Flight Series: Kelowna to Vancouver Intl!

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except our our set a nonstick p1 most free pop zero leads on thank you for setting all four three three four nine seven of our church itself not every five cookies if anyone's there about 3 three 4 9 back to reset your good morning identified just remain on the fiddle have a train here for in the moment hey like this I'll go 3 3 4 9 client level 2 zero zero zero zero three three for the arno Zulu is throw eight left to make uber it's 12 - 125th of dance 119 but our first course is zero eight three pick me crossing will be 1400 down to LP minima 2008 for 2d Pitt Meadows be or hundred I'll save talked about it already there is subtle taste immersed with zero eight right it'll be been low back to ten and then M camp T tat pick me down to the runway 4:08 left we can expect Mike 3 4 3 3 4 9 is 15 6 to 7 for 10,000 fun the era of zarela oh my 54 Nemec Rob with this x-ray current fun here never approach for 3 months with x-ray Roger I'll go to three threes one encore three three four nine dollars for me to gonna eat now send 8,000 no restrictions on core 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 9 with us 61 encore 3 3 2 4 9 arrival defend unrestricted - 3000 runway stairway left under strict treat the jury left check Street does also under strict it here we go I'll close three three four nine turn left heading 1 1 0 put the iron up approach and raise their whale up heading 1 1 0 clear 2500 jury left encore three [Music] for three three for today with some sex you play it like Julia folks really Mike Julia totally shortly about 43 chef girl good morning it's on four three three four and nine Julia - chekura - Julia - Hotel Golf on four three three four nine thank you so so much for watching you guys make sure to subscribe to my channel so you guys see some more goodies let me know what you guys think in the comments below and make sure to give this video a nice thumbs up
Channel: Pilot Emilie
Views: 2,698,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flight, aviation, flying, pilots, aircraft
Id: 2OoUNd7Kz40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 12 2019
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