Florence Scovel Shinn Magic Path Of Intuition

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welcome to the reality revolution i'm your host brian scott and i'm excited to return to florence scobel shin you know there's so many great youtube channels that have discussed florence scoville and i didn't really want to repeat all the great material that's available there is so many channels that have read so many of her books so when i came back to florence i wanted to find something unique that we could talk about to teach some of what she was teaching to summarize some of it so that we can apply what she was teaching in a modern sense i loved nevolution they have some great collections of affirmations from florence and that's usually my go-to channel for florence gobel shin but there is so much to her work but at the same time she wrote only a few books and there's very little for us to go upon her words were so powerful that she changed the world in many ways and her affirmations are amazing so after doing a thorough reading of all of her books over the weekend i came to the conclusion that real running through line beside the power of the word and using affirmations is intuition she mentions it in every book all the time and explains intuition in a unique way check out my previous episodes i have an episode on intuition and a recent episode on how to follow your hunches in many ways i think that reality creation comes down to following your intuition once you start to visualize or use your imagination the next step is bringing this into actualization and it's all about following your intuition how do you know what is your intuition and just your reasoning mind florence scobel shin tries to explain that and teaches how to use intuition very well in her book the game of life and how to play it and in her book the secret door to success she covers this she has a ton of great affirmations we're going to go over all of those and in the future i'll definitely create a meditation on just her affirmations but we're going to talk about intuition in particular and once you listen to this episode you can always go to the very end and just listen to the affirmations they are amazing she has a unique way of wording these affirmations but reading her material helps really cement what these affirmations are talking about she really starts to talk about intuition very specifically in her first book the game of life and how to play it with a chapter on intuition or guidance she begins by saying in all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths there is nothing too great of accomplishment for the man who knows the power of his word and who follows his intuitive leads by the word he starts in action unseen forces and can rebuild his body or remold his affairs it is therefore of the utmost importance to choose the right words and the student carefully selects the affirmation he wishes to catapult into the invisible he knows that god is his supply that there is a supply for every demand and that his spoken word releases this supply ask and ye shall receive man must make the first move draw nigh to god and he will draw an eye to you i've often been asked just how to make a demonstration i reply speak the word and then do not do anything until you get a definite lead demand the lead saying infinite spirit reveal to me the way let me know if there is anything for me to do the answer will come through intuition or hunch a chance remark from someone or a passage in a book etc the answers are sometimes quite startling in their exactness for example a woman desired a large sum of money she spoke the words infinite spirit open the way for my immediate supply let all that is mine by divine right now reach me in great avalanches of abundance [Music] then she added give me a definite lead let me know if there is anything for me to do the thought came quickly give a certain friend who had helped her spiritually a hundred dollars she told her friend who said wait and get another lead before giving it so she waited and that day met a woman who said to her i gave someone a dollar today it was just as much for me as it would be for you to give someone a hundred this was indeed an unmistakable lead so she knew she was right and giving the hundred dollars it was a gift which proved a great investment for shortly after that a large sum of money came to her in a remarkable way giving opens the way for receiving in order to create activity in finances one should give tithing or giving tenth of one's income is an old jewish custom and is sure to bring increase many of the richest men in this country have been tithers and i have never known it to fail as an investment the tenth part goes forth and returns blessed and multiplied but the gift or tithe must be given with love and cheerfulness for god loveth a cheerful giver bill should be paid cheerfully all money should be sent forth fearlessly and with a blessing this attitude of mind makes man master of money it is his to obey and his spoken word then opens vast reservoirs of wealth man himself limits his supply by his limited vision sometimes the student has a great realization of wealth but is afraid to act the vision and action must go hand in hand as in the case of the man who bought the furlined overcoat a woman came to me asking me to speak the word for a position so i demanded infinite spirit open the way for this woman's right position never ask for just a position ask for the right position the place already planned in divine mind as it is the only one that will give satisfaction i then gave thanks that she had already received and that it would manifest quickly very soon she had three positions offered her two in new york and one in palm beach and she did not know which to choose i said ask for a definite lead the time was almost up and was still undecided when one day she telephoned when i woke up this morning i could smell palm beach she had been there before and knew its balmy fragrance i replied well if you can smell palm beach from here it is certainly your lead she accepted the position and it proved a great success often one's lead comes at an unexpected time one day i was walking down the street when i suddenly felt a strong urge to go to a certain bakery a block or two away the reasoning mind resisted arguing there is nothing there that you want however i had learned not to reason so i went to the bakery looked at everything and there was certainly nothing there that i wanted but coming out i encountered a woman i had thought of often and who was in great need of the help which i could give her so often one goes for one thing and finds another intuition is a spiritual faculty and does not explain but simply points the way a person often receives a lead during a treatment the idea that comes may seem quite irrelevant but some of god's leadings are mysterious in the class one day i was treating that each individual would receive a definite lead a woman came to me afterwards and said while you were treating i got the hunch to take my furniture out of storage and get an apartment the woman had come to be treated for health i told her i knew in getting a home of her own her health would improve and i added i believe your trouble which is a congestion has come from having things stored away congestion of things causes congestion in the body you have violated the law of use and your body is paying the penalty so i gave thanks that divine order was established in her mind body and affairs people little dream of how their affairs react on the body there is a mental correspondence for every disease a person might receive instantaneous healing through the realization of his body being a perfect idea in divine mind and therefore whole and perfect but if he continues his destructive thinking hoarding hating fearing condemning their disease will return jesus christ knew that all sickness came from sin but admonished the leper after the healing to go and sin no more lest a worse thing come upon him so man's soul or subconscious mind must be washed wider than snow for permanent healing and the metaphysician is always delving deep for the correspondence jesus christ said condemn not lest ye also be condemned judge not lest ye be judged many people have attracted disease and unhappiness through condemnation of others what man condemns in others he attracts to himself for example a friend came to me in anger and distress because her husband had deserted her for another woman she condemned the other woman and said continually she knew he was a married man and had no right to accept his attention i replied stop condemning the woman bless her and be through with the situation otherwise you are attracting the same thing to yourself she was deaf to my words and a year or two later became deeply interested in a married man herself man picks up a live wire whenever he criticizes or condemns and may expect a shock indecision is a stumbling block in many a pathway in order to overcome it make this statement repeatedly i am always under direct inspiration i make right decisions quickly these words impress the subconscious and soon one finds himself awake and alert making his right moves without hesitation i found it destructive to look at the psychic plane for guidance as it is the plane of many minds and not the one mind as man opens his mind to subjectivity he becomes a target for destructive forces the psychic plane is the result of man's mortal thought and is on the plane of opposites you may receive either good or bad messages the science of numbers and the reading of horoscopes keep man down on the mental or mortal plane for they deal only with the karmic path i know of a man who should have been dead years ago according to his horoscope but he is alive and a leader of one of the biggest movements in this country for the uplift of humanity it takes a strong mind to neutralize a prophecy of evil the student should declare every false prophecy shall come to not every plan my father in heaven has not planned shall be dissolved and dissipated the divine idea now comes to pass however if any good message has ever been given one of coming happiness or wealth harbor and expect it and it will manifest sooner or later through the law of expectancy man's will should be used to back the universal will i will that the will of god be done it is god's will to give every man every righteous desire of his heart and man's will should be used to hold the perfect vision without wavering the prodigal son said i will arise and go to my father it is indeed often an effort of the will to leave the husks and swine of mortal thinking it is so much easier for the average person to have fear than faith so faith is an effort of the will as man becomes spiritually awakened he recognizes that any external in harmony is the correspondence of mental inharmony if he stumbles or falls he may know he is stumbling or falling in consciousness one day a student was walking along the street condemning someone in her thoughts she was saying mentally that woman is the most disagreeable woman on earth when suddenly three boy scouts rushed around the corner and almost knocked her over she did not condemn the boy scouts but immediately called on the law of forgiveness and saluted the divinity in the woman wisdom's way are ways of pleasantness and all her paths are peace when one has made his demands upon the universal he must be ready for surprises everything may seem to be going wrong when in reality it is going right for example a woman was told there was no loss in divine mind therefore she could not lose anything which belonged to her anything lost would be returned or she would receive its equivalent several years previously she had lost two thousand dollars she had loaned the money to a relative during her lifetime but the relative had died leaving no mention of it in her will the woman was resentful and angry and she had no written statement of the transaction she never received the money so she determined to deny the loss and collect the two thousand dollars from the bank of the universal she had to begin by forgiving the woman as resentment and unforgiveness close the doors of this wonderful bank she made this statement i deny loss there is no loss in divine mind therefore i cannot lose the two thousand dollars which belonged to me by divine right as one door shuts another door opens she was living in an apartment house which was for sale and in the lease was a clause stating that if the house was sold the tenants would be required to move out within 90 days suddenly the landlord broke the lease and raised the rent again injustice was on her pathway but this time she was undisturbed she blessed the landlord and said as the rent has been raised it means that i'll be that much richer for god is my supply new leases were made out for the advanced rent but by some divine mistake the 90 days clause had been forgotten soon after the landlord had an opportunity to sell the house on account of the mistake in the new lease the tenants held possession for another year the agent offered each tenant two hundred dollars if he would vacate several families moved three remained including the woman a month or two passed and the agent again appeared this time he said to the woman will you break your lease for the sum of fifteen hundred dollars it flashed upon her here comes the two thousand dollars she remembered having said to friends in the house we will act together if anything more is said about leaving so her lead was to consult her friends these friends said well if they had offered you fifteen hundred they will certainly give two thousand so she received a check for two thousand dollars for giving up the apartment it was certainly a remarkable working of the law and the apparent injustice was merely opening the way for her demonstration it proved there is no loss and when man takes his spiritual stand he collects all that is his from this great reservoir of good i will restore to you the years the locusts have eaten the locusts are the doubts fears resentments and regrets of mortal thinking these adverse thoughts alone rob man for no man gives to himself but himself and no man takes away from himself but himself man is here to prove god and to bear witness to the truth and he can only prove god by bringing plenty out of lack and justice out of injustice prove me now herewith said the lord of hosts if i will not open you the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing there shall not be room enough to receive it in another wonderful book the secret door to success there's a chapter called the fork in the road which also deals with intuition as well florence kobel shin begins by saying choose you this day whom you will serve joshua 24 15. every day there is a necessity of choice a fork in the road shall i do this or shall i do that shall i go or shall i stay many people do not know what to do they rush about letting other people make decisions for them then regret having taken their advice there are others who carefully reason things out they weigh and measure the situation like dealing in groceries and are surprised when they fail to attain their goal there are still other people who follow the magic path of intuition and find themselves in their promised land in the twinkling of an eye florence continually refers to intuition as the magical path intuition she says is a spiritual faculty high above the reasoning mind but on that path is all that you desire or require in my book the game of life and how to play it i give many examples of success attained through using this marvelous faculty i say also that prayer is telephoning to god and intuition is god telephoning to you so choose ye this day to follow the magic path of intuition in my question and answer classes i tell you how to cultivate intuition in most people it is a faculty which has remained dormant so we say awake thou that sleepeth wake up to your leads and hunches wake up to your divinity within claude bragdon said to live intuitively is to live fourth dimensionally now is it necessary for you to make a decision you face a fork in the road ask for definite unmistakable lead and you will receive it we find many events to interpret metaphysically in the book of joshua after the death of moses the divine command came to joshua now therefore arise go over to jordan thou and all thy people unto the land which i do give to them every place the soul of your feet shall tread upon to you have i given it the feet the symbol of understanding so it means metaphysically all that we understand stands under us in consciousness and what is rooted there can never be taken from us for the bible goes on to say there shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life i will not fail thee nor forsake thee only be thou strong and very courageous that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law which moses my servant commanded thee turn not from it to the right hand or to the left that thou mayest prosper whatsoever thou goest so we find we have success through being strong and very courageous in following spiritual law we are back again to the fork in the road the necessity of choice choose you this day whom ye will serve the intellect or divine guidance a well-known man who has become a great power in the financial world said to a friend i always follow intuition and i am luck incarnate inspiration which is divine guidance is the most important thing in life people come to truth meetings for inspiration i find the right word will start divine activity operating in their affairs a woman came to me with a complication of affairs i said to her let god juggle the situation it clicked she took the affirmation i now let god juggle the situation almost immediately she rented a house which had been vacant for a long time let god juggle every situation for when you try to juggle the situation you drop all the balls in my question and answer classes i would be asked how do you let god juggle a situation and what do you mean when you say i should not juggle it you juggle with the intellect the intellect would say times are hard no activity in real estate don't expect anything until the fall of 1958 with spiritual law there is only the now before you call you are answered for time and space are but a dream and your blessing is that waiting for you to release it by faith and the word choose you this day whom ye will serve fear or faith in every act prompted by fear lies the germ of its own defeat it makes much strength and courage to trust a god we often trust him in little things but when it comes to a big situation we feel we had better attend to it ourselves then comes defeat and failure the following extract from a letter which i received from a woman in the west shows how conditions can change in the twinkling of an eye i've had the pleasure of reading your wonderful book the game of life and how to play it i have four boys 10 13 15 and 17 and thought how wonderful them to grasp it in their early life and be able to get things which are theirs by divine right the lady who let me read her copy gave me other things to read but it seemed when i picked this book up it was magnetic and i could not let go of it after reading it i realized i was trying to live divinely but did not understand the law or it would have been much further advanced at first i thought it was quite hard to find a place in the business world after so many years of being a mother but i got this statement god makes a way where there is no way and he did that very thing for me i'm grateful for my position and smile when people say how do you do it manage four growing boys a home after all the times you've been hospitalized with such major operations and none of your relatives near you i have the statement in my book god makes a way where there is no way god made a way for her in business when all her friends said it couldn't be done the average person will tell you almost anything can be done i had an example of this the other day in a shop i found a delightful little silver drip later which would make just one cup of anything i showed it to some friends with enthusiasm thinking it was so very cute and one said it will never work the other said if it belonged to me i'd throw it away i stood up for the little drip later and said i knew it would work which it did my friends were simply typical of the average person who says it can't be done follow the path of wisdom and understanding and turn not from it to the right hand or to the left that thou mayest prosper whatsoever thou goest in the 13th verse of the 24th chapter of joshua we read a remarkable statement and i have given you a land for which ye did not labor and cities which ye built not and ye dwell in them of the vineyards and all of yards which he planted not do ye eat this shows that man cannot earn anything his blessings come as gifts gifts lest any man shall boast with the realization of wealth we receive the gift of wealth with the realization of success we received the gift of success for success and abundance our states of mind for it is the lord our god he it is that brought us up and our fathers out of the land of egypt out of the house of bondage the land of egypt stands for darkness the house of bondage where man is a slave to his doubts and fears and beliefs in lack and limitation the results of having followed the wrong fork in the road misfortune is due to failure to stick to the things which spirit has revealed through intuition all big things have been accomplished by men who stuck to their big ideas henry ford was past middle age when the idea of the ford car came to him he had great difficulty in raising the money his friends thought it was a crazy idea his father said to him tearfully henry why do you give up a good 25 a week job in order to chase a crazy idea but no one could rock henry ford's boat so in order to come out of the land of egypt out of the house of bondage we must make the right decisions follow the right fork in the road only be thou strong and very courageous that thou mayest observe to do according to the law which moses my servant commanded thee turn not from it to the right hand nor to the left that thou mayest prosper whatsoever thou go us so as we reach the fork in the road today let us fearlessly follow the voice of intuition the bible calls it the still small voice there came a voice behind me saying this is the way walk ye in it on this path is the good already prepared for you you will find the land for which ye did not labor and cities which he built not and ye dwell in them of the vineyards and olive yards which he planted not do ye eat i am divinely led i follow the right fork in the road god makes a way where there is no way besides those two chapters florence govalcin talks about intuition so many different places it's astonishing giving multiple examples and all of them are very informative for example florence says a woman came to her one hot summer day for a treatment for prosperity she was worn out dejected and discouraged she said she possessed eight dollars in the world i said good we'll bless the eight dollars and multiply them as jesus christ multiplied the loaves and the fishes for he taught that every man had the power to bless and to multiply to heal and to prosper she said what shall i do next i replied follow intuition have you a hunch to do anything or to go anywhere intuition means intuition or to be taught from within it is man's unerring guide for example i knew a man who wanted to buy a fur lined overcoat she mentions this earlier and as an example this is the story he and his wife went to various shops but there was none he wanted he said they were all too cheap looking at last he was shown one the salesman said was valued at a thousand dollars but which the manager would sell him for five hundred dollars as it was late in the season his financial possessions amounted to about seven hundred dollars the reasoning mine would have said you can't afford to spend nearly all you have on a coat but he was very intuitive and never reasoned he turned to his wife and said if i get this coat i'll make a ton of money so his wife consented weekly about a month later he received ten thousand dollar commission the coat made him feel so rich it linked him with success and prosperity without the coat he would not have received the commission it was an investment paying large dividends [Music] in another chapter she says i'm asked so often the difference between visualizing and visioning visualizing is a mental process governed by the reasoning or conscious mind visioning is a spiritual process governed by intuition or the super conscious mind the student should train his mind to receive these flashes of inspiration and work out the divine pictures through definite leads when a man can say i desire only that which god desires for me his false desires fade from the consciousness and a new set of blueprints is given him by the master architect the god within god's plan for each man transcends the limitation of the reasoning mind and is always the square of life containing health wealth love and perfect self-expression many a man is building for himself in imagination of bungalow when he should be building a palace if a student tries to force a demonstration through the reasoning mind he brings it to a standstill i will hasten it said the lord he should act only through intuition or definite leads rest in the lord and wait patiently trust also in him and he will bring it to pass i have seen the law work in the most astonishing manner for example a student stated that it was necessary for her to have a hundred dollars by the following day it was a debt of vital importance which had to be met i spoke the word declaring spirit was never too late and that the supply was at hand that evening she phoned me of a miracle she said the thought came to her to go to her safety deposit box at the bank to examine some papers she looked over the papers and at the bottom of the box was a new 100 bill she was astounded and she knew she had never put it there for she had gone through the papers many times it may have been a materialization as jesus christ materialized the loaves and fishes man will reach the stage where his word is made flesh or materialized instantly the fields ripe with the harvest will manifest immediately as in all of the miracles of jesus christ never do today what intuition says to do tomorrow the imagination is man's workshop the scissors of the mind where he is constantly cutting out the events of his life super conscious is the realm of inspiration revelation illumination and intuition intuition is usually known as a hunch i do not apologize for the word hunch anymore it is now in webster's latest dictionary i had a hunch to look up hunch and there it was the super conscious is the realm of perfect ideas the great genius captures his thoughts from the super conscious without the vision imagination my people perish god's ways are ingenious his methods are sure a student wrote me the other day that she was using the statement god's ways are ingenious his methods are sure a series of unexpected contacts brought about a situation she had been desiring she looked with wonder at the working of the law our demonstrations usually come within a split second all is timed with amazing accuracy in divine mind my student left the taxi just as her friend stopped to enter a second later she would have hailed another taxi man's part is to be wide awake to his leads and hunches for on the magic path of intuition is all that he desires or requires it is a good thing to say when you think of your past success happiness or health all losses come from your own vain imaginings fear of loss crept into your consciousness you carried burdens and fought battles you reasoned instead of sticking to the magic path of intuition but in the twinkling of an eye all will be restored to you for as they say in the east what allah has given cannot be diminished now to go back to the child's state of consciousness you should be filled with wonder but be careful not to live in your past childhood do not think how your good can be accomplished just give thanks that you have already received on the invisible plane therefore the steps leading up to it are also secured be wide awake to your intuitive leads and suddenly you find yourself in your promised land i look with wonder at that which is before me hundreds of people choosing the wrong gifts because they were not listening to their intuitive leads no matter what you are doing ask for guidance it saves time and energy and often a lifetime of misery all suffering comes from the violation of intuition unless intuition builds the house they labor in vain who build it get the habit of hunching then you will always be on the magic path and it shall come to pass that before they call i will answer and while they are yet speaking i will hear you may think that all your happiness depends upon obtaining one particular thing in life later on you praise the lord that you didn't get it sometimes you're tempted to follow the reasoning mind and argue with your intuitive leads suddenly the hand of destiny pushes you into your right place under grace you find yourself back on the magic path again you are now wide awake to your good you have the ears that hear your intuitive leads and the eyes which see the open road of fulfillment the genius within me is released i now fulfill my destiny the intuitive person is never undecided he is given his leads and hunches and goes boldly ahead knowing he is on the magic path in truth we always ask for definite leads just what to do you will always receive one if you ask for it sometimes it comes as intuition sometimes from the external one of my students named ada was walking down the street undecided whether to go to a certain place or not she asked for a lead two women were walking in front of her one turned to the other and said why don't you go ada the woman's name just happened to be ada my friend took it as a definite lead and went on to her destination and the outcome was very successful we really lead magical lives guided and provided for at every step if we have ears to hear and eyes that see of course we have left the plane of the intellect and are drawing from the super conscious the god within which says this is the way walk ye in it in another great chapter florence covell shin discusses snow white and the seven dwarfs and the symbology of it and interestingly she says whenever you see birds and animals even in dreams or stories they symbolize our intuitive leads or hunches which are always ready to get out of the woods in another chapter she says trust in me commit your ways unto me committing your ways unto the lord seems very difficult to most people it means of course to follow intuition for intuition is the magic path the b line to your demonstration intuition is a spiritual faculty above the intellect it is the still small voice commonly called a hunch which says this is the way walk ye in it i refer to intuition very often for it is the most important part of spiritual development it is divine guidance it is the god within it is the eye which watches over israel and never slumbers or sleeps with it nothing is unimportant acknowledge me in all your ways and i will make plain your path remember despise not the day of small things of seemingly unimportant events it is very difficult for a person who has followed the reasoning mind to suddenly follow intuition especially people who have what they call regular habits they are accustomed to doing the same thing every day at the same time meals like clockwork they get up at a certain time and go to bed at a certain time any deviation upsets them we have the power of choice we may follow the magic path of intuition or the long and hard road of experience by following the reasoning mind by following the super conscious we attain the heights in the intuition scovell shin says are the pictures of eternal youth and eternal life where death itself is overcome we have the power to impress the subconscious mind with the picture of eternal youth and eternal life the subconscious being simply power without direction carries out the idea and we have our bodies transmuted into the body which can never die we see this idea partly expressed in the moving picture the lost horizon shangri-la was a symbolic picture of the world of the wondrous where all conditions are perfect delight thyself also in the lord and he shall give the desires of thine heart delight thyself in the law and it will give to the desires of thine heart delighting yourself in the law means to enjoy making a demonstration to enjoy trusting god means to be happy in following your intuitive leads most people say oh dear i've got to demonstrate money again oh dear my hunches make me so nervous i haven't the nerve to follow them people enjoy playing golf and tennis why can't we enjoy playing the game of life it is because we are playing with unseen forces with golfer tennis they have balls they can see in a goal which is visible to the naked eye but how much more important is this game of life the goal is the divine plan of your life where all conditions are permanently perfect in all thy ways acknowledge him and he will make plain thy paths every moment we can link with intuition will give us a definite lead as a signpost so many people are leading such complicated lives because they are trying to think things out instead of intuiting the way out i know a woman who says she has a thorough knowledge of truth and its application but the minute she has a problem she reasons and weighs and measures the situation it is never solved intuition flies out of the window when reason comes to the door intuition is a spiritual faculty the super conscious and never explains itself there came a voice before me saying this is the way waukee in it someone asked me if the reasoning mind was ever any good the reasoning mind must be redeemed trust in spiritual law and it will be given you your part is to be a good receiver prepare for your blessing rejoice and give thanks and it will come to pass i have weapons ye know not of i have ways which will astound you follow the magic path of intuition you escape all complications and friction and make a beeline to your demonstration remember we are told not to despise the day of small things it is a great mistake to make anything unimportant i was going to shop to buy two articles in my vicinity are two shops an expensive one and one where all things are a little cheaper but the articles are exactly the same the reasoning mine said go to the cheaper place but intuition said go to the expensive place of course i followed the magic path i told the clerk what i wanted he said the two articles are today sold for the price of one because they are advertising one of the products so intuition led me to the right place and price the difference in price was only about 50 cents but intuition always looks after our interests if i'd been trying to get something cheap i would have gone to the other shop and paid twice as much learn from the little things and you'll be ready to handle the big things if you doubt or fear if you lose your contact with this supreme force so if you are filled with doubts and fears it is necessary to do something to show your faith faith without works or action is dead active faith impresses the subconscious with expectance and you keep your contacts with universal intelligence just as wall street watches the market we must watch our faith market often the faith market is down sometimes it goes down and down until a crash comes some unhappy situation which we could have prevented we realized we followed reason instead of intuition a woman told me how she had several definite leads not to follow a certain course in spite of this she followed the reasoning mind and great unhappiness developed from it intuition is our unerring guide practice following it in little things then you will trust it in big things i have a friend who is very intuitive she sometimes calls up and says i have a hunch to call you up so i thought i would find out what it is about invariably i have some mission for her we are indeed living magic lives guided protected and provided for all fear would be banished forever with the realization of this amazing system the universal has provided for man he would be unmoved by adverse appearances knowing as the early hebrews knew that jehovah goes before and every battle is won if you believe in yourself others will believe in you as you believe in yourself and the god power within fear and anxiety drop away you establish the vibration of assurance this is true of an intuitive person every move is made under divine guidance and he never violates a hunch therefore he is always in his right place at the right time however it often takes great courage to follow intuition it takes a viking who is unafraid to sail in unknown seas claude bragdon says to live intuitively is to live fourth dimensionally the magic pack leads you out of the land of egypt out of the house of bondage it is invaluable in business never submit a hunch to someone on the reasoning plane those who have ears to hear let them hear their intuitive leads and give instant obedience whatsoever thou will ask of god god will give it to thee this is true of each one but if we have not received all the blessings of life we have neglected to ask or have not asked to write clear vision is like a man with a compass he knows where he is going let intuition be your compass and it will always get you out of the woods even a man without a compass led by intuition would find his way out of the jungle or be able to steer his ship at sea intuition will tell you to walk over the rope it is amazing how people have overlooked their most important faculty intuition always on man's pathway is his message or lead often our leads seem trivial and silly a person purely on the intellectual plane would dismiss them at once but the truth student always has his spiritual ear to the spiritual ground knowing he is receiving orders from the infinite the bible speaks often of the still small voice it is a voice which is not an actual voice though sometimes actual words are registered on the inner ear when we ask for guidance and lay aside the reasoning mind we are tapping the universal supply of all knowledge anything necessary for you to know will be revealed to you some people are naturally intuitive and are always in contact with universal intelligence but by taking an affirmation we make a conscious contact prayer is telephoning to god and intuition is god telephoning to you many people have a busy wire when god telephones and they don't get the message your wire is busy when you are discouraged or angry or resentful you've heard the expression i was so mad i couldn't see straight we might add i was so mad i couldn't hear straight your negative emotions drown out the voice of intuition when you are discouraged angry or resentful is the time to make a statement of truth in order to get out of the woods of despair and limitation for whatsoever calleth on the name of the lord shall be delivered there is a way out reveal to me the way we must stop planning plotting and scheming and let infinite intelligence solve the problem in its own way god power is subtle silent and irresistible it levels mountains and fills in valleys and knows no defeat our part is to prepare for our blessings and follow our intuitive leads we now give infinite intelligence right away in the word is your wand there is a section on guidance which has a compilation of some great affirmations i've added a few from the other chapters always on man's path is his message or his lead for example she says a woman was much troubled over an unhappy situation she thought to herself will it ever clear up her maid was standing near and commenced to tell her of her experiences the woman was too worried to be interested but listened patiently the maid was saying i worked in a hotel once there was a very amusing gardener he always said such funny things it had been raining for three days and i said to him do you think it will ever clear up and he replied my god doesn't it always clear up the woman was amazed it was the answer to her thoughts she said reverently yes with my god it always clears up soon after her problem did clear up in an unexpected way affirmations infinite spirit give me wisdom to make the most of my opportunities never let me miss a trick i'm always under direct inspiration i know just what to do and give instant obedience to my intuitive leads my angel of destiny goes before me keeping me in the way all power is given unto me to be meek and lowly of heart i'm willing to come last therefore i come first i now place my personal will upon the altar your will not my will your way not my way your time not my time and in the twinkling of an eye it is done there are no mysteries in the kingdom whatever i should know will now be revealed to me under grace i am a perfect non-resistant instrument for god to work through and his perfect plan for me now comes to pass in a magic way for guidance i am divinely sensitive to my intuitive leads and give instant obedience to thy will i follow the magic path of intuition and find myself in my promised land under grace my ears and the years of spirit the light of the christ now stream through my ears dissolving all hardness and malformation i hear clearly the voice of intuition and give instant obedience i hear clearly glad tidings of great joy that is a compilation of the times that florence goversion discusses intuition the key components to remember here are that there is a difference between the reasoning intellectual mind and intuition so oftentimes i'm asked how do i know it's my intuition is this idea that you're coming with reasoned out oftentimes the intuition will tell you something crazy like she said need to go to the store why i don't need to buy anything at that store just go to the store we need to go on a trip why would i need to go on a trip because you need to go on a trip you end up meeting somebody on that trip or you see something or learn something along the way oftentimes the intuition doesn't seem plausible reasonable doesn't compute intellectually another thing that she's pointing out is emotions such as anger resentment fear discouragement all stop you in your connection to the super conscious mind if you want to trust that deep intuitive voice you have to be in a different state of mind a loving state your emotions have to be pure that's why oftentimes people say that you must relax before you meditate and the relaxation is a part of controlling those emotions eliminating those specific feelings and emotions that block you from your intuitive guidance making a decision can be tough it's not a hundred percent but what i'm saying to do is start actively trying to listen to your intuition write these stuff down in a book if you have to compare when you make a decision intellectually and then when you make a decision through your intuition compare the results start putting this in a book start really calculating what's happening it is amazing what happens another really great point here is something i've made repeatedly throughout my podcast in the advantage of obstacles by morrison sweat martin in the advantage method where i talk about the advantage method as discussed in reality tran surfing and in my meditation everything is working to your advantage the idea is you might be going through something that's that's difficult but it might turn out to be of great benefit to you as she says oftentimes unanswered prayers are the greatest things your intuition knows the truth and so you may be going through a a little bit of a hard time right now but it may be because the protection that you're receiving from something much worse you might be saving your life from it so as i always use this example if you have a flat tire rejoice because it could mean down the road you were in a fatal car accident and god just gave you that flat tire well intuition works the same way and if you're following your intuition it might tell you that there's nothing that you should do right now even though you absolutely need to be doing something but by following your intuition you will come upon the right ideas later on the right situation the right examples listening to your hunches is the magical path that she is discussing the magical path the key if you want to unlock everything that florence scobel shin talks about if it's finding love or prosperity or money it's following the magical path of your intuition and really getting to know yourself and when you do that amazing things start to happen just understand that it's you it's a very advanced computer that knows the future it knows the space of variations around you it knows all the possible realities that are occurring around you and if you and go and do that one thing your intuition says now that's not going to be a good idea it could make you sick it could it could break up a family situation it could cause major problems it could injure you and you have no idea you're just making that one decision the more we tune into this intuitive faculty the more we can see the future understand it it is so incredibly complex even if we had a computer that knew all of the different possibilities it would be very hard to find the quantum calculations to do this but the universal mind holds the power to give you the perfect answer in whatever the situation is i still have not perfected it i constantly am falling into my reasoning mind i've been stuck with it my whole life but when i let go that is when i see the power of my intuition what i personally found is the intuitive faculty comes immediately so when i ask a question it's that immediate response it's flashes that come into my mind and i still need to learn as an example that's given here somebody listened to their intuitive mind when they smelled something in the morning they didn't know where they're going to work and they had smelled this palm beach where they had been before and they knew that was a lead ask yourself for leads ask the divine in you call for the infinite intelligence to give you the lead and then start looking for it and as you do that you're gonna achieve amazing things and it's gonna push you on your path and that's all i'm trying to do is give you this inspiration because it does help it can change your life and that's really what florence skillversion was really trying to teach with all of her books and all of her affirmations was the magic path of intuition i would love to know some stories from you of how you followed your intuition i love them all please put them in the comments i want to share them on my podcast if you have some amazing stories let's talk about it i'm going to be reading these comments and so tell me the stories everybody needs to hear it and it'll also help other people find this episode because people need to learn to follow their intuition it's one of the most important skills that we are never really taught in school so put your stories about how you followed your intuition and how it worked out for you my intuition saved my life i listened to my intuition and somebody shot at me and the bullet bounced off the back because i had a situation where i shut a door when i shouldn't have it would slow me down running away from somebody that was trying to kill me in a home invasion but that intuition told me if i did this something good would happen and it stopped the bullet so once that happened i realized i have to learn this unique ability and fine tune it and i'm still not perfect at it but as we share these stories as we get together as we get to know in a group mindset how these intuitions work we can get better at it and the whole world can change imagine the whole world following its intuition tuned into the universal mind it's a wonderful powerful amazing idea and i want to see it help me to achieve that worldwide where the whole world lets go of their reasoning mind just for a little bit and just trust their instincts trust their hunches and gets to know what their hunches really are all episodes of the reality revolution can be found at the realityrevolution.com and welcome to the reality revolution
Channel: Brian Scott
Views: 147,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: florence scovel shinn, the magic path of intuition, neville goddard, law of attraction, the secret, the game of life and how to play it, new thought, joseph murphy, the power of your subconscious mind, the power of the mind, how to be more successful, spirtiual awakening, believe in yourself, right thought, the great work, joseph murphy prayer, the secret universe, spiritual awakening subliminal, brian scott, florence scovel shinn intuition, inner voice, word is your wand
Id: UGAqPY8yfLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 18sec (3318 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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