Fixing Up & Driving an Icon on The Autobahn - The BMW E39 M5

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coming up i put the five upside down one job threaten one job we make spaghetti a la silicone insane just insane important tools here it is i'm trying to flush and we race apparently on a race bro huh [Music] cameraman sound man director the producer is all coked up but only that are we ready okay good hello and welcome to m539 restorations into my beloved e39 m5 this is my favorite car and the best car in the world don't argue it just is this is a car that was never as a project on the channel and that's because i fixed it up long before i started this talk to myself for a gig i imported it from italy about four years ago did a lot of work on it and since then just drove the crap out of it i think i bought it with around 165 or 170. now it's at 208 thousand kilometers recently we took it on a very big road trip to italy france 3000 kilometers 11 days the car just drives wonderfully anyway the last time i did the video on it was last year actually around this time we did the annual service and we got it up to 300 kilometers per hour on the autobahn and that video was actually quite popular which is awesome to see e39 getting the love that it deserves now we're gonna do another oil change because it's due and then we're gonna change the water pump and do a little bit of work on the suspension but more on that once the car is in you know my girlfriend says that i love this car more than i love her which is not true but i do love this car very much let's get the tower on wheels out of here where did i put the key sounds good i hope you like the x5 this car has virtually no extra options only one which is double glazing windows and it also hasn't gotten one that's really important stupid sunroof it's a slick top which means it's rather quiet on the autobahn that and the windows really make it nice to drive at higher speeds so what are we doing today i'm gonna kick off with an old change since the car is still nice and toasty then we have to replace the water pump which i already replaced i think around 30 000 kilometers ago as part of preventive maintenance but recently started making some manly sounds you know the type of sounds that i make not very good for water pump then we're gonna do the thrust control arms i actually have mono balls from german auto solutions from the us and i'm pretty excited to try those out and then we're going to go and drive fast on the autobahn how does that sound also last time i made the video on this car it had a squeaking noise upon startup for like a second or two that turned out to be the starter i replaced it way back then and that noise is completely gone this is a different type of noise it's like having a little birdie under your head it's quite annoying you got to get rid of it i love lemon blue paint it's gorgeous rolling the cart oh yeah there's another one up there that i'm yet to fix and restore the nurse is on vacation so i gotta roll my own cart now by the way how do you like my new banners they really spruce up the place pull out the dip undo the old filter cap so oil can drain from the oil filter housing down into the pan i'm gonna inspect it for alien life a bit later once it cools down for now let's go underneath and drain the oil sorry about the excessive noise but there's nothing i can do about that they gotta do their own thing i gotta do [Music] mine whoopsy daisy i was about to say no oil leaks but as you can see we do have one this is from the lower open gasket and last time i was under here this wasn't leaking i just called the local parts store they're gonna have the gasket in stock tomorrow at 11. so we'll go ahead and drop the oil the pan see what's inside and then tomorrow on the way here i'll pick it up and for going back home i'll take d60 got my canister here ready to collect the oil i do that every oil change and i send it to blackstone labs in the u.s and so far i had nothing but great results this last oil change i used 5w50 as i said in the previous video i quite like it but i also used liqui moly motor protect and oil additive so the oil is going to be a bit gray but that's totally normal when you use those additives and collect while that is draining i'm going to inspect the filter clean as always first things first we got to clean around the perimeter [Applause] so i'm gonna crack them loose all by hand first [Music] slacking these two oh it's already coming out nice let's take it to the table this engine got all changes at least for me every five to six thousand kilometers doesn't look too bad but it's an engine with two hundred and eight thousand kilometers it's a bit varnishy here and there let's first inspect the old pan and then we're gonna drop the pickup tube because that's where you usually find time chain guys remains all right let's see that appears to be clean not even sludgy the filter is also clean so nothing here brace yourself for a splash and uh yep okay this time i didn't ruin my t-shirt let's see this is where we on project of the found timing chain guides all right no guys just our tv from the guy who did the vow cover gasket there's like goop all over the place i can see it from the outside when they replace the valve cover gasket in italy and this right here is why you never ever use a crazy big bead of sealant because you get this you get silicone and if you don't have a pickup tube on the oil pump which you will have but it can clog really important passages in the engine and then engine goes boom this is actually quite a lot of gasket material here i mean this is ridiculous i don't know why they felt the need to use this much so kind of glad i did this but good news absolutely no signs of failing timing chain guides no plastic or anything so that's why when i have to use rhinestone seal or whatever i use a very thin layer i usually smear it around with my finger it does look kind of ugly but it's actually better because that way i can control how much it's going to squeeze on the outside actually you know what i'm going to order all cover gaskets now as well so we can take care of that so this car has original 208 000 kilometers it had regular oil changes most of its life i know it did with me and the previous family that owned it in italy they were a bit crazy about it so they really kept it clean and they had the car since like 2005. and another key why it doesn't have a broken timing chain guys i replaced the timing chain tensioner when i bought the car immediately and you just run the car properly drive it use it warm it up and then beat on it i mean they're made to be driven hard but as long as you warm it up and you use good oil your timing chain guys are going to last on top of that another big factor is the usage of the car if you store it all the time and you drive it very little chances of guides going bad are bigger because the guys and everything is dry and then you start and until the oil starts flowing it's just banging on the guides that's what we had here this car has well i don't remember 230 000 kilometers something around that and we have and we found small pieces of the timing chain guides in the old pickup tube but this is a healthy boy a very very healthy boy i'm actually going to put back the old pan i don't want the engine to be open while we're waiting on the new gasket in the meantime we're going to go up top and start unbolting stuff there just finished devouring a claw sun and ordering all of the parts so let's continue gotten you one of those the maps are actually brand new well a couple of years old let's take the boxes out as well completely remove the fan clutch as part of preventive maintenance i overhauled the entire cooling system minus the radiator because it looks good and it's not leaking but i did brand new original pump thermostat and all of the hoses and everything else is okay apart the pump i'll post the screenshot when i replaced it exactly i want to say 2018 at 170 something thousand kilometers and it was extremely expensive back then i think i paid like 500 euros something like that my friend z helped me get this one through the dealer so pretty disappointing to see it go bad that early anyway let's drain the coolant pop the lower rod hose disconnect that and the coolant sensor and i'll let it pee this hose is always a pain every time as a weekend would say this expansion tank hose save the little covers [Music] take the fan shout out now we're going to start removing the plenum which you don't have to do if you're just replacing the water pump or thermostat but since we're doing the valve covers it needs to come off get this hose quickly out of the way as well get the cabin air filters out [Music] velocity stacks so we're gonna mark them [Music] these rubber hoses here are replaced when i got the car [Applause] what a beautiful engine this is really is now we're going to take the belt off it's not squeaking now i think only when the when the car is warm i actually have a video of it making the noise bastard what kind of noise is that and the rest of it good but we'll refresh this the alternator i rebuilt as well the bearings were shot let's do the ac belt as well ac clutch bearing is good now i'm going to remove the thermostat and there's actually a small mesh filter in here that i replaced also a long long time ago and it wasn't that dirty if memory serves me right and it's the part number that you can find on e46 m3 real oem doesn't show it anywhere gonna remove this vanos line here and we're actually going to replace it as well i've seen them burst on a few occasions there you go there it is pulley it's pretty crazy when i think about it back then i was doing this in an underground parking garage where i parked this car which wasn't even near my home and it was horrible cars all over the place exhaust fumes and stuff and i was working on it did the entire suspension on it there as well promised myself i'm never gonna do that again it's just not good for your health but i work pretty much everywhere driveways outside in the courtyards in order to get to all of the water pump bolts we need to remove vibration dumper so first i'm going to remove all these pulleys get them out of the way the car is out of the gear and now we're going to rotate the engine until the hole on the vibration dumper lines up with this bracket here then we can use our tool or if you don't have it you can use eight mil drill bit this is the tool that i have from the n62 timing kit just lock it in place dropped it but it's out to remove the vibration dumper we have four e torx bolts and these are one time use bolts they're stretch bolts so we don't need to replace them looks like we have a weeping front crank seal so i want to replace that as well just placed an order because i don't want any leaks on this car now i can remove the water pump before we go any further we got to clean all of this here now i'm going to clean up the gasket surface with some scotch brite that's now nice and clean now that everything is clean we can start pulling out the crank seal and first i'm gonna measure how far it goes in 0.8 millimeters so we need to remove the seal without damaging the timing cover or the crankshaft and the best way to do that is to use self-tapping screws start one here in the middle of the seal another one here as well and then pull it up with pliers it should work i've done it in the past start a hole so i'm going to try and drill a small hole there [Music] there it is start it now go by hand [Music] [Applause] that's how that looks like it's coming out so here's what i did wise grip pry bar lean it here and then push the seal out there it is removed without damaging anything that is the key here you can see where the screws went right through the middle of the seal not touching anything important now to install the brand new seal there's a special tool which i naturally don't have you can try to tap it into place but there's not a lot of room to swing there and we need to do that evenly so i made my own i went to the software store and i bought this pvc pipe this is 64 millimeters in diameter and perfect for the seal i also bought a plunger a toilet plunger and you might think i'm kidding but i'm not here it is i'm trying to flush a very big turd that i have it's called project chicago so far it's not working out but i'll let you know how that goes anyway piece of wood drill the holes using the old bolts that goes there and slowly drive it in i got inspiration for this from m5 board long live forums don't let them die their incredible resource of information i love them just wish i had more time to be active on there as well so the pipe fits perfectly let me see if i need to shorten it fresh oil we want to lube up the surface otherwise we can tear the seal very easily see if we can start it by hand now we're going to deploy our high-tech tool so i'm going to use the old seal to start it my pipe is too long and i'll slowly jump from one side to another and install it i want to check the progress we don't want to push it too much in think a little bit more i'm gonna switch to the pipe now all right i'm gonna measure now i think he needs to go a little bit more in 0.1 the left side is perfect 0.8 all around so sitting perfectly flush and that's the front crank seal lovely and smoothly installed next we're going to replace the pcv valves these hoses here and remove this pipe here and replace the o-ring on the bottom first vacuuming dig out the orange there's a washer and an o-ring you're also going to do the old dipstick o-ring just because we are here it's the thing that holds it question can it even come out now it's out another washer and the o-ring we have a new oil separator hoses and o-rings so let's start cleaning stuff up it's nice and clean install first the washer then a brand new o-ring now small o-rings for the old dipstick the one is actually cracked it's o-rings installed a little oil for them as well and that's the old dipstick done snap post here the pipe is thoroughly clean as well all right we are ready to reinstall time to clean up first the old dipstick which i can't even see it's a good thing we still need to do the lower roll pan because all of the stuff that i'm cleaning is just dropping right into the oil pan dipstick going back in with plenty of lubrication it's going to be tricky put the o-ring on the bottom and now we can start pushing in okay there it is now the plate start the nut drop the nut spend 20 minutes searching for it do it again perfect do up the meshuganet lovely here's the old water pump and this is the original pump that i bought directly from the dealer that shamelessly lasted only around 30 000 kilometers really disappointed in that this is oe park same as this one just original equipment with bmw logo scraped off gaba makes these pumps for bmw this was around 322 euros i think i paid for this one back then around 500. brand new gasket gotta find the o-ring for the pump over there and let's install it remove the old o-ring clean all this brand new o-ring silicone spray brand new gasket hopefully this one lasts longer don't feel like changing this water pump every 30 000 kilometers it's a bit too much vibration dump are going back in and there is a pin on the crank that you need to align with this hole here makes it rather easy to install brand new bolts going in the torque for these bolts is 16 millimeters and then 50 degree angle twice let me get my digital torque wrench here you go first round good the second round is going to be too much for my digital torque wrench too much torque so we're going to go the old school way 50 and that's 50 degree angle twice now you're going to focus on the thermostat housing there's a seal inside that i want to replace that's the seal that's located inside it looks pretty flat and i want to replace it so this is a tip that i saw in the e39 m5 owners group jet pinette i think posted it so a nut pick and it should come out easily there it is so you put a nut in there pick and just pry it up real easy really good tip thank you very much jed join me in my vixen surface treatments vapor blasting cabinet oh yeah [Applause] that's what i'm talking about [Music] so that should do it [Music] now that's beautiful let's install the new seal that should fit nicely let's slowly bang it in that's nicely installed and fully seated now let's talk about the thermostat the original thermostat for e39 m5 opens at 79 degrees celsius now that's pretty low but whenever i drive this car on the autobahn i drive it hard so the coolant temp gauge is always in the middle but whenever i'm driving outside germany for example on my road trip i was driving in france cruising on 130 kilometers per hour it was around 10 degrees celsius outside the car was running rather cool because it wasn't under any heavy load don't like that so i'm gonna try this 82 degrees celsius thermostat from gates it's listed for e39 m5 and unfortunately it's not plug and play because the design is different this is the original bare one and as you can see it has this nice rubber gasket on the top and the bottom this one doesn't and because the design is different you can transfer this here instead we're going to use rhinestone seal a thin layer here so it seals otherwise it's going to leak and then a little bit here and that's going to hold this is really really good stuff i have really good experience with it so i'm just confident in this and feeling comfortable using it so let's do that first we're going to replace the o-rings here o-rings don't estas silicone spray so again thin layer like that wipe off the excess now we're going to apply silicone on the thermostat as well so it slides in easier very good a bit of rhinestone on the water pump as well so with rtv the key is not to use too much lubed up o-rings push it home temperature sensor with a new washer clean bender bolt with fresh crush washers brand new venice line as i said i've seen cases where this line pops you lose oil pressure you get oil everywhere so as part of preventive maintenance we're gonna replace this one as well wasn't that expensive brand new pulleys and belts i did this as well when i bought the car but this is cheap enough to keep it nice and fresh what up i'm pulling tighten these a little bit more now we're going to get the front end up in the air so i can remove the wheels and drop them off at the tire shop tomorrow morning so they can replace the tires style 65 wheels they're beautiful aren't they a few years ago i had emer finished back to original chrome shadow and they looked spectacular and then about two years ago i want to say the really right one was scratched by a tire shop so i had to send it back to poland to get it refinished and now all four of them are perfect not even a tiny scratch anywhere i kept them very very clean and this is why i want to take them to a tire shop and have them do this because the other day i tried to do that over there with my machines some 18-inch tires with a friend it took us 40 minutes and it was incredibly difficult so there's no way i can do this and i scratch the rims so i'm gonna let the tire shop do that these are falcon tires that the previous owner installed about five years ago there's nothing wrong with them but they're getting a bit old and worn so i want to refresh them and i'm no longer working with falcon tires not because they're bad tires or anything like that the lady that was dealing with me just stopped replying to my emails so whatever i have michelin pilot sport 4 here and this is going to match what's in the back but these tires honestly they've done everything i asked from them they've done high speed runs in wet they're really good when you're in back rows they're really good i mean i had no issues with them whatsoever and the rear ones lasted about a long time i want to say 20 25 000 kilometers which is a lot for v8 with 400 horsepower and these still have thread left but as i said getting a bit old and i just want to match all four tires anyway note their condition and let's see if i'm gonna get them back without any scratches all right i dropped off the wheels and now we're gonna do the valve covers man they used rtv everywhere so i disconnected the battery because we're going to be messing around with grounds here original bremi coils from july 2000 that was quality back then now i can start loosening nuts where's my tiny screwdriver donde estami favorito i can't find my tiny screwdriver it's my favorite it's the cheapest screwdriver i ever bought one euro please come back oh there it is paid one euro for it in your shop i love this thing okay so the bolts removed it looks like it's hermetically sealed man they used rtv all the way around everywhere that's why the old pickup was full look at that gobs of sealant everywhere how are we going to clean this it's been a while since i've seen this much rtv used in a vault cover gasket cam shafts are looking good a bit warner she but again i didn't own this car all my life and we have rtv just everywhere i mean look at that there and there so need to clean all that thoroughly time to scrape how much rtv all of it ridiculous absolutely ridiculous [Applause] i have a fresh carbon fiber and victor ryan's gasket remover what is that why are you attacking me i can highly recommend this stuff it's very good just apply it let it sit for a little bit and the sealant is just going to come off very easily now we're going to replace the spark plugs since we have more space without the wall cover looking good firing nicely new spark plugs all of this came from one wall cover gasket and i've seen people use rtv all over the place when they do well cover gaskets but i've never seen someone use this much this is half a tube maybe even full tube insane just insane a few zip ties here and there to keep the gasket in place now i'm gonna prep the bolts it's good stuff poisonous chemical but good stuff got new grommets as well oh yeah at least they didn't use super glue or gorilla glue like they did on project dubai and with that we are ready to reinstall the valve cover and now for the repair manual we're going to apply a thin bead of rtv where the cylinder head meets the cover like that and also on the half moons in the back all right now get a mirror verify that it's seated in the back good and double good do it around here as well now cut and remove the zip ties just pull them out there is no torque spec in the repair manual for this so just go from inside to out and criss-cross pattern and you're gonna feel when the bolt bottoms out stop there and that will do it see that bottomed out there don't go more than that and that's it and now we got a copy page the same on bank two and on first glance it doesn't look like they used a ton of rtv here but let's find out thankfully whoever did the valve cover gasket on that side didn't do it here there is no rtv here at all torque time done and now the ignition coils these are the original e39 m5 ignition coils made by bremi made in germany extremely good quality i mean these lasted over twenty years and over two hundred thousand kilometers however brahmi it's no longer made in germany it's made in china and i'm not mocking anybody everything nowadays is made in china unfortunately the quality is simply not there you can buy brand new bremi coils compare them to the old ones and you can see that they're not even in the same league so when it comes to ignition coils whenever possible i prefer to use bosch coils they are made in slovenia and they're really good quality and i have very good experience with them however on s62 and cylinder one and five because these have a very bulky head you can do up this nut here because this part of the coil is hitting the stud so i'm going to show you now how we're going to install them and when it comes to e39 m5 coils there's nothing special about them e39 520i uses the exact same coils and also i'm not going to throw the old ones away i'm going to save them cylinder number one and because the coil is too wide it's hitting the wall cover there and you can't do up the bottom nut so i simply filed off the corner here and this is just plastic nothing important on structural and now it fits like a glove you have to do the same thing on cylinder number five over there and the rest of them fit totally fine that is a nice tip if you want to run better quality coils than bremi or whatever else i personally think that bosch makes the best quality coils nowadays use some silicone spray to clean the gasket here don't want to use brake cleaner on this very clean intake plenum going back in and i also replaced rubber lines on the back they didn't look very good new grommets a little bit of persuasion fully seated torque spec is 10 millimeters and first we're going to do the inner bolts and then the other ones velocity stacks no torque spec for these so just do them up lightly brand new gasket inside to out [Music] brought you cabin air filters nice now we're going to button up the oil pan since the open is aluminium we can chuck it into the vapor blasting cabinet so i'm going to put back the old gasket because i don't want to blast the machine surface all right time to blast [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] my bring your gasket do you know what we need to deploy now of course you do zip ties goes back the old pickup so we're going to use thread sealer on the bolts so it doesn't leak through the threads of the bolts not locker sealer done oil level sensor going back in with a brand new gasket pre-lube the oil filter dump it in maple syrup time and we're going with 5w50 like the last time i said i'm going to run that for a while see how i like it turns out i like it a lot it's quicker to warm up in cold weather the engine is overall working nicer it revs easier the vanos is working better because the oil is thinner the only downside so far it consumes a bit more oil when you drive it really hard and i had that with every single e39 m5 even the low mileage ones when you drive it fast on the autobahn it just eats a bit of oil so nothing new there and on this particular engine with every oil change i sent an old sample to blackstone labs in the us for analysis and as far as the wear metals and all of that spec sheet stuff goes there's no change whatsoever compared to 10w60. so i'm going to continue running that and obviously i'm not forcing anybody's opinion use whatever you want for me this works there's nothing wrong with 10w60 either but i live in germany where the weather is a bit colder so i like to run thinner oil drink up i'm using the same stuff in d60 and 5 and good experience there as well i should add that when you drive it slower like normal speeds 120 130 it pretty much doesn't consume any oil only when i drive it hard another also i change oil on this car every six to eight thousand kilometers previous owners definitely didn't do that and the engine is a bit varnished and that's mainly due to long change interval at the beginning of its life i think 20 25 000 kilometers maybe even 30 something ridiculous like that just if you have a brand new car cut that in half ten thousand fifteen thousand max if you want but i wouldn't go more than ten thousand fin shroud is going back in brand new expansion thing absolutely nothing wrong with the old one it was just yellow and ugly so i wanted to refresh it and make the engine bay look a bit nicer original clamps now the little covers brand new filter now we're going to add the coolant so set the temperature to the highest setting and the fan to the lowest this coolant is mixed 50 50 with water fan clutch if you're wondering why am i not replacing this that's because i already did all right now we're going to start it let it warm up see if we have any leaks and if the squeak is gone the mighty beast i'll never get tired of this rumble never if you're wondering why it sounds like a diesel every s62 does just vanos and stuff and this one is all original never touched original timing chain guides original vanos original rod bearings untouched they're really really good engines so far everything seems fine can't see any leaks but we'll go underneath once we shut it down [Music] gotta love an e39 m5 you just have to have a look see the open is now nice and dry the valve cover was leaking a little bit onto the ac compressor but that's resolved power steering pump and hoses dry i did have a bit of a leak from the steering box but that seemed to disappeared so the car is self healing which is excellent the rear main seal all clean the gearbox as well so no current active leaks on this car whatsoever and i'm loving that so with that we can move on to the thrust arms currently i have trw thrust control arms on the car and while they're not bad i can feel that the bushings are starting to go i think they're flexing a bit too much and i can feel that when i'm driving because the rubber on those seems softer than the original lm401s but i want to try something new something different these are monoballs from german auto solutions from the us not sponsored or anything like that bought this with my own dinero and everybody in e39 community has been praising these that they completely transformed the way that the car handles so i want to try them and see what's what these set me back 350 bucks plus import duty and tax but that is actually a very good price for a good quality part so first we're going to press out the bushings from brand new lamp for the control arms i want to use lymphoida ball joints and then there are instructions on german auto solution website how to install these so we're going to follow that and complete this mission time to hold the press conference first thing we're going to do is use cartridge a bit of brake cleaner and clean up the surface of the bushing that we're going to push out that'll be this one now i'm going to apply some oil a cup [Music] very good we're going to save the bushings in case this ends up being too much for me now you're going to clean the surface of the water balls as well now we're going to apply a thin layer of primer and coat the inside of the control arm do the same with the mono ball now we need to give it 15 minutes to cure now we're going to apply loctite all over inside the control arm and also on the mono ball coat the surface completely now we are ready to press in the mono ball make sure it's pressed all the way and that's fully seated now you're going to wipe the excess off now the cap bolts the torque for these bolts is 10 millimeters [Music] and that's the installation done so what exactly have we done here we replaced a rubber bushing with a ball joint rubber flexes ball joint doesn't it moves and that's what's going to give us that precise entire steering wheel feel the downside is a bit more harshness vibrations and all that stuff is going to be transferred into the cabin into the car because rubber absorbs all of that and ball joint doesn't everybody says that it's not too bad you can't really feel it but we'll see if it's too harsh for me then i'm going to go back to rubber and that's both of them pressed in so unbolt the sway bar it doesn't look bad it's just it's flexing way too much i'm gonna unbolt the sway bar link next we need to remove the pinch bolt then lower the steering knuckle and then we can unbolt the ball joint now i can get the ball joint tool going there it is easy peasy first stop cleaning washer and a brand new nut counter hold the ball joint she did now i need to employ hugh jackman jr the strut is back in its position and now we can torque the pinch bolt always start by the nut have a brand new bolt here and we need to use spacers here that come with mono balls nice it's true brand new nut since this is not a rubber bushing we don't need to fully load the suspension in order to torque it there's nothing to twist however instructions do say to load the suspension somewhat and then torque it in order to take out any slop that's in the hardware here so i'm gonna do it finger tight for now then we're gonna put the wheels back on lower it and then i'll do the final torque the rims are back and thankfully they survived i asked the guy really nicely to be careful with them and they sure were because they're exactly the same as before no scratches anywhere really happy with that we have fresh michelin rubber so let's put them on and since this is going to be too much torque for my torque wrench we're gonna go well we're gonna eyeball it and use a breaker bar so i think twice until the lift that should do it like that that'll do it we didn't remove the rear wheels but while added we're going to recheck the torque check the tire pressure fronts 2.4 rear 2.6 bar you think we'd go for a drive now but not yet we got to do some more preventive maintenance the fuel pump as far as i know we have original fuel pump to this car i never replaced it it's not in the service history so 21 year old fuel pump it's one of those things that when it dies it's going to do so without giving you any prior signs sometimes if you're lucky you might get some but normally it just happens suddenly and it's going to leave you stranded wherever you are so you're going to replace it proactively just to be safe in that department as well the pump lives where they normally live under the rear seat i can see some marks on the ring over here so it was definitely replaced at one point or something was done we're gonna do it anyway pull it out see what's going on but first we need to clean and vacuum all of this no no no no i'm gonna have some fuel here a lot of it actually my professional tool fun fact i'm doing this after the test drive because the fuel tank was full all right carefully take it out my other hand i need some clip the pump there it is hello fuel pump take this to the table here's the fuel pump definitely replaced at one point no idea when because there's no date on it but the strainer is looking horrible and i bought oe1 from peaborg p berg makes these fuel pumps for bmw unfortunately it's missing two important components strainer and this plastic hose it just comes like that and i definitely want to replace that and that so i have to send this one back and that's not something you can order separately from the dealer and i have to buy a whole thing comes with the brand new gasket comes assembled in the carrier zip ties and a hose clamp and now i'm going to show you what oe and genuine means you can see here this is the pump from p berg ti automotive for poland makes this fuel pump and here's the original bmw one also says ti automotive on it except this one doesn't have bmw stamp on it this one does right over there it says bmw on it that's the main difference oe is the exact same part as the original one minus the bmw stamp this is 135 euros original one is 280. unfortunately in this case we gotta go with the original one because we need all of those new parts as well and i'm gonna send this one back oh no someone welded them on so whoever replaced this pump previously soldered the connections here no idea why would it do that but i gotta try and unsolder them okay there's one that's the second one off as well there really is no reason to solder these if the connection is a bit loose you just clamp them a little bit more and that's now firmly installed perfect need a clamp here and that's the fuel pump assembly ready to go back in as you can see the bottom of the fuel tank looks clean it's plastic so no rust or anything like that we need to clip it in and now we got to make sure we do this correctly there's a notch here that you have to line up so before i start smacking it on i'm going to connect the hose and the connector just make sure that the fuel gauge is still working yep connect and start the car make sure we don't have any leaks it's probably going to take a bit to build up fuel pressure [Music] very good and no leaks lovely job well done now the final touch we're gonna replace the m5 badge on the trunk if you have worn stripes like i do you can replace just that you can buy replacement stickers on ebay but mine is completely worn including the chrome so we're going to replace this completely here are the parts and tools that we need i'm going to use some tape to mark the position of the badge dental floss that's the easiest way to remove the old badge without damaging the paint nice all right now i'm gonna get some polish that's looking pretty perfect now some surface prep beautifully done oh one job threaten one job fire do you see what i did i put the five upside down all right all right i gotta go find more tape i'm back putting your tape on the back let's do it the right way around now that's looking proper now bit of spit for the exhaust steps beautiful now we can finally go for a blast down the autobahn as always every single part that are replaced on this car goes into a spreadsheet no matter how small o-ring bolts whatever goes in here with the part number as well as which part was used oe oem or original date and kilometers it just looks nice and tidy and that's how i keep service records for this car and keep track of my maintenance [Music] [Music] actually do we have any senoritas watching the channel my girlfriend says nine let's see how those mono balls feel and if i'm gonna like them stop beeping i need to take it in for wheel alignment let's just go for a quick test drive see if they're gonna stay or not listen to that cold start nothing can beat that rumble right off the bat does it feel any harsher so far no harsher yep let's see if it's worth it like the bumps are not nice and smooth anymore oh is that an f90 m5 on a race bro huh maybe i should just rev it next time showing what a proper engine sounds like it's nice but you wasted your money you should about mint one of these so it's only harsh when hit potholes big surprise there and all the noise and stuff that you're hearing that's just camera and equipment rattling because i don't have a really good solution how to bolt down this camera properly so i'm using a neck stabber here to do that just pull some bolts ah but more composed oh there's the guy with the m5 what are you doing man i'm gonna check the old level one more time and then get the gopros in sync oil level is spot on the squirrel is gone let's hit it sport full tank of gas let's use it [Music] god i love this car and this is not 100 limit sign 100 is the speed limit at night from 10 to 6. i had few people comment that i'm not that crazy people it's so good at high speeds this car as far as the mono balls go not feeling much of a difference here we'll see once we get on some b roads whatever matching in this car is so easy much easier than the e60 m5 you got to give it a lot more revs just comparing the suspension to the alpena so much better because i did complete suspension on this car when i bought it everything corny yellow sharks which i do like they ride really well the big dislike that i have with them is that they are adjustable i don't need that and the front ones are super easy to adjust you just open the hood turn the knob but the rear ones are just pointless design because in order to adjust them you have to take them out of the car remove the spring compress them and then adjust them it's just what's the point so for project scoffday or hofte we're gonna go with stock suspension i wanna see how they feel how a brand new e39 m5 used to feel back in the day it's work day too much traffic oh james may and his son darrow this thing has so much torque it's wonderful to drive on the highway and this is 240 and it's by far the quietest car i have at high speed because no stupid sunroof so it's definitely a little bit less floaty than before the front end is more stable but i could have gotten that with some fresh lampwater bushings as well ended up on the same road as i did with alpena but it was nice last time mine is the breakdown and someone pointed out when i said that was the first bmw that left me stranded because of a mechanical breakdown that wasn't a bmw that was alpena very good point my record remains clean impreza let's push it here okay it does feel more precise than before this is now a hill climb it's a good thing s62 has plenty of torque so even in third gear it just pulls at 2 000 rpm you don't get that in d60 m5 i think i shall overtake you do you want to pick it up what oh no driving woman keep looking out for strawberry stand strawberry season in germany and i love strawberries the way it pulls oh i almost forgot last time we did the video on this car we talked about difficult shifting when the car is cold and getting into the second gear and we tried well i tried like a ton of different fluids over the years all mtf but in that video we tried uh liqui molly mtf with gearbox additive and that was pretty good for around 500 kilometers and then it was same difficult cold shifting getting into the second gear really crunchy and difficult once it's fully warmed up it's brilliant so a subscriber wrote me and i was really skeptical in first but he told me try atf and then i thought about it and realized that e31 850i with the six speed which is a very similar transmission to this one uses atf from the factory every single one that i drained fluid out had atf in it and i always put atf back in it and the shifting is perfect so i did the same thing here straight atf and it's been in the car for seven thousand kilometers eight something like that and it's been perfect even in cold weather five degrees 10 degrees zero degrees you start the car and the shifting is perfect from the get-go and it stays over thousands of thousands of kilometers so i can definitely recommend it if you're skeptical about it like me just know that the e31 uses the same stuff the atf label is on the transmission there from the factory and that's how they filled it and it's pretty much the same or very similar gearbox to this one liquid moly top tech 1100 perfect [Music] i swear every new gopro is garbage i bought the 10 works for like 15 minutes and then it overheats and like 15 degrees and then this one is now this is the nine also keeps giving me an error this one is from 1998 and it works fine so to sum up mono balls tiny bit harsher than before not as harsh as i initially thought definitely you can feel more vibrations and noise and harshness when you hit bigger potholes but when you drive on normal roads that are bumpy and whatnot have imperfections it's more or less the same in the corners when i'm pushing the car i'd say firmer and more precise but i think i would achieve the same thing if i went with stockland for the bushings because the trw ones are just too soft for this car so was it worth it i'm gonna have to say nine for now i really had high expectations and that's probably part of it but i don't have that wow effect i was expecting that i'm going to feel immediately some difference on the upside mono balls are going to last you a lot longer than rubber bushings where's the water no that's coolant here's the vasa back to the vacshot it's silly how quickly he gets up to speed with normal traffic again third time how do people use gopros then so i got to send that one back as well listen to that no knocking noises well i hope that you enjoyed this video e39 m5 still looks and drives gorgeous the next time you're gonna see it on the channel it's not going to be this one but project hovde not sure when because i was planning to work on it now and get it ready for that big e39 m5 meetup in munich for 50 years of mga behind but that's not going to happen because alpena that project doesn't want to end and i can't start another one because we need to take that engine into a million pieces as well to do the timing chain guides vanos and the rest of the stuff so it'll come just not sure when speaking of the big gathering in munich it's going to happen on 16th and 7th in july and we are hoping to have the most e39 m5s in one place i got goosebumps just saying that so if you own one of these beautiful cars you're more than welcome to join you can find more details on e39 and fire owners groups on facebook as well as m5 board and i'll try to find a picture to post it here as well it's going to be like a road trip and we just hope we're going to have a lot of cars over there and just have a beautiful day overall i hope you can make it and i'll see you there as always thank you very much for watching if you enjoyed the video please consider subscribing i would appreciate that and i'm gonna see you in the next one which is going to be on alpena b7 project chicago after a lot of ups and downs we finally have a plan how we're going to put that car back on the road and it's an interesting one so stay tuned for that ciao [Music] you
Channel: M539 Restorations
Views: 905,731
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: e31, bmw, 850i, 850ci, restoration, revival, barn find, e39, e38, m5, 740i, 840i, 840ci, 850csi, csi, 8er, 8 series, classic cars, bimmer, 540i, v12, 535i, 750, e46, m3, m70, road trip, m73, budget, first start, car project, b7, b8, alpina, restore it, e34, e32, e24, hoovie's garage, hoovie, tavarish, doug demuro, vin wiki, vice grip garage, car throttle, samcrac, e60, s85, v10, challenge, m54, 3er, 325i, chrisfix, detailing, disaster interior, detailing geek, top gear, edd china, cartrek, Abandoned, dealership, alfa romeo
Id: KWr-YtDDM3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 46sec (4366 seconds)
Published: Tue May 10 2022
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