Flow Hive Hack - How to build your own flow hive for 400.00. Flow hive tips and tricks. Save Money.

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hi welcome back to the channel in today's video we're gonna be talking about the flow of now whether you're an experienced beekeeper a new beekeeper such as myself or someone who's seen the flow hive and decided that you want to become a beekeeper from this videos for you in today's video I'm gonna share some of the tips and tricks and flow hive hacks that I've picked up over the last year some of which I've seen online others dog developed myself that should make your flow hive experience a good one also if you decided you wanted to buy a flow hive and you went out to honey flow calm only to find out that there are a thousand dollars then this video is for you as well we should be able to save you a bunch of money and get you into a flow hive for about three hundred dollars and a little bit of elbow grease so do me a favor sit back enjoy the video and if you like it to be a favor give me the thumbs up button if you're not subscribed in the channel please subscribe and follow me and share with your friends and family and colleagues I would love to have you help me build the channel so sit back and enjoy I hope these help you out so you want to flow on you don't want to spend a thousand dollars I think we can get you there for about 300 explain first thing you want to do let's go to eBay if you can find some flow frames that somebody's decided they don't want to use you might be able to score a pretty good deal now if you can't find him there you go to honey flow comm and you can buy the OEM frames for about two hundred fifty nine dollars for six of them if you're going to be building a ten frame hive seven frame flow hive you're going to need seven of these it's gonna cost you a little more the next thing you're going to need is a deep super now you can purchase one from flow and I believe it's about sixty-five dollars plus shipping back to the States or from one of the US distributors but if you don't want to spend that kind of money you go to better be calm man Lake or someone like that and you can file one for about fifteen dollars now you're gonna want to get the unassembled version because we do have to make some modifications to the front of the spots before it's put together the first thing you need to do to make sure that you make room in the top for the access key that's going to come with your frames this is how you release the honey you have to make sure we have room for this at the top of the box the next thing you're going to need is a door to get to the bottom now you don't have to make it curved and fancy it can be a straight door the goal is to make sure that we have room to add the spout it's how we get the honey out after you've made these modifications to the box there's only two more things that you need to do before you have a fully functional flow hive the first thing you're going to need to do let's get a piece of metal bar now you can use any flat metal bar I actually got this from a filing cabinet but you want to add rigidity to the box when the boxes put together because it'll be nothing holding this box together except for this front piece that's still glued there but you're gonna have the top and the bottom open you need some rigidity so find a piece of flat metal bar and screw it right to the bottom you'll be in good shape the last thing you need to do is you need to put some shifts in the box now if you don't have access to a table saw chances are you can get paint stir sticks from your local hardware supply store and that will work just fine the goal is to put one in each corner of the box and what that does that make sure that your flow frames are pinched tightly in the box and that there's no air gaps on the front it's very important we don't want the bees getting out honey getting out or dance getting in after you've done that congratulations you put this box out on your hive and you're gonna be born honey just like it's coming out of a keg of your own flow I've for about $300 here's another hat for you when you buy your frames from Flo or from eBay for that matter it's gonna come with a key it's a key for a reason because it's the key to the entire system when the bees fill your frames with honey you want to be able to open the floodgates and let that honey flow problem is when the bees fill us with honey and they've got it all wax shut it's not that easy to turn this key here's your solution I a second key very inexpensive but this is gonna save you a lot of headache and it's gonna make that honey flow very very easily two keys are better than one here's a hack for you now that you've got your flow I've got your flow frames you got both keys and the girls have waxed the frames and fill up with honey it's time for the harvest don't make the mistake that a lot of people with flow hives do with a very first extraction don't put both your keys in all the way and open the floodgates chances are honey's gonna drip down from this box into your brood chamber and you're gonna lose some of that liquid gold let me show you a different way instead open your hive about a third at a time let the honey drain move back a third let the honey drain and finish it off let the honey drain when you're done close it up you've just saved an awful lot of honey and a big headache here's another hack first time I saw this was on Fredrik Dunn's channel he introduced us to recap jar lids these lids fit on any standard widemouth ball jar and they keep the bees out of your honey or the Yellowjackets while you're doing your harvest two very easy and very effective you're going to need a 1 inch inner diameter food grade piece of tubing that you can purchase at any hardware store as well as your flow spouts you're gonna need two of them one goes into the flow frame the other into the jar now the bugs can't get in and your honey's gonna flow directly into the jar great idea Fred here's a hack for you let's say that you built your flow hive and you put it out on your beehive and the bees aren't taking to it use some of your wax cappings or buy some wax with another bee supplier or beekeeper and paint your frames with the wax simply melt in a crock-pot paint it on you'll be surprised the bees are gonna take to it fairly quickly and in no time at all the end of a full box of honey all right so you've built your own flow super you want eBay or you want the honey flow calm you bought yourself some flow frames you modified a length drop box to turn it into a flow hive now you want the leg kit that comes with the flow hive too you go to honey flow comm you try to purchase it in their online store they're not gonna sell it to you you call me you ask him in they're not gonna sell it to you it only goes with their flow I've to now I've got a solution for you take another deep paid frame or 10 frame box depending on what size flow flow have you built and cut an arch out of each side after you've done that you add yourself a corner block the other side go to Amazon and buy yourself a leg leveling kit that they use for machinery now you've got your own flow eye base simply add a bottom board and you're flush super in the roof and you've got a flow I've and you just saved about $700 all right well thanks for watching this video I hope you enjoyed my flow hacks I would like to say if you like this video do me a favor hit the like button if you're not subscribed please subscribe and by all means comment I'd love to hear what you have to say and if you have any flow hive tricks hacks or tips that I don't know about and you'd like to have me feature them in one of my videos do me a favor drop me a comment below or you can send me an email at G a bug farmer at gmail.com and I'll try to get it in my next video with that said do me a favor and push this video out share it to your friends and family and any other beekeepers you know I would greatly appreciate it I hope some of these tips help you save money and thank you for watching and like always I want you to be happy thanks for watching have a great day [Music] you
Channel: Bug Farmer
Views: 12,244
Rating: 4.9251461 out of 5
Keywords: flow hive, flow hive 2, hacks, tips, tricks, honey, beekeeping, flowhive, flowhive2, save, viral, money, viralvideo, viral video, flow hack, flow hive review, flowhivereview, tips&tricks, tips & tricks, honeybee, bee, tips and tricks, build your own flowhive, make flow hive, make flowhive, build flow super, flow super, oem flow hive, honeyflow, honeyflow.com
Id: tPdLojvoeYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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