Flotsam (2021) - Open World Post Apocalyptic Colony Builder

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what's up guys and gals and welcome back to the nerd castle today in the world of indie games we're going to be diving back on into the early access of flotsam this game has got a bunch of updates since the last time we touched on it about a year ago but if you've never seen it before this is a post-apocalyptic kind of colorful water world-esque game where you've got like a floating city and you've got to float it around to find the resources that you want to gather in order to stay alive it's sort of like rim world meets kevin costner i guess and so we're going to dive on in spend about 25 30 minutes with the game and see if it's something you wanted to add to your wish list or otherwise pass on if after watching this you did indeed want to do that i'll have links for you down below in the description you'll also find a link to my social media my twitch stream my twitter and my discord just in case you wanted to holler at me live and in person let's dive on in because we got games to play all right so it's going to give us our first batch of survivors here and they are going to have kind of like a kit i guess that shows sort of what they're good at i actually really really like that visual representation it doesn't just show you like three guys up here it actually based on their perks it'll have them holding like a skillet if they're good at cooking this guy is a water specialist this person is really really good at building and so anyways i i like that it's one of those tiny little details that's only in the game for like 25 seconds while you're selecting your guys but in my opinion it's a one of those tiny little details that matters and makes the game seem a lot more put together and high quality so we've got u-boat apparently he was a restaurant inspector and he's good at cooking and fishing we have barnacle who is good at fishing salvaging and desalination okay and then we have salty bastard who is apparently a dam builder mostly construction actually a little bit of everything but mostly construction all right let's go ahead and start the game up well that's it then the garbage flood wiped out our village maybe we should stop sticking to the useless rocks and go explore who needs land anyways endless blue waves that's what we need the flooded world is our oyster let's polish this plastic into beautiful beautiful pearls well we've got to come up with a town name i'm going to call us the floaters sounds good all right and here we are a float float floating away there's a whole bunch of plastic right next to our base if you wanted to harvest that you just put out a swim buoy everything in this game basically functions off swim buoys and like little guys will go out and they'll collect all that so we've assigned three villagers right now to go out and get as much of this plastic as they possibly can in order to make our lives a little bit easier i'm gonna speed up the gameplay ever so slightly so we can get a little bit further on in now this base is mobile one of the big structural changes that they've made to the game in my testing is that previously in earlier builds you were able to sail uh you were able to build an engine but you did not start out with the ability to move instead they've actually streamlined that in my opinion i think it was actually a really really good choice your ship can just like go wherever it wants to go and our electricity is listed up here on the right and then they've got like a little crank on the back of this right here where if it's low on electricity one of your little guys will come over here and he'll just turn the alternator until it charges on up to sort of avoid the issue of you ending up stranded and basically soft locking yourself out of playing the game which was definitely a thing that you could do before this game sort of changed directions i think in its earliest iterations it was very much a roguelite almost where you're trying to go as far as you could before eventually you got soft locked and you couldn't go any further they've changed that around now to where it's much more of a city builder that's got a lot more fault tolerance to it and it's a lot harder to like lose the game at this point up at the top of the screen we've got eight food and we've got 12 water we've got 53 random plastic waste and we should probably put that to use building something so we've got eight floaters i think we should take the floaters and we should do kind of like a little scaffold over here this sort of just goes out to like how far can i get that out there we go we'll put that out to right there and then we can also do the same thing on this side although i may want to wait until that's done before i do it because if it's not lined up dude it's gonna drive me it's gonna drive me absolutely insane in the membrane so i'm gonna put one little leg out right there and that's built now and then i'm gonna put out another little leggy over here i think but i need it to like at least be somewhat close there we go perfect get the other one built so this is basically a walkway it's like a catwalk we can build buildings along the side of it one of the things that we could possibly do to kind of mess up our run is if we build completely around in a circle and we don't have any room for any more catwalks so i like to set up the catwalks at the beginning on the catwalk yeah on the catwalk so there it is we've got that all set up now as far as refining goes we can get a plastic recycler that's going to allow us to turn plastic into floaters which is going to be pretty important so i'll put one right there and we'll get that rock and that way we can turn some of this raw plastic into much more useful sort of buoyancy devices that'll float and be a part of this the other thing we want to look out for is we need to get some rooms built for our little guys to chillax inside of so that they can hang out and have some netflix time and not get totally bummed out unfortunately in order to do that i think we're going to need wood and so i saw an island where was that island at there's an island over here and it looks like there is indeed wood on the iceland and so my suggestion is we zoom out to here which you do with your scroll wheel and then we'll take this on over to here and we'll just get nice and close up on this island right here yeah there we go let's just pull up on it strapped perfect and so here we are we should be much better positioned in order to go and scavenge things if you want to harvest an island you just click on it and then you just tell them to salvage it i'm gonna send two guys out actually just to make sure it happens a little bit faster because we don't have anything we can build anyways over here with our floaters i think we should probably do we need floaters for just about everything we do okay well then let's cue up some floaters then we'll keep some plastic waste laying around as you can see our little guy was turning the hand crank right there to make the town heart have electricity again and so i actually i really like that fever like it took so like one of my things with this game with the first alphas that came out is that for being sort of like a colorful jovial colony builder it was actually kind of an intense game you were always low on stuff you were always struggling you were always like we're low on water we're low on food we're low on we're low on fuel like you were constantly like struggling like you never ever got the opportunity in the early alphas of this game to ever like sit back and relax and be like okay we are safe now um with some of the changes they've made to like the structure of the beginning of the game i think it's actually made it a lot more accessible and also a lot better so i actually applaud those changes i think they were really really smart choices as you can see this guy's over here building floaters we do have a woodworking shed where we can convert wood into planks and i would suggest that we build one of those how much wood is left on the island two wood okay they're almost done she's gathering up the stuff we need right now if you want to zoom in you can i love the little animations and whatnot in this game they've gone out of their way to make everything have sort of like a saturday morning cartoon type feel to it where everybody has like very over exaggerated kind of enthusiastic movements and i think it makes the game look a little bit more interesting visually to the eye so we've got 13 drywood right here we've got enough for right now to make four wooden planks that's not a lot but it should be enough for us to get something up and running so for example we need two wood planks for a bed uh we're gonna need four wood planks for a research station but there's not really a whole lot left here for us to look at so i suggest that we move on out there's some wood over here there's kind of a collapsed viaduct bridge over there i think there's fish over there okay let's move over to here it's going to be a little bit costly on the electricity front but i think it'll be okay it's weird that we're belching smoke all over the place when we're running on electrical right now i don't know dude i think we might have some kind of like leak we may have some kind of like oil leak that's i don't i don't know a whole lot about popular mechanics but yeah just put that up right there and then assign whoever is available to go ahead and take care of it it looks like for right now they're going to be working on charging up the town heart so we've got like a minute until this is all going to get gathered but these two have set themselves to the task of sort of making sure that everything gets done which is fine because there's a lot of tasks to get done at the beginning of the game now we have to process this wood too because any wood that you take out of the water is unfortunately going to be waterlogged and i don't know what you know about drying wood but anyways my old man's a carpenter and one of the things you run into with wood unfortunately is that when it dries it tends to warp and so anyways you want to get the drying done first before you build anything out of it one of my neighbors down the street built himself a beautiful new fence and he got all the wood at home depot it turns out they didn't cure the wood properly so like after two or three days in the summer sun it looked like a bunch of busted teeth it looked like his fence was gorgeous when he first put it up and then like three days later it just looked like a ramshackle dude i can't imagine i'd be so mad if i was that guy right there like you when you go to a store right you assume that they're going to have the wood cured properly especially since like home depot supplies to contractors people that actually charge money for their work and whatnot man that'd be i'd be deeply deeply upset if it was me i'd be real real upset especially because wood prices are kind of nuts right now i don't know why lumber is so expensive at the moment but i'm trying to tell you right now my old man's a general contractor and a carpenter and if he goes more than like eight hours without posting about wood prices on facebook i'm gonna tell you what something has gone seriously wrong you need to check on somebody needs to send somebody over to the house to check on my dad because he's clearly either not there or not alive anymore because the man there's a six hour gap in between when he can talk about wood prices that's pretty much it all right so we got all the wood out of the ocean right there i thought the drying rack could hold more than that a little bit concerned about this i thought the drying racks could hold like three of these we may need more drying racks oh we've got a desalinator that'd be a good idea as far as firewood goes how hard is it to make firewood you just need dried out wood okay that sounds good with this right here i don't want to auto cue it right here i do hope that at some point they add like a a gate like rimworld has so craft until you have five basically or craft until you have ten um that would be a really really really good feature and i think one that's sorely missed in any colony builder over here we do have the stuff for beds so i'm going to put the beds over on this side kind of far and away from the general industry area it's just it's conducive to good sleep you know what i mean people got to get their slumbers in they got to get fully revitalized and sleeping in the same place that you work that just it seems unpleasant to me it seems unpleasant and unnecessary water is okay you can also tell how much water we have from the town heart right here one really really great thing about the design of this game is that everything is visually represented from the name of our colony on the front of the ship to the amount of water you have fills up this tank right here to the amount of electricity you have fills up the battery a very very kind of dead space emergent ui right there that i think is an awesome choice like every game that can possibly do that should do that because i think on a certain level it just makes the game pop a little bit more by comparison to its compatriots that just give you like a meter or some kind of ui reckoning like we have the ui reckoning but at the same time we also have kind of that visual look right there which i think is cool let's zoom on out and we're mostly waiting for wood to dry right now i may actually put up some more wood dryers we've got polluted wood over here which means that i can instantly make use of that i don't have to dry it so i think i'm gonna come over and snag this real fast for making some planks and then with the dried wood we'll start making some firewood so that we can boil off our water all right so we've got seaweed covered rocks over there uh what else do we have where okay i kind of zoomed in in the wrong spot there we go let's send some people i'm just gonna send one guy ashore to go get that wood over there because we've got one guy turning the alternator right now and what's fun about this that would actually work if you had like a really well-designed pulley system right there to kind of like magnify the amount of rotation that you're getting out of that crank that's as simple as it needs to be you just pull an alternator out of an old car and then you have a crank assembly that's hooked up to like a pulley system uh just to increase like the centrifugal force you're generating by going through there that would actually work as long as you've got the battery assembly all set up the battery assembly be kind of a pain in the ass if you didn't already have that but like if you've got the battery assembly all set up bam bam bom yeah i think we're gonna need some more wood dryers i don't think we have any way around that let's go ahead and put up like a couple more of them i think that's since we're only drying one wood at a time it's gonna take us a long time to manufacture on wood and i've got like a sneaking suspicion that at some point we're gonna run out of these islands that have like free dried wood on them and so like i'd like to speed up this process if at all possible the other thing that we can do is how many floaters do i have i have two floaters left that's not gonna be enough i have no plastics left either okay so after we get this island all nice and tapped out i think we'll go on the search for seafloating plastic that way we can manufacture some more floaters and get ourselves back onto the road we have not drank any water yet we have not eaten any food yet so that's okay it looks like over here in order to get these done for fish sticks we can dry five fish on a fish stick and then we've got a fishing chair over here okay sounds like a plan to me well then we'll put in the fishing chair when and where we can as soon as i get some more floaters we done with that island right there we are not done with that island all right so the island has been fully tapped out we're going to want to be careful with the way that we utilize this wood i think actually no we got the wood drying it'll be fine let's go ahead and we will just whip up six more of the planks but people are gonna have to wake up first unfortunately that'll let us get our last bed done and then it'll also either let us get like a fishing chair going yeah we just got to keep an eye on our wood supply let's zoom on out and let's see where the nearest plastic is at so do we have any plastic around here anywhere there's plastic down here and since that's kind of like a dual purpose right there like we can get that island while we're down here as well like we're fulfilling two of our needs in one go there's also a fishing spot right there if we end up needing it so like oh i like the way the fog of the war is done or a fog of war is done it creeps back very very tastefully i like it let's go back to our ship over here and this should be metal as i recall oh there's new stuff electrical scrap and also batteries nice well that sounds like fun oh wow we are in the midst of an ocean of plastic right here all right well we'll go get it i'm going to set them to task getting that done we'll probably put two guys on there and i will see when we're all finished with that we're alternating over here but it looks like a dance let me see that booty work booty work booty work left cheek right cheek booty work booty work oh man all right so watching our resource usage we just went through like a lot of food so i'm thinking food and water is a really really good place to start and so like i think we should put out a fishing chair over here that sounds like a really good opportunity and then we'll just put a fish dryer right across the way so they've got easy transit right there i don't know if we have enough to build another bed we could definitely use another bit oh there's an energy pole okay so apparently an electrical system has been put inside the game we're gonna have to run infrastructure for that in order to make that work too oh he's just like fishing over here are there any fish around oh there are there's fish inside of our zone of influence nice man i wasn't actually planning on fishing right now but you know what i'll take it uh we need to get some more people going on wood processing are we low on we've got two planks left okay so yeah let's send one guy over to salvage that island right there because we are close enough i love swimming in the ocean man i don't go out like in the deep water but like dude one of like the big transformative experiences of my life is i got to go back to hawaii to visit like my family that lives out there and like we spent like the entire two weeks just like snorkeling and diving and everything else dude just that beautiful crystal clear water i got to swim with amore eel i got to see giant sea turtles i got to swim in like a big school of fish i saw a sun fish like one of those big like 20-foot fishes that are like shaped like a paddle almost that like they sit upright vertically and they just kind of like cruise around i got to see one of those and was like five feet away from it and it didn't like mind me at all it was just like oh hey what's up bro the more i eel was a little bit pissy there was like an archway made out of coral underneath the water and i wanted to swim underneath it and get a picture underneath it for like a cool you know at the time myspace photo but uh there was also an eel down there and he was deeply upset at being disturbed he was not he was not happy with my ingress into his territory and so anyways he swam off he didn't try and do anything like he didn't try to like smoke me or anything like that you know and we didn't have to engage in any like more a war but at the same time you know being around very very large creatures in the underwater can be unsettling until you realize that most of them don't care about you like at all i even saw some sharks and stuff not like big ones that would be like a threat but like hey there's a there's a big old there's a big old whale right there he's a tusky whale right there it's like a bore whale i like how if you look under the water you can see the ruins of old cities and stuff with like barnacles on the ceilings and whatnot it's kind of a cool thing what is that kelp is that harvestable that's got to be harvestable right what's wrong with salty bastard oh salty bastard is salty because salty bastard doesn't have a bed okay so salty bastard wants to become a salty bedster gotcha i love how the fish are quantified too like as he's catching fish and they're going up on the dryer like i just i actually i absolutely love the amount of fish that you have and that you're actively drying are like up and on there what does a dried unbottled fish do oh the fish have little bottles on their heads gotcha so they've been trapped inside the trash that's going through the ocean okay but there's pollution inside of the food so that's a new mechanic as well where's one of my little guys at can i check his pollution level [Music] oh yeah he's got intoxicants right there okay so that's something we're gonna have to actually remain kind of wary some of what happens if i swap it over to dried unbottled fish it still makes you sick but it's less chewy gotcha all right well i it seems like yeah it seems like it's just a flat reduction in the pollutants oh i like how the tile right there it gets darker if it's got more pollution in it or less pollution in it that's a little tiny detail that like unless you like preview games for you know unless it's your job to look at games it's one of those little details that i think some people will miss uh yeah keep making more wood we need wood for days son we need wood for days all right so we finally got the resources together for a third bed so i'm going to add that on in i did want to get that done before they slept again for the day but unfortunately it just didn't play out that way so i guess each one of these is basically like one fish we need to put in another fish dryer me thinkies we have a large quantity of fish and no dryer to go into i would also suggest that maybe we consider the possibility of getting a research station up and going although that is going to be pretty intensive on the floater front so we need a bunch more floaters if we're gonna make that work so we're gonna have to head out and find some more plastics ideally if we can find some plastics that are somewhat near some fish so that we can hit two birds with one stone that would be the ideal situation unfortunately actually there's one right there it's gonna be expensive oh it's just outside of our range okay let's get it to like right there perfect there we go that's gonna drain the entire battery though and i'm willing to bet somebody's gonna have to make that booty work pretty much all day in order to get us filled back up but if we're close enough right here i should be able to hit two birds with one stone and gather both of the things that i need in order to keep surviving yeah in fact that's exactly what it looks like right here uh looks like we've got wood we've got batteries we've got all kinds of good electrical scrap over there i don't know when or where we're gonna need that but i do think we're probably gonna need that at some point uh make those unbottled fish i guess i do see little tiny inefficiencies in the pathing and this is one of those things that even rimworld had to work its way through but as i was watching they took the bottle fish from here and instead of just taking the bottle fish from here and putting it on the empty rack they took it to the storage then they loaded into the storage unloaded it from the storage and then brought it back and put it in here and so little things like that i think with the ai behavior are gonna have to be sorted through as the game develops that's one of those little tiny inefficiencies that doesn't see she's about to do it right now she takes it over to there and then she like she'll unload it and bring it back over to here basically so we got bottle fish going over there we got bottle fish going over here good so our food supply should be okay for a little bit he's gonna keep on fishing right there where was those plastics at are they just not close enough right now i wonder if i can get out there how far oh i can't get out there nice it's gonna be a long swim but like we need the plastic so no complaints from the peanut gallery unfortunately i just got to kind of take that one on the chin and accept it we are getting a little bit low on water as well so i think that a walkway is going to be something that we should probably try to get done pretty soon and we'll put in a walkway right there and we'll put in a walkway maybe right there i like if you look at it i like the way that this stuff has flex to it like if you take a look at the actual walkways as they float in the water they've got flex as they go up and down which i think is really really cool unfortunately we're having some snapping issues right there i'm wondering if once this is done that's when it'll let me put it on in over there there we go a few more fish throw those on the rack make sure the food supply is good oh it was already queued up very nice okay so for the desalinator we're gonna need eight floaters good to know i've got this on permacraft right here so that we can get our water production up because we've got our food kind of like right where it needs to be but it's not going to hold for long i don't think have people been eating the polluted food so it looks like they prioritize eating the food that is not polluted first so we've still got a little bit of leeway right there okay so in facing our problems on day four we need we need water and so i think a desalinator is kind of on the docket right now i just want to get the basics taken care of so we'll be all ready to rock if we have more bottle fish around i guess throw them on the rack it looks like we've got oil gobblers right here but i guess the oil gobblers are not like bottleless or whatever so i guess we'll just work our way through it and we'll dry what we have in order to keep people eating um i don't know how to deal with the toxicity situation i assume there's probably like a research or something that we've got to go through in order to detoxify people i've got people chopping firewood right now and i've got people making floaters uh we actually seem to have a manpower throughput issue at the moment that seems to be where we're really at we've tapped out that fish farm over there so unfortunately there's no more fishies to be had we got four more foods coming out so that gives us eight food which is like two three days worth as long as somebody gets a little skinnier um and then we also need the research station which i feel like is a is a strong purchase so let's go ahead and throw that on in as well and the research station requires power okay so at least we get to play around with the electrical stuff i don't actually know where it put that so it looks like it takes floaters for that and it looks like the energy pole actually goes on the catwalk so hopefully that'll attach to the battery i don't know it seemed like that was the spot where it wanted it to go so i went ahead and went with it because you know path of least resistance and me being who i am let's see if it works hopefully that doesn't block off the walkway oh it doesn't nice okay ah gotcha actually i dig that i think that's a good addition it also makes your towel it makes your town seem a little bit more ramshackle with like the wires running all over the place and everything i like it so now we can officially do like research so the research menu is going to be down here we can make walkways out of wood we can upgrade our houses it looks like there's a bunch of different things that we can play around with solar stills and what i'm gonna slow the game down real fast so that i don't waste my time ah the unbottler i bet that's the one that gets rid of the bottles on the fish so you get your your supply chain gets a little bit more complicated but you get unbottled fish which means that you can kind of feed yourself a little bit better we have six firewood over here i am going to recommend that we make some water real fast we've already got all the fish from this area so i don't see any reason to stay inside this little region we should probably move somewhere else preferably somewhere with like wood and stuff maybe some wood and some fish i think would be a really really good place to meet in the middle but i don't see wood and fish unfortunately there is a overgrown wooden ships right there there's double fish on this side okay so let's truck over here and we're gonna grab this wood real fast then we're gonna go get both of those fish ponds right there we're gonna try and dry it all out if we can by then hopefully our unbottling research will be finished off uh where's my boat at hold on i need i needs my boat where's my boat a dun lost me boat there we go all right i found me boat i need to put down that right there we need to enlarge that a little bit just to get our hands on as much wood as we possibly can for the moment i don't know how long the desalinator is gonna take it does look like it's kind of a lengthy process to desalinate the water so i think it's going to take us a little bit of time oh even with somebody working on the alternator oh so we've got three minutes left it's about half done so i don't think we'll run out of electricity before it finishes and then from there we gotta wait on water anyways so like i feel somewhat okay about the situation i think we're gonna we're gonna shave by by the skin of our teeth but if we go straight from here to go get those other fish i don't know if we'll be able to get our hands on the wood but let's see it removes the salt from the seawater to give you fresh water and begins using electricity oh that's where the battery and the metal parts come in well that means somebody won't have to work it anymore right it's probably a research that we have to accomplish though that's what i would bet anyways oh our unbottler research is done i didn't even realize so that's probably in the food menu right there it unbottles fish to clean some of the pollution okay fair enough if you guys can actually get down and gather some more wood as she goes there's not really that much wood here so and we gotta try it first so i think it's gonna be a little bit of a lengthy process but yeah i was worried about this game when it first came out it seemed like a game that had like a ton of style but there wasn't a lot of stuff to do yet and then on top of that you know like the content was really really light but it seems like they're slowly implementing systems to add more depth and one simply cannot deny the amount of visual um i guess the the amount of visual fidelity that they've put into the game things like the walkways flexing as waves go by and being able to visually see all your you know various resources as well as looking to see how much you have in a numerical value i just i feel like they're doing a really great job with this one i can't wait to see what the final version looks like my name is flatter cat i sit through the pile to find what's worth while in the world of indie games every single day so you don't have to today up on the chopping block we were taking a look at the developed early access of flotsam tomorrow i'll be back with some hot and fresh off the indie skillet but for now it's time for me to bid you all adieu so i will see you all later thanks for being here
Channel: SplatterCatGaming
Views: 322,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flotsam gameplay, flotsam walkthrough, flotsam playthrough, flotsam review, lets play flotsam, flotsam 2021 game, flotsam preview, flotsam impressions, flotsam download, flotsam trailer, flotsam soundtrack, flotsam guide, flotsam steam, flotsam pc game, flotsam early access, flotsam music
Id: Uriq8Njpx3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 47sec (1727 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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