flow vs copy

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okay some on quick five minute review one on the right courses the Chinese quick copy the one on the left is the flow frame this is the tube that comes with the crap Chinese copy this is the tube that comes with the flow just on that loan you can see the detail and the build quality this has got ridges on so you push your hose onto it so your honey will be coming this way nice little flower emblem you've got this little bit a very important piece of the tube which you'll see is missing on the Chinese one we get back to them later yeah as the keys for the flow frame the flow fine key is well made solid doesn't want to bend very nice bit of kit Chinese won the nice flat okay nice crappy bit of fright metal that bends nothing to it whatsoever okay so going over to the flow frames do need to pair pliers to pull the end off you don't want to Chinese ones they pop out so easy we will show you you insert the key onto a flow frame all the way down cracker over you turn it or fall 90 degrees that's what we all saw on the videos opened up the frame a Chinese one you have to feel your way through eventually you'll get there the Chinese one the Chinese one you turn it fall to open up and to crack it closing slide the falling of the top piece doesn't want to go in all the way you have to fill your way through that is so crap so much so that you turn it around okay so we got to the end you don't get to turn it full 90 degrees that is it that's the tone shows you the how cheaply they've made a copy flow is just so much more sturdier slide it into the top see how easy that winning no mucking about turn it full 90 degrees open close it to that difference on the tube the holes all about you'll see on the Chinese copy exactly once you crack it open on the honey flows into this part and you've finished as you know just little drips of honey come in you put your imp like in there's nowhere for the honey to go I've sealed around there with some silicon but of course really you need to have some sort of hole there to a the bees to feed on their honey that's their flow I made a really good little slot there and of course that is what that special bit is on the end of the tube you line it up with the slot and it's locks in me out it comes the holes yo honey will flow at the end that's a nice solid fit in there it's not going to come in if the wind blows when you finish the course and you put your plug back in slot is now open and the bees can feed on it on the Chinese man this piece of pipe goes to there that is it it's it's not tight fear I don't even think it a seal around the edge in all honesty I think these are absolute crap so at least and quick side view okay there's a cheap Chinese copy you see the line the gaps and themselves and if you look at it on the eye you percent of the cells line up that's in the closed position but that line there are still opened and one two three four lines there are still open so you've got four lines there that are open still and one line there you can play about with it put your key back in in the hope of getting them all down trouble is of course this is inside the home so your poncing about with this he doesn't turn a full nine degrees you can't see if themselves are shut or not now I've got rid of those few those you have closed up I've still got two there now that were opened absolute crap in the bin you look at a flow hive floo frame just through no comparison it's the difference between Oscoda Rolls Royce you can see the slant on the cells will go in from front to back every single cell is lined up via these just them little things that make a big difference look look at the wire where the wire goes ring and the flood water goes down on the bottom holding the bottom together the Chinese copy it's above the bottom so it's putting pressure on that which pulls the in down thank you very much to stew on cedar my free gift can't wait till next year now give it a go absolutely love it you
Channel: Stephen Stubbs
Views: 118,550
Rating: 3.701525 out of 5
Id: 9ZrUqsvuTgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 24sec (504 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2015
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