The Power Of The Spoken Word (Audiobook) by Florence Scovel Shinn (Read by Lila) *Book 4 of 4*

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florence koval shin book four the power of the spoken word published posthumously in 1945 forward florence kovalshin taught metaphysics in new york for many years her meetings were well attended and in that way she was the means of bringing the message to a considerable number of people her books have had a wide circulation not only in america but abroad they seem to have a knack of finding their way to remote and unexpected places in europe and other parts of the world now and again we meet someone who came into truth through finding a florence shin book in a most improbable location one secret of her success was that she was always herself colloquial informal friendly and humorous she never sought to be a literary conventional or impressive for this reason she appealed to thousands who would not have taken the spiritual message through the more conservative and dignified forms or had been willing to read at least in the beginning the standard metaphysical books she herself was very spiritual although this was usually hidden behind a matter of fact and carefree treatment of her subject the technical or academic approach was not for her she taught by familiar practical and everyday examples she had been by profession in artist and book illustrator before becoming a truth teacher and belonged to an old philadelphia family she left a collection of notes in memoranda which has been made into the present book made have a wide circulation emmett fox chapter one weapons ye no no of i have weapons ye no no of i have waze yi no not of i have channels yinona mysterious weapons mysterious ways mysterious channels for god works in mysterious ways his wonders to perform the trouble with most people is that they want to know the way and the channels beforehand they want to tell supreme intelligence just how the prayers should be answered they do not trust the wisdom and ingenuity of god they pray giving infinite intelligence definite directions how to work thereby limiting the holy one of israel jesus christ said when ye pray believe ye have it what could be more simple or direct become as a child if you would enter the kingdom we might paraphrase the scriptures and say have the expectancy of a little child and your prayers will be answered a child waits with joyful expectancy for his toys at christmas i give the illustration of the little boy who asked for a drum for christmas the child does not lie awake at night agonizing over his drum wondering whether he will get it he goes to bed and sleeps like a top he jumps out of bed in the morning ready for the happy day before him he looks with wonder at that which is before him the grown-up person spends sleepless nights agonizing over his problems instead of a drum he has spoken for a large sum of money he can't think of any way it can come and will it come on time he will tell you he has perfect faith in god but he would like to know more about the channel and how it is to be done the answer comes i have weapons ye no not of my ways are ingenious my methods are sure trust in me commit your ways unto me committing your ways unto the lord seems very difficult to most people it means of course to follow intuition for intuition is the magic path the beeline dear demonstration intuition is a spiritual faculty above the intellect it is the still small voice commonly called a hunch which says this is the way wacky in it i refer to intuition very often for it is the most important part of spiritual development it is divine guidance it is the god within it is the eye which watches over israel and never slumbers or sleeps with it nothing is unimportant acknowledge me in all your ways and i will make plain your path remember despise not the day of small things of seemingly unimportant events it is very difficult for a person who has always followed the reasoning mind to suddenly follow intuition especially people who have what they call regular habits they are accustomed to doing the same thing every day at the same time meals like clockwork they get up at a certain time and go to bed at a certain time any deviation upsets them we have the power of choice we may follow the magic path of intuition or the long and hard road of experience by following the reasoning mind by following the super conscious we attain the heights in the intuition are the pictures of eternal youth and eternal life where death itself is overcome we have the power to impress the subconscious mind with a picture of eternal youth and eternal life the subconscious being simply power without direction carries out the idea and we have our bodies transmuted into the body which can never die we see this idea partly expressed in the moving picture the lost horizon shangri-la was a symbolic picture of the world of the wondrous where all conditions are perfect there is a spiritual prototype of your body and affairs i call it the divine design and this divine design is a perfect idea in your super conscious mind most people are far from expressing the divine idea of their bodies and affairs they have stamped the contrary pictures of disease old age and death upon the subconscious and it has carefully carried out their orders now we must give a new order let me now express the divine idea in my mind body and affairs if you will impress the subconscious mind by repeating this statement you will be amazed at the changes which soon take place you will be bombarded by new ideas and new ideals a chemical change will take place in your body your environment will change for the better for you are expanding rapidly into the divine plan where all conditions are permanently perfect lift up your heads ye gates and be lifted up ye everlasting doors and the king of glory shall come in who is the king of glory the lord or law strong and mighty the lord mighty be the lord mighty in battle now remember the bible is talking about thoughts and states of consciousness here is a picture of the perfect ideas of the super conscious mind rushing into your conscious mind gates and doors are lifted up and the king of glory comes in who is the king of glory the lord strong and mighty the lord mighty in battle this king of glory has weapons ye know not of and puts to flight the army of the aliens the negative thoughts entrenched in your consciousness for countless ages this king of glory has weapons ye no not of and put into flight the army of the aliens the negative thoughts entrenched in your consciousness for countless ages these negative thoughts have always defeated the manifestation of your heart's desire they are the thought forms which you have built up in your subconscious by constantly thinking the same thoughts you have built up a fixed idea that life is hard and filled with disappointments you will meet with these thoughts as concrete experiences in life for out of the imagination of the heart comes the issues of life my ways are ways of pleasantness we should all build up in consciousness a picture of peace harmony and beauty and someday it will push itself into visibility the divine idea of your life often flashes across your consciousness as something too good to be true very few people fulfill their destinies destiny means the place you were destined to fill we are fully equipped for the divine plan of our lives we are more than equal to every situation if we could get the realization back of these words doors would fly open and channels be cleared we could actually hear the hum of divine activity for we would be linked with infinite intelligence which knows no defeat opportunities would come to us from unexpected quarters divine activity would operate in and through all our affairs and the divine idea would come to pass god is love but god is law if ye love me keep my commandments or laws dr ernest wilson told me that his first knowledge of truth came through reading emerson's concentration concentration means loving absorption we see children lovingly absorbed in their play we can only be a success in a line which interests us greatly great inventors are never bored with their work or they would never bring forth great inventions never try to force a child to be something he does not want to be he will only prove a failure the first start towards success is to be glad you are yourself so many people are bored by themselves they have no self-reliance and are always wishing they were with someone else when i was in london i saw a man on the street selling a new song it was called i'm tickled to death i'm me i thought that was a wonderful idea start out by being glad you are yourself then you can expand rapidly into the divine plan of your life where you fulfill your destiny you may be sure that the divine plan of your life will give you perfect satisfaction you will no longer envy anyone people often become impatient and discouraged i was inspired by reading in the paper about omaha the famous racehorse the article said omaha has to run a mile before he gets into a stride there are no doubt a lot of omaha's in the world but they can get into their spiritual stride and win the race in the twinkling of an eye delight thyself also in the lord and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart delight thyself in the law and it will give to thee the desires of thine heart delighting yourself in the law means to enjoy making a demonstration to enjoy trusting god means to be happy and following your intuitive leads most people say oh dear i've got to demonstrate money again or oh dear my hunches make me so nervous i haven't the nerve to follow them people enjoy playing golf and tennis why can't we enjoy the game of life it is because we are playing with unseen forces with gold for tennis they have balls they can see and a goal which is visible to the naked eye but how much more important is this game of life the goal is the divine plan of your life where all conditions are permanently perfect in all the ways acknowledge him and he will make plain thy paths every moment we can link with intuition will give us as definite a lead as a signpost so many people are leading such complicated lives because they are trying to think things out instead of intuiting the way out i know a woman who says she has a thorough knowledge of truth and its application but the minute she has a problem she reasons and weighs and measures the situation it is never solved intuition flies out of the window when reason comes to the door intuition is a spiritual faculty the super conscious and never explains itself there came a voice before me saying this is the way walking in it someone asked me if the reasoning mind was ever any good the reasoning mind must be redeemed trust in spiritual law and it will be given you your part is to be a good receiver prepare for your blessing rejoice and give thanks and it will come to pass i have weapons ye no not of i have ways which will astound you this ends chapter one chapter two i give unto you power luke 10 19 god's gift to man is power power and dominion over all created things his mind his body and affairs all unhappiness comes from lack of power man imagines himself weak and a victim of circumstances claiming the conditions over which he had no control caused his defeat man by himself is indeed a victim of circumstances but linked with god power all things are possible through a knowledge of metaphysics we are discovering how this can be done by your word you can contact this power then miraculously every burden is lifted and every battle is won life and death are in the power of the tongue watch your words with all diligence you are continually reaping the fruits of your words and he that overcometh and keepeth my works to the end to him will i give power and dominion over the nations overcoming means to conquer all doubts fears and negative vibrations one man with perfect peace and perfect poise filled with love and good will could dissolve all negative vibrations they would melt away like snow under the sun jesus christ said all power is given unto me to bring heaven upon earth let us give thanks that this is now coming to pass for evil is unreal and leaves no stain this god power is within you your subconscious mind it is the realm of inspiration revelation and illumination it is the realm of miracles and wonders quick and seemingly impossible changes take place for your good a door opens where there were no doors supply appears from hidden and unexpected channels for goddess weapons ye no not of to work with god power you must give it right of way and still the reasoning mind the instant you ask infinite intelligence knows the way of fulfillment man's part is to rejoice and give thanks and act as faith a very well-known woman in england told of this experience she was asking with great feeling for a realization of god these words came to her act as though i were and i am it is exactly what i say over and over again only act of faith presses the subconscious and unless you impress the subconscious there are no results i will now give you an example to show you just how the law works a woman came to me whose heart's desire was her right marriage and happy home she was very fond of a certain man but he was a most difficult person after having shown her every attention and devotion he suddenly changed and dropped out of her life she was unhappy resentful and discouraged i said now this is the time to prepare for your happy home buy little things fort as if you hadn't a minute to spare she became quite interested in shopping for her happy home when all appearances were against it now i said you'll have to perfect yourself on the situation and become immune to all resentment and unhappiness i gave her this statement i am now immune to all hurt and resentment my poise is built upon a rock the christ within i said when you are immune to all hurt and resentment this man will be given you or his equivalent it took many months when one evening she came to see me and said i have only the kindest and most friendly feelings for this man if he is in the divine selection i would be happy without him not long after she happened to meet the man he was so sorry for the way he had acted he begged her to forgive him not long after they were married and a happy home came into manifestation it had built itself around her act of faith your only enemies are within yourself the woman's enemies were hurt and resentment they are indeed serpents and scorpions many lives have been wrecked by these two enemies linked with god power all opposition vanished from this woman's life nothing could by any means hurt her think what that means to have a life free from all unhappy experiences it is done through making a conscious contact with god power every instant many times in the bible the word power is mentioned thou shalt remember the lord thy god for it is he that give us the power to get wealth a person with a rich consciousness attracts riches a person with a poor consciousness attracts poverty i've seen people in this truth rise out of lack and limitation by linking with the god power within not depending on the external trusting in god gives you irresistible power for this supreme intelligence knows knows the ways of fulfillment trust in me and i will bring it to pass all our knowledge of truth can bring us is to know that god is the only power one power one presence one plan when you have the fixed idea that there is only one power in the universe god power all appearance of evil will disappear from your world in getting a demonstration we must acknowledge only one power evil comes from man's own vain imaginings withdraw all power from evil and it is powerless to hurt i will give you an example which shows the working of the law i was in a restaurant with a friend who spilled something on her dress she was sure it would leave a stain i said we'll give it a treatment i made the statement evil is unreal and leaves no stain i said now don't look leave it to infinite intelligence in about an hour we took a look and there was not the slightest stain what is true of a little thing is true of a big thing you can use this statement for past misfortune or mistakes and somehow or other under grace the effects will disappear they will leave no stain many people are using personal power instead of god power which always brings unhappy reaction personal power means forcing personal will i will give the example of a woman i knew a long time ago she married a man who worked on a newspaper drawing a comic strip his drawings demanded a knowledge of slang which he used on every occasion she decided he should cultivate his mind and read the classics they moved to a college town so that he could go to college she insisted upon us going to college he resisted a little at first then he grew to like it soon he was steeped in the classics he wouldn't talk anything but plato and aristotle he wanted the food cooked the way they cooked and eat the simple food they ate her life had become a nightmare after that she never tried to change people the only person to change is yourself as you change all the conditions around you will change people will change when you are undisturbed by a situation it falls away of its own weight your life is outpictured by the sum total of your subconscious beliefs wherever you go you take these conditions with you i am strong in the lord and the power of his might i am backed by unnumbered hosts of power power means dominion and dominion means control man controls conditions by a knowledge of spiritual law suppose your problem is lack or limitation your urgent need is supply link with this god power within and give thanks for your immediate supply if you are too close to the situation if you are filled with doubts and fears go to a practitioner for help someone to see clearly for you a man told me while at a truth center at pittsburgh he heard people talking about me and he said who in heck is florence koval shin someone replied oh she wrote the game of life if you write to her she'll get you a miracle he said he promptly wrote to me and got a demonstration jesus christ said when two of you agree it shall be done do not hesitate to ask for help if you cannot see clearly your good jesus christ saw clearly for the people he healed he did not tell them to heal themselves of course you can reach the state where you do not need any help when you have the fixed idea that god's power is the only power and the god's plan is the only plan we cannot take blessings from infinite intelligence they must be given us man's part is to be a grateful receiver behold i give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands and hath put all things under his feet all sheep and oxen ye and the beasts of the fields this is god's idea of man but man's idea of himself is one of limitation and failure it is only in a big moment the man seems to rise to his power and dominion it isn't until we face a situation of lack that we suddenly express the power which has already been given us i have known people who are usually nervous and anxious to become poised and powerful when confronted by a big situation hear o israel ye have no need to fight stand ye still and see the salvation of the lord people often ask what does it mean to stand still and do nothing at all standing still means to keep your poise i said to a man who is tense and anxious take it easy and see the salvation of the lord he replied my that has helped me a lot most people are trying too hard they carry their burdens and fight their battles and are therefore always in a turmoil and never get what we call a demonstration stand aside and see the salvation of the lord we might paraphrase the scriptures and say hear o israel you will never win the battle by fighting leave it entirely to me and it will be given you following the magic path of intuition you escape all complications and friction and make a beeline to your demonstration remember we are told not to despise the day of small things it is a great mistake to think that anything is unimportant i was going to a shop to buy two articles in my vicinity are two shops an expensive one and one where all the things are a little cheaper but the articles are exactly the same the reasoning mind said go to the cheaper place but intuition said go to the expensive place of course i followed that magic path i told the clerk what i wanted he said the two articles are today sold for the price of one because they are advertising one of the products so intuition led me to the right place and price the difference in price was only about 50 cents but intuition always looks after our interests if i had been trying to get something cheap i would have gone to the other shop and paid twice as much learn from the little things and you will be ready to handle the big things studying closely the scriptures we find god's gift to man is power the things and conditions automatically follow god gives manpower to get well he gives manpower over the elements he gives manpower to heal sickness and to cast out devils they that way upon the lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings and eagles they shall run and not be weary and shall walk and not faint let us realize that this invincible power is within reach of all whosoever calleth on the name of the lord shall be delivered so we find the word links man with omnipotence this supreme intelligence is more than equal to lifting every burden and fighting every battle all power is given unto me to bring my heaven upon my earth this ends chapter two chapter three be strong fear not be strong fear not fear is man's only adversary you face defeat whenever you are fearful fear of lack fear of failure fear of loss fear of personality fear of criticism fear robs you of all power for you have lost your contact with the universal power house why are ye fearful o ye of little faith fear is inverted faith it is faith turned upside down when you are fearful you begin to attract the thing you fear you are magnetizing it you are hypnotized by the race thought when you are afraid daniel was undisturbed because he knew his god was stronger than the lions his god made the lions as harmless as kittens so walk up to your lion as quickly as possible and see for yourself perhaps all your life you've been running away from some particular lion it has made your life miserable and your hair gray a hairdresser once told me that she knew a woman whose gray hair returned to its natural color when she stopped worry a woman said to me during an interview i'm not a bit fearful but i worry a lot fear and worry are twins and are the same thing if you are fearless your worry cells would be dried up why are you worried o ye of little faith i think the most prevalent fear is the fear of loss perhaps you have everything that life can give but in creeps the old lion of apprehension you hear him growling it's too good to be true it can't last if he gets your attention you may well worry many people have lost what they prized most dearly in life that is because invariably they fear loss the only weapon you can use against the lions is your word your word is your wand filled with magic and power you wave your wand over your lion and transmute him into a kitten but the lion will remain a lion unless you walk up to him you may well ask how do we walk up to the lions moses said unto his people fear ye not stand still and see the salvation of the lord which he will show to you this day for the egyptians whom ye have seen today ye shall see them again no more forever the lord shall fight for you and ye shall hold your peace what a marvelous arrangement infinite intelligence knows the way out infinite intelligence knows where the supply is for every demand but we must trust it keep our poise and give it right of way so many people are afraid of other people they run away from disagreeable situations so of course the situations run after them the lord is my light and my salvation whom shall i fear the lord is the strength of my life of whom shall i be afraid the 27th psalm is one of the most triumphant psalms it is also rhythmic and the writer realized that no enemy could harm him for the lord was his light and his salvation now remember your own enemies are within yourself the bible is speaking of the enemy thoughts your doubts fears hates resentments and forebodings every negative situation in your life is a crystallized thought it has been built up out of your own vain imaginings but these situations cannot stand the light of truth so you face the situation fearlessly saying the lord is my light and salvation whom shall i fear jesus christ was the greatest of metaphysicians and gave us definite rules for controlling conditions through word and thought thou hast made me wiser than mine enemies first of all you must be wiser than your enemy thoughts the army of the aliens you must answer every negative thought with a word of authority the army of the aliens will chant business is dull and money is scarce immediately you reply my supply comes from god and now appears like mushrooms overnight there are no hard times in the kingdom you may have to keep this up for quite a while like the song or the katie did katie did katie didn't and so on finally you went out for the truth must prevail and you have put to flight the army of the aliens then when you are off your guard the army of the alien begins again you're not appreciated you'll never be a success you answer immediately god appreciates me therefore man appreciates me nothing can interfere with my divinely designed success finally the army of the aliens is dissolved and dissipated because you do not give it your attention you have starved the aliens out starve out the fear thoughts by not giving them your attention and acting your faith the lion draws his fierceness from your fear his roar is in the tremors of your heart stand still like daniel and you too shall hear the rush of angels sent to take your part the mission of jesus christ was to wake people up awake thou that sleepeth people were asleep in the adamic dream of opposites lack loss failure sin sickness and death seemed realities to them the story of adam is that he ate to the tree of illusion and fell into a deep sleep in this deep sleep he vainly imagined good and evil bernard shaw in his book back to methuselah says adam invented murder birth and death and all negative conditions it was a development of the reasoning mind of course adam stands for generic mind in the garden of eden stage man functioned only in the super conscious whatever he desired or required was always at hand where the development of the reasoning mind came the fall of man he reasoned himself into lack limitations and failure he earned his bread by the sweat of the brow instead of being divinely provided for jesus christ's message was to bring people back into the fourth dimension the garden of eden consciousness in the 14th chapter of john we find the summing up of all's teachings he called it the gospel which means good tidings with amazing simplicity and directness he told the people that if they asked believing they would receive attributing the power always to the father within god is the giver man the receiver this supreme intelligence supplies man with all that he desires or requires this was certainly a doctrine to wake people up he proved his statements with miracles and wonders one of the most dramatic miracles was the healing of the man who had been blind from birth the opponent of jesus questioned the man hoping to find something against him but the man would only say one thing i know whereas i was blind now i can see this is a marvelous statement to make to yourself whereas i was blind now i can see people you are blind perhaps you are blind to your good blind to your opportunities blind your intuitive leads blind to appearances mistaking friends for enemies when you are awake to your good you know there are no enemies for god utilizes every person and situation for your good hindrances are friendly and obstacles stepping stones one with god you become invincible this is a very powerful statement god's invincible power sweeps all before it i ride the waves into my promised land riding the waves they take you to your destination free from the undertow of negative thinking which would pull you down your thoughts and desires are always taking you somewhere princess mulford said the persistent purpose that strong desire that never ceasing longing is a seed in the mind it is rooted there it is alive it never stops growing there is a wonderful law involved in it this law when known followed out and trusted leads every individual to mighty and beautiful events the law followed with our eyes open leads to more and more happiness and life but followed blindly with our eyes shut leads to misery this means that desire is a tremendous vibratory force and must be rightly directed take this statement i only desire that which infinite intelligence desires through me i claim that which is mine by divine right and under grace is a perfect way you will then cease desiring the wrong things and the right desires will take their place your dreary desires are answered drearily your impatient desires are long delayed or violently fulfilled it is important never to lose sight of this many unhappy situations have been brought about through dreary or impatient desires i will give you an example of a woman who is married to a man who wanted her to go somewhere with him every evening it wore her out and night after night she wished and patiently that she could stay at home and read a book the desire was so strong it commenced to bud her husband went off with another woman she lost him and his support but she had the time to stay home and read a book nothing has ever come uninvited into your life prentice mulford has also some interesting ideas on work he said to succeed in any undertaking any art or any trade or any profession simply keep it ever persistently fixed in mind as an aim and then study to make all effort toward play or recreation the moment it becomes hard work we are not advancing as i look back on my experiences in the art world i see how true this is from the academy of fine arts in philadelphia came eight men all of about the same age who became distinguished and successful artists they were called the eight in contemporary art not one of them was ever known to work hard they never drew from the antique they never did anything in an academic way they simply expressed themselves they painted and drew because they loved it for the fun of it they tell an amusing story of one of them who became a very well-known landscape artist taking many medals and honorary mentions and exhibits he had a one-man show in new york city at one of the big galleries and was seated reading a paper an enthusiastic woman rushed up to him and said can you tell me anything about the wonderful man who painted these adorable pictures he replied sure i'm the guy that painted the damn things he painted for fun he didn't care whether people liked his pictures or not whereas i was blind now i can see my right work my perfect self-expression whereas i was blind now i can see clearly and distinctly the divine plan of my life whereas i was blind now i can see that god's power is the only power and that god's plan is the only plan the race thought is still with a belief in insecurity awake thou that sleepeth god is your eternal security of mind body and affairs let not your heart be troubled neither be afraid if you were wide awake to your good you could not be troubled and fearful waking up to the truth that there is no loss lack of failure in the kingdom of reality lost lack and failure would disappear from your life they come from your own vain imaginings the following is an example illustrating the working of the law a number of years ago when i was in london i bought a wonderful fountain pen at aspiris it was japanese and was called a namigui pen it was quite expensive and they gave me with it a guarantee that it would last 30 years i was very much impressed because every summer on the 5th of august they wrote me asking how the pen was getting along one might have fought i'd bought a horse it was no ordinary pen and it was very satisfactory i always carried it with me and one day i lost it i immediately commenced denying loss i said there is no loss in divine mind therefore i cannot lose the namiki pen it will be restored to me or its equivalent no shops that i knew of in new york city carried these pens and london was a long way off but i was charged with divine confidence i couldn't lose the namiki pen one day going along fifth avenue in a bus my eye caught a sign on a shop for the fraction of a second it seemed to stand out in the light it read oriental craft shop i'd never heard of it but i had a strong hunch to go in and ask for an amigy pen i got off the bus and went into the shop and asked the saleswoman replied why yes we have quite an assortment they have just been reduced to two dollars and fifty cents i praised the lord and gave thanks i bought three and told the above story at one of my meetings they were soon sold out as people rushed to get them this was certainly an amazing working of the law but i was wide awake to my good i did not let any grass grow under my intuitive lead the truth student knows he must prove the principle in his everyday affairs acknowledge me in all your ways and i will direct your paths verily verily i say unto you he that believeth on me the works that i do he shall do also in greater works than these shall he do because i go unto my father what a wonderful faith jesus christ had in man he held the vision of the race to come the man made in god's likeness and image imagination and whatsoever ye shall ask in my name that will i do that the father may be glorified in the sun if ye shall ask anything in my name i will do it he explained to the people that they were under a system of gifts god was the giver man the receiver believeth thou not that i am in the father and the father in me the words that i speak unto you i speak not of myself but the father that dwelleth in me he doeth the works he told people to seek the kingdom the realm of perfect ideas where all things would be added unto them he woke them up whereas i was blind now i can see there's nothing to fear for there is no power to hurt i see clearly before me the open road of fulfillment there are no obstacles on my pathway thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hand thou has put all things under his feet psalm 8 6. this concludes chapter 3 chapter 4 the glory of the lord psalm 24 in the dictionary i find the word glory defined as radiance splendor mine eyes have seen the radiance of the lord that means the law in action we cannot see god for god is principle power the supreme intelligence within us but what we see are the proofs of god prove thou me herewith saith the lord of hosts if i will not open the windows of hearing and pour you out a blessing so great there be not room enough to receive it reprove god by directing god power and trusting in it to do the work every time we get a demonstration we have proved god if you have not received the desires of the heart you have asked amiss that is you have not prayed a right you receive your answer in the same way in which you send out your demand your jury desires are answered drearily your impatient desires are long delayed or violently fulfilled suppose you are resenting lack and limitation and living in poor surroundings you say with great feeling i want to live in a big house with beautiful surroundings sooner or later you may find yourself a caretaker in a big and beautiful house but you have no share in this opulence this idea came to me as i was passing andrew carnegie's house and grounds on fifth avenue it was all closed the entrance and the windows boarded up there's just one window open in the basement this is where the caretaker lived it was certainly a dreary picture so ask or wish with praise and thanksgiving so that you will see the glory of the law and action all life is vibration you combine with what you notice or you combine with what you vibrate to if you are vibrating to injustice and resentment you will meet it on your pathway at every step you will certainly think it is a hard world and that everybody is against you hermes trisma justice said several thousand years ago to change your mood you must change your vibrations i make it even stronger i say to change your world you must change your vibrations turn on a different current in the battery of thought and you'll see the difference immediately suppose you have been resenting people and saying you are not appreciated take the statement god appreciates me therefore man appreciates me i appreciate myself immediately you will meet with some recognition on the external you are now a master workman and your tools are your words be sure you are building constructively according to the divine plan judge troward said man is a distributor of god power he does not create this force we find in hebrews what is man that thou art mindful of him and the son of man that thou visitest him thou madest him a little lower than the angels and have crowned him with glory and honor thou made is tim to have dominion over the works of thy hands thou hast put all things under his feet thou has put all things under our understanding we are now coming into an understanding age we no longer have the faith of peasants we have understanding faith solomon said with all your getting get understanding understanding of the working of spiritual law so that we distribute this power within us in a constructive way the law of laws is to do unto others as you would be done by for whatever you send out comes back and what you do to others will be done to you so the women who refrain from criticizing saves herself from criticism critical people are always being criticized they are living in that vibration they also have rheumatism for acid thoughts produce acid in the blood which causes pain in the joints i read an article in the newspaper it said a physician had a peculiar experience with one of his patients the woman had boils every time her mother-in-law paid her a visit there's nothing peculiar in this as she was boiling within how many times we have heard people say they were in a boiling rage so the boils appeared on her body this does not include all mothers-in-law i have known some very wonderful ones who have brought only peace and harmony with them skin trouble shows that someone has got under your skin you have been irritated or angered here we see again that man gives direction to this god power through himself vibrative to this power all things are under his feet all sheep and oxen yea the beasts of the field the fowl of the air and the fish of the sea whatsoever passes through the paths of the seas what a picture of power and dominion for man man has power and dominion over the elements we should be able to rebuke the winds and the waves we should be able to put an end to drought i read in the paper that the people in a certain drought district were requested not to sing the song it ain't going to rain no more knowing something of metaphysics they realized the power of negative words they felt it had something to do with the drought we should be able to stop floods and epidemics for man is given power and dominion over all created things every time we get a demonstration we are proving our power and dominion we must be lifted up in consciousness for the king of glory to come in as we read the statement if thine eye be single thy whole body shall be full of light we seem flooded with an inner radiance the single eye means to see good only to be undisturbed by appearances of evil as jesus christ said judge not by appearances judge righteous write judgment there is an occult law of indifference jesus christ knew this law none of these things move me none of these things disturb me we might say in our modern language selfishness and personal will bring defeat and failure unless the lord builds the house they labor in vain who build it the imaging faculty is a creative faculty and your fear pictures will appear on the external the result of your own distorted imagination with a single eye man sees only the truth he sees through evil knowing out of it comes good he transmutes injustice into justice and disarms his seeming enemies by sending good goodwill he is now backed by unnumbered hosts of power for the single eye sees only victory we read in mythology of the cyclops a race of giants said to have inhabited sicily these giants have only one eye in the middle of the forehead the seal of the imaging faculty is situated in the forehead between the eyes so these fabled giants came from this idea you are indeed a giant when you have the single eye jesus christ the greatest of all teachers reiterated now is the appointed time today is the day of your salvation a few days ago i saw a motion picture which showed the futility of trying to live in or bring back the past it is a french picture and is called life dances on it is a story of a woman who when 16 had gone to her first ball she is now a widow of about 35 she had married for money and had never known happiness when burning old papers she came across a faded dance program on it were the names of six men she had danced with at the ball each had sworn to love her all his life as she sits with the program in her hands the memory of the ball is pictured on the screen a scene of loveliness the dancer is almost floating to the strains of an entrancing waltz her life is now empty and she decides to recover her lost youth by finding out what had become of the men whose names were on the program a friend who is with her says you cannot recapture your lost youth if you go back you lose the things of today however she goes insert of them and with all comes disillusion one did not remember her at all when she said don't you remember me i am christine he replied christine who some of them were living sordid lives at last she returns to the town of her girlhood where the fifth man lived he had become a hairdresser he talked to her galley of old times while he gives her a permanent wave he says i don't suppose you remember your first ball it was right here in this town and tonight there will be a dance in the same place do come with me it will remind you of the old days she goes to the ball everything looks cheap and tawdry unattractive badly dressed people are on the dancefloor she requests the orchestra to play her waltz the waltz of her lost youth her escort tells her that others won't like such an old-fashioned waltz however they play it the contrast is too much all her illusions have vanished she realizes the ball she remembers never really existed the way she thought it did it was only an illusion of the past she could not recapture her past it has been said that the two robbers on the cross stood for the robbers of time one spoke of the past and one of the future and jesus christ replied now is the appointed time today thou shalt be with me in paradise in the old sanskrit poem we are told look well therefore to this day such as the salutation of the dawn all worry and fear are robbers of time occult law underlying indifference is one of the most profound fort contains the attainment of a state of consciousness in which the outer world of sensation has no influence upon the action of the mind and it can therefore be in complete at one minute with the divine mind most people's lives are a succession of disturbances lack loss limitation mothers-in-law landlords debt or injustice this world was properly known as a veil of tears people were all mixed up in their own affairs fighting their battles and carrying their burdens if a man judges by appearances he finds himself in an arena most of the time the arena of adverse conditions and facing lines of lack and limitation if thy nine be evil if you are judging adverse conditions thy whole body shall be full of darkness if therefore the light that is in thee be darkness how great is that darkness the light of the body is the inner eye or imagining faculty if therefore thine i be single you are seeing only one power one plan and one planner your bodies and affairs will be full of light see yourself daily bathed in the light of christ this inner radiance is invincible power and dissolves anything not divinely planned it dissolves all appearances of disease lack loss or limitation it dissolves adverse conditions or any weapon that is formed against you we have always at our command this light when your eye is single we should learn to turn on this light with the same assurance with which we turn on the electric light seek ye first the kingdom of god in his righteousness and all right things shall be added unto you the chinese proverb says the philosopher leaves the cuff of his coat to the tailor so leave the plan of your life to the divine planner and you will find all conditions permanently perfect this ends chapter 4 chapter 5 peace and prosperity peace be within thy walls and prosperity within thy palaces this statement from the 122nd psalm we find that peace and prosperity go hand in hand people who are manifesting the appearance of lack are in a state of fear and confusion they are not wide awake to their good and misleads and opportunities a peaceful person is a wide awake person he sees clearly and acts quickly he never misses a trick i have seen people discordant and unhappy changed completely i will give an example in order to prove the working of the law a woman came to me in a state of abject sorrow she looked the part her eyes were blurred from constant weeping her face was haggard and drawn the man she loved had left her and she was certainly the most demagnetized creature i had ever seen i noticed the shape of her face large eyes far apart and a pointed chin for many years i was an artist and i've got into the habit of looking at people from an artist's standpoint as i looked at this forlorn creature i thought i thought our face has the modeling of a botticelli suddenly i realized it was the same woman she was happy and carefree what had happened our talk in the book had brought her peace peace be within your walls your walls are your consciousness jesus christ emphasized peace and rest come to me all ye that are weary and heavy laden and i will give you rest he was speaking of the christ within your super conscious mind where there are no burdens and no battles the doubts and fears and negative pictures are in the subconscious when i was returning from california some years ago i came in an airplane in the high altitude i had a queer detached feeling in that high altitude we are at peace with ourselves and with the whole world in the high altitude the fields are always white with the harvest only the emotions keep you from reaping your harvest of success happiness and abundance we read in the bible i will restore you to the years the locusts have eaten we might well paraphrase it and say i will restore to you the years the emotions have ruined people are rocked with doubts and fears bringing failure unhappiness and disease i read in a daily paper that the laws of the mind are being generally recognized and understood it has been found that the fear of failure is the greatest of all fears and at least 75 percent of those examined psychologically have this failure fear of course this may refer to failure of health failure of business finances love success etc other important fears are fear of the dark fear of being alone fear of animals some people fear they will be misunderstood while others fear they are losing mental control constant and continued fear affects the glands interferes with digestion and is usually associated with distressing nervous symptoms it robs the body of health and destroys happiness fear is man's worst enemy for you attract what you fear it is faith turned upside down it is really faith and evil instead of good why are you fearful o ye of little faith the fearless unfettered mind attracts to itself all good whatever you desire or require is already on your pathway before ye call i have answered suppose we paraphrase the scriptures and say whatever you desire or requires already planted on your pathway often a new word will give you sudden realization if you are in need of any information it will be given you a friend told me of the surprise working of the law she was translating an old italian manuscript on the life of an early persian ruler no books in english had been written on the subject she wondered why the publishers were holding back its publication one evening she was eating her dinner at the auto mat she fell into a conversation with a man at the same table she told him of the work she was doing and of the translation of the early italian manuscript he suddenly volunteered the information you'll have a hard time getting it published because this person's ruler's ideas conflict with the ideas of the present government he was a student and scholar and knew more than she did on the subject her question was answered at the automat such information could usually be gleaned only in the archives of some public library god works in unexpected places his wonders to perform she had worried about it but when she was peaceful and happy and unconcerned the information sailed in over a calm sea our feet shall stand within thy gate so jerusalem jerusalem stands for peace and the feat for understanding so understanding always brings us within the gates of peace how can a person attain peace when his whole life is in a turmoil by taking an affirmation you cannot control your thought but you can control your words and eventually the word wins out most people have attracted in harmonious conditions because they have been fighting their battles and carrying their burdens we must learn to get out of god's way so that he can harmonize or adjust the situation the word harmonize is a very good one for i have seen crooked places made straight and adjustments made that no human mind could have thought of all that the kingdom affords is yours if you will give infinite intelligence right of way for it has already supplied a levis supply for every demand but i must be fully trusted if you doubt or fear you lose your contact with this supreme force so you are filled with doubts and fears it is necessary to do something to show your faith faith without works or action is dead active faith impresses the subconscious with expectance and you keep your contact with universal intelligence just as wall street watches the market we must watch our faith market often the faith market is down sometimes it goes down and down until a crash comes some unhappy situation which we could have prevented we realize we followed reason instead of intuition a woman told me that she had several definite leads not to follow a certain course in spite of this she followed the reasoning mind and great unhappiness developed from it intuition is our unerring guide practice following it in the little things then you will trust it in the big things i have a friend who is very intuitive she sometimes calls up and says i've just had a hunch to call you up so i thought i would find out what it is about invariably i have some mission for her we are indeed living magic lives guided protected and provided for all fear would be banished forever with a realization of this amazing system the universal has provided for man he would be unmoved by adverse appearances knowing as the early hebrews knew that jehovah goes before every battle as one a friend told me a very interesting story a man in the paper business in kalamazoo michigan had given away a thousand of my books to his employees he went into business on a small capital and gave up cold judgment and reasoning he has built up a 12 million dollar business by following leads and hunches all his workers have a knowledge of metaphysical law another man who built his business upon the law of giving and receiving met with the same amazing success he came to philadelphia with a little money and bought a magazine an old publication his desire was to give the people a great deal for a very small price he believed in the law of giving it proved to be one of the most popular magazines he gave the public the best in the way of stories and illustrations and paid well for them the more he gave the more he received millions poured in peace be within thy walls and prosperity within thy palaces peace and prosperity go hand in hand great peace have they that love thy law and nothing shall offend them this law is the law of non-resistance resist not evil overcome evil with good transmute all failure into success lack into plenty and discord into peace this ends chapter five chapter six your big opportunity you have only one judge your word jesus christ said i say unto you that every idle word that men shall speak they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment for by thy word thou shalt be justified and by thy word thou shalt be condemned day is a day of judgment we used to be taught that it would be at the end of the world look back in your life and see how you have attracted either happiness or disaster through your words the subconscious has no sense of humor people joke destructively about themselves and the subconscious takes it seriously it is because the mental picture you make while speaking impresses the subconscious and works out on the external a person who knows the power of the word becomes very careful of his conversation he is only to watch the reaction of his words to know they do not return void people make their worst mistakes by speaking while they are angry or resentful because there is so much ill feeling back of their words owing to the vibratory power of words what you voice you begin to attract people who continually speak of disease invariably attract disease invisible forces are ever working for man who is always pulling the strings himself though he does not know it we read in the bible life and death are in the power of the tongue yet most people are speaking destructively from morning until night it is because they have formed a habit of criticism condemnation and complaint and are eager to tell you of their misfortune and how mean all their relatives are they wear their friends out and people avoid them they are talking themselves into a flock of troubles now that we know the power of the word why not take advantage of it we take advantage of the radio the telephone the airplanes but live with the mound builders in conversation science and religion are now coming together science is discovering the power within the atom metaphysics teaches the power within thoughts and words we are dealing with dynamite when we deal with words think of the power of the word in healing a word is spoken and a chemical change takes place in the body one of my friends was seriously ill the doctor said she had chronic bronchitis and was on the verge of pneumonia her daughters and the doctor rushed to her bed and she had a nurse but weeks passed and there was no improvement she was a truth student but for over a year had attended no meetings nor had she kept up her reading one morning she telephoned me and said please speak the word and get me out of this i can't stand it anymore i'm not sick i'm just disgusted so much negative talk and thoughts have almost floored me through the spoken word and her affirmation of truth immediately there was a change for the better she had a strong hunch to go out and was told it would be dangerous but by this time she was following divine guidance she went out and called on me and said she was going to attend a luncheon the next day what had happened the words of truth were making a change in her mind and a chemical change was taking place in her body we are told that if we believe never doubting we can say to that mountain be thou removed and it would disappear into the sea the inexhaustible energy in man is released by good will a man free from fear undisturbed by appearances sending good will to men and nations could say to these mountains of hate and war be thou removed and they would return to their native nothingness resentment and intolerance rob man of his power we should have signs in the subways and shops watch your thoughts watch your words let us now be careful in directing this dynamic force within us let us direct it to heal bless and prosper and direct it in waves of good to the whole world it goes out a mighty force but noiseless thought the strongest power in the universe is without sound your good will sweeps all obstacles from your pathway and your heart's desires released for you what is really yours the answer is all that the kingdom affords is yours every righteous desire of the heart is promised you there are three thousand promises in the bible but these gifts can come to us only if we can believe than possible for everything comes through you not to you all life is vibration feel rich and you attract riches feel successful and you become successful i knew of a small boy who was born in a little country town with no advantages but he always felt successful he had the conviction that when he grew up he would be a big artist no one could discourage him because he was success he had only success thoughts he radiated success at an early age he left the small town and went to a big city and to support himself he got a position as a newspaper artist on a daily paper all this without previous preparation it never occurred to him that it could not be done he went to an art school and immediately became a shining light he never studied in an academic way whatever he once saw he remembered in a few years he went to a still larger city and became a well-known artist this success came to him because he was always seeing success i will give to you the land that thou seest the children of israel were told that they could have all the land that they could see the bible is a metaphysical book and it is speaking to the individual this minute it says to each one of us i will give you to the land that thou seeth so what are you seeing with your inner eye what pictures are you inviting into your life the image faculty has been called the scissors of the mind if you have failure thoughts reverse a thought with a success thought this sounds easy enough to do but when a failure thought has become a habit it takes eternal vigilance to dislodge it that is when a powerful affirmation is needed you cannot always control your thought but you can control your word and eventually the word impresses the subconscious and wins out if you are in a negative state of mind just take the statement i look with wonder at that which is before me it creates an expectancy of something wonderful and something wonderful will come to pass cultivate the feeling that miracles and wonders are coming to pass cultivate a success expectancy very few people bring into life what is rightfully theirs they live on the outskirts of their hearts desire it always seems too good to be true to the person spiritually awake nothing is too good to be true if you want to hear people talking who are still asleep in the adamic dream go to a hairdresser's establishment the endemic dream is the illusion of opposites adam fell into a deep sleep haven't eaten of a tree of illusion of course adam stands for generic man the race man the race man vainly imagined loss lack failure sin sickness and death the awakened man knows only one power god and one condition good but now we will return to the beauty parlor the following is an exact quotation and a good example of what one hears a woman sat down near me and said in a loud voice this place is too warm turn something on or open something the attendant said to her how are you feeling today mrs s she replied with a heavy sigh oh i'm pretty well but i have a hard time keeping well to the manicurist she said why don't you wear glasses the girl replied i don't need glasses why should i wear them the woman replied because everybody wears them you'll find there's something wrong with your eyes if you have them examined when she finally leaves they all feel limp and wonder if they are really well or only seem to be well she leaves a trail of apprehension and gloom this is a sample of what one hears from nearly every booth the way most people talk it is appalling when one knows the power of the word and what they are attracting for they are nearly all describing illnesses or operations you combine with what you notice so do not describe anything destructive for you begin to combine with it what is really yours the blessings you bring to yourself through your spoken word or silent word the things you see with your inner eye only your doubts fears and resentments keep good from you if you hate or resent a situation you have fastened it to you for you attract what you fear or dislike for example someone has been unjust to you and you are filled with wrath and resentment you cannot forgive that person time rolls on and another person does the same thing it is because you have a picture of injustice engraved in your subconscious history will repeat itself until you think you are cursed with misfortune and injustice there is only one way to neutralize it be absolutely undisturbed by injustice and send good will to all concerned my goodwill is a strong tower round about me i now transmute all enemies into friends all in harmony into harmony all injustice into justice you will be amazed at the working of the law one student brought harmony out of chaos in her business affairs by that statement do not look back and hash over hard times or you will be drawn back into these conditions give thanks for the dawn of a new day you must be immune to all discouragement and adverse appearances all that you desire or require is already on your pathway but you must be wide awake to your good to bring it into manifestation after making statements of truth you suddenly have a flash of realization you suddenly feel yourself in a new environment you feel old negative conditions falling away i once said to a woman the walls of lack and delay now crumble away and you enter your promised land under grace she said she had a sudden flash of a wall crumbling away and that she stepped over it soon after that the change came and she really did enter her promised land of plenty i know a woman whose daughter's desire was a home and husband in her early youth she had a broken engagement whenever a possible marriage appeared on the horizon she became frantic with fear and apprehension picturing vividly another disappointment and she had several her mother came to me to speak the word for her right marriage divinely designed which could not be interfered with during the interview the mother said continually poor nelly pornelli i said do not call your daughter poor nelly again you are helping her to be demagnetized call her lucky nelly fortunate nelly for you must have faith that god now gives to her the desires of her heart the mother and daughter persisted in making their affirmations she has now fulfilled her destiny for she is a mrs nelly the demon of fear dissolved forever there are wonderful statements in the bible referring to the breaking down of negative thought forms the power of the spirit is mighty even unto the pulling down of strongholds the human mind is helpless to cope with these negative thoughts the victory is won by the god within the super conscious mind brethren whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are honest whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are pure whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things are of good report if there be any virtue and there be any praise think on these things philippians 4 8 if people obeyed this general conversation would come to a standstill for a while until people learn to talk about constructive things this ends chapter 6 chapter 7 in nothing be anxious all through the bible we are told not to be anxious not to be fearful not to hoard or save because an invincible invisible power is at man's command to supply every need but we were told that it would not work unless we believed in it if thou cannot believe in this god power all things are then possible it is difficult for man to believe in this power because he has had a right training in unbelief i believe only what i can see was supposed to be the height of wisdom we lived in a world of externals where we thought everything just happened we did not know the back of everything happened was a cause that we ourselves started in motion the machinery which produced good or evil in our pathway we did not know that words and thoughts are a form of dynamite and should be handled carefully with wisdom and understanding we hurled out into the ethers words of anger resentment or self-pity then wondered why life was so hard why not experiment with faith trust this invisible god power and in nothing be anxious but in everything be prayer and thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto god could anything be more simple or direct anxiety and habit have become habits the old thought forms you have built up in the subconscious hang on like barnacles on an ocean liner but the ocean liner is put in dry dock once in a while to have the barnacles scraped off so your mental barnacles will have to go through the same process the dry dock is a big situation i know of a woman who had been a coward all her life particularly about finances she worried all the time about money she came into this truth realize how she had limited herself and suddenly made the giant swing into faith she commenced to trust god and not the external for her supply she followed her intuitive leads about spending if any of her clothes made her feel poor she would discard them at once getting something new to make her feel rich she had very little money but gave one tenth a tithe to good works she was winding herself up into a new vibration very soon things commenced to change on the external a woman on whom she had no claim who was merely an old friend of her family left her a thousand dollars a few months later another thousand came in then a big door opened for her supply and many thousands came in she attacked her invisible supply from the bank of the universal she had looked to god only for her supply then the channels opened the point i am bringing out is that she had lost all anxiety about money matters she had established inner subconscious the firm conviction that her supply came from god and it never failed man is an instrument for infinite intelligence to work through it will express through him as success happiness abundance health perfect self-expression unless fear and anxiety make a short circuit if we want examples of fearless faith go to the circus the circus people perform seemingly impossible feats because they think they can and see themselves doing it faith means that you can see yourself receiving all these things that you desire i will give to thee the land that thou seest you can never do a thing you cannot see yourself doing or fill a place you cannot see yourself filling not visualizing making a mental picture this is a mental process and often brings wrong and limited results it must be a spiritual realization a feeling that you are already there be in its vibration i was very much impressed with the story of a great football player who was the greatest all-around athlete in the world who trained in a hammock one day he was lying there drowsing in the sun and the trainer came up to him with tears streaming down his face and said jim for the love of mike in your country won't you get up and out of the hammock and do something jim opened one eye and said i was just thinking about that i was going to send for you good said the trainer what do you want me to do first said jim i want you to mark off 25 feet there on the ground the trainer did so then what said the trainer that's all said jim and he closed his eyes and swung happily after at least five minutes he opened them and looked at the marks for a few seconds and then closed his eyes again what's the idea you're the trainer what are you doing jim looked at him reproachfully and replied i'm practicing the broad jump he did all his jumping in a hammock seeing himself doing the broad jump without the vision my people perish and lack and limitation you may work very hard on the external and accomplish nothing if you are without vision vision means to see clearly where you are going to keep your eye on the goal all men who have accomplished big things have done this james j hill who built the great northern railroad said before a rail was laid he heard with his inner ear the rumble of the trains and whistle of the engines he had many obstacles to overcome but his vision was so clear it possessed him one thing in his favor was that his wife believed in him it is said that it takes two to make a dream come true henry ford speaking of his mother-in-law said she was a fine woman she believed in me when two of you agree it shall be done if you believe in yourself others will believe in you as you believe in yourself and the god power within fear and anxiety drop away you establish the vibration of assurance this is true of an intuitive person every move is made under divine guidance and he never violates a hunch therefore he is always in his right place at the right time however it often takes great courage to follow intuition it takes a viking who is unafraid to sail in unknown seas claude bragdon says to live intuitively is to live forth dimensionally the magic path leads you out of the land of egypt out of the house of bondage it is invaluable in business never submit a hunch to someone on the reasoning plane those who have ears to hear let them hear their intuitive leads and give instant obedience whatsoever thou wilt ask of god god will give it thee this is true of each one but if we have not received all the blessings of life we have neglected to ask or have not asked a right the bible is teaching spiritual law and we must study and use it from every angle in order to set the great machinery of asking and receiving in motion every machine must be greased and oiled to be kept in good working order active faith and expectancy keep the machine of asking and receiving in perfect order the following are some of the lubricants which keep it working when ye pray believe ye have it in nothing be anxious stand ye still and see the salvation of the lord do not limit the holy one of israel realization is manifestation pray with praise and thanksgiving some people pray filled with anger and resentment a woman wrote to me the other day saying i've just had a good talk with god and i told him just what he ought to do about it she was in the habit of ordering people around and looked upon god as someone she could bully into doing something for her god is the supreme intelligence within each one of us and we are the channels for it to express itself we must be non-resistant poised and peaceful expecting our good to come to pass we are the receivers god is the giver and he must create his own channels we find there is quite an art in praying our right god must have right of way his way not your way the moment you make your demand infinite intelligence knows the way of fulfillment if you decide how your prayer shall be answered you have blocked the divinely designed channel then you are apt to say i never have my prayers answered we must acquire our technique and send out a sincere desire which is a prayer we are free from all clutch or anxiety when we say if this is according to the divine plan we will receive it if not give us its equivalent be careful not to force anything not to finally planned we must know that linked with god power nothing can defeat us god's ways are ingenious his methods are sure two of the most beautiful psalms are the 23rd and the 121st both gave one a feeling of absolute security and were written by a man who had experienced the working of spiritual law the god within protects guides and provides when fully trusted most people lose what they love most through fear of loss they take every precaution on the external not trusting the protection to the eye which watches over israel put whatever you love under the law of divine protection the most important part of demonstrating is showing fearless faith i will go before thee and make the crooked places straight i will break in pieces the gates of brass and cottons under the bars of iron the bible is talking about states of consciousness the gates of brass and bars of iron are your doubts fears resentments and anxieties the gates of brass and bars of iron are of our own making and come from our own vain imaginings a belief in evil there is a story of a herd of wild elephants they were corralled in an enclosure but the men had no way of keeping them in so they dug stakes and put a rope all around the enclosure the elephants thought they could not get out they could have just walked over the rope and stepped out but they had the illusion that the rope kept them in this is the way with people doubt and fear is a rope stretched around their consciousness it makes it impossible for them to walk out into clear thinking clear vision is like a man with a compass he knows where he is going let intuition be your compass and it will always get you out of the woods even a man without a compass led by intuition would find his way out of the jungle or be able to steer a ship at sea intuition will tell you to walk over the rope it is amazing how people have overlooked their most important faculty intuition always on man's pathway is his message or lead often our leads seem trivial and silly a person purely on the intellectual plane would dismiss them at once but the truth student always has a spiritual ear to the spiritual ground knowing he is receiving orders from the infinite the bible speaks often of the still small voice it is a voice which is not an actual voice though sometimes actual words are registered on the inner ear when we ask for guidance and lay aside the reasoning mind we are tapping the universal supply of all knowledge anything necessary for you to know will be revealed to you some people are naturally intuitive and are always in contact with universal intelligence but by taking an affirmation we make a conscious contact prayer is telephoning to god and intuition is god telephoning to you many people have a busy wire when god telephones and they don't get the message your wire is busy when you are discouraged angry or resentful you've heard the expression i was so mad i couldn't see straight we might add i was so mad i couldn't hear straight your negative emotions drown out the voice of intuition when you are discouraged angry or resentful is the time to make a statement of truth in order to get out of the woods of despair and limitation for whosoever calleth on the name of the lord shall be delivered there is a way out revealed to me the way we must stop planning plotting and scheming and let infinite intelligence solve the problem in its own way god power is subtle silent and irresistible it levels mountains and fills in valleys and knows no defeat our part is to prepare for our blessings and follow our intuitive leads we now give infinite intelligence right of way this ends chapter seven chapter eight fearlessness why are ye fearful o ye of little faith all through the bible man is told not to be afraid fear is man's only enemy it is faith turned upside down jesus christ said why are ye fearful o ye of little faith if you can only believe all things are possible linked with god power man is invincible the story of jehoshaphat is the story of the individual so often he seems outnumbered by adverse appearances but he hears the same voice of the infinite saying be not afraid or dismayed by reason of this great multitude for the battle is not yours but gods jehoshaphat and his army were even told that they would not need to fight the battle set yourselves stand ye still and see the salvation of the lord for the battle was gods not theirs jehoshaphat appointed singers unto the lord to praise the beauty of holiness as they went out before the army saying praise the lord for his mercy endorth forever when they came towards the watchtower in the wilderness they looked towards the multitude and behold they were dead the enemy had destroyed itself there is nothing to fight the bible is talking about the states of consciousness your enemies are your doubts and fears your criticisms and your resentments every negative thought is an enemy you may be outnumbered by adverse appearances but be not afraid or dismayed by reason of this great multitude for the battle is not yours but gods as we follow closely the story of jehoshaphat we see he advanced making an affirmation praise the lord his mercy endorth forever he had nothing to say about the enemy or his own lack of strength he was giving the lord his full attention and when he commenced to sing in praise the lord placed ambushments against his enemies and they were smitten you make your statements of truth your enemy thoughts are vanquished dissolved dissipated and therefore all adverse appearances disappear when jehoshaphat and his army came towards the watchtower in the wilderness they looked into the multitude and behold they were dead the watchtower in the wilderness is your high state of consciousness your fearless faith your place of safety there you rise above all adverse conditions and god's battle is one when jehoshaphat and his people came to take away the spoils of the enemy they found among them both riches and precious jewels more than they could carry away and they were three days in gathering of the spoil it was so much that means when you let god fight the battle for you great blessings come out of every adverse situation for thy god will turn the curse into a blessing for the lord the god loveth thee the ingenuity of the spirit is amazing it is pure intelligence and brooks no interference with its plans it is very difficult for the average person to stand still which means keep your poise and let infinite intelligence run the situation people like to rush into the battle and try to manage things themselves which brings defeat and failure ye shall not need to fight in this battle set yourselves stand ye still and see the salvation of the lord with you tomorrow go out against them for the lord will be with you that means not to run away from the situation walk up fearlessly and face the lion on your pathway and the lion turns into an airedale the lion takes his fierceness from your fear a great poet has said kurds has genius magic and power in it daniel was unafraid and the lion's mouths were closed king darius called to daniel while he was yet in the lion's den asking him if god could save him from the lions and daniel answered o king live forever my god hath sent his angels and shut the lion's mouths that they have not heard to me we have in this story the subdued attitude of the lions as a result of spiritual power the entire group changed from ferocity to docility and daniel looking away from the beasts to the light and might of spirit which saved him completely from the lions scarcely a day passes without some sort of lying appearing on man's pathway the lines of lack limitation fear injustice dread or forebodings immediately walk up to the situation of which you are afraid if you run away from it it will still always be right at your heels many people lose the things they prize or love because they are continually fearing their loss they do everything possible on the external to ensure protection but back of it all is the devastating picture of fear in order to hold the things you prize and love you must know that they are divinely protected therefore nothing can harm them i give the example of a woman who is very fond of a man who was good-looking and popular with women she decided to prevent him meeting one particular woman of her acquaintance because she was sure the woman would make every effort to cut her out to use a slang expression one evening she went to the theater and there he was with a woman they had met at a card party her fears had actually attracted the situation i knew a woman who had seven children she knew they were all divinely protected and they all grew up safe and sound one day a neighbor rushed in and said you would better call your children you'd better call your children they're all climbing up and down trees they're going to kill themselves my friend replied oh they're only playing tree tag don't look at them and nothing will happen like daniel she turned her back to the situation and let god take care of it the average person is a resenter a resistor or a regretter they resent people they know and people they don't know they resist everything from daylight saving up they regret what they did or what they didn't do it is very wearing to be with these people they exhaust all their friends it is because they are not living in the wonderful now and are losing all the tricks in the game of life it is heaven to be unafraid and to live fully in the now that is to be fearless in using what we have knowing back of us is the abundance of the spears to draw upon we know that fearless faith in the spoken word release this supply the power of the word was known in egypt thousands of years ago we read in the bible behold i make all things new by our words of truth we could make new our minds bodies and affairs when all fear is obliterated we live magic lives like jehoshaphat we go forward fearlessly singing praise the lord his mercy endorth forever in our watchtower of high consciousness we stand still and see the salvation of the lord christianity is founded on faith faith gives one a sublime assurance of one's good one may be surrounded by adverse appearances but this sublime assurance impresses the subconscious mind and a way opens for the manifestation of health wealth and happiness there is an endless invisible supply for every man before we called we were answered this supplies waiting to be released by faith in the spoken word we find that jesus christ taught an exact science at the world's fair there was a panorama of new york city in the edison building at dusk when the city was being lighted up the building showed a myriad of lights the man explaining the exhibit said the city is lighted by the power of electricity at the turn of a switch the turn of a hand edison was a man who had faith in the laws of electricity he knew what could be done with it if it were harnessed and directed it seemed to have intelligence of its own he created a dynamo through which it would work after years of patience and loving absorption in his work now this power lights the world for it is harnessed and directed jesus christ taught man to harness and direct thought he knew that fear was as dangerous as uncontrolled electrical forces words and thoughts must be handled with wisdom and understanding the imagination is man's workshop and an imagination running wild and building up fear pictures is just about as safe as riding a bucking bronco you were born and brought up in an age of doubt and fear we were told that the age of miracles was over and to expect the worst an optimistic person was laughed at a bright remark was a pessimist is a person who lives with an optimist eat the speckled apples first was thought the height of wisdom they did not seem to realize that by following this advice they would never catch up with the good apples for they would be speckled too by the time they were reached what a beautiful world this would be if all anxiety and fear were blotted out these twins anxiety and worry have made men slaves and are destroyers of health wealth and happiness there is only one way of getting rid of fear and that is to transmute it into faith for fear is the opposite of faith why are ye fearful o ye of little faith these words ring down through the centuries jesus christ taught that the father within man could be absolutely trusted to guide protect and provide when man believes it possible jesus christ demonstrated this god power over and over again in order to convince his followers out of the invisible supply he brought the loaves and fishes he raised the dead and took money from the fish's mouths he told them greater things shall ye do for i am going we know he was teaching an exact science the science of mind the power of thought and the power of the word we must have faith for faith registers the idea in the subconscious mind when an idea is once registered in the subconscious it must objectify that is the reason jesus christ told people that if they believed which is having faith all things were possible how are we to get rid of this anxiety which we might call anti-faith the only way to neutralize it is to walk up to the thing you are afraid of there was a man who had lost all his money he was living in very poor quarters and all the people around him were poor and he was afraid to spend the little he had all he had was about five dollars he had tried to get work but everyone had turned him down he awoke one morning to face another day of lack and disappointment when the idea or hunch came to him to go to the horse show it took about all he had but he was fired with the idea of being with rich and successful people again he was tired of his limited surroundings he fearlessly spent the money for a ticket to the horse show there he met an old friend who said hello jim where have you been all this time before the show was over the old friend gave him a wonderful position in his firm his hunch and fearless attitude towards money had put him in a new vibration of success form the habit of making giant swings into faith you will receive marvelous returns as has already been noted we look with amazement at the people in the circus performing their remarkable feats these people have the faith that they can perform these acts and see themselves doing them you cannot accomplish anything you cannot see yourself accomplishing these difficult feats are all a matter of poise and balance your success and happiness depend upon your poise and balance trusting god is like walking a slack wire doubt and fear cause you to lose your balance and fall off into lack and limitation like the circus performer it takes practice no matter how many times you fail try it again soon you will acquire the habit of poise and balance then the world is yours you will walk joyfully into your kingdom the circus performers all seem to love their work no matter how difficult the band plays the people applaud and they smile but remember they were trained without music and applause rhythm harmony and balance are the keys to success and happiness when you are out of rhythm you are out of luck in the fourth chapter of philippians we read be careful or anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplications with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto god this is certainly a wonderful arrangement all in favor of man man free from worry and fear asks with thanksgiving and his good is given him this ends chapter eight chapter nine victory in fulfillment victory and fulfillment are two wonderful words and since we realize that words and thoughts are a form of radioactivity we carefully choose the words we wish to see crystallized life is a crossword puzzle the right word gives you the answer many people are rattling off destructive words in their conversation we hear them say i'm broke i'm sick remember by your words you are justified and by your words you are condemned you are condemned by them because they do not return void change your words and you change your world for your word is your world you choose your food and the world is now calorie conscious people no longer eat buckwheat cakes beef steak potatoes pie and three cups of coffee for breakfast to keep down the weight they eat dry toast and orange juice this is tremendous discipline but they are working for results why not try a diet of the right words for you are literally eating your words this is the value of the affirmation you are deliberately building up a constructive idea in your consciousness your consciousness may be crammed and jammed with destructive ideas but continually making a statement of truth will dissolve these negative thought forms these thought forms have been built up from your own vain imaginings perhaps as a child you were taught that life was hard happiness fleeting and that the world was cold and unfriendly these ideas were impressed upon your subconscious and you found these things just as they were predicted with a knowledge of truth all these external pictures may be changed for their only pictures which change as your subconscious beliefs change when i tell people about the power of the word and that words and thoughts are form of radioactivity and do not return void they say oh is it as easy as that many people like things difficult and hard to understand i believe that was the reason the amazingly simple teachings of jesus christ were forgotten after a few hundred years people build up creeds and ceremonies which they only half understand now in this 20th century the sacred things are being revealed and we are again having primitive christianity ask believing thou shalt receive we know that our beliefs or expectancies are impressed upon the subconscious and carried out we might say if you ask not believing you will not receive faith creates expectancy this infinite intelligence upon which man draws his supply is called by jesus christ your heavenly father the father within he described as a kind loving parent desirous of pouring all good things upon his children fear not little flock it is your father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom he taught that god's law was simply a law of love and good will love your neighbor as yourself do unto others as you would be done by any violation of the law of love causes a short circuit the way of the transgressor is hard god is immutable law i am the lord law i change not divine ideas are immutable not subject to change what wonderful words immutable not subject to change a woman came to me filled with fears and forebodings she said for years she had been pursued by the fear that even if she should receive the desire of her heart something would happen to spoil it i gave her the statement the divine plan of your life is a perfect idea in divine mind incorruptable and indestructible and cannot be spoiled in any way a great load was lifted from her consciousness for the first time in years she had a feeling of joy and freedom know the truth and the truth gives you a sense of freedom soon then comes the actual freedom on the external this supreme intelligence is what man becomes one with when he speaks the word this supreme intelligence awaits man's direction but a must-have right of way it must not be limited divine activity in your body brings health there is only one disease congestion and one cure circulation congestion and stagnation are the same thing people say they have got into a rut a new idea would take them out of a rut we must get out of the rut of negative thinking the word enthusiasm in the dictionary is defined to be inspired or possessed by a god enthusiasm is divine fire in kindle's enthusiasm in others to be a good salesman you must be enthusiastic about the articles you are selling if you are bored with your business or uninterested the fires go out and no one else will be interested a woman came to me for success in business she said i have a shop but it is usually empty i do not bother to open it until late in the day what's the use i replied there is indeed no use so long as you feel the way you do you are keeping people away become enthusiastic over what you have to sell be enthusiastic about yourself be enthusiastic about the god power within you and get up early to open your shop and be ready for the big crowd by this time she was all wound up with divine expectancy she dashed down to her shop as early as possible and people were waiting outside and poured in all day people often say to me treat my business i say no i will treat you for you are your business your quality of thought penetrates every article for cell and all the conditions connected with it jesus christ was divinely enthusiastic about the message he had to bring to the father within each man he was enthusiastic about faith he told the people that whatsoever they ask in his name would be given them it was a message of asking and receiving he told them just how to comply with spiritual law ask believing thou shalt receive when ye pray believe ye have it why are ye fearful o ye of little faith after two thousand years his divine fire is rekindled in the consciousness of all truth students we are having a christian renaissance a new birth a revival of christianity he taught a universal principle without creed or ceremony we see members of all religions denominations coming into this truth movement it does not take them away from their churches in fact many clergymen are now teaching what the metaphysicians are teaching for jesus christ is the greatest of all metaphysicians because he proved his principles and brought miracles to pass he sent forth his disciples to preach the gospel and heal the sick for about 300 years his message survived then his divine fire was lost and the words be thou healed were no longer spoken creed and ceremony took their place now we see people flocking to these truth centers to be healed blessed and prospered they have learned to pray a right and have understanding faith a woman told me of an answered prayer her son wrote her that he was going to southern california on a business trip in his car she read in the morning paper of a flood and she immediately spoke the word for divine protection she had a great feeling of security she knew he would be protected she soon heard from him saying some business had interfered with his leaving so he was detained if he had left when he was expected he would have been in the flood district we become divinely enthusiastic about our answered prayers which we call demonstrations for it means we have demonstrated the truth and have been set free from some limitation the 24th psalm is one of the most enthusiastic of the many psalms of praise and thanksgiving lift up your heads o ye gates and be ye lifted up ye everlasting doors and the king of glory shall come in who is the king of glory the lord strong and mighty the lord mighty in battle the gates and doors symbolize man's consciousness as you are lifted up in consciousness you contact the super conscious the god within and the king of glory comes in this king of glory lifts your burdens and fights your battles solves your problems the average person has a difficult time letting the king of glory come in doubt fear and apprehension keep the doors and gates locked against your good a student told me of a situation which she attracted by negative thinking she had been invited to a gathering of old and valued friends it was of the utmost importance for her to be there she was so anxious to go she said to herself repeatedly i hope nothing happens to interfere the day of the reception arrived and she awoke with a terrific headache at one time she had been subject to these headaches going to bed for several days but she had not had one for many years her doubts and fears had attracted this disappointment she called me up and said will you please speak the word that i will be well by evening to go to the reception i replied why of course nothing can interfere with god's perfect plan so i spoke the word later she told me of her miracle she said in spite of the way she felt she prepared to go she cleaned her jewelry got her dress ready to wear and attended to every detail though she felt scarcely able to move very late in the afternoon she said she had a peculiar sensation as of a fog lifting in her consciousness and she was perfectly well she went to the reception and had a wonderful time i believe that the healing might have come more quickly had she not said i want to be well by tonight we are continually limiting ourselves by our words so not until night was she perfectly well by your word you are justified and by your word you are condemned i knew a man who was the center of attraction wherever he went because he was always enthusiastic about something whether it was about shoes clothes or a haircut he enthused others into buying the same things he did not gain anything material by it he was just naturally enthusiastic someone has said if you want to be interesting to others be interested in something an interested person is an enthusiastic person we often hear people say do tell me what you're interested in many people are without vital interests and are hungry to hear what other people are doing they are usually the ones who keep the radio turned on from early morning to late at night they must be entertained every minute their own affairs do not hold enough interest a woman once said to me i love other people's affairs she lived on gossip her conversation consisted of i was told i was given to understand or i heard it is needless to say she is now paying her karmic debt a great unhappiness has overtaken her and everyone knows about her affairs it is dangerous to neglect your own affairs and to take an idle curiosity in what others are doing we should all be busy engaged in perfecting ourselves but take a kindly interest in others make the most of your disappointments by transmuting them into happy surprises transmute all failure into success transmute all unforgiveness into forgiveness all injustice into justice you will be kept busy enough perfecting your own life you won't have time to run other people's affairs jesus christ aroused the enthusiasm of the multitudes by performing miracles healing the sick and raising the dead and a great multitude followed him because they saw his sphericals which he did for them that were diseased as we read this we feel the enthusiasm of the multitudes which surrounded him with him all things were possible for he knew that he and the father were indeed one with divine enthusiasm i bless what i have and look with wonder at their increase this ends chapter eight and this also ends florence koval shins the power of the spoken word
Channel: Nevillution
Views: 865,269
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Keywords: Florence Scovel Shinn, The Power of the Spoken Word, Nevillution, Lila
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 22sec (7162 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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