Flow G and Pastillas Girl Reveal The Struggles Of Their Relationship | Toni Talks

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Here with us today, Pastillas Girl, Angelica and Archie. But you know him as Flow G, in the house. Hello. I didn't know this was your first interview. Yes, this is our first. I was actually really nervous. What year did you join Ex-Batallion? 2014. You and Angelica didn't know each other yet? No, not yet. What's your pet name for her? Angelica? Angel. But I call her Love. Oh, Love. But when using her name, I call her Angel. That's your term of endearment? That's where Team Ebs started, because he's the one who invented it when we did the "Jowa Challenge". (Lovers Challenge) It's like "ebeb". And he didn't want us to have the typical nicknames that most people in relationships have. So he said, instead of "bebe" (Filipino slang for baby), "baby" We would use "ebeb". So that's where "ebs" started. Until we eventually ended up together and started calling each other "love". How did you end up together? From simply doing the challenge to ending up together. When did you meet him? Oh I know, let me tell you. In a music video? First time he met me... Though they were really famous then. That was the peak of your fame, right? That was really the peak of the "Hayaan Mo Sila" days. What year was that in? Around 2018. So that's the first time you both met, okay. I really didn't like them, as a group, as a whole. Why didn't you like them? They were arrogant. Oh, arrogant, okay. Were you arrogant back then? I wasn't arrogant. I always tell her that I only become arrogant when I'm boasting about her. How did he seem arrogant? Or maybe he was just chill? Airy. Smooth. Yes. When he first approached me to introduce himself, he gave me a compliment but it was like I didn't like the tone he used. Why? What pick up line did he use on you? I think it was... You have nice boobs. That! Your boobs look good. Okay, you were immediately complimented. Straight to the point, no need to waste time. He immediately complimented your boobs, okay. So I didn't know, Ate Toni-- Would he take you seriously or would he just play with you? Should I be offended by him? What was your reaction when he said I was just... Like that. I also noticed he had a towel with him. So I asked him for it. And I used it to cover myself. Apparently his motive was, that I wouldn't forget him. Wow. It's annoying because it was effective, because I was still annoyed by it even when I got home. Why did someone say something like that to me? Why did he do that? Why was that his pick up line? I couldn't forget him because I was really annoyed by him. Was that your style with the ladies even back then? Or just with your type? No. You were that aggressive? I actually don't know why I even said that. Did you have a crush on her when you first met? - Maybe. - Because out of all the girls, she was the one you complimented. I can't really say that she was my crush, but I wouldn't greet her like that if she wasn't my type. Your first impression of her was that she was your type. While with you was that you thought he was arrogant. So when did you start texting each other? It wasn't really texting. It was more on meeting up during events. Until I realized that, he was just really persistent. He was really playful. Who first asked for the other's number? Exchanging numbers is no longer a thing, Ate Toni. It's like when you're connected in Facebook-- Facebook, yes. - You first exchanged messages in Facebook? - Facebook, IG. The story she just told was our first real meeting. We didn't have any courtships and such. It's like we got to know each other. - Years have passed, - Because you always saw each other. before she asked me to join her to do the jowa challenge. Why did you choose him to join you for the jowa challenge. That's something you should answer, because that's always been one of my why's. So why him? Of all the members of Ex Battalion, there were 14, 15. Why choose him out of all the members of Ex Battalion? Because when we started hanging out, he was the one I felt most comfortable with. Because he's, as I said, persistent. So him annoying me became normal to me. It didn't feel normal if he didn't annoy me. And then I realized that we have chemistry together. Because someone told me that we had chemistry. Someone sent us an IG story where he was feeding me shanghai. He got you with shanghai. The story sounds different when told here. I fed her shanghai. You really fed me shanghai. Ah, he gushed. It actually became viral. But it was a short IG story. So I said, we must really have chemistry because it became viral. So I nagged him. I nagged him into doing the jowa challenge with me. Because the jowa challenge was really popular at that time. So when you did the jowa challenge, you held hands and such? Yes, and other sweet moments. Did you kiss? No. Okay. We didn't -- Sit on each other's lap? No. Because lovers are like that. Ah yes, you made me sit on your lap. There's sitting on each other's lap in the jowa challenge. You even bathe me. Ah, you've already bathed together. So while doing the jowa challenge, were you already gushing then? Did you feel that it was real? When we did the jowa challenge I really tried to treat her as my real girlfriend because I haven't had a girlfriend for such a long time. When I applied it to her I was... I felt like it was okay. It felt light? Yes, I missed having a partner. Something like that. Of course I couldn't tell her that so soon. It came to a point that I actually caught feelings for her because I also want to have her as a partner. She makes me happy. Rappers like me have a different lifestyle. You all have a notorious image. Yes, like that. With her, I had a different face or a different side -- Your other side comes out? Yes, like that. That was her effect on you? Yes. Look at what he said earlier, the Ex Battalion members have a certain image, even though they really have one. Your bandmates were involved in many different issues. Were you not scared by that image? That the members of Ex Battalion are playboys. When we started getting to know each other, I realized that he isn't like the rest of his group or the other guys that I know. He isn't like the guys I've met before. What is he like? He's different. Because when you first met him he seemed a little flirty to you. Yes. Is he not like that to other women? He's been single for a long time so he really didn't commit. Weren't you scared when there's a lot of women during their shows? He didn't give me any reason to doubt or get jealous. So I'm also confident to say, that it's fine for you to leave and return anytime you wish. As long as you message me then it's fine. Because my trust has never been broken. I trust him fully. He never gave me a reason to doubt. You've known each other for 4 years. You met each other in 2018 and it's now 2022. What did you get to know more about Angelica after 4 years? I could say that I met her, I got to know her, when she finally felt whole. I was okay with just that. Her adjusting to my interests is another big factor for me. She's willing to do things for us to be more compatible to each other. What makes Angelica mad? When I hang out with my friends for several continuous days. But her anger isn't that bad because I know that she's not really angry at me. Hey, I get angry. No, it's just simple annoyance. What do the two of you have in common? Humor. I feel like that's where it started. It also helped that we got to know each other better because we already live together. During the pandemic. - 2020? - Because of the pandemic. For me, - Because there was a lockdown. - I would rather be locked down with her because we're not allowed to leave our homes. I'd rather stay with her. So you got locked down. Yes. So you locked down each other. We still live together even until now. How did you adjust? Because things are different when you live together. Yes, because at the start we just played along. - Playhouse set up? - Yes. You would see that... You only have to shoot your laundry in the basket I don't understand why his clothes are on top of the hamper. All he needs to do is open it. Things like that. And he's like a snake. Oh, a snake. Whenever he takes off his clothes he always leaves a trail. Why are you watching me take off my clothes. It's not like that. Oh, it's not? You will really see. There's a trail. It's around his bed. Even his socks. I said, what is this? What is it doing here? She's embarrassing me. While he's walking he takes off one sock here and takes off the other there. It's actually a good thing that I'm piling them up in a corner. What if I want to dispose them far apart? You know, men and women have different dynamics. There are people that even though you live in the same house you still need seperate spaces. Where you need alone time. We didn't lose that. You have something like that? Yes. This is his moment, he would concentrate on music. Or for you, this is your 'me' time. This is what she'll do for herself. Do you have something like that? Because in our house he has in his own studio. So when he enters there I would not disturb him. I don't even hang out there. It's his place. If he calls me then okay. Sometimes you complain why I don't enter. But it's because I respect that it is his space. I also have my own office in our house. You're the one who don't respect space. Why don't you respect her space? No, it's because sometimes I need something from her office. And it's because I remember where things are because you're good at organizing, - you women are. - Because with men, we just put it wherever we can. Yes and when I need something I know where I can get it in her office. - When I need a pentel pen. - I know where it is. When I need scissors. - I would just get it there. - That's where he hangs out. Is age ever an issue? Because Archie is younger. No because as I said, he's an old soul. Ah, why is he an old soul? His way of thinking is mature. He's just really good at making jokes, he's really jolly, but when it's a serious conversation I feel like I'm talking to someone who's 40 or 50 years old. It's probably because of his decision making. Where did you get that? Why did you mature so quickly even though you're still in your 20's? It's because of my father, it's one of his traits that I admire, he's a real alpha. He becomes a different person whenever there's a serious conversation. Something like that. Your father is really like the man of the house. You got that from him. It's like I set aside the beliefs I've had since I was a kid where I'm not supposed to rely on a man. This and that. I have to work - so I wouldn't be oppressed. - You should have money. Yes. So you wouldn't be oppressed. You wouldn't turn out like this and that. So that's my belief ever since I was a kid. But when I met him he didn't change me. I changed myself because in my mind it was worth it. I really didn't trust men when it comes to my life. I feel like I know myself well. But when he came I was able to trust him because most of the time he's right. In the 4 years that you've given him your trust did he ever break it? Never. And my mom always tell me that when I look for a partner in life, don't just look for someone rich. Look for someone hardworking. Is he like that? I really saw that in him. How did you handle the temptation? Because your friends, your bandmates are a little -- Like that. Their love lives are a little sad. I won't look far. Don't do to others what you don't want them to do to you. Just that. You should be afraid, because I myself am afraid. It's like, why would I mess up my life? Why would I go back to my life back then? That's what's in my mind. Who else is my enemy when I'm already okay. Now, my enemies are women, gambling and vices. That's already noted as forbidden in my mind. So he doesn't have that, the three in the checklist? None. He's very good. - He doesn't drink. - Don't have vices. Don't have other women. Don't gamble. Smoking was one of my vices back then but I also stopped that. It's been 2 years. He just uses vape. It also serves as my guide because I already saw it in them and I can't clean up their name because what's happening to them typically happens to anyone. The womanizing, things like that. The difference is that they're famous so they have a different impact. The result is severe. Like me, I'm also well-known. And if I do that, I would have the same impact. I already saw the result even though I've yet to do the act. That's just it. Do you talk about your friends? Yes, I actually thank them, they know that. They became my guide because they're more adventurous. Yes. My friends are a little hardcore. Yes, hardcore. Do you talk about having a baby? Yes. Because you've already had a jumpstart. You live in the same house. Yes, we've talked about that. You have two choices for your next step, either you get married or you want to have a baby. She clearly stated that she doesn't want to get married while pregnant or when we already have a child. So that's clear, that should come first. If I want to have a child with her I have to marry her first. I just really want a wedding. The truth is even though it's embarrassing we know that a lot of people will disagree with our living situation. You've encountered people who judge you? There are really a lot of people who judge in social media. So how do you handle the people who judge your relationship? We just ignore them. We don't answer them. Even with our family, sometimes you can't avoid that. "Hey, you should get married first." Because you know the mindset of the old generation if he doesn't marry you then he doesn't love you. That's their dialogue? Yes, things like that. You shouldn't live together until you're married. It's like he is already getting what he wants from you. Why should he still marry you. Things like that. What is your response when they say that to you? Ah, soon. So when they say things like that to you how do you two handle it? Do you talk about it? Do you get annoyed? Do you get pissed? Do you get affected? I get a little pressured because that can't be the only reason for us to get married. If he asks me to marry him anytime it's a yes, yes, I would really say yes. It's a yes, yes, yes. So I'm just waiting for the moment to come. She's insinuating. But no pressure. No pressure but she's waiting. While she's still saying no pressure it's like she's emphasizing it. No one else had changed my mind, just him. You're the only one that changed her mind. I started the same way when I got together with her that's why I proved that I'm still on the right path. - Do you want me to me to prove it? - That it became better. What's that? How? If I'm on the wrong path, we would be in Toni Talks? Wow. He really became a better person. So what is your dream as a couple? For now, we would try to fulfill each other's dreams. So I'm helping him fulfill his dream for himself. I've found a person who would help me with my own dreams. From there, when we've fulfilled our own dreams, that's when we'll fulfill our dreams as a couple. Because it's important that we have fulffilled each others' dreams before we start our dream together so we won't have any regrets. He always encourages you? Always. He never puts you down? "You can do it." He's always like that. He's always just there to support. They said that when you have a happy love life, your career will be opposite. Or if you have a good career - you won't have a good love life. But for us, we were able to prove, that we can have both. It depends on the person. I feel like that one of the reasons why you're crying is because you wish that your mother met him. Yes. You think your mother will like him? True. She's gonna cry again. It's because... Sometimes does Angelica tell you of everything she's been through? - Yes. - Because that hurts. - It really hurts. - It's a heavy feeling. I even said that if you knew me then, I will fight them for you. Because her mother didn't die of natural causes. Really the people who did that were violent. For me, what if I was there? I wouldn't know what to do but I'm sure, they would also bring me to an ugly world, it's really infuriating. That's the kind of pain that would stay in your heart forever. It's like even though it happened long ago it still leaves a gap in my heart. There's already an empty space. And I look for that in every love. When I have a boyfriend. I look for that gap. That emptiness. And I only felt that with him he filled that emptiness. So to end this, if you were to describe your relationship in one word, Angelica... It'll probably be unconditional. Because everything that we've experienced, love holds strong. If to her it's unconditional, what about you? Blessing. This is a partnership. I realized that it's like that if this is a business, then it's really a partnership. Because we are both risking something. We both adjust. We are both doing something for each other. For me, it's a blessing.
Channel: Toni Gonzaga Studio
Views: 3,624,747
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Id: NM5UVduK3ww
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Length: 21min 1sec (1261 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 25 2022
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