Drawing Countryballs By MEMORY...

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so I really wanted to make a part two to my drawing Flags by memory video you seem to have liked that since it has almost a million views but why not instead just draw country balls it's basically the same thing and I already know I'm still probably gonna embarrass myself here by the way if you'd like some country ball plushies I'm selling those on makeshift.com I'll leave links in the description down below for that to start things off our first country we have Kazakhstan I just realized this is going to be interesting because some country balls aren't actually balls and we'll have to see if I remember that okay so I'll be honest I don't know why Kazakhstan is always drawn as a cube or like a rectangle something about bricks or something so first things first we have to get kazakhstan's color down it's maybe maybe around that that's actually a little dark oh I actually like the darker sides in the lighter front Okay so how does this go I know it's yellow and I also know that there's a crazy like um Eagle in the middle which I'm never gonna be able to draw oh yeah isn't there like um isn't there I think there is something like this on this side right oh I can't remember exactly it's not like this right like so Belarus has something on the left hand side it doesn't feel right I think there I think it's just is it just a yellow line also I think this is actually like a sun there's a sun with a bird behind it or something the bird is in front of the sun oh man what am I doing you know what's funny is like if I just saw this I could kind of understand that it's Kazakhstan at least in my mind because for some reason this is what I'm thinking of when I think of Kazakhstan what what did I just do honestly this is not fair this is such a difficult one to start off on I might be able to get away with it by giving him nice big old eyes okay I guess that kind of works I think you'd be able to understand it's it's Kazakhstan oh I did have the line kind of down but I forgot there's a it's intricate there's it's all sorts of weird things and I knew there was a sun and a and an eagle but for some reason I thought the eagle was in front of the Sun for a moment there I got a little bit worried I was like wait is Kazakhstan an actual ball sometimes it's depicted as a ball but yeah most often it's it's a cube I'll let my editor Frank here give me a one out of 10 score to see how well I did come on Frank this one was a good one honestly that was kind of a difficult country to start off with a little bit but then again oh okay all right I think I'm gonna take that back now this is a difficult one because Afghanistan has a new flag I don't know if it's like internationally recognized but it's very simple it's just a white background with like black Arabic over it but am I allowed to use that I'm gonna be honest I want to use that because that's the one that I remember why am I blanking on okay you know what I'm gonna oh I don't know if I want to do both if we Google Afghanistan right now they're gonna give us the old flag you know I'm doing I'm doing the new one I'm doing the new one even if people don't um recognize it technically because it's so much simpler for me to do now they don't have like a sword down here like Saudi Arabia right it's like Saudi Arabia has like a little sword it is the same text I believe right because I don't really know the exact like design that how to do the FI this looks really horrible this looks horrible I'm sorry yeah see I was not going to be able to do the OG one but I also just barely or maybe not even just barely I yeah the updated one I did horrible too kind of you can get the gist though right and here's the ball itself let's see what score I got oh thank you okay thank you thank you okay generally speaking I feel like at least I've had the flag in my head I kind of knew it by memory I just didn't necessarily draw it that well oh I'm hail no I'm not doing that what do you want me to do with this I don't think I've ever seen these islands depicted as a country ball in my entire life okay well now I have uh I don't know what points you want to get I did not know the flag off the top of my head up I'd be very impressed if anyone did okay I'll get zero points for my third attempt that's fine number four please let's okay there I like that it's time to come to Brazil now in the previous video I remember drawing the Brazilian flag from memory like very strange I actually think I have a better uh memorization of the Brazilian flag now because we have the green at the start now one of the mistakes I made trying to draw the flag from memory is that I made the diamond in the middle go all the way to the edges and that is not how it's supposed to be this is this is not correct I guess because I'm drawing the country ball I could do it like that but no so it's here with a like planet in the middle and something else and wait isn't it yellow it's it's yellow with like a blue uh blue something I don't for some reason I'm not I don't think the full planet is shown right and does the planet go to the edges of the the things is it like this I feel kinda like that might be right I don't like the color I don't know actually there's also a specific number of um like stars right I think there's stars in there 13. I don't know why I'm thinking 13 and then of course there's a band going across which I don't I don't know what that band is there's a giant band like with like numbers in the middle I think it's white text wait that does not look like that does not look right at all the band can't be yellow right that doesn't feel right I don't I don't know what that thing is but I'm just gonna try my best it's it's like somewhere there should I just make it white oh wait that feels right is it is it white I don't know what it says it's Portuguese obviously I'm gonna do my own version of what it says in the middle honestly I feel like this is looking really good and I like that I'm drawing the countryball versions of these because it's supposed to be kind of like poorly drawn like I'm doing right now I think I kind of want to do is give them like big creepy eyes just because the whole like come to Brazil meme it's kind of freaky they kind of look like a bird like this is their beak okay I think I kind of nailed that I mean this is this is right the band only goes across the planet but yeah I knew that the the Diamond doesn't go all the way to the edges Planet doesn't go all the way to the edges either also the font the text is written in green font why did I feel like they had only 13 stars okay they have 27 way more than I thought sometimes I try to avoid putting the eyes over like the Flag icons so that we can see how good I did okay I just made some sort of horrifying monster though with these eyes let's see how Frank thinks I did perfect hopefully with time I'll get better at drawing like the country balls in general Croatia no why am I oh why am I blanking on Croatia can I just draw the borders of Croatia instead that's so easy it's like a little Boomerang boom Bosnia is in there sad without any of the coast what is that creation oh I'm gonna do horrible here okay first of all I don't think Croatia has any special shape in the country ball Universe why am I magic why do I think it's just like blue and yellow or something the Stars what is it again I don't know this is the EU flag what what is this I honestly don't I can't remember why can I not remember Croatia's flag it's not a tri-color is it it's uh and it's probably it probably has no reference to Yugoslavia can I just draw the Yugoslavian flag I definitely don't like rugoslavia and I can't even remember the colors to the Yugoslavian flag that's France with the star on it wait this is actually way harder to do I'm just saying you know what's strange though I did have like a checkered uh like something's checkered in my head I promise I know no one's gonna believe me with that actually you know what the first flag that popped in my head when I thought of the crazy flag from memory was the Bavarian flag and I think I see why I think my head knew that there was some sort of checkered pattern pattern in there I just didn't know how it was done okay this was absolutely horrible and that was technically the fifth country ball I tried to do Libya wait a second I think I can remember this one you know it's really unfortunate for some reason I think it's Libya in in history Libya at some point maybe it wasn't even that long ago Libya literally their flag used to be I'll just show you their flag it was literally just this I'm pretty sure that was Libya like maybe three decades ago four decades ago where it was just just completely green I think or was it just all black I think it was green but I do not remember what they look like now Libya North Africa uh the green would make sense but it's Northern North Africa right there off of um Italy oh maybe that's why it's also green too because Italy had control over it for a little bit Libya Libya why do I is it red it used to be this it used to be this okay I'm gonna turn this in the way you like turn in a test where you know you're gonna get 50 percent like you know you're gonna fail but at least you get half the points it's better than a zero oh okay yeah um I wasn't gonna remember that just to be completely honest but I should have known for that part of Africa that they were probably gonna get a at least a crescent and a star like that should have been really obvious there it is there it is this is what I'm talking about there's actually a couple depictions of the Libyan countryball as just green okay I should get some points come on now between 1997 and 2011 they just had the green flag no wonder everyone remembers it that's a long time it's technically older than the current version of Libya I know I shouldn't be that impressed with myself I literally just drew a green circle but come on I'm excited can I just get an easy one can you just be France Norway thank you okay Norway I will absolutely be drawing this country with a bucket of oil right next to them is just kind of what they're known for okay so I am still a little bit worried about this uh it is red overall the other issue is that I'm gonna have to find out how to draw perf We're not gonna be able to draw a perfectly straight line to find out how to draw a perfectly straight line I don't think this is the right red but I'm just gonna go with this for now of course we have to draw the traditional Nordic Cross all the Nordic countries have this Finland Sweden Denmark Norway and then is it is it white in there yeah that feels kind of right is it white or is it blue in there I think this is correct just looks really horribly drawn maybe I should draw this better okay wait I think that's right why am I second guessing myself I'm assuming because of the uh the random aspect ratio and proportions is the reason why I'm second guessing I just want to make sure it's not white on the outside and blue on the inside oh it is it is okay I'm glad that I did that little test run of this one I don't feel too bad drawing over the stuff here but but uh yeah that is Norway ball It's gotta be Norway ball and it does have the blue on the inside I think the red is a little bit more of a I don't know maroon or something I don't maybe but I could have drawn them with that's right a Viking hat they definitely have a lot of money where's the oil depictions anyways they have oil and they used to be Vikings this is basically the stereotypes and the country ball Universe small frying I'm thinking 10 out of 10 for this won't you think thank you thank you I just really want to do France or just a tri-color one I can actually do this one actually now I think about it first I was like oh here's goes another 0.1 this is actually really easy hold on uh Cyprus is not usually depicted as anything like any odd shape right uh sometimes I feel like Cyprus is split down the middle because you know there's like that controversy anyways it's a white background and then just the orange color of Cypress on it if I can just draw if I can draw the island itself it has this long tail it's like a sideways teardrop it is literally just that I wish I would have maybe drawn it uh that's fine the only thing is there is there there is something underneath it and it's the same color it's the same orange is that it's it's like it's not a text it's not a text but it's basically this there's only two colors it's like one of the only flags in the world that has the actual country borders on it which is a smart idea for an island you don't really want to do it for a lands country like on Continental land you know their borders are always changing bam give them some nice cute eyes because Cyprus is Tiny I don't really know any stereotypes about it maybe I can put like a little uh scar down the middle food gonna look like Harry Potter now I'm not gonna do that but yeah that's the only thing I know we're gonna take that out oh it's Green Oh I thought it was orange too why did I think it was the same color oh man okay well I thought I was gonna get a perfect score for that I got the overall shape down I knew it has this weird tail if I just did it like this I feel like oh man that does look good I wish I would have tested that out instead of submitting the answer when I did what'd you think Frank try color baby give me try color Nepal I actually love this one I don't know if I remember how to do the flag but I just really want to do the country ball or country triangle that is okay so I can't tell is it blue is it mostly blue or red is it I think it's red but I think there's also there's like a border of red and then the inside that is blue or is it like this that doesn't feel right I think the outside is blue and the inside is red that also does not feel right okay maybe it's connected maybe it's not two separate triangles uh why does this not feel right I know that I'm close though is it that maybe oh I think maybe it's that it's just I did such a bad job with the with the Border I'm really trying to get a perfect score for this one you know what maybe the other thing maybe it doesn't the Border doesn't go up okay that's that's not right either but and then on the inside there are two white triangles or I think the triangles are white or the emblems white this is like a like a b I'm going just back to my instinct even though it doesn't feel super right are there like white triangle okay that that's definitely his eyes there's not more white track yeah it's too too much that's definitely too much anyways there's two little symbols and I don't know what these symbols are I I why am I imagine Just Two Moons is it a moon and a sun maybe the sun is down there and this is just like a like a crescent or something what is this this looks like a alien maybe I can cover up my lack of knowledge of whatever the um two little white symbols are by putting like nice big old eyes I'm just drawing the country ball so you know there's there's room for interpretation here it doesn't have to be super perfect he's obviously angry why does he not look that angry yet there we go now he looks angry although this looks like some sort of like uh I don't know Nepal if he got like thrown into some nuclear waste okay that's the best I'm gonna be able to do oh I got the colors mixed up okay so this was the sun and it was a crescent too okay but usually the um yeah the eyes are covering up that top one that was actually pretty close I feel I feel like I got a pretty close enough uh job obviously if you're rating this just by flag itself then maybe you could give me some you know I'd get a worse score but the Raw bar and the uh the teeths maybe they help me out a little bit oh yeah that does look a lot better I knew the top one was a crescent too but the eyes yeah covered up anyways all right let's see what we got I'm just really glad that we got to do just such a staple okay turkey turkey why am I blanking on Turkey it should be easy okay well the flag itself is literally just this its way the Crescent oh that's it boom right there bam that's the flag bam that's the flag it is that easy and look at this look how easy it's gonna be perfect circle what let's go let's go looks like there's a little Pac-Man in there eating the um little dots that's got to be 10 out of 10. well let me fix this though yeah let me just fix that real quick now I'm all anal gonna make sure I get my 10 out of 10. I think the crappy drawing makes it even more countryball like oh I'm so happy about that I'm proud of this one it is a really simple flag though Drew like chill definitely could have given him a little hat or something but it's not a staple of the Turkish ball really it's just like nail maybe two more and I'll feel good chili it's amazing it's like the random country generator knows that I'm doing this and I have to get down like all the most famous country balls okay really like the idea of drawing the flag first and then going into the ball form so with this one it's scary because it's it's obviously very close to the Texas flag now I I believe this is Texas that's Texas Lone Star State big old Star right there that's that's got to be Texas however this is chili don't mind the really dumb looking start uh this is chili now that we have the flag down we can get the shape here's the thing we gotta make them long he's long and worm like that's actually gonna be very this can be very difficult to draw this is the hardest drawing I've had to do look at that just like an Alaskan bull worm how am I supposed to depict this how do you draw that flag on a worm body we make it mostly red at the bottom yeah I think that that's the right idea that's the lazy way to draw but I think that's also the right way I could have done something interesting with the I don't know bam that is the chili country ball for sure let me just give some mice bam I'll take it obviously not all depictions of Chile will draw him as a worm but I knew that I had to do it because of long chili this is interesting because this YouTube thumbnail flips um the yeah puts the blue on the right side but technically I was doing the flag version I knew that it comes on this side oh yeah see this is from Wikipedia the official Wikipedia and I did just like that this is an interesting version of them with that stuff at the bottom I just wanted to make sure that I knew the flag I had to get the points for drawing the flag by memory please I felt so good oh okay okay Luxembourg now that is a tri-color but not the easiest one uh it's exactly identical to the Netherlands what I mean I mean not the easiest one it is pretty easy it is vertical with um red white and a light blue that's it that's it right there bam really want to make their eyes nice and big because they have to be really cute they're small and I think the Final Touch is just really there boom perfect I mean they're obviously not the smallest they're not like a city state I mean Europe has a lot of city-states but either way okay that is the Netherlands yeah key is the light blue at the bottom wait there are yoyo countries too what you think Frank okay last one let's get a good one oh no not the bane of my existence I remember I had to do this in the drawing flags from any memory video why can I not get these colors down I think South Africa has like five colors in it and flag first there there this is wow man I cannot remember I I think this area is maybe green and then it's like orange that already doesn't look right is there red in it that I feel I feel something it goes like this uh I don't think that's black what is the other there's five colors I think oh there's probably a blue in there but they make one of these that doesn't feel right well they make this blue this is Google this is the Google Chrome icon what the I hate this flag so much just because I can't remember it there are five colors and it does do this right or don't tell me does like this what African flag is that it does this for some reason I like the Green in the corner oh wait maybe it maybe it is this and I think there are four oh this might be a different African nation blue red yellow I I don't know that's no it's the stupid that's that's definitely not right but that's a different African nation I think go back to my original design you know Google Chrome this is dumb this is the I'm making a chrome ball now because I hate myself so much okay I had the overall template down I think um it's not green in the in the diamond thing right here uh see the confusing this yellow I think throws everything off for me black yellow green in the middle and I don't know why just this strip is yellow technically six colors I mean if you include black and and white uh there's there's four just like regular blue green yellow red is this even recognizable could I even Salvage this the one thing I got was red on top right oh okay I mean that even still looks a little bit weird to me because I think the saturation of the colors is off oh yeah it needs to be darker I wonder maybe if that's why I can never manage to memorize that looks good I think kind of I don't know it's not what I ended up getting though okay last one we have a classic but it will be difficult to draw funny enough I remember nailing this last time and I think I'm actually gonna mess up pretty bad this time so we have these Scottish flag to start off with right I think Scotland first on top is it is it black down the the middle that doesn't feel right oh okay yes yes we have weirdly alternating um black lines that aren't centered No One Believes that but they are not centered is it this that doesn't feel right is there like a white down the middle you know I think that's switched this looks like an old Colonial UK I'm forgetting something here is it white I think it might be actually white again and then there are red strips it's actually way more difficult to do because I'm trying to draw this um I think this is right maybe wait is this supposed to be red too it doesn't feel right either why am I blanking on this I like how I clearly did significantly worse um trying to draw the UK flag as I did in previous events it's definitely not white there but I do think those these things are red okay I mean you get the gist you get you get the gist kind of right we can cover up the fact that I don't know the exact thing by making some big old eyes again okay UK ball it's kind of angry kind of lopsided kind of freaky wait a second I did end up getting it kind of right it just looked really weird because it was drawn and I think I threw myself off by like starting with those black lines okay not bad obviously weird but whatever all right so overall I feel like we did okay today definitely could have been way way worse and big thanks to my patrons Drew I'm stalking you and we'll kidnap you December 27 2020. DJ Mix Argentinian twenty dollars and why am I doing this
Channel: DruuuWu
Views: 735,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drew durnil, druuuwu, countryballs, countryball, drawing, memory, world, drawing world flags from memory, drawing flags, flags, flag, world flag, world flags, world countryballs, world countryball, drawing world, drawing maps, map, world map, drawing world countryballs from memory, drawing from memory, chile, nepal, britain, south africa, kazakhstan, norway, brazil, luxembourg, islands, island, lux, countryball world, countryballs world
Id: aufUqPMxO3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 06 2022
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