencil and I'm going to gently hold it down while I peel off these pieces of tape I don't want the stencil to shift at all while I'm doing this process so I just have a couple more pieces of tape here to remove and now I'm going to pull this stencil straight up and then you can see the beautiful design left behind and then what I like to do is just toss my stencil into a little dish of water that I keep close by just to keep the gel wet so that when I go to clean it it hasn't dried onto the stencil now I'm going to lift that stencil up and I'm going to put it aside to dry now the way you will know that it's dry is once it's dry it will no longer look white it will just look clear and shiny like this so now it's time to add foil I'm going to grab a piece of parchment paper and I'm going to use an extra piece of cardstock inside the parchment sandwich and that will keep that'll keep things nice and straight and flat and it will also increase the pressure a bit so I have my turquoise sea cardstock and then my turquoise sea sand sea foil on top and I'm going to run that through the laminator you want to make sure you go fold side first once that comes out it's going to be a little bit warm but you can peel it right away you don't have to wait for it to cool and I'm going to peel this off and reveal the beautiful design underneath I'm telling you this gel is again changer when you think about all the things that you can do with a product like this isn't that pretty that beautiful shine and save that piece because that can be used with toner paper to create the reverse look so here's the finished card that I made using that piece and I just added one of the one of the foil mate's pieces from the wedding and anniversary collection and I did that in turquoise II as well so my next project is going to use craft cardstock so this is the genic a designs craft and I've cut a piece out three and three-quarter inches by five inches I will have all the measurements for these cards underneath the screen at Stamp TV and also in the description at YouTube and now I am going to put this stencil on top I love this stencil this is another Tim Holtz stencil and this one is called festive this is this is a great stencil for making Christmas cards and once you start using the gel you're going to want to make all your Christmas cards this way so now I'm going to grab some more of that gel and the same way I'm going to scoop some out using my spatula and then just put that thin layer on top of the stencil you can see how nice and thin that is and smooth that's going on it's really nice it's not a hard product to use it all and anything that's left on your spatula just put back in the jar because you can use it again now once again I'm going to carefully peel this tape off making sure that my stencil does not shift during this process and then I'm going to pull that stencil straight up and get it out of the way that one's going right in the water too and now I'm going to gently remove these little pieces of blue painters tape and then I'm going to put this piece aside to dry but you can see all of that white is going to turn to clear so here is the white piece the wet piece and then here is a version that I dried overnight and there's no need to rush you can make tons of these panels and just keep them around until you're ready to foil them they don't have to be foiled within a certain amount of time so I'm going to lay that craft card stock down and then I have some of this emerald watercolor deco foil and I'm going to send this through the laminator well you see how pretty this combination is the Emerald watercolor on craft so it's a little warm to the touch but I can peel it right away and I'm going to do that and reveal that beautiful festive design underneath there's something about that watercolor foil that is so beautiful isn't that pretty and then again save that extra piece because you can use that on another project now here's a finished card I made this uses the holly-jolly foil mates by Gina Kay designs and some of that beautiful fancy ribbon my next project is one I know a lot of you have been waiting for I'm going to show you how you can stamp using the transfer gel and the stamp that I'm using is from the fine feather stamp set this is by Claire Brennan and I wanted to use something that's very detailed you can see how these feathers are so detailed because I wanted to show you that you can really capture a lot of detail using this transfer gel so to begin I have my stamp on my acrylic block and I'm going to take a little bit of the transfer gel onto a paper plate so I'm just going to kind of put a thin layer onto a paper plate you can always go back and add more but I hate when it starts to dry out and I haven't used it all so I just use a little bits at a time I'm going to use a sponge dauber to apply this and I'm just going to pop that sponge dauber onto the transfer gel and then bounce it all over my stamp now this is not going to give you the same exact kind of design that the foil mate's would give you the foil mates are going to give you a very crisp design this is going to be a little bit more distressed but still it is so beautiful and it's a great way to make use of your stamps with the foil and when you stamp you want to make sure that you put a little pressure on it and then let it sit there for a second to transfer the gel from the stamp onto your cardstock it's a little bit different than ink so you want to give it just an extra second or two to really transfer and you're going to find that it's a little bit sticky so when you pull it up make sure that you really have a good grip on it and also on the cardstock so that's what it looks like when it's wet now while that's drying I'm going to show you how I clean my stencils and my stamps I just have a bowl of warm soapy water that I keep off to the side and as long as you throw your stencils and stamps right in there not go it's not going to harden at all it's going to be very easy to just wipe off just with your fingers and then just grab a piece of paper towel and you can dry that and it will be ready for your next project so there's not a lot of work involved if you do let it sit and dry it will be more difficult to get to get that transfer gel off now for the stamps I like to use a little stencil brush you can also use an old toothbrush but a stencil brush that's nice and kind of like coarse and I'm just going to get that stencil brush into some Dawn dishwashing detergent and then I'm going to just scrub scrub scrub until all of that gel is off of my stamp I've used this gel with both rubber and clear stamps and I haven't had any problems at all getting the gel to come off of the stamps I even let one sit for a little while and then I went in and scrubbed it and although it did take a little bit more work to get the gel off it didn't ruin the stamp at all but to make life easier clean it as you go just toss it right into some water to keep it wet and it'll just come off really really easily and if there's anything left you can just scrape it off so I don't know if you can see how clear this stamp is now but I might just hold it up against a piece of cardstock you may be able to see it a little bit better against something dark so let's see what that looks like so you can see all of the gel is gone off of that stamp and that stamp is ready to be put away or used for another project so now that these pieces are dry I'm going to show you a version that I did in the wild lilac with the feathers so I have wild lilac cardstock stamped with gel and then wild lilac fancy foil on top just for something a little bit different so let's see what this looks like and here's the big reveal oh look how pretty that is and you can see all of the detail that you get with that you get lots of detail all those little feathery parts look really quite lovely now I did one with a leaf stamp this was a more solid stamp and it looks a little bit distressed when you foil it so a solid stamp might have a little bit more texture than the actual stamp image but it's still quite beautiful i foiled this one in the rose gold and this is on dark chocolate cardstock so you can see how pretty that is and then I have one more that I wanted to show you I did that same leaf pattern on a piece of craft and I wanted to try the craft with some of the rose gold deco foil as well so that is a really interesting look it's almost a little more tone on tone but it's still quite different because the craft is so rustic and the foil is so Wow so you can see how pretty that looks together and all of these pieces would make beautiful backdrops for any card project so it's fun to try using different stamps both solid and detailed to see what kind of looks you can get you can really see that shine with that rose gold up against that dark chocolate my next project is going to use an inking technique so I'm going to just tape some Gina Kay designs layering weight white cardstock down onto my craft mat using some of the blue painters tape and I'm going to tape this stencil this is the this is a fun stencil by Tim Holtz and it is the Raye stencil and then I'm going to use some of the wild dandelion ink and just in a circular motion add that wild dandelion ink all the way up to the top of the stencil I am getting a little bit lighter handed as I get to the top so it's kind of a little deeper color down near the bottom and then you can just fill in any areas that you need to now I'm going to add a second color I'm going to add some of the sweet mango to this stencil so I've inked that up on the same sponge dauber and I'm going to add some of that and I'm going very light handed here I just want to add some color but I don't want there to be any definite lines I want the colors to blend you can see how nicely the genic a designs inks blend together so you don't have to worry that the inks won't blend ok so now I'm going to take the stencil off and I want to make sure that before I do the next step and I'm going to clean that stencil so I'm just taking a piece of paper towel with a little bit of soapy water on it and just wiping that ink off and now I'm going to add a little bit more color to this before I get to the gel part so I'm going to grab that sponge dauber again and I'm going to use some of the wild dandelion ink for this I did rub off that sponge dauber a little bit before I tapped it on the ink and now you can see I'm going to go over this whole thing again but it's not going to interfere with those beautiful rays of sunshine it's just going to fill in so there aren't those stark white areas in there and that gives it more of a overall sunny look and now I'm going to grab my stencil again because this is where the fun with the gel begins so I'm going to lay that stencil exactly where I had it when I added the color and it'll be very easy to see and very easy to line up I'm going to put a little bit more blue painters tape on the sides and make sure that this is nice and secure so that it doesn't at all and then I'm going to grab some of that gel so I'm going to grab my pallet knife and I'm going to spread that gel all over the surface of that stencil now once you've got all of that gel on there you want to do the same thing again you want to gently remove that blue painters tape holding the stencil down as you go so that nothing shifts and when you first see this it's not going to look like much it's going to look like oh why did you cover all of the beautiful color but remember the gel goes on white and once it dries it's going to dry clear so I'm going to remove the rest of this blue painters tape gently and then I'm going to put this piece aside to dry you can see what that looks like doesn't look like much but once it dries clear now you can see all of those rays are shiny and beautiful and then you've got that more subtle yellow coming in between for my final card I want to show you how to use the deco foil transfer gel with glitter and this is such a fun technique and it really contains the glitter so the glitter doesn't rub off very easily once everything is dry which I really like so now I've tapped down my piece of card stock and I'm going to angle this flourish stencil on its side like that and then I'm going to tack that down with a little bit more blue painters tape you can reuse the pieces of blue painters tape several times before they become too worn but I've done so many cards with this that I needed some new pieces so now I'm going to grab that that palette knife and I'm just going to spread that all on there a nice thin layer again you don't need very much for this because this is only going to grab some glue and once you've got it nice and smooth return the rest of that gel into the jar and then again being very careful to remove the stencil so you don't disrupt the design you don't want anything to shift so I've just got a couple pieces of blue painters tape here left to pull off and I'm going to pull that stencil straight up so that I don't ruin the design there we go and you can see that beautiful flourish underneath now this flourish when you add glitter to it it makes beautiful wedding cards it also will make beautiful Christmas cards and you can also glitter in different colors too so you're not limited to just the clear glitter like I'm using I'm using the Gina Kay designs prismatic glitter in the color frozen so this has a nice iridescent shine to it but it's still very soft and elegant but I can totally see this card being a Christmas card too so you can see all that beautiful glitter in there and it's almost got a little bit of an opal feel to it and right now the gel is white but once it dries and I'll show you in my finished card project here once it dries it dries clear so really all you see then is the glitter it's just beautiful it almost looks like a bridal gown and so I thought it was a perfect backdrop for a save the date card so I hope you've enjoyed today's stamp TV video and I hope you'll try some of these fun new techniques stay tuned to Stamp TV for more videos and thanks so much for watching
Channel: Gina K. Designs
Views: 226,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Deco Foil, Foil techniques, Thermoweb, Gina K. Designs, StampTV, Gina K., paper crafting, card making, How to make a card, stamping with foil, how to stamp and foil your image, Foil Mates, Minc, Foiling
Id: votcAZg1XHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Fri May 12 2017
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