Thunderbird F-16 Fighter Pilot SHOCKED by First Virtual Reality Dogfight | DCS

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oh my God what what is happening right now this is insane wow this oh my gosh this is this is bringing back some good memories right now all right focus focus R we're going into going into a merge turn this volume down wow what you've got to be kidding me me adjust this volume here no way okay I actually got to focus now because all this brings back some good memories you got to be kidding me what oh my God I feel like a little kid right now as if little kids should be dog fighting I mean I encourage that if it's in a Sim and then you know just do it in real life later okay he's at my six o'clock getting out of plane boom I'm GNA rotate back try to reverse on him dang I was like too distracted by how epic this is wow okay this a MiG 29 flare flare flare flare flare oh we're accelerating at 9.4 G's and graying out which makes sense actually that's actually really realistic right there you can accelerate at like 450 9g is accelerating I mean it's just insane all right this guy behind me though is super tuned in oh I'm just lucky okay reversal cues all right let's go back on him there he is spit out front now at least got him in his scissors okay I'm going to reverse back on him 9,000 feet plenty okay easing off okay got good at least some sort of winning cues not going to try to shoot him yet I'm just going to try to get some air speed check the speed Brakes in there he goes and then here we go little mini lead turn watching the water yep thank you lws 350 ease off a little bit wow this is this VR is incredible oh my gosh I just want to like sit here and talk about how cool this jet is like digital combat simulator DCS nice work all this replication wow you guys nailed it that's so cool and then you know Mark Zuckerberg you know you made this headset that whatever I mean it's probably made in China right we got some Chinese Tech but no seriously Facebook meta whatever you want to call them these days good job all right we're getting down to the water D that looks so realistic guys I'm telling you this looks pretty much it's a little tiny bit choppy but this is like I just I want a g strain so bad right we're going to pop it up hopefully he stays kind of of like a pig in space down there and he he's got a great thrust to8 ratio though look at his speed he's got wispy coming off his wings that means he's got some actual energy might not be good for me it's all right though sorry dude I just amazed the virtual reality that's why I lost son the sun was in my eye okay CHF flare he might okay reversal [Music] cues let's see can I to pop out front turn the gun on at least I mean that's probably not going to be fun for him to see bullets like that geez make 29 man now we're kind of like in an offset turn Circle fight okay I don't want to pull too much I'm going to stop pulling right at 300 just because that's when I'm not really making any bacon anymore okay here we go 400 bills see what we can do water's coming up quick I like how I can just actually get a feel for the water as opposed to the 2D screen actually can get a feel for the water with the headset where you at where you at no he's not back there see that that can actually happen too you look you're looking behind yourself too much and you pull too much I'm just flaring a ton right now yeah he's he's offensive behind me this isn't going to go well for us guys this AI might get the better of us oh there he is 12 o'clock it might be his buddy okay I'm gonna try to go to vert scan mode okay guns he's pulling out front it's a Bor sight that should grab him okay that one smacked the deck all right interesting he's probably looking at his VR headset too he's like wow this thing's awesome Wham come on AI come on how supposed be better than that all right let's run it back again oo oh this is gorgeous wow there's even like real like the the seat the sheep skin seat actually looks real this is amazing I don't have any legs though I wish I had legs but you know what we're going to dog fight anyways here we go hopefully you guys can hear this all right at 500 we're a little fast good luck lead turn all right use it off cuz I'm graying out that feels so realistic that's so cool my brain's like oh I remember this I remember doing this it's like thank you our addiction is back literally I've had withdrawals from the adrenaline that you get from flying um I found myself like working out at like 3:00 a.m. when I couldn't fly anymore just to get rid of those withdrawals it's crazy oh okay EAS it off I think I G out come on baby come back baby come back you can blame it all on me okay cool I was wrong and I just can't fly without you oh man that's not good though when you black out like that and oh by the way getting the gym dude talking to myself I know where is he oh this is this is a lot more defensive bfm than I was hoping for all right let's try to separate get a little bit of air speed maybe pop into this Cloud for a second and where's our Spike coming from six o'clock yeah should have known that okay hoping you guys can hear this coming from the headset oh he's shooting us yep I know let's get that all right I'm gonna reverse on him yeah he's pretty solidly offensive back there but at least I got eyes on him okay good shot idle boards all right there he is okay see if I can get him to overshoot oh now I'm a little bit too slow turn the gun on Boom oh oh was it in guns ah dang it okay but I'm going to dig to the inside now I got 7,000 feet see if I can get a fox two shot off on him checking the speed Brak in I'm a little slow a little slower than I'd like to be he's diving for the deck oh this VR so distracting in a good way it's like it's so good it's distracting all right looking outside now picking up the ocean there's a little bit of feedback coming through in my headset so it's hard to see the blend right now probably just you know just because I'll Max performing The Jet again it's it's really hard just being perfect everybody watching just rolled their eyes oh we're way too fast okay okay G strain would be coming on right now I'd be trying to get back down to cornering velocity like 540 or sorry 440 okay then I'd put the G back on all right cool good mer now let's continue this [Music] around don't hit the deck uh it's just a little choppy need to go into guns though little belly check make sure he's not over there yep okay basically bming the last known position yeah it's just getting a little choppy come on Zuck come on Zuck oh we got a good luck just throwing something off the rails cuz this dude's freaking Wy boom all right so make 29 damaged just damaged he takes a fox two to the face is just damaged I mean I know the MC 29's like a pickup truck but bro okay looks like he might be going down I can't tell yep sh Shack okay he's down let's go two forward I'm going to go back into guns mode there are Sue 27s and Sue 30s in this simulation yeah so let's see what happens see how it goes but this is so awesome like the replication just of all like the buttons and everything okay we got a good lock let's get a merge with this dude let's try to get to not as fast this time I'm try to pop up to his altitude so I'm going into max he's about five miles away yep chaff Flair chaff flare okay good merge okay looks like a s 27 rough guess could be a 230 could be really anything CU it looks very similar that's a cop out okay dang it I keep getting way too fast okay basically you know what looks to be like a two Circle easing off again dang I'm getting so fast without the feel of the Jet and everything looking so real I'm just like okay faster faster faster it's like I keep want to go keep wanting to go faster because everything looks really good okay got a good lock on this dude okay let's try to get a gun's shot at least pre merge whoa that was a healthy merge okay I love this VR wow I don't know if I could ever go back unless it was a real real jet I could go back to that yep good luck okay basically easing see if he'll kind of fly into my funnel here it's like the little bleeding shots but they're not bad okay bro this is your first mistake never should have dated my brother slow speed fight yes oh that feels so good woo yeah baby that Jet's still flying there he goes he gets a front row seat riding that uh silk into the ocean good luck bro and then this yeah it's still flying a little bit but he knew he knew if he stayed in there he was just going to be a fireball all right so we're going to go two forward break that lock it's still locked I'm trying to flush okay we got looks I got a spiked 29 at my six o'clock again getting so fast but I have to G strain to do this yep low fuel what are we at no only got 4,300 lb that must be cha Flair low okay got guns got the spikes on my 12 o'clock now tally one hi okay dang I to get the air speed back like I said just it looks so good oh my gosh there's like little details on the bolts on my left side that is so cool cannot get over that wow totally fangirling at this F-16 right now but you know who doesn't who wouldn't all right chaff Flair chaff Flair yep see if we can get a pre-shot gunshot pre-merge gunshot that's hard to get but I will take those if I can get them all right one Circle you're lucky dude this looks like a s30 it's got that big wanker in the back okay we can basically do another lead turn now oh yeah oh yeah come to Papa that's what I want right there yeah it's a 233 okay digging to the inside oh I don't know how that didn't hit him checking the boards in accelerating dang that was such a good opportunity all right let's see what he does he's kind of staying high oh man he's got some good thrusty yep p this thing around let's see what we can make happen here okay break turn checking Max back in ah to little too slow nice merge though come on viper get fast baby okay I don't even I don't want to point too much I'll go into lag a little bit yeah okay now a little break turn and you do have to G strain on those little ones too especially when you're tired you've been dog fighting for a while been flying the SIM for a while you know and you're a little tired 230 is night that's a nice jet though okay gas check showing 4,000 gosh the gauges look so good in here Focus all right little mini break turn he's off little mini break turn he's like I can go up I'm gonna go up I get it I would too if I was him okay we got a lot of energy so we're going to cash this in now okay now I got to ease oh I don't know how that didn't get him but we all right baby come on cl to the funnel okay now we don't want to get too fast but we'll go up with him he's flying a good jet we're pretty much flying the same Jet right now as far as energy use looks like I tagged him a little bit it's going to happen 100 knots overtake there he goes he's out see you there goes his canopy there goes his jet okay let's see it smack the ground see you this is so rad this is so much fun well thanks everybody out there encouraging me to do VR uh so I'm going to do uh few more of these uh if you'd like comment below if you want more what matchups you want to see I mean wow this was so much fun wow ridiculous this takes me back takes me back to a lot of good memories and a lot of good people like the Airmen that it takes to keep this thing flying you know the sailors that are keeping f18s flying wow like just takes me back I definitely feel a lot of sentimental value like sitting in here um checking out this amazing machine that's been kept flying for decades by so many awesome Americans and partner Nations around the whole world so hats off to everybody keeping these things flying hats off to everybody who's flown them and who's going to fly them uh what an iconic jet wow all right no more no more poems all right I just dropped the gear and let's just say I a flame out let's see if I can make it back to that Airfield all right I'm at 200 bills it's kind of right behind me we got 7,000 feet C Level okay I'm going to keep pulling to maintain about 225 might have dropped the gear a little soon but that's all right all right I'm in idle I'm going to try not to touch anything 240 I think I mean it's a little fast right here but I probably want to be more like 200 but let's give it a shot the gear down gear are down right double check that yeah okay boards are coming out try to slow this thing down maybe catch a Cable cable might be my best friend right now he actually in an airport recently and I met a guy who maintained the back 12 so hats off to you my friend awesome stuff all right boards are still out flying this little little Johnny all right let's see if the rudder yep the ruds are working but the brakes all right let's say we catch the cable Cable cable Cable cable boom there we go uh we'll see you on the next video maybe uh check out Max after if you'd like you can join the channel memberships if you want to support the channel just helps me make more of these videos but probably the biggest thing is just click another video that'll pop up over here thanks for watching guys see you on the next video
Channel: Max Afterburner
Views: 100,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: r89ws1TjmFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 47sec (1307 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2024
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