How To: Foiling with a Laminator

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[Music] hi everyone welcome back to plum Mashable so this is a video that I've been teasing for a little while so ever since I got these gorgeous books from at kiki K I have been absolutely obsessed with foiling like this is beautiful and I had no idea how it was done and I love these books too much to actually tear apart so what I did is I went googling and found out about a thing called a mink machine and a meat machine basically a heat like a heating machine that transfers foil like this one from the foil to the paper I explained that really badly but you get the general gist I'm sure most of you know what foiling is anyway um when I went looking for it I sort of thought that the the mink is a little bit expensive it's like 120 dollars for the mini I think is 199 this is Australian dollars for the actual main big size and I just thought that was a lot of money to spend on something that really only does one thing so what I did was I went googling again and found a couple of tips on YouTube about using just a normal old laminator to do the same thing because basically your meat machine is just a heating machine and so there's nothing that your laminator can't do so what I've been doing is kind of experimenting with a bunch of different foils so I've got a luthier and I'm going to sort of walk you through each of these one by one and then show you how I've been using it in my meat machine and how the what the results sort of come up with on different surfaces and using different kinds of printers so to sort of start off with I'll show you the different kinds of files that I've been playing with so I've got these four and these are all ones except for this one are ones I'm actually going to show you what the result is when you've been using it so this one you would have seen in my blitzie haul the only reason I'm not going to show you this is because I only have four pieces of this it's come a long way I can't buy it anywhere else so I haven't been playing with this one yet I'm sort of saving it for a special occasion but the rest of it I have plenty so these are four different rolls of meat foil I bought them all from from spotlight I have the rose gold the gold the silver that's not silver that's a holographic silver and teal and then I've got these two as well I found these at spotlight the other day but I know you can also get them at Lynn craft these are the couture creations and heat activated foils and this one's in the gold sparkles I'm trying to find the actual name of it gold foil iridescent speckled and this one is the silver foil matte material so these two are actually really similar but they just have a slight different finish which I really really enjoyed so that's all the different foils that I'm going to be showing you the different sort of I guess finishes or different things I'm going to be foiling to sort of show you how they all work so I have three solid stars so on different so I've got just a plain white star I have a star that I have printed on black paper and a star that I've printed on vellum so these have all been printed using a laser printer with any foiling you need to be using a laser printer if you haven't got one at home and I'll put up a picture now of the one that we have this is one that Ryan's work provides so it's not definitely not one that the everyday person needs nor should have but Ryan works in this sort of field so he's very lucky that he gets a big printer but if you haven't got a laser printer at home you can just head down to office works or anyplace like that and they will be able to print out for you and the other thing I'm going to be showing you is just this just to show you something a little bit more and delicate I guess this is a printable that semi-firm planners anonymous sent out to everybody who had been subscribed to the the free spirit kit just little words they look gorgeous and I just thought this was a way to be able to show you sort of what it can do a little bit more delicately any of these can be printed out they can just google and probably can't get this exact one there's something similar you can Google Images it and just put it into Photoshop and print it out it's really really easy so we'll start off we're just showing you how I guess you use the basic style of it I'm going to grab some of this foil out and what I'll do is I'll show you once with one color and then I'll go ahead and do it all with the other and then we'll send it all through the laminator at the same time so I tend to keep little bits that sort of scraps just so that I don't waste any so I'll be able to use a couple of these here so you just grab the foil it is really light it's not a heavy material at all and so I'm just going to cut this bit here in half and you just lay it over what you want to foil so I'm going to go ahead and do that for all of the rose gold bits whoops I've even got some heating up there it's hidden everywhere just trying to see if that's enough to go over there you don't need to have too much more than what you need unfortunately anything that you don't use basically gets wasted so try not to put too much unless you have to do see like that one's really close to not fitting but it is going to sit there nicely so that's okay and then with the rolls not just to show you how it sort of comes out here so it is if you're gonna fill up in these rolls I'm pretty sure the big rolls 1995 just from spotlight you can also buy them on at crafts online I know I'm slightly off camera here I'm just tryna cut it straight knees a bit closer to me and you can get them from craft online you can't also get them from Lipsy and I'll put links down below so you can try and find them and there are heaps and heaps and here it's a different color that's so if you don't like rose gold if you don't like the teal and you can obviously try as many different colors as you like the reason that I have so many different colors other than I want to use them and why I'm going to show you so many different colors today's because some of them do better through the laminator than others some work really well some don't quite work as well so you just it's a bit of trial and error when you're not using the proper meat machine and I haven't actually ever used a mink so I don't know how this technically compares to the meat machine but um if you've been following me on instagram you'll know that I purchased a cricket last week and I'm teaching myself how to use that at the moment so I'll show you once I actually know how to use it I'll do a full tutorial on it but I can't really justify spending more money on another machine when I just bought my cricket so one dove at a time but this it really has worked out to be a good way so there's all my little bits or covers what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna cut them all out I'm gonna sort of snap to it because it's gonna take me a long time to do this I'm gonna cut them all out cover them all up and have them ready to go through the laminator show you how it goes through the laminator and then we'll do a big reveal at the end so I'm gonna go ahead and get all the other ones ready and I'll be back in just a second alright so I've now cut out six copies of every sheet in the right size and so as you can see I've got a lot of piles here if you buy the mink machine you actually get a protector to send it through your laminate because you can't just send it through you can I've seen videos of people doing it but I think it's I don't want to be the one testing it in case I break my laminator and obviously I don't have that protective sheet and when I tried to buy it on glitzy it wouldn't send it to Australia which i think is a little odd but what I've been doing instead whoops push it's just protecting it with a piece of a4 paper that I have folded in half this is just slightly heavier than normal paper but obviously that's in a paper you can get the better don't use bail on low that might waste a piece of vellum so all I'm going to do and I'll just sort of show you on this one and then I'll actually send it through the laminator and a second I've got to get it to heat up so you just put the bit that you want straight in there cover it up and then that goes through the laminator just like that so I'm gonna go and heat my laminator up and I'll be back in just a sec so this is my laminator this is just a Lowell one that I bought from office works so long ago I actually don't remember it's just an a4 sized one but any kind of laminator will do I haven't seen anything on any youtubes or any blogs or anything that says it needs to be a particular kind of laminator just anything that's going to heat up a lot it's going to do the job all right so my little green light has gone on which means we are ready so what I'm going to do is put a couple I think I can put two in here at a time and it'll fit nicely could do three but I don't I don't want to I think three might be just a bit much so you put it exactly where you want it make sure your foil is covering your design and then close it off and I always put mine in spine-first just I feel like it secures better that way less chance of it wandering around and you just wait for it to pop out the other side then you can see this is now stuck it's not going to come off I'm gonna leave that and I'm gonna do it all at the end we'll do a big reveal thing at the end so I'm going to go ahead and throw all of these through the laminator just to show you with something slightly bigger I'll show you this one as well so just put that in the middle make sure it's in the right spot make sure it's at the top right said to put it at the top so I'm doing what Ryan says and just wait for it to take [Music] obviously you can use a ton of different kinds of paint like different folded bits of paper if you want to but just using the same one over and over again works really fine so we go ahead and put all of these through and then we'll be back for the big reveal alrighty so we now have a lot of paper sitting in front of us ready to be revealed and I'm very very excited and so I'm gonna start off with the rose gold ones so I'll show you all of them in turn so we'll start off with the big one and what I found is easy to have no idea if this is up the right way or not that's not that way and it's just to be really gentle with it and just peel it off slowly and that tends to get the best result so that has just about come off perfectly I don't think there's actually any black coming through and then hopefully you guys can see this I'll put zooming in as well but that's just about perfect except for one teeny-weeny little spot so that's the rose gold there and then showing you on all the different kinds so then we've got the just the plain white paper so they're not always exactly perfect sometimes they're generally pretty close that one's got a couple little speckles on it and I got the black whoops I actually like that effect though I think if that was the thing with this car but I think this cardboard happens to be just a little bit and textured and that's why that does that but I actually really like the way that comes off and then you've got the vellum I've just missed a little bit with the corner there and it's done something similar with the vellum I think it still got a really nice finish to it that looks that looks really cool even if it's not a full solid color so it's the rose gold the reason I'm showing you all different ones on different finishes is because each of the different foils actually finishes slightly differently so by showing you as many as I can I'm hoping you get sort of the gist of how all of it works he could if you would that way inclined use this like redo this that you can probably put that in like a paper frame and use the reserve reverse side if you wanted to I love the way this blue comes up and that one has come up just about perfectly so just I don't know if that's actually translating very well in the lights but I'll keep giving it a shot and then I'll do the zooms as well slight imperfection there but generally pretty good the black Alex I call though and unfortunately matter how many times I did that I probably wouldn't replicate it but I just think it looks awesome well that one's turned out good this one I think I like the blue I think in all my experiments the blue always comes out really nicely and then just to show you what the reverse theme looks like again that would look cool on its own as well so then this one is the Heidi Swapp holographic because we've got two I'll just be really particular on which one is which this one's the Heidi Swapp one now I'm pretty sure with the holographic sand this goes for both of them I've put them horizontal so the holographic tends to go that way and you can obviously put it around the other way and then it goes a slightly different way and I think I have a one I was playing with I'll get that out in a second and show you what I mean by that we're going the other way and you've got your white paper I guess that kind of gives this you see this kind of shows you what I mean so you can't have it that way and the holographic goes up and down or you can't have it that way in the holographic go to sideways how cool does that look I've missed a little bit on the corner there which doesn't look so great but I love the way that's come up and then we've got hello the Vallum doesn't look quite as good not sure if you can send them through the laminator twice I haven't tried it often enough to know if it makes a difference I think it's for me it would just be a lot of waste but useless use of the foil because you really can't use this bit again and I just have a feeling that sending it back through again with a different piece of foil would just be kind of wasteful then we've got the gold this is again the Heidi Swapp one and I'm really impressed they've all come off perfectly like a couple of the ones I've been playing with beforehand have been a bit more hit and miss like they haven't come across quite so nicely with the finishes especially on the on the words that's just about perfect look at that so cool I'm kind of trying to go a little bit faster here because I know that this is all getting a little bit boring just watching me peel that one looks awesome and we've got the vellum hoping this one looks good especially at Christmas this has got some really good ways that you could use it you could make almost all of your own decorations if you wanted to inform them if you're going to make them out of paper so this is the King country what the brands called sorry the couture creations holographic foil so it is slightly different to the Heidi Swapp one I think it's got more of a matte finish I think is what they say so it definitely looks slightly different when you look at it on the page and I'm hoping when you when i zoom in you'll be able to see that that just looks awesome so pretty quiet yeah that one hasn't worked very well okay we kind of decided that doesn't work so well on the plain white paper with the black which is weird you'd think it would look just as good as it would on the solid but oh well that one looks better the holo on that is awesome and the vellum okay then if you rub them they might make a difference and they still need a little bit more experimenting with these obviously but you're getting the general gist this is the last one this is again the Couture creation since the gold sparkles it's one there that haven't quite worked that's okay love this one I'm not generally a gold person that something about the speckles just gets me every time not the white oh that one hasn't worked at all I have to flow that send that back through again before I unpeel it properly yeah that one hasn't worked either try the vellum I might have to do one will run through yeah that hasn't stuck down so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna peel this off I'm gonna put these all back through my laminator again so you just give me two seconds and I'll run them back through again I'm gonna try without the paper on top I'm not afraid that it's going to break so I'm gonna run these through my laminator your friends going to heat it up and everything but I'll show you guys in fast motion so you can sort of watch along so I'll do that in fast motion [Music] so I had a slight panic with this one I thought it got stuck but it didn't so I wouldn't have a see what this looks like hoping that it there we go okay she's not perfect but still so good black whoa that looks awesome how good's that I love when things work not better but differently than what I thought they would this one I've missed a corner so it's ok that one's turned out really nicely as well you can't just rub some of this and like I said I still need to do a bit more experimenting to see what works best just from doing that I'm a little bit less worried now about putting them through without the paper on top and I think I might try a couple more doing it that way to show you sort of something that I've made with it this was right at the start when I'm just sort of started experimenting with this but this was just a was it in this one I wasn't in my other one must be my other planner so right oh don't I'll just grab it in this one I did know that I just forgot and so that was just one that I did right at the start just with a dream then do kind of motifs that I printed out just did that on and on Photoshop and then put it on some black paper there's a couple of little spots here where it's not quite so great but generally speaking it turned out really nicely so there's just a way that you can use these in your planner I am experimenting with making stickers and things now so that's sort of something that I'll probably end up using these for but just in general that's a way that you can save yourself 150 to 200 dollars by buying yourself a meat machine especially if you've already got a laminator but my best advice with it these grab yourself some of the foil these little ones from spotlight or link craft I think these are only like eight dollars I think for from glitzy I think this one I got from 412 they're not all that expensive if you want to just grab a little roll to play with grab yourself some printables the kick ek printables would be really good with some of this guy's I've just realized that I'm gonna might have to do one next month depending on what it is but just experiment with it see what you get no two are ever going to be exactly the same and I don't know if that's a drawback or a good thing I'm not quite sure but I'm gonna have a certain certainly going to have a bit of a play with the foiling from now on and see what I can come up with so please give this video a thumbs up if you did enjoy it thank you to everybody on YouTube and I can't name all the videos I watch because they were far too many but thank you everyone on YouTube whose idea this was this one certainly wasn't mine but I just thought I would show you how you can use your laminator now I'll link a couple of the videos down below so you can go and check them out if you want to I no idea where the idea came from bomb is jumping on the bandwagon here and make sure you subscribe so you don't miss any of my videos remember my live video is coming up next Wednesday night at 8 p.m. Australian Eastern down daylight savings time if there's anything in that video you want to see let me know down below or you can find me on any of my social medias hope you guys have a really really awesome day and I will see you again really really soon thanks a lot faith [Music]
Channel: Plum_Mashable
Views: 839,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: foiling, foil, minc, minc mini, minc machine, heidi swapp, stars, vellum, laminator, heat, cheap, frugal, save money, lowell, officeworks, spotlight, lincraft, couture creations, holographic, silver, gold, rose gold, decorate, make, create, kikki.k, kikki k, kikki-k, kikki, planner, plannerlove, planner love, planner lover, #kikkikplannerlove, #plannerlove, plan with me, new techniques, craft, paper craft, foils
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 2sec (1382 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2017
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