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we have left we want to continue praying for this great wisdom god gave to daniel and we have prayed for six dimensions already all five six an excellent spirit now the seventh knowledge knowledge he says for as much as an excellent spirit and knowledge daniel 5 12. we haven't prayed for knowledge yet so god is giving us knowledge amen what is knowledge that you even know if you don't know you can't be wise because wisdom is how to apply the things you know so when you don't know at all you get what i'm saying you don't know how to apply so let's take this corona virus they know it's a virus first of all we didn't know what a virus was before remove this they didn't know what a virus was before now they know then they they knew what was bacteria and those of you are lay people you don't know the difference but there's something called bacteria all right that caused the plague and killed about a third or a third of the whole of the european population that was a bacteria cured by something called antibiotics then came parasites like malaria parasite schistosomiasis river blindness onco psychiatrists and so on those are parasites okay who cram and so on there are parasites that's a different type of organism it's not cured with antibiotics it's okay with something else then came viruses viruses have no antibiotic no medicine usually cures by a virus virus so that's when they invented vaccines do you hear what i'm saying i'm just explaining to you that you don't even know this before you even apply wisdom so now that you know is a virus how do you use what you know so every government uses what it knows and then applies so what they do as a result of what they know is what we call this wisdom how you apply what you know that's why we all finish school and some become millionaires and some become poor from the same knowledge basis the same knowledge base we all finish school one becomes poor one becomes rich ah what do you think you all go to and like casual bible school one becomes poor one because the great minister one becomes nothing you're all in the same church you all know the same thing one you depend on how you apply it are you there somebody is listening to me in the uk you are locked down i hope you are hearing it well beautiful so knowledge to even know so if you don't know you can't even yet become wise so we should have actually prayed for this knowledge before we prayed for the wisdom but there were all things that came in a certain order so lift your holy hands now as we pray we are getting to the end we are praying that there are things you don't know god will make you to know from now god is giving you revelation knowledge understanding wisdom mando kamala ramon de la merced [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign foreign is remember [Music] um [Music] foreign foreign mama [Music] [Music] lord hallelujah hallelujah now we are moving to number eight the eighth dimension of the wisdom which is interpreting of dreams wow amen you know don't say that god is not speaking to you i think everybody can sit down where you are we are this is a very important dimension of god's wisdom for your life one time i asked god that so you god you won't tell me anything eh not knowing that he has told me already yes not knowing that he has told me you that's why you should write down your dreams because you'll find out that god is speaking to you all the time and sometimes he speaks to you in dreams if you despise dreams you despise god yes there are some people who don't have dreams at all this they have visions and there are some people who have dreams and visions and there are people who have neither dreams nor visions and god speaks to them maybe in another way but and there are different types of dreams for instance i have a type of dream that i have that comes very it's a very very short dream i can be sitting down and i'll have that dream it comes at the beginning of my sleep yes i don't sleep at all just very short and goddess i had one yesterday yes just as i sleep at that moment and then i wake up it's almost as just before you sleep so i had to get up and i have to get up and write it yes it doesn't come as part of the sleep it comes as part of the before sleep i don't know whether is it a vision or what but it's important i could tell you what i dreamt yesterday you'd be surprised very brief but very important so part of your direction my dear is the dreams so there are 10 significant dreams of your life and i want everybody watching to check your dreams out very well yes i need you to check out your dream i really need you to check out your dreams because it's part of god's wisdom for now you must believe dreams and you must hear god don't expect to have a special dream that dream is does it know that's a dream the one you got that's a dream it is it despises dreams jesus would not be born joseph had was it four dreams i was telling you the other day three or four dreams four dreams from joseph alone go here come here do this do that yes so dreams somebody had a dream and he was he was getting married the bride was coming and when he turned around and he met the bride and she uncovered it was a different person and then he said no he's mind the wrong person so he that made him break up his relationship because he felt that he was in with the wrong person yeah based on that dream yes so god is giving you guidance you you don't respect your dreams anything are you life near not supernatural your life is not supernatural but from today you are i want you to take as we pray now between seven to ten dreams significant dreams you know as i'm praying today i remember a dream i had many years ago there are two dreams i've had but i never i sort of understood it in a different way but today i see the dream differently and i realized that god was speaking to me there's no way i did i just couldn't understand what he was saying amazing so dreams and thank god that daniel was into interpreting of dreams wow so as we pray now everybody is going to be thinking about your dreams because i want you to be a respecter of dreams as a pastor a man of god number one you don't have dreams you don't respect dreams look there are different types of dreams some people have dreams with animals like a cow is chasing them or they see a snake or they see this or they see that a bed yes and some people have dreams of things happening we are human beings talking some of them are symbolic dreams it's like comics some are like comics and some are like letters different types of but it's all a picture a picture is worth a thousand words so it's one of the great wisdom god is giving to your life your whole life and ministry is changing over this prayer time because i i know that god is excited by your prayers yes you are going to be an interpreter of dreams interpreter of dreams crisis will be solved through your dream ministry crisis crisis of your life will be destroyed by your dream ministry yes crisis i wish i could share some of the dreams that i've had different different different ones different types of dreams yeah but just know that for joseph to have a dream later many years later god showed him i was with you and part of all that has happened he saw the sun the moon and the stars so today there may be a dream you've had maybe you saw me in your dream and suddenly i'm i've appeared in your life that's it that's a dream it's happening practically [Music] yes i have seen i've also seen people in my dream i once saw a man of god standing in front of me i wasn't asleep actually and standing for them advised me and i followed that advice what else will you do yes that's part of the wisdom of god amen is it exciting is it amazing yes so your life you see unlike a secular person who would discard a dream you are a spiritual person and your and you have to respect satan because i'll give pour out my spirit and you will have dreams the dream is a direct result of the presence of the holy spirit so i need your servant dreams take your notes and try to recall key dreams of your life yes both recent and past you know you know listen let me before do you know that you could actually be about to be destroyed but when you remember a dream then it will stabilize you you say no no no this is exactly what i dream i saw i dreamt and said that never do this now that opportunity has come for you to do that so god is god is blessing us i feel a blessing right now as we seek him the more we seek him the more we find him he's giving us dreams and interpretation of these dreams and guidance because today is all about guidance we are praying in his presence the more we seek him the more we are finding his presence and this is number eight or nine number eight after that we are coming to heart sentences but this is just interpretation of dreams it's guidance for your life holy hands the more i seek you the more i find you seek your dreams now seek and say lord your dreams are important to me holy spirit dreams are important to me malo sha balaba malama kobaridal imam and it was not it's not important to a secular man but it's important to you it's important to you because you are an anointed person you are a spiritual person you are a god person you are a servant of god my sister my friend you are very important to god that's why he [Music] [Music] [Music] you spoke to me you came from heaven you were guiding me lord don't let me go you were teaching [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign yes foreign interpretation [Music] what guidance has he given to you monday different kinds of dreams understanding wisdom the wisdom of the gods master of the magicians excellent spirit knowledge cambodia hey we are getting to the end of our time here and our prayer time but we've not yet finished it's not my first to join you can stay if you want to stay amen what a blessing for those who stay i can see thousands are here with us what a blessing i also have a facebook live so i also watch i can see what's going on amen now listen now daniel 5 is 12 we are ending we are coming to the 10th i told you there were 10 there may be more but at least 10. now these are the things that you are receiving number one light [Music] number two because we are asking for it understanding wisdom that's wisdom you've had an experience you can apply it practically and it's like you don't seem to be able to apply your experiences bad and good number four master of the magicians mastery over the magicians of your day those who seem to know things spiritual powers and whatever number four with five wisdom of the god supernatural wisdom yes and i thank god for that when god tells me to give i've is the wisdom of the gods it's not normal wisdom if you don't know my wisdom keep it yes the more you give the more you a fool that's what people think that's that's not the wisdom of the of of of man or that's the wisdom of mind is the more you give you more you are full number six an excellent spirit so that things can enter you without being corrupted number seven knowledge number eight interpretation of dreams and number nine showing of hard sentences amen showing of hard sentences all right now the word showing it's um a word which means solution a solution to hard sentences you know one of the things that we are not able this is this is the turning point in many lives it's hard sentences headset is the tightening point so i'm thank god that you are still around in this prayer meeting because this is the turning point in many people's lives when there is a hard sentence they are finished and there are about seven types of hard sentences yes which we can't go into today but there are different types of hard sentences [Music] for instance one type of heart sentence is a hard rebuke you see when you are rebuked some people have never had a hard word spoken to them they've only been praised do you see so if you take like my book the beauty and the beast it is a hard sentence do you see to pastors wives but most people have never had a heart sentence but actually if you were to take it you become such a beautiful person yes so to be rebuked do you see having a hard sentence given to you we are told something had or even shouted at before or even whipped before it's a hard thing but that's the breaking point that's the point that you some people go off that's it they are actually offended they will recount your speaking they will see you speaking as an insult and that's a turning point for people's lives the wisdom doesn't catch to the point where they can solve or understand or accept or even relate with a hard thing or a meeting where hard things are said you see that some people tip off from that point because they've never had it before and because you've not had that before you you are never a certain way another hard sentence is a dismissal a dismissal if you are sacked you see which is what you have for instance when you go abroad if you're a ghanaian and you work abroad you can easily be sucked it will be normal to be sacked and that's why they their systems will work differently from what we have here somebody can do things that will even risk people's lives they will just carry on so dismissal can be the turning point in your life when you are sacked but it can be the turning point for good where you will learn how to work or you will learn the lesson i remember a brother who was sacked he he went to work in the i think it was american embassy or somewhere and he was sacked because he went to drive the cast at a place that he shouldn't drive and they didn't take it at all as soon as that was the end goodbye he learned a big lesson and he blessed god bless him with another job and from then on he was different but he was trying to bring his ghanaian waste on u.s embassy and it was not easy he had a heart sentence quickly are you there yeah then i'm talking about heart since this is change your life most people don't want to have hard sentences the hard sentences another hard sentence is when you are going in a particular direction and you are told you are wrong going the exact opposite of your life like maybe you are getting ready to marry somebody you understand you've got to belove it frank has a new belt and you are told no no no no good do not work it's a ha it may be a hard sentence but sometimes because of the heart sentence because it's hard a person is crying any breakup is sad it's the breakup of my relationship i wrote a song about that it's a broken heart once again is it not true i don't have any of the singers here just hard people who can sing hard hard sentence you say no no no go back go back don't marry don't marry her don't marry him hard it may be the turning point of your life a very good turning point of your life and i've seen people more and more these days are like that say don't mind i mean laugh i shouldn't be alive again you're trying to actually be like oh i won't be alive again from that day i'm not being alive again and more and more i can see more and more of the children are accepting the hard sentences when i have whenever it comes i said you say i should dance oh bye-bye but not before so yes i go no no i mean laugh and you say this no they don't they don't they don't have self-harm sentences it's very hard so the person i'm in love with like this the only person i know my heart she's flowing this and that i should not yes you should not for some reason which maybe somebody can see yes so these are hard things another hard sentence i've given you three types of heart sentences four types of heart sentences are judgments of people yes judgments it's when it's time for judgment is shadow look i've watched i watched two people i remember watching the they had the hardness of their sentence one was saddam hussein i remember when i woke up in the morning he said they were executing him that day yeah it's not a nice thing as they took him to hang him and the one i think they hang before chemical ali or one of them when they hang him his head came off yes because some people when you hang them the head comes off by mistake it's not it's not intended maybe it's too heavy or something hey and saddam hussein was wearing his winter coat and everything and came it's not easy to watch another one i watched was when gaddafi was caught he's not easy to watch no no no no judgment when you see somebody having to you feel sad it's not easy to be a judge and he said that no you go to prison hard judgments another terrible judgment to watch out a hard sentence a case is a hard sentence from today in the sweat of thy face shall now eat bread it's a hard sentence you have brought it on yourself but how to swallow hard sentences and handle solve the solution bring the solution of a hard thing in your life maybe one of the heart says is that you are in the wrong country yes it's very hard to accept something like that am i in the wrong you are the wrong country you're in the wrong place too hard but a heart sentence is often a turning point that's where you separate the shift from the goal that's where most people go left or right all my experience is hard sentences that bring left or right when you come up with something hard this is what must be done this is what we are going to do that's why he said i can't flow with you and people go left all right when i came up yes cases are hard somebody said well why should you cast the bible is full of it full of it that's one of the way god uses to control the world you see how we are we are praying here because we have been humbled we are calling on god we are we have been humble we have been brought low yes we are looking to god to help us god who we can't see we are in a room calling on god as we have been brought low trying to get his presence or feel his presence it's not easy to feel it you are feeling sleepy and angry the bible is full of it so cases are hard sentences yes and when you are able to solve it or know how to handle a hard thing that has been given to you to do and another hard thing is hard instructions difficult commandments it's also a hard sentence like maybe go into the mission field yes go into the field one of our pastors he was a pastor at the and i said to him go i sent him as a missionary to nigeria because when he was there i realized that he he's good but he lacks something he lacks something he lacks something that he will get when he goes to nigeria so i said to him i think i was in at a restaurant i said i'm sending you to nigeria go to nigeria he said it was more difficult to go to nigeria than to come full time yes it was the most difficult thing it was that was the turning point of his life to take that hard sentence it's true but if you are able to receive you see that's why i said uh what showing of heart sentence actually it's it's the another version who says solving riddles or a solution to things hot things if you can manage it and today that person who i sent as a from the quran she was just a normal person but when i sent him to nigeria after 10 years he's come back and now he's a bishop at the kurdish yes so that's a turning point the hard sentence is often the ability to take the hard sentences yes hard things that god will say i remember one time god gave me a heart sentence he wanted me to give something and i gave it but it was not easy he had to give me a vision before i gave it i've given you how many heart sentences i should have given you seven i've given you seven you have seven number one hard rebukes dismissals go away i have several people i sucked that was the turning point of their life and most of the people i've ever sat are still working for me number three have i suck you before yeah this one is one of the people i've said before hard sentences number three hard instruction to go in the opposite direction yes it's very hard you know turn around turn around turn around wow it's hard the middle of the road number four judgments sentence of someone is very hard to watch to implement or even to say or to do that's the right thing but it's difficult number five cases are hard sentences she number six no hard instruction was that the last one had commands where you are told do something that i want you to maybe give this amount of money yes or give this or give your life or go here it's hard for you these are hard sentences different types of hard sentences and declarations come into your life but it's usually the turning point of your ministry the day you can do the hard thing or manage how or a test but you have to manage you have invoked a case how to maneuver because we are in a case now through the switch of our face we are eating bread how to maneuver even the plagues that have come you think it's not a case it's a judgment of god on the world and it has brought something we can't control that's why i was giving you the wisdom of god that don't be expecting anything to end whatever you ever want to do do it even if you have to have a zoom wedding like somebody's in a country another place you just mind on zoom and say charlie we are married when we meet [Music] just move on life has to move on now plan whatever you need to plan because this is it this is it hard is hard to believe it yes certain things are not going to become as you think they will become i mean ghana has a four thousand cases and it's spreading one factory alone has 500. when are they going to prevent it from becoming a hundred thousand through what means the more people that have it the more people will be infected when is it going to end it sounds hard so whatever represents a hard sentence in your life hard reality maybe you are living in sin and you have to accept the hard truth that you are sick now you are you are you are evil maybe you are treacherous and you call yourself loyal you pretend it's hard for you to accept the truth this thing is called this this is the name of this thing i'm doing hard sentences yes so let's stand to our feet everyone standing we are ending i told you that we are ending when did music finish and we finished this is number nine are you tired don't be tired when we are playing important things of our lives you don't want to pray i don't know what what is wrong with you yes it affects everything the heart sentences the hard sentences hard rebukes never accept it some people can never tell them anything say something to just become a long argument just just leave it that's why you've been left to your perdition you have been left to become a beast you have been left for your life to to get support well nobody can talk about you lift your hand and pray lord i want to receive heart sentences and dissolve them yes dissolve these sentences and show heart sentences and survive with her sentence and overcome her sentence and implement her sentence and do whatever i have to do with her sentences hello [Music] [Music] um hey foreign to handle this heart sentence to operate within this hap center to receive this heart sentence to operate lord nala mandolin mandela [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign is [Music] [Music] [Music] sunday so now the last hard sentence is a hard prophecy hard prophecy you know we all have good prophecies when there's a hard prophecy that says something negative not something good so anyway in in uh revelations he says because you are lukewarm you know that could not i'll spit you out of my mouth you see it's hard thou says i'm rich but no it's not that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked these are strong words so these are hard centers but if you are able to handle the hard sentences you you your life will change that's a turning point because i look one person it's neither hot nor cold these are like a1 people it's like they are not bad they are not good i mean they are not bad or good no they are not bad or good yeah they are just there they look sort of cool yes they've not harmed anybody they're not known as wicked evil so when you tell such a person you are wretched you are miserable you are naked it's like how like what are you trying to tell me you get it that this heart sentence is the turning point of your life father we thank you for blessing us in this prayer time thank you for the hard sentences of our lives we declare we are open to your heart sentences and we are changing you are changing our lives in jesus name amen finally daniel chapter 5 verse 12 the last uh direction from god was dissolving of doubts dissolving of doubts so dissolving of doubts is guidance from god when you are able to dissolve doubts you suddenly are able to have faith do you see faith is the absence of doubt do you get it so this is all supernatural because if you are advising let's say the president of your country you can't advise him and say have faith you believe you just trust trust a god who take care of the country and the coronavirus will go away a secular president doesn't listen no they may listen to it in private but they are not they can't use faith to to run the country you can i mean president trump cannot come and tell us that he has faith so everybody should go back to work [Music] you hear what i'm saying but you faith and what you believe will greatly affect your whole life it's a it's a major guidance for you i am here because of what i believe i am praying here because of what i believe i could be doing other things on facebook there are other sort of things that even pastors do sing songs i mean other things yes questions and answers i don't know what happens but there are a lot of other things but i believe that as we pray that's what that's the little belief i have i'm sure there are other good things to do i about preaching many other things but i'm saying that what is important what you believe is greatly part of your wisdom yes it's not just listening to words but what you believe you are made to believe so dissolving of doubts and so that day he he spoke by faith and he told them this is what this believes this is what this is daniel believed in the vision he had and he he spoke by faith and he believed in god and went to pray rather than sleeping he told his friends he believed that when he tells other people to join him in prayer it will work it will help so he called this recipe let's pray about this do you believe in that yes that's dissolving of doubts it changes your life so i want everybody to get the faith book faith secrets we'll be praying with that book soon amen god is going to give us the victory so let's stand and pray we are ending i hope the song the cd is almost ended we are getting to the end good play it because we need to finish this music then we have we've closed kambola mama makaba dissolve lift your hand and ask god for faith the spirit of faith the spirit of faith the dissolving of doubts so foreign foreign [Music] everywhere thanking god [Music] for this wisdom you have given us and guide us thank you for light thank you for light thank you for understanding thank you for wisdom thank you for wisdom thank you thank you for making as a master of the magicians thank you for the wisdom of god thank you for an excellent spirit thank you for knowledge thank you for interpretation of dreams lord thank you for showing of hard sentences and helping us to cope with hard sentences thank you for dissolving of doubts lord making us men of faith we thank you in the name of jesus amen amen now as we end in hebrews the bible says that by faith they passed through the red sea which the egyptians are saying to do that is egyptians tried to do but because they didn't have faith they were not able to do it and they drowned so faith is very important in your guidance so lift your hand and thank god for faith that you have faith and that there are some things you can do yes you will do them you will achieve them totally because of your faith in god my faith foreign father we thank you we thank you now we are going to bind the devil any demon operating in your life now one of the ways devils come into your life to oppress you the bible says our god another jesus christ who went around healing all that were oppressed of the devil whatever oppression or pressure pressure and oppression is working in your life today we are closing every access point or door window that has been given to the devil to enter your life you know sometimes through certain things you have said or done you have entered into covenants or opened doors and perforated your armor so that demons are able to enter and today we are closing all such access points and we are going to whip the devil out of our existence let's bind the devil now begin to bind any work of oppression in your life any oppression or pressure oppression and pressure of harassment yes demon of oppression demons of wickedness demons of intimidation demons of shame demons [Music] wicked devils harassment demonic harassment we cast them we bind them we block them in the name of jesus we take back every position every place given to the enemy knowingly or unknowingly in the name of jesus in the past in the present now we take back the position we renounce every fellowship and association with the enemy in the name of jesus every speech action thought amanda activity that has enforced satanic presence in my life i renounce it i cast it away i disconnect from associations of devils and agents that are working against my life against my soul against my spirit in the name of jesus i cast down every high thing that they sought itself every tongue that rises against me i condemn it in the name of jesus every work of darkness every long term short-term plan trap slam of satan against your life against your soul we undo it now we uncover it now we renounce it now we cancel our covenants associations and agreements made with settle met with his agent [Music] we disconnect from all associations and connections and linkages demonic attachment in my life seductions contaminations and corruptions i flushed them out i flushed them out marabaka talamala camila de comada i disconnect from all connections and linkages but i'm not got an attachment with the enemy with enemy spirits following me to implement cases in [Music] of the i cast the demon of temptation i cast the spirit of accusation i reject the power of the devil in my life my toku [Music] now we are binding you know the bible says that and he shall seek to wear out the saints anything that seeks to make you tired fatigued mentally spiritually socially fatigued and tired and weary it's going on for a long time today is the end of it lift your hand and we declare judgment on every spirit every spirit of the enemy that is chasing me until i am tired until i fall down i rebuke it i reject it i disconnect from it i terminate the chase of the enemy collar mother i turn the tables and i chase the enemy out of my house out of my dwelling place out of my life out of my ministry i reverse it now i reverse [Music] [Music] lift your hand and say never to return never to return what makes me tired what oppresses me constantly i rebuke you i said take your leave never return i block channels i block access points i block preparations i block calling entry entry point entry point i disconnect from all continents agreements and so ties with demons agents of devils and allies of devils and humans working with devils i disconnect from them i and all forms of connections and attachments to demonic forces and powers in the spirit world in the dark world to calibra i rebuke them in the name of jesus and rebuke them by the blood of the lamb i declare a coloring a deliverance begin to bind the spirit of temptation temptation whatever forms a temptation represents the temptation we find it now we reject it now we uncover it now every disguised enemy that we are covering you and i will overthrow you [Music] through your life spirit [Music] we are binding yes every yes demonic makotosa work devil yes senior or junior devils high ranking devils lower ranking devils that have impacted on your anointing impacted on your spiritual usefulness to god your spiritual usefulness and fruitfulness any power that is cutting you down to make you fruitless fruitful every power that is at work in your life to impact on you yes in any negative way we find it right now right now lift your hand and declare judgments on all ranking demonic agents and allies of devils allies and agents of devils we bind them [Laughter] an agreement i have entered into knowingly or unknowingly i come out of it now every agreement that gives access to tables to demons against my soul against my life i break it now i find it now in the name of jesus christ [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] finally yes let's bind every lying spirit and deception spirit yes that is operating in your life yes against you with you by you through you anything that is alive and a deception yes its end has come today today in the name of jesus lift your hands hello hello now lift up the blood of jesus over your life over your dwelling place over your home over what is yours over what is precious to you no work no weapon of the enemy shall prosper now place your hand on your eye you are receiving a prophetic gift a prophetic gift i receive a prophetic gift i receive it these are the days of the prophet you shall walk with prophetic accuracy light is coming to your life wisdom is coming to your life interpretation of dreams is coming to your life knowledge is coming into your life dissolving of doubt is coming to your life understanding is coming to your life god's power is coming into your life receive it now the llama are the days of the prophet you are running like a prophet of the lord you are walking in the ways of the lord you are serving the lord satan and his allies cannot cut you down cannot cut you down cannot cut you down you are stronger than your enemies you are stronger than the enemy you will overcome the enemy lead you on and receive glory lift your hand and receive power receive your hand and receive grace thank god thank god these are the days of the prophets your eyes are open now god's anointing is on you god's power is on your life you'll fulfill your calling you will achieve what god wants you to achieve divine guidance is your portion every wickedness is turning around saying your ministry is taking another turn your ministry is taking another time thank god hello foreign foreign [Music] father we thank you for hearing our prayer in jesus name today's bishop duncan williams birthday i want us to just pray and thank god for his life pray for him in a moment wherever you are father we thank you for the bishop duncan williams law thank you for his blessing to us all these years long thank you for raising him up lord against all odds lord please against all the attacks all hatred of wickedness your mercies have been with him we thank you yes for so many years you have given him life to survive to go through to suffer to be there lord to stand lord and not to fail we thank you for the grace and we pray for him oh yes for life lord for strength for power law that his enemies would be ashamed of we thank you for this great blessing in the name of jesus in the name of jesus i want us to just lift our hands and thank the lord just thank god thank god thank god thank god thank god thank god days of prophecy for your life thank god thank god for what he has done thank god for what he has done in your life put your hand on your belly out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water mango powder hey a yes star oh yes your star lord is guiding us thank you for showing us the way that he was showing us the way oh yeah thank you for giving us wisdom allah foreign foreign lift your hands and thank him there's no god like your god you spend time praying you're feeling his presence you've been calling on him he'll show you that he's god he'll show you who he is [Music] against thee they shall be confounded they shall be ashamed they that war against you and content against you shall be asked nothing they shall be as a king of naught they that strive with thee shall perish thou shalt seek for them where can you pray in jesus mighty name and everybody said amen god bless you all don't forget on friday we have another prayer meeting we start at 4 am and it's just for two hours but sometimes we go a little longer as the spirit leads us don't think that a prayer meeting is a long thing it depends on what the lord is doing amen lift your hand and thank him as we close campbell i'm ashandar thank you father for your blessing thank you for your blessings you have answered our prayer grateful jesus thank you for your angel that is with us oh yes angels in the houses in just all over the churches oh yes angels in our lives oh yes thank you that you fight for us you'll lift up a standard standard thank [Music] [Music] jesus jesus oh yes [Music] [Music] i wanna cause this love is so deep it's more that i can stand our bells in your peace [Music] [Music] feel your heartbeat this love is so deep it's more than i can stand i'm out in the more i see you the more i find you [Music] the more i find you the more i love you i wanna sit at your feet drink from the cup in your head this love is so deep it's more than i can stand [Music] oh jesus [Music] the more i seek you the more i find here [Music] is the more i find you [Music] it's more than i from the cup in your cause this love is is i wanna see [Music] [Music] this love is so deep it's more than i can stand our mountain peace it's overwhelming the more i see you the more i find you the more i find you [Music] the more i love you [Music] [Music] feel your heartbeat this love is so deep it's more than i can stand i'm melting your peace it's overwhelming [Music] jesus the more i seek you [Music] the more i find here the more i find you feel [Music] [Music] it's feel [Music] overwhelming [Music] [Music] this love is so deep it's more than i can the more i see you the more i find you the more i find you [Music] the more i love [Music] feel your heartbeat this love is so deep it's more than i can stand i'm melting your peace [Music] jesus [Music] the more i seek you [Music] the more i find here [Music] is oh [Music] this love is [Music] i wanna say that cause this love is [Music] [Music] feel your heartbeat this love is so deep it's more than i can stand i'm out in your peace the more i see you [Music] [Music] lay back against you and breathe [Music] you the more i find you [Music] is the more i find you lay back against you and breathe it's overwhelming [Music] [Music] thank god thank god [Music] thank the lord right now i want everybody to just thank god if you are still around for whatever is on your heart that you need from god what you need from him to do for you personally privately what is this what is on your heart that is an issue thank him as we praise him and worship him he's doing it right now man foreign that's what he told me in your heart what you need what is a pressure point what is burning in you from your heart speak to him thank him thank him for it rather he's done it he's answered your prayers a sickness is it a problem is it an issue it's a conflict is it a trial is it a need [Music] thank you thank you for watching oh yes thank you for the blessing thank you for the blessing [Music] so yes god in your beauty [Music] lift your hand and thank him thank you i behold you in your majesty lord marvel at your grace as i praise [Music] [Music] i see you in your glory jesus and i know that you have heard my prayer thank you for your saving power thank you for answers to our friends thank him in your house thank him in your home hello [Music] lift your hands like this get your hands like this father thank you thank you thank you thank you man god bless you we'll see you on friday by the grace of god live long and prosper and overcome all your enemies as we praise and worship him may all your heart desires be answered may god deliver you from your fears and reward you openly for whatever you have done in secret may the blessing of the lord stand over you and overpower and overwhelm you the blessing and not the case in the name of jesus i pray [Music] amen [Music] you
Channel: Son of Dag Heward-Mills
Views: 5,372
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 4Lmp2iVeHaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 45sec (7965 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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