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[Music] all right guys girls welcome back to the channel i got timmy on the camera today it was td the weekend have a look here to me for the viewers new customer he's coming all the way down from bristol i've not had a race red one in yet i like this i think it's the first one that i've seen actually so it's an st3 fully loaded mark a cracking it's got all the full led lights on it everything and it's coming down for a real stage one software and sps we've done a few of these now he'll be really um as i said before you can have a cracking drive on the way back and i'm sure he'll uh certainly let me know what his thoughts are on it but going by other customers well if you've seen that and read the comments you know one of my customers done a bit of a detour a few hundred miles because he was that impressed with it he just couldn't get out of the car fantastic so uh apart from that let that one flow there to me so we're also going to be fitting a set of ibac lauren springs reason why the customer wanted eye back he only wanted to drop it down 20 mil he didn't want it you know the engine ours which would go 30 35 so we had the option wanted to stick with the the eye back which is fair enough and customer you know they decide what they want and then we'll go with that and then you know advise them accordingly as we go it's pretty stock on the exhaust the wheels brakes and all that sort of stuff there's nothing's been done on that again it's all pretty stock nothing's been changed i've spoke to a revo panel fitter please gonna have a little think about that he's gone off now to um do what he's got to do for the for the day and then we'll uh you know he's gonna have a little thing and then let us know on that but that's two minutes to fit in it to me yeah but yeah cracking for example low mileage as well but yeah i'm excited about this one we'll um you can see that to me we'll uh just focus in on the side like the way that it's sitting at the moment with the stop clearance and the stance so when we get the imac springs on it we'll then roll it back let it settle and then we'll carry on the uh on the video and let you see what it looks like with regards to the the springs obviously the rainbow software i can't enough of them ready to see on that they're apart from the laptop of me installing it other than that it's um sort of just be the spring side of it yeah let's crack on with it right stripped so the structure all down there we'll show you them in a minute this particular side because of the way the bolts go in they go in this way the other side they go that way so you have to just take out the slapping off the bottom carrier bulb take the top one out caterpillar move forward um basically it's a it's a mark seven it's the same as the mark seven hub cell exactly that's all done over to the floor area for me yeah yeah we've already showed you the imac springs we've now got the near side off side there ready like i said same demarcus hasn't really it's not you know too difficult got the uh tool to uh make it a bit easier for ourselves unless you're that strong interesting minute to me imagine if you found somebody was really strong and you wouldn't need that they could just go like yeah just compress it down and then you just hit the knot off and then catch the next one yeah do you know anybody let's do it back together here we are back springs everything's which is far more straightforward to me yeah straight forward to be honest in there yeah all jacked up on the rear incidentally the action stands are sort of at the same time yeah what are you trying to say to me that we've got all different colors nice and easy because then we can control the lowering of the axle one thing you mustn't forget viewers if you're thinking about doing this yourself this has got the led lights on it all right so that's your self leveler that attaches to the axle so if you leave that on there you drop that down you snap it and that's very expensive so it's just about looking around in it it's easy it's easy to forget to take that off and then that's what will happen so this is all drop down ready to go spinning around there timmy so we've got your uh original springs front to the side rears right rear right left so that's where we'll be fitting them to the inner yeah as you can see when you look at it you think there's not a lot of difference but they're tighter coiled springs so when you put the release the pressure and put the weight down on that they will sit down and it's going to drop it where it's 20mm all the way around that's it really so we'll crack on and get the these fitted off then we lower down we'll share that with you and then we'll get on install the switch around to put it over there and then we'll get the ribbon installed right back into the car springs are in everything's all done tight paint marked lower down that's that job done in it on that just to make sure we're putting the right place in here yeah we've got all this little problem as well yeah well i'll say this is out of the middle technique exhaust on it at some stage or or a performance exhaust obviously because they've retained the original which is the right thing to do it has to be cut anyway and then when you want to take the exhaust off previous owner and then that's the that's the norm and then you just put the original sort of back on it but the only thing i would say is uh how shabby has that been done by a hash off no i can't let the car go like that that's not me so that i'll have to be addressed i have to rectify that and i'll show you afterwards um i mean the steve that i use can't really do much about that but i mean blimey what they've used they use the v-band clamp he's just gashing it and then that one's all right that's not too bad yeah so as far as that's concerned we need to uh even better off just putting two exhaust clamps on it would look better than that it yeah hey i see it all to me didn't we yeah that's it i just sold this problem rebel software all installed first off i think i mentioned this on what i would have on the last video with the last one that we've done with market st superceded stockpile had to go on not always the case but on this particular one yes superseded reboot stock file to bring up today then we've loaded on the revolve stage one software switch which is there let's pull that out in a sec springs are all done this last thing is to just thought that um that roller super duper exhaust repair yeah yeah that we saw we got saw that once we sort that out we'll show you you know it repaired and then show you what they put on it i don't know what it was but i don't really care but yeah there you go so six squats so that's your 20 mil drop with eye back spacers and it looks really cool race for everyone this is just my opinion i think that's the best color i love race red well we've got our little beast's race red yeah i just think it's a it's not it's not an optional color it's not on you know another 800 quid whatever it is for it i think it's it's the best color if you like red if you think red hang best color think it is you know st is like red in it but rs is blue sorry let's get these off them all right so everything's all done now the car is up in the air i've just been for road tested a bit of daylight and make sure that it's doing what it does i've always said i've not had one yet it doesn't do what it does we've loaded up the 95 97 100 octane map using the extra variables bit of overrun especially on the track so if it was a trap load so let's say we'll talk about the fudge up i mean it does timmy yeah yeah so quite clearly i've just spoken to the customer and he didn't buy the car new so he's not aware of what's the past history with it with regards to what's been done he didn't know they'd had a aftermarket exhaust on it obviously has because they've cut it which is the right thing to do it could have been military anything and then they joined it back on the standard exhaust when they well they've sold it come from a deal with this car so all i can say is the car has obviously not been through their workshops for a check because if it would why would you ever leave that to let that out to a customer like that insane so that's peter's view you know the other day that's my opinion and i see it all the time i don't know what did it was i don't really care but so we put that right so on the concealer so they put the wrong size on as you can see that it's all because it's too big it's all crushed it they it was like clamping so much it was trying to compress and just crushed in they fused well obviously that goes with it but they'd use the v-band clamp as well to go on it pumped it with exhaust paste which is not a good idea never use that you know it goes hard falls off but it's pointless it's absolutely pointless right especially if you put it inside then it travels because it gets stuck in its house it can go up to the gpf cause all sorts of problems then wrap it around inside the box body as you like don't use any of it get it all nice so go back on it so that was all for all the exhaust space so we've had to clean that off get the old emery cloth on it get the correct size join her and then level it because this was hanging down he wasn't aware of it it's all leveled up nice nice and neat once he's done his heat cycles the little leak will stop what you don't do is start putting silicone pumping silicone on it pumping exhaust paste on it no yeah the same on the front that's it that's that side of it we'll lower it down just show you around the car that's on the deck and then we'll be good to go i'll just he's gonna have a very exciting drive on the way back with the regular stage one software awesome it just wakes the car right off they're quite talking good fun with 200 horsepower but with 250 horsepower they're even more much more fun and loads more torque it's they're exciting very exciting just come back and real test as we said super and it's gleam in this race red and then especially in the sun it's fantastic you know favorite color great caliber is a reds roller three door fully loaded st3 hang on all he needs to know is to get an exhaust he'll take exhaust but she no doubt he'll come back he's driving all this way to come down and see us from bristol so i'm sure he'll come back for that we've got the suspension intake little tip we've talked about welcome black for the red regal oh yeah last part of the puzzle yeah do you think i can get this on we've already prepped it with the proper cleaner here yeah probably 3m on the back of these you know it's probably the easiest one to do to me even you could do this so it's good because that lines up and it sits in there like that which is really cool yeah and then you set it off like that look and then there you got it here we are sorted yeah another happy customer timmy so that's it guys some girls use your thing like subscribe to me comment down below you you're part of it so you've got to help me as well yeah yeah all right yeah make sure you subscribe it's really important but you know that's the comments down below hit that bell notification button doing that you're not worried about you know missing any of the videos automatically not before you when it's uh when one's been loaded up for a timingtastic one is one in charge of that so super duper yeah but that's it really until the return of this one until we have another market st but we've done quite a few of these later me and then yeah and they're really um yeah they're cool so here we are that's color as well i keep saying that i love racetrack see you next time [Music] you
Channel: MJ Performance
Views: 6,473
Rating: 4.9658117 out of 5
Id: 6r46Nq4hJQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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