FNAF Security Breach Unused SURVIVAL MODE | LOST BITS [TetraBitGaming]

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[Music] subscribe or else hey guys and welcome back to lost bits the series where we explore the unused altered and unseen content in gaming i've almost lost count of how many lost bits videos i've made on five nights at freddy's security breach but this truly is the game that just keeps on giving with unused content if this is your first video here i highly recommend checking out my previous videos on security breach we went over a whole bunch of really cool unused content from scrapped areas unused models menus and more anyways for this what i assume is to be the last security breach video at least for a while we'll be taking a deep dive into the survival mode that was scrapped from this game it's honestly really cool so i hope you enjoyed this video if you do a like below is always super appreciated and with all that said let's dive on back for some more security breach lost bits alright first a quick disclaimer this video is being made in early february of 2022 so although all of this is currently not included in the game the developers have stated that more content will be coming and we've already discussed an unused version of the menu which already includes this mode there as well as dlc as such it's entirely possible and likely that this mode will be added in the future so please do keep that in mind if in a few months all this gets stuffed back into the game anyways so in my previous video i mentioned an unused menu here in security breach that offers up a new option extras and one of the options that's offered in this extra sub menu is a scrap survival mode clicking this leads you to yet another screen and this here would allow you to customize a run through the game with various options first here you can adjust difficulty level giving more animatronic encounters the higher you set the level then i guess how many real world minutes would make one in-game hour go by and i guess this is a remnant of the scrapped timing mechanic we discussed in my previous videos where time would actively progress instead of only progressing when certain points are reached in the game's plot then here you could also choose how many lives you could have for a given run either 1 10 or unlimited and then lastly here we can see a whole bunch of symbols that can be swapped around from a whole bunch of icons including helpy monty a flashlight and more now at first i thought this was a way to set up various options in the game such as this plush looking one enabling the scrapped random plush jump scares that i mentioned in a previous video i assume having charge stations accessible what looks like having the flashlight and having freddy accessible at all in the run but it turns out that these actually don't directly work like this and it seems like these actually are used to set up a random seed for a run through the survival mode now if you're unfamiliar with randomizers like this basically a seed is a unique run that can be replicated if all the symbols are the same so for example if you got set up in a really cool randomized run you liked and you wanted a buddy to have the same conditions you would tell them to put in the exact same symbol order essentially every unique string of symbols here should result in its own unique randomized set of conditions and here if you want a completely randomized run this menu also lets you shuffle up all of the options if you're feeling lucky there's also one other option on this menu to spawn all possible locations but we'll come back to that in a bit now once you proceed from this menu you don't just start the game like normal you actually get loaded into the first security office that you encounter in the game in front of the large computer setup and a button to skip what i assume would be an intro or short little cutscene that would kind of explain what's going on as it changes to a warning screen for a bit well this intro to this mode is still very much incomplete here as it is first of all although the button with the dev skip text above it is clearly seen there's a small problem here as it is right now you can't even move in this mode at all and this is quite a problem as after the short and silent cutscene here the screen will freeze for whatever reason and then will prompt you to press any key to continue again we're definitely missing some context here with whatever we're supposed to see or hear before moving on but as soon as you proceed our pal chica starts coming in and since we can't move normally i'm sure you can figure out the rest now normally this is where we would hit a wall and give up but nah we ain't no quitters here by using the debug mode i detailed in my last video we can simply toggle this option which miraculously gives us our movement back and now we can really explore the rest of this mode at least to an extent as you can see here it's incredibly dark in this mode so much so that it's basically impossible to see where you're going without a flashlight so you'll be seeing me disable the lighting effects quite a bit in this video just so we can see things a little bit better that said this darkness also makes some parts of the pizza plex look super cool like man that looks awesome anywho let's get back to the mode itself basically for the survival mode in short several presents would be scattered around the pizza plex and you would have to seek them out and find party passes to unlock basically every area outside the main lobby in the game so this means you would need party passes to unlock areas like roxy raceway the arcade as well as several other areas that you can normally just access without a party pass this is much different than just gator golf and phaser blast like you do in the normal run of the game additionally different presents i guess would have different rarities or something as when you get a game over in this mode a score screen is displayed breaking down how many of each color of present a player collected and also a breakdown of how many points were earned so basically the goal seems pretty simple you'd have to open presents to get points try to find party passes to open up new areas find your way to other security office areas to increase your security level and then rinse and repeat to try and get as many points as possible and as you first enter the main lobby in this mode and the time starts ticking the game appears to outline just how many presents there are to collect so i guess there is a maximum score you can get if you do collect them all and as a side note this idea of unlocking various areas with party passes seen here in the survival mode also seems to be what was seen in one of the preview trailers for this game as there gregory had two party passes at once something you can't normally have in the final game so maybe the game was once less linear and you could actually choose which areas you wanted to access and in what order anyways back to the survival mode here depending on what your seed was on the menu the gifts found around the pizzaplex would be in different places to quickly exemplify this with this seed this present can be seen on this here bench and with this seed it's just somewhere else unfortunately the mode doesn't seem to be fully functional here as although i'm free to roam around to my heart's content here the ability to actually open presents for whatever reason doesn't work and that's not all either i was unable to save enter hiding spots and although i could call freddy the game didn't let me hop on in even if i forced the game to let me with debug mode as such in this current state i wasn't able to really normally play this mode as it was intended and as such since i wasn't able to get any party passes to use to get to the other areas without using the debug mode to fly around we'd be pretty stuck additionally it looks like several of the doors around the pizzablex also had their security levels changed like here at where you normally start the game these doors already require like a level six security clearance so it really seems like you'd have to go back and forth throughout the pizza plex quite a bit at first i thought maybe the security levels for these doors would also be randomized depending on the seed as it would add an extra layer of shaking things up but no matter the seed i would set up on the menu the security doors seem to have the same new security level this actually goes for a lot of the things with all the symbols here i expected more things to be randomized like having a flashlight being able to have freddy etc but i tried numerous different seeds and basically besides the gift spawn locations not much else really seemed to change i never could start with freddy a flashlight anything like that but although these weren't randomized there were a few other oddities that occurred at certain time points that i was able to note first a few times certainly not every time at precisely 12 10 am or once it was 1206 vanessa seems to spawn above here up in the security office near the east arcade and prize counter area since she only sometimes spawned in i guess maybe she is one of those things that's randomized in a run anyways from here strangely she just walks back and forth between either of the security doors a few steps into the arcade and yeah that's about it well at least for now there's a bit more to vanessa here but we'll come back to that in a bit another thing that seems to be activated at a certain time is the power going out as if it wasn't dark enough already this actually seemed to happen at 12 50 am every time and then a message to find a recharge station would also pop up after this at 12 55 moon bro here would start to spawn around sometimes he would chase me and other times he just stood there menacingly well basically at 12 50 you're given 10 in-game minutes to find a recharge station and depending on how long an in-game hour is in real time this is either a lot of time or not and if you don't find a recharge station in time well you're basically insta-killed by moon pal at 1 am and there's literally no escaping it either you can have your back against a wall not see him at all and bam off to sleep you go unfortunately the recharge stations are yet another thing i wasn't able to use in this mode in its current state so yeah there was just no way to survive this without busting open the debug menu now back to the menu here there's also the spawn all possible locations option i mentioned earlier as you might expect ticking off this option will of course spawn the gifts in all the locations that they could possibly appear in like literally all of them constantly having this many presents constantly loaded in really slows down the game i have a pretty okay pc myself and even with disabling lighting and all that my game certainly wasn't running at an optimal frame rate one interesting thing i found about this is that some presents appear to spawn in areas that might reveal some slight changes in certain areas or ideas from an earlier point in development for example there's this gift box here that appears to be overlapping with this stack of plates some presents are just hovering suggesting there was once something beneath them and also a gift can spawn behind the door in vani's hideout that actually leads to this area behind the bowling segment the door also opens here unlike being out of order as seen in the final game there are several other things to further suggest that this mode was being developed during an earlier point in development 2. some doors that lead to nowhere presents that are located either in rooms that no longer exist or in areas that are no longer accessible and most notably i think there appears to be some party pass staff bots blocking areas that were removed from the final cut of the game for example the one that immediately caught my attention is that oddly there's a staff bot blocking just this corner of the lobby well if you watched my previous video you might remember that just behind this wall there was once a corridor that was intended to connect the main lobby to the atrium area as well as the fazcade to add to this there is another one of these staff bots blocking this unassuming wall in the atrium here and this is actually where this scrapped hallway was supposed to connect here now unfortunately this was removed from the game likely due to having all these areas loaded in affecting game performance but yeah it seems like at the point in development that this survival mode was last worked on this hallway must have been recently removed as these fellas here are still trying to block it furthermore to this there's also one of these bots blocking access to a door in pirate's cove here now you can't ever go through these doors normally since greg is banned but once again since there's a staff bot here perhaps it was once a planned path as well then further furthermore there are some other differences in this version of the pizzaplex most notably to me was that several doors that aren't usable in the base game actually open here like this door connecting the atrium to the hallway beside the daycare and lobby as well as this door in the east arcade but although they are usable i got a quick reminder as to why they were probably made out of order by the developers for the final map there's another staff bot blocking these doors to the prize counter area suggesting they would be usable as well and then behind this staff bot here i found an unused hallway i don't think i've seen anyone else talk about well this door would have opened to a hallway that would have led to the cupcake restaurant area but here instead of the doors just being made out of order this unused hallway was just sealed off behind this wall once again it's too bad this hallway wasn't used but i think it's just a really weird way to cover it up like this so yeah i think either there were some different ideas for getting around the areas at whatever stage of development this mode was worked on or alternatively there would simply be doors accessible only in survival mode that aren't in the regular mode another more minor change that i noticed is that none of the little fazbear buttons appear anywhere here including in the elevators making them unusable just like pretty much everything else it seems i mean i get it's an unused mode here yeah but damn they certainly made it hard to try and play normally now next a few things i teased in my previous video there are a few effects found on the debug menu that are exclusively only functional in this cut survival mode first off is the survival item locations option on the main menu here well as hinted by the name this actually points out exactly where each present box is located near you by literally emitting a blue beam from your current location to where it is now this was obviously used by the developers to quickly locate where all the presents were but also hey it could be a pretty nifty cheat if you're stuck and can't find any more presents in this mode and now lastly here probably the most interesting thing that can be exclusively currently seen in the survival mode at least i think is that here we can fully use the otherwise unused vani meter that i went over in my last video well this meter actually seems to work with vanessa for me the meter slowly filled up and then once full vanessa would break from her very short security path near the office and then start to jog somewhere i followed her a few times and each time she would eventually run into a wall and vanish i could not find her at all after she went into the wall both of these times this certainly had me scratching my head this was quite different from what i saw shown in this gameplay clip from maz in maz's gameplay once the meter was filled get this vanessa would actually instantly transform into vani i have no idea why i wasn't able to recreate this but this is way more interesting now based on one of the endings to the game it's implied that despite having a very similar name vanessa and vani aren't the same person but it looks like this might not always have been the case as this scrap mechanic seems to prove otherwise i'm personally so confused with this game's story that honestly who knows at this point to add to the oddities here when blasting vanessa with either the blaster or camera she seemed to make weird robotic noises yeah i don't know somebody called matpat or something as far as this survival mode goes assuming everything was working the way it was intended to it honestly sounds pretty cool it seems like this mode would have had the player going back and forth in the pizzaplex to find as many presents as they could and would have given an awesome incentive for replayability for those interested in score or time attack runs almost every snap game has had an extra mode where you could customize difficulty and which animatronics would appear and such so this would have been an awesome mode to have here as well it's a real shame it was cut at this point with all the unused and scrapped content and ideas we've talked about clocking it at almost 100 minutes between the four videos i've made there's just about a complete second game that was scrapped here and this is only the stuff documented so far i also want to give a quick shout out to the contributors on the cutting room floor as well as on the technical snap discord they were a massive help with making these videos possible i'm sure we'll see more stuff added and removed from security breach in the coming months especially if there is a dlc button basically ready to go and when that time comes i'll be sure to bring you guys all the details so make sure you're subscribed to find your way back in the future till then though check out my other videos in this lost bit series i've made over like 100 videos now covering this stuff so i'm sure you'll find another game in there that you'll enjoy but as always thank you all so much for tuning in today and i will see you in a bit [Music] you
Channel: TetraBitGaming
Views: 418,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: five nights at freddy's security breach unused content, fnaf security breach unused content, fnaf sb unused content, fnaf cut content, fnaf security breach cut content, fnaf lost bits, fnaf security breach lost bits, five nights at freddy's lost bits, fnaf security breach, security breach, five nights at freddy's security breach, fnaf security breach gameplay, fnaf sb, tetrabitgaming, fnaf unused content, fnaf security breach debug menu, security breach survival mode, fnaf dlc
Id: Y_LVpGqMmCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 12 2022
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