Spring Quilt Market - New Fabric - New Notions - New Sew Alongs!!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well hello everyone and welcome back to my sewing room today is friday may 14 2021 and today is my day for the virtual spring quilt market and i'm pretty excited about it so normally what would be going on in may is we would be somewhere here in the usa doing a spring international quilt market and all of my stuff would be in the riley blake designs booth and all displayed for you and i would be introducing new things and showing some of the products of things that i talked about in my fall virtual quilt market hopefully we will be able to do that next year but for this year all of us riley blake designers have been um showing our new collections like on our youtube or our blog you know like our instagram facebook whatever we choose to do it and i'm i choose to do it on my youtube because i film every friday and so that way i can just kind of show you what i have that's new so for my fall virtual market i talked about stitch and so now i have actually some yardage of fabric and things like that i'm going to talk about that first in a minute but um i'm going to be talking about all of my fabric that's coming out this year and so the next one that's coming out this year that will be in september is new home deck fabrics to go with my first set of home deck fabrics my happy place so i'll be talking about that in my second segment and then in my third segment i'll be introducing my new collection that will be out in december called cookbook so let's first off get started with stitch so i'm pretty excited about stitch and what's really exciting is i have a yard of each of the fabrics now so i showed you this in you know last october and i showed you all of the fabrics and some of the things that i have coming out here's the quilt and then i showed you some of the notions and so i have some of those notions to show you a few here and there but what's exciting is i have all of the fabric to show you so let me set this out here and i'm going to start showing you the prints i'm talking about let me unfold this so i can make sure i don't miss any fabric sorry for the extra noise there okay so let's just pull this in i always get so excited when i get my pre-yardage and there's going to be lots of fun sewing going on with this all right so here's this big stack now i've got my needle book on top this is my needle book with pockets and i did a tutorial on this here on my channel on how i make this but this is the first thing that i'm going to make out of out of my pre-yardage and so i put it here so i can show you i like to make one of these out of each of my collections this one happens to be out of my prim collection and that's what i used in the tutorial that i showed you last year on how to make this it's really fun and easy to make and i really really like to use a little bit of each print and get them sewn into a needle book so that's the first thing i'm going to do i didn't get a chance to do that i just got back from vacation and i right before i left is when i got my pre-yardage so i barely got a chance to just look at it and pet it and i haven't had a chance to play with it but guaranteed i'm going to be doing lots of fun stuff and especially getting ready for the sew along which i'll talk to you about a little bit later but here is um this is called my stitch floral so this is in cottage and i just wanted to show you this is what the salvage looks like isn't that cute and then i put on the salvage hashtag stitch all the things because that's kind of what i do so i guess that ends up being my model but i love those little sewn machines along the selvage and this fabric just feels so wonderful and of course it's produced by riley blake designs and i love being a rider blake designer and part of the team and so super excited about all of these new things coming so here's the same print in red i set that aside so i can start stacking these over here okay so this one is called the text and this is stitch text this is sort of like what i did for my autumn love collection here's the two colors that it comes in can you see both of those okay so here's the two colors that it comes in and this is vivid and this is cloud and then it's got a riley blake on it but i kind of took this for my autumn love collection where i had all kinds of words that had to do with fall and autumn and i switched out all the words that had to do with stitch everything stitch and so i told you in october that my stitch collection is about all things stitching so sewing machine stitching quilting hand work embroidery crochet knitting all of that stuff anything that has to do with stitching that's what this collection is about and so that's what is included in these prints in the words now this next print is called grandma's sofa and i named it grandma's sofa because this looks just like my grandma sofa when i was a little girl and it was kind of that you know it was kind of textured like that and i loved it and so this was the exact color of her sofa and so then i did a print in yellow to go with it so these are two prints you know me i'm always doing something vintage and you know for memories of my grandma or my parents or you know great grandparents or something okay so now these two prints are called applique this is actually this print right here is actually the border that's going to be in the sew along quilt and then i did the same thing in a nutmeg ground which i love this nutmeg color it's reminiscent of craft paper color and i love that and so these are the two prints that i enlarged and did for the wide backs and i'll show you those last but these are the two prints that come in these colors in this collection now this one's called um bouquet this one is in sea glass and this one has a riley gray ground and it's just kind of a little floral bouquet it kind of looks like a paisley um i think it's very feminine it's very pretty and it's very vintage looking and you know me i always have to have some kind of a flower so here's more than one kind of a flower but i have several daisy looking flowers because they're you know my favorite and um so this one's called the um this is just called bloom this one right here and it comes in two colors right here and this base is riley green and this base is coral and so you can see those little green sewing machines there and this one is called daisy chain it comes in two colors right here this has got a cottage ground and when i mean ground i mean like the the background color is um cottage which matches the cottage solid which are the confetti cottons and riley blake and this is the riley green ground and i love these little daisy chains i had to add those into my collection because of course like most little girls we spend a lot of time making daisy chains for our hair okay so this one's called um roses and you know it's kind of obvious why i named that roses here's another one in a deeper nutmeg color which is really really pretty and then this is in songbird ground okay so this one is just called stitch plaid and you can see the plaid that goes across here has my little x's in there they're reminiscent of cross stitches and then these little stitches that go across here kind of look like stitches and then french knots it comes in these two colors this is clover and then this is a cayenne ground and we'll be using the these two prints as well in the quilt quite a bit i mean you can never go wrong with a good red and green right so i always try to include those and this one is called um let's see i want to make sure i get this one right this is um the stitched square so you can see these four little cross stitches kind of make a square shape and this is the teal this is matches the riley teal solid and this matches um the daisy solid and again when i say solids i'm meaning the confetti cottons in the ratty blade collection but i'm just used to calling them solid so that's what i do okay so these two prints are really fun let me talk about this for a minute these are called x's and you can see that i did this is a cloud background now cloud is my off-white that i use all the time for all of my backgrounds it's called cloud in the confetti cotton solid and it looks white when you look at it but when you put it next to white it's just a little bit kind of an off-white it's not yellowy or anything or it's just kind of barely enough white now what i did with this is i put x's kind of close together on it and i'm going to use this print right here particularly as the base of a cross stitch and one of the blocks in the sew along quilt and so this is kind of sort of like a mix between printed cross stitch and ada cloth meaning you count your x's just like you do like on ada or linen but it's the x's are already printed on so you just simply have to count how many x's across that you cover and you'll just cross stitch right over the x's so i'm pretty excited about that and when i show you more uh more of the quilt i'll show you which block that's in and so it would be awesome to use this fabric as the background of a cross stitch as well now this print right here is called ditsy i did this in four color ways so this is in coral this is daisy this is leaf and this is gray so this is riley gray and then they all have different cute little uh ditzy prints on there they can look like little flower blossoms little colored cherries little candies whatever you want it to look like but this is a very vintage very easy to use little ditsy print which is why i called it ditsy and there's those four now i also have four colorways in this one this is called my stitch flower and you can see why i call it the stitch flower because i simply did a cross stitch flower here and this one has the cayenne ground this one has nutmeg this is alpine and then i put denim stitched flowers on top of that and then this is steel and i love the way those look so we'll be using those quite a bit as well and this is another one that i did four of this is called the hexi if you look closely you can see their little hexis with a little square inside each hexi i hope you're able to see these close up maybe i'll bring this slowly up a little bit closer to the camera so you can kind of see those prints a little bit closer now i i love these prints these are what i call medium tones which i always include in my collections meaning there's quite a bit of cloud in there so that when you put you know like a dark color let me grab one let's see let's grab this nutmeg one here that i just showed you look how nice these two look together so this is more of a darker and then this is a medium and then you could just use a background that goes with it and that is goes you know works for a successful quilt block every time when you have light medium and dark in there or light and medium or dark and light you know two or three works the best now here's two more colors that are kind of like a houndstooth kind of gingham looking with a little uh daisy in there that's reminiscent of maybe you know what one of my grandma's dresses would have been or something like that and so i definitely wanted to add something in these two colors that are used throughout which is steel and cayenne so i love those should i bring those up a little bit closer too i don't want it to get fuzzy and those two work as medium tones as well now this one is wildflowers this one has two colors that i use quite a bit in my collections this is a frosting ground and this is a songbird and you know it's just a sweet pretty little floral and then let's see i've got these vintage ladies so remember my um decorator weight collection i had a lot of requests that you wanted that also in quilting cotton so i reduced the size just a little bit and did these vintage ladies that remind me of my grandma my mom my great aunts all my aunts and everything and i just love them all around me and i feel like they're with me in my sewing room and sewing with me just like just like uh during my girlhood when i actually did sew with them quite often okay so now this last print right here is um called crochet and you can see that reason i called it crochet if you were a crochet or you can see that but this is kind of how a lot of the crochet charts i put my granny square in there and a granny circle in their chart and this is multi-colored that we'll be using for a background so it's got a cloud ground and then it's got a lot of my colors in here and then this one i did with the cottage ground and then put the darker azure on top of it love those two so that's the 42 prints that come in the pre-cuts and all of that you know kind of stuff but you know i always you know it comes in whoops what i draw okay it comes in all those 42 prints come in fat quarter bundles and um the five inch stackers the 10 inch stackers and a rolly pulley now the extra fabrics which i always like to do a few extra is let me show you this one this is called my big stitch let me pull these out so i can unfold this so what this is is just cross stitch let me unfold it don't want to do it upside down but there's just a lot of different cross stitches in here here cash you pull up one end and i'll pull up another and then maybe we can kind of move around a little bit let's turn it over to the other side anyway i'm really excited for that all of these larger pieces are i mean this would be beautiful for you know the back of pillows runners again you know with bigger prints like this and i'll show you this here too this is my cheater cloth and this is called my multi cheater i love to do things like pillowcases you know just tied quilts using my chunky thread i'm trying not to move this too much so you can kind of see it curtains chair pad covers you know just just pillows anything with these bigger prints and that's what i use my wide backs for as well but this is there's a lot of blocks in there so that's going to be a really fun cheater and i use this for one of my notebook covers and i do have one of those to show you so i'll show you that in a minute when we talk about notions now i have three wide backs that i was talking about that i took that applique print that i called applique and did it in three colors of wide back so these wide backs um i always do three for every collection and they are about you know 107 108 inches wide but this is comes in riley gray coral and cottage and then the appliques are different colors but this is another print that be perfect not only for wide bags but for borders and you know you can use it for bindings excuse me you can use it again for pillowcases curtains a skirt you know kind of fun stuff like that okay excuse me i had to take a drink of water i've got a lot of talking to do all right so there are the prints that i have to show you and then what i'm gonna do is talk about the quilt for a minute so here is the quilt okay is that in the screen good there so you can see that okay so this is called my happy place sew along and it's going to start because the fabric comes in july i always start the last monday in august and so it's going to start the last monday in august let me see i want to tell you the wrong date i always put the invitation in here so here's the invitation right here it starts monday august 23rd now the first monday of august i will be doing my be prepared post where i'll be talking more about this sew along and all the supplies needed here all the quilt shops you know who have ordered this fabric and our cutting kits have the supply list already and so they know what they needed to order and so you don't need to worry about being able to find that but i would definitely get things early on if you're planning to do this so along and so that you don't have to wait till the last minute when those things are sold out so this is called my happy place quilt i'm so excited to do this it's all about things stitchy and the things that i do in my sewing room the quilt is 76 by 88 this quilt is about half and half piece blocks and applique blocks so there are let's see it was i believe it was 13 piece blocks these are all eight inch blocks that are pieced this is piece this sewing machine is actually pieced this is this patchwork purchase piece so there's 13 piece blocks and there's 14 applique blocks so it's about half and half this is the block that i was telling you about that this is cross stitch right here now if you don't want to cross stitch you can easily put any print in there see that's just a hoop it's just an embroidery hoop so you could put my actual um cross stitch let me grab that i stacked these all up if you did not want to do this cross stitch you could take this piece of fabric you could get some of this fabric and put inside that hoop there and that would be awesome but um so that's just cross stitched and what i did was i took my stitched flower fabric you know me i like everything to coordinate see the stitched flower that i drew on this fabric i drew it on there and so you're just cross stitching on those x's and um and then i showed you the border fabric that's going to be in here that pink little uh print the bloom or um blossom print that i showed you that's the main print of the sewing machine and that's all pieced now in the the binding let's see i grabbed a bowl here in the binding this is almost gone but this is what my vintage trim looks like that's the large rick rack we're going to be doing riley red for it whoops we're going to be using riley red for that and then the cord for this iron right here we're going to be using the small vintage trim in steel colored and that's going to be really fun to use that now i have had questions like why don't you call this rickrack and why do you call it vintage trim well it is rickrack it's just under under the name of vintage trim because i have other trims that come on the spool so anything that's on my spools right here i call vintage trim but obviously yes it is rick rack and it comes in two different sizes in many many different colors and so we'll be using that and another new thing that i have for this are the buttons see this button jar right here now you know i already have um my quarter inch cute little buttons right here they come in a package and i just have a whole bunch of them in this jar right here that i painted the lid yellow here let me just dump some out but they're all quarter inch and they're tiny um and cute enough to use for all of the pin heads see on all of these pin cushions and then there's some intermixed here and they're also used here in the needle book for the pinheads and so one package of those would be great and that calls for that in the quilt now the package of the buttons for the button jar looks like this and for the rest of the quilt it comes like this and they're all bigger buttons larger than i've ever done and they're all vintage looking and comes in these colors and i just put two or three packages in here so you can see what what these look like let me just maybe pull out some different styles bring that up how's that is that fuzzy that's good that'll be really fun so one one of these packages i'm sure you know i'm thinking it's going to work for you that's what we have um here in the quilt for like the knitting needles points we have a red one for the little screw nut that goes in scissors and then some larger ones in here and one on a larger one on the sewing machine and um these larger buttons in here now these are sorted out by weight so they just scoop them in and put them in there and there's plenty in here but if you're worried about you want more more red like in this package i'm counting i can count three reds but that doesn't mean the next package wouldn't have six you know you just don't know so if you're worried about it you know you could get a couple of packages if you wanted to if you wanted to use all big red buttons i just had to pick a color that i would kind of put here but obviously you can put any color matching color for the knitting needles and you could put any color there if you wanted you know so that's just a heads up on that and that's what those look like super excited to have some larger buttons to use for you know project bags for clothing and for other things like that and so let's see what else do i need to talk about for the different things in here um let's see i don't know if i brought my trimet ruler here i did right here cass can you hand me that so this i'll be using my trim it rulers you know for the blocks i have a new 20 and a half inch size and i'll be using the 8 inch size they look like this and there's the 14 and a half there's a seven and a half and they make it really easy to trim down your blocks afterwards i will be using um the so simple shapes there will be so simple shapes called my happy place and then i'll be using design boards and i have not received them yet they're not here they'll be coming soon they'll be coming in with the fabric and so i think i just brought my flea market board so i could show you so let me set that aside pull those in sis so here's what the simple shapes look like but my happy place right here you see are they glared okay thank you so that's what those look like these are my flea market design boards but these are the four size with every collection of fabric i always do two side two different prints in each size so let me fold these out can you see that whole thing okay so these are the two large ones and two medium two small and these are the bitty boards so these are seven inches square these are ten these are fourteen and these are eighteen okay now i do have a tutorial here on my channel if you want to make your own i make my own and purchase them so i can't really you know live without these i can't sew without them but when i use these i also use at the same time with my sew-along quilts my pretty pins in applique now i also have mini applique pins but that's not what i'm talking about those are just the short ones with the little white heads these are called applique pens and the reason i call them applique pens even though you can use them for sewing and or other things these are the ones that i use for my applique and i actually push the pins right in here and um into the design board when i'm doing my blocks okay so i pulled some things in this bowl so i could show you so i'm always using my sewing interfacing for the so simple shapes and i'm always using this point-to-point turner to shape my shapes this is by clover and i'm also using what i keep here in my little ball jar these are all by clover and these are biased tape makers i use those in various sizes for the quilts and that's what i was looking for this sue glue this is by sue daley and i love this and so i affectionately call it sue glue and so that's kind of my nickname for it but that's what i use to glue baste my pieces onto my background fabric using my design board so and again i detail all of this in my blog but i just kind of wanted to show you for those of you who are doing the sew along and or who have not pre-ordered your kit if you need to know the other notions um you know i kind of want to give you a visual on that i'm a visual person so i kind of like to see things you know beforehand as well now if you haven't pre-ordered a kit just find your favorite quilt shop see if they're carrying it or simply use google search as your best friend it's my best friend anytime i'm trying to find anything i just get on google as long as i know the name of the designer or the name of the fabric or the collection or the name of the sew along or the name of the quilt i can easily find what i need to find on quilt shops on who has the kids who has the fabric and etc so one of the things i wanted to show you is this is my stitch washi tape and i have this prototype i do have washi tape for almost every collection that i've made this is my happy place one right here this one typically has four in it is there a glare on that cash should i open this you can kind of see sure yeah okay so so you can see the actual let me dump that out washi tape oh we got it packaged in there good okay so this one has the cute little vintage ladies on there buttons some spools with a needle and some red measuring tape which is actual one-inch measurements this is actual correct and quarter inch increments and one inch numbered now something i wanted to show you about this was for my stitch one i decided instead of putting four in this size of package i did three and the reason i did that is because i thought that the word stitch would be really cute wider so i only have three because i took the difference of two of these and made a thicker one so let me see if i can peel that off i should have brought a piece of paper up here let's see here let me pull out a piece of paper from my notebook that i keep my notes in so that you can see what this washi tape looks like on top of it look how cute that is can you see that says so wouldn't that be cute on packages or whatever kind of turns into you know washi tape can be used as stickers as well so you could just cut it there you could use it for packing tape and then i did one in my gray applique meaning you could basically kind of do the same thing you can cut those apart and use for little separate stickers okay so i might as well show you the last one in this set and this is the little ditsy print and alpine so that's what comes in these sets now i use washi tape all the time i use it when i'm using my light box to tape my patterns onto my light box and it won't tear or leave a residue i use it to tape my seems so easy guides onto my machine of course i use it in paper crafting and labeling and everything so i use it quite a bit i love washi tape and i'm just going to continue doing it one of the things that i wanted to show you was i'm always thinking about packaging and rightly blake is so awesome they let me do you know design the packaging and i work with them and i love working with the riley blake team with that and i i wanted to do this so that it would unfold the packaging and i don't know you might think i'm crazy but i use these for bookmarks so see that one and this one you can pull that out and they're you know they're they are cardstock so they're thick i just kind of like the idea of her peeking out right at the top of my book so i brought these in to show you just a few of my previous ones this is not all of my washi tape packaging but that's my one from granny sheet that's my one from farm girl vintage and that's my one from prim but it's really fun to sometimes look at your packaging because um you know i do take the time to design really cute packaging and i want you to be able to sometimes use that packaging for other things i just think that's really fun because you know my motto if you know you have to if i have to design something i might as well make it cute so even if it's in a you know even if it's just about the packaging i want to make it cute all right so enough about the washi tape all that let's put this back in the bowl i've told you about the buttons what have i not shown you yet that i have oh okay these mugs obviously okay so i do tin enamel mugs with almost every collection that i've been doing this is my first one this is from my farm girl vintage collection okay and it's got blocks from the sew along quilt in there and so this is from these are all exactly the same and i like to have them you know the white background so they all go well this is from my vintage happy 2 collection and that's the sewing machine that was in that quilt and it says so happy on the other side this one is for my flea market flowers and it just has flowers all the way across and that's what that looks like and so now and then of course we always put those in a cute box and um so now i've got the stitch tin mug this is a prototype i thought oh it's okay to show you you know i'm kind of tweaking some of the colors here and there but what it has is it's going to have the tomato pen cushions all the way around it so that will be out in july as well and let's see i'm just going to look on here and see what i've got that i can show you okay i told you i have those coming out here's my so simple shapes i told you about you know i always have um new rulers coming out my trimets now i think i have pretty much have every size in inch increments and there's there's the mug virtual this keychain i don't have that to show you i showed you the buttons oh the binder so this is the binder for the sew along now remember i talked about the flea market binder and i made it smaller than my then my main big binder here that i have done for my so simple shapes so i made that one smaller because i just wanted it for the sew along guide but had so many of you say this is too small we need it bigger you know like the other one so of course we thought that was a great idea so all of the binders from now on including this one for this sew along this beekeeper binder with the cute vintage ladies on it and the crochet print on the inside will be this size so you can also you know keep uh you're so simple shapes in it your sew along guide your blocks in in these envelopes now when you buy um this main binder right here you get three of these envelopes when you buy the original one these i believe just come with just the binder but you can buy these separately so that you can use them for however many you need to they come in a five pack and these are a little zippered uh the beekeeper pocket inserts you can keep here so simple shapes your cut blocks you know whatever you want in them so i wanted to talk to you about that tell you about the binder and the larger size i just showed you those that come in packs of fives this stitch grid notebook comes in july as well with the fabric and i'm excited about that okay so this is a 9x12 this is i put my cheater cloth on here for the print so that's what that looks like can you see that whole thing cast room and um what's exciting about this is it's called the stitch grid because look it's got a grid paper in it or graph paper which is what i usually call it and i did that in light pink so you can use it to drop your stitch blocks um your applique blocks your pieced blocks you know cross stitch whatever you want to do or i made sure that the grid is light enough that you could literally can just use it as a notebook as well notebook planner anything so i'm super excited about that and because these are actual size squares you can count one two three four five six seven eight i can do an eight inch block actual size on here and that's how i drop all my quilt blocks it's on graph paper so that's why i really wanted a notebook and of course and spiral bound like my other notebooks you know this is one that i use all the time this is for my prim this is what i use for my notes that i have written down here for you know for my youtube things that i want to remember to tell you about okay so i've shown you that i do not have a prototype of the puzzle yet um i believe that's uh with christopher and the riley blake offices but there is going to be a puzzle for my happy place and more school charms then of course these will be coming in july as well these are the two boxed kids i don't want to fold that all the way these are for um 10 inch stackers and this is for the five inch stackers and this is the spools and bobbins runner and this is the tomato pincushion quilt of course you know i had to do a tomato pen cushion quilt with this collection and so those are available to pre-order at your favorite quilt shop as well okay so i did want to show you one thing i've been getting a lot of questions about this so several years ago i designed my easy trace light box and it came in aqua color and um it was time to do new ones again and so we thought why not do it in a new color so this one comes in pink okay can you see that can you just see the reflection because the lights on all right let's see so i just did this in frosting and i did red on top of it it's the easy trace light box you know it plugs in it's led it's awesome this is the packaging we also added a handle on the top of the box can you see that too fuzzy and so this is basically how and why i use my light box see i put a picture here so for embroidery or applique or for anything that you need to trace on i tape my project onto the light box with washi tape and then i'll tape the fabric over it or whatever and i will trace on top of embroidery patterns whatever it might be and it's very handy it's always good to have you know a nice light box that's nice and thin it's not heavy and it's always good to have one in your sewing room so if you don't have one you may want to give this one a try and so i just wanted to show you that okay so that is all about stitch now let me take a break and move all this stuff out and move some new stuff in so that i can talk about my new decorator weight prints welcome back everybody this is segment two and i'm going to be talking about my happy place for spring virtual quilt market for writing blade designs in may 2021 so this is um my next six decorator weight prints that come in my happy place collection so i'm pretty excited about this this comes out in september if you remember right here are my first six prints okay they do all of these decorator weight come in one yard bundles or you can obviously buy them by the yard but they do come as pre-cuts in one yard bundles and i did um last year hey here let me move this out of the way i did a segment all about vintage irons and why i use them and how where i buy them and and uh you know what to look for and that's here on my channel from last year and during that same video i showed you how i made my own ironing boards using my decorator weight i've sewn my curtains with my decorator weight this is the print that my curtains are sewn out of that you see in my other youtube videos where i'm doing tutorials i get a lot of questions about this fabric that's in my curtains this is what it is it's all all of these six original my happy place decorator weight fabrics are still available i am just adding six more to go along with them i'm not replacing them but these are like the mini ironing boards i did a bunch of mini ones i showed you how i made big ones small ones medium ones ones to take on retreat wants to use in your sewing room so here's all six of those prints that are on these little mini ironing boards in this one yard bundle so now the six new additional will come the same way it's wider fabric and it's when i say decorator weight it's kind of like i would call it like a lightweight canvas it's 100 cotton it's very nice it's very nice so here is the um the storyboard for that and you can see the prints in the first two pages so you see both sides of that story forecast okay but i have one yard of each of these to show you the real thing so see i showed you this in my first segment in this video in my stitch just in you know two colors but i for the decorator weight wanted to add to the other ones and put all of the stitchy words on there in all colors this is the tomato pen cushion on a print these are um the sewing pins and they're on a frosting ground and here are the sewing machines and i just simply did um did them going all different directions with sewing stitches in between and some of them have my tomato pen cushions on there and some of them don't but that's a really fun print i added my applique print in here with the red background because i think it looks awesome on red i love this applique print and it just kind of goes on everything so this looks great it especially looks good with um let me pull these back in here you know with the red gingham from the original one can you see that cast the corners see how all of these new prints go along with the original ones and then this is um i've had a lot of requests for blue as well that you guys want these vintage ladies on blue as well my granddaughter sophie is really happy about this too because she wants curtains in her sewing room and she originally wanted him in the pink fabric just like mine when i told her that i was thinking about doing blue and she's like oh yeah grandma do blue so now when this comes in we'll be making curtains for sophie's bedroom in this and i thought that was so cute that my granddaughter she just turned 12 and she wants these these vintage ladies in her bedroom curtains so it can be just like my sewing room she said so these are the six prints that i'm really really excited about adding to the decorator weight collection and you know i'm doing this deck weight you know specifically for my sewing room and things because i love to decorate my sewing room i spent a lot of time in my sewing room that's why i call it my happy place because it is and you know because i spent a lot of time in here i wanted to really be cute i like to be surrounded with all my vintagey things i like to be surrounded with a lot of memories of my grandma her sisters my mom my sisters and you know all those who um you know originally i originally started out with with my uh sewing live and my sewing life and my love of all things needle art and so i'm so happy that riley blake allows me to bring these to you and i'm so super excited about all of the things that are going to come with them so let's talk about that one of the things let's move that over there is that glary or anything should i put something underneath it okay one of the things that's that's going to be coming out in september with with my happy place new decorator weights is a decorator weight panel of project bags so these are called my zippy bags panel and so this is one panel right here okay and the panel actual size is 56 by 56 so that's how wide the fabric is is 56 wide and then it's 56 tall and that will have four large project bags and four small project bags with little tags okay and then i've got instructions this you know that my instructions are written on there now this is just kind of a mock-up for the storyboard of what they will look like so um project bags are awesome they're awesome in sewing i've made them for years the smaller ones normally that keep my notions and things like that keep them organized keep them cute and then i have you know make some portable for when i take things on retreat into the workshops that i'm teaching but for cross stitch these larger bags are perfect so i definitely will have instructions on the bags but i will definitely be doing tutorials on how to do them lined unlined you know with batting all these different things but you can see down here that i've got happy zippers that go with my bag so i've got eight bags on here and i've got eight happy zippers okay that coordinate with these bags in my colors and i'm super excited about that so these are 16 inch zippers they're gonna be sold in packs of eight and they will be available in september along with the fabrics and i do have a prototype of those zippers one thing that's really fun let me pull this in this is actually a prototype of one of the bags too see see here let me push this that's heavy okay there we go okay so see this bag right here see how it's folded behind that's the behind fabric here's the front fabric now this is just like a strike off this isn't actually so there's kind of a little bit of you know a little bit more color saturation in a few of them but here's the zipper i don't know if you can tell that from the pattern but all of my zippers have a double zipper pull which is a total game changer when you're sewing project bags if you're if you have some project bags before then you can understand why a double zipper would be a game changer when sewing the bags if you have not sewn project bags before then you know i'll explain why during my tutorial when i show you how to make these but um these are the eight colors there's a couple colors that need to be tweaked but i just kind of want to lay them out there lay them out here so you can see let's see what am i missing oh the gray one how many sound oh that's seven still missing one oh that's the same okay what am i missing one two three four five six seven oh here it is here's the c-class one see how this i don't know that's the same again but i keep pulling the wrong one oh here we go i had two of those okay so now i've got like a sea glass color and a cottage color but anyway so then i tell on each bag there's a little picture of the zipper which one coordinates with which one but i just kind of wanted to show you this is the size of the small one this is what one of the tags looks like see this is that tag right here and this is unlined so you can kind of tell the weight weight of my decorator weight fabric how it kind of feels maybe by looking at that but this is a very simple way to make project bags from the panel double zippers that means you can hang two charms no charms but they're really fun to just open this way or if you don't want the two zippers you could always just take one off the end all of these zippers come 16 inches wide and if you sewn bags you can see obviously that this is not 16 inches but when you sew the zipper in you just trim off the edges so it's always you always use a longer zipper than you need for the bags so here here are all the bags can't wait till those come in i'll be doing tutorials once again here on my channel with different ways to do those bags so that's one of the things that are coming in september with that another one is um these bags you can turn them inside out or you can use vintage trim to go around the outside which is really fun as well and this is my crochet edge vintage trim this is quarter inch these are the three colors that come with the crocheted edge i'm doing three colors and they're available now with the crocheted edge and i just want to show you what that looks like so the crochet is on the outside and just it's double fold quarter inch and just like any other you know bias tape you just put it simply put it over the edge and top stitch with matching thread and that's so fun for runners for bags for doilies for you know hot bath hot pads kitchen things and so i kind of want to show you the crochet edge ones now over here i have three new colors coming in three of the prints that i showed you in my stitch collection because these are not decorator weight these are just 100 cotton this is my actual fabric that's being used this is my fabric one of my b basics this is another one of my b basics and this is my farm girl vintage game and so these match all of my fabric collections now i have a pattern coming out for this bag this is what it will look like closed and when it's closed it will measure 28 by 25 and it has several pockets and i'm using all my decorator weight fabric my my newest collection plus some for my oldest collection and the bias tape here which is half inch now i've done this half inch wide because when you have all of these layers this probably will not be wide enough to go across all those layers so i've got these three half inch wide coming out so that i can you know have a big heavy duty and reinforce it because this bag when you fold it up will hold your medium size cutting mats rulers and design boards that's what i want this bag to hold so that i can store my things like that in my sewing room and i like to have something like this already packed and ready to go for when i go on so day so i don't have to pack everything all the time i like to just have extras packed and ready to go and then i grab it and this is going to be very handy to take on quilting day okay let's see what else i've got to show you so i've got three vintage lady charms now i've got one to show you this is the one right here in the middle so you can see how big they are they're about four inches long but isn't that isn't she fun so i can't wait to hang her and wouldn't that be fun on you know the handles of these bags anything like that but i can think of a lot of places i want to put these vintage ladies if i could i would buy two of them and and put them on my ears for earrings but they may be a little bit large for that but you know that's how much i love these vintage ladies so now i showed you this in my last floss tube this is my needle minder my tomato pen cushion i hope that's not i really don't want to take it out of the package so that's good so if you want to see it closer up and more explanation of that you can watch my last floss tube from a couple weeks ago now um speaking of bags i have this tote bag coming out and it says happiness is a full bobbin it comes out with this print you know those are those tote bags i've done them before i did a vintage lady one before and these are really fun for shopping and retreats and storage now with every fabric collection that i'm doing from here on out i'm going to be doing a crafting paper pad because i'm a crafting i'm a paper crafter as well and i just like to dabble in it and because of my time now i used to do it a lot more than i do now but i still love stickers and printed paper these are perfect papers from each collection this is from my stitch collection and this is my happy place collection and it's just a print off of really nice crafting paper of each print and two pages you can't really see them here two pages of clip art so that you can just cut it out and decorate cards notes tags organization things like that so each paper pad will come with each collection and then you can mix and match them but i think it's really fun to use for the sew along guide my beekeeper binders you know to make dividers to make header pages things like that another thing that i'm that's coming at the same time are these flower power reinforcers that's what i decided to call them because you know i'm always using those paper reinforcers because for my binder you know it's just a three ring hole punch you can just just make any paper you can literally use the three ring hole punch punch these and they will fit in the binder but you know for my elementary school days clear to my junior junior high days and my high school i was always buying those whole reinforcers because i didn't like you know every time i turned the page over and over again after months of having those little holes rip out so i always had a little white one on each side and i asked riley blake if they would produce these for me in a flower shape in five different colors there's 24 pages there's 24 flowers per page so there are a lot of these and it's going to be really fun to put those on you know those things that you punch holes in to go in the beekeeper binders to reinforce those holes plus they're just cute stickers too so this is where all of my not all of but a lot of more of my be organized things are coming out with this i've got a cutting station right here it's about you know this big so you can put your rulers in here you can put design boards you can put your book your pattern books in here in these first three three compartments you can put your rotary cutter your scissors pins you know whatever you want to put in there it's very sturdy it comes flat and it folds up with magnets this i actually do have a prototype of here this is a clipboard i'm always using vintage clipboards so i decided it was a great idea to make a clipboard here this is nine by 13 so it fits a regular size page this is my be organized clipboard and i use this and cross stitch for making lists for just for patterns for anything i'll i'll stick some patterns in here and make notes and things like that and then put it on my book stand for when i'm quilting and things like that so i'm happy i have that prototype to show you love it that's going to be really fun and this box i do not have a prototype of i think christopher again has that down to riley blake but this is a box that will hold file folders this way going sideways this way this box i'm putting labels on the outside so that you can use them for fabric storage kit storage you know i've designed them so that they can stack on top of each other inside the shelves of your closet so you can label them and know what's in there you can put you know your wool in there you can put your zippers your zippy bags your you know whatever you want to put in there i just think boxes are invaluable and i wanted it to be cute of course so i've got my gingham here and on the lid you can't really tell but it's my stitched flowers that i showed you this print right here that's the lid print that's on here and then the gam so of course i had to do new file folders that went in there as well so i do have a set of 12 file folders that come out in a set called the be organized file folders so there's six designs and two of each design so what these look like they come like this in a package and they just open up into a solid fabric but i've chosen some prints from my stitch collection to go inside there so i'll just kind of fan through these so once you go through the first six right here there's the gray ditzy print and i've designed little buttons that kind of look 3d that look like they're real buttons but they're not and then here's the last of the first six designs and then it just repeats again into another six and so file folders as you know always come in very handy and so these also will be available um when the fabric comes out and then speaking of file folders before i put these away i wanted to let you know that this has come out you know quite a while ago this is my b office bundle this is what it um excuse me not the office my happy place office bundle and this is what it comes like in this box right here okay and it shows you all of the contents on the back now i've got one that's open in here but i wanted to show you when you pull that out behind behind in the back of the box are three file folders with three of my original happy place prints on there that open just like the other ones they're styled the same way so i wanted to show you that they're the exact same size so in addition to those now so many people after buying and using this office bundle say we need more than three file folders will you add some more and so i just kind of want to show you see they go right in with their they go exactly the same size in there so i'm excited about that so you will have that addition to there and i have three vintage lady bookmarks remember the first segment i told you i used my washi tape packaging but i wanted to make some bookmarks because i again i really like the idea of those cute little vintage ladies peeking out at me for my quilt books where i'm you know in the middle of doing a project in my quilt books i'll use these to mark my page these are a sheet of stickers that come in this package now these stickers are clear see this this these are sticky notes right here so for instance if you take off any of these here i'll just take off this spool of thread let me fold it so it's not so blurry so i'm pulling the sticker off here and that's what it looks like on this sticky note so that's pretty fun so these are a page of clear stickers these are mechanical pencils which for some reason i don't know if it's just my package but the lead lead keeps breaking these and so i just after i've used the lead i just replace it with point five lead but i love that they're game and i'm always using mechanical pencils so these are a good thing for me these are [Applause] a whole bunch of the little tab dividers see they've got stickers right here so all you do right here is you fold it and you can write in there what you want and then for instance when my paper comes out um just pretend this is a piece of paper then you can either you know you can stick these on and make your own little dividers and so you can label them however you want there's a whole bunch that come in this set i use these quite a bit for index cards and all that kind of stuff i have these fun little paper clips in different colors and just kind of little chunky paper clips they're fun to use you can tie some of my lace on top or anything buttons to add and then another little washi tape roll comes in here i might as well just unroll this and show you what see it's just all the different sewing machines and that's what that looks like on there that washi tape super cute and then finally this notebook that is of course spiral bound and it's another one with graph paper in it that it's smaller love this one i'm always using this as well and so this is what comes in that set i didn't think i had ever showed that to you so i thought i should show that right now when we were talking about file folders so another thing i have coming out as far as organization is are these nice be organized book pattern holders these will hold your magazines your patterns your books things like that they're oversized they're really nice there's three different prints on the outside and three different prints on the inside they come flat and then they fold just really easy peasy fold up and a magnet holds them together they're very sturdy i love them and if you watch me on this channel with my sawyer stash series you know in my scrap baskets i always have tags that label my things i've had a lot of people say we need some cute tags and so here you go here is a set of tags coming out these are called my be organized tags there's a set of ten um so there's two of five designs and they're two by three and it's going to be really fun to decorate with those i have a set of these jars coming out these are the same same jars that my buttons previously came in we weren't able to do that anymore and i was really sad because i love these jars for storage not only for keeping my buttons but for keeping other things and so we came up with a way to put these three in a set and so they'll be really fun these are the be organized storage jars and they have you can't see that but i embossed the word uh designed that and put vintage on there with a little flower that's fun so i've got those showed you that and these are something i'm really excited about these are my be organized project tens i'm always looking for cute ways to store my things here in the sewing room and i've wanted to do some tins for quite a while with an open window so that you could see what's in there so here is the small one i have the prototypes pretty happy about that here's the small one here's what the side looks like there's the back again i'll just kind of turn them i don't know how glaring it's getting so i'm just kind of turn them slow this one's got my tomato pen cushion on it this is about a little over eight inches square so i wanted two sizes that could hold my six and a half inch blocks that are unfinished that i could put in here as i'm working on quilts and one that would hold my 12 and a half inch blocks so this one is about 13 inches square look at that one that's got the sewing machine can you see that cast do i need to like put it to the side so it doesn't glare can you see that too fuzzy and so i've put the sewing machine print on the side these are all tin metal and this is a very thick almost like hey we could do drums on that on the back there so i have those two prototypes okay have i shown you everything in here yeah this is just my six original prints on the back of here just so that you can see that they coordinate with the new prints and we're going to keep going with all 12 prints they've been doing really well and i love seeing all the projects that you guys are making with them on instagram um the last thing i wanted to show you i want to show you this this will should be in the warehouse it's it's on the ship almost here so it should be i'm thinking available in about four months but this this been quite the delay because of what's been going on in the world but uh my my soul vintage mister is going to be available shortly and so i just wanted to show you because it's got the vintage lady on there now this is what i this is what the box looks like and this is what the mister looks like i put one of my uh cute vintage ladies on there and this is something that i always mix half and half water and starch i like the mary ellen's best press and i usually mix about 50 50 water you could use a full strength but i i find i just like to use half strength okay so that is what i have to show you on my decorator weight and now i'm super excited i'm going to clear all this stuff off because i get to introduce my very um my very own and probably i don't know second third kitchen line because i love that it's called cookbook and i'm going to be telling you all about it next welcome back this is segment number three and i'm super excited because it's finally time that i can show you my cookbook fabric collection now i love vintage kitchen and i was inspired like i always am to do this fabric collection by all things vintage and specifically my grandma and her sisters um they were such an inspiration to me as far as you know decorating and how they lived and everything because growing up in that small town with them i was able to be in their homes a lot each one of them and even though they decorated differently they all were um had a lot of things in common such as quilts and a lot of handmade items and i just loved all of those kitschy prints and so i really wanted to put a collection together that had to do with that so here is the storyboard you can see that this is the sew along quilt this is called chicken salad and i'll be talking about that next but i do i'm just gonna let's just open this storyboard and for those of you who don't know what a storyboard is this is what riley blake designs and puts puts together for market so that when quilt shop owners come to market they can see everything that's available that matches the collection and the skus are already assigned and you know that's exactly why they're going to international quilt markets so that they can see what's new and order the collections that they would like to order and i so appreciate all of the quilt shops who carry my things um their support and i appreciate riley blake and for letting me be one of their designers and i love it so much and i'm so grateful that i am able to do what i love every day that doesn't mean it's not work it is a lot of work but it is a lot of play and i i love every minute of it and so let's talk about the fabric so here we've got a 42 piece collection here but what i have done is underneath here i have the fabric i'm going to turn this over so i can talk about the names here's my logo here's my cookbook logo and let's switch this over a little bit and then i can pull these out because on the back of each piece of fabric i have put the name of the print and and then that kind of helps so okay so here's cookbook and what i wanted to show you first was um oh geez but i was organized let me find that one print all right i'm gonna have to turn these back over so i so i don't do them backwards sorry trying to keep things in order all right so here are here are i'm going to close this so you can see the quilt so i can tell you one thing before i explain these fabric pieces to you you can see that i have kind of light lighter colored prints all around the border and that's what consists of these fabrics right here this one is called wallpaper and so i have this copied on 11 by 17. this is all full scale and full color so that you can see exactly what it really looks like sometimes it's hard in the storyboard because we have to fit so much in it you know you literally get to see you know a rectangle or a little tiny square so i like to be able to print them off so that i can show them to you so there's wallpaper these are the two prints obviously called cherries those are fun these are floral these are two floral in there i don't have a lot of directional prints in this collection this is one of them this is called dinner this one is called fruit this one is called stamps because i just wanted to do cute little designs i don't know why i'm turning it around because it really isn't directional but um just kind of wanted to do little stamps with little modest that you can use as a print but you could little you know fussy cut and use for tags or you know some fun little things this one's called dishes this one is called roosters i mean you know what's a vintage kitchen without chickens and roasters this one is called breakfast and this is luncheon and then this one is kitchen window can you see both of those let's see okay so that's all of the light prints and then all of the when i say light i mean that have you know pretty much most of them have a cloud background or else a very light background and this is all of the prints together that have a little bit more solid looking background that we can use for applique i have one background in the collection and that's this one right here and it's called cherry turnover and this is what all of this is what all of the blocks the applique blocks are on and so i'll show you these prints one by one this is ring toss i used this in my vintage happy 2 collection recolored it because i just really thought this was perfect for this collection this is blossom this is one of the ones we use for the baby chicks in the quilt either their bodies or their wings now this one i colored this one's called a kitchen tile and i colored it in four different color ways and i think that's so fun and then of course you can't have kitchen tile without linoleum so this one's called linoleum this one is simply called vintage i love this this looks just like a print that my grandma had one of her house dresses and then this print right here is another one that i did for this is called bubbles and that's really fun these two are mums and these two are tulips okay so that's a close-up of all the fabrics let me move those out of the way so that now we can open the storyboard and i'm just using this as my guide to go along of what i want to show you next okay so what what i have in this collection i have six panels so i have three apron panels right here to make an apron and i have new um quarter inch double fold bias tape in quarter inch and in half inch so the quarter inch you want to use with the aprons and the half inch you want to use with this casserole carrier and some other things but i have a printout of a close-up of some of these things so like here's a closer look at the apron panel hope you can see that whole thing and maybe better that way cal says turn it that way all right so what i've done with the apron panels is you've got the front of the apron the back of the apron and then the pocket and then i've also done a little tab right here i had an extra square i will have instructions like written out here but i have an extra kind of a blank square and i just i didn't want to let that go i'm like that's just another opportunity to design something so i designed as you can see three different blocks that are um the circle finish at 12 inches but the outside goes up 14 inches and these panels are made from decorator weight and that's going to be really fun your apron is going to be a little bit you know nicer nicer weight to it and i think it'll be really fun i'm going to do some tutorials here on my channel on what we can do with these fun vintage blocks uh you know like pillows chair pads placemats whatever we're gonna do some fun stuff so here's kind of a close-up of one of those vintage blocks now before i show you the rest of the apron panels i brought this in that i made for my mother-in-law this is kind of my go-to apron pattern it's a vintage pattern for my grandmas that i've done for a long time i know i've shown this on my blog and i've shown it on instagram and things like this but you know you can't really see the whole thing in it but this is what this exact panel makes is this this i did out of my bake sale fabric and this has got crochet edge bias tape and here's the pocket and so you know there's no lining you literally just sew the shoulder seams together and then put the quarter inch bias around it and your ties are the extra now i made little tags on each one of mine because i like to hand the to make this one that says handmade i like to stick those little tabs inside of the side and so that's why i put some on my panel here each one is different this says kiss the cook so there's one of the panels there's three different aprons because you know we cannot i'll use three aprons right why not okay so this one is another one this tab says homemade here's the pocket and here's the vintage block for that one and then this is the last apron panel right here this one says baked with love on the tab they've all got a little b on the other side my little bumblebee logo and there's the vintage block on that one so that's the apron panels and here's the quarter inch and again here is the half inch now the this is one for my previous stitch line that i told you about these are the ones that are in addition for this collection now i have two dish towel or tea towel whatever you want to call them panels and um the size of the panel is is 54 inches wide this way and then 36 inches tall so they're pretty big towels this is a closer up look if i do it sideways i think you can see it better and these come on the decorator weight as well what i did was i used prints on here for my collection but i enlarged the prints so they're quite large they're not the same as the one that's on the fabric and you can use the bias binding to go around the outside you can simply hem them you know you can add things i had a little bit of space on the edge here and you know i love the old days of the week dish towels and so i thought instead of leaving that blank why not put some labels in there that you can maybe label your towels or label some other things or just just as a fun extra um days of the week and so this was done in denim and here's the other dish towel pattern and i mean not pattern panel and these are done in red so these are all like i say let me turn them this way maybe these are all prints i've added a little bit of you know just printed on there rick rack but you could you could put real rick rack on there if you wanted to and you could use these for place match you could use these for the back of a dish drying rack as well by putting a terry cloth towel on the back you know anything that you wanted to do but i did want to stylize you know these fun little ones from the applique quilt and this from my print kiss the cook so i love that pot belly stove so much that that's why i used it for the logo in this fabric so that's two dish towel panels and then the last panel i have to show you is here's a virtual of this kind of what it looks like folded up but it's a casserole carrier and so here's the outside of the carrier here's the inside or you could do it the other way around it's really you know either or i'm going to turn this upside down so the hot pads i mean excuse me right side up but this is another thing that you want to use the half inch bias tape with because by the time you put your insulated batting in there and you have two decorator weight you know pieces together and you may want to put two pieces of insulated batting depending on how thick you want it then you'll want that half inch instead of quarter inch to go all the way around it and i'll have simple instructions on here these blank spaces are for when we actually print the fabric well i will add the instructions these are hot pads right here that are just printed and so you can easily just put bias tape around those or turn them right side out you could have this one side and this one side or you could you know choose fabric from the collection to put to the back so that you have two same goes for here these are little micro mitts there's four of those so that you have cute little mitts for the microwave and these are little um panhandle little holders for you know the edge of your pants when the handles sometimes get gets hot so i will have directions on here but you can bet i will also have a tutorial on my youtube channel here on how you put all of this together so i'm excited about that growing up we always had you know casserole carriers potluck dish carriers whatever you want to call them um to go to the quilting bees to go you know to our church suppers and things like that and so i really wanted to design one with this collection okay next page we've got the wide backs again i always do three wide backs they're 108 inches wide with my collections here's a print off this one's these are called tablecloth and these are the three colors that they come in and i'm pretty excited about these like you can take the quarter inch bites they all have quarter inch bias that matches them for my collections and i'd love to not only put these on the back of quilts and runners and things but i want to make tablecloths out of this i really want to make several for this for our 4th of july picnic would be so fun and so here's the invitation to the sew along let's talk about the sew along for a minute so because the fabric comes in december of this year i don't know if i even said that but yes this is i always have um my collections come out in july and december that i have my so simple shape sell alongs with and this one starts the last monday in january and it has so simple shapes for the chicken salad here's the header for that there's 36 pieces in the so simple shapes i will be doing a new vintage trim for the border of the quilt and that will be in alpine and you can see that's in the border right here i don't know this this quilt's pretty big picture but here's maybe a bigger one if i just kind of move it back and forth a little bit and this is the backing color that i'm going to be using this is the chicken salad quilt it measures 64 by 80 and i am so excited to make this quilt i can't even tell you okay so let's talk about the chickens for a minute i'm going to fold this up so you can kind of i can talk about this so this is the chickens i don't know let me put that right there and hopefully you can see that in the screen so there's 12 blocks all 12 blocks finish at 12 inches and so of course these are these are smaller size than 12 inches but i wanted to show you that i named them and that's what the blocks are going to be called during the sew along so that we know which one we're talking about but i um i asked colleen at riley blake to um please copy these off for me real size on two pieces of 11 by 17 paper and then i tape them together so i want to show you what they actually look like for real size so this is what prudence looks like and right here you can see that i've put um you know there's just a circle there that's a quarter inch circle but i'm actually going to be using the quarter inch buttons that i showed you in the first segment here for these eyes and then this is just the quarter inch bias tape that's going to be on all of the chickens and that's all the only size we're going to be using is the quarter inch that we're going to be making and then you can just embroider the chicken legs by machine or by hand or you can just i mean the little baby chicks if you want to you can do their legs or feet and if not you can just you know leave it blank if you want so here's beatrice here's cornelius he's got little baby chick following him around just like every little kid follows their dad around right here's hank these i love all these chickens these they're so fun with all their different calico colors this is hattie i mean i love that pink hand i don't want to paint him right here's henrietta she's a nesting with four of her eggs there here's myrtle here's penny she's waving here's percy here's florence with one of her babies following her around here's pearl and here's edna so this is what the blocks will look like actual size so i'm pretty excited about that and okay and of course more information you know will always come but your quilt shops have all the supply lists the fabric list everything that's needed for this so that they can get it in ready for pre-order so i always do a boxed kit with 10 inch stackers and 5 inch stackers so this is my potluck stars quilt kit it's 65 by 65 i wanted to do a square one so that you could either use it to hang on the wall put over a bench in your kitchen but more importantly i want to use this on my farm table for a table topper so here's a closer picture of the quilt this is the backing that i'm going to be using on this one now this one uses my new double triangle rulers this is the size these are 10 inch and 5 inch friendly and that's what we'll be making this quilt and they these rulers are going to be included in the boxed kit and this is what the box looks like i'm pretty excited about that i love a good good cute designed box and i use them for storage all the time so so there's that one and then for the five inch stackers this is my grandma's lunch and table runner and it's pieced there's no applique in it and it's it's pretty fun and it goes in the little box and i designed this box that looks just like this because i want to use this in my kitchen i want to use it in my pantry and put small things in i thought it'd be great for like your little cake decorating tips or you know things like that anything you want for storage in your kitchen okay so going through here we've got the binder which will be for the sew along and remember it's going to be the large size just like my original binder that i talked about in the first segment it's going to have that fabric on the outside and then i'm pretty excited because yes i wanted to do this binder for the sew along and for other things but i want to use it for to make um a family cookbook to keep my recipes the favorite family recipes in my kitchen and so it's going to be really easy with the binder most of the time we copy off recipes off the internet you know things like that or we're emailing recipes back and forth so it's going to be very simple to just get sheet protectors and put your recipes in there but i felt like that we needed dividers for that and so here i've got cookbook binder dividers that are already ready with the tabs on them all you have to do is fill them in there's eight individual binders this is the front of them and this is the back and so i'm just going to show you individually this is front and back on one and when you put these in the binder they all line up front and back and so you can label these however you want to and you know you can divide them like other recipe dividers traditionally you can put you know soups and salads or desserts or whatever but i'm gonna do mine or at least one by holidays because i always have special family recipes by holidays that i do so that's what i'm going to do with mine let's turn that one over i think these are going to be really fun now these will come with i don't show these in the pictures here it shows but they will come with the holes punched out and everything so they're just in nice cardstock and very thick nice and ready to go and then i'm going to be using my flower power reinforcers for these holes as well just because for the cuteness factor and that i showed you you know told you about in the first segment now i'm also going to be having the crafting paper pad that i told you about in the other segment and it has two pages of clip art with it so it's got all of these papers that i can be using for decorating these binders or for recipe cards or for the recipes themselves that go you know in the binders but i did want to show you an actual size i don't know if you can see both of those if i put them side by side this is an actual size printout of the um the clip art and what i mean by clipart is this is exactly how it comes on very nice paper and then you can just cut out what you want and decorate things but look how fun that's going to be i'm i'm really going to have a good time with that i love you know ever since kindergarten first grade i love playing with paper i just love to cut and paste so that's going to be fun i've got a lister notebook that's coming out which is going to be perfect for grocery lists it's got the little square in the front so you can just like cross off your list for groceries i've got some bee sweet treat cups you know cupcake papers baking cups whatever you want to call them there's 20 of each print and there's going to be a hundred in a package and here's the packaging for that isn't that going to be cute i'm so excited um you know cupcake papers are also pretty popular to decorate with so there's so many things on pinterest that you can do with cupcake paper so there's another idea i'm super excited about that and turning the page here i've got um well to go along with with things in the kitchen remember those tins that i showed you the match stitch i have two different sizes this is the large and this is the small meaning this is a 13 inch square and the 18 i mean excuse me the eight inch square or a little bit larger i didn't put a little pitcher on the top i just wanted it to see through and look how cute that would be with cakes cookies cupcakes kitchen storage like i said before you know with the box maybe cake decorating things anything like that or of course always in your sewing room if you want to but these will be really fun to use in the kitchen and speaking of other things to use in the kitchen i could not do a collection without doing 10 um canisters and you know they stack inside of each other just like the vintage ones do they're going to be 10 they have the red lid on them and these are the three prints that are going to go on them i can't wait to use them both in my kitchen my trailer my sewing room everywhere i have a lot of vintage sets like this that i use for a lot of things so it's really exciting for me to be able to have my own set and then i have a set of coasters coming this is actual size of the coasters and you've got to have some vintage kitchen coasters right to save that save your uh rings on your farm table i've got a tray coming out with this cute blue floral and it's kind of like a it's kind of like a melamine you know my grandma used to call it melmac and i love that so that's going to be really fun and it's 19 by 12 by one tall so it's going to be pretty big you know to put fabric on put treats on whatever you want to do but trays are always a good idea so i wanted to add that now to go with the um cupcake papers i wanted to do some bee sweet treat bags as well and so here's here they are in here they're six by nine this is how they come packaged there's 12 bags so two of each print and they're printed um paper and they're perfect for putting your little treats in there and of course because i've got because i've got the bags because the cupcake papers and everything like that i really wanted to do my washi tape designed that would be really cute to fold these over and you know use it to tape those clothes with your cookies and things in there but i also have these mason jar labels i love to can i grew up canning you know with my mom with my grandma with my sisters now these fit inside the lid of a wide mouth jar but you can put them on the outside of the jar too because they're stickers so you can stick them on the top stick them on the side label what you want but you can also you know use them for stickers on anything by you can take the beast uh sweet treat bags and you can use this and fold over and stick on one of here and like for you know perhaps put what kind of cookies in there or put a person's name on there who the treat is for so that's going to be kind of fun i'm always using labels for canning jars i've got this cute little lunch box it's going to be perfect for snacks and it's uh 6x7 and i think it's really going to be fun i'm sure going to be using that for little sewing kits in my sewing room using it in my kitchen as well the last thing on here let's see i already showed you the rulers and the actual size oh so you know how i've got my sewing interfacing i'm going to be doing some heat resisting batting here is here's the header for that there's going to be one yard in a package 36 by 43 and you know that's the kind that has the batting and then i'm putting silver on one side of it so that helps with the hot pad so that you always have some in your sewing room to use for those hot pads and all of those little like the everything that i showed you the micro mitts and uh the potluck carrier and all of that stuff so i'm pretty happy about that let's see i showed you the washi tape and there's the little chicken on there that'll be a cute little bookmark and of course i have my all four sizes and two each of my design boards and i've got my 2021 excuse me my 2022 calendar coming out this october and so is the chicken salad calendar so i've got one of those chickens on every month it's going to be really fun calendar for your kitchen or your sewing room or my trailer which is where i like to put things and then i've got a new pair of readers coming out speaking of i brought these out to show you the readers that are available now they come in these nice fabric cases and then they open like this kind of a snap and there's three different so i've got let's say i've got 1.5 2.0 and 2.5 and each one is is one of those i believe that the red ones are the one five i should have written that down but it you know it says that on the website and it says it when it's packaged these are just out of the package but these are the three colors that i have let me move this out of the way so you can see these are the three colors that i have and then you can see that there's prints on the other side and then here are the cases that match them and so that's really fun and i'm using these constantly and depending on what time of day it is or night different strengths are necessary and um so here's the next strength this is a three o and it's going to be coming in this little gray dizzy print and they're going to be in pink all right so that's all the new stuff that i have to show you um thank you for sticking with me and listening to all of this i i sure hope you're as excited as i am to um be playing with stitch and my happy place and cookbook i will be doing all these things um you know tutorials and letting you know when things come in here on my channel as well as my blog and on instagram and once again i want to thank you all for your support of my designs i could not do this without you i could not do this without riley blake could not um be any happier being able to do what i love and again i thank you so much and i will chat with you later
Channel: Lori Holt
Views: 108,404
Rating: 4.9304781 out of 5
Id: fFMQ70yImgM
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Length: 105min 1sec (6301 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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