Fixing a Viewer's BROKEN Gaming PC? - Fix or Flop S1:E13

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This here is another viewer's broken gaming pc and as far  as i'm aware this one straight up does not turn on   which could be a number of things so  this is an amd horizon based machine   the exact cpu i'm not too sure about yet but  we can clarify that later we're going to be   swapping out the cpu cooler for a much beefier  360 mil AIO from MSI which we'll talk about in   a second conveniently there's also another MSI  product in here the GTX-1080 gaming this one   is so good looking i love the way these older  MSI cards look even just the heat pipe design   looks really nice the red accents it all comes  together very nicely we've got cable extensions   in here which i think are a nice touch we do need  to fix cable management just a bit it's a bit   cluttered especially around these SATA ports  and well the whole build is a bit dusty this   is a corsair case but you can tell that it  really hasn't been cleaned in a good while   i'm not going to deep clean it in this video  that's not what i was given this rig to do   but i will clean it up certainly uh before  returning it to the owner now for those who   are new to this playlist the premise is simple we  reach out to folks in the local area that's in and   around Orlando Florida and ask if they have broken  systems that we can fix for free we don't charge   them a dime so long as they're okay with us taking  on their systems for a few days and filming the   process we can monetize these videos that's how  i make money and i don't feel like rolling over   any of those costs onto the viewer who's already  gracious enough to loan me his or her system for a   few days there are only two caveats the first is  that i do not guarantee i can fix the problem i   can typically at least figure out what's wrong but  i can't always replace the component that we find   is dead and the second thing is that they have to  be again okay with how long this takes sometimes   it could take upwards of a week especially if  i have to order something in i have to wait for   shipping so do you in return and occasionally  we get asked by companies promote products like   these this here is a core liquid k360 it is a 360  millimeter all-in-one liquid cooler from msi and   they asked us to not only promote it in this  video but also upgrade a viewer in the process   so this person is going to get uh to swap out  that smaller tower style air cooler with a beefy   liquid cooler we're going to talk more about this  later in the video when we install it but you can   find it linked below if you are interested i think  this one's going to be a fun one to troubleshoot   and repair i'm not actually confident in really  any of my assumptions at this point if it doesn't   turn on it could be any number of things it could  be something very simple could be something rather   catastrophic hoping it's not the graphics card  that's the one thing i can't immediately replace   but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it and  then the simple stuff like swapping out the cpu   cooler and cleaning this thing up i think that's  going to be the icing on the cake assuming we can   get it fixed but even if we can't get it fixed  we're still going to be upgrading a cpu cooler   and cleaning things up that's the least we  could do for holding onto his pc for a few   days now one of the first things we need to do  is power the system on and attempt to replicate   the issues described by the owner we need to  see for ourselves what is going on so we know   where to start with our troubleshooting process  power is on at the rear push the power button up top not working that's really weird  though we're getting an led light   from the cpu fan but our  power button's not working   huh that's strange so the fact that we're seeing  lights from peripherals like this fan here tells   me that it's probably not a power supply issue i'm  not going to take a ton of time focusing on this   side of it i will check connections though because  if you miss-wired your front panel then your power   button up front is not going to work and you'll  think you have a bigger problem than you do so   our graphics card is um actually blocking access  to the front i o cabling this is only an M-ATX   motherboard in here there's a bit of dead space at  the bottom which is why we can't access it under   here we need to move this graphics card up anyway  though i mean this this full length 16 lane slot   needs to be populated doesn't really make  much sense unless you're just going purely   for aesthetics to have a card this low and even  then i would argue it's not really worth it so   let's first power off the system i'm going to  move this graphics card up a couple of slots   and we'll slide it into this higher slot i've got  to reconnect the cpu cooler only temporarily of   course because we're swapping it out the cable  was running basically right under the card there we go now this is a standard  front panel header and i can already   tell you just by looking at this that  he has these pins in the correct spot   assuming he's got polarity correct for this power  led and he does so i'm going to put that one back   and then we'll check the power cable the polarity  doesn't matter here and the power switch is also   in the correct spot now there might be a  wire compromised here so what i'm going to   do is try to manually jump these two pins with a  screwdriver to bypass any sort of uh imperfection   here with this so power supply switch has been  flipped back on let's try jumping the two pins nothing still nothing wow i'm honestly kind of  surprised you can see that if i reconnect this   RGB cable for the cpu cooler right we're  still getting an led so at least part at   least part of the motherboard is receiving  power uh it just it's just not turning on so   we're gonna have to dive quite a bit deeper into  this one so a few things i tried off camera first   off clearing the CMOS it takes literally seconds  that did nothing i took out one of his sticks of   ram i kept one in the first slot that needs to be  populated still nothing i swapped that dim with   this one here it's a corsair module that i know  works still nothing so i'm inclined to believe   that it's not ram related and it has nothing to  do with his CMOS the next thing i want to try is   ruling out the graphics card as the potential  culprit i'm going to remove this card completely   and attempt to power the system on now a lot of  these Ryzen cpus don't have integrated graphics   which means we won't get a picture out but at  this point i'm only worried about getting power   to the system like if we can turn the system  on that's mission accomplished in my book   and and we can still get to that point without a  discreet card in here so we're gonna remove this   next i'm actually hoping that this doesn't solve  the problem because if it does it would tell me   that it's probably his graphics card which i  think is a worst case scenario in this market   but we still have nothing no power that's  really really strange and just to confirm   we are see yeah we're still getting power to the  rgb fan here from the motherboard so i think the   motherboard's actually okay it could be something  related to power delivery on the socket side   but i'm more inclined at this point to think that  it's either the power supply itself which would   still be kind of weird because we're getting  power elsewhere could be a single rail that's   defective or it could be the cpu and this is rare  i mean the cpu is usually not the culprit but i'm   inclined to test it because at this point we've  only got the platform and the power supply to   go but there's still one more thing i want to try  before we resort to the scorched earth mentality   of removing the cpu motherboard and power supply  those are three of the more labor-intensive   parts of troubleshooting a computer and that's why  i saved those typically for last i have removed   every single connection from this motherboard  saved eight pin eps which powers the cpu and the   24 pin which powers pretty much everything else  i also have the c uh the cpu fan here connected   only so that we can see if the system is powering  on i don't think there's an led indicator on this   motherboard we don't have it plugged into the  monitor we're not going to get picture out anyway   because we don't have a discrete card in here but  i also went as far as to remove the custom cable   extensions and the slight chance that these are to  blame although these are pretty straightforward i   mean top right pin to top right pin right you're  not you're not creating custom pin outs for these   because they're not wired directly into the power  supply but anyway i removed them just to be on   the safe side we're going to power this back on  and we need to manually jump the two power pins still nothing wow this this computer this computer is bricked  so we're going to try the power supply next   this one is a bit easier to swap out than an  entire motherboard if you ask me i'm going to   connect 8 penny bs and that's it that's all we've  got just two connections the vital connections   we've removed every other variable and we're  going to connect this power supply to the wall   power it on and let's see if we get power now i  am expecting that we don't by the way i'm going   into this i haven't tried this yet but i don't  think this is going to be a power supply problem   it doesn't look like a short it doesn't power  on and then turn off we get steady power at the   uh at least of the rgb header so i don't think  it's this i don't think this will fix the issue look at there nothing no power still wow these are both  connected properly yeah i think   i'm thinking more cpu than motherboard at this  point maybe he broke a pin installing a cpu   maybe it's just seated improperly which is kind  of hard to do with am4 but still it is possible   so i suppose we'll need to check that out next so  let's remove the cpu cooler see what we're working   with underneath again i don't actually know  what cpu this is it is a well this is a really   nasty thermal paste i really don't like this stuff  it's like almost like a glue oh that is awful it   is a Ryzen 5 2600 so this thing actually looks to  be in pretty good condition despite its age it's   not very old relatively speaking but still it's  not the newest generation so there is again the   slight chance that something is wrong with this  chip internally but we have yet to test it i did   check the pins and the pins look to be fine i  don't see any missing any bent and the socket   looks good as well now i happen to have a Ryzen 5  2600 that i know works i'm inclined to swap this   one out with the one in his build first to see if  this fixes the issue this would be a bit faster of   a troubleshooting step than would be swapping the  motherboard out so yeah let's get this in there   first now with my 2600 in the socket i want to go  ahead and try powering things on but i want to do   so with a cooler installed i don't want to just  run this as is because if this does fix the issue   and the system does post now or at least boot up  that chip will get very hot without a cooler and   i don't risk damaging the cpu or the motherboard  so we're going to go ahead and take this chance   to install the MSI K360 in the box we've obviously  got the 360 millimeter radiator with the tubes the   all-in-one cooler itself and we've got three 120mm  RGB fans now there are a few really cool traits   about the core liquid k360 one reason why i'm  super excited to upgrade this viewer with this AIO   first off the block has a built-in lcd which is  customizable that's really cool i'm actually gonna   peel off this plastic layer here oh so satisfying  and then the other thing is that the block also   has a built-in 60 millimeter torx fan which means  you get active cooling to the surrounding vrm   mosfets things on your motherboard that need to be  cooled and active cooling always helps so you're   really killing two birds with one stone here  not only are you cooling the cpu thanks to the   copper cold plate but you're also getting active  cooling around the power delivery aspects of the   motherboard so AIOs that do that really cool in my  opinion you don't see too many of them in the fact   that you can customize the screen up top as well  is really cool so let's get this thing installed   we'll set up the socket mount another cool  thing about this AIO is that you can remove   this front cover and you can see what's all  going on underneath so we've got that 60 ml   torx fan right underneath the lcd which is right  here and removing this actually gives you better   access to the uh the four mounting screws so  this secures the block to the back plate and   now we've got a good solid connection all right  so with the AIO installed we've also got the   pump connected i'm not worried about wiring the  fans we're not gonna have the system on for that   long i just wanted some circulation some way  to get heat away from the cpu when it boots up   we're going to connect the system to power again  we've got the 24 pin and the 8 pin eps ready to go   let's see if it's the motherboard of the cpu  i'm thinking it's the cpu that could be wrong wow oh i forgot i didn't wire front eye out that that  yep that's my bed okay here we go let's try again there it is i don't know if you guys can hear that   over the uh the lav mic i'm wearing but  that pump is churning the system is on awesome so my suspicions were correct he has  a dead cpu so at this point we're gonna get   everything wired up that was originally in his  build against save the aio and uh we're gonna try   for a post we're gonna try for picture make sure  everything is good to go before we like totally   jump on the dead cpu train again pretty good  feeling that's what this is we're gonna reconnect   his cable extensions i'm gonna reconnect front i o  which i should have done before inserting the card   anyway and with everything hooked up now i believe  we can try for a post so power on at the rear there we go nothing will be synced up yet but we should at least get a picture out and  i'm looking for a post i think that's possible   i don't think there's any other problem with  this build and there we go check it out always an   awesome feeling seeing a screen like this after a  long day of troubleshooting and this took quite a   while actually several hours and i've been kind of  cable managing working things out as we go in the   back of this case there's still quite a bit i need  to do i haven't secured the right panel yet but i   i noticed that the motherboard was sending power  to a peripheral which led me to believe that it   wasn't likely the motherboard and because we were  getting power to that peripheral i also believe   that it wasn't the power supply the only other  major component that would have prevented the   system from actually powering on to any degree was  the cpu and it's such a rare thing and i've said   even in this playlist before it's very rare that  a cpu dies but when it does the symptoms should   be rather obvious at least after seeing this  video here maybe you'll know what to look for   if you're not getting power on at all but you  are getting power to other peripherals especially   through the motherboard itself might want to start  taking aim at the cpu so with this taken care of   we can power the system off we'll focus on cable  management for this side of things but then i also   want to tackle the 2600 the one that we believe is  defective from the system originally we'll throw   that into probably an x470 or x570 motherboard  one that i know will support the 2600 natively   and uh we'll see if we can get a post with his  cpu in that rig so this is what things look like   back here pre-cable management and this is what  it looks like after spending about 20 minutes on   it this is not my best work but there are so many  cables being run in so many different directions   it's difficult to yeah manage now i'm not sure  how well you can see this on camera but this glass   is super freaking dirty so uh i mean it's it's  it's real gross you can tell it hasn't been   cleaned in a very long time so we'll clean  this up for him wow this is already looking   so so much better it's a top and the front  panels as well these are equally as gross   something about cleaning glass that is just so  satisfying and lastly we'll finish things off with   a quick electric dusting this uh this build almost  qualifies for a deep cleaning in the PCBC playlist   but i was not sent this system to deep clean  i'll just give it a quick little dusting here the last thing to do in this video then is  confirm that our 2600 from the viewers rig   the original cpu is in fact dead if it's not dead   then i'm not sure what was wrong with it maybe  it was just improperly seated though it's again   pretty difficult to screw that up with am4 since  the cpus themselves are keyed but here we go   we're going to power this system on i've  got just a GT710 here for video out since   the 2600 doesn't have an integrated graphics  processor and the power pins those are right here it turns on wow maybe i should have just tried reseeding a  cpu before assuming that it was dead once   swapping it fixed it are we getting  a freaking post i cannot believe this oh my gosh my gosh all right well um improperly seated cpu i don't know what else  it could be maybe he just had too much mounting   pressure over the cpu cooler i i don't i really  don't know what else to i don't know how else to   rule this i mean it the cpu was seated properly  when i took the cpu cooler off the chip was where   it should have been in the socket right again  it's really difficult to mess that part up   and the only other variable i can think of is that  maybe there was just too much mounting pressure   atop the cpu from the cooler that has in the past  and even even in my case more in x 299's case than   x570 or b550 but still i have had it where a cpu  just isn't detected properly and this the system   doesn't turn on because the cooler is just not  mounted properly there's just too much pressure   too little pressure or whatever this is this is  really catching me off guard um it's kind of why   i'm fumbling my words here okay so look here's  here's my thought process this board is a b450m   from Asrock it works natively with 2600s okay if  it was a bios issue my 2600 wouldn't be working   right now and it has we've confirmed that so  that's why i try to use as close to an exact match   the cpu as possible and i just happen to have  another 2600 laying around so mine in there works   it's not a bios issue the wiring we narrowed it  down to just the eight pin and the 24 pin no other   wiring connected to the motherboard at all and we  tried two power supplies and still couldn't get   it to post right so it's not the power supply it  wasn't wiring it wasn't user error in that sense   the only other thing that was still installed  was the cpu cooler and of course in order to   get the cpu out i had to remove the cpu cool  i didn't think to reapply that cpu cooler onto   the same motherboard but my new cpu because i i  didn't expect mounting pressure to be to blame   i'm actually going to take this a step further now  i'm going to put his cpu back in his motherboard   i'm just i don't know what else to say i i  really don't i don't know what else to say   i'm kind of confused so with his cpu  now in this build power on at the rear yup if you needed any more proof his cpu  is just fine well hasn't this video been   one heck of a roller coaster really didn't  see it turning out this way i'm i suppose i   should be happy that nothing in here was broken  nothing in here was defective the cpu was fine   i had growing suspicions that it wasn't  and even concluded at one point in this   video that it was actually fried until i  went and tested it in another build and   i'm glad i did that because then i quickly  realized that the cpu wasn't actually dead   then we swapped that cpu back into here and what  do you know it happens to be working just fine   like i said i've run through every possible  scenario i even reconnected the original cpu   cooler's fan thinking well maybe that fan shorted  something out prevented the system from turning on   that wasn't the case either we literally only had  the 24 pin and the 8-pin connected and the cpu   cooler connected and it wouldn't power on remove  the cpu cooler replace it with this aio and for   some reason it now works that's why i'm thinking  mounting pressure but i can't give you guys a   definitive answer and i'm sorry for that i feel a  bit stupid i really do i feel a bit silly in this   video i'm not gonna bother cropping any of this  out i'm not trying to paint myself in any better   of a light than i deserve to be the whole point of  this series is to reveal the troubleshooting steps   that i run through hopefully that helps those who  might be in similar positions as this viewer was   and you know for this to be a learning process  overall i mean that's that's the goal that's why   i say thanks for learning with me at the end  of virtually every video with few exceptions   i again i'm not trying to make myself look  like the hero um i i made an assumption i i   kind of followed through with that i was a bit  head strong and a bit um a bit premature to assume   that the cpu was dead when in fact it wasn't  but i don't know this was just such a strange   troubleshooting process it really didn't end up  the way i thought it would and i'm still kind of   confused as to why we saw the symptoms that we  did but nonetheless the viewer now has a fully   functioning build the build is much cleaner now it  has been cable managed actually well a lot better   than it was when it came in but uh significantly  better than it looked once we connected the 360   ml i o here from MSI and uh yeah i think overall  a really balanced build and a cool red and black   and dark gray theme going on MSI's core liquid  k360 is a nice addition to this build sure it's   a bit overkill for a Ryzen 5 2600 i mean it's not  even a 2600x it's just a vanilla 2600 but at the   end of the day this viewer could always migrate  this AIO to a newer build that beefier builds   something that consumes a bit more power outputs  a bit more heat and it would just be right up this   360 io's alley i really dig the integrated screen  the integrated fan both of which are in this cpu   block it is insane how much they've packed into  this block here and uh the fans look super sweet   as well with their RGB support you can learn more  about it in the link below and i said that earlier   but it is one you should strongly consider for  your next beefy pc build hopefully with this   video you were at least somewhat entertained i'm  also hoping that you learned a thing or two but   um i'm i'm leaving this one feeling again a bit  silly i don't really know what else to say it's   a bit embarrassing i'm kind of i'm kind of stunned  that this ended up playing out the way that it did   look we fixed it but it was a pretty messy process  along the way and um i'm still not entirely sure   what happened but at least the viewer can go home  happy with a clean system fully functioning and   with a pretty sweet upgrade courtesy of MSI if  you guys enjoyed this video be sure to give it   a thumbs up i would appreciate that consider  clicking the subscribe button if you have not   already let me know in the comment section below  what you thought of this video and what you'd   like to see next and i will catch you in the next  one my name is greg thanks for learning with me
Channel: Greg Salazar
Views: 438,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to fix a pc, broken pc, broken gaming pc, viewer pc, viewer's pc, fixing a viewer's broken pc, apple, fix or flop, FoF, fix or flop season 1, credit, tech, college, fixing broken computer, how to fix a computer, how to build a pc, how to troubleshoot, pc gaming, troubleshoot, computer, pc gaming setup, how to troubleshoot a dead, finance, how to troubleshoot a dead desktop computer, gaming pc, dead pc, dead gaming pc, gaming pc no picture, No post
Id: IL1idEHaX7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 46sec (1426 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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