Fix Washed Out Text+ Color Managed Titles with Render in Place - DaVinci Resolve Tutorial

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The Fusion Title graphics in DaVinci Resolve don't give you the correct colors when using Color Management, even the fancy new DaVinci Wide Gamut color space. They're also terrible for real-time playback. Learn how to FIX both of those issues today!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/CreativeVideoTips 📅︎︎ Oct 19 2021 🗫︎ replies

Thank you for helping to raise awareness to this massive bug in Resolve that Black Magic refuses to acknowledge.

I personally have just abandoned Color Manged workflow. I have my power grade with a Clog3 to DWG CST as the first node and the last node is a DWG to 'Timeline' CST.

This accomplishes all the cool features of Davinchi Wide Gamut, but actually works with fusion.

You do however have to create a power grade for each camera with the correct first CST node (eg 709 to DWG for my gopro).

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/zrgardne 📅︎︎ Oct 19 2021 🗫︎ replies
Editing with the DaVinci Resolve  color-managed workflow is incredible   but there's a problem with it as soon as you  add any title or graphic from the fusion page   colors end up dull and desaturated  white becomes grey it's not just bad   it's wrong the issue happens with the built-in  text plus title graphic as well as all the   fantastic new fusion titles from motion vfx that  i started to use lately however i found the fix   so therefore today i'm going to show you how to  continue using a color-managed workflow and have   color-accurate fusion graphics using a new feature  in DaVinci resolve 17 called render in place render and place helps you get real-time playback  in your timeline with any clips that have   intense effects after you right-click and  choose to render in place resolve swaps the   original clip with the rendered file and two ways  that this method beats the good old render cache   are one you can actually trim and move  clips without needing to re-cache them so   no more red bars at the top of your timeline  and two you can use it in any of the project   or timeline because it's just a new video  clip render and place files still have the   flexibility to revert to the original clip  to make changes using decompose to original   and you can pick your storage location and media  pool bins for each iteration of the graphic   just select the bin you want it to end up in  before performing rendered place now resolve also   keeps every version that you render which is great  when clients decide they'd rather use that version   you sent over two weeks ago not saying any names  here but this might have just happened to me on a   recent project and if you're unsure about working  with the davinci rgb color managed workflow   i've got an easy to follow tutorial linked on  screen and it's perfect for beginners to pros you can see my project is using the davinci  wide gamut which normalizes my blackmagic   raw clips so they look nice auto-magically  without using a lut but if i drag a fusion   title like text plus above a clip the white title  becomes gray you might think the solution is to   right click and bypass color management for the  fusion title but unfortunately that doesn't work   maybe that's how it's going to work in version  18 but here's how to currently fix the problem   open your project settings in the lower right  corner or use the keyboard shortcut shift   nine go to color management and change the  color science from davinci yrgb color managed   back to the default of davinci yrgb and  hit option on a mac alt on a pc and save   using option is a little tip that lets you keep  your project settings open and make more changes   also make sure you set your timeline resolution to  whatever your final output needs are for instance   if you're editing at 1920x1080 for better  editing performance which is a good idea   but you'll want to deliver in 4k change this  to 3840 by 2160 now and save this new setting   the render is going to end up being the  size of your current timeline settings   rendering in place is simple first select  the bin you want your clips to end up   right click choose render in place i  like to choose format set to quicktime   codec type set to prores and the flavor will be  prores 4444 which has transparency included that's   the alpha channel the clear see-through channel if  you're on a windows machine i would choose a DNXhr   codec instead now select render and choose  an organized folder location to save the file   you can even select and render multiple clips at  once if you need to then revert to your original   project settings with shift 9 to change your  timeline back to 1920 by 1080 for easy editing and   set the color management back to davinci rgb color  managed with the davinci wide gamut preset that's   my favorite and save it client notes no problem  it's easy to make changes just right click and   choose decompose to original open the inspector  in the upper right and here you can customize this   fusion graphic from motionvfx with a new photo  using drop zones or you can easily change the font   size using this excellent bonus precision tip i've  got for you click the field you want to change and   then with your keyboard you're going to use the  left and right arrows to navigate the different   digits and then the up and down ones are going to  make small incremental changes with each key press   this keyboard arrow tip works across all  of resolve and is really handy then open up   your project settings again and change the project  back out of yrgb color manage adjust your timeline   resolution if needed and you're good to go hey  if you're new here welcome i'm chadwick this   is creative video tips it's all about helping you  craft stories that make a difference and stand out   subscribe right now if you're into that so you  don't miss out on the next great tip thanks to   motion vfx for taking me on as an affiliate and  one way you can now support the channel is to use   links in the description for motion vfx plugins  they make some of the best customizable titles out   there for final cut pro and now they're expanding  into support for davinci resolve which we all love   you can also start any amazon shopping spree  if you want through a link in the description   thanks to alex cameron who taught me this  trick on his excellent youtube channel and hey   if you want to learn more about using  davinci resolve click on the playlist   it's on screen right now and because there's so  much more to learn i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Creative Video Tips
Views: 2,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: text+ davinci resolve, davinci wide gamut, Fix Washed Out Text+, Resolve Color Management, davinci resolve color management settings, Render in Place, Decompose to Original, Render Cache, Better Graphics playback, Better Title plaback, DaVinci Resolve Plugins, MotionVFX DaVinci Resolve, Motion VFX DaVinci Resolve, Resolve Plugins, Grey Text+ Title, Render in Place davinci resolve, resolve user cache, creative video tips, davinci yrgb color managed, Fusion Titles, Fix Fusion
Id: XrJNaJoiSFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 53sec (293 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 19 2021
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