Fixing a Viewer PC's AWFUL Cable Management!

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this here is a viewer's gaming pc and well it's not broken it's not super dirty but it does have one fairly glaring issue and that's cable management welcome to our new cable management playlist and i'm hoping that we can turn this to a full-fledged series we have multiple episodes uh where we just clean up viewers cable management for free we don't charge anything at all for these services uh the only caveat is that you need to be local so that i can pick up and drop off your system in person so we're looking for really just kind of rats nasty type builds they don't have to be dirty and in fact if they're really dirty i'm just going to turn it into a pcdc video but if your build is you know relatively clean as this one is here uh and your system works just fine but your cable management is just an absolute freaking mess that's what this playlist is for i'm gonna show you in each of these videos how i cable manage around different cases so um that's gonna be the the real variable here i think apart from maybe having custom cable extensions and and the like uh being able to manage cables in different cases is gonna be the real challenge here so i'm gonna try my best to find different builds with different hardware different cases to to just change it up a bit for you all so that it's not so mundane right the same episode doesn't need to be the exact same case over and over that would just get boring so with that i hope you enjoy what you're about to watch and i'm gonna try to keep these videos concise around like 10 minutes or so i don't want to stretch this to 20 minutes for freaking cable management that just that's that's really milking it i think a bit too far even for youtube standards so this right here is our first contestant and you can see it's it's a pretty big mess this case allows us to route a lot of cables behind the motherboard tray although there's not a ton of space behind there that might have been why this owner decided just to run things along the front and it's yeah it's kind of driving me nuts uh this right here yeah we can definitely clean that up this is the eight pin for the cpu uh we can route the 24 pin behind the motherboard tray same goes for the supplemental pci cables we'll clean up sata cables at the bottom you know there's just a lot here that was just kind of lazily routed and look it's it's your program you can do what you want with your build but i try to make these look as clean as possible because i think of them like works of art regardless of how much it costs you to build the system it's your baby it's a custom build you designed it you specked it yourself so you know let's let's treat it like one by the way before we get started one last thing that i'll check off camera and every one of these episodes i might not always mention it but i'll always turn these systems on and make sure that they post prior to disassembly just removing cables alone shouldn't cause any issues but i obviously don't want to be blamed for something that i didn't do and so to protect myself and my business i have to verify that ahead of time it's just important that you know that because if you want to do similar things for people in your community maybe your friends rigs or just just random strangers you maybe want to charge for it just yeah check that ahead of time you'll thank yourself later now the first thing i want to do is disconnect everything starting with the larger cables working our way down to even front i o those tiny wires we're going to take care of first it's easier to manage the larger cables once the smaller ones are in place those can get very rats nasty and they can tangle themselves around the larger ones making it more difficult to route things in the future so let's get started then 24 pin needs to come out this one and we've got smaller ones under the graphics card so to make things easier for us we're going to remove this outright so that we can access all these a bit better also just realize these two intake fans were not wired up so we'll make sure we take care of this for the owner as well now we'll remove this right side panel and uh oh wow okay so it actually looks deceivingly clean back here but it's just because all the space behind the motherboard tray went unused just a few extra cables here for the storage drives looks like a an ssd and a hard disk drive so now everything should be disconnected and you can see i've separated all of our cables by source so power supply cable sitting in the front here we've got sata cables which are things you have to add after the fact we have front i o cables here and our fan cables are at the front and so we're going to start with our front i o cables these are usually pretty small with the exception of maybe a usb type-c cable usb 3.0 cable was a bit annoying as well just the flat ribbon style cable you have to deal with and then we'll also tackle these two fan cables as well very small start with the thinner ones first because these are easier to manage with the fat cables from the power supply out of the way now unfortunately this motherboard only has two fan headers we're using one for the cpu cooler here and the second is placed in a super crappy spot right there i assume it's there because you know it's easier to connect your exhaust fan there we don't have any exhaust fans we have two intake fans at the front so we're going to use a couple of extensions oh okay actually it's just one extension that splits into two here so this is long enough so that we can run it out of view out of sight behind the motherboard tray by the time these are connected to the fans up front i've actually changed things around here and i think i'm gonna stick with this so i've got the cpu fan cable connected to this header here which is just a system fan one header and i've got the extension the splitter up top for the cpu header now it's not normally how you'd want to do things but it's very easy to adjust fan curves and the bios shouldn't be an issue and this keeps things much cleaner as well because now no longer you have to see this ugly extension running across the top of the board i've also managed to almost completely hide this uh fan cable which i think is pretty sweet we've got it wedged under the uh the entire shroud so it's almost totally out of sight looks kind of like it's wireless almost this next part's gonna be pretty sweet i think so to keep the cable tight the extension cable here i'm going to tuck it underneath this sleeve and i'm going to use a zip tie to keep it all hidden and that way we don't have any slack showing on the other side we've got to be kind of careful here how we route it bit of finesse involved nothing too complicated and then we'll push that underneath and look at there that cable is totally tucked away i really like that these fan cables are routed through the cutout that is well there for these two fans but it's not in an ideal spot given where we have our extension because we have to basically right these cables run straight across this opening and you can see straight through from the left side panel so it's just going to look a bit messy having cables stretch across to the to the motherboard tray what we're going to do instead is tuck these cables back inside and we're going to run them along the side of this so there's only a tiny bit exposed further up and after zip tying things down again a pretty unconventional place to use zip ties but there aren't many in this case so we're just working with what we got you're going to hear that phrase a lot i imagine in this playlist you see we just have a tiny little sliver where you're going to be able to see just maybe an inch or so worth of cabling but that's it and i think that's just a much cleaner look overall we've got it routed along the edge of the case so it stays out of view for the most part and look at that perfectly routed right in front of our little splitter here tackle front i o quickly uh starting with the slimmest cables first and working our way up to the fat ones like usb 3.0 use you know common sense cable cutouts uh to route these we'll take care of things at the back here in a second take care of usb 3 here i hate this connector with a passion at this point we're pretty much finished with the top half of the build our 24 pin is going to run up to this cutout here but we do have a zip tie point slightly above that and that's what we're going to use to unify or route all these cables to one long channel going straight down it's going to look a bit cluttered further down i'm not sure how we're going to tackle that yet because there's just nothing we can really do given the constraints of this case in the fact we're using a smaller motherboard size but at least up top here we can get these all tucked away we'll tackle sata cables these will be handled mostly at the bottom here the two drives need to run into the sata ports on the motherboard which are at the bottom right of the board kind of right behind this area here you can run these through here and connect them to the two nearest ports just to keep things clean and tidy if we have any issues with the boot devices being detected we can always swap these ports around in this case it's probably best that we tuck them under the lower drive so that it's out of sight from the left side you can see we've got all the slack taken out so it looks nice i guess and from the left side this is all you see of the sata cables that's it again trying to keep as minimal cable exposure as possible we can't see anything down below that's what we want now from this angle you might not be able to tell and it's totally by design we already have our state of power cable connected and i wanted to show you how concealed it was so we were able to tuck this in between the channels uh of the case and these are just the excess ones so the excess cabling excess length that we're not going to use it's totally out of sight we kept it very minimalistic here did interfere at all with our sata data cables and i did confirm that these little ridges here aren't really part of the integrity of the right side panel being secured so it's nice that we have that little bit of space there because we are going to have excess 24-pin and 8-pin eps cabling that i have no idea what we're going to do with so we'll have to finesse some things now as for a-pin eps we're going to route that next because it's smaller than the 24-pin and it kind of gets in the way of things so we're going to run this along the right side from your vantage point of the case and then we're going to tuck it in up top here so this part depending on the case can go one of two ways either you'll have enough cable length or you won't it looks like here we definitely do so look at there nice and uh mostly out of sight as usual zip ties are your best friends i know some people hate them especially like it guys apparently they hate them but look how much cleaner that is now we've got the pci cable routed through the cutout just gonna leave it there for a second we'll insert the graphics card once more actually one slot too high it'll sit just like that and then we're gonna use the shorter stub of connectors and we're going to run these directly into the car you'll see why we're doing it this way in a second a lot of people i see like to use the very end of the pci cable strand and i i usually try to avoid that because if you connect this and you've got this just kind of hanging here and this is just bridged between two different sets of cables right these are effectively daisy chained and i don't like the way that that looks if we do it this way and use the shorter end to connect to the card assuming there's only one six pin or a pin needed then the remaining daisy chain set can be just zip tied right here to the bulk of the cables and we can keep these out of sight tucked further away so that from the front right our line of sight from the left side panel things look much cleaner here sideshot vantage point much cleaner looking runs looking through the left side panel it looks like one solid chunk of cables for pci supplemental power but we actually have this daisy chain set just zip tied right behind it so this is what i try to do and i recommend that if you care at all about aesthetics and you have a similar issue that you do things this way as well again you have to have one eight pin or one six pin but it works one final zip tie here at the bottom and i believe we're going to have it not exactly what i had in mind this hd audio cable is a bit too short so it's just kind of dangling here doesn't look as clean we're trying to stick to horizontal and wait horizontal and vertical lines uh but yeah you can only work with what you're given and uh this will just have to be so let's cut these zip ties back and i'll show you what the right side looks like oh yeah she is cleaning up nicely i'll tell you what considering the constraints of this case i don't think it can really get much better unless we had like custom cable channels and did some just i don't know and we could really get super creative with it but for a build like this i don't think it's worth going that into detail i just wanted to clean it up especially on the other side you can see back here everything is just nice and neatly run it's very easy to identify specific cables and where they're headed and so if you wanted to take away or add things in the future it shouldn't be difficult to do at all but this side is the side that i care more about because it's a side you can actually see through the acrylic left side panel you can see straight through to where the right panel would be and this is totally cleaned up you normally have fan cable stretching across here and because we routed those around the edge of the frame it all looks much cleaner we don't have cables running in front of the graphics card anymore we have cleaned up the cable bunch down here at the bottom where our power supply is we don't have a basement so that was another disadvantage of this case but we still kept it very clean you can see our storage drives there still looks very clean in front of that and even underneath we don't see any cables being stuffed under there and a very minimal cable exposure elsewhere just a small 24 pin poking out from the side and a small 8 bit in eps up top that's pretty much it and that is again by design we want to keep as minimal cable exposure as possible unless in the event we have maybe uh custom cables that we want to show off uh maybe the the color scheme or whatever these are just basic black ones and i really like the way this turned out our right side panel test let's see how easy this locks into place it was very easy before but that's because there was nothing routed behind the motherboard tray and that's it it's ready to go we'll tighten this thing down with a couple captive thumb screws actually missing one up top we'll take care of that form and it's looking super clean corsair's xenion 32 qhd 165 is a versatile monitor chock full of leading tech for your gaming and content creating needs enjoy a quantum dot color accurate 32 inch fast ips display with a blazing fast refresh rate of up to 165 hertz for ultra smooth picture couple that with a one millisecond response time and you've got yourself a sweet gaming panel and with its sleek and slim ergonomic profile which of course doesn't hurt it's sure to impress on any desk you can learn more about it by clicking the link below well what a transformation i mean it's not the most mind-blowing thing ever and it doesn't take a lot of skill to do what i just did uh but it certainly does require a bit of diligence on your part and it'll change from case to case the amount of input that you need to to throw into this to clean up cables and i'm sure some folks are going to be screaming right now greg this was a huge waste of time it didn't change anything about performance it doesn't change anything about temperatures or what have you it's just an aesthetic play you're just trying to clean things up a tad and i don't think that's worth the 30 minutes or an hour that it would take to make this look the way that you got it and i get that i do but i also think you should take a bit of pride in your work if you built this from scratch if you curated the parts yourself just take at least a few minutes and try cleaning up cable management a tad especially if you have a clear maybe tempered glass or acrylic left side panel just take some pride in that because folks are going to see it not just you but potentially other people and you want them to be impressed by not only the parts in here but how clean they all look together so that's why i wanted to do what i did in this video and i think it paid off it looks so much cleaner now the only other thing on my agenda is to make sure that the system does still boot into windows but apart from that i'll reach out to the owner let them know that a system is ready to go again speaking of if you have a system that has pretty rough cable management and you want a chance for us to clean it up for you for free we won't charge anything at all and we can actually get these knocked out in maybe like a couple days or so then submit a an email or just yeah send an email to us it's help we only want you to use that if you have a console cleaning inquiry or a cable management inquiry if you have a really dirty system that you want cleaned in the pcdc series then you need to submit a form and that form is linked in all of our pcdc videos same goes for the fix or flop stuff don't send us a help email for fixer flop or pcdc inquiries they get filtered out very quickly uh but if you have a system that needs cable management help send an email to help again that's going to be in the video description thank you so much for watching this one hopefully the transformation was worth it and hopefully you learned a thing or two about cable managing maybe in cases like this not exactly this case from fractal but maybe other cases that don't have basements let's say or minimal space behind the motherboard tray exposed areas toward the front um there there's a lot of you know different things going on here and it's important that we work with what we have and and do our best to keep these cables as covered and concealed as possible especially when they're just you know the vanilla ones from the power supply manufacturer if you enjoyed this one thumbs up consider subscribing leave a comment down below and i'll catch you in the next one my name is greg thanks for learning with me
Channel: Greg Salazar
Views: 100,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cable management, cable management guide, fixing a viewer pc's awful cable management, how to pc cable manage, how to, how to build a pc, how to fix a pc, broken pc, gaming pc, dirty pc, pc gaming, dirty computer, tech, cable matters, computer, Cm, asmr, cable management asmr, How to cable management
Id: 20VKBFVgvYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 10 2022
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