Fixing a Viewer's BROKEN Gaming PC? - Fix or Flop S4:E1

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This HERE is another Viewer's Broken Gaming PC   Welcome back to fix or Flop this rig was assembled  with used components from eBay and has had issues as severe as not even powering on as far as I'm  aware this graphics card has been replaced and   so has this power supply the owner was eventually  able to get the system to power on which that's   step one right but then they ran into a no post  issue where they weren't getting a signal to   their monitor and that is where we are today  this thing has been through a lot and it has   not functioned since day one in fact it's not  even Windows on this SSD because they haven't   gotten a chance to install it they can't because  they're not getting a signal at this point so   um yeah hopefully we can fix this also the owner  drove all the way from Jacksonville that's a   pretty committed drive from Orlando especially  considering I-4 traffic so I'm gonna do my best   to have this one up and running for them are you  ready stay with me introducing kyoxia's new xg8   series NVME SSDs featuring 5th generation Bix  Flash 3D TLC memory and pcie 4.0 compatibility   with capacities up to four terabytes and support  for optional security features like TCG pyrite and opal Kyocsia drives are perfect for your next  desktop server or workstation sequential reads and   writes reach up to seven thousand and fifty eight  hundred megabytes per second respectively and are   suited for Ultra FAST program OS and VM load  times bundled with peace of mind warranties and   an affordable price points uxia's comprehensive  pcie 4 SSD portfolio continues to grow with   products offered for a wide range of applications  check them out including their new xg8 drives by   clicking the link below hey there and welcome  to fix or Flop I'm not going to run through the   same spill I always do you can find relevant info  in the video description if you're interested in   having your PC potentially fixed for free that's  the one thing I want you to know about all the   work you see us do here we do not charge these  owners anything at all for any of the work that   we do the troubleshooting the time it takes nor  the parts if we have to replace components we can   either dip into our own Pockets buy things from  eBay second hand or Reach Out directly to vendors   who would happily send something in exchange for  a bit of exposure in the playlist your viewership   by the way is what allows us to continue doing  this so thank you for that continued support   first things first first we're going to attempt  to replicate the issue described by the owner the   latest symptoms exhibited are just no post which  means that we're probably going to see things   light up but we shouldn't get a signal to our  monitor we've got power at the rear power up front   okay so it looks like front  panel at least is wired correctly all of the fans are spinning motherboard LEDs are lit graphics cards lit  graphics card fans are spinning already this   by the way is an Intel platform I think it's  actually yeah it's a z270 platform so that's   Intel's 7000 series I recall correctly and  um unfortunately this board does not have a   doctor debug LED it has no debug LEDs at all of  any kind that I can see so we're going in blind   and well that props makes for a slightly spicier  video I think the first thing I'm going to do is   try to clear the CMOS and then we're also going to  check Ram seating the two easiest things you can   do when testing any rig oh and very quickly you  can see we've got a bit of a mess down here Cable   Management wise that's not a problem at all we'll  take care of that of just yeah just questionable   cable runs all around we do have two fans here  one for the CPU Cooler one at the rear set to   exhaust a piece that's totally fine but then  we have this top RGB fan and this one's set to   intake up top that's a bit strange even though it  is dust filtered it's just um yeah it's a tad odd   and then this front fan is set to exhaust which is  also not conventional although I think this person   did this because this aerocool Cylon or whatever  this case is called it's just like the worst for   airflow there's zero channeling anywhere around  here for air to get through and so maybe they   just did this because they wanted the aesthetic  of like the LEDs to light things up inside I'm not   sure I'm going to bring it to their attention but  I'm not going to change it because I think it was   intentional this case is just yeah it's a cheaper  case it is what it is in a budget build now you   can see right here it says clear CMOS and that I  believe is corresponding to these two pins next   to this fan header so you've got the system fully  powered off and I'm going to jump these two pins   for about 10 to 20 seconds also checking that dram  is seated properly I have reinserted each of these   dimms into the correct slot let's try Pat oh this  is does the camera get that this is super loose it   should not be turning like this we'll definitely  have to tighten the CPU Cooler once we get this   working now the other things we just did worked  so now I'm going to rip the right side panel   off and disconnect all non-vital cables so that  we've isolated things down to just our platform   the graphics card and the power supply let's see  how it looks behind here carefully get this off   all right I'm not bad this is not a modular power  supply so nothing super obvious on this side of   things I did verify that uh major connections are  sound on the other side as well so yeah let's go   ahead and rip out all the non-vital stuff you  can see all this stuff down here disconnected   some stuff further up as well and we still do not  have a post so I'm going to shift my attention to   this graphics card possibly an issue with video  out here I think we can bypass it and run off   integrated Graphics in the CPU Easy Does It This  by the way is a Zotac GTX 1070 and it looks fairly   clean considering I believe it was purchase used  it's actually in really good shape really like   the way this card looks by the way so will this be  the answer to our problems I'm kind of hoping not but it would be a sin in my view not to test   a graphics card earlier on because  it's so easy to isolate and remove just listening to the fan curves here well that  uh that answers that still no post so I think I   think our GTX 1070 here is still okay that's a  good thing I wanted to quickly test the power   supply even though I didn't expect this was the  problem just based on the symptoms we were seeing   and sure enough it passes no issues at all  I just powered off because it needs to cool   down but uh this is not our problem I think what  we're looking at is either a motherboard or CPU   issue at this point we've pretty much rolled it  down to only the platform we can check ddr4 very   quickly I don't suspect that either of those  dimms is bad but that could certainly be one   of the reasons why the system wouldn't post  these are eight gig Micron dims by the way I   don't see any physical issues with them they're  just cheap they don't have the heat sinks on   them like most modules do nowadays but that's  okay in a budget build it actually makes sense   to go this route now just in case his Intel 7th  gen chip doesn't have integrated Graphics which   I'm not sure if they even made any back then  it didn't unless it was like a very budget   oriented chip I've got our trusty XFX card in  here and did it just turn off power cycle and I   also have a Nona working ddr4 module in here  as well we're going to see if this fixes it   if it does then we can work back just a tad  since we've changed two different things his   card variable could be dead and we just have some  other issue as well at the same time as this oh my   gosh okay it did both I'm really hoping that's one  of these dimms I'm hoping it's a cheap ddr4 kit I I think that's our problem okay so what I'm going  to do now is work backwards by removing this XFX   card again and slotting in the GTX 1070. we'll  connect that to power and wow I mean that would   be really nice if that was all it was just a bad  stick or potentially two bad sticks of dram easy   fix so back in you go nice and easy here okay  and then we'll just wire up supplemental power   and again try once more I think this is gonna work  I I think the card is fine it would be a shame if   there were two different problems with this but  it definitely can happen especially when buying   used it sounds like the system's posted because  the fan curve is ramped four down very quickly just what it did last time oh I you know what   I should should probably connect this and  FYI while I'm at this is because we turn the   system on without a display cable connected  to either the screen card or the motherboard   at this point with the system still on if I  connect this HDMI cable you'll see that we   still won't get a picture out don't freak out  here this is normal sometimes it just defaults   to integrated Graphics if the discrete card  isn't connected out of the gate you can see   yeah there's no signal here but I I bet you if we  turn the system back off and then power it back on I bet you now it's going to work right away  see and so don't be misled by that perfectly   normal if a system is not connected to something  right away for it to not actually send a signal   out where you want it to once you do connect  that cable without powering the system back   off so power cycle before you run a test like  this and there we go we are in the bios so   it's one of these for sure I'm going to very  quickly figure out which one it is or maybe   it's both but either way I'm going to upgrade  this person with a full two-stick kit of nicer   dram uh just for a sweet little upgrade there and  then I'll return whichever one of these dims is   actually still working maybe they can repurpose  it in a different build by the way the system   still posts with our working dim in the second  channel so Channel B which is I think on the   outside channel is on the inside so this is not  a dead memory Channel issue not something CPU or   motherboard related again I think it's just one  of these speaking of there we go let's figure out   which one is actually broken so I want you to  watch these lights here where this yellow bar   is on this motherboard that will indicate Board  of power and I'm going to turn the system on with   one of the old dims connected look at that see  the flickering it does this several times before   the system just full blast the fans and refuses to  post and both dims do this and I don't really know   why it's it's strange for both to be bad I got the  product listing pulled up here and it doesn't look   like this is ECC memory it's just a gig density  a pop nothing out of the ordinary I don't see a   reason why these wouldn't work and we've already  tried clearing the CMOS multiple times so we're   working with default bios settings and the system  still refuses to post with either of these the   easy thing to do here is obviously just to replace  them they still might work in other rigs but for   whatever reason I can't get these to work in this  person's rig out of 16 gigs of Corsair Dominator   Platinum RGB sound these two modules look super  sweet they have RGB functionality of course it'll   be a nice little upgrade for this owner and we go  one at a time here put a bracket under the card as   well to help with sag it was pretty rough before  it looks a lot better now not perfect but close   right now I am rewiring things just trying to  sort out Cable Management a tad I would normally   at this point try to power the system before we  commit to this but um I'm feeling confident so   why not and if I blunder at least it's on camera  I know I said I wouldn't be swapping this fan   around but I am just because I feel like it's  not going to hurt to flip it and have it pull   in whatever it can from the front even though the  panel's totally choked off I will however leave   the top fan set to intake as well it is filtered  up there and I think any bit of air getting into   the case is going to matter a lot for something  that is otherwise regarded as a hot box I quickly   tighten the CPU Cooler because boy oh boy and you  look at that play like that's that is not good   so we gotta torque these screws just a bit more  some of them actually are tight but some of them   there's no way yeah this one see this one's  not even it's not even held in I'm not sure   why it was omitted but it's not threading in so  that would explain why things are so loose here   I'm going to straighten up just a tad back  here we do some zip ties and things it's   um a bit of a mess as it is and there's not a ton  of room behind this tray to actually route cables   so I'll give it my best shot there's really not a  ton again I could do with this case but uh I mean   at least things are somewhat kind of orderly  now they do stick out a good waste so we're   gonna have to press that right panel on a bit  a bit harder than normal but other than that I   mean yeah it is what it is not bad and here's  what she looks like from the left side looks   a lot cleaner now I think the cables have been  routed appropriately we've got the graphics card   anti-sac bracket in there as well I'll have that  link below it's like 10 bucks or something super   cheap if you want one and then we fixed the CPU  Cooler it was unevenly mounted super loose that's   tightened up we've got the new ddr4 in there this  thing looks a lot better in my view let's go ahead   and power it on I'll need to install Windows I  told them I would do that because they never had   a chance before and this thing will be a good to  go let's turn on power at the rear power up front and hope for the best we don't have one fan spinning oh that would be that  would be my fault now it's spinning   all right everything looks good we do have that  post and if I have the correct USB drive installed   we should load straight into bootable media  to install Windows 10. there were a few wonky   settings in the Bios to workout to even boot into  this uh bootable media it was really strange I'd   never run into that before but we're going to go  ahead and install Windows now and then we will be   finished with this PC this here is our SSD you can  see it's a one terabyte drive not bad we're gonna   go ahead and click next and let it do its thing  and here we are Windows is installed and the rig   is finally finally ready for some action thank  you so much for watching this first episode of   our fourth season of fixer felt I can't believe  we're on a fourth season already and I know these   aren't really coming out every season so to speak  I'm just doing 20 per chunk and that allows me a   bit of breathing room between so I can set things  up again change things if I need to especially   on the Forum when viewers submit their rigs I  think we've got a really good thing going here   I'm excited to eventually at some point down  the line spread this out to where we can fix   viewers rigs in other places as well we get  tons of inquiries from folks who don't live   anywhere near Florida and to to those I have to  say currently there's nothing we can do I'm sorry   we can't even help over the air there's just no  time there's there's frankly not you can get a   lot of help from our Discord server however and  that is totally free of charge to join there's   a tech help section and a lot of good folks  there who might be able to point you in the   right direction if you run into issues like these  here with that if you have a broken system and you   do live in or around Orlando Florida be sure to  submit a form Linked In the video description if   you guys enjoyed watching this video give it a  thumbs up consider subscribing if you have not   already and stay tuned for the next one again  I want to thank you so much for watching these   videos and allow us to continue doing what we do  here my name is Greg thanks for learning with me
Channel: Greg Salazar
Views: 138,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fix or flop, computer repair, pc fix, how to, how to fix a pc, broken computer, how to build a pc, how to troubleshoot, pc no post, pc wont post, pc doesnt turn on, fof, fix or flop season 4, season 4, pc troubleshooting, pc doesnt power on, dead pc, greg salazar, how to fix a broken pc, greg salazar fix or flop, computer issue, dead computer, fixing a viewers broken gaming pc, how to troubleshoot a pc, Pc wont turn on, broken gaming pc, broken pc
Id: GR4iVjNqg9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2023
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