Fluffy Japanese Souffle Pancakes Recipe | Extended version with tutorial

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Konnichiwa! Welcome back to my channel or if you  are here for the first time, my name is Asami. I'm   a pastry chef. Today I'd like to show you how to  make soft fluffy jiggly Japanese souffle pancakes.   I've already uploaded the same short video  recipe without narration. For this one, I'm going   to explain baking tips and details so you can  follow along as you make the recipe in your home.   Let's get started. First of all  we are going to separate the eggs.   When separating an egg into the whites and yolks,  make sure no egg yolk gets into the egg whites.   The egg yolk contains fat which  prevents making a beautiful meringue.   Egg whites whip up the best when they are chilled  so I keep them in the fridge until I use them.   Add 2 tablespoons of milk to 2  egg yolks then mix to combine. Mix a quarter teaspoon of baking powder and  three tablespoons of flour, stir to combine.   Now sift into the egg mixture and stir again  to combine. Be careful not to over mix.   This is optional but you can add a half  teaspoon of vanilla extract for flavor. You can start preheating your pan over the  lowest heat before whipping egg whites. The   meringue will deteriorate as time goes by so you  need to cook them as soon as the batter is ready.   If you can set the temperature, around  150C or 300F is good. I like using an   electric grill for these pancakes  because the temperature is kept stable.   Add one third of the sugar into the egg whites  then start whipping on the medium speed. Sugar   does not only provide sweetness but it also helps  stabilize the egg whites. If you have cream of   tartar, you can add just one pinch of that into  the egg whites or you can add a half teaspoon of   lemon juice into the egg whites before whippig.  The acid helps the meringue be more stable.   Add the rest of the sugar in two parts then whip  it until the meringue gets stiff peaks like this.   You can see my meringue won't fall out when I  turn the bowl upside down. Add one third of the   meringue to the egg yolk mixture. You can mix the  first portion of meringue well, it makes the egg   yolk mixture lighter so that you can more easily  fold the rest of the meringue into the mixture   without breaking the air bubbles. Then add the  rest of the meringue, folding gently from bottom   to top. Be careful not to over mix. The more  you mix the less fluffy your pancakes will be. Add a little vegetable oil into the pan and  remove excess oil with paper. When there   is too much oil in the pan, the pancake  surface won't get an even golden color.   I don't recommend using butter because butter  will burn easier than vegetable oil. So if you   like butter, you can cook with vegetable oil  then enjoy your cooked pancakes with butter. I'm piping the batter with a piping  bag to make my pancakes beautiful   and tall but you can also pour the batter  with a ladle, it's easier. Put the lid on   then cook on low heat for about three to  five minutes or until the bottom gets golden.   I usually don't add some water for steam baking  when I bake with my griddle, but if you can't   bake your pancakes within five minutes, you can  add just one tablespoon of water to your pan   so your pancakes will be baked faster with steam.  Meanwhile, I recommend preparing the toppings.   These pancakes will shrink as they cool  so you should eat freshly baked ones.   Prepare your favorite plates, knife and fork  and your camera as well if you would like.   Four minutes have past. Gently flip the pancakes  over. Be careful they are super soft. If they are   a little tilted, you can gently press and  straighten them with your hands like I do.   Then put the lid on, bake for  another three to five minutes. Three minutes have passed. Let's  transfer the pancakes onto the plate.   As you saw in the beginning of the video,   these pancakes are very soft and fragile  so be careful not to drop it like me. Sprinkle a little powdered sugar like this if  you have it, it makes your pancakes look more   gorgeous. I like enjoying them with maple syrup  but you can enjoy them with your favorite toppings   like whipped cream, fresh fruits, chocolate sauce  or your favorite sauce. What kind of toppings do   you like to enjoy with pancakes? I'd like to  know so please share with me in the comments.   To be honest, it's not easy to cook very tall  fluffy pancakes, especially for beginners. I've   had to practice many times. But I hope this  video will help you create delicious pancakes   as well as learn some useful baking tips. Even  if your pancakes don't turn out very fluffy,   they will still be tasty so I  hope you enjoy cooking with me.   You can find this detailed recipe on my blog,  I'll leave the link in the description box below.   If you enjoyed today's video, it always means a  lot when you take a second to give it a thumbs up.   Thank you very much for watching and see you  in that next video. Arigato and sayonara, bye!
Channel: INDY ASSA
Views: 2,742,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Japanese pancakes, Japanese souffle pancakes, souffle pancakes recipe, japanese pancake, jiggly pancakes, 수플레 팬케이크, 日式厚燒煎餅, 日式厚煎饼, Souffle pancake, Japanese pancake recipe, スフレパンケーキ, スフレパンケーキ, レシピ, Japanese pancakes recipes, Japanese cheesecake, Japanese jiggly pancake, indyassa, pancake recipe
Id: t6rWDnqeKR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 29sec (389 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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