Hostile Mars - Sandbox Massive Horde Custom Base Defense

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what's up guys and gals and welcome back to the nerd castle today in the world of indie games we're gonna be taking a look at hostile mars this is a game the developer sent over the demo actually he got some traction at pax he ended up winning like a contest for like promising games and basically got like his whole trip sponsored to go over there and whatnot and so anyways after that he decided to send over a demo that he wanted to have checked out by yours truly so in fact that's what we're going to do here today i played around with the game for about an hour last night i thought it was kind of interesting and so this is hostile mars it is a base defense game you build a base and then you defend it from endless waves of robots uh and it's presented from a third person perspective you've got guns you run around you shoot things daka takataka all that kind of fun stuff but there's also kind of resource processing a little bit of a factorio vibe in there maybe a little tiny bit of like a satisfactory vibe as well where there's like production lines and things like that that you're gonna need in order to get your base ready for like the bigger beefier waves as the game goes on and so anyways we're gonna dive on in today for about 30 minutes this will have edits in it so i'm sorry about that but there is resource gathering and whatnot and i'm just going to clip all that stuff out so that we can maintain a certain level of momentum as we go forward with the video but that having been said you can find a link to see the game down below you can wish list it there i'll have that for you in the description and then on top of that you can also take a look down there for links to my discord and my twitch stream just in case you wanted to hang out live so anyways let's go ahead and start it off because we've got limited time and we've got ground to cover let's get this thing a loading hey can you hear me [Applause] fair enough everyone else is dead let's go ahead and move forward i don't think we can loot anything around here i don't want to dig around in anybody's prison pocket anyways to see if i can get some fun loot and then we'll just kind of like move on and out there's a couple of crates over here that we can mess around with it's got a platform inside of it and i'll show you how we build with that in just a second we also got some gun parts and some ammo if you want to build things you just click them from inside of your inventory and bam bam bomb there you go modularity modularity and building my friends uh we also have a gun it goes pew pew pew i feel like it could have a little bit more kick a little bit more punch a little bit more crackle to it but you know it's functional we also come equipped with sturdy shins and thighs that don't take damage from jumping down mountains and so there you go we took like a little bit of damage but that's okay it'll buff off we've got to interact with the home base let's do it all right so we've interacted with the home base uh we got to find nearby energy cells in order to power up the base uh the map is kind of small for right now i was playing around with it and i think i hit the edges of it while i was playing the game but that having been said uh there's bases and things that are kind of scattered around that you can pick up objects from so like this storage box right here this game is all about salvaging actually you don't really find anything that you can flatly use like straight out of a crate a lot of the time all of it has to go through processing so like you need to find like a scrapper or like a recycler and you break all this stuff down and it'll turn into other stuff that's like baseline materials you can use to build there are some power cells right there so that's good i don't know how long those are going to last but we have them occasionally there's not going to be crates there will be just stuff laying on the ground and randomly you can loot that so like i couldn't loot the solar panels over here but like i'll show it to you when we get to another spot sometimes there's things laying around that are lootable that aren't necessarily inside of containers another computer and a spring okay i'll take that and then we've got some more energy cells and gun parts nice i don't know if that's going to be enough energy cells to power this thing on up but we're going to swing on over here and we're going to take a look and see if we can get it working let's throw these things on it i got stuck on a pipe all right so we can throw those in there and apparently there's hostiles in bounds so here comes our first wave of robots they've come to say hello they just want to give us like a little handshake with their actuators don't worry about it all right let's go see if we can find these dudes they're coming down the hill right now love that dust effect that gets kicked up like a drone flying low over like a dusty basin looks really really good uh okay that's one robot down that's another robot down right there i'm just gonna fire wildly down the corridor and there you go we've defeated our first wave of robots uh the fun thing about this game one thing that's like really really cool is all the parts on the robots like when you destroy them and they break apart they're actually lootable like you can pick up all the little robot parts and in fact you're supposed to because these little guys right here in the top left hand corner are how you advance your tech tree and get further on into the game and then the rest of them are going to be available for processing basically so that you can turn them into materials for building things so let's go ahead and open up the tech tree since that's what it wants us to do next and we will take a look at it we've got scrapping over here we can build ourselves a blast furnace if we have one of the red robot parts we do uh so we'll start that real fast so that we can get our blast furnace there it is we now have a blast furnace and it looks like we can also build a wall if we want to uh so we can learn welding one the other thing we can do is with 80 of the oh hey am i getting sharp relax apparently there's a rogue robot over here that wanted the smoke he wanted to bring oh there's another one shooting feels okay impact looks pretty good and i like the explosions off some of the robots as well uh one thing that i can't stress to you enough is how huge the enemy waves get in this game go ahead and do yourself a favor and maybe i'll show it with the pre-build base at the end of the video but anyways do yourself a favor and go look at the screenshots for this game that the developer has out for like the late game fights dude and it's like an ocean a literal ocean of robots that are coming towards your base i have no idea how it's going to perform at that level and i don't even know if that's included inside the confines of the demo that he distributed but it's pretty cool not gonna lie to you uh we gotta go to our crafting bench now and we need to make a scrap blast furnace we need 15 scrap segments and it looks like we need an energy cell to do that so what i'm going to do the fastest way to do this is just going to be to trigger a wave uh you have full control over the waves you can tell them when to come you can tell them when you don't want them to come on top of that you also have the ability to just chain the waves there's a little setting in there where the waves will just come one after another until you feel like your base has finally made it to the point where it can't hold anymore there we go drop you drop you didn't get him i do like the way they tumble and spin from the impact of the gunshots too that's kind of a cool little thing so we got an energy cell right there we got some storage drives i don't think we picked up any more of the scrap metal thingies uh so we're gonna have to go find some segments around luckily there's like a little duty pile over here we can play around with so let's see if this duty pile is a duty pile of fortuitousness or a duty pile of depression uh let's go ahead and see so we've got some scrap over here and we can actually mine this right here uh we have like a big hammer that your character will break out and there you go you can pick all those things up perfect a little rough on the animation right there but i think it can be cleaned up fairly easily what i would do is have it kind of like while you're we'll do it again so while you're harvesting right here give them a little bit more of a well they actually have the arc they swing out but as they come towards the character have the size of the little scrap module shrink down and go microscopic and disappear basically right as it gets to our butt cheeks uh that way it looks like we're storing all the scrap inside of our prison pocket because you know when you're in a deep space exploration protection type situation there's no other place i'd rather keep my goodies just shove them on in there scrap computer we've got a scrap metal pole we've got a few more of those guys right there all right we can make our blast furnace uh let's get back on over here god would you look at that sky the sky box in this game just looks absolutely fantastic like using those asteroids right there those like using the asteroid belt right there uh to accentuate depth was a really really good call because otherwise the skybox would look like any other skybox but just the existence of that asteroid belt right there really lends the game a really fantastic sense of distance basically looks good let's craft this blast furnace all right so blast furnace will insert the stuff there it is blast furnace is being manufactured it's going to take it a second just do there we go ding it's done now we need to put down our scrap furnace so that we can break down things uh so we'll go ahead and put this over here and with the g key we can rotate it i think that's the front right there can i put it on this little paddock over here i'm gonna put it on this little paddock right here there we go perfect and then inside the blast furnace uh we can make scrap metal by taking those same parts we use to manufacture the blast furnace and just kind of throwing them in there and as you can see they're all going to get slowly converted into raw scrap metal that we can use for all kinds of construction and building the other thing that we need to do is it wants me to collect rock nodes to get materials so i'm going to go out and do that the rock nodes look like this right here i am getting a considerable amount of graphical tearing going on and in fact i did have to swap recording programs a couple of times just due to the game it's weird the game seems to swap between unlocked and locked frame rates and it was ruining recordings so eventually i found a program that didn't mind but anyways vsync would fix all of that because like it would just like lie it does have a frame rate lock that's the thing is like inside the options the game does have a frame rate lock i'm just not super sure i don't know maybe maybe the game just disagreed with my recording software i don't know either way though i'm getting a lot of tearing right now visually and so anyways that means that the visual display is out of sync with the refresh rate on my monitor and uh having a little bit of v-sync would help clean that up and make it look a little bit better not a major problem but just a little thing that i'm noticing all right so let's get some of these rocks and then we'll go back to base there's a bunch of little good details in here when you're fighting the robots too like the flyers a little thing that i notice is when the flyers discharge their gun they've animated the flyers such that when their gun goes off the recoil makes them fly backwards and roll slightly and it like breaks their momentum effectively that's actually a really really good little detail right there that makes the robots feel a little bit more alive and kind of implies the power of the weapons that they're trying to blast you with so we've got a material processor over here the material processor is basically a smelter so we can take these rocks right here and throw them on in we can take these rocks right here and throw them on in okay or i can just click the max button that's fine it's cool it's going to convert those into iron basically and then later on we're going to be able to take this iron and we're going to be able to convert it into ingots as part of our production process and then on top of that we have another building that you guys haven't seen yet we have the recycler that's the weapon bench this is the recycler right here what the recycler does is you can take all these bits and parts right here that we've been pulling off the robots and you can throw them in here and each one of these has a loot list that it draws from every time you break them down so it's stuff like laser diodes there's things like lenses there's stuff like little blast engines and things of that nature that you can break down effectively and you can get all kinds of goodies out of here including some of the stuff that you need in order to build up your tech tree and so anyways make sure you're staying on top of your scrapping while you're playing the game i've always enjoyed games that allow you to break down things i think some people like it when you just get the raw thing and turn it into something else but i sort of like the extra step of scrapping i don't know why but scavenging and scrapping to me is always enjoyable a scrap super capacitor can i break that down too it looks like i can so there you go sometimes the things that you get out that you scrap can be scrapped a second time so there you go so now that we've recycled all of our stuff we're obviously want to get some more scrap going because scrap is the basic that we need in order to build all of our base modules we'll go ahead and throw those in right there and we'll max it out because i don't need to be carrying around all this crap with me and then this guy over here was there any animation while this was functioning hold on let me go back and check real fast i got some more martian space rocks martian space rocks will show us if there's an animation here let's go ahead and we'll throw all of the martian space rocks in there and it looks like for right now there is no animation i would like to see the turbine turn i would like to see the grinders grinding all that kind of stuff all that stuff adds an extra layer of immersion effectively to the game but for right now we're apparently going on a big beefy robot hunt according to the tutorial so let's go kill a legacy robot that's a robot that only got to be a robot because his dad got him an admissions letter that's pretty much it that's all you need to know about the robot process got some scrap right there and can't pick up that stuff can't pick up any of that we've got another box right there with some energy cells and a pole okay looks good and we've also got like a downed craft over here let's go look at that oh hold on we got bots incoming got him grab those little goody bits right there real fast there we go goody bits acquired all right what's up with this base over here oh there's a little scrap mine over here i'll take that let's get after it all right scrap mine's good to go don't think i can pick those up this guy right here oh good work with the camera i was expecting the camera to clip through the top right there but it actually uh zoomed in nice good all right uh let's see what else do we have going on here we've got a few more piles of nothingness a few more energy cells a few more little bits and bobs of scrap that we can use to build up the base a little bit of that right there yeah that's good i'll take it all all right so it wants me to kill a legacy bot let's go what is what is a legacy bot gonna be like a big bot like a walker or something i don't really see anything at the waypoint is it hiding i thought there was going to be like some big shy hallud like wormbot like hanging out over here like that was going to be like our formal exit from the tutorial a few more objects and items around here everything does feel reasonably smooth from the aiming to the perspective and also like the animation of the character and whatnot feels pretty good i'm going to be honest with you for a game with a small team they've actually put out some pretty solid vibes here as far as like a a put together product goes like there's a few other things to test like i've got a sneaking suspicion about but like we'll leave that for a little bit later uh i don't see a robot or anything around here it says there's supposed to be robots over here but uh robots are notorious for being liars so i'm just gonna say that they infiltrated the mainframe and they have lied to us some kind of blue glowing thing over there we can go check that out what's the blue glowing thing what does that do behold the levitating martian space rock um i don't know if i can make that jump that might be a little sketchy and we fall into a crevasse if i mess up the jump there's another one over there it's not glowing quite as much but it's still there let's go check that one out it'll be easier well i don't see legacy bots i just see more of the little flyers oh wait there's a big brown one back there there's like a big rust bucket monster what is that hold on he tried to hide he wants the smoke we got him it's okay we took him out we took him out is there anything over here that we can maybe shove greedily into our little pockets yeah dude okay a little bit of this a little bit of that a little bit of this a little bit of that okay all right all right looking good oh what the hell are you guys friendly what are you oh they're not friendly they're hand grenades okay i was almost bamboozled by a robot i don't know if these are legacy bots or not but i am shooting them i like how they pick up the momentum from your gunshot and spin especially if you hit them like a little bit left of center or like right of center that's cool all right they're down they're dropping solar panels too legacy bot are you in here i'm excited by the prospects of murdering you oh there's there's one little hand grenades right there he's got to go i'm excited by the prospects of murder is there another one oh there's another one right there stuck in the wall okay hello bot of legacy art thou inside this small destroyed habitat i have bad news i think i've aggroed every robot known to man uh so i'm running for it i have like 100 bullets left and they take a lot of gunshots to kill so i feel like it's a good idea for me to peace on out just kind of give it the deuces and be like i'mma be on my way i don't know when or if they will diagro i'm praying to martian jesus right now uh that perhaps they might de-aggro before arriving at my base but i've got a feeling i'm not gonna have that sort of luck i don't know i've always maintained that if it weren't for bad luck i'd have no luck at all and so like let's uh let's go back to the base and i'm gonna see if i can like fire off and get some ammo oh god they're shooting okay fair enough i did like the little puff of dirt steven spielberg style though as the bullet hit the ground next to me that was a nice little effect of somewhat harrowing all right i need to get to the crafting bench and we need to make bullets that's what we need more than anything else right now bullets bullets bullets things that we can shoot at the enemy uh so we've got our craft bench right here ammo pack uh don't like max it out i don't know if that's explicitly necessary did i ever get my scrap out of here i did not i need that scrap give me give me give me oh they're coming they're coming they're coming they're coming make like i don't know like 20 of them yeah ow my butt uh they've arrived in case you were wondering uh yeah it's time for apparently mayhem to exist is that all of them at least for now oh lord there's more coming ammo please hurry please oh thank god okay now i've got like 800 bullets now i'm ready to now i'm ready to take care of this problem right here i'm ready to handle this issue you can get some robots bring it bring it up in here line them up it's time for me to make my wrist hurt from squeezing bullets off at you really wish my gun was full auto not gonna lie apparently i missed all of those shots so that was just those were test fires that was a that was that was that was practice don't worry about it i have actually super good aim it's just i was practicing right there in fact i'm so skilled at shooting that i like to see how close to the enemy i can shoot without hitting them sort of like a william tell type deal these ones don't seem to be particularly interested in murdering me they kind of just like pull up and walk away are they gonna do anything i don't even know if these ones are hostile are they here i'm gonna walk up to him what do you just want pets or something oh okay so they do like a little shockwave thing gotcha okay so i think the full-scale robotic war that was declared against us has finally come to an end i just decided to sweep him up real fast i didn't think you guys needed to see it it was like i'll take care of it let's get to recycling shall we we've got a whole bunch of stuff in our inventory to play around with uh so we'll start knocking some of these things out and seeing what parts we end up with at the end we'll leave yeah that should be fine definitely put those inside of there too i'm sure those are gonna give us something special and then we'll see what the yield looks like all right i think we're somewhat solid here i don't know what i need more of but let's take a look at our building menu actually i should probably research some things huh let's take a look over here so in the tech tree what can i afford to make i want to get to the scrap laser turret that's what i want more than anything else so this guy only costs like one red so we'll go ahead and cue that up and actually it looks like we need welding so we'll knock that out too to get some base parts and it looks like we're gonna need like a battery down in here the battery's gonna take six of the reds and we only get the reds from the invasions so let's auto start a few waves until it starts getting nasty and just kind of see what we get out so that we can advance up the tech tree and start building some things hello little robots like little robot lambs to the slaughter give me your goodies because i need them there we go waves down a few more storage drives right there yes send the next batch they'll be coming down the mountain they're robots they'll be beeping booping binary robots all right these ones have flyers and shooters yeah there's a couple blooper berries mixed in there i don't know if that's just like an accident or if they were actually like a part of this wave but i need your little research bits give them to me oh hey what's up man how you doing i'm gonna leave that one alive uh so that we've got 13 of these right here i don't know if that's gonna be enough we'll kill him real fast though and then we'll probably run back and turn off the waves real quick while we check our tech list there's going to be one more wave that's coming in hot on our heels but i'm not really too concerned about it i want to get the base up and running and so i kind of want to get all the baseline parts no pun intended put together so that we can actually do that so we'll come over here we'll turn off the auto start we've got one more wave coming down don't really care too much about that i do want to get this started up real quick there we go so now that that started oh wow they made it to the base much much more rapidly than i expected them to yeah it might be bad that might not be an ideal situation i do see the bases health bar going down maybe got a little bit overconfident there we go all right so they've been knocked out wave is done let's get all their research parts real fast and anything else that can be thrown into the inventory i think i'm full up right now too because these are parts right here that we can loot and so unfortunately let me throw things into the recycler so you gotta throw those in there can i like shift click these i don't know if i can maybe control click possibly ah you can right click them in okay actually i think i need those i don't want to break those down all right so we got a few more bits and bobs and parts and we can pick up these little guys over here hoverbot boosters dude if i can make a jetpack i'll be so happy every splat needs his jetpack man that's just one of the unwritten rules of life all right so we've got goodies we're over here refining the hell out of this let's go ahead and see what tech levels we can get to so we've got energy storage probably going to need that for the laser we'll get that going how long is that going to take oh not that long just two ticks all right oh never mind i'm not sure what happened it's going to take multiples of ticks it feeds in like one of these little i don't know cell drives or whatever they are one at a time all right and does that get me to the laser battery it does all right give me the laser battery what's the electromagnet do by the way metallurgy one i think that just lets us make storage crates power system storage might be a smart idea after this too because we're gonna go on like a glut of base building after we get these first couple bits and pieces down okay so inside my build menu what kind of fun new things do i have available so i have enough stuff for the laser let's build one of those and i'm assuming that the laser is gonna have to be controlled by like a battery or something like it's gonna have to have access to that there we go so we got our little turret right there sweet dude stays on as long as the device gets power so the battery is going to require a poisonous plant in order to get our hands on luckily i feel like i saw poisonous plants over here so that's not going to be like a super hard acquisition let's go ahead and run on in here there we go they got a little bit of a weird selection area but you'll find it there we go that one didn't uh any more up here i do need martian rocks so i can build some like retaining walls around the base to keep it safe cool facing is maintained even if i rotate the camera while harvesting uh the character model doesn't freak out that's a little thing that a lot of games miss with their early with their kind of early demos is that when you're attached to an object like this harvesting and you turn around like the torso gets all deformed and annihilated because they're trying to harvest the rock and look around at the same time all right as it turns out you get a hundred batteries for every one of these things you have right here it's a lot of batteries like it's actually maxing out the storage over here i just want to place my turret that's all that i want to do i just want to put my little turret gun down all right it's a turret gun right there all right i think it's got a battery i think it's good to go oh i can power it on and i can power it off okay so i can control these with switches probably at some point too oh that'd be fun let me get another wave i want to see how the laser does i want to see how it does out here like does it automatically track like what does it do let's find out a little gun right here all right little gun i turn you back on oh they got little rolly boys dude they got little rolly pollies it does not look like the laser ames actually interesting i thought that it would like track enemies and like pick and choose who it was going to be firing at maybe i've done something horribly wrong i don't know it's possible that i rigged this thing up improperly i mean i think if i just move it to the left though they'll be moving like directly into the beam for the most part what happens if i like knock them into it oh no dude they're shooting my base these guys have like little glasses on dude they got like little rock steady and bebop glasses oh and they actually like move around to avoid your shots and stuff too like they reposition interesting all right well i don't know exactly what the laser does all right i thought that it was gonna track the enemy i thought that it was gonna do stuff uh i think we could probably get away with picking it up oh never mind i'm gonna be full up on robo parts i forgot we just did like robo slaughter wanton robo slaughter all right let's throw all of our wanton robo slaughter in here real fast so that it purifies into like other things that i can use for building and whatnot all right looks good so this guy right here is his battery actually going down i wonder if the battery is only it only really goes down it says it's stage zero too so maybe we can like upgrade it at some point i'm gonna pick you up i'm just gonna like scutinate you but like right here like maybe they'll fly across it this time i don't know so we've got a bunch of scrap let's play around with the building for a second uh so we can get the scrap roofs right or we can get the scrap walls right here putting some of those in to protect the base seems like a pretty good idea so i'm just going to cue up a whole bunch of these so that i can slap them down wherever i don't want the aliens to pass uh that way we can like hold our own basically i don't know how i put down the floorboards it doesn't appear as though i have the floorboards right now it's probably something that i have to research so i'll probably take a look in a second and see if i can find that oh the scrap build panels don't actually build walls they build on the floor gotcha oh and you can swap between the two as you desire to do so okay yeah let's get the the base inside like a little protective encasement here like i'll leave this open right here doesn't look like we can get that close though okay yeah looks good to me like i'm all right with what we've got going on like our own little kind of like contained area okay yeah let's uh let's see how they do let's pull in the robots for one more wave i mean if nothing else it should probably keep them back off of our stuff and it looks like like breaking this stuff down and rebuilding the way that you want doesn't really cost that many resources i wonder if they re-path now that i have a wall down yeah so it's like a static trap okay so like it's one of those things that you probably want a couple right in front of the doorway here i don't know if my base heals after the wave is over either but man there's a lot of you guys aren't there okay i welcome the inclusion of your parts yeah we're definitely gonna have to get a little bit more developed with regards to our tech level and like the stuff that we have out for traps like i saw land mines in the research and i saw spike traps and i saw some other stuff and so anyways oh this man's stuck this man's lost okay a couple of goodies laying around does everything heal after the wave it looks like it does i saw him shoot that wall a couple times still a few parts out here that i can't fit inside my inventory but i do think realistically we're gonna need like a couple of laser turrets like right here just blocking this doorway so that if they try to come through they get hit i don't know let's throw those in there throw those in there get those all cooking nice and hot and then we'll go grab the rest of the refuse that's laying around from the debris field i don't see any more bits and bobs around so i think we got it all all right so let's take that right there and then it looks like we've got a glass lens i'm gonna need some more of these diodes i don't know where i was getting these diodes from i'm assuming that i was getting them from i'm guessing i was getting them from the blue robots because they don't seem to be coming up now it's my guess anyways but i do need a few more turrets i think and a few more things now luckily we have research so let's go ahead and see what we can unlock here with what we've got going on there's a scrap launcher turret so we can get electromagnets okay so this creates a strong magnetic field with an electric current can be crafted at the craft bench okay good to know dude i have almost 50 of those i didn't realize how many i had all right all right all right it's good it's good uh scrap launcher turret sounds pretty cool and then there's spike traps too let's get the scrap launcher turret curious what this bar means down here where it says self-worth kind of like interested in what that means uh anyways we've got like apparently i learned how to make a robot i've got all kinds of traps now i've got a shotgun uh we've unlocked like a bunch of things okay and so it's possible we may be able to manufacture something out here if we had the wires we have the gun parts we have the scrap so sure let's make a shotgun looks like it's going to take a minute for that to get finished off so there's obviously probably other tasks that we can undertake here go back to the full item display shotgun ammo probably not a bad idea yeah max it out why not wait what are those weak explosive powder how do i make that weak explosive powder that requires scrap and magnesium oh we can't make the bullets for it just yet all right and then it takes wires in order to make the electromagnets okay yeah i got to get some more light emitting diodes or laser-emitting diodes that's what we're going to need pretty badly here but i did get my shotgun so we can like kind of see what that looks like apparently it came with bullets definitely a little bit of a wide spread on it uh but it is shotgun it's shotgun-like uh so anyways like this is pretty much like the core of the game that they're playing around with for right now i think it's probably a decent idea if we jump into the pre-milled base so they built that they did a pre-build base they can show you what's possible basically for like packs and like their their exposition there and so anyways um i think it might be a good idea to just kind of oh wow shotgun is actually kind of dope i did not expect the shotgun to be this sick dude the shotgun doesn't care dude a video game with a good shotgun oh my god that's what i'm talking about developer okay you've won over my heart you designed a video game that has a shotgun that doesn't suck butt and i appreciate that you have given me hope and a better tomorrow uh we've wiped those guys out but what do you say i think it's a good idea that we go over to the pre-built base and we just take a look at that and we kind of see how that functions oh they came from multiple directions this time lame all right so we're going to figure that out fair enough uh you guys get off my land i demand you get off my land this is my land my property robots there we go the robots have been vanquished and we've completed the wave okay so here we are inside the pre-built base that they used at pax to show off the game uh basically the developer explained this to basically the general public as like effectively when you're making a game like this that has like a long runway to getting to the cool stuff when you make a demo you want it to put the player directly in the cool stuff you know what i mean and so having a look around right now they've got scrap launchers it looks like they've got turrets and things around let's trigger a wave and see what happens oh dude what is this hold on oh dude i've got a machine gun yeah bro that's what's up okay let's start a wave let's let's see how apparently 2 700 waves yeah that looks like a lot of robots oh they're coming from that way too okay i'm just gonna kind of like open fire here and like i kill what i kill oh they've got little robots oh dude there's so many more coming okay yeah this is what i'm talking about take this game and divorce it from any sense of scale or realism just i want this game to be absolute mayhem dude by like wave 20 i want this game to effectively be the opening scene to like saving private ryan with robots dude it's just it's gotta be nuts i think those guys are stuck in my wall i don't think we're actually oh there's like oh they're coming from this way too oh god okay oh they broke my wall down they're coming from everywhere okay so there's like spike traps over here that are like spiking them up we've got turrets that actually do track enemies okay so we've got turrets that do track enemies once they're actually on the interior of the base good i'm just i'm kind of helping at this point that's about it dude this is a lot of robots i don't even know how many we've killed the slaughter has become so absurdly over the top dude look at all the parts laying everywhere oh my god okay yeah i can see how yeah developer very very good foresight on making the con demo put you straight into the action absolutely fantastic choice now in the case of my channel i'm doing impressions content so i want to see like a little bit of the buildup and then here at the end of the video i felt like since we spent most of the video on buildup it would be only fair to show people what the after buildup looks like when you're like 15 or 20 waves in um this guy's like in the wall right now i cannot get him oh i got him right there there we go we done guided him we done got it him chat we done got it him all right uh he says there's one enemy left he's got to be stuck somewhere all right i founded him he was hiding back behind a wall over here but how many enemies did it say we're in that wave i didn't even look let's trigger another one real fast because we're kind of at the end of the video where i'm about to do like my what i'm about to do it looks like there's a bunch of buildings too so he's got like a filament spooler looks like there's a big blast furnace so these are upgraded blast furnace over here he's got like a power grid over on this side and he's walled off the entire thing to make sure nothing sneaks in through the back we've got an assembler over here the material processor is still doing its thing i mean honestly keep in mind this is a tech demo this is an alpha tech demo and there's already this much stuff inside of it this is nowhere near what i think the final product is probably intended to look like like this is just kind of what he's showing off at conventions and whatnot right now and just sort of like playing around with but honestly pretty cool i mean i think the scale is what's gonna sell this game uh 208 enemies wait 54 enemies alive let's watch the number i want to see how many of them end up in this wave okay it's up to 72. 75 i don't even care if they kill the base 94 i just want to see to 110 okay the amount of robots continues to grow is that the extent of the wave right there i think that's the extent of the wave so there was a hundred robots in this wave which is actually quite a lot if you consider the graphical fidelity of the game and all the lighting and the shaders and everything else too like honestly the fact that the game has only lost like four off the frame rate right now with a hundred robots calculating like paths and ai and everything else uh actually kind of impressive like oh the number did jump up again there's 130 of them now 150 of them now dude this is so sick okay as a fan of things that really ratchet up the numbers when it comes to like enemy engagements and whatnot i'm actually really really enthused about this it looks and feels good and you've got to remember that this is just an alpha demo like the developer made this just to gauge if there would be any public interest and so anyways like yeah i would say that i think there's probably going to be members of the public that are going to be interested in this absolutely crazy robot slaughter that you can set up with your home alone style traps all over the place yeah i could see that and so anyways this is hostile mars pretty pretty good first impressions i'll see y'all next time thank you for stopping on in thank you for hanging out and i will catch you all when we regroup tomorrow okay bye everybody
Channel: SplatterCatGaming
Views: 106,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hostile mars gameplay, hostile mars walkthrough, hostile mars playthrough, lets play hostile mars, hostile mars impressions, hostile mars review, hostile mars preview, hostile mars download, hostile mars trailer, hostile mars soundtrack, hostile mars music, hostile mars guide, hostile mars tutorial, hostile mars steam, hostile mars alpha, hostile mars release
Id: N46Qq7Xq2Nc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 47sec (2447 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 08 2022
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