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welcome to country stitches i'm liz hi i'm dad and that little crunching noise you might or might not hear is ivan we're recording in my craft room today and ivan is being entertained with his big bone and he's kind of wiggled his way back in between deb's ankles and he's giving her the hot breath treatment while he's chewing on his bones oh my gosh he's fun but it's summertime and we're happy that you joined us we're here to share our needlework we're calling this brought by the letter f day because we have deb has a fantastic find we have some fun and we have some finishes and we have the fourth of july coming up and everybody's gonna be on the road oh yeah and traveling yes yes lots of fun events in the summer and lots of fun traveling and so we have a little something to help you out with looking good for your summer travel yes and something to help you with that looking good part i got this travel case from anna louisa now ivan's moving our phone um this came from their site and it holds all of my anna louisa jewelry that i get from them and i really like it this is adorable and this is on their website right yes adorable very nicely made i think i got that um when i bought a ring and my bracelet i think is when i bought that very very pretty and i really like it and it's well made and what i like is it's just the right size to throw in your suitcase when you're traveling yeah but in the month of july you have the opportunity to save 20 on anything you might like sight white in the shop so you're going to want to visit and we have some things that i mean even if you have any special events to go to right i wore the the heart necklace and earrings for mckenna's wedding and had so many compliments on them they just loved it beautiful um and then i have a new pair of earrings one today these in my first hole i wonder if i should just take them out and hold them up um they're called catherine and i love that because mckenna's middle name is catherine and my mom's name um her middle name and it's spelled the same way c-a-t-h-e-r-i-n-e aren't they beautiful my grandmother's sister was catholic with a c so pretty they are and then i have a new bracelet look at that oh i like that i like that too and this one's called nana i love it but you know how much we love anna louisa and all of the jewelry is gorgeous yes absolutely beautiful have sort of a well this is the top i wore at the wedding yeah and i did not have this ring for that day i wish i had because that is called mara onyx and i got that i like the larger rings for my hands um so i got that and there's a necklace but i do not have that piece of jewelry yet i really would like it but i like this one i like where that sits on you too do you like that pretty yeah this is called gold nugget yeah that's very pretty i got this to kind of go with the ensemble um you remember the ring i got the laurel oh yeah it has the balls on the end i really like this yeah and this is kind of part of the bracelet that i have on is called the aroma and it looks like that and then these earrings i just got i know they are like this flare they're pretty and they're a little ball on the end and they just slide through and hang there yeah but i will say if they were a little tricky they're very small uh-huh so you're trying to hold the little ball yeah and get it in your ear i did have to use a mirror did you have these videos they're really pretty and i like them um yeah but so there's different ensembles that are fun to put together when you look at all their choices out there yeah so for the month of july you'll get to also look amazing yes um 20 off site-wide there you go check that out yeah yes yeah and um the description box will have the link oh perfect take your right to it and uh enjoy your time and thank you so much for um sending us your emails when you do buy something because we love to see the pictures and the selections that you have because then it's like oh we like that too so that's really cool thank you yeah that's awesome so yeah enjoy your summer too and the fourth of july coming up which will share some more needles goodness i can't believe it it feels like summer goes so fast after you hit fourth of july like before you know it it's fall i thought june was it flew back oh i thought it just went fast because of everything happening in june yes but it just has gone so fast everybody i've talked to felt the same really yeah just disappeared and now with the heat oh boy people are out here i mean it's hot here but it's awful in certain places that aren't even used to the heat so i really feel for people that maybe don't have air conditioning or a way to cool off yes oh my goodness it is hot so we also want to say a quick hi to the folks that stopped in on their vacations and their trips at the shop to say hello to us this um last couple weeks yes i saw nikki and her husband ivy and candy stop back by again i met jean and her husband bob it was so much fun their husbands were so encouraging oh cute they found a one of them sort of shadowed their wife and sort of offered their opinion of what they were looking at the other one took a more casual approach sat down in the chair and just encouraged their their girlfriend to get whatever she needed because she doesn't do this very often i thought wow i want to take you with me when i go the next time good job guys good job and i met francine and cecile from well francine's from maine cecile is here okay sorry about that ivan is at the foot ivan can you stand please he's against the camera here we go you got it all right um anyway we have this huge craft room now and he's right up against us he's he's a little bit um what do i want to say he's a little bit now he's good um clingy that's the word i was thinking of because i actually was not home all week i had something each day that took me out of the house and he only went with me one of those days so he's been like a little magnet but anyway hello to everybody yes i did but first show us what you found oh my gosh so i was able to go to an auction on saturday and it's a neighboring farm that they had to sell off the farm so the house the property everything and all of the um uh everything in the house was going for auction so i knew that there was an antique sampler there because they had sent out a flyer as to certain antiques that were going to be there and so i went with that in mind that i really wanted to see the sampler and when we got there and we were looking through the house i saw it um and it's just absolutely gorgeous and so i bid on it and i can't believe i got it there now it helped us out because there was not a lot of people at this auction and that was a blessing well for me [Laughter] um did you put a sign out it said no need to work here at all yeah well there was there was one dealer there and he is the one who bit against me oh done this and that was it just him you know but even the auctioneer knew he's he's like you came for this didn't you i said yes yes i did um and then the um grandmother came over later and said i'm so glad you got that you know so that was really cool but this is do you want me to hold it this is the sampler um i hope you can see that okay with um sure if you want to help out that'd be great i know there's a glare i'm sorry it is under glass it's so well preserved and it um you can still see the raw edges of the sampler i love that that it doesn't you know go under the frame i was thinking to myself i don't know if i'll get it reframed or not but i'm once i cleaned up the glass in the frame i love it i think it is so sweet i like how it's only tacked in here um so i'm gonna leave it as is and the cool thing about it is it matches my bedroom perfectly which i can't believe it it so it has a home in my bedroom and i can just lay in bed and stare at it but the the grandmother who had this in the house she did research and on the back of it she lets you know who stitched it so it's sarah carter gaddis and she was born in 1811 died december 13 1879 and she was the daughter of benjamin carter and hannah leonard carter and she was married to robert gattis so i thought that was really cool that she had that information yes so she was 14 when she stitched this in 1825 and there are many different stitches i didn't know that until i started looking at it later but she has queen stitches herringbone double herringbone eyelet um algerian eyelet um what are some of the other ones uh i mean i'm sorry i can't see it it is well you were checking it out earlier i thought maybe but it's just gorgeous i love it so much um and i have to say a huge thank you to linda linda nassi when i posted this on instagram oh my gosh she's been doing research for me um about sarah and it's just it's awesome to find out more things about her because when you what do you do this liz when you look at a sampler and you just think to yourself now who really was this little girl you know what were her other interests did she enjoy stitching it what was her family like um i do anyway i love to kind of come up with things you know and and then if you can if you're lucky enough to actually get the research and find out who they were that is just awesome so linda thank you so much you have been such a blessing um helping me out with that and i love trading emails and just discovering who she was um i absolutely love it i even have a picture of her but this is just exquisite i'm so happy that i got it i'll show you a little bit closer i do thank you so much um but yeah it is beautiful there was a sampler on the wall that hole of the condo that we stayed in when we were visiting back here from illinois and it was in this these people's home and i have pictures of it i should look to see if i can find the pictures but it was very simple and it was done by a young girl and i remember thinking to myself i wonder if like you were saying is this a relative of the people who own the house that we were visiting or did they find this in somebody's estate sale like you did and just all kinds of questions can't wait to take it when we finally have a guild meeting i want to take it to the guild and show everybody there and stuff yes i just love it so much i was so happy oh my gosh it's gorgeous so happy so that was just like christmas morning we also got a piece of furniture too that we didn't think we were getting um i mean it was just it was such a good good good sale oh that was so much fun so sweet yes yes recently we got a package from the fat quarterback we did we want to show you some of their new things that they're offering absolutely filled with things to share with you yes yes listen i loved that we had seen this on um their flosstube so if you watch kimberly jolly um her fat quarter shop um flosstube they go over many new products and things like that and also lori holt if you get to watch her flosstube so these were so cool we loved these they're double-sided acid-free dots and they call them finishing dots and it's really awesome you get different sizes but what these will help you do is when you are finishing if you you can kind of help hold your um finish in place you know to to make sure that you're getting it perfect and i think that's awesome and you can i love that one because they're not free yeah if you leave them in your yeah i love that stitching and i like and did you mention the two different sizes or three quarters and one and a half so you've got lots of yeah lots of options there with that yeah um i wouldn't i think this was exciting too they have oh i know three different colors in these new bags this style kind of geometric if you will plaid um you got them all up okay cool um very nice i actually have a project in this one but the one thing that liz and i not one thing but that we love the bags with the gusseted bottoms because they stand up nicely on the floor yes and we love that and your stuff if you have broader like yeah things in your bag it's nice for you to be able to sit there i actually got one of those bags and gave it as a gift um this past weekend to a friend who's going away to school and i think there's so many uses for these bags not just project bags but they're great yeah yeah and then we got some really nice templates for quilting and we got a a package of um the stitch cards i like the little butterfly it's cute my you could do a whole brand yeah yeah you know to hang up on like your little wooden trees and stuff like that would be really cool yep those are very pretty i like those a lot and then you might remember um a year ago actually in august i did a trailer that was on one of these cards for um my sister my twin sister carol for her birthday oh yeah remember the little needle set that i did and then they had a fob with a little happy camper trailer and yeah it was cute yeah so there's all kinds of things you can do with them we also got our next um chart in the prim stitch series and this is called gratitude and grace and it's number 11 of 12 so there's only one more to go i like the pears yeah i know that's cute yeah very cool we got a gadget um a mini cutting mat yup and it's very nice and a perfect size to travel with too it's got two colors to it and it's um it's just i i think like this to me this is going right in our little handicap definitely so that we have it with us yeah of course we have to get out the door and get to some retreats and some quilt patterns beautiful ones called embark and one is festive yes beautiful patterns they are very pretty oh yeah gorgeous look at that one for fourth of july oh nice and then there was a block of the month um yeah well book that yeah isn't that gorgeous this is very pretty i love that and even the back different colors yes yeah i'll tell you i have a lot of people that come in and visit at the shop and we talk about finishing or fabric and things and there are so many people who do hand work cross stitch embroidery and also quilt oh yeah it's yeah it seems to go hand in hand for many many folks we're all multi-talented right isn't that it yes and then this is so exciting liz and i were really excited about the kaleidoscope book um if you get a chance to watch well lori holt also talks about this and then um kimberly does also but this is so well done and this is going to be a stitch along either in quilt form or cross stitch and it's so this book is really well done i love how they have come up with certain color um families for you to stitch together and just make a gorgeous design absolutely beautiful so check out their floss tubes you know to find out more about it anything that we have shown here you can order right through fat quarter shop yes and beautiful things thank you so much we'll have the link in our dropbox and we said when you said you can either cross stitch or quilt or no you said they're going to have a stitch long cross stitch or quilt what you meant was and right like oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so if you're a stitcher or a quilter then you can do them both get engaged yeah okay yes yes engage ourselves i mean absolutely gorgeous oh my goodness so pretty very talented the next f today is finishing and this actually gets a little bit in depth i've got some finishing things to show you as well and i'm excited a couple of techniques and things that i did so pardon me while i'd bring a box over here i didn't want dev to see any of this one yeah so i hid it um i did want to say though often times people will comment or they'll send an email or they'll bump into us and talk about finishing and they say oh i don't i don't know how to do it i didn't either i had never done it and the very first time i had an opportunity to take a class was after i joined the guild in illinois and the mississippi river valley guild was attending the regional retreat in des moines so i went along and i took this class because everything you did was done by hand and you ended up with a finished needle book they taught us how to hand stitch and sew the edges and then the pages were included and we even learned how to do the pocket all this was done in class it wasn't an extended class but it was great and then we learned this a cc stitching technique that we did on the outside of it so this was actually my jump start yeah finishing and when i realized that i actually could finish and produce the product that got me excited that's kind of when i started doing more smalls you okay i think he's swallowing this that reminds me of that movie um christmas vacation oh when the dog is under the table and he starts doing that and what does clark say something or no the brother he ends up saying oh yup he's good got it up i'm like oh my gosh could you imagine so one of the things i was working on that i did not completely finish i wanted to show you where i was in it because i really finally figured out how i wanted to do it i wanted to do a beaded edge but i wanted it to be fairly arbitrary and i wanted to use my own combination of beads so i didn't want to go out and buy a strand or something like that so i picked out my beads and i strung them in a particular order i had first started doing a stitch and then stringing beads and doing a stitch and i thought no that's time consuming that's going to take forever so i strung the whole thread and then i started attaching it with um another needle and thread where i wanted it to be on here and that goes quickly so i'll string the beads on this needle and then we just stuck him in there we go there is a needle there believe it so i'll string the beads and then after i string them then i'll lay this along and i'll group it however i want to and tack it down and that went really quickly and i like the i like the look yeah i just really wanted to play with that so that was fun cute and what pattern like what design was this oh this little guy was an ornament out of just cross stitch magazine oh okay out of their collection and in fact what you're gonna see for many of the pillow finishes i'm gonna show you um they all did come from those magazines i think quite a while ago i might have shown um them when i finished them yeah i just wanted to let people know when i say when you stitch them yeah that's what i really mean when i say so we've got a couple of different things let's start with the pillows they're clear this little guy um got put together and stuff and then i added a little multi-colored tassel to him just to bring out the colors if you want to toss these in my bowl when i'm done that'd be great so that's kind of the only generic one it's kind of a celebration pillow you can put it out for any holiday or birthdays happy everything yep and then we have quite a selection of fall ones this one was fun i tried something different with the lady dot palms i separated them like you do when you attach it but then i took the trim that they came off of and just kind of attached that up in the corners to give it a little more pizzazz if you will so that i love this pattern i always love this pattern it's so much fun that little guy was a freebie called checkers yeah that is on their website that is so cute oh my gosh love that this guy is a barber and a pattern i just took one character it's actually um sort of like a topiary out of halloween things that they all stand on top of each other but this little pumpkin guy got my attention and i thought he'd make a cute little pillow and then i used the lady dot chenille to finish him and also their um velveteen on the back i used their from that was actually included in a jamboree yeah i know that's where i pulled that one from and again a little um just cross stitch halloween pattern this guy i left the way he was without a trim on the edge because i filled him with um walnut shells as sort of a pin cushion so i didn't do much else to him i like it kind of the way it is so cute as well as this guy who also is filled with walnut shells and this again from the halloween ornament collection cute and now we're gonna move into christmas oh okay this was a freebie online i just loved that little guy looking through the window and then this one was also downloaded from the internet and i put a rickrack trim on this one to finish it and i did this one as a soft pillow i thought that was pretty yeah very this one is done with the chenille this one i think is called barn door that color and i just wanted a little tiny bit of finish on the edge of this one and again it's a soft pillow and this was from just cross stitch ornament magazine as well as is this next santa claus and i put lady dots on him all the way around i wanted to bring that out he was fun i did this gosh back in and something 2007. when i met other one was 2000. when i was visiting my mom i only had my magazine with me along with my stitching stuff and so i just got the dmc and cute did a bunch of ornaments out of that magazine along with this one i think they might have been the same issue too your dough ball is full you got to pop another one in yeah this guy i had fun with i did this on different size fabrics and had a good time seeing the results with different threads as well and then i just put some tassels on all four corners of that one just to spruce it up cute it's fun little abstract tree yeah now you may remember when i showed this pattern called winter trio and i was going to finish this as a flat ornament i did this one up here with the snow and i only used the two colors i used shaker white and cottage blue in the design and we did it on a an iridescent fabric called crystal arctic and it was a 28 count but initially and i fibbed i said i was going to finish it on a on this particular kit but i remembered i had something a little bit different and fun and i looked at the size of it and i thought i'll bet that would work and it did you ready yeah oh that's so cute didn't that come out here oh yeah i have had these little holders tucked away in a bin of things to use for possible finishes and so it fit right in there and then i finished the back with the fabric that i would have put on the back of the fold for the other one yeah and then i have a little partner for it yeah i took the little ornament that i stitched again that's from just cross stitch magazine okay and i mounted it cute and another one and i put just a little piece of fabric at the bottom to give it a little bit of depth oh very cool so those will be fun to kind of hang up i'm not sure um it'd be fun to hang something from it but i'm just not sure what yet maybe some some holly sprigs or just something you know like a bunch or something on the wall would be fun very cool now where did you get the hangers oh my gosh oh um like michael's or some bin you know when they have a big bin of different things okay um i don't even remember it's been years and years yeah i have no idea i like it you're thinking outside the box and then you might remember when i did celia turner heart to hand um pattern merry christmas with the santa which by the way we found the other placard at deb's house it was under the recliner it must have gotten stuck in there it fell out when i was over there stitching a couple weeks ago that was so funny she i knew i had dropped it i had an extra one i took it for her when i finished this and we looked and looked and looked and couldn't find it and there it was yeah so i did what i had said i was going to do i put fabric around a artist canvas that's what this is just a little paint canvas i got it at the dollar tree and the only difference was i was going to bring this up to the side and then bring the fabric around the back and and join them on the sides but there is a really narrow margin on the sides of this smaller canvas and the more i looked at i thought i'm going to make a big mess out of this doing it that way so i i rethought it and decided to wrap the canvas as like a gift and then mount the work on the front of it and fray the edges so i was really happy with that and i actually put a little um pine cone on a easel to hold it on there and then it can just stand up on the shelf how cute so that's how i'll display it that'd be fun i thought it'd be cute on the hutch or something definitely coffee which by the way we're in liz's craft room and um just got the shelves up yep so you can see the bottom shelf here but um starting to don't worry she will give a tour soon yes it is definitely looking very good mechanic came in here one day she goes looks like a store [Laughter] i'm getting there it's just i'm trying to keep my stitching level up at the same time i'm trying to get things organized and there's only so many hours in a day so now this next one i want to walk a little bit through what i did but um happy birthday america by brenda gervais we showed that pattern oh a few weeks ago and um i did some color changes so my little guy is going to look a little different than the model here we go i swapped michael's navy by weeks die works for peacoat schoolhouse red for red rocks but i also still use the red rocks in the flowers i just didn't use it on the bunting i swapped that out and then i used picnic basket for the actual basket the bird is sitting on as opposed to the grecian gold and then i still use the grecian gold for the birdies legs and beak and other accents and then the flower or the flagpole i used zach black by crescent colors instead of pamlico by weeks die works so those were my color changes and i i reviewed all of their directions oh and then sorry one more change out here i swapped the vintage lady dot for union and i did mine in blue instead of beige so the end result and when i'm through here i just want to show you a couple of tips if you're gonna finish one that um you might want to be aware of as far as putting it together things that i did that i thought made it nice and easy so the base real simple it's a wooden candlestick attached to the top of your paper mache lid and i painted both of them and then put them together with glue close your eyes okay i think i'm bringing the birthday cake happy birthday oh that looks awesome isn't that cute yeah and i i really like the blue accents on it i think it separates it from the stand very very pretty yes so i was really happy with that you can't see that oh okay am i done fine okay so this is the side now this fabric comes they called that a faux sampler fabric is how she described that in her description and then the top becomes a pin cushion you create this by using a piece of chipboard and you gather your finished stitched piece around it and you use about six layers of graduated batting and then i also added some polyfill to mine along that graduated edge i know that seems a little counterproductive but what i noticed was as i drew the gathered part down you actually could see the graduations in the batting because there's only six pieces of it and it was very flat and i wanted mine to be a little bit more functional as a pin cushion on the top and so my cake is a little rounder maybe in its yes icing on there yes i did i like lots of icing yes um so that's a little different and then the vintage beige is where i changed it to the union blue so very cool let me show you a couple things that when i was doing it um i used oh one more thing i wanted to show them sorry i didn't put fat uh paper on the bottom yet because i wanted to show you how clean that goes together with just a little bit i used yes paste on mine on the bottom and just folded that faux sampler fabric right around and did that with my fingers but first i put the yes glue around the cylinder of the box and made sure i had that laid around there evenly top to bottom then all i had to do was finger press the bottom on and then i used my wonder clips on the top see if we can get there we go i used the wonder clips on the top to make sure that it stayed where it needed to stay and i'm going to turn the slideshow on and just talk as it goes um so you'll see here that the wonder clips are on the top hopefully this is going to play if not i'll slide it and on the right with the other steps and then i got really fortunate because my yes glue was the exact size of my paper mache and it weighted down the bottom so it would dry that's cool and held the inside seam and then that's when i i set my little wooden tray on top of that to hold that together so it would glue flat and then i measured an inch and a half out the whole way around that's where your gathering line goes from where your chipboard ends and then this step oh i actually stitched through my batting to hold it in place once i was gathering it because sometimes those little discs will slide around once you put them in there so i put a little stitch inside the stack and held them together and then i put the stitching over top and let's see is that the last of my slides i'm guessing yep no that was a stitch one and oh okay and the last step after you gather it is to lace it across on the bottom just to pull it evenly all the way around so that it stays nicely when you mount it on top of the box and that would be the end of them the one thing that wasn't mentioned in the directions that if you've never done a top like this and it's i think you would work it out as you were doing it but she says to put the cardboard and batting onto the back of your finished work and then gather it but make sure that your batting is against your stitching from the back and that your cardboard is what you're looking at where you're gathering it so that it's in the right position in other words you don't want the cardboard directly against your stitching and the batting on the back do you know what i mean yeah that would kind of like not work well yeah you think that'd be kind of well that's why i said you'd probably get to that point it's just i read it and i was following each i like to go through and make sure that each step flows and when i saw that i thought she didn't say that but that's how you do it because i you and i took that uh class with the tin by beth twist where we did the same thing when we finished the lid so i was thinking i i know how to do it but i just was it wasn't specifically or explicitly mentioned but very very cool so i like it pretty that is the end of this very cool right there and you got it done in time for i dare you i dude my gosh good job yep wow that doesn't happen often doesn't it i would have just said well i meant next fourth of july or any fourth of july sometime in the future but yeah i'm actually excited to be able to set that up around awesome so that'll be fantastic love everything and i got a full bowl yes you do you need another dough bowl now i do well actually i think we'll just rotate them there you go yeah because i don't want the pumpkins in with the trees oh yeah that's sacrilege oh gosh so in the midst of all this finish because i'm a slacker and but that was done by the fourth of july that year that's true yes there was no stick with the patriotic theme here this was a hands-on design um called knee high and so it's a kathy haberman design and it is available now pardon ivan ivan's extremely vocal today um it's a hands-on design and it is available so just ask around at your local stores i found it in a magazine a long time ago when i stitched it but what i did was i stitched the flag on a separate piece i don't know if you can see that a separate fabric and then mounted it to um everything else that i did and i stitched the design over one um and then found this really cool stand i think it was like a chalkboard in here um at i'm thinking it was at a store in cape it was cape mayweather oh hey i have the tag on it she does i found which paper at kate mayweather i didn't pay full price for it of course you didn't i was gonna say do you have you met me yes but anyway kate maywicker it was just one of those things where you can like write on you know a chalkboard and it's on a pedestal and i just stuck a little bit of wheat in there and a bow and i can't believe even the price they asked for that i think is reasonable yeah it's not that bad i mean originally they wanted 11.99 for it so sweet i got it for half off anyway i just like to walk behind you and find all the half off things that she sees because she finds them all over the place so that's my fourth of july finish awesome i like where you put it on the kitchen counter too i think it's pretty yeah yeah right next to the farm fresh eggs yes and last week we had the opportunity to go out shopping uh for our day treat which we will tell you about more about that in a little bit but we had fun we went to some stores we hadn't been to um pat told us about one where we didn't even know there were more warehouses oh yeah in that or i should say wholesale warehouses in that area yeah so that was fun but yeah we had a full day we got to go into the shop there you go and um so i got a few things while i was there i really was in need of some threats um so um they had two grits left well now you have none because i took them both sorry but i did have to get some more grit and then i just found some different ones that i loved the color of and you know just wanted to grab so there was a few of you want to hold a few up for this that'd be great i'll try and put these together and they're a mixture classic color works um gentle art weeks this is tarnished golden cucumber ivan yeah i'm gonna excuse myself here while you do those threads um so here's some others i thought were really pretty here we go these are all classic color works rain shower pine needles and manor red thank you good boy and then we have uh the gentle art we have sarsaparilla and tiny woods those are all good fun um fall colors [Music] and old oak tree that's pretty yeah yeah actually i'm looking at these guns wow it's so funny you can tell what color families i like you know because they're all and then i needed an espresso bean and a pecan pie got those needed as in you were doing something that needed them i tend to use those okay and i run out whenever i finish or um use up a card you know like all the all the thread is gone i save the card and i put it into a empty um glass jar that i have in the craft room and then if i know i'm going to a craft store a stitching store i'll get my cards out of there because i know i use them so that's how i know to replenish them so i do with my dmc labels too and then baby spinach and wisconsin woods and i'm not a purple person but this wisconsin woods from classic colors is a very pretty purple because it's not like in your face purple very soft really yeah i like that yeah oh my gosh that reminds me we had this is a really pretty visitor at the shop and she was not a stitcher but her mom was and so her husband was there too so it was the three of them yeah it was so cute because the daughter was trying to explain something about the difference between two things she saw or patterns on the wall and she said that one's how did she describe it she used the word whatever word she used was had a bit of a a tone to it you know like um like it strikes a a negative tone and i looked and i said we prefer the word muted [Laughter] flat or something i forget the words describe the colors it was comical i thought this was really pretty i had not seen this one by brenda gervais um i like that a lot what is it in santa claus land i think that is really different very primitive but i like how they have like you know the border around it is the um like the scene and then santa is in the middle i think that's really cool really different it is you know the scene is the whole frame i think that's really cool yeah then i'm getting ready to start my phase three of little house needleworks um their hometown holiday series and i needed the mercantile so i did pick that up and then i saw this um sampler and it's by the sampler company brenda keys and i thought that was so pretty i love the scene at the bottom oh beautiful take a break that's really sharp so that is what i got and i had some threads um if i want to start the loose feathers the blackbird design um the summer and the the three seasons i think it has so that was fun fun [Music] i didn't shop much on the day we went together yeah well you're there to shop every week i did do some shopping in between oh you got some goodies i did it on your bed come through sorry i tossed his belt on his bed he didn't see it come this way it's on your bed i can look thank you here i'll get it let me go he picks up my pattern off the floor for me and then put it in his bed oh he wants to stitch that's so cool that was cute it's like okay i'll give you a pattern you give me my bowman she wants to hold you ransom i found the cutest new um it's winter holiday oh that's cute it's a little dog putting a letter oh my gosh that's so cute is that with beads is that what else it is this one came out let's see uh this year so it's a new line that is cute and then i added two colors as i was doing my pillows and doing some more finishing stuff i realized that there's some holes in my trim um and so i picked up these two colors they're both lady dot that one's called algae i thought that was a pretty green yeah it does look like algae though doesn't it and then this is called robin's egg that's cute so i got those two colors this kit is called whale watch it's by um jesse and me and it's a cute little kit it's patriotic as well it's got the little flag at the top you could stitch it with or without it'd be a cute little summer one without too um i just thought that was cute pick that up and then i got the april bunnies exactly by ink circles yep this is a series and that was may you may remember i had up through march and then this one is june and as of now we haven't seen july august or september yet ah or you would have to and then this was another brenda gervais pattern that came out into the shop i should say at the same time we received the happy birthday america that's cute yes and the pillows are adorable when they're done yeah so these will be in next year's double maybe not this year but next year this this one's really cute the little lady on it this one was adorable i think all things hedgehog are just intriguing i have a hedgehog felted yeah needle felted character and then i also have a beaded hedgehog by uh just nan remember the little guy yes so yeah that's really cool it'd be funny to do this and then set the three of them together but that's the plum street sampler that's in her series of the pillows like that and hedgerow i can't remember how many other ones i already have of hers then i have a jessie and me pattern called quaker housewife i just thought that is really pretty and it wouldn't be difficult if you had a preference in colors to change those out because there's it's not a really large palette oh yeah very pretty okay now these next ones you didn't know i got well actually you didn't know i had any of these um oh i love these this one just came to the shop merry christmas i really love oh my this is she did an excellent job on this one um so i'm really looking forward to that yeah these are so cool out of all of them so far i might start with that one because i really like it oh liz you did such a great job i love these isn't it everyone she's done so far i absolutely love and i am kind of tempted to do it framed wow very very pretty i gotta get these and then oh i know i love that as if not to be outdone this is hungry hair feed sack it was the only one there is one more it's a i think a halloween one but i i'm not a big halloween person but i did like the hair that is got it i really like that one too and that's carriage house oh my gosh and then needlework press this came in this week from them i love this sampler the saying on it says and be kind to one another amen and it's got two alph three alphabets and some quaker influence very very cool i just really like it wow it's very pretty now is this the same sampler on the back here list so that one goes straight across i'm trying i think i have that one but this isn't that one oh okay this one i got a while ago very cool i say a while but within a year i think i got that other one and that's needlework press yep oh okay so this is the companion to be exceedingly diligent yes gotcha now i got it this next one i'm going to show you you've probably seen it's by brenda gervais and it came out in [Music] well i don't know but we've had a model in the shop and i i keep seeing the model and i always forget to look for the pattern and then i finally one day was there and um one of our customers steve he was looking at it and i oh that's the one i keep thinking i need to pick up that is so cool and so i finally did i just love that pattern now they finished they stitched this top one and mounted it on one of those paper mache uh sort of look like book boxes okay and it's really pretty on that too i'm not sure exactly what i'll do to finish them but i just thought they were gorgeous and then there's smalls that go on the inside and so all of the pieces are in that paper mache box okay all the smalls that go with it very cool yeah wow very prim it is very pretty why are you sitting over there i'm keeping track why are you taking it back i have an inventory and then the primitive hair has welcome oh that is so cute oh my gosh isn't it cute i actually saw that up on the wall and really loved it it is adorable i love that he's just right there in the chimney it's so cute and it's so nice and tiny and the deer are the reindeer are cute and i think um i think i'm going to have to pull out some christmas stuff pretty soon christmas in july and hallmark's going to play all the christmas stuff so exciting and then last in the stack is the winds of autumn oh beautiful it's the a book by blackbird design the one that really attracted me to it i will share with you the one yeah well what grab my attention first is the better way to put it um oh my gosh gosh i like this book a lot strawberry right here isn't that gorgeous i don't know that i've seen a lot of specifically fall looking strawberries i love it see a lot of christmas and a lot of quaker things like that but i just i really liked that i think you should be my personal shopper i think i already have okay well then why are you taking it back well you know where the inventory is right and when i'm no longer here you're beautiful this one my gosh is this sampling it's really pretty fall colors yes that one is too and i really like that one deb's looking at the this one here oh yeah look at that isn't that pretty gosh that's a great one it is i'm i'm going to have a lot of fun and i actually have only looked through it completely once so it needs to get another peru drool over it a little bit more and then comes the fun of looking at what colors they use and then deciding what holes you have and then you get to go fill in the blanks oh my gosh wonderful wow and then i did pick up a piece of fabric called bergen flax oh nice it's 46 count it is so pretty it is very beautiful it's a really pretty it's a nice stamp color neutral yeah very very pretty bergen flax zweigart uh linen very pretty and then i picked up a few threads too um oh you got some fall colors in there i did i think some of these are because they are in that uh autumn book i think i took a quick look through and found a couple of threads that i didn't have on hand uh cinnamon twist amber amber i had but i think i'm out of marmalade was really pretty and swiss chocolate which i am at the end of my other skein of swiss chocolate very cool these are really pretty they're very pretty yeah love it and then the other ones are my gosh you can stitch something with just those colors driftwood oh let me see driftwood isn't that interesting cool picket fence which you've probably seen picket fence has kind of some gray hints to it but it looks just like a white picket fence and hayride and these three just were different and were not in my floss stash so i added a couple threads to it so that was my nice that was my acquisition yeah i love it good job thank you very cool and now just to taunt you a little bit more we have a gadget corner today that is really fantastic because not only is it gadget corner but it's gadget corner with the surprise yeah because this is coming from a shop on amazon it's called captain h and he sells needle threaders how cute this is did you notice that down to your gosh it's so cute i'll show you stop how do you get these cute things well this one i'll tell you the story in a minute oh my god here's the needle threader and as if it's i'm gonna put it against this white let me hold something um hold that okay so close enough that they can see the size of the actual threader oh it's teeny it will actually go through my beading needles yeah fantastic that is the hardest needle to thread because other than wire i had not found a needle threader small enough yeah it is amazing and the nice part about this is they come in containers of 12. so when you buy them you get 12 of them you can drop them in every project bag you're working on not worry about it yeah and captain h is extending you a 45 discount yes through september so whether you've watched this video when we produced it in july or october no that's beyond september don't do that liz august august is before september you're still going to get the benefit of that 45 code which is just so sweet yeah very um and you'll get to find out how nice these are as well awesome now the link will be also in the description box yes for that lots of links you need to use the link because using the link will bring up the code on the shop that you need to use yeah in order to get your discount yeah that's so cool so the actual retail on the set of 12 if you don't use the link is 6.99 if you use the link it drops the price down to 348 for 12. yeah it's awesome that is sweet yes thank you this is actually just for fun it wasn't a particular gadget for today but i found this in the shop and i don't even think we had more than one of them and pat gave it to me and i said i'm going to wear it on gadget corner but it holds your counting pins or whatever other pins and i know when i used to sew i always liked the wrist pin cushion because i just could they're right there now this is a bit much because i don't think i would stitch and have these little entities online you look like you're from whoville i do though yes yes that is great it is cool but it's just so fun let me see it would actually fit my little finger but it doesn't fit my big fingers my index or my ring finger gosh that is so cute oh you have smaller fingers than i do that'll slip on all of them yeah i have to make sure it doesn't go out the door bye-bye oh it's stuck oops sorry nice try it really is stuck let me get my mineral oil okay got it slide that off your finger anyway that is by just another button company how cute it is actually called a peppermint pincushion ring and it's ready to give away it comes all completed you don't have to make your little needle felt ball it is it's a lot of fun oh my gosh that's fine oh wow oh i know what that is i didn't even have to be the belter ah you did not look at that all right that is our subscriber tribute bell um we would like to say a special thank you to everyone who subscribes and today we want to say a special thank you to two specific subscribers um julie love you will be getting the pattern ye olde garden um from the elegant needle very cool and also nan's garden and that's from just nan okay cool thank you so much julie um my email address is in our description box as well so get a hold of me and i'll get that out to you and then what the name of the designer yeah is elizabeth ann angus that's my name and our next subscriber is david and you will be getting the liberty sampler this is really cool by eileen bennett go okay and also another sampler and this is elizabeth uh yoder um 1829 and there's a little picture of it there for you and yes and it also gives you the history of that sampler too which is really cool so thank you so much um david and julie love and also we have not david and julia are a pair no no david and julie love we don't often have single name channels yeah that's true um and then we also wanted to do a few more giveaways um martina rooney she is so sweet her channel is called expanding stitches and she's a designer and she um very graciously gave us permission to print out her new design it's the 2021 patriotic house and home and um we have two of these to give away to you you can stitch this summer and i love how she made it look like an actual flag flagpole that is so cute you might very cool she uh shared a pattern with us and we were able to share it with you back around christmas time and it had some it's a really beautiful scene it had a santa and a caregiver and a couple of other things in the and really pretty colors yeah yeah and she does a fantastic job when her charting and her charts are very easy to read thank you so much martina and please check her out on her channel again it's expanding stitches and if you are interested in this chart how about leaving um the word patriotic in the um help me out here let's comment thank you in the comments um and we have two of those to give away and then also we have sun sun bonnet sue quilt sampler how many of your grandmothers have made a sun bonnet soup quilt anyway this is cross stitch and it comes with all of the threads and the ribbon and everything everything actually except your fabric it's very very cool so you'll be getting all of that and if you're interested in this uh how about use the word girl in your comment one more giveaway we were given another flea market flowers pattern by fat quarter shop and we'd like to pass that on to one of you along with the um this is the number 12 the prim stitch series uh hand to heart um and those will go to someone who uses the word flowers in their comments okay all right exactly we've got a patriotic girl and flowers and flowers okay wonderful um and so just to enter any of those giveaways just leave that keyword that you're interested in or all the keywords if you're interested in all of them in your comment and you must be a subscriber and then you are entered all right and thank you so much yes so much fun and we actually did get a tiny bit of stitching done oh yeah or that part of this oh yeah do you have something to show i did a couple things oh my gosh i do have to admit a lot of my time while you were busy finishing up your wedding plans and then you said a lot and i did finish with yes my goodness i also spent a lot of time in the craft room but yeah i did do some stuff so speaking of flea market flowers i worked a little bit more on mine um and i did change a few colors and also the fabric is belfast 32 count prairie grass pretty pretty pretty pretty and this is what i have so far and i am stitching this with one strand over two and i put it in our little mesh bags fits nicely in there i did work on my um maryvale wreath but i couldn't bring that because she that's big okay that's on the floor i actually had in my mind the thought that she was gonna bring it because i know where she is on it and i thought she's certainly going to bring that to show where she got to so that would be a nice surprise for the next yeah yes and i got a lot of work done on um a few oh i like that thanks a few videos ago i was showing you this plate that i found this like folk art painted plate and i wanted to put a design in the middle of it so i had chosen this design it came from a 2017 linen and threads mystery sampler and i'm just using the colors that are in the plate so it is charcoal by week style works cherry bark by the general art and harvest basket by the general art and this is what i have so far i'm almost finished i just have to do like that bird and then there's a few things around the flowers here that i have to do and then i'll be able to get that in the plate can i interject something yeah have you watched the videos by um lindens and threads the the australian video they're doing a video flosstube now um hello and it's it's fun it's her and her husband and i'm i'm sorry i don't remember every detail about the videos and the names but i was thoroughly engaged in watching them and uh they show a lot of things and they also they're the ones who put out i think it's called fox on rabbit linen it all comes from there oh that's their shop it's cool okay i just can't imagine all the things they have going on i mean we all have a lot going on in our needlework but i mean they're that's awesome they've got a shop they're designing they're dying they're wet fabric they're dying yes they're just dying to stitch oh wait that's someone else oh wait that's a store all right and then i worked on my um gilajay uh reflex as well sampler all right it is all wrinkly for you and i'm not taking off my hoop coming around i know that whole corner is finished and i am on the way down wow can't wait that's awesome and i get to some more the fun part at the bottom over there on that other corner too i mean not that it's not all fun but you know right now i'm just i'm in the alphabet mm-hmm you do that pear the parrot oh yeah yeah and i love that like apple down there that's so cool this is very very very fun to do oh and i know and then do i get to pick out the frame i went for it sure yes yep um i know we'll get asked again these little scissors there you go because i know we'll get asked so um just check out your local needlework store or wherever it is you shop for your needlework things and also our hoops are hardwick hoops by access commodities thank you thought i'd get that out there and that other than stitching on the floor stand that's all all right that's all folks well you saw my big project which was the last few evenings i was working on happy birthday america i wanted to get that out of the way in time to finish it so then i was working on something prior to the wedding which didn't get done in time for the wedding so this might be christmas we'll see but it was the um homespun elegance it's a it's a petite wedding sampler it's just a little pillow and i'm doing very very cute on i started it on 32 count over one and i'm doing it in these colors mckenna's if you watch the video of the honeymoon suite conversion that deb did with her basement um you saw mckenna's room in her color palette and so i picked these out because they they go with her colors and i've just got into that center basket section so those of you that asked if i'm stitching a wedding sampler for them nope she is so that's that's one project then i did a little bit more on my quaker bee would you hold that oh yeah that's an re tm pattern which i will say is no longer you can find it in some shops like we did it was at salty yarns when i found it initially deb and i had talked with sarah about maybe doing a stitch along using this pattern we thought it would be a great quick easy pattern but when she looked into it sarah did for us she found out that they couldn't it was not being distributed anymore and they were no longer had any inventory so we wouldn't have been able to do it but i decided that at some point i wanted to anyway and so now i've got very cool that done so far moved on to that second quick i can't wait till you get to that fuzzy little i know i want to see her that's fuzzy but i wanted to mention that for those of you who are just coming back to cross stitch or are just trying it out for the first time dmc floss is the floss most recognized probably by most stitchers as a stitching thread then there's the whole over dye collection we've been showing those today but now people are putting threads that used to be pretty much exclusively thought of for needlepoint into their cross stitch and vice versa people are doing needle point with overdynes mm-hmm cool yeah so you've got stranded floss going into the needlepoint canvas and needlepoint i can't wait to see this being he's gonna be so cute he is and this is by rainbow gallery um one is called whisper and this one you use this little tool called a bunka brush and you brush it out and gets fuzzier and fuzzier and fuzzier as you go and then this one's just called fuzzy stuff and it is and it shows up fuzzy so that whisper thread is um not as much fun to stitch with but it is so if you can stick with it the the outcome is awesome yes and we did a gadget corner on the bunker brush and also talked about the option to use a denture brush i was going to say that but yeah and so make sure you let them know or else they'll be coughing up a furball later because you don't want to use the same though it picks up the threads especially if you like black for our beginnings i'm talking too yeah i usually get floss now oh my gosh that's gonna be so cute it will and this is um a lotty dog pattern francis 1863 i got this from the nashville would have been the national market became the needlepoint or needle expo and i worked down the bunny's little leg and this is also a hard way coupe um and started around the corner there and i was really excited because it's all adding up and counting right feeling very that's always good yeah now you put that in there the way i put mine in i didn't usually i wondered if you could see that i thought to myself will she pick up on that good girl let's see that was the pillow that was the bee and that be everything i had there one last piece cool which was look i covered your notes are you lost yes always 10 pounds so a while ago i think i shared with you the kernel um that was a needlepoint kit by elizabeth bradley that we had a trunk show at the shop and pat gave us all one of these kits for our birthday this year so this is i thought a really neat thing that they put into elizabeth bradley kit they actually give you a pre-loaded card with the actual sample threads so that you can't get confused at all oh what a good idea isn't that neat very close so when you're looking at their hanks of thread that's so sweet there's no doubt yeah what goes with what color and what number on the key that's awesome i like it a lot and these boxes are great because my whole project i carried my scissors and my needle puller and my threads nice um in the box that the kit comes in wow i mean didn't even need a separate project bag so this is the final picture and i substituted at pat's suggestion this petite velvet for the red yarn and i really like the depth on that yeah and it makes just pop out his uniform and now i'm working on the background but i made a boo-boo so i thought before i took it out i would show you what i did there's a stitch called a victorian cross and that's what you use for the background and it's basically a cross stitch and i started at the top and i should have started at the bottom because the way you make the stitch you want to be going into the empty hole on the top and then finishing at the bottom and up here i was having to go into the full hole to start the stitch and i thought this is really difficult i've done something wrong yeah so i checked with patch she goes yeah you want to start down here and work your way up so that'll that'll speed things up a little bit cool and i very very yeah yeah i like that a lot and if you have an interest in seeing a short introductory introduction video to needlepoint would you leave a comment and just let us know because i would be willing to uh share the basics of needlepoint in a video um like we did with some of the basics for cross stitch and it would be fun and i think if um if it would be helpful for anybody yeah very cool so that was my works in progress all right now the fun part yes well it's all fun yes it is joyful joyful yes we talked about our day treat and that is coming up and it will be august 7th it's a saturday and it'll be from 10 to 3. the shop will be open for you to shop you will be extended a 10 discount during your shopping time and there will be lunch and we're asking everybody to bring some snacks or your favorite food to share in an you know um environment like that yep we will provide more of like the sandwichy things and some bottled water some lemonade some other little goodies but if you have a favorite stitching snack or something that you want to bring along and share with us that'd be awesome m m's excuse me i don't like mm's at all if you're like you know and they don't get on your face i'm a magnificent baker and you want to bring like a three-tiered cake whatever something simple yes just kidding yes really simple like handmade stuff declares yeah creme brulee so we're going to do that on saturday uh this the 7th of august a month before that on the 7th of july will be the registration it's going to be by email to our country stitcher's email address which is in the description box yes and send an email we will review the emails at the end of the day the first 35 people who register will be on the list and then we'll keep any other people's registrations on hand or inquiries um in the event that anybody cancels we can invite you to join us and the cost for the day is 25 includes your food includes some other funds and fun things and goodies there'll be door prizes goodie bags i mean yes lots of fun yes there will also be a show-and-tell table so definitely please bring your bragging items that you finished and so that we can all ooh and all over them and there'll be plenty of room so you know if you have more than one thing and you want to bring it oh yeah yeah yeah i'm reminded of the stitch day we went to when kathy barrick and liz matthews were in the barn and they had some people who brought their show and tell and sue do you remember sue's pillows yes yeah sue i hope you join us and i look forward to seeing you again and um perhaps you can give me some more tips on these pillows i've been looking at what you sent me as i did them and i really appreciate it but it would be fun to see uh some people we also had a day treat a year a year ago gosh it seems oh more than that right has to be last year we did a year ago fall a year ago okay right so not last october but the october before and um and that was a lot of fun we met what 15 people that day and so if any of you are inclined we'd like to see you again too and this will be in lancaster at a nearby uh building we call it the barn right by stitch is unlimited um so you'll be able to walk over the shop or drive i mean it's just literally yeah and it is a nice large room uh if you have a specific lighting you would like to bring though please bring that extension cord to please yep if you want an extension cord but we will have tables and chairs set up for you um and get the room all ready to go and cannot wait to see everybody and yes just have a fantastic time together so if you're interested don't forget your things to remember is july 7th registration is open yeah as soon as it is full it's full yes what time well that's what it's going to say um any time on that day you can send your email but um do not send any financial information with your email we just want your name phone number and address and then what i will do is the 35 people who are coming i will then invoice you through paypal and then you can pay through paypal and that's how we're going to handle it so you won't have to worry about sending any money or sending any credit card information or anything like that or do they will they do vendo if they have been now if you have venmo let's ask this your name your address your phone number and then whether you would like to be sent an avenue to pay through either venmo or paypal that's a good idea whichever one and that'll be how i'll contact you okay all right sounds good and it'll be 25 and it'll be done deal yep ten to three so keep that in mind july 7th and then the actual retreat is august 7th well that's good they're both sevens yes i know it was fun when it worked out that way it's like wow i like this yeah that's awesome so exciting yes and i think that's everything i had noted about that day and i think so just remember we got with a lot in this video so and the lots of links don't forget anna louisa because you get a 20 site wide off of jewelry um and then of course the needle threaders captain h captain h forty-five percent good if you can use the link on our channel for that yes check out martina expanding stitches check out her um flush tube yes um so you want to go to the floss tube on martina yes or link to her site um flosstube okay that way if people haven't seen her then they get a chance to yes all right she's very sweet yep okay so and then our email address is in there for registration for the day treatment and my email address for the giveaways all right did we cover it all we did you think because every time we shut this off yes we're actually going to include a new component in our videos every single single time we're going to call it things you didn't see or things you missed and not because you didn't see it or you missed it but because we forgot to put it on the video and i felt so good when i remembered or when i thought about that idea in the last couple weeks about all the things we'd forgotten so she remembered what we forgot yes that's so funny oh my gosh we hope you haven't oh my goodness a good uh lead to your fourth of july weekend and stay close safe travels if you're traveling i will be on the road a little bit after fourth of july i have a family event i think um you probably if you watch us my uncle had passed away a couple months or 10 months be uh over a year ago now right after covid started it wasn't due to covet and because of that the family and the gathering couldn't take place so now it finally we can get together and celebrate his life so we're going to be down in north carolina to do that and get to see a lot of people i haven't seen and and meet a lot of people i've never met too because i haven't met aunt marsha's side of the family so nice cool yeah that'll be fun yeah yeah so enjoy your holidays yes and we will see you soon and you're stitching and as always share this new work see you soon bye-bye
Channel: Country Stitchers
Views: 19,838
Rating: 4.9360809 out of 5
Keywords: Ana Luisa, Christian, Friendship, Needlework, Cross Stitch, Country Stitchers, Capt H, Needle threaders, Jewelry, Holidays, Liz and Deb, Deb and Liz
Id: 424W6IVmd3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 42sec (4842 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 01 2021
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