Flea market! Jewelry, jewelry & more jewelry! Lots of sterling!

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well just pulled into lamberville this is our setup today we'll go on to this side it's actually a nice day so hopefully we do uh some business definitely have a lot of a lot of fun things actually going to give this to brian they always fight over these little screwdrivers i'm surprised this didn't go what did they offer on it could always sell it for 20. brought the blue masks no it's real pitted i'm surprised the pirate's still here that's the one i had picked for being one of the first things to sell i would think like 40 bucks or so put that with the mason jars let me actually go around to the corner i brought this from uh columbus i think it will sell actually i'm gonna stick that on the table this guy is surprised that he's still here too all right shopping real fast robert are these yours got a nice nice collection of keys robert are the keys yours are the keys yours yeah what are you getting on the box and what do you get on these uh the pools uh you see what they are too right yeah they they have the little thing on i think there was um i think i told them uh for you 20 for all of them yeah what do you want on the keys well let's tell them about a piece what's your thing you know okay what do you get a piece i got three pins and pair cufflinks they're silver no they're a mexican silver would be nice there jensen see if we get lucky with anything else you're right oh my god what's that i was like those little books good morning hi how are you today not bad it's getting sunny yes always except for when we're sitting out here cooking it's almost see if we find anything else i don't know which combination of letters are worth money see how it says vt xu ht i'm not sure what those two letters were for right next to the one t-y [Music] well they still have to kind of take the eye out of the topic still but when i was a kid and i had it done like my whole face was black for like a month it's kind of a nice enamel he told me the doc he went to sleep and the doctor did a miracle and when he wake up he had knew he had new eyes and he must have been like a little don't feel sorry for themselves no he must have been like a little stoned because he looked down and he kept saying look my shirt turned into a rainbow and he's like what do you get on uh these two little ones the barber can see what you got sorry uh i'll do five dollars on the two thank you i'm gonna put it in my pocket okay it's five dollars looks like a gi joe gun what do you get on five dollars any new safari today or no no no no no what do you get on that guy that's ten dollars sterling yep i'll take that for 10. nice carved little jadeite maybe on the scotty all right owe you 10. what do you get on the flower 10 and the turtle by the way all right i have to get those two how much when you're 55 out it's gonna go this way real fast a little corrosive trench you know the guys who are rebuilding america all right i do like that cuff it's pretty cool it's a good nouveau pin i think i have to get the snakes all right so i'm pretty sure the snakes are definitely uh we have to go get them checked out anytime they do a old repair um it might be a winner so we'll go stop over it brian and see what he says hey brian hey hey dude you're pretty good i brought you a present you could always use those right okay a little bit yeah that's all right um i just bought this it feels like it was gold figured you could test it let me know it's two snakes tied together sometimes you can try to sell it as like oh no it's definitely better i just wanted to know if it was gold could you hit this to see if it's test right for sterling yes so it's staying low so it could be like eight you know an eight carat or nine eight nine 10. but sometimes it's pinch back so you find a collector then this is no i know that's a little reinforcement right now i saw that broke off now this one we put on see if it turns it bluish but it didn't foam green or anything so that's right it's still still there and here we go green sizzle so this is not that's not silver all right so yeah well and how much would that be in scrap of the snake [Music] you know if you find a collector maybe a hundred dollars all right but you would yeah you would say it's definitely 10 karat yeah i think it's like eight to ten characters all right that's usually the pinchback is it doesn't seem filled so that's good because it only weighs three pennyweights now with the detail on the face it didn't look like it yeah and you can convert it to a little you know ring a brooch put it on a bracelet velvet bracelet well thank you okay brian pulled out a bunch of [Music] jewelry [Applause] look that good pretty good the lilies this will give us a preliminary that's corrode it's not sterling though that's kind of fun with the little pearls little cross pin [Applause] what's nice is as uh silver goes up we should be getting more uh more people are going to start scrapping a bunch of silver jewelry this deco we drop is kind of fun so is that cross that might be my favorite of the day it's like a hand hammered spanish cross there's a lot of silver in here not missing any stones it's actually norway silver but 6 busted i'm missing a couple eyes the turquoise so kind of like the elephant [Music] that's so fun you have a nice pile all right let's see what he charges me on that well that was all the stuff i picked all right so let me see what we got has more of this been coming in comes it goes pretty sure it's silver 3.2 troy ounce that's not bad well i picked up a lot of silver [Applause] the uh good morning be interesting what else we end up with well that's how life's supposed to go what do you get on the cat oh that's five i think we'll have to get that okay i'm sorry dear i'm out of bags oh boy all right i owe you five i kind of like the hummingbird bunch of cufflinks night to columbus uh all the lights um the hose reel and that for 100 bucks definitely uh definitely seems to be going good piece of samsonite i want 30 for it i haven't had the flower one and it has the little clutch inside oh no i think that comes out yeah it's unsnapped you see thank you i'll make you a deal gene how about uh how many pieces yeah i got two pieces there you want them both for you i got to give you a deal 30 bucks for two pieces yeah i'm going to keep it right now thank you though yeah everything's good we got the cool carolina pot surprised that's still here number four well i ended up packing up i had a lot of uh what was the one we pulled out of the trash on the bulk pickup day i'm surprised we still have it but definitely uh definitely found some things i'm surprised we still have the tub i guess it means we have to get some goats no [Laughter] they'd eat everything in the garden pulled these out of the trash the other day did anybody ask about the fire irons and irons yeah few people they said they're really really nice all right put the rest away and we'll go see if we can find one more pile of jewelry he's right here yeah all different prices the bees what do you get on them i haven't shown none of them yet so um there's no money huh what do you want on all of them seahorse is kind of fun you can have a piece of gold what's in there is this your back yeah that's my bag all right i'll give you 20 on these four if you want all right thanks yeah i don't need this one all right thank you you guys been good today all right what is this it is i forget what it said it's like a little card or invitation of merit yeah yeah it's just not signed or maybe it is yeah not by the teacher though is what it is okay i think it would have been for like uh like like a class or something what do you want on the pegasus pegasus all right i got a bunch of other cool stuff i like that one that's sterling too at columbus today i got a good uh shell collection i know you said shelf but but but i bought a shell collection yeah it had all the longitude and latitudes of where they found the shells and the depth of water because they were no jesus on this one but it's all good funny enamel pin big fish man it is smoking out in the sun i think you guys might be my last booth oh yeah it's actually mark sterling he's got a little piece of jadeite you take an offer on all this how about can you do 50 45 really i'm just kidding no um no shorty whatever thank you well i ended up with a lot of jewelry today um from the two rosaries and the crystal necklace this way is the costume jewelry um i mean the i'm probably gonna keep the snakes but the gold-filled turtle but got joan rivers bees a bunch of i like the carved shell uh i guess it's a little house i thought it was a covered bridge at first the snake is pretty interesting nice pewter uh hummingbird the jj cat i did get a lot of pins um but i found from here over all in sterling 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 i'm pretty sure uh i missed the rank 27 so definitely a lot of silver at the market today um i forgot about the cool uh i'm pretty sure that these like victorian drawer pools or you could put the label in on the top so definitely was a a good day we ended up getting rid of a a bunch of stuff at the end when we were set up and it's always good that we've always good to find a bunch of stuff to list on online i'm going to try to get all this up tonight so that's my plan um trying to think what else i could show you i think we'll go look at i figure we'll go look at uh what me and the kids had for lunch this afternoon actually worked out pretty well we made uh with these we planted a couple extra um just to see how they would do the edamame uh little soybean plants um i guess they're a different variety than the ones they make the oil from but they seem to be growing pretty well we already pulled probably a hundred beans off i got one two three this would be the fourth one definitely uh definitely was a good treat and everything seems to be growing pretty good see i have the the orange mexican sunflower they fell over a little bit in the rain but i believe on this side over here that was pretty are the red ones so oh man look at that the praying mantis caught my butterflies i actually got two of them here's the second wing so he's been hanging out here all day nice red alright i guess that's it i handed out a bunch of tomatoes at the market but i guess there's still more i have that orange these are all the yellows all right if you guys haven't yet please give somebody a call please be safe out there and we'll see everybody uh at the next next market peace
Channel: Blue Bus Dave
Views: 29,416
Rating: 4.9128633 out of 5
Keywords: Blue Bus Dave, Flea Market, Flea Market Finds, Jewelry, Costume Jewelry
Id: JywvVt8uekE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 19sec (1639 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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