Fixed Camera Tutorial | Resident Evil | Classic Horror Games in Unreal Engine 5

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hello everyone and welcome back to learning with yakman x today I'm going to be starting a new series with you where we explore the camera angles from some of our most beloved horror games starting with none other than Resident Evil I'll take you through step by step how to recreate the iconic liquor introduction from Resident Evil 2. in this video we're going to cover fixed camera angles tank controls and triggering a animated sequence just as the camera switches all the basics you need for a classic Resident Evil game so let's jump on into the editor I'm using I'm more engine version 5.1 for this tutorial however it could also be relevant to Unwell Engine 4 or 5.23 whatever comes after this I simply created a new project and used the third person template so we already have all the third person assets we need for our fixed camera scene when you open your project you will be greeted with a level similar to this but without all of these lovely white boxes everywhere I have put these in because the first step to this is to white box out our level white boxing means to literally use boxes and other placeholder items just to see how the look and feel of a level will be before putting in your final assets an unroll engine is great at providing you with these quick and easy items to use so you can just click on one I'll press Ctrl B and you can see they're all stored within architecture so the architecture folder within starter content within the content folder just in case you are very new to Unreal Engine and you're not quite sure how to place things you literally just click and drag into the level here I'm going to delete this out because I don't need it if you click on something thing it will automatically allow you to move it and that you can also make this happen by pressing W on the keyboard if you press e on the keyboard you can rotate like so if you press r on the keyboard you can actually scale and control Z brings it back to how it was before you changed it if you have a bunch of stuff that's floating you don't have to manually put it on the floor you can just hit the end key and it just goes automatically to the nearest static mesh below it another handy tip hold down alt As you move something and you will have duplicated it I created this based off what I could see within the Resident Evil scene that we're going to recreate today so this is going to be the kind of starting back room I'm not quite sure what room that is but he's in this police room and then he goes around the corner and this is the iconic First Liquor moment where he walks and then there's a liquor that scuttles across and then he goes into this little door here and the camera changes to look at him from outside the window just to make sure everything is working as expected I have my player start here make sure that you put this where you want Leon to start and if we hit the green play button we can see uh little iron iron lady that's what unreal engine's character looks like so yeah walking around the scene good good all looks good now we just want our fixed cameras in here and we want tank controls because as you can see the camera is very free at the moment and also so is the movement we don't have tank controls press escape to get out of that and I think the first thing we should do is actually Dive Right on in with some blueprints so I have actually created a blueprint folder to create folders you can literally just right click and create folder somewhere that new folder I like to put all my blueprints in one folder because it helps me to keep things nice and clean I'm just going to delete this new folder uh so I've got a tutorial blueprints folder and that's where I'm going to put all of the blueprints we're going to create today so in wherever you want your blueprints to be right click and we're going to create a new blueprint class and this is going to be a class type of actor and I'm just going to call this BP underscore so BP just stands for blueprint so I know what it is it's easier to search for this way as well uh fixed camera yeah there we go and if I double click on this one the blueprint should open for us all right let's pop this in here so what we need is a blueprint that can handle not only camera switching but also when the cameras should switch so this should be based off a collision so in the components I'm going to add a cine camera and I'm also going to add a box collider so box Collision here now there is camera that you might have come across before it's just a basic camera viewport this is the one I do believe that comes automatically default with the third person player but I prefer to use cine cameras because we have more control over things like Focus aperture film back as you can see you have all these settings here so we could play with it and make it really cinematic if we wanted to so for ease of use I am going to make this box pretty big because it's going to probably cover quite a large surface area so I'm just going to make it 500 by 500 by 500 as a good rule of thumb we always want to change a collision boxes box extent over its scale and the cine cameras here I'm just going to move this up a little bit because it's always going to be a little bit further up maybe 200 will do just to call out on blueprints compiling you compile to make sure that any of the the logic within your blueprint is uh execution executionable that's the hard way to say what I like to do is I click on the three dots next to it and I say save and compile only on success only so this means that you won't have to be constantly receiving your blueprints all the time saves you a little bit of time also on the topic of working smarter go into your class defaults at the top here and make sure that start with tick enabled is not true this will save on some performance and you'll thank yourself in the long run what we're creating today won't need to be ran on tick alright that's a cleanup sorted now let's go into our box collision and in the Box collisions details panel you can see above me there it has a bunch of settings if we just roll down we'll scroll down a little bit better until you find Collision you could also just type Collision in the search bar here and what you want to do is make sure that the character cannot step up on this we don't want it to affect navigation for the character so say no and uh leave it on over or overlap all Dynamic that should be fine okay and now we're gonna compile okay that's that set up so if we go into our event graph it's just at the top of the viewports here uh you can see that we already have a few events available to us so we definitely get one event tick just hit delete on that one we also don't want act to begin overlap because we're going to use the Box Collision for that uh we will use begin play a bit later we'll leave that alone for the time being but if we click on the box component again on the left and then uh look down to its events on the right and you should find con component begin overlap so press the plus button here and a new event will be open to you so now we have been given a event that will trigger whenever anything overlaps our Collision box but what we want to make sure is that only the player will trigger the changing of the fixed camera angles so in other actor on the event itself just left click and drag and in the search box just search for equal equal it's basically just like code syntax and if you don't code then welcome this is basically coding so I hope you feel cool so let's press enter and we're going to use this so this will check to see hey is the other actor the same type of whatever object reference we're going to put here and the object reference we are going to use is our player character so we have just been overlapped is the other overlapping actor the same as player character and then from the end point here this is a Boolean which just comes back with a false or a true and we can use it to Branch our logic here so we're going to connect these up so if it is a player character we can carry on through and keep doing what we want to do and change that fixed camera angle if not we don't want it to do anything okay so off this true is where we want to say okay switch the viewport however I'm going to do this in a separate function because later on I'm going to show you how to make child blueprints of this blueprint don't get scared if you've never heard that time it's not that scary let's create a function now so on the left hand side it says functions if we click on the little plus button we can create a new function and I'm going to name this uh on fixed cam over lap okay and here's where I want to put our logic first of all right click because we need to get a reference to our player player camera no player control roller that is the one and uh click off this one and we want to set a view Target yes with blend perfect that's the one so this is basically going to go where's our player controller what is the player controller's current viewport let's change it to be the new viewport Target of whatever we put in to this little variable here you'd think that we would just pull our cine camera and say I want to use this one but no actually I'm just going to delete that one here if you hover over it says it needs an actor object reference and luckily enough there's a blueprint itself is an actor object as you can see of the top right it's parent classes actor so let's left click and drag off that and we're literally just going to say ourself we're just going to get a reference to this blueprint and then it's going to say okay what is the viewport in this blueprint well it's the cine camera blend time and all of this we're not really going to worry about because in Resident Evil it doesn't have any Blends between the camera viewports changing it just snaps from one to another but just to give us the option let's right click on this blend time here and promote it to a variable and I'm going to do the same with blend funk I guess that's function and here on the left you can see there's a drop down called variables and um you can press the little I and that means that you will be able to change what these variables are so this blend time here above my head says zero right now but I could put like six of these into the level six of this blueprint into the level and each one of them could have their own blend times so one camera could take five seconds to go from the current camera view to that camera view whereas another one could be instantaneous and have a blend time at zero so the only thing left to do now is to go back into the event graph and from on component begin overlap of our box Collision make sure that we're calling that function we've just created so if the player is the one that's collided with it then we want to call on fixed cam overlap perfect compile okay so let's go back into our level and I'm just going to shove two of the blueprint in here so I can just show you I'm just left clicking dragging and letting go so one of these are in here and as you can see we can already see the view preview of the BP fixed camera from this blueprint and if I hold alt and drag it then I have just created a new version of that blueprint and if I press E I can rotate it to face the other way the only downside of using everything in one blueprint is that it could be pretty easy to just click on the camera and not realize that you've clicked on the BP fixed camera actor as a whole and then you go to move the camera and actually you're moving everything you're moving the Collision box and everything what you need to do if you only want to move say the camera and not the Collision box is to go into the details of that blueprint and click on the cine camera component and now I can move it freely so I'm going to move it right back here something like that will do for now and then I want to click on the box and the same thing I want to move this independently of the camera so I'm just going to move over here a little bit and as you can see you've got the box extents so as I I'm just clicking and dragging it really it's updating the Collision extents of that box so make this overlap a little bit and with this one here I'm just going to move the whole thing back and then I just want to move the camera back a little bit and now let's see if it works so we haven't locked into this camera yet but I'll talk to you about why that is in a second but the Collision was somewhere around here so we should be snapping to the other camera view there we go so we've just snapped to the other camera view perfect but as you can see it's actually really hard to know there we go snap back to the other the other camera view now it's really hard to know in what direction you will go because we haven't set up tank controls and it's a really confusing pressing back and she's going forward now and pressing forward and she's going towards the camera it's um it's kind of confusing I don't know where she is what she's doing so that worked but you know it would be much easier if we had tank controls but first of all let's fix uh why she wasn't going straight into a fixed camera view when she went in because as we could see the player start is actually already being overlapped by the Collision area so the Collision area is here and she's there you can actually change perspective of the top left of the viewport and go into top perspective and uh if you press F because I've got my player start selected it will focus on that and you can see a little bit better these are the lines of my collisions and I'm definitely within it so why am I not spawning in and instantly being seen by my camera let's go back to perspective here and let's open up the blueprint so from what I can surmise the player character gets spawned in before this on component begin overlap has a chance to run so it's actually missing the first instance of it being overlapped so it's not the nicest workaround and if you can think of a better one let me know in the comments I'm all ears but I'm just going to put a slight delay here to allow the player character to spawn in before we actually check in the overlap whether we should have this specific camera be the one that is active um so here is the delay and then I'm going to get our box uh collision and I'm gonna say is overlapping actor yep that's the one and uh look for our player character again so it's kind of a duplicate of what we're doing here but because that one's not being triggered on begin play we're basically just doing a manual check after a delay of 0.5 seconds so wait for 0.5 seconds wait is the player in this collision and if it is and we can go from Return value then we Branch again if it is then we just want to do this call of on fix cam overlap we can also just create another one maybe it'll look a bit nicer so this is these are both going to the same place even though it's calling it twice it's going to the same function that we have created so that should fix the beginning issue that we had so let's go back to our math again hit play and then there you go there was a slight delay of 0.5 seconds but now she's here and uh oh gosh yeah I really need to fix these tank controls I can't even figure out where she's going it's so confusing I don't know she's gone she's gone now it is time for the tank controls so if we go into our settings which is up the top right here we won the look for World settings so click on that one and it should open up a tab somewhere for you that says World settings on it and uh what we're looking for is our game mode so here it says game mode override and you can see it's using VP third press and game mode there's actually a little folder and you can browse to the asset in the content browser using this button so I'm going to left click on that one and here we go this is our third person game mode the game mode basically defines all of the rules of your game including what porn class you would like to use and a pawn is the player character and how it's set up to look how it's set up to animate and how it's set up to move so this is what we need to change for tank controls the VP third person game mode is what comes with the third person preset that we loaded with so I don't really want to change this just in case you want it to be available to you so I'm gonna just duplicate this one so right click duplicate and I'm going to make this uh tank controls game mode tank controls game mode and I'm gonna do the same for the BP third person character because if you do double click and open up this game mode there's a lot going on all you really care about here is default porn class and you can see it's using BP third person character and if you click on the little folder again and minimize this one it's showing you that it's this one the BP third person character so right click on this one duplicate again and again we're going to be using uh actually we'll just put an underscore here and say tank controls so it's a third person character tank controls okay so double click and open up tank control girl we can call her now this is how unroll engine has already set up the third person character for us as you can see it's got the camera input and this allows a player to change where the character is looking based on their Mouse movement so we actually just want to unhook that because we want the camera to be stationary at all times please and here is movement input so this is what we want to change as you can see they've got left and right movement input and they've also got forward and backward for tank controls what makes them really useful for fixed camera angles is that forward will always stay consistently forward backwards consistently backwards and left and right really just rotate the player so if you press left you're not going to move left you're just going to look left and then you can press forwards and again the momentum will always be forwards so this is what we are going to change here so I'm going to just change this comment so I know what it is and I'm just going to put tank in it so I just changing it by double clicking on it and we don't want to add any movement input on left or right we just want it to affect the rotation so I'm gonna completely remove that and if we get a reference to our player control ola player controller yeah yeah then what we want it to do is change the rotation Ah that's the one we wanted to set control rotation here so as you can see we need a rotator and none of these outputs here are going to give us one so we have to create a new Rotator so if you're just right here Rotator scroll right down and make rotator and then it will allow us to create our own one we can delete the get right vector and what we want to do is plus not pause plus add the action value X to the return value Zed your of the control rotation and this will be our Z on the Rotator that we've just created I don't need this little node here so I'm just gonna delete it to make it a little bit cleaner and then we're going to get the control rotation and hook that up to X and Y so basically all we care about is the player putting the action value of left and right which is X are they plusing it or minusing it so are they going left or are they going right and that now is just going to change the rotation of the Z of the player controller instead of actually making the move anywhere it's just going to change your rotation so um let's hook this one back up now and we definitely want forward and backward to be still hooked up we didn't change anything to do with forward and backward that one can stay as is and the last thing that we want to do for our tank controls to work is to go into the class settings at the top here and in the details we just want to search for your um nope make sure that the BP third person character is actually selected in the components first and you're looking for a yes Pawn use controller rotation your we want to enable that and that should enable the tank controls to work okay and then back into our map here we can just go into the tank controls game mode that we made and in the default Pawn class we can change that to BP third person character tank controls I've got two because I did make this earlier but it will work trust me now compile and the last thing we need to do now is go back into our world settings and make sure that the game mode override is using the new game mode that we just set up so just search for tank and there you go bpe tank controls game mode and now when we press play she should be exhibiting tank controls I'm pressing d right now and she's not moving anywhere I'm pressing a and she's not moving anywhere and then forwards will always be forwards ah W is always forwards no matter where she's looking brilliant cool now we just really need to sort out these cameras because they are bad let's sort these out okay so I'm just going to use my reference of the Resident Evil scene that we're recreating so make sure that all the cameras kind of line up where I want them to be so bear with me I'll probably speed this one up just don't forget that if you want to change your camera you need to actually click on it in the details panel click on your camera and update that one while I was setting these cameras up I just realized they're very zoomed in and I think I want my cameras to not be digital film so this is one good reason why I created the blueprint I can literally just go into BP fixed camera go into my cine camera and change the default film back to be um DSLR so let's use that compile that one and now all of my cameras in my scene no matter how many I've got will now be updated to use DSLR and there you go yeah that's a lot less zoomed in I much prefer that so you can kind of play around with these cine camera settings and see which ones you like um while I'm in here as well actually I might just turn off the focus settings um and we can do auto focus in the next video of this tutorial series I think but anyway back to me setting up my cameras one thing to note as well if you want a smoother movement snapping on the cameras you can press uh this one here the little grid of the top right of the viewport right now mine's on 10 and if I wanted to make it even smoother my movement snapping I can make it five so that's movement here but if I want my rotation snapping to be smoother I can make that five as well so the rotation ones right next to it and you can also just turn it on and off if you want no snapping at all but uh yeah something like that I should do think and as you can see from the top down perspective I've got all my collisions lined up where I would like them to trigger the next camera this Collision actually needs to be way bigger trying to make sure that they are lined up it doesn't so much matter if they overlap too much because we don't really care about what happens when the player exits the Collision it's just what happens when the enters another one something that could really help actually um to see where these Collision boxes are because I do understand they're pretty tiny if you go back into VP fix camera click on our box Collision in the components and we could actually up the line thickness to something like 10 and that should make um a much more noticeable here so you know where they are one thing I'd also like to say while we're here you can pin the preview of whatever camera you have selected so it will always stay on your viewport so I'm just going to pin this one now and I notice in my reference that there is like a little a little cylinder thing in this room so I'm going to just switch me over for a second um I have gone on to my shapes which is in place actors and you can see I've got like Cube spheres cylinders I was going to call that a scone then cones and planes I'm going to use a cylinder actually here because that's the right shape for what I can see in my Resident Evil reference I'm just going to scale it up a little bit and I could actually scale it uh so it's a little bit taller and that's what I am seeing in my reference so this is exactly what white boxing is really good for it's it's knowing okay how does the space look with all of the elements like a bookshelf or whatever this is I don't even know what the what is interested in the Resident Evil one how are they going to affect your environment without having to actually make the assets first and place them you can just kind of figure out the scale and maybe it obscures something I don't know it's there for a reason and you want it to be replaced with something in the future white boxing is good for that okay so let's press play and I'll show you what I've got so far there she is oh we can unpin this now as well um okay so she's here with her little time controls she's walking around and I can see that in my reference footage as well Leon's head does get kind of cut cut off by this thing that's here so that's uh pretty decent and then there's a collision here so it should switch yep switching over here when she gets to this area and then she starts to walk towards the camera and this is when the dramatic liquor animation will happen and we'll do that in a second and this is the very cool I love these out the window shots that old fixed camera games used to do so um yeah that's there if we go back have we lost her now she's there if you go back say We'll flip back to the old camera views and yeah we've we've made quite a lot of stuff there where we could have some good fun with that but I think what we need to do is um trigger off that all important animation only when the camera changes so at the very moment the camera changes the animation of the liquor comes and it won't happen again so it's a one-time only thing let's quickly do that now so you might have noticed there were some little blue boxes out here these actually are just boxes that come with the default level that loads up but you can use any boxes I'm just going to use these but you could literally just use a cube from your place actors here if you wanted to and I'm just going to use one of these and this is going to be our spooky spooky liquor oh gosh how terrifying and the way that we're going to animate It Is by using a level sequence so if we go into our cinematics in place actors you will see something called a level sequence actor so if you could please left click drag and drop that into your scene for me I would be a very happy girly and I'm just going to right click it in my outliner as well and rename it so everything's nice and clean for me where's the rename Button as in edit rename okay so this is going to be liquor and um and let's just say LS level sequence look at them cool and actually I'm also going to right click and move to cinematic because I've got everything in folders here so we've got a level sequence actor and as you can see in its uh details tab which my head is now over again so one second it does need a reference to a level sequence asset this level sequence actor that we've called LS liquor annum is going to play whatever level sequence asset we put in here so right now it says None and if you click on the drop down even if you have never made one ever I have made one in the past When I Was preparing for this tutorial but you can still click create new level sequence up here so that's what we want to do create new level sequence and again it's up to you where you put it I like to put all mine in a folder called cinematic so you can right click new folder so I've already got my cinematics folder and I'm going to create liquor annum sequin this bar was grayed out before the open level sequence but now it is not we can click on it and it is going to open the sequence for our liquor and M sequins it will be empty there's going to be nothing there but there is a little tab down here for the sequencer click on the box or whatever you're using to represent your liquor and then click on the plus track button within the sequencer Tab and actor to sequencer at the very top it says add and it will be whatever you have selected so make sure you only have whatever you want to be the liquor selected so I've added that in now and all I really want to do is show this going from the bottom right of the window to the bottom left so it'll be like it's crawling up there obviously this is very placeholder in the game you would have it um play an actual animation it would be an actual rigged character but I think this is good enough to show you how to do it we want it to save the location and one thing what's really handy is to make sure that you have this create a key when channels properties change enabled so this will just automatically create Keys whenever I move it now so say if I moved it to frame 50 and now I move it to the top left of my window then it's already tracked the location if for some reason that doesn't work though don't worry you can just click on the little add new key button here and that again will track anything uh that the cube or whatever actor you're tracking is doing at that time with their location so to preview this you can literally scrub through so I can see I'm going left right so spooky and um you can also press the play button I'm Gonna Save it actually make sure you're saving press the little C button so down the very bottom there's little track options and you can press play here now one thing you'll notice is that went on for a long time that's because my level sequence is set to be 150 frames really we just need it to be really quick because all I wanted to do is go from from here to there so how do we activate this level sequence as soon as the camera switches good question I mentioned before that we were going to be making a child blueprint of our fixed camera blueprint and we're going to do that now so go back to our BP fixed camera you can just click on BB fixed camera in the world outliner and then Ctrl B if you have lost yours and uh right click on it and create child blueprint class so as it says here this creates a child blueprint class based on the current blueprint allowing you to create variants easily it's right up the very top here I'm kind of covering it a little bit but I think you can still see it so click on that one and here we have BP fixed camera child but I'm going to rename this to be called sequencer BP fix camera sequencer so double click to open this one now what you have in a child blueprint is everything that it shares with its parents so it already has the Box Collision it already has the cine camera anything you change in the parent will also be changed in the child so it's really good to work this way if you know that you want um a blueprint that shares a lot of the same functionality as another blueprint but you just want to add something very particular to it which is exactly what we're doing here we want the fixed camera angle to change but at the same time we need it to trigger a sequencer so we still want to use the same blueprint we just want to add stuff to it and that's where a child blueprint becomes very handy so let's go into our event graph as you can see it's already going to play our parents begin play which is Handy Dandy we can delete these sticks we don't need them and what we want to do is find our parent function that we created earlier called fixed cam overlap that's it event on fixed cam overlap and uh this will get triggered whenever our parent blueprint has triggered their function so on fixed cam overlap we want to right click and add a call to the parent function to make sure that it's still going to do the logic that we set up in the parent so it's still going to switch to our cine camera here but now we want to add some extra functionality to trigger a sequencer so before we put any logic in we need to make sure we have available to us a sequencer in the first place so let's add some variables we want to add a sequencer to play and let's make this a type of level sequence actor okay and again we want to click the little I so that it can be editable I'll also just add some little booleans here so I want to ask should the sequencer just play once so a Boolean again is just a false or a true and we want to make that public as well should it Loop because we could have instances where we want the sequence to Loop and if it should Loop then how how often should it Loop so Loop amount maybe you want to have full control over this and that'll be an integer so an integer is just a rounded number you can't have any decimals in an integer and I will also do one more Boolean which is has the sequencer played if we only wanted to play once we need to know when it has already played so those are all publicly editable so we can change those on per instance of this blueprint being in a level first things first let's get the reference to our sequencer I'm going to right click here and just look for convert to validated get now this just creates a get function that just looks for is this sequencer valid if it is valid carry on if it's not valid then let's just put a print string and say no sequencer found so a print string is really good for debug uh let's put it on for like 10 seconds it's really good to put some print strings in if you're ever trying to debug why something's not working or in a case like this perhaps it'll be very easy to accidentally forget to to hook up the sequencer to this blueprint so it you'll always know oh something in here isn't working because it doesn't have a reference to the sequencer if it is valid then we want to check for whether it should be played once and also whether the sequencer has played at all um if the sequencer has played as you can see the default value of a Boolean is always false you can see that in the details panel here on the right but you can change the default value you can say yes that it has already played but you don't want to do that for this don't do that for this and for that point actually I'm going to make sure that this is not instance editable because there's no reason for us to ever want to say whether a sequencer has played it's purely for gameplay prefaces so this has a closed eye whereas all of our other variables we've set up have open eyes I'm going to do a check on both of these so what this will be checking for is the sequencer Play Once yes and has the sequencer played yes in that case then we can put a branch here and if it's true then we could say another print string sequencer has played once so well no longer play we say played once and is set to only play once so we'll no longer play and I can change the color of this to like red and again I'll give it like a duration of 10 seconds so we won't miss it on the screen uh and this this is a good check to do because we want it to only play once so if play wants for Trans false but the sequencer has played is true then it'll still return false because one of them is false okay so let's get this one out of the way now we can check for the loop so should this sequencer Loop get and branch on that if if yes it should Loop then we could say well we need to get a reference to our sequencer so let's drag that one in here and we should say play looped looping here we go so that's automatically got us a reference to the level sequence player object so yes it should be looping then let's play looping and number of Loops so as you can see default is minus one so actually I'm going to put on my Loop amount the default to be minus one what this means is that minus one Loops means infinite it will Loop infinitely it will never stop looping if you put a loop amount of zero then it won't Loop its number of Loops will be zero um one will mean it Loops once two twice you get the picture so yeah I'm keeping this default amount to -1 but if we want to change it because it is publicly editable then we can and we're just hooking these ones up here and if we don't want it to Loop then we could just play as it is we don't need to use the play looping there's an even simpler load for that so if you go back to our map now we need to find the fixed camera blueprint that will need to trigger the sequencer and we need to change this to use the new child actor we've just created if I select the child blueprint in the content browser here right clicking on the one in the outliner the one I want to replace I'm choosing replace selected actors with and I've already have my BP vix camera sequencer selected in the content browser so I'm going to click on that one and it doesn't reset the camera or anything because they are a child blueprint so it doesn't look like anything has changed but it has if I just take this one out for you you can see the type here says edit BP fix camera sequencer so we have just replaced it with our new child actor magic I'm going to rename it just so I know what it is my name please sequencer okay and now let's give this a crack oh wait hold on let's have a look at the details of this one because I didn't show you the details of the other blueprints that we made so we can look in the default section of the details tab of RBP fixed camera sequencer and you can see here it's got sequencer to play Aha see it wouldn't have worked so I haven't set that up yet and I've got played ones should loop loop amount all of this stuff and the blend time and the blend function that we set up uh from our parents so the blend time is zero that's why our canvas are snapping nicely we don't want to Loop them out so this is good it shouldn't Loop so this is good but we do want it to only play one time so I'm gonna put this to true and then I also need to set the sequencer to play so I can actually just click on none and I can say liquor anime but there's also this little picker tool and I can click on that one and if you can find your level sequence in your scene you can click on that one and just pick that that there but I've already got mine set up so there we go that should be everything's set up uh to go so I'm just gonna save my map and then press play then here we go so she's going she's going she's uh gonna go down this little corridor oh my God so spooky it's so stupid I love it and now if I go back why is it doing that oh okay so do once it's not working because it's doing multiple times I know what we forgot I say we I mean me you didn't do anything wrong I am the teacher here um so if we go back into our fixed camera sequence we did not let me know in the comments if you already realized that I didn't do this we didn't set has sequencer played we need to say that the sequencer has been played so we're going to set this to be true compile so it's going to go through here and if it gets to play either looping or play just once it will say okay yeah we've played it now and then back here in this check of play once it can also update this one so what was happening then was play once was true but has sequencer played was never true it was always false it was always coming through here so if we try one more time then spooky scary just go there and then back down again there you go sequencer has played once and is set to only play once so we'll no longer play [Music] and that's it I really hope you find that useful I guess one thing I could show you that I haven't shown you yet is that it'll blend so on BP fixed camera two I'll just quickly show you in the details panel in default I'm going to set its blend time to like two seconds and you'll see what blending looks like but for Resident Evil camera Styles you won't really need this see so it's slowly blending over the only thing is you don't have control over that blend right now I can show you how to in future videos so let me know if you want to um but yeah for Resident Evil you really just want the blend to be at its default for zero and you will get nice clean snapping and there you have it now you have recreated one of the most iconic moments in horror gaming history I hope I've also shared with you some values of how you could create blueprints you know the different between a parent and a child creating variables you can change publicly in the level hopefully there's enough in there for you to kind of go away now and play with them yourself if you're a Game Dev let me know if you would have set this up a little bit differently in the comments down below and let me know if you know a workaround for making the correct camera play on begin play because yeah I couldn't figure that one out with my little Noggin but I'm sure us as a community we can come up with something a little bit better than adding a delay there we only touched on level sequences in this video but if you want to learn more about how to utilize Admiral engines cinematic tools and in particular the sequencer you can check out my other video all about how to trigger gameplay via the sequencer and if you enjoyed this video I would love for you to leave a like it just lets me know that these videos are well received and that you want to see more of them because I would love to turn this into a series I'd love my next one to focus on silent hill much more where this came from just so you know I have moved all of my gameplay footage over to my second Channel gaming with yagman X so please check that out if you're missing me playing games like chicken evil hey oh damn and also I'm live on Twitch every single week so I would love to see you in the chat we do Monday morning motivation streams where we set out weekly goals and I also just play games so links are in the description down below and as always a massive thank you to my patreons who got to see this video before any of you peasants on YouTube so you're not peasants as soon as I said that I was like that's so mean don't say that they get to see Early Access videos uh there's a pen pals here where I send handmade cards to you you get MP3 versions of the songs that I create and and more goodies go check that out if you're interested and just thank you to everyone who is I really really appreciate all as always it's a pleasure to share what I know with you and to learn from you in the comments I'm sure I will thank you for watching have a lovely day or evening yeah I guess that's that you still here oh my light just changed color I don't know why I did that okay I think I think that's good I think we're good I think we're good this new format is very new for me I hope you like it I don't know
Channel: YagmanX
Views: 16,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yagmanx, unreal engine, tank controls, resident evil, fixed camera angles, unreal engine 5, fixed camera, third person camera, tutorial, fixed cam, tank controls resident evil, classic horror, ue5, unreal engine tutorial for beginners, unreal engine tutorial, game dev, ue5 tutorial, camera, fixed, blueprints, unreal engine blueprint tutorial, unreal engine blueprint, resident evil tutorial, ue5 resident evil tutorial, unreal engine resident evil tutorial, unreal engine 5 tutorial
Id: MQBsk0lziys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 58sec (3178 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2023
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