Fixing Cities Skylines 2 Performance with these Graphics Settings

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the best city skylines 2 graphics in 2024 let's get started so before I get into my graphic settings I would like to put a disclaimer that you will need patch 1.012 F1 or newer this patch was from the holiday season around December the reason behind that is this patch had a lot of City skyl to Performance increases so that there would be less pressure on your GPU AK your GPU will not be running at 100% all right let's now get into my city skylines 2 graphics okay so now that we're back in our city skylines 2 game what you need to do is I'm getting out of photo mode and what I'll do next is at the top right go over to the main menu and go over to options now what I'm going to do is I will go over all of my current settings so just to start off very basic performance preference keep it balanced if you want autosave go for it I currently do not use autosave that's my preference but I know other City skylines YouTubers use autosave and it works just fine so you can go with it that that isn't that is your own personal preference so what I'm going to do next is I'm I went to the top right and went to show Advanced all right so this is where things get a little complicated so as of right now this is my monitor so the resolution we can't change unless you have a 4k monitor anyways let's keep scrolling down maximum frame latency I boost that all the way up to three so you can see here you could have one or you could have three I boost it to a three depth of field mode mode I go physical I just use the physical setting that is it I do not make adjustments to it now this is where things get a little bit interesting so you we have the global graphic settings and you can see here I have it under custom because I arranged my own graphic settings based on the best settings possible in City skylines too so let's go down to well you can see here sorry I still have disabled d Dynamic resolution that is still disabled pretty self-explanatory when it shows disabled next is antialising now right now I have it under custom and what I do is for the anti- aing method I use TAA you have a couple more options but TAA seems to work the best for myself now the antialising quality I have high which from previous settings we were at low so so this is a big jump low to high which is absolutely incredible now you can I have the qual the cloud quality settings disabled you can actually use these I just prefer not to have clouds in my city skylines game while I'm playing um when I'm taking screenshots it's a little different but I you know while I'm playing the game I prefer not to have them but you can automatically put that at high if you really want again that is a personal preference of yours I just prefer while I'm playing and recording videos not to have them on now next fog quality was previously disabled and with this new update we are going to hit enabled I mean you have two options disabled or enabled but make sure it's enabled next volume metrics setting previous graphic videos we actually had this disabled but what I'm what I have have on is I have it on low then I budget 0.2 and then a resolution depth of 0.7 so like I said big difference the previous settings we had disabled now we are moving it to low next we have ambiant occlusion this was previously also disabled and we're going to put that to high and we'll have the maximum pixel radius of 80 will have the full screen effect and step count of 60 so all right that is two big jumps from the previous updated Graphics now let's go into alumination the global illumination quality now I have it set at low which that is um I found that my game runs absolutely amazing at these settings and my Ray steps is at 32 denoiser radius at 0.8 then the half resolution to noer activated use second denoiser pass activated you can see by activate I mean check marks and then the depth of Tolerance at 0.1 so much different this was also I believe um disabled last time so reflection so reflection is high with transparent Reflections on and then a maximum raise step of 64 awesome now we're about halfway through our settings depth of field was previously disabled and now we're going to keep it at low for the time being just keep your near sample count three near Max Radius 2 Fair sample count four then far radius count four and then the oh excuse me far sample count four and then far radius five and then keep that at quarter so I do not have high quality filtering on just yet I I've used it and I just I rather keep it unchecked for the time being based on personal preference next motion blur was previously disabled because it would lead to crashing games what I like to do is I like to have it at low you can keep it disabled but low seems to make the flow of the game just look a little bit better now let's move down to shadow shadow quality previously we had at currently we are at high Shadow quality with terrain cast Shadows enabled perfect this is this is where the graphic settings of high and everything like performance- Wise from the last patch is showing you like City skylines 2 is making major major major improvements so if we go down to terrain quality settings it's again at high previously we had it at low but now we can move it back to high you're going to notice me repeat a lot because previous updates were at low and everything now is high settings which is absolutely amazing for playing City Sky lines 2 now here is our water settings so water quality settings High previously it was low enable water flow which you know if you want your water to be moving down the stream and stuff like that you could have it or you can uncheck it that's that's a personal preference now this is where things get amazing interesting level of detail is at custom the level of detail distance is actually maxed out completely if you put the setting at high the level of detail distance only goes to about 80% next cross fade make sure that is enabled now the max light count make sure it is at 8,192 with the geometry catch rate limit of 4 GB make sure that is completely maxed out and use those settings to a next we have a only two more settings go the animation quality previously this was this was medium settings I thought it was low but this is previously Medi medium settings now use high and the big difference you want to use is four bones I if I'm going to be honest with you I don't know the difference I just know that four bones gave me the best performance here in City skylines 2 graphics wise lastly we have the texture quality settings on high and we're using a zero MIP bias with the filter mode of TR triner filtering make sure you use that the bilinear one I'm not a fan of but try near filtering that one has worked the best so here here are the best cting city skylines 2 settings at in 2024 as of right now please let me know if you have any comments in the comment section below but thank you guys for watching I've honestly since the update look I have well I have a lot of high rent issues but you can see here my city is Flowing amazing like I'm turning my screen I'm moving it up round all about it's working absolutely amazing so thank you guys for watching have a great rest of your day please hit that like button and subscribe if you want more City skylines 2 content thank you very much have a great [Music] day
Channel: Sportsmonkey
Views: 6,252
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Keywords: cities skylines 2, cities skylines, cities skylines ii, cities skylines increase fps, city skylines 2 performance, cities skylines how to increase fps, cities skylines cpu lag fix, cities skylines 2 optimization, cities skylines 2 graphics settings, cities skylines 2 settings, cities skylines 2 best graphics settings, cities skylines 2 best graphic setting 2024, cities skylines 2 fps, cities skylines 2 graphics, best settings cities skylines 2, cities skylines 2 tutorial
Id: 6Xwi2POf3lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2024
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