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well fellas it's been four long years but yesterday i asked you to once again let me fix your flags now a lot's happened since the last time we did this so we've got some catching up to do first up fix antarctica's flag it's literally just a picture of antarctica on it so lazy right just a picture of yourself as your flag so what i want to do is first turn it on its side then we'll add a little mario 64 and then we'll add that little penguin so mario can drop it straight into oblivion since this is now a snow level oh don't lie you all did that we all did that and it felt so good and then the mom penguin would come chase you remember that only 90s kids room fix the finnish flag please it's so boring and christian okay bucko let's see that finnish flag oh yes very boring and christian you were not lying so first let's turn it into a stripe specifically the kind of banner used at the end of races for that first runner to break through obviously it'll say finish as a brilliant play on words thank you and let's rip that banner for maximum effect isn't this so much more exciting boom fixed your boring christian flag fix the flags of australia and new zealand they're too similar how do i tell them apart yes these flags do indeed look pretty similar so we're going to ignore the australian flag and just focus on new zealand's quick what do you associate with new zealand damn right lord of the [ __ ] rings gonna put my boy gandalf in this flag i'm gonna put my boy frodo in this flag that's a good flag this flag says something you want to know what it says it says it's oh right it says fix the ohio flag the flag still isn't flag shaped well jayden i'm not really concerned about the shape of this flag because i got a great way to fix it first let's put it on earth that's right we're going to recreate that very funny and not at all exhausted meme you stupid kids love but this time i'm going to mix up the punch line and give this little meimei a bit more of an optimistic ending now does this fix the flag of ohio not at all sweet jesus do something about maryland yeah this is just ghastly and this is my home state even i have to admit it's not good so what do we do well first let's google famous people from maryland and see what comes up michael phelps jada pinkett smith anna faris oh oh no well rules are rules put them all up on a brand new flag to show people the wonderful talent that comes from our illustrious state also yes i i did just realize anna ferris is the voice of jailbreak for some reason i i never knew this until just now whoops oh and let's add me everyone's least favorite comment reading youtuber crab cakes and presidential assassination that's what maryland does this might make people mad but please fix the pride flag i actually quite like the pride flag because i'm a big fan of color so let's make it way gayer first i'm gonna copy and paste like a million of these gay little suckers together to make some kind of mega flag and you know what that's not gay enough now we gotta make a super mega flag so like every pixel is a pride flag and oh lord that this actually looks terrible it kind of hurts my eyes so let's slap a rainbow on there make it double and uh let's throw in that ha gay meme guy on there but of course we'll make him colorized this looks a little better but then i noticed that a number of you guys asked me to fix the pride flag because the lines are straight so let's go back and curvify those disgustingly heteronormative lines and there you go the gayest flag ever just in time for pride month damn it fix the american flag so if you recall last time we we made the super mega duper flag whatever but that was then now i'm just uh i'm just gonna add two dudes sneezing at each other because that's kind of where we are right now this is the state of our union but at least they're not wearing a muzzle fix the checkered racing flag it doesn't do a good job of conveying any excitement you're right luna it really doesn't shouldn't this flag entice the driver to finish give him some motivation so here's what i did i added some hot babes but that's sexist so then i added some hunks too just in case that's what they're into and then i added some furries to really cover my bases then i added the your winter cup and then some encouraging text so that finally this flag can signify the importance of winning me thinks this flag will make all drivers race a little harder fix philadelphia's flag oh what does this flag even look like oh it looks like [ __ ] this does not scream philly to me you know what does cheesesteaks hoagies so let's cover this stupid flag up with people cramming their mods with fat stinky cheese steaks just really cover the whole thing up and when you think it's done just just keep adding more people oh man i can smell this flag i think it's fixed here's an out of the box one fix the surrender flag yes very out of the box no one else suggested this gem only you so how do we spice up that old boring white flag that's right we add a crying baby and then the word [ __ ] in 20 different languages because a good flag should be universal fixed ah the official flag of washington state i don't really have a funny idea for this i'm just kind of pissed off that it doesn't look like a dollar bill it just seems like a huge wasted opportunity your flag is literally the dollar guy make it look like a dollar you would literally have the money flag why don't you want that washington i'm not gonna lie this idea is half baked it does look better though fix south korea's flag well as we all know k-pop stands rule the internet so let's make the south korean flag reflect this i want this flag to scream sorry sweaty or whatever they say so all of these emoji choices are very specific and deliberate let's go ahead and make the background of fan cam boom there you go the flag is now half of twitter fixed and finally fix the floridian flag there aren't enough meth gators so anyway let's see the sucker alright so the seal in the middle here it's a perfect circle so i'm gonna clone it and turn it into ears and make it look like a little mickey because as of right now disney world is still open despite everything but yeah i think the little mickey here is a great fun little way to represent florida as the entertainment capital of the country for the whole family fixed you know all those pandemic references reminded me of something what's that i gotta get more toilet paper well jack have you heard about today's sponsor real paper i i have not but i imagine you're about to tell did you know that 27 000 trees are cut down every day for toilet paper oofa buffa that's a lot of flora well real uses 100 bamboo oh is tree free jack and it's triple ply wow i'll bet it's real hard to find in stores jack you brainless blight on society it's delivered straight to your door with free shipping and you're doing actual good by purchasing real you are supporting their mission to provide access to clean toilets to those in need around the world we'll slap my cheeks and call me convinced where can i get this magical teepee and can you cut me a deal jack go to yeah link in the description and use code yai to save 10 off your first subscription box well you don't have to tell me twice i'm going to and using code yai to die i'm going to get you no you're not i'm going to get you better not [ __ ] guys i have really depressing news daddy needs more ui questions i'm all out this is not a bit this is real all out of your eye questions if you have any suggestions real suggestions i would love to hear them leave your answers in the comments below how pick my favorites in the next episode of yay please subscribe for more stinky cheesesteaks also click right here to see the previous yeah episode ah here's the clip let me roast you do me mr videos i've been so good this year info i play basketball and have put over a thousand hours into breath of the wild hey maybe if you put a thousand hours into basketball we know who the hell you were
Channel: jacksfilms
Views: 2,097,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jacksfilms, Jack Douglass, YGS, YGS 100, YGS 50, The Best of Your Grammar Sucks, Your Grammar Sucks, YIAY, Yesterday I Asked You, Fidget Spinners, Emoji Movie, Kermit Sings, JackAsk, Jack Ask, Dubstep
Id: dccZfpU856o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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