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welcome to my favorite episode ever yesterday I asked you to let me fix your country's flags let's get started you need to fix Scotland's flag alright let's take a look shall we it's a big old excellence doesn't look very inviting so what I would do is I would I would turn that X into a big old checkmark you know could come on in you check you got it boom fix your flag Japan alright let's fix your pants flag so it's it's it's you know it's classic it's beautiful it's just a big circular dot um so we're gonna take that die make it a little smoother over here turn into an exclamation point then get some words in here so now it's a Japan you know welcome to Japan come on in Japan big improvement affixed your flag now it's really welcoming oh the Netherlands okay great and I like the little gift that you supplied there but ah where have I seen this before I feel like I was there it is got it Aquafresh all right boom fix your flag that's your new flag now it's it's it's Aquafresh your your flag is now Aquafresh fixed the Vatican flag alright well I don't want to get in too much trouble here and honestly it's it's a very beautiful simplistic flag you know but what I would like to do is um I want to add the Pope just kind of have them peek around peek around the corner you know who's like I'm gonna get you and then we're gonna take this beautiful picture of my arm and kind of move it here so it looks like he's just sort of peeking around the corner you know he's just always watching you know he's always he's always watching he's the Pope boom fixed your flag oh here we go fix the American flag okay I want to prove to you guys that I'm not some biased you know monster alright I can fix my country's flag it's it's not perfect well it is perfect but I want to make it a more perfect union so here's how we do that let's take the flag and make it small and then just clone it just clone the out of it and just fill up the entire space with flags and then we're gonna put a blue border here and then the red and white stripes over it so now we have kind of like a super super mega flag is pretty damn American but I I think we can also do better let's take the Super flag minimize that and then clone that a bunch of times fill in the space and add another blue border and some more red and white stripes and then boom that is the super ultra mega patriot flag that's about as American as it gets I know shrimp wants to make America great again but I just did boom fixed your flag please fix Ukraine's flag all right let's take a look at Ukraine's flag not a bad-looking flag here's how I fixed it though we're gonna rotate 180 degrees and then we're gonna add some minion eyes and boom now your flag is a minion flag and tourism is about to explode you're welcome fixed your flag Czechoslovakia you know I spent half a year in the Czech Republic back in 2009 and I loved it but I would love to fix their flag first we're gonna take this triangle and cut it in half then we're gonna take that triangle and cut that in half and kind of fit the pieces up there to make a rectangle and I'm gonna put a little star right in here and oh that's just the flag of Texas well you got a minute it looks pretty great so fix your flag fix Brazil's flag all right let's take a look you know I've always liked the aesthetic of this flag and there's not really much I would change except I would make the diamond just a little smaller and I put a nice little girl but in there and add a little drop shadow so that it really really sticks out and I think yeah I fixed your flag England just England okay the flag of England let's take a look you know what this flag reminds me of it reminds me of a Christmas present so we're gonna put a nice little bow on there fix it up real good and add some father Christmas in there and uh oh now your flag is a nice little Christmas present I fixed your flag England Australian flag but you can't fix it all right here's the Australian flag I'm just gonna fix your flag Algeria flag okay let's take a look at the Algeria flag where have I seen this before this looks oddly familiar oh you know it looks like a dragon ball that looks like a dragon ball let's just fill it out and yeah all right I'm gonna add some and some characters and and just kind of make it a little gift boom fixed your flag Algeria let's see if you can fix Switzerland's flag let's take a look at Switzerland's flag very simple very elegant but I'm gonna spice it up for you guys let's take that plus sign and turn into an X we're gonna make three X's up top up here so it's triple X then we're gonna throw and Bend diesel in there because he's the star of the xxx franchise and there's a subtitle the return of xander cage which comes out on January 20th 2017 I just turned your flag into a movie poster for a January release I'll just throw in some shades but now he's you know I look so dope boom there you go a fixture flag fix the Indian flag please you got it first thing I would do is get rid of that thing in the middle because that's just throwing me off you know this color scheme looks very familiar let me just draw a little face in here and hey hey hey Lois Lois I'm India hey Lois hey hey hello I'm I'm India Lois fixed Canada I have no idea how to fix your country it is well beyond my oh I mean Canada's flag not that I can do I've always admired Canada's flag it's a very symmetrical piece of work I can only think of two ways to fix it though we can either make it lucky or we can make it dank either way consider yourselves fixed Canada dude China put some smog over it uh how about don't tell me how to fix my flags here's the Chinese flag it's okay I want to get rid of these little baby stars though and I want to take the big star and make it bigger and throw it right in the middle and I asked you that's just Vietnam flag uh huh well you know sometimes that's the risk you take sometimes it happens you fixed a flag it turns into another country's flag you gotta admit though looks pretty good fix your flag please fix Thailand's flag it's awfully boring let's take a look at Thailand when I look at this flag I don't know how it doesn't look like a mouth so we're gonna turn these stripes into teeth turn that black and then put a nice little Miley Cyrus tongue in there and uh boom I just fixed your flag and it kind of looks like the Rolling Stones logo fix the flag of Bangladesh let's take a look at Bangladesh flag you know you know when I see when I see this red dot damn right I see a big ol exclamation point brain fixture flag fixed Sweden's flag now help okay here's how you fix Sweden's flag Kenya is my country come visit me one day no but it will fix your flag and here's how I do it I shoe why does this look so familiar oh I know why I know why you know why boom is strong bye boom fix your flag Kenya fix the malaysian flag please that I can do this is a great looking flag but but here's how I'd fix it first I would put a nice little gradient over it and then I drag in the sad youtube icon and then throw up some text and just kind of position it right and yeah yeah that's that is one fixed flag yeah there you go fixed your flag Malaysia well try fixing the Welsh flag let's take a peek what's the Welsh flag look like oh that pretty hardcore actually there's not really much I can do to fix it I don't know why the Dragons not breathing fire so let's add that in and of course we'll just put the nares on top so now she's riding riding drogue on the Isle of Man flag definitely needs to be fixed again not much needs to be added to it I'm just gonna put a a hunky Boy speedo over it and position it really not yeah there we go there we go now it's now it's covered that looks really tight Isle of Man Croatia okay here's the Croatian flag you'll notice that this top part kind of looks like a crown so we're gonna we're gonna make that crown colored and let's just throw in the Burger King because he you know he's got a great crown and that yeah that fits real nice there we go the beautiful flag Croatia fixed Colorado's flag well it's not a country but I am a giver let's take a look at your flag it's not half bad but I'm about to make it way better first we're gonna turn you into pac-man and then we're gonna add some pellets and now you're an icon now you're an icon fixed Ireland's flag well I don't want to do too much it is a nice looking flag but I would like to rotate it stretch it out and your hair lock here's a Family Guy hey Louis now I'm now I'm Island Louis I'm Colombian you complained about my flag yeah of course I did it's not a good-looking flag those stripes are way out of whack we got to fix that let me adjust the ratio of the stripes oh wow how hard was that that's way better come on Columbia call me if you want to fix your flag and finally here's the one you've all been waiting for please fix nipples flag truth be told I've always liked the Nepali flag I understand that there are a lot of mathematics that have gone into the design of the flag and I absolutely appreciate it however it's not flag shaped so we're gonna have to duplicate it flip it and reverse it and oh it's finally a freaking rectangle about damn time and let's just add a little face to the sunset make it a really cool-looking Sun not that that's one good-looking flag painting appalled I fixed your flag today's episode of the I was brought to you by rad power bikes what is an electric bike manufacturer have to do with Flags nothing these rad power bikes are electric bikes with power assisted pedaling these rad power bikes are ridiculously fun to ride around all three models can reach 20 miles per hour without pedaling by the way they are great for catching pokémon I don't want to brag or nothing but I just caught me a Mew 3 so I needed to say it works and you can travel between 20 to 40 miles on a single charge and if you go to wrap our bikes calm /ak link in the description you get to save $50 off a rad power bike sorry mom I'm busy riding my rad powered bike that guy must get laid daily going back to Flags I have a question for you can we design a new flag for the Olympics you can either describe your flag in the comments below or you can make a little illustration and tweet it to me I jacksFilms leave your answers in the comments zodavia please subscribe roast Nepal will hate me too late also link in description histories of so there's a clip to design a new anime character so that I could try and draw him or her or it the gasp noise deserves a character meet my new character gasp
Channel: jacksfilms
Views: 20,905,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jack Douglass, YGS, YGS 100, YGS 50, The Best of Your Grammar Sucks, Your Grammar Sucks, Yesterday I Asked You, Fidget Spinners, Emoji Movie, Kermit Sings, JackAsk, Jack Ask, Dubstep Solves Everything, Frozen 2, iPhone Parody, Apple Parody, jacksfilms, yiay, flags, fix, fixed, nepal, usa, america, japan, china, scotland, ireland, india, sweden, swiss
Id: MO0zP-SB5hk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 28 2016
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