God Heals Autism!

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okay so it must have been a couple weeks ago that I found out that if you have a library card then you can digitally rent books and audio books and comic books and even some movies and TV shows so that was all pretty exciting and definitely check out your local library to see what services they offered not as boring as you might think but of course there's many many books and there's a few in there that are not so good not so helpful not so healthy to the general public like this book healed of autism a family set free with the keys from God's kingdom so you probably know where this is going a kid has autism and they were healed by faith by faith healing even this book has been written for families dealing with autism related problems that would like to expect God's restoration Christian ministries with the desire to pray for families dealing with autism related problems health care professionals who are involved with the families with autism related problems every other individual who longs for insight regarding healing in this area this testimony mainly regards healing from autism however the keys provided can also help in healing the process regarding any other form of spiritual brokenness that's right autism is a form of spiritual brokenness not a neurodevelopmental disorder that can be inherited and also has a bit of a environmental component no no it's spiritual brokenness it's not a diagnosis that just happens it's your fault so this book is a bit of a I would call it a memoir but uh the Christian audience out there might refer to it as a testimony so it's not in exact how to heal yourself of autism although it kind of is that the first half of the book kind of deals with like their personal journey and then the latter half is kind of like here's what we learned and how you can apply it to your spiritual brokenness but before we get to the actual book they have dedication acknowledgments endorsements a forward and a preface this isn't like specific to this person or to this sort of genre of book but like I don't understand why do they have so much reading to do before you read the book that you want to read I don't understand it let's skip all of it in fact it only really starts getting interesting in chapter 2 the battle particularly here as if that wasn't enough it appeared there was a waiting list for the youth clinic and we had to call in foster care to separate our children to prevent them from causing more damage to each other they were continuously chasing each other using physical but mostly a lot of verbal violence they wished themselves and their brother dead multiple times a day aside from that there were tantrums that lasted for hours on end in which they screamed a lot and hurt themselves they used to pinch themselves really hard literally pull the hair from their heads and bang their heads against the walls we felt completely powerless and we're close to despair when this happened now I'm a bit afraid to say this because I don't really want to downplay any sort of mental issues that may have genuinely caused this but this is kind of an inkling that they might be bad parents now to be clear I don't know for sure whether they are or not I don't know how honest they are being in this book I don't know if they're giving us all the information I don't know if they're exaggerating or whatnot and to be fair I pretty much skimmed this whole book because I didn't have the time to sit down and read through all of it so I'm probably missing a whole lot of information but I would think that good parenting would really help these sorts of situations you should really know how to handle these tantrums and should be able to instruct your child on how to handle their emotions and how to behave now to be clear if there are genuine issues that get in the way of that then yeah it might be a bit more than two parents can do and that's when you should get a therapist but what exactly did they do to help the situation I don't really know they might not have done much they don't really say at least as far as I have skimmed but let's go on over to chapter three the promise now most of this chapter is just about them praying right and I can understand it'sit's a very tough situation they have two kids that are diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder they can't get along for the life of them and it seems like there's nothing that they as parents can do so you know they're praying and seeking help from religious leaders and into their you know religious community at the end of the chapter he says bla bla bla he also told me what God had told him about our children that they could be healed from their autism my initial response which has lasted quite some time was that God could definitely provide much support in raising our children but healing no I didn't think so this was autism people don't heal from autism and you know what you were right people don't heal from autism and your children weren't healed of autism we'll get to exactly what happened to later but there's no cure for autism not even faith healing not even praying not even the laying on of hands God doesn't cure autism either believe it or not now to be fair those with autism can learn to cope and therapies can definitely help with that they can learn to better interact with other people and sort of manage they're symptoms but the thing about autism is that you have to live with it every day it doesn't change you it doesn't go away your mindset as an autistic person doesn't just automatically disappear you don't just magically start thinking and behaving like everyone else like a neurotypical but let's skip a whole bunch more to chapter five the deliverance where they say Sunday the 2nd of March 2014 would be the day we would pray for our children's Splinter's wait did they is that is that it that's actually a typo I didn't see that before I don't think they're professional writers we can we can cut him some slack but the word splinter I couldn't find the origin of this because I didn't bother to try but I it's like a metaphor or a euphemism for like some sort of issue in their life I'm sure there's there's a bigger metaphor that this fits into but they keep saying splinter and that's kind of like an issue that they have within themselves I think let's go with that the couple of weeks that preceded this were hard god had asked me to fast aside from this I was struggling with my own expectations these were so immensely high that I was afraid of blowing it and God had linked so many promises to this moment to fortunately God informed me that everything was in his hands let's let's imagine for a moment that let's say a Muslim told you that Allah spoke to him and told him that everything was going to be okay and everything was going to be all right or that say a a Hindu said that one of his gods that he believes in told him that everything was going to be okay in that he got this I don't know if that would be Vishnu or or whatever or I don't know let's say somebody in a sort of New Age movement says that field the energy that everything is going to be okay right you'd think they were crazy and rightfully so if someone of any other faith of any other religion said that exact same sort of thing you'd think they were nuts or somehow mistaken or that they were caught up in their emotions but the way that Christians say it is no different let me put it this way you could definitely feel in an emotional time that there was someone comforting you that there was a sort of higher purpose whether God was actually speaking to you or not right so how would you know as a Christian whether God was really legitimately talking to you versus you just feeling something in the emotion of that moment am I am I making sense I don't know if I'm making sense but at any rate this clearly shows their their desperation because you know their situation again is pretty pretty dire and there doesn't seem to be anything that they can do so they really really want an answer and they cling to religion as that answer because it promises to be that answer but there is no real answer in that either because again faith healing doesn't work if you don't believe me well let me put it this way there have been many many studies that have tried to document faith healings and they show up nothing it has all the hallmarks of hallmarks trademarks it has all of the identification of a alternative medicine that is to say something that doesn't actually work you know the typical things like placebo effect nocebo of effect you could be just natural course you know what next video we're going to get real deep into that but let us continue Alma and I were led by the spirit that Sunday and we in turn led our children through the prayer that God had provided us with for the healing of our splinters now this may be easy from the outside looking in as an ex Christian looking at in Christian thoughts or behavior but this is kinda crazy right even as a Christian I recognized that being filled with the Holy Spirit or being led by the spirits that was just your emotions getting the best of you it may feel genuine I don't doubt that at all I don't doubt that it's a very genuine emotional experience but that's really all it is an emotional experience maybe I'm getting a bit off-track but this is just them being led by their emotions which religion definitely strongly appeals to the emotions oh and here here's the good part here's the part where they're healed there is a new kind of peace present in the children and they immediately put it to the test they went outside to play ball with rules that used to cause tensions and get them fighting baffled by the result they returned home they had succeeded in playing together without fighting and then later Alma says they had managed to play peacefully together this was really the first evidence of healing wow so that's being healed of autism being mature enough to handle being around your siblings just because you can handle other people doesn't mean that you don't have an autism spectrum disorder now now again to be fair to be fair they I don't doubt that they genuinely had issues that made them difficult children but this is just one thing that they were healed from and that's their ability to get along what makes you think that this was your prayer or God healing you when it was pretty clearly stated that these children went through therapy Alma even stated and I quote the children didn't immediately experience some kind of change deep down I had hoped that they would have this feeling that a switch had flicked this wasn't the case but they did tell us that they felt an enormous peace surrounding them so apparently God miraculously healed them of their autism but in order to do it they had to go through weekly therapies and with that weekly therapy it was a slow process maybe just maybe maybe perhaps maybe this was a result of the therapy as you know is shown to be to genuinely help people with autism spectrum disorders because that's what you do when you know you're having mental health issues and you don't really get along well with family members you go to therapy and sometimes the therapists or counselors aren't actually good therapists or counselors there are bad therapists and counselors and earlier in the book they did say that they did go to therapies and they didn't really work but later on when they went to I think it was after they shipped the kids off to foster care or whatever the situation was they went to weekly therapies there maybe that therapy just works for them maybe that's the connection that you should be seeing they went through therapy and then the therapy did what the therapy was there to do God told me that it had been a spirit of Darkness it had controlled our children for years because of the behavior resulting from their splinters we had simply accepted it as part of our family after the children's birth but by praying we had deprived it of its rights to be on our family and forced it to leave now this this is dangerous this is the really dangerous part because essentially what they're saying is that if you or a loved one is suffering from an alt spectrum disorder it's your own fault no no it's not it's not your behavior that causes autism spectrum disorders or that causes them to get out of hand at least not on the spiritual level okay don't blame the victims for neurodevelopmental disorders yeah I mean if I have Tourette's which I do by the way it doesn't show a lot because it's not terrible are you gonna say that it's because because I'm an atheist that's because of my spiritual weakness or darkness no that's not what causes dis disorders and diseases and conditions no you know what if faith healing worked if praying works to heal all of these things and if these things were caused by spirituality why would we have modern medicine why whywhy would scientists studying these things find totally different findings than what you're asserting it seems like the science says that autism spectrum disorders are caused by genetics a genetic component as well as a bit of an environmental component being that older parents are more likely to have a child that has an autism spectrum disorder especially in older father as well as premature births that sort of thing they haven't found that spiritual weakness causes autism and if you have this mindset that Tourette's is caused by demons seizures are caused by demons autism is caused by spiritual darkness or spiritual weakness or whatever not only does that completely undermine modern medicine in almost every way but it makes you feel like you're the problem it fills you full of shame and you'll be trying your entire life to fix that with spirituality except that faith healing doesn't work and you're just going to feel more ashamed of yourself because you can't seem to get rid of your problems so you must be a bigger issue than you thought because you know your spiritual darkness must be much darker because you're not getting healed of your autism like a memoir testimony said you would later on almost says the prayer showed me that my splinter was triggered every time my love was rejected by my children which caused me to respond in anger and depression to protect my motherly love from this rejection and negative feelings this splinter was forcing me to keep my distance from the mother-son relationship I so deeply longed for yeah this kind of confirms my suspicions that they're not good parents this may be a bit harsh but you can't expect your children to give you their undying love their unconditional love and affection as much as that ideally would be the case children are well they're jerks they don't they don't really understand they're not emotionally mature and you can't force them to be that way or to act that way a mother with anger and depression you know I had a mother like that and it she wasn't a good mom to me and it's a solve this problem you didn't need a church he needed therapy I I genuinely think that proper therapy and a good therapist would have really helped Alma a lot but instead of that well presumably they they probably were actually going to therapy but it seems like they looked more strongly to the church and to the Bible and religion and their fellow Christians but that's not the healthy route to take sure it gives you comfort it definitely gives you a whole lot of comfort again religion really really strongly appeals to the emotions but don't let that be a substitute for more proper help oh great oh great they they they they actually genuinely do in Chapter six the redemption say that autism is caused by these spiritual splinters basically they say the splinters are passed on and passed on their generations and then they say the medical world suspects that autism is passed on through the male bloodline and that the disorder worsens in the newer generations if we translate that idea to spiritual DNA as explained above this conclusion makes complete sense God clearly showed me that autism is the result of a splintered soul nobody's not no it is not I mean it's not terribly uncommon for emotional issues to be passed down and passed down from generation and generation not only with you know genetic predisposition to say depression and anger but also just terrible parents being terrible parents to their kids it's it would shock you how many terrible parents there are in fact I haven't come across a that many genuinely good parents just because you see this correlation doesn't mean that it's genuinely causing autism we don't have a cause for autism right and any of these these guys will tell you like oh medicine and science says that there is no they don't really know the cause and that's that's kind of true right but then people still go searching for a cause like oh what's this oh what's that different systems will have different explanations but they're false promises and very very dangerous false promises like oh we have an explanation you you crave an explanation for this innit flickable thing I have one for you what we have to back it up personal experience and the and a sample size of one or maybe two because there's two children yet no you you didn't figure it out he didn't crack the code that no scientist has been able to do before he didn't you didn't beat the professionals sorry to tell you that's not what causes autism that in Chapter seven the trumpet half a year ago we had to keep the children physically apart because touching each other would always escalate into a fight now they are reclining on the couch together or sitting next to each other on the bed playing video games so much has changed in such a short time yeah that's that's not what autism is autism is I don't feel like explaining what autism is right now but people with autism can't still very well get along with other people I suppose depending on their particular symptoms but your child can still have autism and and get along with other people maybe he was more difficult early in childhood and they've learned to get past it with you know time and therapy this doesn't mean that your child is has gotten rid of their neurodevelopmental disorder they're like oh they're not fighting anymore that's all we wanted that's all we wanted did they're healed God's healed them did they I don't want to go more in depth and read more in depth to find out if they genuinely understand autism but they might not okay so let's recap in review these two parents were almost certainly bad parents and then they had two kids and they were diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder each and they didn't know how to deal with them his you know they turned out to be bad kids so they shipped them off and then they prayed a whole bunch very sincerely and then they came back and then they actually behaved better so God healed him autism yay really the book does read like that but yeah no I don't doubt that your children may have had genuine issues that that may have kept them from getting along and behaving well but when you ship them off you sent them to a therapist weekly if I recall correctly then after a bunch of time and a bunch of therapy they were able to better interact with one another that tells me that hey maybe therapy actually does something to help troubled children there's troubled children the actual word whatever problem child is that what I'm like I don't know but no autism isn't just acting out and the children behaving better isn't them being healed of autism and if they are able to better cope and better interact with one another that's not God healing them of autism that's therapy working if anything should be taken out of this upper this way God does not deserve the credit for what professionals break their backs to do anyhow thank you for watching the video this is this is the end of it this is the end of the video I hope you enjoyed it and if you did well I mean first of all give me a thumbs up let me know that you liked it but stay tuned for next video because next video was in the same vein but it's much much juicier it goes much deeper so I guess just you know what if you subscribed you would catch it when it was uploaded I have funny how that works unless you just want to like check everyday cuz I'm not telling you what I'm uploading it I'm not I'm not telling you so you got to keep checking back until it pops up unless you're subscribed in which case you know you you get it easy I'm saying here anyhow sorry that I haven't been uploading a whole lot lately and that's been due to a number of reasons but one of them is that I've decided that I'm not going to try to rush my so to put out a video instead I would rather take all the time that I think I need to produce a quality video take as much time to research and to edit as I may need because I don't know there were a couple ideas that I've scrapped because I just wasn't happy with it and the years these were things that I was trying to do videos that is trying to make because I really wanted to get a video out this week because I want to do these things weekly but I'm I might slow down a little bit but uh okay final announcement donate to me on patreon and those of you that are donating on patreon I've changed the tier for the credits in the podcast to be credits in the video so if you'll see in the description I'm not gonna have it on the end card or anything but into the description I will have the current people in that month's patreon tier currently the tiers at six dollars that might change in the future but anyone who donates six dollars a month to my patreon can elect to be in credited in the description so definitely thank you to all of you guys who donate to me and thank you for watching and good bye that's in the video good bye you
Channel: hiith
Views: 13,815
Rating: 4.8619328 out of 5
Keywords: atheist, atheism, skeptic, skepticism, hiith, faith healing, autism, healing, miracle, alternative medicine
Id: Nwp8Op9ROXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 5sec (1685 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 19 2019
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