Flipper Zero Car Key Signal - Unlock Car Key FOB Hack

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I bet you want to open your car like this...  BOOM it's unlocked with the Flipper Zero!   This key fob belongs to that Dacia, it  has two buttons unlock and lock and it   operates on 433.92 MHz as you can see  everything works I can lock and unlock the car  . But I want to do the same with Flipper Zero, so let me show you how... First go outside of the key fob range, so signal will not reach the  car. Let's pull out the frequency analyzer... go SUBGHz and second last is frequency  analyzer, push key fob buttons and as   you see it shows 433.9 something now go back  read raw make sure you are on 433.92 MHz  and let's capture key fobs unlocking signal  here we go nice Spike now stop and save it I   will capture locking signal as well just because  I can and also I want to show you what can be done. Let's see... key fob we don't need this for now Let's pre-play captured signal go SUBGHz-saved and I saved it as "unlock car".   Send it.... voila - the car is open using Flipper  Zero ! now because cars are using rolling codes   it will work only once as you see but  we have a saved signal to lock the car so let's do it car is locked and that's it rolling code feature  won't allow us to use same code more than once   On some cars you can desync your key fob and it  will require special procedure to fix it however   I did this trick on few cars and never had any  issues check my other Flipper zero videos with   the new Peugeot and old VW and stay tuned for  more ! Thanks for watching and see you next time
Views: 13,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flipper hacking tool, flipper zero tesla charge port, flipper zero unleashed firmware, flipper zero hacking, rolling code flipper zero, flipper zero car unlock, flipper zero car key, flipper zero car key FOB, Flipper zero car, flipper zero car key theft, flipper zero car theft, Flipper Zero car kye FOB, flipper zero vehicle key, flipper zero unlock car, flipper zero 433mhz, flipper zero 315mhz, Flipper Zero Car Key Signal - Unlock Car Key FOB Hack
Id: QoCRkDYHi7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 10sec (190 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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