Fixing My BIGGEST Problem with Warhammer 40,000

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these are my yellow Jakari models [Music] I've shown them before in videos in the past and honestly I just like them and kind of always have I love the backstory which is basically desert dark yaldar and I want to reinterpret that idea to come up with a truly unique chicari in this video and solve my biggest problem with Warhammer 40K about two years ago I tried to do something similar by making my scheme more efficient at that time I was also not a fan of my banana boys and girls and I thought by changing it and making it slightly more efficient I'd be happier with it I even said in that video gives me confidence when trying to paint the rest of my Army as opposed to painting my Army and being unhappy with it well guess what I knew I still wasn't happy with that scheme and I started painting my entire army anyways because I was trying to answer the question how long does it take to paint an entire 40K Army inevitably I didn't finish painting and that question goes unanswered but if you're curious how much time I spent so far here it is foreign we're coming up with a scheme I actually like like really really like but more than just a scheme I'm gonna take Dark Eldar a faction that I kind of already like and make it my own one of the Staples of the Dark Eldar faction are cabalite warriors they're one of the three basic troop choices in the Army and I think they're the most iconic of the three I have two issues I want to solve with them first they're incredibly Derpy conical helmets I understand they're iconic and some of them are okay sprinkled in amongst an army but as a main helmet design for the faction it's a bit too uh I'm probably gonna catch a massive internet Flack for claiming to be a Dark Eldar fan and denouncing the helmet design so please accept this photo of Phil Kelly and I as repentance secondly every single Warrior has this bizarre wide-legged stance just like the helmet this is totally fine in moderation but when every dude is standing like that you really lose the sense of how tall and imposing Dark Eldar can be they're supposed to be pompous elves right we need some poses that drip you get me okay let's fix the first problem the heads head swapping is baby's first conversion so this should be pretty simple my takari live in the desert right so let's find some appropriately dry and Dusty heads to swap out some of these helmets at first I was thinking of 3D printing some options and I found lots of bits for jeans either Cults to Lauren desert Raiders Etc but they didn't feel alien enough these ones are a great option and they remind me a lot of the helmets you'd find on Reaver jet bikes and witches so thematically appropriate I actually have some of these helmets laying around so I won't need to print them out and that's again kind of a bit hunt for other options in my collection I found vansar heads also give me sufficient alien Vibes and also the radical corsairs from Kill team accomplished what I was trying to do with the aforementioned stls while still feeling desert-like and eldari the siberite or the leader of the unit of cabalite Warriors can have the typical conical helmet as a way to make them feel like more sorry without having every guy be uh [ __ ] alright on to fixing the pose the knockman kill Team box that contains the corsairs is ripe with fantastic eldari poses I'm partial to this homing with his walking towards camera menacingly gate the problem with the corsairs is they got all this Gobbledy good going on them so it's time to do some cleanup with some clippers and an exacto knife I do some rough removal of the various details dank Eldar are all about sharp angles so any Kerdi filigree or ovular armor panels needs to go I also need to make room for the future sculpting I'm gonna do on top of these sexy lbar legs oh baby Pro tip to clean up this removal I use a sponge sanding twig so it maintains the subtle curves of the legs while cleaning up the surface I like the Twigs with a 240 grit on one side and a 320 on the other also plastic glue applied in a thin layer to the surface will clean up any shaving plastic bits you have left around on to give you a better idea of where you're at and I'd say we're about done time for some sculpting I started pretty simple with good old-fashioned milliput with a scuffed up surface to give me some extra tooth I apply a thin layer of putty struggling to get it to attach to the model as opposed to my dental sculpting tool and I Please Release what the [ __ ] okay when I finally apply the nastiest roughest layer of milliput I'll start to smooth it out with a flat color shaper which is basically a silicone brush I also have a little water on this tool to prevent the milliped from inevitably sticking to the tool and not my model I'm trying to establish that classic peak in the middle of the thigh that you see on all dark haldar armor all right hands up if you didn't think this volcanic craggy Wasteland surface if Miller put would come out looking this nice if I know I didn't in between each layer I'll do some very light scraping with my exacto and some sanding with my sanding twig and then I'll keep doing more layers but I've upgraded my process instead of using water I'll use a neutral lotion because milliput is water soluble it's very easy to use too much and absolutely disintegrate it with lotion it's much harder to do that and I find I get an even smoother surface when using lotion instead of water I'll put the lotion on my hand and the putty on my thumb so it's all right there ready for me big shout out to modern synthesis and his blogs and how to start sculpting it got me started all those years ago the last Improvement I'll make is using a 3070 split of green stuff and milliped respectively instead of just milliput the green stuff lends this sticky almost stretchy nature that's really nice for sculpting and the majority milliput allows the cured putty to be sanded and scraped really nicely shout out to valbujorn the daddy is space Wolf conversions for this advice I actually painted one of valbuorn's conversions in a previous video if you want to check it out and boom of course her legs looking awfully dracary but we can do a little bit better before we do that however let's get a refer from this video sponsor Cobalt keep has a new product they're showing off today in their modular paint store system the product was designed to grow with you as your paint collection grows with five shelves and two side pieces you can easily assemble one unit together I'll be honest I was pleasantly surprised by the fit and finish of how these pieces go together and also how sturdy they seem with the unit assembled we can now assemble a bench with a combination of a right angle piece and a shroud that helps keep your paints organized it's worth mentioning that the final units will have clear shrouds so you can easily see your paints there are covers for Citadel paint pots as well as dropper bottles but a variety of brands are accommodated by these two options now you can easily remove benches from the paint rack as small portable trays and you can organize your paint in logical groups so we need to pay ultramarines you're always grabbing the ultramarine bench if you get more paints and need more storage each side piece has an additional connector so you can expand as your collection needs the individual units are a size such that they fit nicely into an Ikea Cadillacs unit a piece of furniture I'm sure we're all familiar with as hobbyists and Gamers personally I really appreciate how intentional this design is and while there still is a fair degree of modularity and DIY potential Cobalt keep clearly put a lot of thought into how this tool was going to be used and how it helped people if you're interested in organizing your hobby Space by picking up a couple of units they're running a concerted campaign that is live right now and you can find linked down in the description thank you to kobaki for sponsoring this episode now back to my conversions some Dark Eldar have this cute little anklet they picked up back in high school when they went to Eldar summer camp to recreate this I wrapped some aluminum wire around a suitably sized tool in this case a circular file and then clipped it I opened it up a bit to get it around the ankle and then pinched it shut with some squishing and sanding the ring actually closes up pretty nicely no putty needed but you can hide the seam on the inside of the leg or behind it if you have a cape wearing character like myself next up leg spikes a very important detail I harvested some spikes from an old bit and glued them on making sure to use a decent amount of plastic glue to get a nice weld between the two parts I even reinforced this joint with a bit more sprue goo The Last Detail to add are some of these kneecap Wing Dinger ax head things I have no idea what they're for but they look pretty mean I sketched out the shape on some styrene cut it out roughly with my X-Acto Knife and then shaped it with some files and super glued it on enjoy the view through my glasses the very last step was doing some very high grip polishing with a 2000 grit sponge putty has a tendency to make really sharp edges especially the pure milliput stuff and it's actually not super nice for painting knocking that edge back and rounding it over makes it a lot better okay I got some sexy legs did I mention that cabalite Warriors are a basic troop choice in the drakari army that you often have 10 20 or 30 of these guys anyways onto the Torso for the singular dude similar to last time will remove a lot of details with an X-Acto Knife and Clippers and will sand it smooth and apply plastic glue to clean it all up I added some more segmented armor to his torso just like last time and then the first detail I wanted to add was his drug pod many Jacari models have a tube running from their pectoral muscle to somewhere on their back that administers their combat drugs a feature that has remained in the range for a while now and I freaking love it I took some guitar string which was admittedly a bit too thick in diameter and spent a very long time perfectly bending it to match the shape that I needed also in this shot you can see that I replaced the shoulder pad with a much sharper and more angular dark Elder one that I unceremoniously clipped off of another warrior with the drug tube in place I tried to sculpt the oval shape on top of that but that proved somewhat challenging so I harvested a broken Soul Stone from a leftover incubei bit sliced off the back side and glued it on maybe it's a little too big but I think it works pretty well if you don't want to harvest a shoulder pad off of one of your warriors they're pretty easy to scratch build I grabbed a suitably sized Hollow styrene rod and cut a length of it and tapered the edges with my clippers with some filing and sanding and bending it fits pretty nicely over the shoulder and glues to the part like a regular plastic bit would it was still a bit too long in the shot you're seeing right now and ended up shortening it even more to finish off this epic kit bash I grabbed the cabalite trueborn half of the kill team Soul shackle box set which is sadly just a regular cabalite Warriors brew and this tiny little sprue of cool Parts where'd you think that was getting all the sacrificial Warrior parts to cut up because my guy has a holster I use the reloading pistol arms it's probably the coolest arms in the whole set stop on one of those cool domed helmets we have a pretty awesome conversion we have one last thing to do priming conversion has a tendency to reveal all the terrible mistakes you overlook but I'm happy to say this one kind of holds up pretty well the chess is definitely a bit crusty but the legs turned out pretty clean oh did I forget to mention that the Corsair kit has capes that are perfect for Dark Eldar match made in a web way Heaven well that was one way to make a differently posed cabalite Warrior admittedly it was wild and time consuming it would not scale up for a whole Army in the slightest but we can make one a little bit faster so let's give that a shot we could always use witches those malls have super Dynamic poses but similar to the last experiment it would require sculpting that segmented armor on at least one of their legs there might be a slightly better option Raiders one of the factions transports have these dudes who are hanging off the side of the vehicle most players end up using these guys because it's more bodies to paint that aren't playable models I think it adds to the Practical Vibe of dracary but suffice it to say there are a lot of these models hanging around that no one uses and they have pretty interesting poses I've used some of these poses in the past to make some fun conversions with a lot of motion first we need to break down his helmet because his posture is wrong for a normal stance most Parts came off pretty nicely but the Torso has given me some grief so I had to be more aggressive I'm like a real-life a monkey lie I could then start chopping the leg up I pinned the foot to the leg without super glue at this time so I could play around with how I wanted the foot to fall how long the leg was without committing to anything just yet I decided to chop the toes off so they could have a more in progress walk look versus dragging his back foot I actually don't have any footage of that process because I did this hobby work at home which is the first time I've hobbied at home in easily five months this process was actually a lot of fun you can see the putted up version in this shot right here however next most dark out I have a tabard that hangs awkwardly in the middle of their wide legged stance so I wanted to add one to this guy that I harvested from another poor cable Light Warrior with some Magic Putty to cover the gaps a gun pointed up in the air like this one a cool trueborn sword like that one and a Corsair head with one of the masks we're done that one was much faster than the first one but like the first one requires cannibalizing existing kits which is never really a great feeling anyways those were some proof of concepts for more varied cat Light Warrior poses now let's work on the scheme I want a scheme That's Heavy on khaki and black with a saturated green and brown for belts and fabrics with a teal and yellow spot color the yellow and teal spot color will tie it into my other models nicely and the Khaki black and green and brown have a very cool militaristic vibe that I think will work well I started off by testing Grim black and black Templar two black transparent acrylic products meant to be applied like a wash that heavily tint the surface I wanted to see if I could take my miles with their current undesirable scheme and convert it into one that actually works so I could save some time and sadly it wasn't really like anything that was good I instead tried to re-base coat the miles with black and apply some simple highlights but that also looked a little strange I'm not digging the black armor and khaki fatigues look it forces the interest away from the models let's try swapping this around khaki armor and black fatigues now we're cooking with liquifier gas with a couple of teal elements and various armor plates painted yellow I think the scheme is going to rock let's paint off some more ears [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] here my tukari cavillite Warriors I really like them like actually this time finally I have models that really feel like desert Warriors and not just because I painted them yellow and put them on desert bases for the longest time I haven't really felt like I belonged in the 40K Universe I like dark yaldar but I disliked my scheme and some of the range's design choices weren't for me and because of that I just worked on other things that I liked more all my Army languished for me as a hobbyist I need to feel some amount of creative ownership over the characters War bands and armies that I work on it's the gas that gets me through a project but also makes me fall in love with one some of that ownership comes from creating a compelling scheme but the model's design is also crucial when AOS replaced Warhammer fantasy you could probably count on two hands the number of times I played first and second edition games wood elves got lumped into all the other undesirables from fantasy and vampire counts became Legions of nagash with the spotlight moving away from vampires both things that felt like mine kind of got changed or were forgotten but then Soul black got redone and vampiric Bloodlines were back in a big way and blood Knights got new models we were seeing awesome vampires in underworlds and cursed City and awesome thematically vampire Centric Army was much easier to achieve and suddenly I have a fully painted army and I played more games of the current version of AOS than ever before Games Workshop isn't fixing dark aldar for me so while it's a bit more work than my vampires it's worth it to feel like I have a home in 40K it's one of the largest if not the largest war game in the entire industry I just really haven't given the game a chance but now that I'm confident in my scheme and I know it's possible to model characters in a way that I like I'm gonna start rolling some dice I want to take a moment just to state that if you don't like converting or coming up with your own unique schemes that is totally okay we all enjoyed his Hobby in our own way and you can have that feeling of creative ownership by creating a unique backstory for your models or by using a different successor chapter for your Space Marines the universe of 40K is so gigantic and that can oftentimes be a bad thing when it comes to continuity and trying to understand the universe but what it does for us creative people is give us a massive sandbox for us to make 40K what we want it to be and that is truly awesome so get out there and make it your own that's gonna do it for this one guys what do you think of my desert Dark Eldar do they feel cooler than they did previously I think they do and I hope you do as well if you like this video give it a thumbs up I'll have other videos that are similar to it link linked at the end of this one for you to check out don't forget this video sponsored Cobalt keep and if you like my channel and you want to support it there are a number of ways that you can do that all things linked down in the description but namely a patreon campaign where you get access to my Discord server which had about all things like how to convert Liddy Dark Eldar models or who'd win in a 1v1 astrobial vect or the thesprx you can also buy hobby tools that recommend down in the description below all the sculpting tools that I used will be down there you can pick up my model or any merch on my web store so and most importantly two or four cats [Applause] [Applause]
Channel: Miniac
Views: 138,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miniac, sdub, miniature, painting, miniature painting 101, miniature painting tutorials, games workshop, gw, warhammer, 40k, 40000, Fixing My BIGGEST Problem with Warhammer 40000, drukhari, dark eldar, conversion, kitbash, sculpt, 10th, edition
Id: -gw7L2VuXPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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