The WORST Flag Proposals of All Time...

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flag of Bologna Genoa Milan and England wow look at how different they all look what original and creative ideas from all four of these places the slightly different Reds among all of them really helps to distinguish all four I guess okay the bigger problem here is that three of these places are in Italy that's that's an issue bologna is an Italian Province Genoa and Milan are both cities and they're actually not even that far away from each other and then of course we all know there's there's England but that's not Italy even bologna is pretty far up there in the north of the country it's part of the problem the fact that they're all trying to copy their coat of arms that could be the issue at least for Genoa and Milan apparently people were claiming Genoa is actually the original original I was today years old when I realized the flags of the three countries in the UK merged to form the flag on the UK that's right England Scotland and Northern Ireland come together to form the Union Jack although there is a certain Dragon nation that are left off the list sorry Wales I'm convinced some of you didn't go to school okay the problem with this is I didn't learn this either until I was like I don't know 20 something they never taught us this in school I never once learned this because this really is one of those mind-blowing things that you kind of never forget about once you find out maybe other states in the US that are taught this specifically like in New England that would make sense I can tell you from first-hand experience here in Southern California they did not feel like that should be a part of the educational criteria some reason they always just taught us Californian history all the time it's so boring my grandma has worn the same shirt with red white and blue and stars that celebrate the 4th of July for 25 years every year she wears the exact same shirt thanks to the World Cup we finally noticed it's the flag of Panama over 25 years of treason who would have known Grandma was actually a Panamanian nationalist this whole time I knew they had a couple sleeper cells in our country to be fair this is something that even I Who Stare at Maps like every day for a living probably would have not noticed this was like a regular show to me that's why I'm trying to start a similar Trend except by wearing this shirt every fourth of July I'm not even joking it's actually coming through Amazon right now here are some of the worst flag proposal of all time here we have the modern day Indian flag but back in 1922 this is what Gandhi wanted is actually a reproduction of Gandhi's flag that he introduced to Congress back in 1921. I actually understand the importance of the charka here for India but the Bulgarian representation really doesn't make sense to me the nation of Bulgaria had been using these colors in this order since 1879 basically like 50 years before Gandhi introduced that one the funny thing is it's not even like Bulgaria is that far away I mean 1921 this was still all the British Raj so there was just Iran and turkey separating them from Bulgaria basically okay I always joke about this but I think the access to this information is a lot harder than we're probably considering back in the 1920s and that everyone had access to like all world flags at their fingertips I still think it's pretty funny though here we have the current flag of Kuwait but back in 1906 they wanted to go something like this wow that is beautiful I'm going to trust that that it is actually spelled like this in a closer language or is this just designed by like some British guy out there that didn't know how to spell oh nope this is how you spell Kuwait in French okay just making sure I went with British originally because remember Kuwait was also a British colony just like India with the British Raj so far I'm noticing a theme with these really bad flag proposals and another former British colony this time we have Jamaica and back in 1962 they wanted to oh yeah the classic Russian crocodile everyone knows about this one I wonder if part of the problem was that like when these places were under the British Empire their flags were just so boring and just I don't know bad uninteresting that like when they had to come up with flag proposals you know this is all you're basing your knowledge off of with when it comes to Flags like yeah I can see why you would have some bad ideas finally the last one Egypt again another former British colony this was their suggestion in 1952 wow this really does confirm my theory though this right here putting the little like former British Copyright symbol up in the top corner of course the Union Jack's usually over here however I do have to admit before Egypt was fully independent uh they did just have like a cool green flag with the moon and stars actually I feel like they should have just stayed with this one this one looks cool I guess they kept the green and white but man this is so bad again I think we have to blame the British here for all this this person asks I wonder if this led to some confusion on the battlefield if a war between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of China but also the union of Burma do they do this on purpose just for a little bit of trolling I mean it's literally a star too they just added like a couple more they only had this for a couple of decades but uh it's interesting that's for sure and again Burma another former British colony we need to talk about the official flag of Lake Cebu in the Philippines this literally looks like the worst thing of all time it is a Municipality of this Lake it's not a city luckily or better for worse I don't know maybe it's worse because it covers more area alright luckily for the world's sake this is actually just a a parade Banner it's not the actual flag I actually was going to be so depressed that it's taken the world this long to find out like I think this would have easily been the worst flag of all time there's no question there's no question although when I look it up on Wikipedia this is the flag shown please no please oh my gosh this can't be right this has gotta be one of those times where Wikipedia is wrong right please no just just slap the official seal on like a white background and call it a day that that would be better no I refuse to believe this there's no way if this is the actual official flag we need all of the people in the Philippines to start a Revolt right now there's an alternative flag of Lake Cebu which I mean it is better they did my idea they I mean they made a little bit fancier just put a white background please it doesn't need to be like all fancy with these patterns I I think just the white is better you can you can put a different color just just make it a solid flat color at least it's not flying outside the city hall this is just the Filipino flag whether it's a flag or not even if it is just a regular parade Banner this is still like come on what what is this okay look I'll design a better flag in two seconds like there you go bam just take this you don't even got to pay me don't even Center it put it off the side that's cool Japan but I blew up the Sun a little over eight minutes ago oh very nice everything looks pretty good to me oh that's right if you blow up the sun it would take a couple minutes I thought it was seven minutes man that flag of Japan with the animation this also looks like an animation of what happened I don't even know if I could say it's my crush has this flag and her bio can you please tell me what country it is all this is said by Italian soldier in 1946 survived the war but I don't know if he's gonna be prepared to know this it's Switzerland oh that's right that's right you know it's probably better just to say that's neutral it's neutral just yeah someone recreated the Isle of Man flag but decided to make it to the Isle of cat I always thought the Isle of Man should just call himself the Isle of leg I felt like that was gonna be funnier when I said it I guess we could also say instead of Sicily it is the Isle of um I don't know it's cats kitty it's actually amazing this owner was able to do this what a beautiful image right here should be the flag for the island of Cyprus there's 1.5 million stray cats running around there if every cat ate one human the cats would still outnumber everyone could just take it all over the UK but something is really wrong I'm actually trying to figure out what exactly is wrong with it okay the only thing it's just a really small change the white bars just go like this and they connect for some reason the red doesn't connect on the edges in other words everything else would be fine I I think that's all you have to do is just extend the white bars a little bit in each Corner oh well also I think the middle one needs to be made a little bit thicker but for the most part yeah that's the other key missing ingredients the edges are also off-centered which is really confusing to me something you'd never notice until someone points it out and then you can never forget always looks wrong now these are the 10 most populated cities in Russia and their Flags we're gonna go in order from most people to least starting in obviously Moscow I'm gonna be honest I think the places with the most people are gonna have the best Flags so this is probably going to be the best one that we see out of Russia this one is pretty cool I think this one is the city of Saint Petersburg I like the old throwback they got up here it's gonna show this City's name because I don't want to butcher the pronunciation this just looks incredibly boring I'm sorry to say it actually looks like a lot of the like redesigned U.S state flags that I see we can't get a little bit more creative yet cater inberg like I feel like I'd prefer this it's a little bit ugly I think with the color combination but I mean at least it has character you got to give it that here we go Kazan this looks like some sort of very strange chicken Dragon what is that I don't even know it's definitely clearly been around for a long time it actually looks pretty terrifying to be honest we need to have a battle royale of like all the creatures that are found on flags who would win my money might be on this guy like what is the dragon from Bhutan Really Gonna Do he's holding four apples for some reason we've got a majestic reindeer an interesting camel a lion with a shovel you wouldn't want to see that guy in a back alley Russia's definitely got a unique take on making Flags but I gotta give them more points because I think they're better than us stay Flags one man's take on how to solve the cashmere conflict all we have to do is take the flag of India but just certain parts of it and merge it with the flag of Pakistan that sounds like a great idea it's like The Best of Both Worlds and with that we can find the new flag of cashmere seems simple enough why don't we come up with this before hold on what does China think about this whole thing though I don't even know how you can represent them because they're red and yellow and they have start maybe this maybe this is like a star it's definitely a big old mess over here I I think I think China can be cool with it like how most Maps just try to stay as far away from having to draw lines on it as possible no matter what you're gonna upset a lot of people this person lists all the flags they saw on a walk in Germany I live in Germany and it is very uncommon to hang Flags outside of your house here weird he only saw one flag in all of Germany and it wasn't even a German flag it was this weird boring one with black text and white background expected nothing else here from Germany what's interesting is that Germany does have some pretty fascinating Flags just throughout their provinces obviously like the Bavarian flag it can also be used as a nice like uh table mat the best part about it is no one would have any idea that I'm actually a Bavarian nationalist another favorite of mine that Germany has is Berlin this is because I've been able to see it on the lager for so many years as the historic Brandenburg flag bring back just the yellow and black I don't think I've ever seen this checkered Bremen flag we've got Indonesia Germany with a horse on it Germany with a coat of arms on it Germany with a copyright symbol on it Germany with horizontal uh Italy look how Saxony is one of the only places rocking the green and they really like that black and yellow combination or some just like to copy and flip uh yeah it's kind of well this is just straight up Yugoslavia I hate to say it but I do think that like Russia's obsession with animals and slapping them on flags I mean these are just historic it's hard it's hard to criticize like you can't really do that when like these places have been using these symbols for you know centuries the U.S state flags though that is a whole nother story here are flags made more realistic Egypt of course with their beautiful Eagle oh I like how this yeah it's like dark down here I'm gonna say what's gonna be like the black part I like Argentina but man they really gotta have like the creepy face on it though at least put the Teletubby sun on there and there's turkey which looks like this could have literally been shot in turkey and then finally Brazil it looks like a flower almost now just realizing that the Brazilian flag looks like you're like in the Amazon rainforest at night looking up at the Galaxy or whatever because that's what this is making me think I love those realistic flags flag design idea for places without much wind this would definitely help I mean because you need to have it like feel like it's you know flowing in the background I don't know I don't really my brain does not process how exactly this works why wow this is just a still image it's not even a I'm just scrolling how is this possible my mind is melting it makes me think like what places have the least wins might be the strange as Google search I've ever done just so Random who who looks for this where is the least windy Place Oak Ridge Tennessee at least windy at least in the U.S with an average annual wind speed of 4.1 miles wind can be incredibly annoying especially when you're trying to film something completely ruins the mic I guess the way we could figure this out is to see which places don't use a lot of wind energy but there's a lot of other factors that fall behind that flag of England if it was colonized by Milan which was colonized by Genoa which was colonized by bold and I looked at the pronunciation for this place and then forgot it by the end of the video the only way we're going to actually be able to successfully get flag Inception I'm glad that each country is represented with their weird different tones of red and big thanks to my patrons I am the kidnapper and I have moved through to a patagonists imposter 20 dollars
Channel: Drew Durnil
Views: 385,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: worst flags, worst flag, worst flag proposals, proposals, flags, flag, world flags, world flag, flags of the world, meme, memes, world, map, maps, countries, geography, history, country, jamaica, egypt, jordan, kuwait, india, pakistan, uk, union jack, worst, worse, drew durnil, review
Id: 7DmiTCAD-sY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2023
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