Flying Single Pilot - VFR to IFR

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sunshine state is not so sunny today winter hitting for Sarasota here we come wheels up Sarasota runaway baby you Bart's nice to start good start winter havens Gilbert Airport Winter Haven Florida automated weather observation tu-144 Zulu win zero three zero at zero six visibility one zero sky condition few 1 mm temperature to 1 Celsius dew point 1 4 Celsius altimeter 3 0 0 1 remarks density altitude 800 all right so we have the weather here at winter hand will the red taxi here and we'll be doing an IFR flight down to Sarasota Florida Winter Haven you have a TBM we're going to be taxi into runway 2 9 and we're across and uh only 5 at Foxtrot 2 4 we're here water heavy traffic waste guy offs on the up boy 1.5 will be doing the touch-and-go leave with a powder leave in the air in whatever we're in the traffic for of April 505 files to the West hip out vo our approach to Winterhaven all right we do have some people in the traffic pattern in the surrounding area we'll keep an eye out for that Porter every traffic light sky off turning left cross with 4 all the way 5 whatever welcome aboard everybody today we have on board once again Reggie Reggie welcome aboard great to be here it's been a while since we've had Reggie on board so there's a pleasure to have you back Winter Haven TBM Crossin runway 2 9 on alpha we're here and we are clear to the right and the left but today we are on an IFR flight where two uncontrolled airfield we're going to take off VFR and we'll pick up our ifr clearance in the air with Pam for approach since the weather is VFR here we can we'll be able to take off via far and this will be a special flight do you want to know why why is that Reggie cuz we are gonna pull one lucky winner Ben oh that's true today we have the my go flight giveaway package we're going to have Reggie pull a winner out of the headset bag and one of the guys put it on patreon then enter the contest Reggie's gonna pull you guys a winner for you so stay tuned for that once we get up at cruise altitude alright here we are we're holding short of two nine I know we do have one guy that's going to be coming in for the only five so we just got to see where he's at before we take off here Winterhaven TBM we're hold short to nine the waiting for the traffic for only five for one hit Winter Haven traffic lights guy off turning final runway 5 is gonna be a touch-and-go what are you even aware even for Lima Bravo we'll be following the Skyhawk how far out of a final are you four we're here we're on the rocks of one on five now 400 Lipa Bravo about Ray Jack okay Roger Winterhaven TBN we were lining up on two nine we're gonna be part to the west we're here alright guys here we are we are lining up on runway 2 9 finals clear air traffic on the pattern and clear line up here alright and 411 barber clearly actor active Winterhaven he's clear the active over there on 5 no factor for us reason the power up takeoff power is set oil temperatures pressures all look good at the green we're holding our center line but our airspeed build up bussing runways all look clear there's our rotation speed you guys are going to see Jack Brown's seaplane base right off at the end of this runway right over on our left wing view here there's a jet Brown seaplane base would be getting our seaplane right there at this next sprint so stay tuned for that I will go flaps up yeah a damper on D cast is clear we just have the one guy behind us a touch-and-go off of five so you'll be no factor Winterhaven TBM we're at 1 mile west of the field will be westbound we're ahead we're gonna pile it on and we climbing out an IAS mode indicator speed mode we'll go over to tamper approach pickup arrive our clearance damper good evening of every five one tango Bravo three five one take a rub with every bush we're just off Winterhaven like the pickup I fire down to Sarasota for a fight once hang up brother everyone think Oh Bravo maintain that over those 3,000 and spot 461 4 6 4 6 2 100 maintain a blue edible of our 3,000 for a fight one single row BPM 85 one sec abraha read archive site now full mouth west of the Winterhaven in the airport has 3,000 and you are clear to stare so toes via direct maintain rebound Roger position checks will go direct to Sarasota maintain 3,000 485 one tango Bravo well good boy plan cursor down to Sarasota direct enter enter and will not run checks profit but me pick up eight it's the Hotel at the source of a report expected look totally free to look at the air Edison will advise for a fight one thing abroad so if you're given director Sarasota and there will maintain 3000 feet all right Reggie why don't you since we're up here at crews get all the names out there dump them in this bag and let's do this in my go flight giveaway pretty excited about this I am pretty excited as well as everyone already I think around two hundred and eighty-five names guys put their name of the Hat here for this oh I think it's 287 was it 87 summer right around there I can't remember the exact number all right reg do you get them all in there yep all the names are entered all right here we go shake it up a little bit Reggie do say shake I don't look and let's see who's gonna win is cool my go flight package with the flight bag and the mounts and there's a cool water bottle also involved with it here we go Reggie could do we have don't look Reggie I'm not looking and the winner is the winner is there's a winner oh my god is Reggie Jackson on another year just walk a Papa kitty honky no take that all right and the winner is drumroll please look at Reggie don't leave us any more just for suspense than you already have us the winner is Mike Mike have ngratulations by half whomever you are you are the winner of today's giveaway I go for a package like to thank all the patrons for entering the contest congratulations to Mike ham on that will be a messaging you hear soon and I'll get your address to send that to you bye bye bye right Mike alright so let's get the ATIS here for a rival airport on my 3:00 to 4:00 ground patrol 5560 121.9 or they've got to be back on my assignments and Moltar instructions which you call sign it sign unis Mason hotel there's no confirmation hotel two one four nine little weather winds very bored for visibility one zero few clouds that one mm temperature to 32.16 out senator two niner niner niner still approaching me with a record if you can place is always react to the learns was going to do it will describe myself i think our trusty once the air for tonight using the shuttle be back from retirement and more forms are we as we applied for chow-chow advise we have information hotel they're currently tepid so we can expect that visual for free - Charlie we can careful be sure to go to Steve oh one TiVo calm and you'll see the link there to enter the aviation biggest monthly contest that we have we'd like to thank all the sponsors make that possible form of folks we are giving out a cool pose read a 2010 set this bond of love would 2,000 feet the Bose headsets Reggie how do you like your both said said we got the brand new one I just got here for you but you guys look absolutely love the difference is false that's cool you've always had the oh use the older one to go back which isn't bad but when you upgrade to the newer ones the day actually is a nice difference Cooper Dora the great buy one thing a Bravo contact approach one-one-niner point 65 1965 one thing a bro hugger day tablet good afternoon TBM 85 one tango Bravo 83 thousand direct Sarasota with hotel room ratify one tango Bravo when able proceed direct ringing advisor field of study spectrometry to Roger when able direct ringing and will revise great and will expect a vigil for three to four a time on singer bro alright so he's giving us a director ringing we got to go to approach iOS 3 2 now we initial approach picks ringing and we'll activate that now we'll go cursor direct ringing there we go Brett ringy and will let him know I get the field site Cooper grouper most likely he'll basically give us the visual once we don't got the bills I pick through this is setting us up for a right base into the area of include Iowa from win32 approach anything to be a par well even though it's short notice here we'll get the approach set up real quick here for the poor flight we'll go to an airport K s our queue here we go to Sarasota approaches ILS three - there's an approach plate 109 seven set up once choice by approach course 319 that seven to eight has weather at Peter I remember wanting to have a career I'll set that up everywhere back it up over here 397 our church once out niner niner niner Romeo kilo path of 1,000 comment 1600 heading three six zero the Roman era make Hilo Tampa ident climb maintain the five thousand five thousand dollar meal and for a decision altitude on this straight in we go down to 227 if you over there contact we'll set up our radar altimeter earlier two five five two two zero six contact Air Show Tara one to never get one we are all set up for the ILS three two when we're eight five one tango Bravo traffic ten o'clock and four miles southwest on Cessna level 2500 also in bounder Sarasota how's your keeping out for the Cessna 485 Montana brother 6:01 five five traffic off to be right at 3,000 there's a TBM 850 right also inbound the fair soda I'll be looking for that shot one five all right we do have that Cessna inside out for a left here what are you favorite as you can see you're on your four five we have the approach chart actually overlaid onto the map so you can see we're direct to ringy and then right up here you can actually see the whole procedure turn on the approach and the whole approach all rated real-time right on the chart if we want to get rid of the of this we can get rid of that rate up by here there you go really handy we're overlaid right onto the a map with the approach chart if we want to look at it a normal mode you can just click over there under the plates nice smooth air today isn't it Reggie yep 95 we go for this high overcast one through five cool ago nice really the one coup cutter what mm is like magical can't they eat 5 1 tango Bravo I think Robert is he'll maintain 2000 by the film site one o'clock and one girl mom mm and we do have the field say but we'd like to put the request for iOS from a tree - one thing I will appreciate the request fighting 1 9 0 vector at the final descent of maintain 2000 one nine zero down a 2004 85 on tango Bravo alright so we do have to feel the sight but you know once in a while it's nice to just make sure the airplane knows what it's doing and we'll shoot the ILS Tom good do you Reggie perfect Hank about your spirit action out traffic via four I'm not gonna preheat you right Jerry will slow it up the one tango Bravo thank you here we are we got a little airplane here in our chart we're going to come around we're going to intercept over ringing at 1855 Julie go now we're gonna go all the way down to 220 71 - for our decision always hit we're on one thing around turn left it in one four zero one four zero and I don't want a libretto we're coming through right now we're just get rid our vectors in two one zero the ILS my only three two right now we're basically on an extended write down when it is basically what we're at right now as you can see right here here's a little airplane basically gonna come out here and then we'll do some right turns back in to intercept the localizer so 25 one tango Bravo TURN RIGHT heading two two zero right two two zero four eight five one thing brother so now we are turning basically a right base for our approach Sarasota is one of my favorite destinations do you like it Reggie uh it's okay now your favor oh not my favorite well actually Reggie's got to work when I get here I guess I just go have fun that's the good thing about my job that's the difference however I do love their beaches they do have nice beaches we'll go into them and could we check that out while your work is hyper the Henderson of my one thing abroad would turn right in three 0-0 draw in localizer three zero zero to join the localizer break live on Tang brother Jing er Bravo's eight miles from ringing Cross ringing mm cleared ILS runway three-two approach Roger across ringing a mm cleared for the ILS three to approach rate five on tango Bravo all right so three zero zero to intercept the localizer we're going to maintain 2,000 feet until we get to ring and we're cleared for the ILS 3 to approach so what we're doing is we're going to roll out here on three zero zero heading and we're going to go into approach mode right now we're heading mode so since we've been cleared three zero zero to intercept and join the approach we're going to push the approach button right here we go now it's armed now what's going to happen as the localizer is going to eventually come in and what we're going to see is the approach go from armed to capture over a five one tango Bravo contactor so that's our one two zero point one over Tower enjoy your night one tango Bravo all right now we're gonna check in with on Tower with what we're doing good evening Sarasota Tower November 85 one tango Bravo on the ILS for only three two I found one thing about Seletar only three to two line number two fall in the system about five miles east of the Phil what about when you give it a little bit closer surface of factor one zero two zero five feet Roger pianist that's now we're clear for to land runway three-two for a five on tango brother that's the one five five you be number one to the failure be inside of a TBM on a 1-1 mile final to only three to four is 105 the the localizer did come in it went from armed to capture and now we're the era autopilot is flying the approach in we did have to go missed we'd be straight ahead to a thousand feet and a right turn to three thousand heading zero six five the Sarasota radial zero three zero the pair's and hold is where we go and the holding entry I would do for that would be a direct entry as we're shooting this approach right here you can see right here here's our airplane over about three miles from ringing that's when we're watching for the glide slope to come down as we get to ringing will slow it up we're right now we are below our flap speed and gear speed which is good we should start to see the glide slope come down in once we're getting close to our ringing logo flaps set to the next position down here resetting the airplane up for the approach now once the glide slope gets one dot above is when I go gear down right now 25 on the torque is a nice area for the torque with this airplane keeps your speed in a good area there right there the glide slope is now one dot above we're going to go gear down by doing that by the time the gear gets all the way down you'll be right over ringing and I'll start to bleed your speed off there it is ringy we are directly over that now you should see the airplane start to pitch down and follow the glide slope in which is what it's doing it's doing a good job even though the weather is nice it's always nice shooting an approach once in a while just to make sure you know the airplane does a good job all systems are working well nice view is downtown Sarasota they're off our left wing coming up here let us start to set out there Claudia overcast sky but it's going down over the Gulf of Mexico and you can see the lights out there we're right on the proper glide path which is also showing right on our instruments so that's all working good that's the one pop I'll be going by the rector's nor popeye budget you know right he's in general aviation aircraft he's gone to rhetoric snore since we burned jet fuel will be going to rhetoric south and we'll disconnect the autopilot and we'll go full flaps metrics North here is where a lot of the GA airplanes go that are normally aspirated that burn F gas since we burned jet fuel we go to rhetoric south good afternoon Sarasota tower turkey two three one i stagger with you four three two chucky two to three 118 with her so tower 1 3 2 : 10.0 5 flirt away 500 it that go i would look good we're right on our speed we're right on the glide slope we do have a little bit of a quartering crosswind on this ready to front the right not too strong that's pretty calm bacon toe from the away the airplanes crab just slightly the nose will always point into the window whatever the direction that is coming from we'll take a guy like a racetrack over here off the Lesya Reggie I don't know what that is pretty cool looking at play some pyro very shot all right we're going to dip down just a little bit before the glideslope here because we need to exit the runway near the side of the runway so back to flight idle Oh nice and smooth Reggie good job my co-pilot my co-pilot help me out with that nice for the landing hey one of everybody's thing everybody we're gonna make our intersection here we go on to rhetorics and exit up Bravo one tango Bravo is a partner bigger on directrix Southbridge i wanting a Bravo no I'm fine miss Ben I'm gonna go into rhetoric South for eight five one tango brother Roger ground point nine ground have a good night my dick row good evening Sarasota ground OHS number 85 one tango Bravo clearing three two on Bravo wanna go to rhetoric South over 85 one day rosters around texador to south via Bravo echo Bravo looking at the ramp thanks a 5/1 take a brother alright guys - welcome to Sarasota Florida Papa Delta on my rhetoric north we like to theme Reggie it was a lot of fun having you aboard it's a pleasure to be all boarded up Sarasota grand Reggie is the man of style he I don't know if you guys have been viewers a long time in this channel he is the sock off champion for fancy socks so we need to come up with another competition here so yeah Rubber Soul any suggest for anyone atop the Delta yeah let's see if there's what the viewers want maybe a tie off hold advertise my three to have a good competition I'll let them decide maybe we'll see what they wanna say yeah we'll let them decide I don't think I possible to beat you though so I don't think that's ever going to happen I mean it's possible make Greek yeah but the chance is probably beers this is rhetorics FBO honestly vetrix is probably one of my favourite FBOs of anywhere we go it's really nice in here they have a lot of amenities for the pilots crackers all kinds of snacks oh it is I will actually agree with that on all the places that we fly breath tricks is a good spot right absolutely there's our Marshall are out there already wait for us dude a good job he's gonna parks right up front how about that if there's that are amazing very good we'll turn off the Taxila here so don't blind them because it was getting a little darker out there guys we hope you guys enjoyed the flight be sure to smash that thumbs up button like always and feel free to subscribe if they want to see more of this stuff we like having you guys right along with this boat that was doing good and we'll talk to you guys I'm day soon take care guys welcome to Sarasota you
Channel: steveo1kinevo
Views: 89,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steveo1kinevo, becoming a pilot, pilot life, landing an airplane, taking off, avgeek, life as a pilot, aviation, career as a pilot, airplanes, airports, TBM850, Flight VLOGS, Foreflight, BOSE
Id: CvHtxB6dMF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 43sec (1543 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 18 2016
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