Flipper Zero: WiFi Dev Board Alternatives

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welcome back to one of the darkest and most unsightly corners of YouTube it's been a minute since my last video but I'm only allowed to post a video once my facial hair has reached this length so I'll probably see you guys again in another six months anyway uh I'm whatever my name is and here's a title screen [Music] in my last video I showed you guys how to take the esp32 marauder firmware and install it on your flipper zero Wi-Fi development board that video left so many questions unanswered and so many toes unsucked and since then a lot has changed for the flipper zero and its Wi-Fi development board there's a lot to cover here but we're just gonna stick to what's changed about the marauder and how you can use it I'm sure there's a third thing but I don't plan ahead now you wait just a cotton pick a minute here because if you think I'm gonna let another minute go by before I think the beautiful people and Patron pap smear for supporting this channel you're wrong I owe it to these great people for making it so I can afford at least one extra carton of eggs every month without them I don't know where I would be but seriously all jokes aside you guys are amazing and I really can't thank you enough for the support all right well I'm gonna get to painting this drywall remember when I told you you needed a PC or a mobile phone in order to interface with the marauder firmware on your flipper zero well you it's a standalone device now thanks to this awesome flipper app developed by cocomelon you can actually install it directly to your flipper and just interface with the marauder firmware right from The Flipper let's go ahead and take a look here over to you John hi I'm John The Flipper app installation is actually very easy all you have to do is go to Coco codes GitHub repo where he actually hosts the app you download the app file and you just place it in the apps directory on the SD card that goes inside of your flipper device you just have to make sure that your flipper device is running the most up-to-date firmware once you do that you can turn on your flipper go to the applications folder it's under gpio you should see an application called Wi-Fi Marauder this application will actually allow you to do everything you'd normally be to do using the marauder CLI directly from a PC or a mobile phone the difference is you just use the four-way directional pad and the center button and the back button if you have any other questions about this process and how it works you can kind of just make the internet your and have it info dump all over your chest stomach and lower abdomen area and kind of figure things out as you go along I can't speak to all flipper firmwares but this process should be consistent between the official firmware Unleashed Rogue master and anything else that uses a fap file hopefully but let's go ahead and talk about the next update to The Flipper Hardware that the marauder uses and that is the use of an external SD module now this information isn't necessarily new in fact there are a lot of folks who have already installed this modification and I even sell enclosures that can accommodate the SD card for the Wi-Fi development board if you choose to install this modification but the bottom line is you would either use an SD breakout module like this from SparkFun or the one you see me fiddling around with here the goal with this modification is to actually allow the marauder firmware to take Wi-Fi traffic gets sniffed and actually save it to the SD card in a pcap file just like how the official Marauder works that way you can take the SD card put it into a laptop Raspberry Pi or a desktop computer for analysis later if you want to open it up in Wireshark Reverb or anything else the process for this is actually pretty simple I have the connection listing here on GitHub so you can follow along here if you want to install it yourself but the idea is that you would just connect the breakout module directly to the Wi-Fi development board by soldering some wires you just connect the SD to the SPI bus on the esp32 and connect some voltage and ground and you're good once you do that you just have to find a 32 gigabyte Max SD card of a lower spec typically older SD cards work and you format that with FAT32 once you have this connected however you want to make sure that you go into the settings of the marauder firmware and make sure save pcap is enabled real quick if you've made it this far in the video and you're enjoying the content definitely consider subscribing and maybe dropping a like it helps me out it's free but God help you if you decide to change your mind now while you weren't looking I went ahead and added some more creatine I also connected the ipex connector to the esp32 Rover module that is on the Wi-Fi development board but I'm actually a big fan of this enclosure design the enclosure is pretty robust compared to the previous iterations and I'm also a big fan of how the antenna is mounted to it it's a simple SMA connector to a pigtail to ipex in which case you can just add any 2.4 gigahertz capable antenna it also accommodates an SD card on the side here and if your printer is capable you can get some pretty cool graphics on the back we don't we don't believe in b-rolls here now if you have the testicular or ovarian fortitude to tackle a project like attaching an ipex connector to the ESP Rover module I absolutely encourage it I don't know if words can accurately describe just how effective adding a better antenna to the esp32 is other than it works just to give you an idea I ran the same exact scan with an antenna in the same exact spot I did a previous scan without an antenna and not only did the number of networks and devices capture doubled but the signal strength doubled meaning the the RSSI number got lower or less negative oh God it's Middle School all over again now I just want to take a minute to remind you guys who are watching all of this information is included on my GitHub there are plenty of resources available online including our Discord server if you have any questions about how to do any of this stuff or you want to share your project or see other people's projects where they've followed along please feel free to follow the invite link down below we'd be happy to have you now back to our regularly regular regular now the last thing I want to talk to you about before I bid you farewell and pick the long sleep is my only fans but that'll have to wait until after I tell you about these Wi-Fi development board Alternatives I've been working on I know Wi-Fi development board is kind of a buzzword so from now on we're just going to call it a esp32 development board anyway the official Wi-Fi development board made by the same folks who make the flipper zero serves a good purpose you can run router on it you can use it as a debugging interface over Wi-Fi and it's okay sure the form factor leaves a little bit to be desired and it's somewhat fragile and it doesn't lend itself to being very pocketable the other issue is that it's not often in stock that can be for one reason or another so I've been trying to find ways to remedy those issues if you've been keeping up with me on Twitch or watching any of my shorts you've probably seen the development board that trispear and I have been working on it's called the Wi-Fi Dev board Pro the form factor compared to the official Dev board is much smaller it mounts to The Flipper differently it still uses a header pin however the pins are attached in such a way that allow the board to sit flat against the body of The Flipper whether you have the silicone case or not the whole thing can be mounted in or 3D printed enclosure and there's even a light pipe that will diffuse the light for the status led the board comes pre-installed with a Micro SD card slot it still has a JTAG interface and the gpio for the esp32 is broken out so you can continue to mod it if you want I do plan to sell these on Tindy and when I do they'll come ready out of the box with the marauder firmware pre-installing this version you see here uses the esp32 that just has the internal PCB antenna however I do plan on offering an option that will utilize an external antenna like an SMA connector or maybe a pigtail a couple more designs I've thrown around is this one you see here this adapter board here actually allows an esp32 wemos D1 mini to mount to it so that way you can install the marauder firmware on the D1 mini mounted to this adapter board and then Mount the adapter board to your flipper zero this adapter board adds some uart activity LEDs and RGB LED and a Micro SD slot this configuration allows you to use the marauder firmware the same way you would expect to If This Were an official development board now if you currently have an official development board and you want to install the SD card mod on it but you don't really like the look of all the wires everywhere you don't like the bulk of the SD adapters that I showed previously I do have a solution for folks like you there's this small PCB that I've been working on here that solders directly to the gpio breakout of the Wi-Fi development board there's no wires involved you don't have to try to Route anything you don't have to try to figure out which wire goes where you just place this PCB against the back of the development board and you solder each point this modification simply adds the SD card and you'll notice here that there are a couple uart activity LEDs just because I like Blinky depending on how many folks are interested in this idea I might sell this one as well on attendee but we'll see I think the mod is an effective way to add the SD capability to The Flipper zero and I think the installation is certainly easier than using one of the SD breakout boards and some wires I also designed this SD mod to be compatible with the current enclosures I've been selling on Tindy so that way if you already have an enclosure that has the SD cut out for one reason or another you won't have to change the enclosure however I have designed an enclosure that accommodates this SD card mod where there's just a tiny little cutout for the SD to slide in and out of the slot well that's going to wrap it up for this video I hope you guys found some of the information I presented to you useful in some way and I really hope you guys uh go ahead and try some of these projects even though I sell some of this stuff on Tindy if you have the ability or the experience necessary to actually do this stuff yourself I encourage that more than I would giving me money for stuff I find all this fun and interesting and so it always makes me happy to see other people do the same thing I will see you guys next time and uh if this video gets 10 000 likes I will jump into a pool of lava bye [Music]
Channel: Just Call Me Koko
Views: 63,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FRsxwONw9mE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 25 2023
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