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welcome everybody to this davinci resolve quick tip today i'm going to show you the best export settings for youtube let's go here we are in davinci resolve with our project open as you can see i have this clip here which has been color graded i don't know if you've ever noticed but sometimes your colors can look washed out after exporting this mostly happens on mac but i guess that on pc the same thing can happen this phenomenon is called a gamma shift every video you expose has tags embedded now quicktime the program that on a mac handles all your media in the background interprets tags a bit differently than the winter resolve now the newest version of davinci resolve has some features to cope with that down here under the advanced settings there is the option to export a custom color space and gamma tag you can see under the advanced settings in your export window you can set a color space and gamma tag davinci also introduced a whole new color space which is called rec709 a this is meant to cope with said phenomenon today though i want to propose a whole new way which is even better and has a lot of advantages aside from that now as you can see the note 3 is quite extensive i don't want to go into that anymore but i'm going to go to my timeline select this right click and go to bypass column management and as you can see this grade is all of a sudden very bleak of course it's one hell of a lot better than what came out of camera but it just does not compare to what we had before now let's turn that back off and i'm going to show you what this feature color management actually means for that we go into the project settings under color management as you can see for my color science i have not selected the standard diavinci y rgb but the range ui rgb color managed now that gives us the option to choose a working color space a working color space is what we use to actually create the image and after that it's transformed for the output color space srgb since we're going for youtube davinci does that all by itself so you want to select the vinci white gamut from here this is actually one of the largest color spaces to exist right now so it's very well suited for what we want to do output color space as mentioned is srgb and that is about it hit save your formerly log and flat footage will now be converted to srgb but we don't lose any options in working with that because we're actually not working in srgb but in the vinci wide gamut and what i've noticed which isn't really talked about a lot is that after an export you won't experience the gamma shift which is so nice and perfect for us now let's go into the youtube export settings i have actually set up a preset here youtube collar give it a file name i'm going to call it horizon i'm going to export to quicktime h.264 of course tick hardware acceleration and go for your desired resolution i'm going to choose uhd and the frame rate of 23.976 now for quality one of the most important settings you do not want it on automatic youtube recommends a bit rate of 45 000 kilobits per second that's as much as on a blu-ray disc so if you watch a film on a blu-ray disc it's at 45 000 kilowatt per second maybe even a bit lower youtube will compress your video no matter the bit rate it could be way lower than that and they would still compress so you've got to give them a high bit rate so your quality doesn't suffer too much set your encoding profile to high and your entropy mode to care back if you want you could tick on multi-pass and code i have had problems with that in the past my renders failed sometimes so i don't use it personally it will make your video look better and it will take a bit longer keyframes you want to leave on automatic you want to tick frame reordering pixel aspect ratio of course square data levels to full and if you use the aforementioned method you can leave your color space and gamma tags on same as project now you want to bypass reading code when possible you do not want to use optimized media proxy media or render cache images they will make the quality worse you want to force sizing and debug at the highest quality flatpass is only for if you want to export it without a color grade now you simply want to add to render queue and hit render all it's going to chew through that so if you follow this tutorial your quality will be phenomenal your colors will look right everything is going to be fine that was the tutorial guys now you know how you can preserve quality and color accuracy throughout your exports thank you for tuning in subscribe maggie leave a like i'm especially fond of comments and until the next time thank you [Music] you
Channel: Pablo Thiermann
Views: 8,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cZersKrH5Rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 22sec (382 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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