Fixing a Viewer's BROKEN Gaming PC? - Fix or Flop S1:E17

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This here is another viewer's broken gaming pc it  apparently turns on but doesn't send a picture out   my oh my we've been seeing this symptom a lot  lately and this coming straight from the owner   i'm emailing you because my computer currently  does not boot and i have tried multiple ways   to troubleshoot but nothing has worked that's  never a good sign oh okay i remember this email   now so i kind of combed through it before i agreed  to try to fix it for him i i remember he switched   from a core i3 9100f to a Ryzen 5 5600x which  of course requires an entire platform swap to   swap the motherboard and the cpu and he said it  was running just fine at first but then something   crashed and it's never worked since then i wonder  i wonder if he even bothered reinstalling windows   when he made that platform swap because jumping  from anything intel to anything AMD or vice versa   without completely reinstalling windows on that  primary boot drive is gonna cause some problems   and that was something i asked him right away  before i even agreed to fix it i asked when   you switched from intel to AMD did you reinstall  windows and his response was no i did not was i   supposed to this owner has tried q flash flashing  different bios's he's resetted the CMOS he's even   replaced his power supply he's gone through so  much trying to get this thing to work i feel   bad because that's a lot of work and what i think  this is going to come down to is software i think   he's just because he's swapped platforms and kind  of just shocked the boot drive and the drivers   that are set up around a particular platform he's  running into serious issues that are preventing a   system at this point from turning on now that's  a pretty severe case usually you'll just see   performance hits but for that to keep the system  from powering on there might be something else   on the dl going on so we'll give you know the  system the full run through on the hardware side   of things but i think at the end of the day we're  definitely going to have to reinstall windows   on the boot drive we might even upgrade them  actually you know what that's a good idea let's   just swap out his boot drive for an even better  one so the current drive in this viewer's rig is   a 500 gig two and a half inch ssd sata drive say  to speeds uh this drive here from crucial mx 500   is a one terabyte drive so it's got double the  capacity uh it is still limited of course by the   sata interface still two and a half inch drive but  that double capacity means that he can store extra   games on it and the like and since i'm also going  to be setting this up as a boot drive for him   he can take that ssd that's currently in his  rig and either transfer important files from   it and then bring those to this drive or you can  just repurpose that for some other build give it   to a friend a family member whatever he wants my  goal with this upgrade is to give him a bit of   breathing room because at the end of the day he'll  need to either reformat the current drive or set   up an entirely new drive as a boot device since  he migrated everything when he shouldn't have   from intel to AMD now i don't think we'll need  to upgrade anything else i've taken a look at the   other components and the balance seems okay so out  of necessity i think just the ssd will need to be   swapped out i did notice though that his fans are  all flipped backwards including the exhaust at the   rear well which should be an exhaust it's actually  set to intake as are the two top fans he has three   intake fans in places where you wouldn't expect  intake fans and then the two fans up front here   are actually set to exhaust i think the rationale  here centered on the fact that this case doesn't   have a perforated front panel it's completely  sealed off and we just have ventil on the sides   so maybe he thought well it's just gonna be easier  for air to be pulled in from the top and back   and that might be the case you might save a few  degrees celsius in the long run but you're also   inviting dust and the system despite it being  relatively new already has quite a bit of dust   kicked up on especially the fan blades themselves  that are set to intake at the top and rear so   i'm going to flip all this back around i think  at the end of the day you're still going to have   quite a bit of resistance up front  whether you're exhausting or in taking air   so just to save him a bit of breathing room i will  save his components a bit of breathing room when   dust gathers in here in the long term i'm going  to swap all this backwards for him he's also got   the cpu fan set to exhaust this way it's really  weird it's all backwards i'm sure it'd be fine   like from a functional standpoint but it all just  looks very weird i don't really uh i don't really   think it's the way to go if i was building this  system myself i would have swapped everything back   into the conventional layout so we'll take care  of that and then we'll also get that ssd in here   and then assuming we can get the build to post  after whatever we do to fix it he'll be good to go   so with all that out of the way let's get into the  troubleshooting process stay with me if you're a   frequent traveler or public wi-fi user you should  probably consider using a virtual private network   qn nordvpn a leading vpn service see vpns  provide secure and encrypted tunnels for   your online traffic they mask your iep and keep  browsing histories totally private nordvpn offers   an unbeatable combination of impenetrable security  fast connection and unlimited bandwidth and it can   all be done with just a single click you can even  work around location dependent restrictions with   it see when i'm traveling in Europe to see the  wife's family a lot of the shows i like to watch   aren't supposed to be seen over there at least  that's what the streaming services want you to   think but with nordvpn one click 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rick's problem that being the transfer of  an operating system from one platform to another   from intel to AMD more specifically which is a  big no-no unless you want driver conflicts blue   screens of death and performance hits all of that  has been documented by us here in the studio and   i'm sure others have seen that as well um apart  from that the other thing we need to fix is the   more obvious issue which is that apparently  this thing doesn't post so let's begin the   troubleshooting process by attempting to replicate  that issue the issue described by the owner if   we don't get a post but we get everything else  powering on well at least we're on the same page   as the viewer so we've got the system connected  to power we've got the HDMI cable connected to   our portable monitor let's flick the switch at  the rear and attempt to power this bad boy on whoa fan curve is maxed out there i wonder what's gonna happen it works it works just fine um let me talk to the owner right so here's the  situation i emailed tyler the owner of the system   and this is important here i didn't let him know  the system powered on at this point i had just   asked him to elaborate on the issue at hand i  wanted to see if he could give me any more info   and he told me that the system would power on  the fans would spin everything would light up   but no matter what he tried he could not get a  picture out that i checked was consistent with   what he sent earlier in the email chain now the  next kicker i wanted to see if he was fishing for   maybe a free upgrade or something because i know  that's something that a lot of people expect   going into this but you have to have a genuine  problem in order to actually qualify so if you   were just lying for the sake of getting an upgrade  you're not going to get an upgrade that's not how   it works here and i will call you out on it if i  suspect that so my next response i it was it was   tactical i i told him tacticful is that a word i  i told him that it powers on just fine for me dot   dot dot that's all i said i said everything works  just fine and i wanted to gauge his response his   response was actually a breath of fresh air all  he said was wow that's actually really surprising   didn't see that coming but uh i apologize for  wasting your time i didn't mean to to yeah you   know make you drive out and meet me and uh attempt  to film a video for a system that actually works   that's my bad i can pick it up at your earliest  convenience um that and it just was what he said   in that reply and that was all i needed to hear  because at that point if he was willing to just   pick the system back up he's not fishing for an  upgrade if he was he wouldn't have offered first   off to pick it up right away and he also probably  wouldn't have apologized for quote-unquote wasting   my time even though he hasn't we can still  make a really good video on this topic here of   transferring an ssd from an AMD or intel platform  to the opposite platform that is no good and i'm   going to show you why right now so this here is  Cinebench r23 the latest in a bench release and   you can see we've got his Ryzen 5 5600x detected  that six chorus 12 thread zen three architecture   really really efficient very powerful zen three  cores here and i believe the cpu is running at   stock now i've gone through and disabled a lot of  background tasks we've got a few things open still   that i need to close but i'm going to run the  Cinebench test just the multi-core test because i   don't really want to wait too long for the single  core test to play itself out and then we're going   to reinstall windows on again that newer crucial  ssd i showed you a bit earlier in this video   and we're going to see how this score changes  i expect that we'll see a pretty healthy bump   in just this sentiment score alone and that's a  result of again less conflicting drivers just a   cleaner install not as much stuff that's kind of  uh affecting the ability for the cpu to perform   at its best so here we go we're going to run the  multi-core test we'll click the start button and   let's fast forward to the end and as things wrap  up here you can see our score is 11 281 so i want   you to keep this number in the back of your head  we'll show it obviously later the only thing we're   going to do now is install windows on a separate  ssd that we connect to is build we're going to   install Cinebench r23 on top of that remember we  disabled all kinds of background tasks and things   so there shouldn't be much of a delta there and  then we're going to re-run this test and see how   much different our score ends up being and just  to be even more thorough we'll also run youtube   in superposition to see what's going on with the  graphics side of things everything's kind of um   too large you can see this like this window just  to start the benchmark is a little too big for   this 1080p screen so he might have the incorrect  drivers installed for this machine i'm not uh not   too sure we're gonna run the benchmark before  and after anyway because uh wow this is what   this owner would have experienced prior to us  taking a look at it so here we go now this crucial   ssd is gonna be the only ssd in this build i've  thought about leaving his old ssd connected to his   rig but i'm not sure how familiar this owner is  with computers and he might accidentally end up   booting into that ssd uh over this one and i  don't want that so i'm going to remove that   one and give it to him so that he can install  it if he wants later and transfer files need be   so we'll just disconnect this drive and remove  it from his build and we'll connect the new drive   keeping everything else exactly the same so we've  got sata tower and then sata data right here and   we'll just tighten it down with a thumb screw now  installing a fresh copy of windows is actually   fairly simple we have a dedicated video outlining  that process in this video's description to check   out if you're interested but in this one i'll give  you a brief synopsis first you want to download   the windows media creation tool connect a drive  like this to your primary rig or a laptop or some   other device that can connect to the internet  and then have the creation tool install all the   necessary files for windows installation onto  a drive like this then connect the drive to a   usb port from the system to which you'll want  to install windows i got that backwards there   we go then power on the system and boot into the  usb drive you just connected you should end up   at a screen like this from here you'll want to  click next and install we can skip the product   key for now then select the version of windows you  want this will depend on the key you plan to buy   mine's usually windows 10 pro except the license  terms and then select custom install this way we   know exactly where we're installing windows so you  can see the only drive connected is drive zero and   we have roughly one terabyte of unallocated space  this makes sense because the drive is brand new   so we'll make sure this is selected and then we'll  click next and then windows will create a bootable   volume of roughly this size for windows and that's  about it once this finishes you'll run through the   typical windows setup prompts and you should end  up on your desktop it's literally that simple and   there we go so to kick things off cinebench  multi-core score 11563 that's up by a few   percentage points not spectacularly different uh  but it is something it's something that he wasn't   getting before so a small improvement there now  let's check superposition and okay well not much   of a difference here pretty much the same score  we did update his driver though so at least he's   good there so this person's setup really didn't  benefit all that much from the fresh windows   install it is still worth noting that you could  run into more serious complications down the line   if this person hasn't already experienced the  blue screen of death or two i'm sure it would   have come up at some point on this old drive  it's just not recommended you did see a two to   three percent bump in cp performance that could of  course affect frame rates and games and the like   but in terms of overall stability i think that  you want to play it safe no matter what and i've   i can say from experience when i've been lazy and  just wanted to transfer drives from intel systems   to amd systems and and vice versa it's just not  worth it just start fresh transfer important   files and you'll be good to go the last thing  to take care of then are the fan orientations   i spoke to the owner he's okay with us swapping  these back around to the more conventional layout   and cable management it's not too bad here but  i do want to straighten things up a bit might as   well since it's here we'll start with this rear  fan it's not going to be pretty straightforward   all we need to do is just flip each of these  around i need to remove the four screws   that hold each of these in in order to do that  easy does it and with the remaining case fans   tackled we can focus on this cpu tower we've  got a fan that has a bunch of cables wrapped   around i don't think this looks very good so  we're gonna try to stuff the extra cabling   here behind the motherboard tray just to get rid  of it let's see we can rotate the fan like so keep it positioned there and then we'll  use these little uh retention clips   to lock the fan in place  these can be kind of annoying   now we can fix cabling and both the  front and rear need a bit of that and would you look at that you know  i'd say she cleans up quite nicely   just a few cable ties or zip ties and uh yeah  bit of finesse stuff some extra cables right in   front of this power supply that we don't  need and uh looking very clean back here   let's see from the front um yeah i mean  it's clean we've got a few questionable   just i don't know places that cables more or  less have to be routed and tuck this speaker   down in here and uh yeah i think the last  thing we need to do is clean this one up a bit so all right looking much better now well that was  interesting unexpected series of events sure i   didn't expect the system to work right out of the  gate when we brought it in and i'm still stumped   by that so is the owner i'm sure i'm trying to  think of what could have caused this what maybe   could have been fixed during transport from when i  picked it up to when i brought it here and plugged   it in for the first time it's possible we might  have had a loose ddr4 module that could certainly   cause the no post issue that the viewer was  describing and we've shown what that looks like   in a previous fix or vlog video i highly doubt  this issue was caused by mis-wiring of some sort   i don't see how that would fix itself in transport  and it's not like i drive like a lunatic so things   aren't being knocked around too much and i have  actually a pretty solid place to put these when i   bring them back to the house and then bring them  back to the owners after the fact i kind of lay   them uh slanted like at a 45 degree angle in the  front of my 911 and it sits very sturdy there it   doesn't rock around or anything like that that's  the worst thing for a build especially if you have   an optical drive or a hard drive in your system  having those platters or that laser get knocked   around on those arms it's just not good so i  always try to make sure that they are secured when   i'm driving them to and from our meetup points uh  but with that i mean the build looks a lot cleaner   now we fixed the fan orientation issue and we  did mitigate potential disaster down the line   by reinstalling windows on a fresh one terabyte  ssd and yeah potentially avoiding blue screens   of death loss and performance we saw a bit of  that here it's just safe all around to reinstall   windows or reformat your boot drive when moving  from Intel to AMD or AMD to Intel now you might   be asking well greg what if i have an older AMD  system like an AMD fx-8320e platform and i upgrade   to Ryzen 5 or horizon 7. you should be in a better  boat i still recommend that you completely start   fresh just in case but that's certainly a better  situation to be in than if you were going from any   intel generation to any AMD generation the two  just they're mutually exclusive and should be   treated as such there are too many potential  driver issues you could run into software   conflicts uh even registry issues things that  could cause frequent blue screens of death down   the line that uh yeah i always advise starting  fresh so if you guys enjoyed this one be sure to   let me know by giving this one a thumbs up i would  appreciate that i unfortunately can't point to the   solution of the no post issue although again i  think ddr4 probably that's probably it i don't   know what else it could be sorry i got dust in  my nose probably from outside but uh i i can't   think of any other possible reason why the system  wouldn't post at his house and would post in my   office just that's just bizarre but uh nonetheless  the system is working now has a nice little   upgrade and we mitigated potential catastrophes  by completely reinstalling windows on a fresh   new drive and i've got his old drive i'm going  to give back to him so if he wants to reinstall   that and save some files transfer those to the new  operating system he can by the way if you live in   and around the Orlando Florida area maybe you're  willing to drive to Orlando to have me look at   your system and attempt to fix it for free you can  do so by sending an email to our help address it's   help that's a new email we're  going to use for all communications from viewers   to our business going forward so if you want to  enter for a PCDC cleaning or a fixer flop episode   and then we're actually expanding to a few other  playlists as well that email is the one you'll use   that's if you're not local  we're gonna ignore the email we just we can't   afford to deal with the liabilities associated  with shipping and well the unreliabilities   associated with shipping now if you are not  subscribed yet watching this far into the video   i'm deeply confused by your methodology i'll give  you a few seconds to click the subscribe button take care of it i appreciate that and leave  a comment down below letting me know what   you'd like to see next my name is  greg thanks for learning with me!
Channel: Greg Salazar
Views: 404,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fix or flop, broken gaming pc, pc no post, pc doesn't work, dead computer, broken computer, how to fix a pc, how to troubleshoot a pc, how to fix a pc that wont turn on, credit, computer, gaming pc, how to fix a pc that wont display, how to build a pc, pc gaming for beginners, tech, apple, college, finance, pc gaming setup, pc gaming tips, fix or flop season 1, s1e17, pc won't post, pc gaming, pc won't turn on, how to, How to fix
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 41sec (1241 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 06 2021
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