Hairstylist tries TikTok Heatless Curls... AMAZED - Kayley Melissa

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everyone Kayleigh your friendly neighborhood hairstylist here and today I'm trying out some heatless curls from tik-tok so after since Anna Laura made a tick-tock for me I've been obsessed it's a problem in my life and one thing that I saw come up were these heatless curls that you do with a bathrobe tie now I've seen a million in five ways to curl your hair heedlessly but I have never seen one get such uniformly good results I mean there's a few out there that aren't like amazing but generally when people try this they end up with princess hair and I'm shocked and aghast and amazed and I have to try it so in that effort I have myself and Anna Laura testing out whether or not this actually works and whether or not it can work on shorter hair because my hair is much shorter than most people that are using this so I want to see if I can make it work so all that being said let's cut to a few days ago where Anna Laura and I both have wet hair and we're gonna try this out Oh Anna Laura oh look at you in your tie-dye somebody got the tick-tock memo I did whenever you tell me we're doing tick-tock videos I'm always like oh I have to do my best tick-tock outfits well it seems pretty easy for you if you've never seen the tick-tock you take a cord from a bathrobe or a tie from a bathrobe you put it over your head and you wrap your hair around it and let it dry and then when you take it off you somehow I'll have magical Disney Princess curls seems too good to be true so let's see if it is let's just get started I thought we could both try this at the same time together and just see how it goes let's do it I think the strength of this method is that it curls from here down to look really pretty the weakness is for the people whose hair insecure you have no chance for it to get to its fullest potential it's true I'm thinking what I'm gonna do is make it more like a halo and tie it like that oh that's good that's smart that reminds me of your heatless curls with it oh yeah with the t-shirt although I have to say going into it this one seems like it might be superior because it might be easier to route the hair around oh that's true should I do a side part like my normal part or should I do like a center part I would say do your normal part because anything that you'd flip over is gonna be curled the opposite way from the rest of your house whoo this is gonna be all curled one direction kind of thing I'm gonna put in some nut and crab blow-dry I think it's good to put in some kind of smoothing product when you do heatless curls just because you don't have heat taming the frizz like you normally do also our product like this helps add a little bit of hold and that's helpful as well and then I'm gonna use this bumble and bumble bee bee glow blow-dry accelerator partially because this is gonna help kind of dry the hair a little faster make sure everything dries overnight pretty well but also because I like this line from bumble and bumble it helps to get into the cortex of the hair and make it stronger while styling we love all right I'm gonna use the living proof nourishing styling cream oh that's a good one yeah I'm excited is the no frizz line there no frizz lion is no joke it has a lot of moisture that's good I'm in a very moisturizing place in my life for my hair while on quarantine there is no better time to practice heatless hairstyles than right now because like heatless curls when they go bad they go bad there's no saving them except with you so it's real real good to be able to stay home I'm going to go ahead and put my thing on I'm gonna clip it in place and now I'm a nun okay that clip didn't work that way let's try it this way clipping it on the side I'm not doing first that was the move I'm gonna brush everything forward to get it prepped so essentially what you do is you wrap the hair around the tie and then as you go you pick up some more hair I think the most important thing is that all the hair that you're bringing in is nice and detangled which is why I brushed the hair forward first I just picked up another little bit of hair here I'm gonna wrap that around just gonna slide my thumb pick up some more like so and wrap it around now for the long haired ladies I think it's pretty easy to just keep it right in the front like that but for us Shorty's you're just gonna want to make sure you're keeping this elevated so that the curls are starting a little bit higher and that way it's not all just down here so I'm picking up some hair from the back I'm gonna pick up some hair from the front spinning it all together in this section and wrapping it around ooh okay I'm running into some of the hairs being shorter so they're starting to not quite wrap around if I can keep this going oh man look at me I wish I was closer to your heads I could see a little better but I don't think it looks too difficult that low-key looks like a hairstyle on you I've got little nubbins and I am wrapping it around trying to keep it nice and flat and that's it okay so now the long haired girls have the insanely easy task of putting a hair tie on it but I have this much cord left what am I gonna do okay here we go I'm gonna put this twist a little closer to the last couple twists and I'm gonna bobby pin it all right I think I did it now for the other side all right brush the hair full wad wrapping it around and pick up some from the back pick up some from the front and wrap [Music] got it in oh my gosh but crazy I was thinking that I was gonna tie these ends on top and I guess I still could I don't want to put them on the front because then we're gonna get a weird divot yeah you know what whatever I'm gonna just tie these together in the back and just have a really long ponytail in the world listen I look like I'm ready for a May Day Parade or something like I am I'm dressed first it looks like a paper inspired hairstyle corny chic the category is social distancing I don't know why toilet paper hair makes you feel so fashioned but I love it quick update I'm clipping up the ends because I'm afraid I'm gonna like step on something or like these are gonna get caught on something I'm gonna lose my hairstyle so uh here we go this is it officially what I look like now all right so it's your turn okay so I'm gonna take sections right yeah all right so the number one wrap oh wait a second I wasn't rapping fully do a full 360 free section yeah so you have to fully go all the way around and then pick up the next section yeah there you go I was like this doesn't feel right but I got it out I do want to shout out there's this this curling device I don't know what to call it but it's called the octa-core and it's kind of similar to this and the benefit of it is that it's pretty much the same concept but you can put your hair on multiple ones of these you can braid it in there's like a lot of different ways to do it and startup company and they're great and they're really sweet so if you like this and you want even more versatility you could check them out I look like the tick-tock-tick yeah that's what I think when I do tight audiences and then I record myself hahaha I was like oh my gosh you put on makeup today he's like let's do a tick-tock he's gonna be so rad that my hair looks like this yeah my hair looks fabulous [Music] mine looks like a bandage this is what I've decided to stick with all right sis do you think we did it I think we got it I don't think it was too bad I think we'll crush this the hardest part was figuring out what to do with the end think wrapping it took like literally 60 seconds and then I spent 15 minutes trying to figure out now I look like a nurse from the 18th century and I'm ready to go about my day all right so I guess we'll go live our lives and come back tomorrow and see how this looks I could have to go like dog walks with this oh my god Wow I'm off I'll see you tomorrow tomorrow bye eyyy and we are back I cannot wait to get this out of my hair I want to see how it looks I want to see if it worked I'm also a little concerned that I might still be kind of wet but of course I'm not taking this out on my own I'm gonna bring my sister back in Oh Anna Laura hello can we talk about something I think we're in the same shirt oh my gosh they're moment so how was it for you sis so okay full disclosure a lot has happened since I got off camera yeah I could tell there was like something going on with like my mom man a and my husband I was like what is this I was like everyone was giving me like weird looks about having this in my hair not in like a oh my gosh you look crazy way eventually my mom was like she's like you know you could take that out and just redo it tonight right and so I ended up taking it out right turns out I came back from like a really long walk with Nate and Scott walking all the dogs to neighborhood and Scott had planned a little date night for me he had like she had like our favorite sushi takeout and he had insomnia cook and I was like okay that's why I had to take my hair out I decided but I put it back in last night and slept on it like normal so it wasn't too bad the sleeping process was a little weird but other than that it was fine that's good how was your process I made a whipped coffee right before we started filming and then I was on a coffee high and I organized like crazy I I painted my nails I had some delicious margaritas and tacos and guac I chilled I honestly slept just fine all right I don't think really anything can come between us in our sleep so nope I can sleep anywhere are we ready to take this out I think so so I watched so many of these after we got done filming yesterday I know you sent me like a thousand sorry about it but so turned out so good and some of them turned out so bad and so I'm very interested to see I'm really thinking I should have done that horseshoe-shaped like you did because I feel like the back is gonna be completely Curless yeah doesn't matter as much when you have the long hair though I will say though this morning it was a little damp when I woke up so I hit it with the hairdryer a little because I know if it's damp it won't be like great right so just so you know let your hair like dry a good bit before you put it in this if you're trying to just go overnight oh oh oh oh my gosh all that I'm gonna stop and take this in oh my gosh these are nut cracker curls if I see many whoa what this is why you brush out your tangles this piece right here okay well I'll do the other side oh my gosh this side had more hair on it cuz I did my usual part and I can definitely tell what the wrapping that it was a little more difficult to do with more hair so I'm interested to see if there's a big difference in this nights but I have high hopes now Oh full disclosure this isn't like my style of curl like but that is insane for heatless holy cow my gosh I mean honestly if you were to fold the rope tie in half it would probably be our actual holy cow sis like you don't even have to do anything to it come here closer okay take yours out I'm dying to see it okay but I'm scared yours looks good I just feel like that means that mine can't okay cross there's nice girls oh oh oh she's there they're tight oh she little little I'm gonna brief us on a tripod look at this what the heck oh she got girls Wow Wow Oh Oh in the dry I was concerned oh my goodness I'm so shocked right now this piece is kind of wet oh you make Shirley Temple this site looks good this sides a little hold on gonna separate out the curl and try to like reform them so they're like there we go just wrapping them around my fingers to redefine them and wonder if I just shake this side what happened you're much more brave than I am I'm like I'm not gonna touch these it's cute so you see the cute side right now look at this side oh ha ha wait is that your deep side mm-hmm okay my deep sign has some weird stuff too I think it's probably just it's more hair on the one thing then on this side you want to see something really funny oh okay so if you do this once right here you need to like do a half up after it that's a lot but what does the back of mine look like yeah I look like the same thing I mean yeah but it's fine because it's long curly hair yeah all right I'm gonna kind of comb through this let me see if I can see the back of my head real quick cuz I haven't seen it yet oh the best laid plans right yeah Wow oh my gosh my looks so good sorry I know you're having a moment over here man this sides okay for the front and everything except it's got like this funny like finger comb this part is great take the big side comb it back stick a cute clip in it right there and call it a day I think that's what I'm gonna have to do honestly this lake front curl is really bugging me cuz it has like you could use heat and fix that one thing and it would be totally good that's very true I think this was a big win on long haired gals yeah especially for you if you do it again and you do it with the thing folded take a clip yes got matte gold flat bar got pearl barrettes which fun I think I'm a gold that's what I was thinking too alright so I already bobby pin everything where I want it I'm just putting the clip over it oh look at this a little hidden tutorial in here how to fix messed up curls I mean I kind of look like a flower girl right now I'm not gonna lie now that I know it looks like a flower girl I'm changing it again can't have myself looking like a flower girl I am too old for that flower woman gosh darn it so I did see some people and by some people I mean one where she rapped to the front of her hair and then she rapped the back of her hair on the same one it dried better Oh Lord it's not getting any better child like a party pony oh there we go we grabbed a scrunchie real quick because obviously oh that's cute we fixed it it's definitely like a retro throwback home as the girls are so tight yes okay so because these girls are super tight what I want to do is just a quick little spritz of water on the tight pieces so this guy and all of these guys and it's literally I'm gonna spray it and I'm just gonna let it fall on its own because my hair is naturally straight so that's what's gonna happen it kind of reactivates your hair's natural texture so if your hair is not naturally straight this step will not work for you but if it is there you go you can also put a little bit of water on your hands and run it over the thing is you don't want to saturate it because if you get your hair really really wet you're gonna lose everything you just want dry finishing okay I'm feeling a little bit better about it what do you think oh yeah yeah that looks good the thing is like that's really cute and a lot of people like would really enjoy having that texture of hair I know that's not really like your particular favorite style but it does look really cute yeah it's not like the thing that I go for all the time but I do like it okay so this is the octo curl just cuz I mentioned it before this is one of the earlier versions so it looks a little more prototype it looks like it spaghetti monster here's the thing though it's like a headband that you put around your head and then you can wrap the hair on each of these and you can like put as many together as you want for a bigger curl or you can do one on this own for a little curl it gives you the opportunity to do kind of a similar situation to this but with more space between the curls and maybe a little bit easier for short hair because uh you could actually possibly get the back curls just the thought just wanted to put that out there alright well hey you know what it was not that bad I do think if you have long hair like you have to do it you absolutely have to do it I cannot I can't believe it yeah I can't believe that I had dinner sooo yeah same especially like you know when quarantines over and like my girls who are going to school like yeah sleep with your hair and then wake up and throw on your cute little sweatshirt and leggings and you're good to go I want to keep trying with the short hair I'm not sure what else I'd change but I really want to know I want to know if I can do it we should both try the double double the AFT here's what we can do we can both try one more time and we can put a little montage here of how that goes so you guys can see what that looks like when we try it with the cord doubled up and go [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm super into it I really like it I like that I worked so well I think I could make it work better on my short hair but it worked so well on your long hair I am sure it really did my mind is blood so I guess this tick-tock method gets a thumbs up from me what do I use this Oh first are two big thumbs up from me I'm shocked I did not expect it to go that well do you know how many heatless curling methods I've tried that went terribly yeah linked above Kaylee's the wish oh my gosh yeah oh I'll link my wish rollers video my god alrighty well that is today's video I hope that you guys enjoyed it thank you Anna Laura for being here and contributing the long hair perspective because it went so well thanks for having me I'm so excited that I have my new curly mess I bet ye well I hope that you guys enjoy today's video hit that like button if you did we may comment down below with what I can try next I'm down for pretty much anything you're new here you can hit that subscribe button to join the Breda holic family here on Kaley Melissa and all y'all can hit that Bell icon to be notified every time I post a new video but that's it for today whether you're old or new or a casual lurker thank you for spending time with me and I'll see you in the next video wha bang e Carol Baskin did it did it done don't wave Oh what then you throw back oh yay I could have been a Easter Bunny
Channel: Kayley Melissa
Views: 520,026
Rating: 4.9471521 out of 5
Keywords: Kayley Melissa, KayleyMelissa, KaleyMelissa, Kayley, Caley Melissa, tik tok, tik tok songs, tik tok hair, tik tok hairstyle, tiktok hacks, tik tok hairline check, tik tok hair fails, tik tok hair curling, tiktok, hair hacks, hair tricks, hair, hairstyle, how to, tutorial, diy hair hacks, heatless curls, heatless, easy curls, tiktok curls, hair tutorial
Id: XBLpOqGWda0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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