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[Music] [Music] welcome back to the channel guys and girls and yet another customer from bristol to me yeah market st last week that was a new customer from bristol so they like us don't they yeah sd250 in a crack in spirit blue yes crack for example as you can see i'm going to explain that but it's got a stock exhaust at the moment we'll talk about i'll show you on the bench in a sec i'll just quickly just run through what we're doing so we're going to be changing the exhaust just cap back we're not going to be you know it's not going to anything more than stage one power so cap back but he's gone for the mountain we'll show you that in a second uh reeval rear motor mount we advise that he changes that because you know if you put him more aaron talk through it you want to stop that from jumping around in you and we all hop in and i also said before just losing the you want to try and keep the power on the road not lose it through you know movement around in transmission and you know and all that sort of stuff all right so that's what we're doing on that printer regal stage one on it and sbs switch to go with it and also we're gonna put a forge free circ the recycle valve which makes sense to do that at the same time while we're here it just you know it's better than the standard plastic one it's got stronger as you will put the strongest spring in it and then that'll just aid you know with the the delivery of the power and the torque you know with the boost side of it so it doesn't drop off spin around on the bench now so he got the customer supplied the mansion exhaust he's probably i said to him uh good luck getting one of them i think he was just fortunate that he went on to went online and then spoke to them to make sure that they had it stopped they have one and he grabbed it because of more often than not they don't carry anything you know they don't make anything so they don't carry anything so it's just uh they just supply stuff as far as i'm aware um i could be wrong i mean again comments down below if you if if i've got that wrong and they do make everything then then um you know i'll be stand corrected but as far as i'm aware they everything's sourced out but what i must say is the mountain tunics and i've always said this the mountain exhausts or whoever makes it from is quality you can tell that i mean it's not you know it's the finish on it the world finishes on it the flanges so you know time effort has gone into that and it's been thought about and yeah it's it's good quality there's no question about that forward three circle which is there's your little spring in your seals right so it's about anywhere in it so you can't mess around here yeah so that's your operator both pretty straightforward reveal remote mount we've talked about that many times before and sps switched to go with the rim software so what we'll do first we'll get the exhaust we take those pictures but we'll do bits and pieces as we go we'll get the exhaust off the car we'll just fit the mountain exhaust on it get that out of the way first do the room on my own do the bits and pieces and then we'll photograph it we'll do another vid as we go to me in it yeah and then timmy can tag them all together to do a compute one right the exhaust is fitted my hands are dirty my gloves split i think you've already spread the hair on that time so yeah come under it quite simple two bolt flange from the this original wii cap while we're here look remote mode all done let's fill it up all right yep we talked about previously you've got a sleeve joint there with the mounting one and then it runs around bracket there another two bolt flange fit there look it goes up over the axle now originally there isn't he looking that down on the floor hasn't got an extra support one yeah the bracket's there on the body but there's no rubber and there's nothing on the exhaust so when you replace it that does have one so it's extra support all right so we just you know we've got those i'm kicking right into me to me yeah do that i'm running to me so you've got the another sneaker like i said it's just two silencers it's resonated and then it comes around and then you've got another sleeve there obviously there with the band clamp and then around nice bracket set up there tail pipes are set you can't move them in or out twist them around it's this that you adjust so we just have the customer in just to find out whether he wants the tailpipes out or in i generally just my own for just choice for me i normally have them sticking out a bit reason for that is you got all the smoke in the gases and that sort of stuff you want it like further away you don't want it like if you have them further in you're going to start like blacking them up all your bumper and all the smokes and be coming up you know so just you know and plus having a motorbike you see the logo on this case being matching on it the other thing with this is you've got to reconfigure the shield so the easiest way we find it doing it to get this bit over the axle you know where it's on the two bolts around anyway so the suspension's hanging but you'd be different matter on the fourth bookstore you'd be struggling like mad but you could we took all the heat shield side of it down and just moved one bit of each shield out of the way so we got the space into um slinging over yeah that's done just got for the little trim up and then we'll open up the regal software check all that and then we'll be pretty much done to me when we yeah so right sd 250 back down on the deck now we was all on that's all been talked about on the trees all back on we left that off just we could show you the uh the rear motor mount fitment on the reading side of the exhaust is all done that's what bought it up and then we're installing the regular stage one software sps switch which we'll speak to the customer but it's straightforward to use you on this particular blog we're loading up a 95 98 run fuel map anti-theft will be on as well so it's basically split between you know whatever if you get stuck as i've always said and you can only get access to 95 wrong fuel then you can click it to the sbs switch and the software will recognize that and adjust it accordingly but to be honest um you know that's quite rare for that to happen you could run it on v-power anyway so the 99 or 98 you're not on the highest top 10 you can it's my voice and then the antidote which is really good so we're just installing that now it doesn't need uh sometimes it'll need a superseded stock file first doesn't need it just straight onto the roof of stage one and then once we've done that we'll fire them up do a little late test on exhaust make sure that's all good and then we'll go real testing to me when we yeah do a bit of date logging get the laptop on it make sure that it's doing what it should do and like i said regal software is superb there's no you know i've never had any issues with it and we've done quite a few in different various models it always does what uh well it says on the tin to me yeah that's what it says yeah then we'll come back put the car on the other ramp once the exhaust is out of heat cycle we then need to go around and just recheck all the tightness of the nuts and bolts and clamps and all that sort of stuff really important to do that after it's kind of heat cycle just expand and contract again you need to probably get a few few turns on it and then we'll uh yeah we'll hopefully well i'm more sure that um will be back it does live right up you know from going from stock to real stage one just makes the the drawing experience that much better you know through the acceleration mid-range top end it's really really good so you can assisted launch control as well which is pretty cool but we'll speak about that anyway as we normally do and you'll get this regal passport this is like a little service let's see if we have done it when he had if he wants to go to the room stage two which most customers do he'll then need the additional hardware i.e work intercooler um intake sport cat and then he's ready to go to stage two and you'll get being a regal customer uh loyalty is there and then you'll pay a small amount to go from a stage one to a stage two so they always tend to look after you so yeah we'll get this bit out of the way and then we'll go we'll fire him up let me listen to the exhaust we'll go road test and then come back and do it finish up so catch up soon right laptop's gone cage is gone regal software is all installed and we're ready for a fresh fire up to me yeah yeah really there we go viewers this is uh resonated so it is going to be boyfriend say a miltek rez but that's what the customer wanted he didn't want too much grammar going on there i mean the militech's not in non-res it's not intrusive anyway but people tend to you know what they want to think about their neighbors and you know someone noise some know what we're doing come up here [Music] we're a little bit cramped because uh i left the body open but anyway i'm okay you're a bit taller you can't come under here to myself yeah yeah here we go as i said because it's got this huge torpedo center silencer and another silencer there it's going to be a lot quieter even though you've gone straight through and then straight through we'll see that so i've not not fitted one of these a mounting system yet to an sc-250 the wood that combined with the room stage one one take it for a drive and then i'll give you the feedback in what it sounds like like same point nice sometimes when there's silence they sound quite nice [Music] everything is all good like i said it always is not one yet this uh played up we do more checks beforehand anyway before we install software just to make sure that everything complies with it but it you know with uh what we want and uh yeah so those uh goes very well this one i'm really impressed with it don't james we're into the car just been having a chat on his way back to he's going to be setting off soon he's going to have a interesting drive back you'll find the the difference when it loads it up with the power and the talk through through the gears you know i've told him which gears are best and so he'll have lots of fun and then he'll give us some feedback on the social media which is good i always want that to you know i wanna feedback with from customers letting me know what it's like and then gives you guys and girls a chance to see it as well and um you know maybe if you've got an st250 yourself then it might be something that you might want to do but as we can see that to me on the mountain tailpipes look pretty cool didn't they yeah see on these there's no it's not like the miltek ones where you can choose different styles that's how it is you know you can move it up and down in and out that's it there's no not as much adjustability with them but and it sounds quite cool actually it's resonated like i said it's not like a um a middle tech for example where it's going to be a bit you know more like gravity and so it's quite subtle actually i quite like the little little pops on there when you come off throttle which is really good um tiny usual vibration minor vibration on the rear motor mounts which is quite normal for the revo or any other mount to be honest it's polyurethane instead of rubber so it'll settle in and then that will sort of like disappear but you know people panic about it you know what it's also vibrating it's not it's rear motorbike um research revolve all done that helps just keeps hope to boost a bit you know stops it from dropping off it's an upgrade and um yeah that's that's it really all done not a satisfied customer and oh they've got plenty to do to me and we yeah so it's not yeah we just need to crack on there so thanks ever so much for watching uh guys and girls it's about an sd250 so if you own an sd250 then you know what to do give us a give us a call uh preferably a phone call not messaging me because i haven't got time to put that messages number a bit old school i prefer either you give me a call and we'll discuss your requirements or come and see me in person if you're close enough also same thing because i've got your requirements all right i'll keep saying that it's not you know um people get an idea that i don't reply to messages well i've seen it but i've got time to start replying to this you know i've spent a lot more time doing that so please if you're interested give us a give us a call that's that's the um the way i like to do it all right so usual thing like subscribe hit that bell notification button don't forget that comments down below really important there's a few there to be one there today on this video yeah about certain things especially about that too yeah some people know what it is we're giving a bit of a clue anyway didn't we yeah so there we are uh yeah great until the next time [Music] ciao
Channel: MJ Performance
Views: 5,236
Rating: 4.6363635 out of 5
Id: pupXnEOOWqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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