How to Create Different Emotions With Your Melodies!

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what's up on Max's channel my name is sad to be that and today I'm gonna teach you something when we're talking about melody I feel like the driving force of it is the emotion the feeling and the vibe and in order to get that vibe I feel like it has less to do with the actual melody and more to do with everything surrounding it I have to start by saying that this tutorial is gonna be very subjective when it comes to the connection between music and emotion there's not really theory behind it so for example if I play C major we're really associating with something happy but there's nothing about these three notes that theoretically mean happiness it's just that a lot of happy songs were made in a major key and a lot of sad songs were made in a minor key so the first thing I want to talk about is this concept called reharmonization reharmonization is when we restructure the harmony of a song so for example I've had some chords in a melody we're gonna keep the melody the same but we're gonna change the chords and if we do that effectively we can create a lot of different vibes from it so let's get a really simple melody okay so I'm thinking twinkle twinkle little star [Music] there we go okay in your classic Nursery Rhyme would get something really simple and happy so probably a C major probably F major back to see you know we go back to F major G major right at the end and then back to C major and now this is our harmony so now we're gonna reharmonization see what we come up with the easiest method to do this is to stick with chords within your scale we are in the key of C major so we have seven chord possibilities so we have C major D minor E minor F major G major a minor B diminished so this harmony is really happy right now so let's do something a bit sadder the sad vibe is mainly associated with minor chords so D minor E minor and a minor will probably be our best bet we're starting melody is C which is also in the chord of a minor so let's start with this one first this a we can match it up with this D here this G can match up with this a minor we can match up the F with the D minor this a matches up with a minor this D we can try a B diminished instead and we can end it on a minor ok so let's see that now it doesn't sound that great first of all it's kind of muddy so let's move it up an octave let's just improve this a bit I just want to do some voice leaving first we'll just move these down an octave so it's more compact when you're still a beginner a trie harmonizing it's best to stick within the scale but once you get more advanced that music theory you can start leaving the scale for example I'm gonna move this B to the C sharp here this creates a diminished chord which is a lot darker we have this common tone at the G here and this diminished chord leads into the D minor really well let's do one more example so we made a really quick melody here let's so let's make this really dark sounding I think we're in the key of C minor so we have once again seven chord options towards our C minor D diminished E flat major F minor G minor a flat major B flat major I want this one to be dark so let's stick with the dark chords we'll start with C minor we'll use F minor just invert it like that I think we'll use G minor invert it as well back to C minor I like just repeating it like this let's make this a diminished actually so this is what we have let's just do some cuts [Music] so this is the dark version of the melody so let's try and change the vibe by reharmonization let's try and use some of the major chords so our first note is G I want to use the a flat major now if we combine these two together it creates a major seven chord we see a D here let's use the B flat major let's bring this one back you have a G we can use the E flat major like this [Music] another important thing when it comes to creating emotion is your sound selection for example if I use something like a toy piano you might associate it with something happier as opposed to using something like a Rhodes which would be much smoother we also associate bright with happiness so we can just move something down an octave to make a darker [Music] we can also EQ out some of the top-end [Music] but I think the best way to practice is to experiment and figure it out for yourself for you guys I feel like the best way to practice is to make a melody and then just go through every single chord of the scale and just see what you come up with let's try C major under this that sounds really happy let's try it under D minor now that sounds kind of jazzy let's try it under a minor now there's a lot of tension in there F major it's kind of melancholy now and once you get really comfortable with that you can create a lot of different vibes because you'll know what notes go with what chords and what chords go with what chord progressions now if you want to get a loop kit with a bunch of different vibes I just released one on tree sounds website there's a lot of different vibes and genres in this one so for example we have this really dark one here perfect for something like trap something really soft and relaxing like this one something like this what's kind of fun feet with melancholy at the same time yep this one works really dark and mysterious and jazzy [Music] something really soft an RV like this something more dark and gritty like this [Music] then we have this straight favorite wrapping up stuff like this I put a lot of time into this loop kit so if you're a producer who's really creative and likes to experiment and try new things I highly suggest you get this thank you so much for watching the video hope you enjoyed it once again if you want to get my full house loot kit it's gonna be the first link in the description let me know what other tutorials you want and I'll see you guys if you have any suggestions leave a comment if you'd like this video leave a like if you really like this video subscribe if you didn't like this video leave just leave
Channel: Servida Music
Views: 562,384
Rating: 4.9425297 out of 5
Keywords: Servida Music, Simon Servida, Making beat in Fl studio, making a beat, Create emotions, Music emotions, How to make happy melodies, how to make sad melodies, happy melody tutorial, sad melody tutorial, melody tutorial, how to make melodies, fl studio melody tutorial, melody tutorial fl studio, melody tutorial ableton, how to make different genres, Music melody tutorial, How to create different emotions with your melodies
Id: hh08Y_reOI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 50sec (470 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 31 2019
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