Flat-Earthers DEFENSIVE Over the Curve of the Earth! (and Debunked Again.)

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yeah my hair short again cuz I had another botched haircut since last video anyhow my last video was about the Flat Earth or actually this image from soundly that shows that the earth is actually curved now that video has a lot of attention which makes sense it was a bit of a bold video and within a matter of hours there were flat earthers on the internet responding to it so of course I have to jump up and defend myself show how my point still stands and the earth is still curved now I don't know how many responses all have by the time this is posted but right now I'm focusing on two videos one from Jaime and one from Nick I believe his name is who I responded to in my last video now it seems like for the most part they're saying the same things so I'm going to focus on Nick's video who believes that I am part of a globe cults religion that's fun Jaime is a bit more respectable he expresses that he wants you know a genuine dialogue which you know I respect because that's what I want too but Nick's more fun so let's start off with him okay it's really seems insane to have to point this out but anyone who really believes that this is some kind of proof of curvature must believe that the globe earth is about the size of France I mean that's just so extreme it's ridiculous no actually it's not extreme or ridiculous now maybe I should have mentioned this or maybe you should have watched Sam Lee's video but this image is zoomed in we can see for a start here that the horizon the water is flat okay it's horizontal as it always is weren't you just complaining about the ridiculous scale of the earth here's the thing the earth is so big that the horizon pretty much looks flat whenever you're close to the surface especially when you zoom in in order to visibly see the curve you at least have to be in an airplane flight and even then it's really slight and one thing to point out here is that we have a very low camera angle we'll come to that later on no no it's not this was taken on a causeway I mean this guy's from Thailand so you know he probably hasn't been to Lake Pontchartrain but even with his remarkable ability to use common sense you should know that cosway's are raised up above the surface of the water enough to account for tides and flooding and stuff like that so soundly pictures and videos of which there are several are raised up from the surface of the water a decent bit but just to jump on this as some kind of proof of curvature is ridiculous it's it's just you know there are so many other elements going on here that make this curve happen and it's so extreme that it's just ridiculous to assume that it's anything to do with curvature on the surface which we can see just isn't there this is something going on above the surface it's an optical phenomenon like I said this is not extreme this is just more visible the more you zoom in but do tell me about the optical phenomena that could cause this because I don't know of any okay so of course yes show me the curve is one of those things often set and hence anti-fat earthers globe defenders jumping on this as some kind of proof I've course a sphere is supposed to curve in all directions not only in front of you and this is why we understand that perspective is the imaginary curve because this is the only way we can see curvature or what is perceived as curvature no this is not the only way that we can see the curvature of the earth but any footage or pictures taken from high enough up to show a curved horizon which is more or less what you're asking here is readily rejected by all flat earthers as part of a grand conspiracy so this is one of the few ways that we have left to show you the curve as many flat earthers ask and if the earth was a globe then it would curve away from us in any direction that we look so this is still proof ok one thing he's done here is cut out what I continue to say after pointing out that this is a flat smooth surface taken indoors and of course the table is an artificial surface and when we try and make these observations outdoors across rugged surfaces such as water which is obviously moving and has troughs and waves and things like that or even a road that is also rugged they are never completely smooth yeah I did cut out quite a bit of what he said in his video I didn't mean to be dishonest I just had to make the clip shorter for the sake of time and I thought that these were minor points that he was bringing up but I guess not but if you think waves account for what we see in these images well you're wrong lake pontchartrain tends to be really calm no harsh waves or anything and that makes it pretty flat much flatter than land tends to be not only that but like I said before this is taking a good height above the surface of the water so that would counteract any waves that may be there because we would be above it also the top of the pylons still curved over the Hawaii so you still have that to explain but let's go back to that original video and see just what I cut out or at least the parts that I think flat earthers are mad at me for cutting out yeah and if the row the table was Infinite and a row of bottles would infinite was infinite you know that we would just eventually get this this blur and distortion and we wouldn't see the end of it yeah and of course if we are outdoors we've got weather we've got clouds we've got distortion from temperature differences coming off the surface we've got haze dust what have you there is a limit to how far we can see physically okay we see that they're all the same height yeah on this flat smooth surface a man-made surface which you will not find in nature of course roads and lakes and sea is rugged in its nature and it's affected by temperature differences etc so no we are not going to see the bottoms of these bottles disappear over this short distance on a very smooth surface indoors okay there are many other factors involved in these observations but what we're looking at here is perspective and how we should be making scientific observations if we want to prove curvature yeah okay so you heard him say that this wasn't the point of the video which is partly why I cut it out but at any rate let's go through the things that he listed nothing in nature is perfectly flat ant Lakes are rugged well I mean kinda I guess if there you know are waves and ripples but even flat earthers themselves will say that water is the flattest thing that we can find that stretches out long enough to make such observations because it always finds its level and to some degree I agree with them and in sound these videos and pictures like Pontchartrain was pretty calm as it usually is affected by temperature differences I take it you're talking about refraction because refraction is caused by temperature differences and well refraction cannot cause what we see in sound images apart from mirages which this image obviously is not refraction can indeed cause looming and sinking which allows you to see farther and less far than you normally would respectively except it wouldn't work that way if the earth actually was flat here's what I mean here we have the pylons as they would appear on a flat and a globe earth zoomed in of course so here's what would happen if we change the temperature gradients and refraction since they go hand-in-hand notice how it only affects what you can see beyond the horizon if there actually is a genuine horizon on the Flat Earth it would only move the image up or down because there's nothing in the way of distant things even if the light is bending not only that but there's not a huge difference in temperature around Lake Pontchartrain anyway it's typically only a matter of a couple degrees between the water of the lake and the air above it and that is not nearly enough to cause such a drastic distortion haze dust and what-have-you yeah sure haze dust and what-have-you could obscure things that are very far away but it wouldn't cause anything to warp and you can see that there isn't much haze or dust or what-have-you in these images so try again everything else that he says is just very vague and unspecified it's like he's trying to make a a catch-all statement by pretty much just saying there's no way that we could see very far because there's just so many things but no given good conditions we can see pretty well and pretty far and and sound these images and videos you don't see anything in the way you don't see any mirages you don't see anything that could warp the image and you've stated nothing that could warp the image so drastically and in such a way now there is a little bit of Mirage and a lot of sound Lee's images but it's really only around here right above the horizon so if we just covered that little bit up because that's all it is then you still have a lot to explain this is something I pointed out in this video here a while ago seeing imaginary curvature on flat earth we can see right here that these straight railings when viewed from this low level across a flat surface appear to curve down okay giving us exactly the same optical effect that we see with those pylons taken with a low perspective across the surface if sound Lee had raised up the camera half a meter or a meter he would have seen just as we see in this video that the the pylons become straight again and it okay we get this higher perspective we can see that these railings are in fact straight okay and obeying the laws of perspective but when we are looking at it like this from a very low level we are getting a lot of distortions this and apparent curvature exactly as we saw with the low perspective view of the pylons across Lake Pontchartrain again Nick this was not taken close to the surface it was taken way more than a meter up it was on a causeway so I mean according to you this wouldn't apply but here's what's going on here in what you're showing you've taken a video of some really really hot Road and showing a large amount of obvious mirages that are common on hot roads the massive amount of heat being released from the road to the much cooler air is what's causing all of this distortion and mirroring but like Pontchartrain doesn't have that big of a temperature difference it's usually only a couple degrees the mirages that you saw in Nick's video simply aren't present in sound Lee's images except in relatively small parts close to the horizon not nearly enough to distort the image this much again if you cover this part up you still have a lot of explaining to do perspective is the imaginary curve and that when we have this side on view we do not see the curvature that we see when we have a forward-looking view of whatever we imagine to be curvature not if we're anywhere close to the surface you know why because the earth is so big but we could easily take footage of the curvature of the earth from a side view on say weather balloons rockets satellites but if we do it's all completely rejected by flat earthers with senseless conspiracy theories and we don't really have very many other ways to show you but if you were to say show me the curve we can show you this but that's not good enough because it needs to be that and this in order for you to accept sound these observations that's why I said it's moving the goal posts okay it's not a trick it's an observation of our reality that if you are going to claim there is curvature in front of you then you also have to be able to see that curvature in all directions from the side as well this is just logical if you're going to claim that we are on a sphere with a surface that curves away from us in all directions yeah if the curve was strong enough but the earth is so big and the curves so gradual that you can't really see it until you get into an airplane flight or something higher than that which again you'll just deny the issue is really just trying to please you guys which is kind of how it is when dealing with conspiracy theorists okay so we have this we thing okay demonstrating that you are part of a group of people a cult or a culture I meant we as in anti flat earthers or to some degree skeptical youtubers maybe it was an odd choice of words but to jump to the conclusion that I'm gonna cults because of it that's a bit of a stretch and just take a look at the books that this guy always displays behind him of course we've got these pictures of space cetera we've got The God Delusion and basically things that are atheist publications what's the God Delusion is the only atheistic book that you can see these two our Bibles here I don't think I've ever showed to you guys the books that I have on the Shelf here here they are this one here is just a notebook these are jayna such as really old Jain texts this is doctrine what Christians should believe it's a Christian book that I've had for a while this is the case for Christ the righteous mind why good people are divided by politics and religion by Jonathan hate I don't know if you can see that it's not from the perspective of any particular religion as far as I can tell so not an atheistic book there this is touching the unseen world which is like it's a weird Christian book that's it's interesting I don't know I haven't read it then we have the God Delusion then right next to it we have the complete Jewish Bible it tends to be more faithful to the original Hebrew and other you know original sources and the New Testament from there we have an NIV Bible this one is the bhagavad-gita as it is which is a Hindu text if you didn't know then we have a religious coloring book I just thought this was funny we have a pamphlet that came with this Book of Mormon of course that's Mormon this is the book of Dianetics which was like the precursor to Scientology and it's still it's still used in Scientology so there's that this is what does the Bible really teach and this is did man get here by evolution or by creation these are both Jehovah's Witness tracts we have the Upanishads that Hindu the bhagavad-gita still Hindu and we have the Dhammapada which is a Buddhist as a collection of I believe proverbs from Buddha we have the holy quran in english and then the only other atheistic books that i think i have the gospel of a flying spaghetti monster and the counter creationism handbook which is interesting and of course below that's are a bunch of ps2 games we have some ps3 games a bunch of pc games and a few sega genesis games that are below the screen there are more books over there that are mostly psychology books have another quran another Bible nothing atheistic but yeah those aren't all atheist books atheism goes along with the globe earth belief because it is some kind of perceived proof that this earth was created by some cosmic accident no particular reason and you know we have these supporters of people like Richard Dawkins who wants to claim that evolution happened with no intelligence behind it the intelligence came afterwards and it's just one of these things that goes along with the expanding universe big bang ball earth belief no not necessarily except those that are skeptical genuinely skeptical genuinely think critically do tend to hold those beliefs because they're reasonable of course Nick here put those ideas in a very ludicrous and deceitful way whereas our genuine actual ideas don't resemble what he just said at all they're far more reasonable far more nuanced I guess and there's tons of evidence for it but I don't have time to go into that right now maybe check out some of my other videos on such topics anyhow that's pretty much it for that video let's go to Jamie and see what he says that Nick didn't say so I was it possible that you can see now kind of goo from over 160 miles away he didn't provide a citation but I believe that this came from this video which also did not cites the original video but I believe I found it here and if you look in the description it links to this website that states that it's only seen every so often during favorable weather conditions and that's because it's caused by atmospheric refraction I'm not jumping to conclusions here it's genuinely stated on this website in French and the fact that this is not seen the majority of the time disproves your point entirely how is it possible to see you know I the Isle of Man from Blackpool 65 miles away if somehow there's a curve that's supposed to be blocking it again I had to track down the source myself which was probably this video which shows that you can only see the tops of wind turbines which again disproves your points because you can't see the base of the wind turbines or the island around it or you know the ground or the buildings or the streets or anything you can only see the top of the tallest things and the rest is below the horizon as if there was some sort of curve of course this could be affected by looming but I don't think that's what's going on here I don't think that these wind turbines are actually on the Isle of Man in the first place because I don't think that there are any wind farms on the Isle of Man but if you were to look any more northern direction then there is a wind farm there that is close enough to be able to see so fancy that I understand why you would think it's curved but that's all based on the presupposition of the globe no no it's not I've been looking into Flat Earth and anti Flat Earth arguments for a while now and I genuinely reasonably came to the conclusion that the earth is a globe another thing that I was attacked for a lot in the comments was my appearance my haircut especially a lot of people say that I look homosexual transsexual transgender androgynous emo etc except you know in more colorful language and definitely don't trust ratfink faced emo looking kids it's quite frankly I don't really care I mean if anything it makes me feel better because you know I feel comfortable with the way I look or the way it did look and to see other people really trying to bring me down really trying to get under my skin really trying to insult me it makes me feel like they're really unhappy people and I'm over here happy with the way that I look so whenever I see somebody really trying to insult me like that it really just makes me think that wow how much happier person than they are yeah I'm really sad to see my hair go but uh after trying to cut it myself that was a bad idea maybe I'll grow it out into another hairstyle that everybody will hate I don't know we'll see where it takes me but if you insult me I really don't care but I will remove the comments because I don't want my comment section to be insults towards me or anybody I'm responding to so you know I can't stop the trolls but I mean come on guys it's ridiculous anyhow thanks for watching goodbye you
Channel: hiith
Views: 100,834
Rating: 4.5220537 out of 5
Keywords: skeptic, skepticism, hiith, flat earth, the earth is flat, the earth is round, flat earth debate, phuket world, soundly lake pontchartrain, curve of the earth, proof of the round earth, flat earth proof
Id: Y-81scFLwrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 56sec (1436 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 15 2018
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