Flying A Partial Panel ILS Approach

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listen flight training shouldn't be fun okay i need i don't i don't want you having any sort of fun while we're in this cockpit okay i want you flying the approach [Music] all right so let's get our clearance actually we get the weather first the weather sorry sorry sorry sorry well i know executive airport information echo two zero five three is the blue weather picnic crown skyhawk 71 probably over looking to pick up our iphone number 781 bravo golf clear land executive airport vs5 climbing 10 1 500 2 000 one zero minutes after departure departure frequency 119.4 squad four two seven six all right sky x71 bravo cleared orlando uh directors has filed one thousand five hundred expect uh two thousand one zero minutes after one one nine point four frequency four two seven six on squad six seven zero mike alpha hold short alpha five golf rebecca advising every taxi today mike controls the weekend i was gonna say we go i or something because i got an aircraft under tow that's going to be opposite direction of you joining bravo once you're holding short alpha six you'll see him under toe all right roger we'll do some stones sorry yeah i just don't have a choice i got the east ramp shut off down there right now gotcha do some training or something all right this is a left rudder okay you can see when you don't press the brake it does nothing i mean i can just go procedure and i mean i could load the approach right for two seven right yeah exactly set it all up but uh i mean we ran it up look good everything was fine oh my god dude boys and girls i get carmen yeah let me burn yours runway two seven right orlando stanford all right so we got 110.15 we're going to put that in here final approach course 275. and then so we got eleven thousand feet we're pretty heavy today so we might use about eight thousand on that um no we're just 45 airport elevation 55. so missed approach which would climb to 500 then climbing right turned to 2800 on heading 280 uh radial 335 payola 50.60 so yeah so we're just going to come in probably at uh you fix them or you ux 275 we'll get uh we'll get our glideslope at udemy uh then we'll just continue our descent down follow the glideslope down there straight in locales for two seven right we got 245 and a half mile visibility which we'll have so the missed approach point for an ils right is going to be your decision height decision yep so that's not a thing your localizer though would be right here right well technically when you get the two the two exactly yeah when you hit 2d me that's yep okay exactly because some of that's a little let's say you didn't have dme it's going to be timing down here oh right right yeah yeah because right there yeah i mean it says it the faf to the map exactly yeah fast to the map spit it out that's all i got okay we're we're professionals exactly come on there's no time for funny business listen flight training shouldn't be fun okay i don't want you having any sort of fun while we're in this cockpit okay i want you flying the approach nothing more we've spent so much time on the ground man bro i know anyway boys and girls we're number two for departure now we got citation taking off young bob hoover's back in the house you've heard he's brief he sounds amazing his left leg's shaking because he's nervous and we're gonna go do uh an eyeless into sanford partial panel see how it goes uh the cameras are probably not gonna last until to do the approach in leesburg who knows we'll see but i'm using my uh ipad mount for the first time ever i've been so excited about this bravo golf caution like turbines departure citation runway two five alpha two clear for takeoff lighting two five zero two five at alpha two clear for takeoff penny two five zero one brother go [Music] welcome to the sky my controls yeah your controls hold on golf contact departure oh departure i'll go on a departure skyhawk 71 bravo golf climbing through 1 000 for one thousand five hundred two five zero number seven probably golf will end the departure rate of contact looking at your flight planning one on eyeless the stanford their ils is back in service so you can expect alice two seven right approach and that's that what do you want all right let's do something right and then we'll do an on our bit to uh leesburg for one probability okay and then top it off with exactly an i lesser in rns uh top it off with an ils back into exactly okay number 71 bravo golf after completion of the approach at stanford fly runway heading out maintain 2000 departure frequency will be on uh one three five point three one thousand five hundred leveling off oh two fifteen one bravo golf once you get over to laser bear they're on three you're looking to do a circling approach they're just a straight up yeah brother uh the three year three will work for one private goal all right charles thank you oh yeah my controls trolls and chisels number seven at one point i maintain three thousand climate three thousand one thousand it's hazy dude it's actually like visibility's kind of sh not that i could see outside but it's not 781 bravo golf charlotte one zero zero left one zero zero one probably go deal maintain four thousand climbing team four thousand more people over mco we go over mco nice view of mco take a quick gander oh nice oh runway they're a big plane i need something yeah there's a few big points down there oh man pretty cool man hey keep it professional oh yeah floating a boat over mco god you really got to come up with a better catchphrase bro it's always floating the boat because that's what we're doing what about like i mean barge yeah cool man once we get a bit busier i'm gonna i'm gonna fail one of your systems nice i like it gps thank going nice i like it set yourself up ahead of time number seven i want to roller golf procedure gekko and during the final receipt no john the final one bro go got no so we're just gonna have to i'm just gonna have to type it in procedure procedure select approach select approach all right let's do seven right okay ah activate approach one three five point three advisory going to get no thirty five three have a nice day or later approach skyhawk781 bravo 4000 direct gaku 171 bravo got for linda roger and i've been phoning like a week actually yeah yeah i ain't planned for four days i've been i've been taking a break but learning some professionalism i don't know how i will never succeed in my job because i have fun chocolate the real world's not about fun nope it's about miserableness about funny ludex aviation sweater god knuckle down lucky four seven zero turn 10 degrees right half degrees right fix that i'll put you here any one probable golf life heading zero to zero vectors to final zero two zero vectors for finals we're not doing number one we're unable to reach leesburg via any of our lines at this point so we're not going to be able to do a practice approach in the leesburg do you have another request that's not a problem we'll just uh cap it off with an ils into exec after this one has gone down number one 3 000. 17 300 one bravo roger what system has failed uh definitely my vacuum pumped well done this is this yeah you know this is tough yep there are one rival golf terminal setting zero one zero left zero one zero one problem go oh god i'm gonna get vectored left three six zero down to one thousand six hundred one probable lucky six nine two ready to contact two miles north west of samford climate maintain three thousand six this is um zero maintain one thousand six hundred told stylish on the localizer cleared atlas runway two seven round approach left three six zero maintain one thousand six hundred until established uh cleared two seven right eyeless one broke up and one bravo golf turn left heading three zero zero the join turn left three zero zero to join one logo did i say three six zero three three we have the same we're on power proof dude i come and clear the approach sweet that's the thing about about this stuff especially in partial panel you can never set something and then forget about it it's always gonna be checking it double checking it triple checking it not like vfr where it's like you set something and it's like look outside and enjoy yourself this is right it's expensive right yeah this is this is very intensive oh my god bro we thought that one out i thought that was a good idea yes great idea all right good job though man very nicely done look partial panel not everything's going to be absolutely 100 perfect just managing the situation level golf context right clear for the option number two two seven right clear for the option number two one bubble go all right still touching the donut just don't chase i went too far i was worried about this looked at something else went too far all right right left on mike tucked into the ramp okay stop it there we go right there we're gonna go one notch flaps 470 taxi sierra cross runway three six romeo charlie kilo to the ramp thanks to sierra cross one eight three six on romeo to the right pocket four seven zero nice seven thousand five four five is inbound monroe i don't know why we talked about 255 november 71 bravo golf are you going to orlando executive after this approach yes we are yes ma'am uh back to exactly okay roger you're managing this situation you're in a situation at the moment where one of your main systems is gone you're in a you're in a horrible position here right yeah but you you're keeping us within good limits this is fine looking nice she's stabilized three miles on the final two seven right uh skyhawks descending out of 1100 we're getting about what are you gonna look up 245 cool doing a great job partial panel man great job thank you wonderful ish professional finally 600 more to go i just say that in the thing like my my personal minimums were like a thousand feet and then just that's it and then just lock up yeah i will never go below a thousand if i'm not visually impaired base approved change to runway two seven nicely flown brother nicely flown all right three hundred more to go nice so speed get a bit fast right yeah it's starting to get a little low extend upwind i'll call across one all right right there it's about we're about 90 all right all right and right there i'm saying that's mine visual give me a touch and go brother touch and go show the people how you doing touching girl woo trolls got him you relax for a minute all right i will relax [Music] zero climbing into one thousand six hundred two thousand there's seventy one bravo golf orlando departure identity a fox shot ad executive oh and one level golfer to contact two miles plus the same for turn left heading one six zero back to the ios runway two five one six zero ils two five four there are two charlie hotels so you're not gonna have a glide slope obviously yeah it's gonna be weird step down and whatever so there are one bravo golf that's gonna maintain one thousand five hundred one thousand five hundred one mile ago yo control control good job on that partial panel one though seriously yeah it wasn't really it wasn't stabilized too good on the start though which kind of but look you you got it back to where it should have been right in real life you hardly ever have partial panel right so it's it's not a normal scenario so obviously it's not going to be the same as it is you find a perfect ios approach so you did a good job though man put your hood on stop being a the 781 bravo golf is two for mary b turn right hitting two two zero maintain one thousand five hundred twelve established on the localizer cleared ils runway two five approach right two two zero one thousand five hundred till established and a cleared i list two five approach one bravo go two one two two i had the biggest brain fart i'm trying to figure out the numbers for that you need to do a growing session nah man i don't know some days you know it's just not your day it's always your day your legend of the game all right maintain that until established and then we're gonna go and then that's gonna see we're gonna be gucci correct i was just going to point it out there 781 bravo golf contact executive tower 118.7 over to tower thank you one probably go orlando executive tower number two following a skyhawk on a mile base runway two five clear to land runway two five clear lane we'll look for the traffic more probably all right 1 500 and mary b one one zero zero almond yep which hey exactly get it down you're not gonna glide slope so it's all on you for doing the uh the altitude wait descend as fast as you can well i mean they say you know stabilize but like you just wanted to get out of the clouds right you know but of course if you look at element we have to be we can be no higher nor low we have to be at 1100 feet at four point one only five six seven you're following me traffic uh two o'clock bro i keep looking i'm i'm okay i gotta be careful all right clear to land of course you've got no glide is the final approach so you wanna be backing off the power and [Applause] that oh god damn all right now we're just doing like like 500 foot per minute basically and then uh almond yeah that going off was because the overfocus not really configuring yeah because it's like no glideslope it's weird get that back yeah but i want to do it i'm not doing it too much right now i'm not doing it enough like there you go all right right there and now now it'll swing too fast and i'm just gonna start slowly bringing it back right about all right 100 to go which yeah i heard you laugh at me visual all right yeah that just a little bit right of course the uh right the localizer the whole time there just because of the setup at the final approach fix there's a little bit confusion with the descending from mary b so we'll work on localizer yeah yeah yeah it would be yeah in all honestly we've not done that many [Music] you
Channel: LewDix Aviation
Views: 15,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Flying, Flight, Pilot, Aviation, Cockpit, Takeoff, Landing, Flight Training, CFI, Student Pilot, ILS, LOC
Id: Q8MV3b3jZJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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