Edgar Cayce Listening To Your Intuition The Channel Of Your Guardian Angel

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welcome to the reality revolution i'm your host brian scott and today's episode we're coming back to edgar casey we've now explored edgar casey in a few different ways in regards to his interpretation of the book of revelation and we've gone over some of those different channelings we've also discussed the mind as the builder the idea of how we create reality uh there's so much in the edgar cayce material that i really would love to talk about one thing he has is a discussion of egypt there's a book you can find called edgar casey's egypt that it goes over the rata and we've got to read it sometime it's just gigantic if you don't know about it gurkesky he was considered the dreaming prophet and was a profound and devout christian who would go into these deep trances in a sleep state and he would help people out he'd help them out in diagnosing diseases and he would access the akashic record and a lot of the stuff that he talked about was true and we continue to find information here that's powerful so today i wanted to do a deep dive on his discussion of intuition and the channel of your guardian angel in one session edgar casey says the divine is within self hear the voice within not the tempt or from without in another session he says thy body is indeed the temple of the living god there he has promised to meet thee to commune with thee there is the psychic development the psychic phenomenon that you seek edgar casey and even another session he says the intuitive forces that arise with same make for rather the safer the saner the more spiritual way with the less aptitude of turning to forces from without hence intuitive force is the better for in this there may come more union of the spirit of truth with creative energy thus the answer may be shown the in whatever manner or form there are many channels and many manners edgar casey 261 so the question is have you ever had the experience where you just knew something about a person the moment you met there are some people you instinctively trust and others you distrust did someone ever say to you trust me and you had a gut reaction that you shouldn't have you ever trusted such a person and later regretted it sometimes we have feelings about a situation that we just can't explain maybe you're shopping for a used car you find one you really like and the price is right yet you have this unexplainable feeling no don't buy it there's something wrong here have you ever ignored such a feeling and later wished you hadn't these feelings are like hunches i haven't met a person who hasn't had a hunch yet neither have i met anyone who doesn't have a sad or even tragic story to tell about ignoring one hunches are often right even if they don't often make sense sometimes we just have a feeling about something that we can't explain on the basis of anything we've learned the knowledge just seems to come from the inside strangers it may seem the knowledge is usually accurate and what i'm talking about is intuition of course we often define it as knowing without the use of the senses or reason in other reasons it's direct knowing knowledge comes your way asking you to accept it even if you can't explain it the intuition is a common everyday word yet it hides a mystery intuition has always challenged thinkers it suggests a reality that has somehow different or hidden from what appears obvious to the senses or reason your own intuitions may have made you wonder how you can know things that you have no apparent basis for knowing perhaps your intuition can also help you understand casey's view the human being is naturally a channel some of our exploration of channeling will challenge your reasoning mind no matter how hard i can explain things in a clear and reasonable fashion you'll still need your intuition to see what reason can't grasp intuition as a channel of guidance intuition is a channel of knowledge that comes through you from a seemingly invisible and unknown source you may experience it as a gut reaction or you may feel it in your bones an intuition may give you a nudge to do or not to do something it may give you a feeling about something an inclination or an inspiration intuition is a natural channel of guidance one use of intuition that i value is my inner defensive driving program sometimes you might find yourself pausing when entering an intersection only to see a car running a stop sign and crossing your path i regularly get hunches about intersections and specific cars that i should watch carefully sometimes i intuit that a particular car may suddenly turn in front of me or do something else that might affect me these hunches are usually right i also find intuition to be a reliable channel of guidance in my business affairs on certain days for example i'll feel an urgency to discuss a proposition with a member of one of the organizations for whom i do consulting work yet i'll have a hunch that i better not if i ignore the hunch and proceed anyway things don't work out then a day will come when i'll get a feeling to act now the feeling usually proves valid sometimes i will have nothing particular in mind when i'll get the urge to visit a particular organization i'll arrive and run into someone who'll say what a coincidence i was just thinking about you the person has a project to discuss and my being on the scene at this time makes me a ready consultant i'm certainly not the only one who finds intuition helpful in business years ago douglas dean and his associates at the new jersey school of engineering published executive esp their research demonstrated that the corporations that were doing the best economically had leaders who scored high in esp tests these corporate executives were even quite willing to express a belief in esp and they admitted relying heavily on their intuitions in making decisions judging today from the number of books on intuition in the business section of the bookstore there's a bull market for learning to use intuition the psychic side of intuition edgar casey called intuition the highest form of psychic ability he paid it with this compliment because intuition never comes randomly with odd bits of information intuitive information is never simply idle gossip about something of no concern to you intuitive knowledge comes to you because the information is useful for you at that moment intuition is also more than psychic ability it draws a conclusion and directs your actions it's holistic casey explained that intuition compares psychically obtained information with your ideals your needs and your purposes and then searches for an appropriate response intuition works like a faithful guide dog's nose it can sniff out situations locate quarry or alert you to danger in her well-researched and documented book scitrek sociologist leo bartlett gives a number of examples of how intuition has saved lives she tells the story of for example a 19 year old girl elaine getting ready to board a bus for an important trip suddenly elaine had an overwhelming urge to visit her mother instead she switched buses and headed in the opposite direction toward her parents furniture store all the way on the trip she found herself anxious to get there when she arrived she found her parents sitting in some chairs near the store's front window she felt silly about her bizarre feelings of apprehension yet she managed to convince her surprise parents through the back of the store a car crashed through the front window demolishing the chairs where her parents had been sitting perhaps you have heard a story similar to this one there are many such stories of trips postponed or cancelled on the basis of foreboding feelings but for no other apparent reason that is no reason was visible until later this type of incident happens often an interesting study in fact suggests there's an uncanny intuitive wisdom at work in the traveling population w e cox studied train accidents he compared the number of people on trains on the day of an accident with the number of passengers on other days sometimes these differences were very pronounced the georgian for example had only nine people aboard for its accident on june 15 1952 yet the day before it had 68 passengers and the day before that 60. each day that week except the day of the accident it carried an average of 60 passengers the day of the week the accident occurred was not usually one with few passengers on the same day of the four preceding weeks there were 35 55 53 and 54 passengers the overall statistics confirmed his hunch that wrecked trains carried significantly fewer passengers than trains that had a normal trip people have some intuitive way of avoiding accidents cox termed the source of this effect subliminal premonition it suggests that intuition often guides our actions without knowing it intuition then operates through a subliminal channel of guidance however we wish to define or explain intuition its invisible hand does seem to guide our actions we can be thankful for it even if we don't understand it edgar casey provides a way however to understand intuition so we can cultivate this everyday channel of guidance to our advantage his approach also gives intuition a higher purpose in our lives to help us realize something even more important all knowledge is within casey valued intuition as a channel of both guidance and inspiration he also valued it because it operated in a purposeful manner consistent with a person's values most of all he valued it because using intuition directs our attention within ourselves casey defined the intuition as knowing from within learning intuition required turning within looking within and sensing information that came from within oneself knowing that all knowledge is within us and learning to look within were the two keystones of casey's teachings understanding and developing intuition puts us on the path to those important lessons perhaps you already have an intuitive grasp of what makes intuition possible my first experience with an intuitive understanding of intuition came from the book zen in the art of archery by eugene harrigal the author a german philosopher traveled to japan to learn about zen the zen masters wanted nothing to do with him assuming his interest to be an intellectual one only by consistently demonstrating his personal sincerity however he finally was able to begin instruction under master kenzo awa the revered archer for four years harigol found himself engrossed in the challenge of learning how to draw the long and very stiff japanese bow how to release the arrow smoothly was even more difficult like learning ballet zen archery required both extreme physical effort and learning how to move gracefully through unfamiliar and awkward gestures it required learning the mysterious secret of getting out of his own way and letting the movements flow there was also the matter of disciplining his breath he also was learning that zen archery is a form of meditation during this time he shot at no target the target he learned was an inward one a state of mind learning to draw and release the arrow properly required disciplining and developing this state of mind it was truly a spiritual discipline during finally the fifth year the master brought out a target and demonstrated shooting at it herregle saw that his master could repeatedly hit the center of the target without apparently aiming the bow he watched closely and confirmed his master's eyes were barely open and that he did not take aim he joked that his master had learned to shoot in his sleep herregle's remark resulted in an invitation to return the master's studio that night the master then revealed an amazing secret about the zen art of archery in pitch blackness the master quickly loosened an arrow and then another at the target some sixty feet away when harigal found his way to the target he discovered that the first arrow had hit the center the second arrow had penetrated and split the first herrego wondered how a person could hit the target without being able to see it if the first arrow was some combination of luck and experience what about the second arrow the master explained that he believed we need our eyes to see because we believe the world is out there beyond us if you separate yourself from the target you then have to learn the trick of how to hit it with the arrow he advised that the art is to become one with the target allowing the arrow to return to its natural home he said that an archer who aims the arrow at the target is merely a trick shooter the archer who becomes the target is on the path to realizing the zen's great secret the year spent practicing drawing and releasing the arrow was to learn how to let it shoot the archer becomes merely a channel for the art of archery to manifest the spirit of zen like the zen archer casey knew how to hit the bullseye by turning within himself to contact the source of all knowledge like the zen master who taught haragel casey teaches us how to turn within to hit the targets in our lives like hair goal we learn from casey to shun trick shooting in contrast to the archer's use of concepts from zen buddhism casey's teachings draw upon biblical concepts he reminded us of jesus teaching that the kingdom of god is within if god is within then everything is within casey's advice was to follow the principle given in the bible to seek first the kingdom within everything else will be naturally forthcoming concerning the workings of intuition casey approached it like the zen master approached archery he didn't practice it to become a good shot he practiced it as a way to truth don't develop intuition to provide a good performance such as becoming psychic follow the path of intuition because it leads to our true nature one with god to casey this discovery like zen's great secret is the true prize and main value of developing intuition the secret of unitary oneness casey's perspective on intuition also provides a vision of how intuition operates and what makes it possible intuition is not a creation of the conscious mind the conscious mind separates us from the rest of life so that we can analyze it with our senses the conscious mind which reasons on the basis of the senses assumes knowledge must come from without such an assumption is self-evident to the conscious mind intuition however operates on another assumption intuition presupposes an underlying unity to all life until restricted to a mystic's awareness science is coming to adopt a similar point of view [Music] science is the ultimate expression of the viewpoint of the conscious mind using its intellect to perfect a method of knowing using its own favorite methods however science has discovered their fundamental limitations browse the new age section of your local bookstore and you'll find a variety of recent books on the emerging new science such books as sympathetic vibrations the tao of physics and the dancing wu wei masters all explain how modern scientific concepts are approaching a world view similar to mysticism here is a nutshell version of the story of the new science we traditionally assume that separate atoms with space in between them make up the world we assume that it requires a chain reaction atoms bumping into atom to transmit an effect over space when modern physics however examined the atoms very close range it discovered that the atom evaporates it appears to be more like energy we think of an atom like a thing but it's really more like an event it further appears that atom events can have an instantaneous connection with one another as if there were no time or space between them this seemingly impossible connection also holds for the mind that observes them atomic energy is so strange it even responds to the consciousness of these observer the conclusion is that mind and matter make an indivisible unitary whole think about that mind and matter are one single indivisible dance of energy casey's term for what modern science is coming to accept is oneness there's one spirit or energy that unites all of creation it permits and permeates everything it unites all the atoms of the universe it connects all human beings with one another and with everything else in creation although we may appear to one another as separate disconnected beings we are each extensions of the creator spirit what happens to one of us touches us all there is a unified psychic ecology among all events in creation casey explained that god created human souls out of the creator's own being each soul is a projection of god in the same way that our thoughts and images are projections of our mind although each soul has its individuality all souls are of one spirit moreover each soul reflects the whole of creation each soul is a miniature universe a model of the larger universe casey likened the soul to a drop of water from the ocean the drop is a miniature ocean with all the ingredients of that ocean within each person therefore is intimate knowledge of all creation casey's statement that each of us is a miniature model of the universe is a restatement of an ancient mystical teaching it's also becoming a recurrent theme in the new science the modern jargon states that creation is holonomic a term based upon the properties of the laser hologram it has become a way of thinking about the unity of life you'll find it discussed in most of the new age science books the development of laser holography has made unity concepts such as casey's teachings concerning oneness more vital and exciting while less philosophical or mythical unity is real even if still hard to grasp or believe when you aim a laser beam at a holographic plate the beam bounces off the plate and projects a three-dimensional picture into space you can walk about the picture and see the object from all sides it looks solid and real the holonomic property of the holograph becomes evident when you take the plate and break it into many small pieces even the smallest piece will still recreate the entire three-dimensional pictures in space in some mysterious fashion every tiny piece of the holographic plate contains the entire picture in casey's language a soul is a piece of the complete holograph we call creation or god each soul has knowledge of the whole that's why casey explained being psychic is an inherent natural attribute of the soul intuition draws upon the universal knowledge that is psychically available to the soul the super conscious mind obviously from this description of the soul our minds must be more than what peers to consciousness in casey's model of the mind the conscious mind is the lower form of mind it has the sharp sensory focus for detail like a mouse but lacks the far-seeing vision of the eagle the mind does have its eagle though it's not the conscious mind but casey calls the super conscious mind casey once had a dream where he saw the mind pictured as a funnel its open end descended from infinity and stretched down to form a little mind the little mind is the conscious mind what a soul uses to focus on a physical reality in other instances he envisioned the mind as a multi-pointed star each arm of the star being a funnel growing out of the universal mind to become the tip of a soul's conscious mind casey's vision of the mind has some startling features first there is only one mind this single living reality is a universal mind that we all have in common it's a hard concept to grasp the modern terminology calls the mind transpersonal that means that except for your conscious mind mind is not a personal thing but something shared by all mind is like the air we share although we have our separate lungs to touch that air there's only one air second this mind remembers everything casey referred to this aspect of the mind as the akashic record or the hall of records everything that humanity has ever experienced is imprinted on the akashic record third between the level of the universal mind and the individual conscious mind lies the region of the subconscious mind we each have our own portion of the subconscious mind but there are no boundaries in the regions of the subconscious mind all subconscious minds of both the living and the dead are in contact with one another we'll learn more about the implications of that startling fact fourth as important as it is for dealing with the world the conscious mind is only the very tip of the whole mind it's highly focused and specializes in sensations concerning the physical world the conscious mind has a very sharp boundary around itself through the conscious mind each of us appears distinctly separate from one another finally these different levels of the mind each provide their own channels of information the conscious mind is a channel of sensory information it gets its knowledge from outside the person the subconscious mind is a channel of telepathic information it gets its information from other people's thoughts and experiences the super conscious mind is a channel of clairvoyance or universal knowledge it gets its information directly from the oneness of all life intuition is a super channel taking advantage of information coming through all the other channels when intuition uses the imagination as its vehicle of expression it will speak through visions and symbolic impressions when it uses feelings and the emotions it will speak through urges or promptings when it uses thoughts it may speak through a voice that we hear inside us as we explore ways we can channel psychic information inspiration wisdom and guidance we'll refer to this basic vision of the mind from these basic premises about the mind casey has provided a way for us to understand what can be both intriguing as well as confusing about the channeling phenomena developing intuition for most of us our intuitive experiences have come unbidden they have been unexpected and spontaneous casey encourages us however to learn to develop our intuitive capacity to do so he would suggest we remember these major principles one intuition exists through our essential oneness with creation as you become consciously one with life you become more consciously intuitive two intuition arises from our sympathetic attunement with the object of our intuition empathy is a form of attunement love is the highest form of attunement three a need to know something usually for protection or guidance stimulates intuition intuitive knowledge comes from within look within for intuition five intuition requires an acceptance of what spontaneously comes from within it's usually our very first thought feeling or image genuine intuitions are consistent with our highest values or ideals the best way to honor our intuition is to act on them casey bases his approach to developing intuition upon this sequence need attunement and application intuitions come to guide us there needs to be something we can do with the information for intuition to deliver it putting the intuitive information into service applying it is an important part of the process of developing intuitive awareness imagine that your channel of intuition is like a lightning rod the lightning up in the sky is the infinite intelligence the energy that seeks expression when it's needed you want to bring the lightning down from the sky if you don't provide a ground however a connection with the earth the lightning won't come down your channel being prepared to put intuitions into service provides the necessary grounding spend time in nature casey often suggested that to begin to develop intuition spend time in nature it's an excellent method for cultivating the experience of oneness with life nature has a time-honored history of elevating people's consciousness to an awareness of god and of their relationship to all life in surveys of spontaneous religious experiences nature ranks as the number one temple where such revelations occur in her book ecstasy marganita alaski provides many examples of personal accounts of personal experiences and special experiences introduced by nature in one case a young woman in a state of deep depression pulled off the road to rest at a picnic site when she got out of her car a blue jay flew down right in front of her with its insistent calls it got her attention when the woman noticed it the blue jay started hopping away stopping looking back as if it wanted the woman to follow she did she followed the bird quite a way into a clearing that revealed a beautiful view of mount hood the sight of the snow-covered mountain struck a cord with a woman and she felt somehow comforted she broke into tears and soon she had flushed her depression out of her system then she heard the blue jay calling again once again she followed the bird it led her back to her car she drove away a different woman this woman's story reflects one of these old phrases describing intuition a little bird told me birds are a common symbol of telepathic and intuitive messages birds are expressive of the soul spirit in the bible the holy spirit appears as a dove in pictures of other religion symbolism they often sit on top of a tree the place of super conscious awareness the symbolism of birds is but one of the many examples of humanity's intuitive awareness of the channels of communication between nature and human beings ron kerry is the channel of the starseed transmissions and return of the byrd tribes he tells an interesting story how he became a channel for this inspirational source of intelligence he moved his family out to live in nature for seven years while living in harmony with the elements with no television or newspapers for distraction kerry became more sensitive to nature's vibrations his intuitive resonance with nature grew into communion with higher levels of intelligence waves of knowing came over him and he allowed his those feelings to blossom spontaneously into words he thus became a channel of what he calls intuitively received transmissions intuition is empathy the description of ron carey's experience contains some of the words expressive of casey's concept of oneness harmony resonance and communion casey taught that intuition as well as psychic ability operates through such expressions of oneness intuition is not knowing through the senses or analysis but through the sympathetic vibrations of empathy the word casey most often used was attunement when we attuned to something we become one with it through an affinity of sympathetic vibrations we resonate with the knowledge we wish to obtain the knowledge becomes us what is an intuitive understanding of a rose you can look at the rows observe its parts and analyze them that will give you an objective understanding if you meditate on the rose you can empathetically merge with it to become a rose yourself you will begin to feel as the rose feels from within yourself imagery will arise that expresses your affinity with the rose thus you will come to know the rose intuitively questions also have their own vibrations and contain the seeds of their own answers [Music] you too will learn that when you pose a question to yourself you can become aware of an answer that intuitively presents itself from within as casey reminds us ask and you will receive develop asking into the art of attunement of empathy with your core being and you'll learn that the answer is a spontaneous response that happens within hearing voices socrates the ancient greek philosopher had a voice that spoke to him he called it his daemon a divine voice he noted that it never told him what to do but often warned him against doing something that he was about to do he learned to pay attention to its warnings intuitions often come as feelings sometimes they come as voices among her documented cases dr bartlett tells of a woman who heard such a voice she was driving a car when she heard a loud male voice yell in her ear stop she was so startled she slammed on the brakes she found herself at an intersection although the light was green for her just then a car running a red light sped across her path pat roedergast is a channel for a source that calls itself immanuel she describes the experience as somewhat like intuition and inner knowing she remains in a normal state of consciousness she turns within and she hears the voice of emmanuel speaking hearing voices sounds like something that happens to the mentally ill it's true that some people do suffer from psychological disorders that involve hearing voices hearing voices however doesn't necessarily mean a mental disturbance we might say there are good voices and bad voices in his book the natural depth in man wilson van dusen shared his experience counseling people in mental hospitals who suffered from hearing voices these people reported hearing different voices voices that spoke with different tones and spoke different things there were voices that were highly critical and said terrible things he coached the person to speak back to those voices to tell them to stop they also heard voices that spoke kind of words and had encouraging things to say he helped the person to learn how to listen to those voices these inner helpers could offer advice about the person's recovery as mental health returned the bad voices went away but the good voices remained as helpers and guides hearing voices can be a symptom of madness or a channel of intuition casey indicated that a person who hears voices may be closer to the universal than the person who stands by to comment yet through imbalances the voices are not helpful exploring the range of channels available to us puts us at a risk we can gain from learning to become active channels but will also confront dangers as well here's what casey's perspective proves to be quite helpful he teaches us to anchor our channeling in ideals and purposes we will learn that by basing our explanations upon a standard of excellence and ideal we direct the receptivity of our channel by having some purpose focused on serving a real need we direct the active part of our channel in a constructive manner we'll learn that the subconscious mind is like a strong cross current that we have to swim through as we reach upward to the super conscious mind whenever dealing with the subconscious mind be prepared for both good news and bad news ideals and purposes help us filter what the cross currents of the subconscious bring us they also help us to reach the super conscious mind of our higher self our ideals help us to attune to the highest source of guidance learning to listen to the still small voice when the society of friends gather for their religious service they sit in silence there is no one singled out as the minister who delivers a sermon instead all meditate and wait upon the still small voice within as a person feels prompted by that voice that person speaks it aloud sitting together sharing with one another messages from the still voice from within the quakers find the spiritual communion they value casey gave us a way to introduce ourselves to the still small voice within a term he identified with intuition casey's method is learning by doing making practical use of intuition even as we learn to recognize its voice you'll learn how to enlist the aid of intuition in making decisions while learning how you personally experience intuition operating within you begin with a difficult decision you have to make think through the alternatives consider your values and purposes and make your best decision make a tentative commitment to follow through on that decision making that commitment is necessary to arouse your entire being in the contemplation of that decision hypothetical thoughts don't excite the intuitive faculty for it's a more practical bent casey suggests that next you sit down and get as quiet as possible within yourself this step is the attunement focus on the feelings evoked by your highest values and your ideals when you are in the frame of mind that is resonating with your ideals ask yourself if your decision is a good one there will be a response to that question within you a yes or a no that response is the voice of intuition you may experience it as a voice or as a feeling or as a thought an answer will be there it's usually the very first thing that comes to mind learning to trust intuition [Music] accepting the first thing that comes to mind is often one of the hardest aspects of learning intuition it involves trust it involves acceptance of one's natural spontaneous impulses most of us have trouble with that level of trust and self-acceptance one of the reasons working with intuition pays spiritual dividends is that it forces you to work on the issue of self-trust it requires you to make contact with that part of you that is trustworthy suppose i have a question that i need answered i try to notice what's the first thought that comes to my mind that will be the intuitive answer i find however that i can't even tell what the first thing is as soon as anything comes into mind i react to it i evaluate it and i judge it i do that so fast i can't even find the original thought anymore those evaluations and reactions are the functioning of the logical rational mind they jump on and modify the intuitive response so quickly it's hard to catch the intuition in its raw form part of learning to trust intuition is learning to accept your first response and save the evaluation for later one way to learn to identify your first spontaneous response is that it is unpredictable that's what makes it individual unique to you and special your other responses are much more of a habitual nature they are more predictable unlike intuition the voice of conscience can be predictable if you're not surprised when your conscience bothers you it's not likely to be your intuitive conscience when your conscience surprises you with its interjected remark it's more likely to be the intuitive dimension to your conscience and not simply habits of evaluation the intuitive conscience is like a loving friend because rather than simply criticize or condemn you it sees your underlying motives and helps you face yourself so you better pay attention the guardian angel intuition guides us and guards us it inspires us it brings us experiences of spiritual meaning sometimes it speaks to us as an inner voice sometimes it creates feelings or desires within us sometimes it simply nudges us and guides us without our awareness its promptings are both subtle and loud it's one face of the higher self intuition performs all the services we might expect of the guardian angel casey indicated in fact that within each of us is a guardian angel casey explained that our guardian angel resides where our portion of the super conscious mind becomes the one universal mind casey described the guardian angel as that part of us that hasn't forgotten our oneness with god and knows of no separation from god the guardian angel thus has no free will of its own but serves only the will of god the actions of our intuition aren't the response of our free will they are involuntary spontaneous responses of our guardian angel drawing us ever closer to the experience of oneness our guardian angel part of ourselves is one of the images we can have for the term our higher self by day when we are awake we experience our guardian angel through intuition by night when we sleep casey indicates that we drop the consciousness of separation and attune more to the consciousness natural to the guardian angel state in sleep we become pure intuition out of that state of consciousness we give birth to dreams a nightly channel of the higher self so it's wonderful to talk about intuition and i've had several episodes where i've talked about it we've talked about it with florence scoville shin we have talked about following our hunches i have one of the original episodes of this was intuition there is a section in my book the reality revolution that talks about intuition it's a fundamental and important part the trans surfing model is fascinating in that when bad things happen in a train accident then you're aware of that other version of yourself having an accident and that's the intuition so i believe that following the intuition gives us access to the available time streams around us and to our inner guidance and the guardian angel as discussed here so i have found this particular discussion very interesting because i always believe edgar casey had connected to something more divine from within and the attunement is what i believe in i believe in attunement and attunement is part of the process of finding your intuition but listen to your hunches and those hunches that you have can really help you to change your life and edgar casey really gave us an outline of that with his many different teachings i'd love to get your impressions on intuition and your guardian angels and how you followed them and let everybody know in the comments other people might be struggling with following their intuition and your stories might help them please be sure to put a like on this video so we enter into the algorithm and other people can learn about intuition from this unique perspective in any case thank you so much for joining me and i'm sending out love to everyone all episodes of the reality revolution can be found at the realityrevolution.com and welcome to the reality revolution you
Channel: Brian Scott
Views: 142,499
Rating: 4.9467134 out of 5
Keywords: spirit guide, edgar cayce, higher self meditation, spirit guide meditation, spirit guides, edgar cayce brian scott, intuition, how to use your intuition to make decisions, how to use your intuition to change your life, intuition frequency, awaken intuition, how to use your inner voice, how to use your intuition, listen to your inner voice, what is intuition, awaken your intuition, following your heart and intuition, guardian angel, reality revolution, channel intuition, cayce
Id: V_ftzc8KPKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 19sec (2539 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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