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what's up welcome back to the channel my name is Simon Sabina and today we're gonna pick some beats this first one is by William Howell and he asks how can I improve the bass line let's take a look well drag and drop see okay let's give this a listen first so the problems with the bass are that it's out of tune and the sound design so let's fix both of those okay so here's our chord progression I'm pretty much just gonna copy and paste this on to your baseline so that you can see what's going on so your first chord is playing F minor with a 9 then you have D sharp major with a 9 then a G sharp major with the 9 and then G minor but your baseline is going D si si D si si so these two things should be really going hand again it's pretty easy to fix it so now I just hope this the F we can move this to the fifth which would be C so that's right I will move this there this is a new chord let's move it up here we'll move this down to the fifth as well which would be the C sharp up here these two are both G minor so we can do that blood will do maybe an octave just to make it fun okay let's hear that now I'm thinking the problem is the bass is out of tune itself so I'm gonna load up a piano just make sure it's not tuned to see so high place it on the piano [Music] we're gonna replace is based completely because it's really hard to work with I don't think I want an 808 so let's get a sub bass with Nexus it's working on the timing now the release this is a good rhythm you know with that here and said [Music] hey let's hear now [Music] I'm gonna put a little bit of distortion on it so it's kind of similar to the bass yeah before [Music] last thing I'm going to do is just side changes to a king mmm we'll put it here I'm assuming this is empty side Ching like this ah I get the limiter kind of just doing it to taste now look cleavage so hey maybe you do this whole octave and move some of these [Music] let's hear the whole new part [Music] this next one is by Matthew pilling he says hey hope you're doing well I was wondering if you can help me out for the transitions between chorus and the verse number two good question I hope I can help you with that I don't have silence I don't have that either oh I don't have oh I don't have that I have to replace these chords with something in serum so one second so we'll listen from here to verse two and see what he does [Music] [Music] yeah it's not a great transition and the reason I'm saying that is because this section and this section sound like two completely different songs and there's nothing wrong with that but you need something to bridge it together so you have this chord progression here and it's good and I think it sounded like you changed keys and that's why it sounds like such a jarring switch okay I'm gonna duplicate this kind of load this on top so I can figure out what you're doing we'll have it from this loop to this loop okay what are you playing [Music] [Music] okay so that is the chord progression and now I want to take a look at the chord progression he did oh it's the same no wait that's mine oh no I deleted his no I still have it I'm good I'm good at my job so this is the progression for the chorus this is the progression for the verse this one is supposed to be in the key of C sharp minor and this one is in the key of G sharp minor so they're in different keys and there's nothing wrong with that because now it's a little puzzle that we can do to figure out how do we get from this back to this I'm duplicating the pattern again and I'm gonna put this in between the transition so and we're probably may begin do like some kind of volume automation so it's like oh yeah this pad again we're going back to the verse the biggest problem is gonna be if that transitioning chord progression is gonna work with the melody so we have this course that comes in we have this melody and we have four bars to figure out how to get back to this [Music] we're gonna go back to this flat and a half well what is it what's this there the whole what is this what what are you I'm chill he ain't hurtin nobody spread the voices up a bit and make it a bit more epic [Music] so now the problem is there's a baseline in this so then that's kind of interfere with the courts I put in this knob let's automate this it's got enough packing on this one as well that if you stemmed out this melody you can take out the bass easily but if you didn't this is kind of a quick face let's hear this transition now [Music] this next one is by haptic PC and gaming how can I make my sound less repetitive and how can I add countermelodies okay let's take a look-see [Music] [Music] [Music] okay the first thing I notice is that you have a hard 808 and a suckling at the exact same time and that's creating a lot of muddiness right now if you hear that you couldn't do it separately like this or you can play them at the same time just make sure that they're not actually overlapping each other also your 808 tattoo and we'll tune it really quickly [Music] okay that's tuned one of the ask I was distracted how can I make my song less repetitive and out countermelodies okay okay oh I just realized using fruity slicer so this is a really good way to get some interesting chops out and that's some variation so maybe I'll make like a little pattern for you so if we're gonna clone that cuz I don't want to overlap yours okay so let's split this probably in a beat [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm so an octave up to keep it interesting [Music] it's kind of cool so why don't we just do a little bit of this [Music] and then it will just kind of introduce it maybe like around here so let's hear what I just did [Music] [Music] so this one is by Spencer Bynum and he wants help with his mixing so let's take a look at this let's have a little listen first [Music] [Music] it's not bad I really like the panning things you have going on I feel like there's some elements that just be mixed in better so we're kind of just trying to build a nice space for your beat um so for the rain I'm gonna put a little low pass on it when the beat drops not that one there we go okay good next thing I realize is you don't have a reverb set and a lot of your instruments need reverb so I'm gonna get a red to mix your track you get some reverb feel like the high hats are a bit harsh we're gonna take a look [Music] I'm not sure pop this [Music] I'm gonna put a trim later on it just so we gotta set the sense of rhythm all I'm gonna do is kind of mix the dry in the wet so it's more of just a pulse it's like an internal kind of rhythm now we're gonna sidechain those 808 because those are some pain we're gonna kind of mix from the ground up now [Music] [Music] whatever that was that was really uh jarring this yeah at least if you turn down where are ya okay now there's a couple percussions I need to get reverb mixed in so here is what I did [Music] I don't know [Music] [Music] thank you so much for watching the video hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you guys soon okay so if you guys want to submit for the next fix mind beat video the first thing you have to do is follow me on Twitter and Instagram if you are using FL Studio all you have to do is go to export and go to zip loop package if you are using any other doll all you have to do is export some stems email the submission to Serbia listen at I'm only gonna work on each project for a few minutes so make sure you ask a very specific question on how I can picture B if you have any suggestions leave a comment if you'd like this video leave it like if you really like this video subscribe if you didn't like this video leave just leave
Channel: Servida Music
Views: 687,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Servida Music, Simon Servida, Making beat in Fl studio, making a beat, Fixing a beat, Fixing a subcribers beat, Collabing on a beat, FL studio COllab
Id: _IZpUAq5yHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 02 2019
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